I Cheated with POPPY PLAYTIME in Minecraft Build Battle

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I'm cheating in a poppy playtime Build Challenge against my friends but if I do this command a giant catnap appears but I need to delete it before my friends find out oh guys are you ready for this Build Challenge my poppy playtime build is going to be scarier than yours let's do it I want to build with you woodo who cares axie I didn't need you anyways you guys will never win we'll see about that but uh-oh I didn't know axie would build with me how do I tell her that I'm cheating come on woodo we need to pick out what blocks we're building with actually axie we're not going to build at all I'm cheating cheating no you're not woodo let's just finish our build hold on axie I just need to take my drawing tools and whatever I pick paint will just come to life I'm going to draw Dog Day first to prove that it's going to work sure wo you can paint dog day but I'm going to need to see it to believe it trust me dog day is super duper easy to draw and because these painting tools are so magical I'm sure he'll be able to spawn in in no time hey guys why don't I hear you building uh what are you talking about where building right axie yeah well at least I'm building wait what what does that even mean hey axie why are you trying to sell me out don't worry about it I still think you're lying though so I'm going to finish my little build of the factory oh gosh I really have to prove to axi that I'm not lying let me just go ahead and draw dog day's eyes and his nose there we go I think this is looking good I need to make sure that this is as close as possible to the real dog day or else she'll never believe me again oh woodo are you drawing a banana with eyes this isn't a banana silly it's dog day as you can see his face is split into two colors orange and red so that's what I'm drawing right now and then the important thing as well is his gigantic mouth which he uses to eat all the other toys wait really doctor's going to eat me I'm just kidding aie dog day isn't actually that evil at least that's what everyone thinks but I heard that dog day secretly is and is on catnap side and nobody knows it wait really I didn't know that wodo I know it's a secret so don't tell oh guys guess what I'm almost done with with my amazing dog day you are oh gosh this is bad axie quick I got to finish coloring in the floppy doggy ears that dog day has they're both the color red wo better not come over here to see that you've only drawn a picture oh yeah you're right if comes over here he's going to be completely sused out but don't worry axie I'm almost done I'm just going to have to dry his tongue over here here and then I can't forget about his Sunny little body let me just draw this yellow piece down here as well and then I can draw his Sun necklace do you know why he has a necklace of the sun axie because he likes to Lounge in the sun no because he's dog day and once the sunlight hits his enemies they all burn up and die wait really yes exactly axie why do you think he's called dog dog day I don't know I didn't think it was that though it is axie wait he's called dog day cuz he's a dog in the day oh wait actually you might be right yeah there's no lore behind it wudo okay well actually guess what I think my distraction technique against works I have my full dog day are you ready for me to spawn him in okay woodo let's see if you really were telling the truth I am I promise axi all I need to do is just finish my drawing and oh my goodness axie look up right now at what just spawned in is that who I think it is what in the world he's huge he's way bigger than my dog D statue oh my gosh xxie your dog day statue doesn't even compare to how amazing my real dog day looks no way I told you it would spawn in do you believe me now yeah wood look at these claws I bet these could kill anyone in one swipe exactly I bet he could turn into a delicious steak with those and look at his ginormous eyes they look so scary like they're staring into my soul I don't want to look at them anymore well axie if you try to run away he's going to use his big floppy ears to grab you back and throw you into his mouth really but I don't want dog day to eat me there must be something else we can feed him to make him happy well we should try to feed him axie I think that would be perfect right huh hey I think our dog day is a little hungry can you please come inside his mouth what in the world woodo why would I feed my s the dog day that's so scary because he's hungry and you need to be the sacrifice well I bet dog day likes Axel and turtles better no he doesn't wo I don't think Mongo's going to sacrifice himself don't worry axie just to make dog day happy I'm going to go ahead and just build a little statue of and then you know what else he can eat on top of that for dessert Turtles no silly why would he eat turtles I think what dog that loves to feed on are plushies so how about we just spawn in a bunch of Axel Plushies that he can eat so that he doesn't try to eat us wait what no I'm going to add Turtle plushies no Exel plushies the turtles are too cute to be eaten okay no they're not woodo I'm going to add a table of turtles because I know dog day will only eat the turtles and leave the Exel wait what oh gosh okay fine axie you can go ahead and put those down too but I'm just hoping that he eats mango first so that we don't even have to worry about any of that hey what do you taste like what in the world woodo that's such a weird question but I guess I probably taste like ketchup oh really I bet dog d is going to love that there we go I just finished building you inside of his gigantic mouth so he'll munch on you later what in the world wo stop doing that sorry buddy I just wanted to give you a little notice in advance that our dog day statue is going to destroy yours oh my gosh wudo you know what I've had enough of you I'm going to continue building the scariest dog Dan catnap and you're going to poop your pants H you hear this guy axie he's just Yip Yap yapping away well I went over here and built a little cash register so that we can even sell some of the Plushies that dog day doesn't eat I wonder which kids will want to buy these woodo how do you get this cash register open I want to take the money and buy Cake what you cannot take the money and buy Cake axie but what you could do is you could ask everyone to subscribe and then I'll give you a little money to buy Cake and spare you from dog day okay everyone if you're watching this video please subscribe so I can eat cake exactly if you haven't subscribed then subscribe right now and then I won't have dog day eat you yay but axi look now that we have all of these toys we have a big problem what if dog day wants some of his smiling Critter friends I think we need to build a little Factory over here too do a factory are we going to make more scary monsters well of course axi doct day is a scary monster so we need to spawn in some scary monster friends of his so that he doesn't turn us into a scary monster okay little whatever makes dog day happy I'm just going to go ahead and put down these golden Hoppers that will connect directly to dog day's brain you know why why because that is what actually turns the toys into the evil poppy playtime toys you can take something as harmless as an AEL plushy and turn it into catnap Woodle what if you put me through that thing oh then you would turn into a scary creature too axie but you wouldn't probably be that scary you would probably be the fat cake monster wait what I'm so scary woodo no you're not do you want to try converting yourself into a poppy playtime character then maybe I will how do I do it all right axie well go ahead and stand on this conveyor belt right here and what I need to do to make this work is I need to grab some beacons and put them underneath this right here and let's see I'm sure there's other magical blocks as well that I need something like an End Rod as well which will keep things very very magical while axi gets converted into poppy blade time what character do you want to turn into axie I want to turn into the Axel character the aelott character doesn't even exist goofy well it will exist when I'm through the machine oh gosh okay axie well I think I almost have everything set up and once you go in here there's no going back okay are you sure you want to make this decision yes wood I want to be big and scary I'm going to go now oh gosh axie I don't even want to look just go inside of it okay I want to eat cake right now oh my gosh aie you didn't turn into a smiling Critter you turn into the fat AAL cake monster I knew you turning too cake cake cake this is bad this is bad I need to get some trusty iron bars right now and some iron blocks so I can lock axi away she's going to try to eat me next Turtle cake guys what's going on over there sounds like you're having a party uh mango we had a little bit of a malfunction over here when we were trying to turn axie into a poppy playtime character and now she's a fat axie monster wait what that doesn't sound so good yeah I might need some reinforcements here in a second if she doesn't calm down I'm hungry oh no no no she's hungry quick I hope she doesn't like to eat iron bars I just need to make sure to squeeze her in here and if she gets locked away she'll never be able to get me cake cake cake cake okay okay I think I finally got her locked away I just need to go ahead and put these iron blocks on top to make sure she can't jump out give me cake right now to um axie can we please negotiate something else how about instead I uh spawn you a couple friends you know like uh catnap or maybe Huggy wuggy friends are stupid I want cake okay fine well maybe if I grab a catnap spawn egg you'll change your mind let me just go up here and drop catnap into your cage and let's see what happens cat food y oh no I can't have ax to eat catnap so what I'm going to do is I'm just going to go ahead and pick her up and I'm going to be wearing an invisibility potion because I want to go drop her over on Mongo's side and see what can do with this giant fat ax aad come on axie I'm invisible so you can't eat me H why am I floating she's scared okay okay this is perfect let me just take her big heavy body right over here and now we can really spook oh my gosh catnap dog day you guys look amazing this is perfect now what I can do to make it even scarier is set the time tonight and make the weather into Thunder now should be spooked out wait a second cat napped day did you make it night time no red guy it's a nap food wait what catnap is that you did you come into life and now you're trying to eat me it's not catnap I'm going to eat you oh gosh I'm sorry catnap leave me alone go get woodo or [Music] something look at aie chasing down this is the funniest thing I've ever SE SE I have to run I'm going to eat you oh you're not going to run away for long I actually have catnap spawn eggs as well as other poppy playtime characters like Huggy wuggy and boxy Boo and Mommy long legs and we're going to spawn these around Mongo's build to really make it feel like he's haunted oh my gosh what in in the world are those things oh monco the entirety of poppy play time is on your build are you going to get spooked and log off forever this is bad this is bad there's so many of them here I need to go hide underneath the ground no Mongo's hiding in a hole there's no way is he actually that scared oh gosh I need to wait for the weather to get better before I can start building again where did the red guy go oh no axe's out prowling she's going to find a soon ow what's happening why am I getting stuck by lightning oh no the Thunder Storm's getting bad hxi what's happening to you what in the world and wait why am I surrounded by a bunch of catnaps and Huggy wuggies oh no I didn't until ax what happened let me just grabb some milk real quick and explain axie slow down come over here a monster no axie it's not a monster it's just me wudo I need to tell you what happened I think I accidentally turned you into a poppy playtime character but um yeah now you're back to normal so come over here and get safe wait what I was I super cool wellow you are super scary oh yeah little that reminds me I do remember dog day telling me something he said that if we don't make him a friend soon he's going to eat us all oh my gosh are you kidding me that's actually the truth too because you are turned evil this is bad this is bad axie what I need to do is grab myself a pallet and a canvas so that we can remove dog day and instead drop crafty corn one of his best friends crafty corn but crafty corn is really creepy well of course she's creepy axie what else do you think they call her crafty corn maybe she looks like a candy corn no silly she's an evil unicorn that's why she looks like that so what I'm going to do is I'm going to draw her massive evil smile in her creepy eyes just this alone is making me want to poop my pants I don't like that Woodle can we just erase it and make a nice statue out of wool no axi because you told me that if we don't draw her then dog day is going to eat us so you guys have to watch and stay to see what happens to dog day oh no okay well I'm just going to make my own little statue and not be scared hey guys did any weird things happen on your side there's a bunch of different mom's on my side and I'm scared oh is that so do they happen to be poppy playtime on yeah it's really really bad well that might have been me but it also might have not wait what woodo are you saying you're the one that did that um no of course not why would I do anything like that it's not like I'm competing against you in a Build Challenge and I would have to try and sacrifice anything I can to stop you it's also not like we would ever cheat ever yeah oh you're right you guys are my best friends you wouldn't do anything like that to me um ax is this guy dumb I don't know woodo I almost feel bad oh it's okay we'll still be able to destroy him let me just go ahead and put down crafty Corn's nice blue feet just like this over here here and then she'll use her hoves to crush and anyone else that wants to mess with her oh that drawing is really scaring me I know right I'm kind of getting spooked out too I hope she doesn't actually come in real life and try to eat me do you think she could well there's always a chance axie but I'm hoping that never happens let me just go ahead and connect her feet together like this and I think she's ready to spawn in let's spawn her in in three 2 1 no no no no no and axie I think she's spawned in and wait a second what is this is this supposed to be crafty corn she's so beautiful um no axie look behind that crafty corn it's the real crafty corn and oh my gosh she looks so creepy why does she look like she want wants to eat me axie look she has her giant unicorn horn and her big blue hair and look her eyes might even be scarier than dog day's and she's bigger because dog day has no legs but crafty corn does no no no no no no no look how twisted her legs are they're super skinny and scary because they're hoves axi these aren't even normal legs so I bet she could run at Ultra fast speed eat you before you could even scream really yes axi so come on we need to satisfy craftting corn just like how we did to dog day let me go ahead and grab some lava over here and let's go down to her chin area because what I want to do is build a little bit of a lava parkour that we can have manga defeat and if he fails he'll end up right in her mouth guys why does it sound really bad on your side you guys seem really scared wait what bad what do you mean bad everything is going just like how we planned okay if you say so my builds are kind of really scaring me so bad to the point I had to build a bathroom just in case I poop my pants you had to build a bathroom in case you poop your pants are you like 2 years old no woodo I'm more than 2 years old okay okay well then how old are you huh I'm like 55 years old woodo with the amount of building experience I have 55 years old what the heck okay axie you know what we better scare this 55-year-old old guy with the scariest lava parkour imaginable look at these jumps I'm going to make them super duper challenging so that is nice and tenderized before c Cy corn eats him hey wood what if we put an impossible jump at the end oh yeah so that he falls right inside of crafty Corn's mouth I think that's an excellent idea axie let me just go ahead and make a hole inside her mouth and then what I can do is I can select this area and then go all the way straight down like this where her stomach is and now what I can do is I can select both of those blocks and cut them out out to make it seem like he's going down her throat and into the infinite darkness that is beneath it oh I'm going to put some lava down here or is there something even scarier even scarier what could be even scarier than lava axie maybe some turtles turtles those aren't scary silly go ahead and just put down the lava that'll spook enough okay wo what if I put SK skeletons skeletons oh yeah so it looks like the remnants that were there before crafting corn ate that is a great idea now it looks like there's a bunch of humans being digested ew ew that's so scary I got to get out of her mouth axie I don't want to be in there me NE there get me out all right let me just go ahead and make the last parkour jump right over here and then I can make it impossible I'm going to make it a six block jump so that if tries to he'll hit his head and go straight into the lava am I being too evil axie no Udo this is just what needs to be done perfect and now that that's all done I think another way that we could scare is by grabbing some iron fences and what we can do is build little jail cells outside not only for but for the other smiling Critters that will be watching him as he does this parkour wait we're going to spawn in smiling Critters exactly axie let me just go ahead and put these fences right over here and then what we can do is we can spawn in a couple of manga's favorite ones you know like Huggy wuggy and catnap ooh I bet he's going to be terrified I'm going to be terrified wo forget well a did you forget that you literally turned into one oh yeah do you think I can speak to them now well maybe axie how about you try talking to pugga pillar first hello axie I don't think they can hear you but I can hear them woodo they're saying they're hungry and they want to eat Mongo's brains really well then in that case maybe we need to have that Napp come here too to help them guys why do I feel like someone's always saying my name are you guys talking about me um no we're totally not talking about you we were actually talking about someone else that's even more important than you and you want to know what her name is wait there's someone more important than me what's their name well her name is catnap and axi I need to draw catnap quickly because we're running out of time cat na oh my gosh okay Woodle are those her ears or are those weird spikes those are ears silly come on axie there's no time for goofing around I need to make sure that I speed draw catnap to make sure that she's the last one to make sure that gets eaten forever okay Woodle and I'm going to build her even better okay axie let me just go ahead and put catnaps nose like this and then I can fill in all the other space with purple blocks like this but then I can't forget about her giant mouth either axie remember all these poppy playtime characters have big mouth so that they can fit as many innocent toys and human beings in their mouths as possible that's why their mouths are so big exactly axie oh no all right let me just finish coloring in this part just like this and uh-oh my catnap looks a little goofy but hopefully Minecraft understands what I'm trying to do wough mine is beautiful so don't worry okay perfect axi let me just draw catnaps Moon over here as well just like this and then I can draw her arms to the side she has really big paws to make sure that she can grab anyone before they can get the chance to run away is she going to grab love me well maybe aie just make sure that you're not doing anything that would make catnap angry now what I can do is I can draw cat nap's tail and uh-oh why does catnap look a little bit like a rat don't worry about it woodo the game will know exactly what you're drawing all right then axi I guess I'm just going to have to spawn her in in three two one and axi I think Minecraft actually did it look right behind dog D crafty corn I think I see catnap trying to go over to side ah this is the creepiest one so far she's reaching over to grab and eat him I think her mouth is the biggest of any poppy playtime character and with those sharp claws she totally wants to take has her dessert oh no wood I can't do this anymore I'm running away no axi you can't run away catnaps claws being like this is telling us something important wait what is it telling us I think it's telling us that we need to go see Mongo's build come on axie let's just go over there and pretend like we weren't cheating and have no idea what happened okay okay hi we weren't cheating wait guys you're finally here to see my amazing build yes yes MCO let's see it already Okay okay get ready this is dog day over here what in the world why is dog day's tongue sticking out like that why he looks so goofy what do you mean wudo he doesn't look goofy he looks scary that does not look scary why is he making the same face that axi does when she's trying to be silly wait what she doesn't look silly she looks kind of cute hey I'm not cute look all I need to do is put this here and now he looks even goofier oh my gosh are you serious voodo why are you making dog day silly you know he can spawn in right just to tell you a little secret no one's looking the mobs from poppy plate them spawned in in my side and it was raining oh really I wonder who did that axie it definitely wasn't us we also definitely didn't cheat and what's this over here it looks so disgusting oh this was just the bathroom I built I had to poop cuz these builds are so scary what that thing is scaring you this fake catnap yeah dude are you kidding me all right axie you know what it's time to carry a porta potty because might actually poop his pants when I pick him up and take him to our side get ready to be impressed by my statues mongle wo where are you taking me look here we have Crafty corn catnap and dog tape what do you think oh they're actually not that scary wodo they look so cute oh yeah well how about I fly up a little bit higher no it's do day catnapping crafted corn but life siiz what in the world is that voo Stop scaring me you're going into dog day's mouth and look I even built your head inside of it so he eats you oh gosh no I don't want to be here anymore right well you're currently dancing around the facility where we turn ax into a poppy playtime character would you like to turn into one as well you just have to go into my machine wait what are you sure woodo that sounds super scary well it's up to you but I don't think you should because you're too fat FR mango so instead how about we feed you to one of the other characters would you like to be eaten by crafty corn or catnap catnap and crafty corn they're both equally as scary wudo well I think the choice has been made for you to be eaten by crafty corn and if you don't want to be eaten then you need to to do this parkour a he's going to do the parkour and die anyways I can't wait okay fine wudo I'll do it ready I just need to do a backflip onto here then I just need to do another black flip onto here there you go let me just climb up and do a 360 over here and wo let's go I reached the end no you didn't you're about to be digested by crafting corn now prepare to die There's No Escape wait what are you serious oh my gosh what is going on do you need some salt and pepper to make you taste better sure buo hey I was just kidding you can fly out mango oh that was really scary don't worry we have other poppy playtime characters that we can feed crafty corn instead so that she doesn't have to eat you goodbye huggy wuggy wait what Huggy wuggy is going to get mad no it's okay he's just going to be digested bye-bye bye wait a second woodo what about catnap will he eat me well we'll just have to go and see if he'll spare you let's fly all the way over and see it looks like catnap was interested in you because she was actually reaching her arm out over the wall to your side so what do you have to say to catnap oh my my gosh catnap please spare me axie should he be spared I don't know I think he needs to beg for his life a little more than that come on beg to be spared by catnap oh please G up I promise I won't ever fart in poop in wo's bedroom anymore H you've been doing that yeah well then in that case axi we're going to give pun punishment take all these cups in your face wait what w stop not these again I had to do with these on my side I can't do this anymore I'm living it's over we win we win thank you guys so much for watching this video If you enjoyed then watch another video on screen and don't forget to subscribe bye
Channel: Wudo
Views: 92,060
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Maizen, mikey and jj minecraft, milo and chip, milo and chip build battle, maizen minecraft noob vs pro, I Cheated with //SCARE in POPPY PLAYTIME Build Challenge in Minecraft, poppy playtime minecraft, poppy playtime chapter 3, NOOB vs HACKER: I Cheated In a DOGDAY Build Challenge!, I Cheated with //DRAW in POPPY PLAYTIME Build Challenge in Minecraft, I Cheated with POPPY PLAYTIME in Minecraft Build Battle, I Cheated with FNAF in Minecraft Build Battle, dog day build
Id: K3Z9G20IWNg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 56sec (2036 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 03 2024
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