Poppy Playtime Plush | FULL MOVIE

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[Music] this is such a long night job oh my gosh I don't even know who signed me up for this this is so lame I'm not getting paid enough for this crap all I have to do is type wear in this computer make sure the lights are off and that's about it it's really driving me insane oh what was that noise hey man what's going on oh boss you scared me ah shoot I didn't mean to Buddy my bad uh what are you doing are you keeping up the tasks just came to the factory because you know got a little bored I couldn't really sleep and wanted to check on you dude oh yeah you okay boss I'm doing just fine uh although I did have a couple questions yeah yeah what what are you questions right so boss I was doing some research and uh I found some weird things about the factory um well one where did you guys build this Factory on like what was it before this oh it was a it was a burial ground yeah you you mean you built a toy factory on a burial ground boss that doesn't seem very smart and in fact that sounds absolutely terrifying why would you do that well we tend to you know keep a company policy not to really mention it uh to anyone but yes it was built on a burial ground but it's okay that stuff is just myth and Legend it doesn't actually do anything and it's not really as scary as people make it out to be yeah but even though maybe it's not true dude literally all horror movies happen when they build like a house on some sort of burial ground and then there's ghosts and Poltergeist and stuff yeah but come on that's just movies anyways I I do need to show you something in the breaker room why don't you come with me uh okay all right so Pig patch I I need to ask you a question yeah yeah what's up what what is this like why is that broken uh I don't know I I don't know how that happened did you do that I didn't do that okay well obviously I didn't do it and no one else is here so either someone broke in and did that which why would they do that or you did that like why why why' you do that balloon boy I swear I didn't even do that that that wasn't me I literally just did the light check and then I went and just chilled on the computer the whole night I don't believe you so I'm going to need you to fix that for me dude are you serious oh my gosh I hate this job if you hate this job so much then why do you work here shut up piece of crap what oh oh my back boss what are you doing what are you doing come on bud time to turn you into something more useful now I will turn you into my most lovely creation let's first start by sewing off these parts all right there's your arm there's your leg perfect and finally leg now time to reveal my creation what a beautiful masterpiece come on wake up Huggy wuggy are you still alive wake up come on oh this better have worked Why didn't it work why isn't he alive wake up wait Huggy [Music] no no no no you're not supposed to behave like this Huggy what are you doing wa wait wait wait who no no no no stop stop stop no stop stop stop stop please stop [Music] stop [Music] so I'm going to need you to fix that for me oh my gosh I hate this job if you hate this job so much then why do you work here shut up piece of crap what the my back time to turn you into something more useful now time to reveal my creation Huggy no who who who who who whoa no no no no stop stop stop no stop stop stop stop please stop stop all right everything's good everything's locked up and we're ready to oh wait I can't leave yet I I forgot to turn off all the power oh I got to go do that real quick what was I thinking not turning off the power L but are you kidding me oh my gosh like look at this what was I thinking uh wait what uh what was that no no no no that was not normal okay I have two options here look around the corner and possibly die by whatever that was when I'm here alone and no one's here to help me or screw the lights and leave and possibly save my life okay option one or option two okay option one what no no no no no there's no way I swear I just saw something right there right there there's there's no way okay I I I you know I'm just tired I'm seeing things like I got to keep moving oh my goodness man what is going on in my head right now I really need to figure out where this where the where the power generator is why do I forget am I really that tired what's going on all right I remember it being somewhere by the bowling alley but oh well all right I got some time I might as well just check out the bowling alley cuz why not um okay what is going on with my head why did I come in here oh my goodness huh no no no no no no no no I saw you this time I what there no no way there there's nothing over here what oh man I'm seeing things I I got to turn this power off oh man okay the circuit breaker sh be past the bed in Jerry's somewhere around here I feel it I don't know what's going on with my memory and why I'm getting so distracted on things but something's going on here I don't know what okay it should be around here somewhere I know this hallway I go here every day after work after I close down the factory it's got to be somewhere down here wait wait a minute I remember okay it's right over here I closed this just earlier and I knew I was forgetting something over here it's right in this room aha here we go all right so I just need to turn system off what that system off what it didn't do anything uh system [Music] off dude this thing is taking forever I just need to go home what the freak oh what no no no don't turn off why do they make these things freaking Electronics why can't we just have the switches like in Jurassic Park where you go boop boop bo bo bo turn them off I'm getting sidetracked there is a freaking monster chasing [Music] me oh my gosh the power still on my boss is going to kill me what am I worrying about this I'm getting chased by a freaking monster oh my gosh wait I think it stopped following me oh boy I still need to get out of here oh the power can afford to be on for one night it's not that big of a deal right all right focus a little bit just go go go we got to get out of here man all right back past the Ben and Jerry's okay exit exit exit stop having cloudiness in your head just go all right okay okay we passed through here we're good all right let's keep going oh there it is the exit I got run what what are you oh oh my oh my gosh [Music] oh [Music] it's so loud in here at least there's lights though oh okay we just got to get through here I think it's just around this area uh oh right back here okay okay hooray oh perfect it's an exit okay what is that thing wait this isn't outside this isn't an exit I I'm just in another [Music] room what what what what what in the oh no no no no no no no no no this cannot be happening again I just ran away from a creature I don't want to run into a new one a creature you said was was he the same one I'm running from I I don't know depends is your creature tall slender blue hairy and has a giant mouth with bulging eyeballs oh you just met Huggy yeah he can be not very friendly at times I don't know what's been up with him recently not very friendly at times he just tried to eat me I never thought once I'd be eaten by a toy I don't know where he got the tea they recently showed up like a week ago and he's been acting very very not like himself I'm trying to get to the bottom of it our boss has been missing too our creator and I don't know what happened to him I'm trying to find out can you help me what I don't even know what you look like you're hiding behind that pillar uh listen I got off work like like 30 minutes ago and I'm trying to get out of here I'm quitting this place I'm putting in my 2 weeks now screw my 2 weeks I'm leaving now I almost died tonight by a freaking toy but don't you want to know how and don't you want to know why we could figure out why you almost got killed and what happened to Huggy no no I don't want to do that I'm just going to sue this stupid company come on we got the security cameras is proof you see that's the trick I disabled the SEC security cameras when I heard the screaming that way you would have no choice but to work with me because if you want your evidence to sue him then you need to get it efficiently and definitively that security camera footage doesn't exist so there is no record of what happened tonight all are you kidding me there's no record of me being killed are you freaking serious yes you're insane you're literally insane there's no way I'm going to trust someone that did something like that to me how do I know I'm not still being followed don't worry he'll stay away from me as long as you're with me you're safe listen lady I don't know who you think you are but I I can't trust someone I can't even see if seeing me is what you want then so be [Music] it whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa how did you do that I used my legs and I walked no no no not walking the thing with the lights you're seriously worried about the lights and not the fact that I'm a walking doll okay that's freaky too too but I I'm so confused on the lights I didn't even know there was lights there I'm the freaking janitor kind of sort of uh thing listen lobitz I've been watching you for a while now and I believe with your help we can do this we can get to the bottom of this I know we can trust me and what happens if I don't trust you then I'll go find someone else to help me and Huggy will find you eventually trust [Music] me okay okay whatever I have to [Music] do good I'll find ways to contact you in the meantime I'll help you safely get out of this place they're actually building a new Factory this one's going out of commission soon for obvious reasons but I'll see you around just follow me I'll help you find your exit come on lit [Music] okay come on lit this way okay I'm I'm coming oh boy to I love just skipping around the factory all right slobits you have a grand night uh okay he's not following us right do you not listen littleit like I said wherever I am Huggy is not uh okay good so just keep that in mind because now that he has your scent he won't stop tracking you down even outside of the factory so get some rest and get over here early in the morning your safety is not guaranteed lobit he will find you if you do not come back to me well have a good night right perfect hopefully I see him back here in the morning huh what what huh I I'm seeing things oh please stop what is that oh this can't be happening go to sleep [Music] [Applause] where'd it go no I need to check on my [Music] son z zy z z a slippy SLI me now get off of him [Music] ow no no [Music] what did you do to my son I'm not afraid of you get away from me stop what are you doing what are you doing that was a dream you're awake it's you yes it is I'm glad to see that you're awake but you're late you slept in oh what time is it 10:00 a.m. you were supposed to be there at 8:00 I'm sorry I overslept can can I still help I I had a terrible dream yes you can but you're lucky that I got here before Huggy could what do you mean since Huggy has your scent he knows where you live you're not safe here anymore at least without me oh so so what do I need to do to help you need to come with me to the factory and this may very well be your last day at home you may never see this place again we need to finish the job and kill my Creator what do you mean all I might never seen this place again what what does that mean that means you could die if we don't do this properly he is an army of monsters like Huggy that are ready to attack at any given moment but but I have a son I can't just leave him here it's either you may live or you may die fighting for him and your life or you wait here while hucky finds you will Huggy try and kill him too Huggy will kill anything organic in the facility if you have a dog if you have kids if you have anything living in your house Huggy will make sure it does not have life any longer oh so I suggest you write your son a note because it's time to go uh right uh uh I'll leave him a note oh another thing uh yeah I have a gift for you this is catb uh okay cat B is used as a surveillance system you can set her up as a camera to watch any angle from her device as well so if you need to watch a hallway to make sure nothing's following you you can place her there and retrieve her after she has a GPS tracker so you make sure that you don't lose her she's also a walkie-talkie system to to reach me specifically so at any point if you need to reach me you can use her by clicking her nose and talking into the Mouth She's a Very highquality item and extremely expensive so dare you ruin her and I will ruin you yeah yeah of course could I leave it here to watch my son I don't think you understand the terrain we're going to be in you will need to contact me that will not be happening your son will will be fine for the most part as long as Huggy doesn't find them but if you're with me Huggy will follow he just can't attack okay well let me write this and we can go okay I can bring it to him now good here son I love you stay safe be careful not to wake him the last thing we need is a crying child right yeah yeah yeah right I got that okay what do we need to do now lit seriously don't worry I can tell he's a smart kid he'll be fine now we need to go to the new Factory location where my Creator is at we need to get through all the Halls through all of his monsters and we need to find him and assassinate him so he can stop creating these creatures in the process I will be killed and you if the plan goes right you should be right you should be all right I really hope you're right I I can't imagine what would happen to him come on lit let's go all right lobit right here okay uh where are we we're in the new Factory it's still under construction but I know my creator has to be here somewhere he never leaves so our goal is to find him right uhhuh relax little bit this Huggy won't hurt you it's just one of those stupid statues that's out of commission I don't know why they haven't put it up yet it was supposed to be there a week ago are you sure that that looks exactly like the other one lbit you are an employee at the other Factory how do you not know the difference I was a janitor I didn't know anything that went on here I literally just came at night time to clean the place right right another reason why I should have got a real employee oh well you'll have to do come ah here we are all right lit here's where we part ways part ways what do you mean part ways well you're going to have to go through this maze because I need you to collect something for me and it's somewhere within this maze and then I need to be the person that clicks the lever to open up the door so you can get out of the maze makes sense there's it's a two person job but that's why you have cat well uh is is hoggi going to be in this maze like what what if what if hug Huggy finds me since we're separated you you said we'll never be separated what if he finds me well uh I don't think hugg is even here um let us alone even knows you're here I don't even know if Huggy knows about the new Factory but uh let's just say that hugg is not what you should be worrying about in this maze what what does that mean what does that mean let's just say uh watch your back while you're going through the maze what no no no I I can't be doing any of this crap anymore serious stupid statue again I can't be doing this crap Poppy I I want out I I don't want to do this this is this is too much for me there's there's there's more monsters now L bit seriously calm down if you need my help and or if you need me near you you just use catb and caty will call me up and I will keep you safe okay toodles and she's gone she's gone great great great fantastic she's gone awesome just what I needed all right cppy what is this what's going on here this is a new obstacle course for visitors who are touring the factory that want a challenge okay but why do I have to go through this is there like a back door or like a way to get through it like there's no way employees have to go through this just to get to the other side of the factory that's just how this Factory was built everywhere there's a challenge you can't get across the factory without a little bit of fun right a little bit of fun a little can you believe this I I cannot believe that this is considered fun there's going to be a scary monster chasing me PJ pug pillar is already on his way PJ poopy what what I don't want to part of this what what does that even mean when the lights turn on you have to stop PJ pug pillar will be following slowly behind when the lights turn off you have to go if he gets you you're eliminated eliminated what what are you talking about oh I I need I need poppy no no I can't do this what that's probably why we lost half of our employees already anyways he's coming let's go I can't believe I'm doing this okay come on all right through this maze uh oh crap okay we can't move we cannot move what is that sound what is that sound oh go go go go [Music] okay ah crap what's that sound what's that sound okay we can go come on come [Music] on oh my gosh there's so many PJ has our scent what is that even mean who's PJ what [Music] the Cy let's go come on it is out of my programming to be able to jump what you have freaking wings love it I am a toy yeah so is that thing back there come [Music] on I'll find another way to L it what what what was the point what was the point why did poppy give me that thing it's useless oh crap okay okay we can make it we can make it oh oh okay all right all right all right we got this no no no [Music] no okay okay I currently have one message from poppy what how did you get up there hi lit I hope you're still alive if you made it through then I'm sure you found the object that I needed if you haven't then it should be in the tunnel somewhere just don't let PJ catch you I cannot go through the tunnel I will see you at the end lobit no no no no no let me send a message back to her right now okay what is your message you freaking freak why would you put me in this scary maze I could have just gone with you I don't care I would have squeezed through the pipe if I had to I'm going to die I don't even know what you're looking for and this freaking cat the caterpillar thing is terrifying and catb doesn't even follow me I hate this message sent all right I got to go one message from poppy lit I made a mistake I I I didn't realize PJ pug pillar he he's just as bad as Huggy wuggy he's hyper aggressive if if he catches you if he catches you it'll be over oh it appears he is already gone a oh this must be the thing she's looking for I really hope it's it holy crap okay okay I'm out of that tunnel oh that was a scariest thing ever okay what's next PJ no don't worry LoveIt I told you I'm a good help you you saved my life thank you how could I ever repay you uh I'm a toy you're not supposed to repay me weirdo oh uh right okay we need to find poppy come on should I replay the message for him nah H okay I got it thank goodness I'm safe you got the Obelisk yes okay we need to get out of here before Huggy gets here wait what hold on one at a time the obisk what does that mean well the thing you're holding is the obisk it Powers the entire Factory we need that to be able to find him uh pug a pillar stole it and has been hiding it in his lirer and no one's been able to get it but I know you would be able to so you freaking used me oh my goodness wait and how can Huggy get us I thought I'm safe with you you are safe with me but since you have the obulus it kind of cancels out my ability to hold Huggy away he he will come for us along with all the other monsters in the factory what well get this thing away from me I don't want it just just grab it come on we have to go I I if we make it to the control panel room we'll be fine how do we know that's not Huggy why are there always so many statues around I don't know they made so many for some reason L bit get ready to run [Music] oh we're dead we're dead that's it we're dead what so so so there's a good Huggy wuggy then so are we good then no that is the real huggy wuggy the one we've been dealing with was Prototype hugy go now holy crap we're screwed come on lit this way come on back the way we came okay come on let's go you guys I cannot jump but I know another way follow me come on oh come on through here come on this way we can close the door close it okay we're we're safe oh my God come on guys we have to get to the control panel room now come on uh okay is this the place yes this is the main Security office where the power generator is oh here's the power generator uh why aren't the clocks working properly they're both different times and they're both the wrong time time huh I'm not quite sure actually all right so what do we do how do we get this obisk thing to get the power back on in here oh it's simple we have to put it into the generator's furnace okay and how do we do that um there should be a key around here somewhere um I I I don't know where it would be well maybe somebody took it ha I don't know wait maybe Bonzo took it ah great well if this bunzo guy did take it how would we find him and how would we get it back we'd have to go to bonzo's domain are you kidding me I'm sorry lits I didn't intend for this to happen do you really need the power on to find your creator unfortunately yes it's the only way we can get on the train to get to the other section of the factory so yes we do need the power on all right then should I just leave the obulus here and we can you know go find the key no if you leave it here someone will just get it again whether it's PJ or Mommy long legs or Huggy wuggy someone will get it we have to take it with us mommy what legs PJ's dead hug is's Dead uh or at least stuck there's no way he's getting out of that we trapped his arms under a metal door and it you know like I I don't know who mommy longlegs is but she doesn't sound very threatening and if we take this thing with us then we'll have all the monsters attacking us so it doesn't matter they're going to get it anyway if you leave it here it's a Sitting Duck if we take it with us we have a chance to defend it or at least hide it that's that's a death sentence poppy no it's a death sentence leaving it here because once they have it all of our work is undone and we'll have to find it again and we don't want someone scarier or stronger than PJ getting it ah you know what fine whatever let's just go find this key and get this over with right behind you oh and Cat B you can just stay here we won't need you we'll be back come on this way where are we going we're going to the blue room bunzo was a hideout there and that may be where the key is if he does have it come on wait okay I'm sorry but what what's the Blue Room the blue room is where all the commercials are filmed it's essentially where you know they they do their visual effects and things like that it's nothing really insane but that's how I know he's got a hideout in there it's really obvious since the whole room's blue you can kind of tell you know where he keeps his crap oh okay well you lead the way poppy let's go all right this way okay lobit this is the Blue Room huh so where's his Hideout exactly well if I remember correctly it's somewhere over here okay okay uh here it is and will you look at that the key wait really yes it looks like bunzo did steal it now we got to grab it go get it it's always me always me what wait why does he have a grenade in here what what is the purpose of that bunzo is a psychopath he once blew up a whole wing of the factory just because he felt like it and so you don't bother to tell me that until now I don't see why it matters a little bit uh hm I wonder why it matters uh I don't really want to be stealing from a pyromaniac well that's unfortunate now grab the key and let's go whatever all right let's go all right come on let's go H it's ponzo lit run oh n uhuh not so fast did you really think you could steal from Bonzo I don't think so this is the end of the line for you two it's over bunzo please please let us go I know what your plan is Poppy you plan to destroy our creator and I'll have to inform you that that won't be working anytime soon especially with you to [Music] dead what I thought PJ was dead he was what ah what are you doing PJ you already had your chance it's my turn crap lit now's our chance come on let's go run run I'm right behind you ah you're done PJ guys come on we're coming PJ I I thought PJ was dead well I thought he was too what are we going to do why are you asking me you're what you know this Factory you know these monsters what well what are we supposed to do oh my gosh what was that wait do you think hugy Wy still alive oh my gosh what are we what are we going to do this is even worse oh oh my goodness we're dead we're so freaking dead PJ the we're all fighting come on we can sneak by and close the office door are you sure yeah come on oh crap okay come on guys come on too many monsters too many monsters lob it okay closing the doors now huggy H they closed the door no yeah yeah I'm leaving okay it's time to put the opulus into the furnace all right lit go ahead perfect now put the obulus in there and let's get this power back on H it worked the power's back on finally about time the lights dang it okay lit now that the power is on we need to find my creator let's go oh great come on CY let's [Music] go what where am I what's going on I I don't understand am I in the factory where am I huh a phone the heck hey hey can you hear me um who am I talking to exactly my name is olly I'm here to help you um here to help me I don't even know where I am you're in the play care catnaps hunting ground I'm assuming he's already found you this is his church his hunting ground who's who's catnap look we don't have much time I know you're probably mad at poppy but she needs you we need you we can save a lot of people including you where is Poppy the room to your right is the gas room when you reach that room I'll call you back okay oh oh all right I guess I don't have an option um okay uh all right where what the heck I guess this is the gas room h um hello hey good to see you made it I mean it it was it was only one room how would I not make it you're funny some may say that yeah all right listen do you see these three cylinders right in front of you uh yeah kind of hard to miss them Ollie great those are the cylinders that house the poppy gas the poppy gas yeah poppy gas can cause mild hallucinations vomiting and sometimes death they invented it for the catnap plushy that got recalled in 1993 what catnap plush who is catnap what you keep talking about this catnap guy is dangerous you'll know him when you see him just stay away he likes to stock his prey he's probably stalking you right now huh what was that what was that sound hey anyways you got to get out of here well no duh so how do I get out of here olly all right listen you're only way out of here is through the depths elevator however the depths are filled with poppy gas so you're going to have to redirect the poppy gas using all of these canisters so you can leave okay how do I do that this machine is nothing but mumbo jumbo to me I don't understand how these buttons work well unfortunately the machine is offline right now so you'll need to power up all the generators in the play care to be able to access it wait so you're telling me that I have to go through the play care and and turn on all of these generators even though there's a giant catnap monster following me and trying to hunt me or kill me and and what was that about a church listen don't freak out I'm going to be with you every step of the way however you're going to have to go through the depths to get to the play care from here what didn't you just say the depths has poppy gas in it well no The Depths elevator does not the depths in general oh and the depths elevator is the only way I'm getting out of here huh exactly over there on the Shelf to the right is the grab pack go over there and grab it get it yeah I I get it all right what what what do you mean grab back oh okay what what do I what do I do with it it's like a back pack put it on all right uh okay now what you're going to need the grab pack for a lot of the tasks you're going to be doing in the play care like well for example in the depths you'll need to be using the left hand of the grab pack the purple hand to jump over things and and kind of do some Parkour are you do you do you understand how unathletic I am you expect me to do parkour well lit it's completely up to you if you want to live or die go ahead and test it out right now use the purple hand to bounce off the ground uh all right what the heck and just like that once you get used to it you'll be a grab packing Pro wow what an amazing thing to be a pro at grab packing oh great listen you got to get going before catnap gets annoyed use the door to the left to access the depths from there enter the school turn on the school generator and you'll be able to make your way back here then we can start the process of removing the poy gas H okay sounds pretty simple go to a school through the depths and come back here turn on the machine okay cool got it wait but you might want to watch out oh poop holy crap I have to make it all the way over there are you serious all right all right okay that one's a little further away okay holy crap all right all right this one's a long one holy crap that was a freaking close one all right you can do this little bit you can do this woo yeah let's go that's how it's done all right this one's easy uh woo all right I made it I made it ooh ooh ooh I made it I made it no one else could only me I'm the best I'm a pro at the Grab pack I'm a grab pack Pro I'm a grab pack Pro I'm an ultimate grab pack Pro all right time to go all right I'm here in the school and there's a giant gate in the middle of the hallway hey lit huh oh Olly what's up hey keep it down uh why you don't want Miss Delight to hear you I tried to warn you before you went into the depth but you went away too quick Miss Delight she was one of the teachers when the play care was open there was I think eight or nine of them when the hour of Joy happened she was locked in the school with the others and after a while she went crazy and ate all the other teachers the hour of Joy what is that ate all the other teachers yeah catnb locked her in here and she got rabid and hungry and had to eat all of her other teachers what the heck listen lit I have so many questions you got to explain all this stuff to me there's no time listen lit I'm going to open up the gate in front of you for you and you have to go straight through that door down the hallway oh great I'll go in there just so I can be eaten by Miss Delight L bit I'm serious keep it down okay well once you send me in to face this cannibal what am I supposed to do run among other things yes listen all you need to do is go through that door you're going to be in another hallway and then you're going to go through that hallway take a right and there's going to be a classroom on the left once you get in that classroom there's going to be a Janitor's Closet inside the closet is the generator all you need to do is flip it on if you can do all of this without Miss Delight hearing you or seeing you you'll be fine and then you can make it back here and I can close the gate for you ah man this sucks lbit I know you can do it please you're going to save a lot of people all right open up the freaking gate all right be careful she likes to eat people's faces what good luck all right to death we [Music] go all right another hallway he said go to the left and then to the right and there's a [Music] classroom all right let's get moving what attention students make sure you're in your classrooms and not wondering the Halls without a hall pass wait a minute I don't recognize you you're not one of my students I wonder if you scream like everyone else I've murdered I'm coming for you what the heck what the heck make sure you guys subscribe click post notification oh and comment down below if you want a part two of this poppy playtime series all right enough breaking the fourth [Music] wall uh all right I'm in the classroom okay uh Janitor's Closet where where where is that oh there's the Janitor's Closet okay all right let's go over here all right generator here we come all right Janitor's Closet okay cool hello Mr generator nice to meet you all right uh which button do I click hey hey up here yeah Ollie can you help me with this which which button do I click hey you got to be quiet Mr light knows you're here yeah no dip all right what which button do I click she's crazy Ash do you always just do a Yap Fest can you just tell me which button to click so I can get the freak out of here click the four red buttons that that that's literally all you had to say all right you didn't what what what did that even do the lights didn't even turn on the lights in the building have been broken for a long time now but all that power can be directed straight towards the poppy Gas machine yeah you've explained this already Ollie all right get back to the poppy Gas machine so we can fill up the first canister on it all right [Music] [Music] what the heck hey this isn't Red Light Green Light you're chasing me and I'm running I'm supposed to be screaming and running away cuz I'm going to die and you're going to eat my face off this isn't Red Light Green Light why do you keep stopping whenever I turn around it's my gameplay mechanic well it's freaking weird stop it you're breaking my immersion bro what what are you talking about so you want me to chase you you don't want me to give you the advantage yeah I mean what's the fun in the chase if you're going to stop every time I turn around uh I do see your point okay Ollie close the gate hey you made it back Ollie close the gate sure thing oh my God olly holy crap we we got her eat that Mr light good job I knew you could do it all right Ollie I I want to get out of here now where the freck do I go just go back through that door you'll have to go back through the depths again and then meet me at the poppy Gas machine all right you got it eat cra crap M Delight all right here we go all right here we go all right I'm back lit watch out what kissy no Poppy what are you doing here what is that thing kissy he's with us he's a friend it's okay uh Poppy what's going on why am I here I don't remember anything that happened before I woke up you don't remember anything you don't remember killing Mommy Long Legs mommy who oh my gosh do you remember getting on the train no what train okay well this is weird but good explain to me what's going on you killed Mommy long legs and then the Prototype took her and then we got on the train to escape and um I took us to the plag care why because we need your help with finding your creator Elliot Ludwig Elliot lwig is dead wait what no what do you mean he's dead have you been leading me on this whole time poppy no it's not what you think a huh Lobby watch [Music] out where am I what's going on why is there a Christmas tree what am I doing here did I forget again do I not remember oh wait how would I not remember if I didn't remember if I didn't didn't remember I guess that doesn't make sense okay I I remember everything I'm good I remember everything except obviously what happened before the train but wait where am I now wait no it's all coming back to me the last thing I remember is seeing [Music] cat catnap what the get up get up come on I've been looking for you l pit you think you can stop him what stop who who are you talking about don't play stupid stupid I know what poppy is up to well amazing can you tell me because I still don't know what she's up to your humor will not be tolerated for much longer I'm serious all I know is that she wants to get to her Creator Elliot lewig I don't know if she wants to kill him or give him a kiss I don't know that's all she tells me Elliot Ludwick is dead ah I remember that too yeah I was just informed look man I don't even want to be in this situation stay away from the Prototype what the [Music] I warn you leave the pl here [Music] now what's all this [Music] smoke huh what the heck man what is going on everything's getting really weird the walls are like stretchy is it just me or does this thing keep ringing what's going on why is this cabinet ringing huh it's a phone hello hey lit are you okay olly how did you get in the closet am I seeing things what's going on mbit thank goodness I was able to reach you yeah still kind of confused about that hey catnap took you to home sweet home we don't know why he randomly just showed up Poppy and Kissy are on their way they're going to save you uh yeah I I I met catnap what was that weird Red Mist stuff that came out of his mouth it's making me really trip out right now that's poppy gas the what now it's the gas that we're in the machines the gas that we're trying to redirect uh catnap uses it um it was originally in his toy to put kids to sleep but it causes really bad hallucinations and sometimes even death like I said earlier oh right I remember now so he can just do that yeah but it's very important okay stay away from screens why things are known to happen with poppy gas near TVs Just Don't Go Near one but Hey listen this actually works out perfect so is catnap gone where is catnap yeah he just left I don't I don't know where he went he told me to get out and to stay away from the Prototype yeah when catnap was a kid the Prototype tried to help him Escape Escape The Orphanage I'm listening but a terrible accident happened with the grab pack and it burned him alive it made him extremely impaired and the Playtime scientists they took him underground to the Deep depths and made him one of the first children in the bigger bodies initiative what the heck isn't that the the whole thing with people turning into Giant toys and monsters like Huggy yeah they turned him into catnap he didn't remember who he was he didn't know where he came from he had lost all his memories when he became catnap then what then the Prototype found him and reminded him and then he started to worship the Prototype like his god well that's freaking creepy all right where do I go next Ollie okay this actually works out perfect catnap took you to home sweet home and one of the generators that we need is there well that turned out nicely okay look around it's in the room you're in huh huh ha all right I'll go I'll go do it all right I'm amazing you did it h all right Ollie what next all right listen this is very important the door to your left huh that door goes to the playhouse okay the playhouse is how you make it back to the poppy gas machines and while you're in there there's another generator that you can turn on now great but listen the playhouse is nowhere to mess around this is where catnap tortures his victims huh did you say torture yes just be careful and find the gener uh all right got it hey guys catnap here if you like this video make sure to hit the like button and subscribe and if you're seeing this video comment this Emoji right now okay bye all right I made it to the playhouse I'm pretty sure I have to go this way and take a right all right generator awesome huh you you're Poppy's Angel uh me what are you talking about you've you've come to save us nothing left to save not here poppy never mentioned anything about that there's nothing left to save angel you're in catnaps home their home a million pairs of eyes are on you now watching waiting hungry what they want nothing more than to crawl beneath your skin and eat you away bit by little bit that thing catnap the Prototype is his God and this is what he does to Heretics these little toys follow catnapped to avoid that very fate and in return they are fed we tried to fight it the prototypes control I Am The Last of The Smiling Critters huh the The Smiling what now crawl beneath your skin I have so many questions listen to me you need to get out of this place you need to live you and Poppy can fix this this and this madness the torment catnap catnap what are you [Applause] doing I thought I told you to what's going on what are you [Music] doing I told you to leave I I I I was working on it so you're papy's Angel uh I guess let's see if angels can die what are you talking about do what the heck is wrong with your face [Applause] dude [Music] [Applause] what is that what what is that thing is it sleeping oh oh my oh my gosh no no no shut up oh my gosh the gas room door but no he's going for the cast store too oh [Music] [Applause] crap okay almost to the gas room lit you're okay I'm so confused there was this weird dog thing chasing me and then he got eaten by a box monster thing like a weird Red Box boxy boo yeah yeah yeah that that guy like right over there in the in the playhouse why is boxy buo in the play care I don't know forget that I got like all the generators great glad to have you back lit uh all right Ollie is that all the generators no there's still one more are you kidding me hey wait where where's kissy Missy well she's still out looking for you I'm sure she'll come back soon all right let's hurry up before catnap gets annoyed all right lob it click the black button on the machine to Power It Up Power it up what am I powering up the play Care's backup systems this will make it a lot easier for you to get that last generator H all right kid up hit hurry up the last generator go to it now go to it now it's in the that's enough I told you to stop messing around in the pl here dude I'm just trying to get out of here now the Prototype want me to kill you uh well um don't hey hey hey what where you going all right maybe I shouldn't kill you maybe I should get to the root of the problem poppy no if you kill her I have no way out of here catap Kap stop K kissy run run walit [Music] run there's know where you can hide poy hit please run okay are we just going to hide here poppy wake up holy crap holy crap great C [Applause] okay okay I think we lost him poppy you're awake we we lost catnap for now what what was that catnap py no kissy I got this R Pack Attack Huggy [Applause] stop what are they saying kissy said that hugg still chasing you because he's he's still mad that you slammed him in the door huh flashback time come on through here come on this way we can close the door close it okay huh Huggy that was like forever ago Huggy says he's still mad because you never apologized what that's all you want from me Huggy you want an apology fine I'm sorry I'm sorry for slamming the freaking door in your head while you were trying to kill me thank you he said thank you yeah whatever can you stop trying to kill me now catnap leave Huggy alone catnap you will not Escape me the plag here is my hunting grounds kissy kissy what's going on kissy catnap stop I'm the one you want not them stop hurting them what huh where did everybody go what's going on what the heck's this giant iPad doing here make sure you guys subscribe I'm I'm sorry I'm not trying to break the fourth wall just just consider subscribing and and like the video if you're enjoying so far also comment this Emoji if you're you're seeing this message oh also join the Discord Link in the description or the pin comment it's it's a lot of fun in there I show how I edit my videos and stuff so join up and hang out come hang out with us okay I got to get out of here where am I what's going on what what the heck was [Music] that [Music] oh my [Applause] [Music] God is that M Delight is PJ eating M [Music] Delight wait where where did he go what [Music] what what what open the door open the door wait wait the machine is turning on what have you doing you'll make me f you can't do this to me what the heck is that walit walit what's going on where am I you you fell asleep he he got you with the poppy gas C catnap where's he at Hy Wy I'm so confused Ollie helped get rid of catnap and then we were just waiting for you to wake up what olly how did you get rid of catnap I pretended to be the Prototype and called him the home sweet home are you serious how how the freak did you do that it was a trick I've been waiting to use because it's only going to work once and he's going to be really mad when he figures out that it was a fake listen you guys still have one more generator you got to get going okay where where's it at it's in catnaps layer but don't worry home site home is really far from there you should have enough time to power up all the generators all of them what do you mean all of them well it's technically one but there's four different sectors to the generator and you need to wait for a one minute timer on the computer for them to power up well that gives cat Apple lot out of freaking time to catch up to us right which is why you need to get going right now I'll see you there a what the heck all right let's go come on kissy hey guys catnap here if you like this video make sure to hit the like button and subscribe and if you're seeing this video comment this Emoji right now okay bye this way guys come on hey welcome Hey Ollie all right so what do I do just click the black button on the generator and you're going to have to wait a minute and then you're going to click it again three more times every single time you click it you'll have to wait 1 minute and then you'll click it again once you do it four times the generator will be fully powered on all right okay great a little bit can I ask what is what did you see what did you see in your dream uh uh I saw PJ um eating M delight and then he walked up to me and said I killed Mommy he did yeah oh all right the first one is done get the next one anything else yeah I remember I saw the vision of what happened to Mommy what I did to Mommy and then I saw this weird thing this hand go on this hand came out of nowhere and dragged her away and then that's when I woke up that's all I remember the Prototype that hand was the Prototype what so what is he doing what is he doing with her body becoming him a part of him every one of the bigger bodies experiments that die he takes and turns into part of his body what yeah what does the Prototype want well at first he wanted the death of all the humans in the factory because they were experimenting on people and and on kids and so he started a plan where every single Monster every single one of them at one time would attack and kill all of the humans except for the kids what yeah it was called the hour of Joy it was so agonizingly long for hours you could hear screams people crying people running [Music] people being fed on what it was horrific all right good work now get the next one okay prototype went too far he killed innocent people that's why prototype needs to die we never wanted to hurt the innocent just the people that hurt us is prototype Elliot lwig huh what the let's end this once and for all rob it run no time to end this what what foxy [Music] boo both of you to show up in the play care watch out all right lit it's time to get the last one hurry up I got to get under his [Music] legs amazing now lit finish the job kill catnap whoa what's going on with my hand okay holy crap all right do it lit [Music] [Music] me holy holy [Music] crap what the the Prototype what holy crap oh my God oh my oh my gosh amazing you did it you defeated catnap yeah I guess I did awesome now return to the poppy gas room so we can start up the machine and you can get into the depths okay all right come on poppy let's go awesome little B now just click the button and the Machine will start up all right holy holy crap awesome it was a success all the poppy gas has been released from the depths all right kissy can you go start up the elevator so we can head to the depths we're finally going to kill Prototype all right let's do this let's go get on that elevator poppy yeah let's do it what what the heck hey what's going on Kissy Kissy Kissy the door won't open Kissy Kissy Kissy Kissy no can't can't no no [Music] no all I want to do is to put Ms around you and watch these moments fall back into place all I want to do is to make you stop and love me how can I be blue when you catch me in these feelings all I want to do is to around you and watch these moments fall back into place all I want to do is to make you stop and love me how can I be blue when you catch me in is [Music] like
Channel: SLYP1E
Views: 91,064
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fnaf plush, plush, five nights at freddys, five nights at freddys plush, funko fnaf plush, funko plush, funko fnaf, gabes world, mario muffet adventures, fnaf flix, sml, five nights at froakies, plush review, fnaf plush episode, slyp1e, slypie, plushies, plush video, fnaf ar, fnaf ar plush, fnaf security breach plush, custom plush, custom fnaf plush, scary plush video, super mario logan, fnaf plush tutorial, fnaf plush diy, crazymariobros
Id: NJ5m3WfABgs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 95min 59sec (5759 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 02 2024
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