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uh what's up guys and welcome back to some more P Play Time chapter 3 uh this isn't good uh he just got transformed and we're back uh oh my dude this no oh my God he's right behind me welcome back oh this is he is right behind me dude put put shoot a flare at him that does nothing move I can't see okay ah this is a locked door move okay we got to go we got to go right now he is right behind us I didn't think it would just start like that last time he did like a little he talked a little bit and then he tried to kill us no this time he's just trying to kill us I don't know where to go I this is a dead end this is a dead end oh it's not a dead end this is like the the original Huggy chase scene but scarier a little bit uh which one do we go this one down we go down we go we're fine no panicking allowed we're good we made it wait oh my I thought we were flip hands jump we did it holy oh my gosh holy that was intense all right like I was saying welcome back to some more poy playtime chapter 3 what a start uh anyways as you guys know I'm giving away a few copies if you guys want just to win one leave a like on the video leave a comment down below say whatever you want hit that subscribe button icon and that is youre you can on every video anyways and yeah that's for a giveaway of you know chapter one two and three I should make specify says fetch oh man fetch what go go as far as you can okay why are you just standing there he I'm running I'm running where do you want me to go you can't be here you can't stay all right not again so they all died all of the smiling Critters are dead which is kind of crazy wait what hey are you all right oh no ouchies or lost body parts uh just a few ouchies I'm really glad you're okay why does it look like that I don't want to lose any more friends to this place hey did you see the shrine catnap made it for the Prototype see before catnap turned into catnap I guess there was some pretty serious accident he almost died but they say that the Prototype saved his life giving up his own freedom in the process we saw that in one of the notes in catnap size the Prototype is a superhero and has saved this place so catnap treats him like a god killing everyone that opposes him us included if we're not careful that Shrine did it scare youir if you thought that was terrifying just wait until you see the real thing anyways we're really close to the end I sent you a new key you're going to the counselor's office instead it's not ideal but it should have enough juice if you can get that generator going and plug it in I think we'll be done and keep your eyes open for catnap every shadow and every flickering light is a hiding spot he always stalks his prey first will'll take away anything you have to defend yourself and when you're at your most vulnerable he'll kill you catnap lives for the hunt I'd like to see him try buddy talk soon olly olly who's totally not evil olly we're on to you I don't know who that guy is but I'm telling you right now he's evil all right uh so wait where where do we have to go with this it's there right I think no didn't we didn't we go in there he said the name like he says the name of a place right but I don't know there's no like sign or anything so I don't know yeah this is it all right here we go what's this watch and that's poppy right there though here we go into the office so they did say we're getting close to the end which is interesting this has been a pretty long chapter so far I don't know how long we've been recording for but it feels like a while it's the gas that's locked okay wait where do I go your tools won't protect you is there oh wait I have an idea this no yeah neither of them H wait there it is look oh my gosh that is so hidden holy I knew it was somewhere in here I just couldn't figure out where that is so well hidden though look another VHS player we don't have the tape is this open no can I grab it from oh you can okay so now I'm trapped in here though so we got to be careful uh-oh catap buddy you around here you say you stalks his prey so he's probably watching me right now oh we need another battery another one there what's this whose office is this head of the school Maria oh Maria where are you turn this on what's that noise H flies I think something might have happened to Maria it's kind of dark thinking about what happened to everyone that used to be here oh look buzo bunny oh my uh okay you know what he's dead I think we just leave him dead I don't think he's coming back anytime soon you guys remember the bunzo bunny uh Cartoon I think we might figure out what happened with that in this chapter all right I somehow I can't grab that battery pack so one of these doors have has to have something important behind it so dark though I wish the flares were like a little bit brighter I think that would help a lot any of these other doors open no all right so we somehow need another battery and can I go in here no can I oh wait there it is right there can I reach that can okay through here open open open okay dude let me in run yeah yeah yeah run from what there's nothing here every time it says run I never have to actually run cuz there's nothing that's going to kill me I have to go up there though though let's check out this room first wait whose office is this Eduardo Eduardo interesting Boogie bot they don't really have anything in here though is that Monopoly money all right let's go up I don't like this but we don't have very many options here down we go oh we're back here let's use this oh no am I not make it okay no we're good oh yeah we're back underground oh boy I do not want to be under here this is empowered I need to somehow get power running to that what else is down here though it's so dark I don't see anything though so somehow I've got to power that button but how am I stuck on let's go back up there's got to be something here that I can do oh look you look up and then look I can go up here ah there we go okay now it makes sense okay so I can bring it around here now and then what does that do okay now I can use the hand but how do I cuz look if I yeah yeah if I take that away I lose oh boy This is complicated man it's always got to be complicated all right do this do this okay we're good do this do this ah no no no no that's that's all right that's all right okay hold on hold on a minute um how do we do this how do we do this okay let me think let me think um thinking maybe I can do it from here here no no no here then jump across across climb up this is so complicated I think we got it though yeah we got it and then here done oh my gosh that was so complicated okay so now that's up can I climb no I can't okay just I would have broken both my legs right there all right now we're good to go but uh wait a minute uh is this wait a minute now that I'm down here how do I get over there that's not good did I just uh I might have just broken my game cuz I don't think there's no way to climb up anymore cuz this is here and then I also can't jump across cuz the jump thing is gone uh-oh all right there we go I I just Reloaded The the chapter and I think I'm good now all right so how do I do this without breaking my game I have to land here don't go down there whatever you do do not fall down there and then he jump across there we go we did it okay let's go that was so worried I like broke my game right there oh office what office is this head of play care oh here why is there bugs in here where's my flare gun Stella gray bear whoa she's got a big office dude she must be someone important there's a tape player in here but I need a I need the tape oh here it is let's see if we can learn some lore about her let [Applause] see oh Mr and Mrs Hartman come on in please have a seat how was your right down must be this nothing like we were expecting Mr L's speech was well it just confirms for us that you're the orphanage we want to go through it's a truly magical place I felt right at home from the second I entered you opened that door the first time and you just know you're never going to leave kind of like finding a home as a child and always thinking of it when you want to feel comforted I understand you want to give Jeremy that home yes and we would like to adopt ah amazing you'll be perfect for oh what well it appears there's been some complications What complications what kind of complications I I don't know um the form says testing oh what does that mean tell us what does that mean Miss graper we deserve a better explanation in that don't you think you're in charge of all this how could you not know and why are we only finding out about this now I I don't I'm sorry oh so they just kind of admitted that they were just testing on that child that's crazy they just straight up said it they T thing what are you going to do about it huh what you wait we need a key okay there must be a key in this room then Gosh guys the key for the door was up there in the vent I just saw him to look up and I was like wait a minute pull it down there's the key of course of course it is That's So Random all right here we go crafty corn can you give me some red uh some red R Lee huh out what but we can't be out out of red you're hiding more red from me I'm not I know you are no I'm not here okay okay nope nope you're just like the rest of them you just scream at me for no reason I was trying to help you find the red until you start screaming what is this random computer on here locked wait that's an elevator interesting where are we dude this place is massive oh we can go up up we go into the vent let me in dude what how do I get how do I get in here wait does it want me to go to this vent all right dude there's different vents I don't know I wonder what was in that one why do I feel like catnap is going to be in here with us so dark oh [Music] no it's so dark I feel like I'm going to shoot one of these and catnaps going to be right there just staring at me which would be kind of cool okay okay down we go oh oh what happened what oh the gas the gas I must be in the gas yeah oh wa what's going on okay wait I just realized where we are this is where catnap was when he pulled bunzo bunny away uh-oh keep locked oh button okay okay so I need to open these yeah it's just got a bunch of these behind them what's behind oh that one's locked okay wait that's the power though oh it opens oh wait what what's behind this one oh that's where we need to go okay so I need to somehow get power is this open it's so hard to see no that's locked Okay so wait which one of these gives power though cuz I need to somehow get power to all of them but I don't know how that doesn't give power and then neither does that but I pulled the one power block from here so maybe I can pull it back through I can okay that makes sense and then now what where did that open I can't see oh dude it's so dark I didn't even see this it's another button though that's still locked okay oh let's see let's follow these wires and see what that did but oh I know I'm so dumb I need the green hand duh I'm so not used to having to switch hands like this at all okay so I think I just have to power all three of these oops there we go nice okay there we go let's go take this off it is so hard to see with that thing we got a big puzzle here all right let's see here so looking at this um my guess is we have to shoot it that way cuz I don't think it would start it on the right one so let's shoot it that way let's see how the wait what shoot the oh it's getting stuck huh it's getting stuck on the power switch what okay I I guess it does have to go this way interesting okay so wait no that can't be right though so hold on let me see no no no stop pull it that way all right let's see here so the only way there we go that's what I want to do and where does this go that goes to that one and then where does this go that goes to that one okay so wouldn't it just be as simple as just pulling it now I think let me see yeah that should be it there we go wow that was so easy oh but wait is there more oh oh what yeah it needs more power needs another it needs to hit that okay let's see here oh this looks complicated hold on how do I do this so I need to go oh what oh I don't have the right hand out no two okay so I need to do this this H dude what is this okay up ah dude what there we go got it all right what's this what am I doing oh cool so huh what is isn't this a battery yeah it is but it's stuck in a case how do I get it out of there come here I want to drop it off the edge I can't well then what do I do uh this just got a lot more complicated there's a lot okay no I don't want to close that there's no way that's what I have to do wait open why is it closing open uh what it's okay I don't know here come down here follow me there we go broke it okay now we have this which I can put here done and there's another one I need to drop oh boy all right I need to figure out how to drop this I need the elevator to go back up so I think if I do this will that send the elevator back up or oh no no no I know what to do I know what to do okay this needs to go here again and then this needs to go here there we go then that'll send it up right yeah okay perfect okay now I need to oh wait I can't take that though what do I do oh man this is complicated guys look at this look at this look at this my brain is expanding oh my gosh okay that one was actually kind of difficult but I I figured it out okay so now I do this and then I throw it down here on throw it down there this is how I did it last time right I just jumped off oh don't tell me don't tell me it's stuck don't do this to me dude there's no way oh my wait come on come down dude oh yes yes yes yeah we did it okay nice all right now I need to um get them both up there so let's put that there put this there then we need to do we need to flip this back to um there then do this all right yeah this was a pretty complicated one but I figured it out they're pretty they're pretty difficult puzzles but I mean they're not they're not like unfair like hello neighbor puzzles like hello neighbor pu puzzles compared to these oh my gosh wait okay dude except for this part this part is like I see what they were going for but it just like I don't know man doesn't launch you far enough there we go all right so now all I need to do is not pull that I need to no no no no don't pull that don't no no no go back open up all right dude hold on now I need to just switch this anyways I'll do this while it's doing that there we go and then there we go done all right now we can open up the door that was complicated wait why is that look like a to power that somehow I better not dude in in done yes let's go wait but uh wait a minute wait a minute I need to power this button but how hold on let me see ah okay okay okay I know what to do I know what to do um oh don't tell me don't tell me hold on let me turn that off okay I can turn it from up here thank goodness done all right there we go we're good yes let's go we're puzzle solvers dude here we go oh who what okay I'm going up here it's the music again why can't I go in here wait I need the gas mask on uh-oh wait flare gun flare gun flare gun hurry shoot what I can't see I cannot can't see dude it's so [Music] dark looks like I can go that way but I'm not I am not going that way drop down all right thank goodness we're out of there need a battery oh boy run yeah I've seen that before what is this there's not a battery in here no huh I like how there's a smoke detector in there little late now that thing's not detecting much I know that another door battery let's go oh whoa what the heck oh my gosh I thought my game froze holy well he got me he got me the flower wait find the flower we're at the this isn't a place you can back from what what's happening oh oh oh do you have any idea what you're doing I'm back in Chapter 1 what what's happening what's going on it's taking me through all of what's happened so this is catnap trying to like do you know what's happened here control me oh oh no get me out get me out of this area take me somewhere else anywhere else but there oh do you know who we once were look at that it's her the new character what dude they even had the power things back then during class interesting I mean yeah I guess that makes sense do you see why we have to end this I mean yeah it's pretty bad but if you think about it it's already all happened so little late to end it now I'm just saying I mean I don't know but you know I guess we could still end it do you even know what's real maybe oh look where we are that's where we turned on all the [Music] power here we go that's we're caught up now so whatever we're about to see Huggy wagy look at him shining so bright that diamond look at him no you don't huh uh uh-oh uh-oh Uggy wuggy [Applause] out oh what are we about to that's that's it experiment oh my gosh are we about to see him no show us him show us him come on oh we're alive or I'm Coming For You woo let's go where are you hold on I'm not leaving I'm not leaving come out come out hold on I'm not leaving I'm not leaving how do I talk to it okay uh I don't know here give me this give me give me this dang it I can finally see him where are you I'm not leaving come get me like to see you try buddy like to see you try to get me oh door opening what oh no phone all right olly what do you want something's gone wrong grab the cord from the the counselor's office and plug it in underneath the statue we need to reach 100% good luck okay Gregory it reminds me of Gregory like always like you need to run or no there's some line from like security breach that sounded like Gregory like all he did all right I wonder if it's the same voice actor uh wait where does this go again oh here there you go all right we still need two other power sources though huh Playhouse is label what give me this all right we got another key for something let's go find out what so we're about to run into catnap huh I think so where do I go now though I got a key but it's so dark man I don't even know what's up here cuz it's that dark what is this way too dark like the lighting's really good at times like 99% of the time but like or 90% of the time but like the other 10% it's just like it's it's so dark that I can't even tell what's happening in certain parts okay we've already been in there where haven't we been yet I feel like we've been everywhere I don't know look this light is flickering let's go up here this door looks like it's open yeah it is what oh wait why did it close why did it that's weird I hear a power thing over here yeah there is huh what's this oh another Power I guess let's go plug this in we never even plug this one in so I guess let's go do that I mean why wouldn't we I'm assuming we need to right it's weird though that that door closed right when I was approaching it all right here we go another one plugged in unless this is the one we already did but now it's beeping like yeah wait we did this one oh okay that should be enough power now take that huge battery to the gas production zone so we can get out of here gas the door by the cable car you arrived on I don't know where that is is it this is it up there I think it is right cuz we arrived there so yeah it's got to be this door over here it's so dark though here we go so wait we're going back in the room we started interesting all right here we go I think this is where it wants me to go cuz I don't think we finished everything we had to do over here anyways so I think so I have a feeling we're going to see catnap very soon though here we go all right there it is back where it all started oh what oh oh uh G gas mask on no I can't put on the mask oh my go oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh back up no dude what is that what is that I'm dead I'm dead oh my God oh my God oh that thing is awesome oh I didn't think it could get scarier but it can it definitely can oh that thing is so cool all right let's try this again I don't know okay here he is I don't know wait there's a power thing here uh uh what do I do I don't know what to do okay hold on there's a button here wait come me on go go go go oh my gosh holy holy oh that's that's not good that is not good okay uh we're going up I think we lost him okay that was close I don't know if I need this big blue battery or not I just kind of grabbed it out of fear but I I'm going to assume that we do I don't I don't know I don't know hey I still got it dude it must be important I still have it what is this why does this look like a boss fight uh what is this what the catnap is coming be ready what power this give me this wait that's already powered wait what am I doing what is this what the heck yeah this is some kind of boss I don't know what we have to do but I've got to do something oh guys look wait what what's happening I put a battery what's happening what's happening oh uh okay we got a problem we got a problem look at it out there looks like a xenomorph dude what what what what am I doing here what am I doing what am I doing time remaining where is he he's coming wait how do I stop him who wait what do I do what do I do put this in power is on uh uh give me a battery I need a battery no no no put put that there we need another battery put this here okay did we get them it looks like we got rid of them yeah yeah okay we got the we got the the the gas going please insert new battery what oh oh I see I see uh give me this in there okay keep it going time remaining 133 seconds he's going around how do I what do I do though if he okay we have that area blocked off we know he can't come that way 125 seconds oh no dude I'm going to lose uh give me this yeah dude how do I stop him from coming that way I I lost I lost I don't know what to do okay we got to figure out a way uh to turn on the gas on that side or the The Fog whatever your rest is over I see what what we have to do though I I like in the other areas I know how to turn on the fog or whatever it is but that area I don't know that's the only one cuz it's like a gate blocking the button so how do I get behind that okay let's see here hold on let's have a look around so I need to figure out how to open up this gate oh look there's a thing oh okay that's so easy here we go so I have a better understanding what to do now so the little screen right there it mentioned that if I use my flare it'll tell me which one is real apparently there's ones that could be fake so we have to watch out for them look at that thing dude is it coming it's coming that's real that's real that's real um okay uh what do we do what do we do I need to I need to take this no no no I need I need I need my purple hand give me this no no no this isn't the time to mess this up all right give me back my green hand we need power and I need to hit him with this got it all right so that's that one taken care of jump down what else we got are they coming from any other directions no looks like we're good all right get ready they're so big dude and loud I can oh there's one there that's real right that's fake okay new battery let's go put it in done are you real you're real you're real okay um open this switch to Green hand right now green hand green hand I need it quick do that got rid of him no no no I need that I need that battery this battery will be huge give me that what's happening wa what's going on what's going on no dude I can't close it oh my gosh what is that okay we got rid of whatever that was that's cool uh okay keep your eyes out use the flare gun ready Is that real that's real that's real anyone else no all right give me this battery in there do we have any more coming no all right that should get rid of that one 94 more seconds and then we win this is tough okay new battery what's happening no no no no no close close dude no I need my other hand okay gone what what's happening no dude I'm going to lose open this I need my green hand I need my green hand game please oh I got it wait I think that was a fake anyways what's going on no stop stop trying to get in close Okay this is intense right now um I need this in no I need a battery I need a battery right here put it in no I oh it was a fake it was a fake oh my gosh it was a fake holy that was no that's not a fake that's not a fake open no oh I took the battery out you're kidding me man this is tough this is actually tough okay guys we're in the finale right now but this is a very intense boss fight that's real that's real okay no no no I pressed the wrong hand give me the right hand give me the right hand right now we're good we're good okay this is a stressful very hard boss fight it's very stressful it looks easy but I promise you it's not okay jump up here I mean whenever you kind of figure it out it is somewhat easier but it's still hard all are we good we good yes we're good okay 13 more seconds we can just play defense right now play defense and that's real I knew it okay open this up give me this give me that good all right bring back out the flare gun we're going to need it how me I'm time we got 0 seconds we did it wait what do I do what do I do what do I do what do I do do I have to hit this with my hand we did it yes yes let's go oh I almost didn't shoot him we got him oh my gosh uh-oh uh-oh the Prototype the Prototype he's going to go with them we know he is what is happening what are you oh my gosh oh my gosh he willingly just let the Prototype kill him and take his body oh my gosh that's the end of catnap and we lost our hand we have this one though what just happened what just happened what does the computer say oh all right well I guess we defeated catnap let's get out of here he uh he joined the Prototype he joined it okay let's go we did it we did it that was crazy though it's a it's kind of confusing that boss fight but it was cool it's very confusing though once you figure it out it's like okay I got it all right we did it I guess we are uh done right I don't even need to I need to hit that no okay so he came from in there but hold on put this oh my gosh this is the battery I brought with me into the boss fight which I don't think I had to do but I did he came from in here just a VHS player in here though looks like it he was just hiding in this room the whole time okay so wait now that that's on what do I do oh there we go restarted it all right nice uh what do we do now something's happening what the oh it's booting up poy plate wait you know what I just realized we haven't seen Huggy wuggy yet so that's kind of concerning but I guess we'll see what happens with that that all right so now it's all been transferred over to there and we're good to go okay so now that the power is back on generator status wait what I just turned it off and back on or is it booting up the second power what okay yeah it's just doing the same thing again I don't know so we we got oh what was that we got this done now what is this room by the way oh good you're here where are you and you've done it again The Impossible where are you just like I knew you would catnaps gone the red why your name reded everything is falling into place thanks to you why do you sound evil but if we're to keep going then then you deserve to have the truth you better not be evil you came back back because of your co-workers you want to know what happened and why this this is your answer is that the Book of the Dead We called it the hour of Joy what the you got a VHS player up there what is this hour of Joy see what this is all about oh this is going to be Huggy Wy killing everyone oh it is oh boy oh my gosh yeah he's going crazy in there oh man he's going wild look at him go dude look at him go oh I wish I was there to see that one oh my goodness dang okay what's going on here oh what is that what's attacking him that doesn't look like Huggy wuggy it's so hard to tell what is that oh that's the that's all the teachers oh man oh look from the from the VHS tape like a year ago oh my gosh boxy boo oh man look it catnap oh my gosh so Huggy wuggy everyone went crazy at the same time and killed everybody everybody oh look wow okay well now we know what happened what do you have that face how do you have that face huh you what's going on there why are you so sad up there I remember hearing every moment of it oh man it went on so long so AG agonizingly long they tried to hide to run anything to stay alive how did I live though I remember their cries what's going on why is this happening what are those things senseless Slaughter that's all it really was they killed everyone the guilty the innocent didn't matter matter all that death didn't fix anything no and then once it was all over they dragged those corpses down below where they'd never be found and they ate the bodies to stay alive prototype has to die for this for everything wow that is is not what I was expecting to have happened I mean you could tell by the blood and everything but all right let's go soon as we reach the bottom we'll send the lift back up just hold tight okay after you okay let's go we're going to go meet the Prototype I guess I don't see how we're possibly going to defeat this thing me and you but something tells me the chapter's about to end once we hit the ground we need to be cautious there's something oh what's that what she doing what's happening no no no what are they doing we're coming just hold on no not come on come on go faster oh no what are they doing what they do no no way no you can't do that oh my gosh wait we don't even get to see we don't even get to see the Prototype and now something happened to kissy we're never we're not going to know for like 2 years dude you're kidding me no no I thought this chapter was going to end with us at at least seeing the Prototype and then it ends we don't even get to see the Prototype it just ends on that oh man what a cliffhanger what a cliffhanger man I can't believe that just happened wow well that was chapter 3 I mean that I can't that's going to bother me so much not knowing first of all what happened to kissy and second of all what the Prototype looks like like we were just about to see it it they brought all the bodies down there everything was leading up to this and it ends the chapter right there like come on man all right oh wait no I didn't want to skip okay well I hope it didn't show anything at the end of that man all right guys that was it that was probably playtime chapter 3 I want to end this video saying once again massive thank you to mob entertainment for letting me play this early and I mean they let us do everything early there like they're they're crazy um with how early they give stuff and how you know supportive they are of YouTubers twitch streamers all that kind of stuff they're crazy supportive which it makes sense coming from you know if you know what the developers of this game are who they are and what they've done before this so yeah it makes a lot of sense I remember their first email was like hey we are YouTubers and we have YouTubers in mind with this game blah so yeah they're very aware and I think they're doing a great job to you know help us out so yeah thank you guys so much um anyways though I thought it was a great chapter stay tuned we're going to hack around in it we're going to see if we can find anything I think this is going to be one chapter where there's going to be a lot of crazy stuff when we hack a lot of crazy stuff so stay tuned I'll see you guys in the next one though thank you guys so much for watching peace out
Channel: FusionZGamer
Views: 1,571,742
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: poppy playtime chapter 3, poppy playtime, poppy playtime chapter 3 ending, poppy playtime chapter 3 gameplay, poppy playtime chapter 3 full gameplay, poppy playtime chapter 3 fusionzgamer, poppy playtime chapter 3 walkthrough, poppy playtime chapter 3 miss delight, poppy playtime chapter 3 catnap, horror game, poppy playtime chapter 3 full game
Id: 3TL6xrkUUX0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 14sec (2714 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 30 2024
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