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hi guys so today's video is going to be the complementary video to yesterday's yesterday's was tropes in romances but I don't like and say it stuff that I do like I often say when I am doing any kind of a review or what I'm talking about books I admit quite frequently that romances aren't my favorite part about books and I don't mean that I hate romance what I mean is I feel like most of the time I don't like romances cuz they seem to either take over the pot or they are filled with the tropes from yesterday's video that I don't care for instead of being filled with the things I'm gonna talk about today when they are made up of the things that I'm gonna talk about I actually really liked them and I think they can really really enhance the story because I mean I'm not ever wishing for people to be miserable maybe I am I do tend to like sad stuff I actually do like a good love story I am going to admit that some of the things I'm gonna mention maybe aren't technically tropes they're just things that occur and I see them often enough that I'm gonna consider them tropes I'm gonna give them a name but I'm gonna start off with one that I think a lot of us are fond of and that would be the slow burn I don't mind if characters to get together with in the book that they met it's fine but when it takes like multiple books for them to get together or when it takes till the end of the book for them to get together I love that and I don't love that because I'm just sitting here like good the romance is at the back better and we don't have to think about it I like it because real human relationships more often than not they take time to develop just like characters take time to develop and plot lines and stakes all the things I like about books generally they take a while to develop and that's why I like a slow burn relationship because it's the same thing plus I think it builds the anticipation I love it I love the payoff when you've just for pages and pages and pages thought what are these two gonna freakin get together and when they finally do get together ah such a good moment the next thing I love in romances is when the characters genuinely admire one another or they genuinely care for the the other character I just like I like when it's when they're when they really have a reason to like the other person and that reason isn't just the other person's good looking because most of the time story they're usually just supermodel good-looking but I I just wait supermodel good-looking without realizing it anyway I like when characters they have things about the other person that they just think are great when they see how that person interacts with others and that person's always kind or that person always presents themselves in a way that's almost demanding of respect or the other person is just very to themselves and they observe and they have a characteristic they have several if not almost all of their characteristics our characteristics that the other person really really likes and it doesn't even have to be things that they want for themselves necessarily it can just be it's a nice contrast to their own personality or maybe it just fits well with with who they are the next one this isn't a trope I feel like this isn't a trope it's just I just love when this happens in books I love when you're really kind of macho guy gets a little gushy about the person he loves I'm very aware this is very specific but I just love I like those maybe more stereotypically masculine more traditionally masculine characters that are all tough and gruff and then they have their special someone and suddenly they're just a big teddy bear I love the bat it doesn't have to be that specific I mean it can be a character who's normally pretty suave and has it together and then they're around the person they're attracted to and that they really like and they care about around that person suddenly maybe they trip over their words Laville are they better a little or they they just don't know what to say I think it's so cute the next thing I like in romances is when both people are their own people I like that I don't like when one of the characters is just there to be in the bedroom basically like they're just there to satiate one of the characters physical needs look I don't like that and it doesn't even have to be on paper literally oh this person just waits in the bedroom all day and it's not I know it's not that blade and I'm aware it's not that blatant but we all have seen those characters where they live for the other character and that's so boring it's boring and it's unrealistic because if I see a real couple and they're like that I'm sad I'm sad for the person who does everything for the other person all I can think is like do you have any of your own hobbies or like do you want to go see a movie or something I just feel bad for them yes I shouldn't say it's unrealistic cuz it's a thing but I just wish it wasn't in the story viewed as a beautiful love because that's not a beautiful love love should go both ways between two people or their own individuals it shouldn't it shouldn't just be like whatever honey works for me all the time it actually kind of leans into the next thing I like a lot and that's when they're nice when they're nice I love when characters are nice to each other and I'm not saying I don't like playful banter I'm not saying I don't like when characters kind of tease each other plus reach others buttons and stuff because whatever that's great but I just mean I don't like in relationships where one of the characters is a complete tool to the other one I hate that that's not that's not great and so when I see couples in books where they're genuinely kind to each other and care about the other person and want to know hey are you okay how are you dealing with this catastrophic event that's going on because heck I love fantasy so it's usually end-of-the-world type situations I don't know every now and then to have these moments where the person you care about most brings you happiness and joy because they're so nice to you and they love you that's great I love that I also really like when I'm gonna clarify I really like when the characters are protective of one another not possessive protective anything you care about anything you care about if my puppy starts walking up to the bookshelf and starts like sniffing around I'm gonna be watching her thinking like don't you dare bite those books come on this is the same thing with humans if it's if it's the person that you love more than any other human being in the world out of all the billions of people you love that one the most and that one is being held by some brutes you're not even a smidge gonna be like hmm same for if a bunch of sexy ladies are all touching up on the man that man significant other should probably be like I don't know if I like this and this can be obviously taken to a much bigger extreme where if the other one is about to go into a dangerous situation the other ones like I be okay alright just just be okay and they care about like they can't they genuinely don't want them to get hurt would have anything bad happen to them that's that's this should be how it is I think right like you shouldn't want bad things to happen to the other person you are a little protective of them you're protected of the things that you care about and I not jealousy not jealousy I just like I like a little bit of the protectiveness all right I'm gonna play off of what I was just describing a little bit ago where there's all these really attractive scantily clad broads all up on the man's self or vice versa you know it could be like a bunch of sexy fellas are all talking to the chick or something or you know if they're not straight it can be the same gender but I love I love I love a good shutdown so okay this is what I mean this is I love this I don't know if this is a trope but I love when it happens I love when there's some individual some little homewrecker by the way just to clarify the only people that can wreck a relationship for the people in the relationship in my opinion but anyway if somebody comes along and they're trying to disrupt the love and the one character who they're all up on shuts them down and makes them look like a fool or they make them look stupid and they just they say something to them that's really great and satisfying when they say something or they do something and it just puts that person in their whole life I love that next thing I like in romances is when the characters challenge one another and I feel like nowadays it's weird it's it's sometimes it feels like we're reverting back because if you have a girl who's challenging the guy it's like a stupid feminist or if you have a guy who challenges the girl it's like how dare he she's her own woman it's just it becomes weirdly a commentary on social issues and honestly shouldn't we challenge each other shouldn't we kind of question one another sometimes or say I don't I don't think you should do that every now and then and it's respectfully respectfully but I just think it's good when the characters butt heads a little bit and they should they shouldn't always have the same views on everything and they make each other better people by conversing and conversing respectfully and agreeing to disagree every now and then and just learning how to love that person every single day and become a better person because they make they they challenge you I think that's a I think that's a great thing and I love it in stories the next thing I like this is this is a trope this is totally a trope and I'm a sucker for it and that's the forbidden love some of you are sitting on your little high horse and you're like I just think it's just so contrived of course they would it's just wanting something you can't have but come on it's compelling I know that sometimes this can actually be a negative thing if it's oh well I'm married but gosh darn it if the stable point isn't such a hunk I'm not talking about that kind of forbidden love I'm talking about usually it's some stupid rule that society has like oh well this man is of noble birth and this girl is a peasant so they can't be together that kind of thing that kind of thing when their love is is bigger than all that nonsense of their worlds that's the kind of forbidden love I like last thing I love I feel like it's gonna be a little surprising given that I usually really like when people die in books or when things are sad and tragic for some reason I eat that stuff up so you may be surprised to know I really do like happily ever after it doesn't necessarily have to be that the characters are everything ends perfectly for our main characters doesn't have to be that I just mean that through all of what they have gone through throughout the story when they find some kind of and they find it with this other person when they finally are at peace and they have this person by their side I love that I love that it's just how does that not make you happy that's it though for some tropes that I love I love it love stories but let me know what kinds of things you love what are the tropes or just general maybe really specific situations that you love seeing in romances I'll go ahead and link the sister video to this one all the Trump side don't like right over there but anyway I hope you have a great day and I'll see you all later [Music]
Channel: Elliot Brooks
Views: 16,589
Rating: 4.9714284 out of 5
Keywords: best romace tropes, best romance tropes in fantasy, fantasy tropes, fantasy romance tropes, sff tropes, best tropes in sff, 10 best fantasy tropes, book tropes, elliot brooks tropes, elliot brooks sff tropes, elliot brooks best tropes, elliot brooks
Id: Eajpg_gxB5A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 45sec (705 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 12 2019
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