Porchetta Recipe On the Napoleon Grill

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thank you for stopping by ballistic BBQ on this video I am going to be preparing a porchetta on my de Poli and gas grill let's get going alright porchetta it's a roasted pork dish comes from Italy there are all sorts of variations based on region and I'm going to be kind of skirting that traditional line but we're going to be throwing in some twists to kind of match the flavors that my family on I like we're going to do now is start off with the seasoning preparation I have here some rosemary leaves we're just going to start kind of roughly chopping these guys alright they're getting there let's go ahead and push these off to the side for the time being alright now we're going to incorporate some garlic into the mix and I am going to be using five cloves alright we're getting a pretty fine mince here now I'm going to go ahead and just use the knife and kind of mash this up now we're going to bring this rosemary back into the picture here and get this all kind of blended up alright that looks really good let's go ahead and get this out of the way alright so let me introduce you to this gorgeous pork belly all right so here's our pork belly this is actually a section of a much larger piece that I removed skin on obviously and this probably weighs six-and-a-half plus pounds and what I did was last night I put this in the refrigerator uncovered skinned up trying to dry out the skin just a little bit there occasionally I wipe the moisture that was coming out of the belly off of the skin we're going to go ahead and season this now look at this is just a gorgeous piece of meat here we're going to start off with some sea salt just a nice liberal application here and what I have right here is a pork loin going to go ahead and season this top side here right now I'm going to take that rosemary garlic mixture just sprinkle this about get some of this on to the pork loin all right what I have here is fennel pollen we're going to go ahead and sprinkle some fennel pollen on here and if you can't find fennel pollen I bought it online I'll leave a link down below but you can just take fennel seed and grind it up and you'll get pretty good results there now I'm going to take some cranberries this is dried cranberries craisins if you want to call them that I'm just going to sprinkle a few about here and there again this is kind of a holiday dish and I need cranberries during the holiday some chopped pecans and some pretty thinly chopped granny smith apples just a few chunks here and there alright we're going to grind some pepper here some black pepper let's get that piece of pork loin on here right down in the center of this belly we'll get this seasoned up pecans let's go ahead and apply a little bit of extra virgin olive oil right now I'm going to get my hands dirty and I'm just going to go ahead and press all these apples and craisins and what-have-you in there this probably would have been a good time to glove up again but it's okay that's what sinks are for right scoot this loose I'll mashed in there so it kind of sticks when we roll this before I go any further I forgot something so let's go ahead and pull this loin off no big deal I'm glad I caught it we're going to go ahead and put a little bit of orange zest into the picture here I would have been totally bummed had I not saw the orange and remembered I needed to do this because one of my favorite parts alright so let's get this rolled up we're going to go ahead and mash this down just make sure these seasonings stay in place here pretty good let's go ahead and roll this bad boy up nice alright and wash my hands again we'll get this all trussed up alright so the first thing we are going to do here is secure this end and there are some fancy ways of doing this I just tie a simple butchers knot all right looking good meet you out with patio we'll get this thing on the rotisserie it's going to be awesome all right as you can see porchetta is on the spit now as I was compressing it this one loop began to loosen just a little bit so airing on the safe side I went ahead and threw out an extra loop I just don't want any mishaps we're ready to cook now mine apollyon has a rear burner here for the rotisserie feature however we're not going to be using it yet we will be using it towards the end of this cook what I'm going to do is light this burner and this burner get the spit roll in here as you can see just very quiet we're going to go ahead and close the lid all right so I'm looking for a cooker temperature of 325 degrees now right now I have both of those in burners cranked up all the way as soon as the thermometer on the hood hit 250 degrees I'm going to crank both of those knobs down halfway and I'm going to monitor that thermometer I'm going to see where it settles if I need a little bit more heat I'll simply crank it up if I need less I'll crank it down and for a porchetta this big I'm guessing four to five hours cooking time what I'm looking for is an internal temperature of about 150 degrees that point I'm going to pull it off let it rest see in a bit all right we've been cooking about four hours now and that internal temperature is really close to where I want it to be I just want to crisp the skin up a little bit more than it is now it's got gorgeous color I just want to make it a little bit more crispy so we're going to use that rear burner all right so far very very happy with this cook the neighborhood just smells amazing again we're crisping that skin using the back burner it's a pretty close heat source so I want to make sure I keep an eye on this so I don't burn it or anything so as soon as it's done give you a peek and then we'll go try it out all right guys I gave it another I don't know 15 minutes check it out we'll stop the motor on this piece of art okay so I'm going to go ahead and pull the pork off the cooker take it into the kitchen let it rest a little bit slice it up meet you inside the kitchen all right the porchetta is all rested and ready to be carved into you I cannot emphasize how unbelievable this this thing smells just smells so good it's carbon and very juicy and just look at that Oh now it's the tough part you need to try this out we see with a little bit of skin here a little bit of the loin very tender again this the nice thing about cooking it this way is all that fat from the belly renders down and just base this this loin mmm that's skin it's just so caramel in and sticky in the mouth it's awesome awesome this is really good massacring this thing very very festive you know there's cranberries have rehydrated get that crisp eNOS from the pecans the zestiness from the zest and the pork skin is insane I mean stick a candle there so I'll have it for my birthday cake this is awesome another really cool thing about this is it's a lot less expensive to prepare than a turkey or ham or definitely a prime rib so something to think about it this is actually going to be on my Christmas table this year anyway guys thanks for stopping by I appreciate it see on the next video Cheers you
Channel: Ballistic BBQ
Views: 733,110
Rating: 4.5815387 out of 5
Keywords: Porchetta (Dish), How to make porchetta, Roast pork, pork roast, recipe, how to cook pork, Holiday Recipe, Roasting (Culinary Technique), BBQ Pork, rotisserie pork, Napoleon grill, gas grill, Barbecue (Cuisine), Slice Pork
Id: E1G4pq4bcYU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 30sec (570 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 08 2015
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