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oh hi welcome to my super School hello thank you for the warm welcome on your name okay hold I or to type it in haven't been here before I'm typing type it in I typed it in and then click on it okay I'll click it welcome since you're new be sure to check out the controls no thanks boring come on we don't need controls here you know who I am you know I I've been playing this game for years dude okay guys Welcome Back to baldi's Basics plus it just got a massive new update it adds in a new character and some other pretty big things from what I heard I also think the game's going to start getting like more updates so yeah we're back baby back on Baldi that you know what I meant okay anyways let's press play though and hop into uh the game we have hide-and seek endless mode field trips Explorer mode and challenges there's a lot here I guess let's do endless mode I don't know random sure start yeah I don't know I don't know what's happening in this game there's a lot here I feel like play okay let's do this hey there Baldi look I'm Baler than ever let me grab one of these okay hide and seek okay okay yeah yeah let's play hideand-seek I'll begin oh what is okay this is going to take some getting used to all right so one there you go right I'm good there we go we got YTP is that what that says are you still oh oh wait I didn't know he was counting down wait hold on give me that give me the tape give me the tape all right we got the tape is he I don't know if he's chasing me or not I'm just going to run ooh Library my favorite my favorite place ever psych I'm leaving this place sucks let's get out of here all right what else do we have oh wait wait I need to go in here so wait where's the uh ohoh you heard that who what's this can I put the tape in no I don't know what that is oh banana I can't grab it though dang it can't do anything in this school all the fun stuff it doesn't let me do principal's office not going in there oh hold on wait a minute wait a minute wait a minute can I put this in here I can I don't know what that does but I just just did it it's going that's got to do something crazy it's probably like I don't know making him go insane or something right now like he's sitting on the ground what is that what is that at the end of the okay I don't remember whatever that is uh five okay two two two anyone got to thank you two for you oh Notebook thank you okay what is that it's gone what I I don't even remember that thing that seems H whistle all right let me blow that whistle there we go don't no oh what whoa what was that oh why did I do that I just I think I just summoned the principal with that whistle it seems like it was a horrible idea but okay sure why not there he goes don't you dare okay what do we have here uh 4 - 0 is zero duh wait four minus 0 is four dude right oh boy oh okayo that was a close one no no no no no no don't do that don't do that wait no no don't don't do do that oh my gosh that was close what do we have here eight eight quick I think baldi's nearby I don't know actually I think I think that thing I used actually helped out a lot what is dude what is this I can go like miles in here I don't have any coins for the chalk soda thing dang it oh hello it's this guy again what's up how uhoh uhoh come on why' you have to do that I'm putting on a faculty name tag and I'm running and I'm also eating chalk or whatever that was I don't know run me in here oh quarter keys wait I heard I heard Baldi but I I don't know where he is zero zero zero wait he's really close is he he's really close run run run run no he's right there can I get some lights on in here please oh did a cloud in here what is happening all right I'm just going to go this way we at least know where he is I think to play this safe oh eight quick run no a leak you're kidding me when is this going to go away why is this locked when is it uhoh that's that's not something I want to go inside of that Whirlpool thing whatever you call that I think we're doing pretty good though we're at six NOP what the heck you can do that what where am I is this a there's no way this is a dead end this is just a dead end am I dead uh-oh wait wait I have keys oh no this is principal Keys oh no Baldi uh I can't go anywhere I have to go this way this is not good all right who's the new character I don't think that guy that turned off the lights is new I oh my it is so loud holy oh no no no no no no no no where am I all right okay well there I go again all right I'm in the it's so quiet in here why is it so quiet in here I feel like I should whisper you think this game like detects your mic imagine that's like Dude they should add that in as a monster the librarian and if you talk it DET text your mic if you talk in the library it comes and kills you or like gets upset at you or something tell me that wouldn't be cool drink this and oh give me this okay run wait I'm back oh puzzle wait I already solved this one finally dude finally wait he's nearby he's nearby how do you do be careful I I've been in there right oh I haven't wa I have this is okay uh one where's the number one take it run run oh he's not that close all right we're good it's not that serious I thought he was way closer I think these rooms reset since we're on endless mode what's in here anything useful no computer H who uses that any oh I see the principal and I see Baldi uh two two thank you two done all right should we run in front of the principal what is that Baldi speaking I think we should run in front of the principal and just like go to his office I'm just going to run if he sees me he sees me whatever no running yeah I got this though on my side also I got the keys which is what I plan on using as soon as I run out of uhoh okay he just cut me off no wait no okay well we got to wait for him to leave why does this picture of Baldi look so high res wait he's really CL out he's he's right there he's right there he's really close go in the LI whoa whoa why is it oh hey there buddy I didn't just Escape uh the principal's office I was about to call it prison oh this is what we needed all right you get out of the way we need to go far away oh no what do I do no no no not this guy again he's going to turn off the lights I'm going this way oh we're dead we are dead he is quick he's he's really quick we're dead no oh no not the principal I don't think I can drink soda in front of him here wait ready ready ready go wait they changed how that looks it's like a net all right we're good we're fine for now I I don't have any stamina he's very fast and I'm probably dead in about I give it 15 seconds but you know what this isn't bad for our first he's oh my gosh he's so fast you know what I'm just going to solve the never mind you know what I'm just going to get taken away by by the principal I'm just going to go there go you saved me buddy wait got to sweep I got to break out let me out why W the door open the door wouldn't open hey eight high score that is not bad not bad at all all right what else we have in here Explorer mode okay yeah let's do this one say we can do like any level or something like that I didn't really read it so I don't know but here we are oh hey there buddy I got to go I'm trying to explore here wait he's already he's already coming for me hold on what's in here be soda huge cute Hello door the door just smacked me in the face hello uh I'm just going to run on the other side of the school I feel like that's our best bet here you know just get as far away from him as we can notebook oh okay so I don't even need to like solve anything well good cuz I'm horrible at solving things another giant computer have these always been there I remember last time we played there was like some kind of uh Easter egg that I spent like I remember it was the day before I had to pick up dco from the airport and I was up until like 8:00 a.m. and we had to pick him up at like 10 trying to get the Easter egg again I couldn't do it I had to delete like hours of footage I was so sad that day we did it wait if we're on Explorer mode right does that mean baldi's not even alive like chasing us he might not even be hunting us cuz it's called Explorer mode after all so let's let's find out that could be why I didn't even hear him look at this guy he's like you're good meanwhile I don't even think he's chasing us give me this uh wait let's make him upset there we go all right let's see I don't think you're actually chasing me yeah uh-huh go ahead I know you're lying I know you're you're lying to me you're not going to come chase me I know you're not going to do it uh-huh one and you liar you liar you disappeared he's just been playing games with me I'm leaving I'm leaving yes I want to quit all right well I guess that's just for like looking around all right let's do uh field trips sure we're just kind of going through each what is this Farm camping the farm burned down don't worry though reparations are in progress help Baldi put the correct amount of sticks in okay wait I remember though let's do those the end challenges what do we have here stealth Speedy ooh I didn't I don't read these I just start them I just start oh my gosh I'm so fast holy oh yeah this is going to be so hard run grab the notebook and run 25 notebooks oh my go go go oh I hear him wait is he in front of me or no he's behind me he's behind me run no holy he's right behind me there's a dead end get in the locker okay come on what what kind of setup is that it leads to a dead end like what am I supposed to do in that situation all right I didn't see can you beat all levels without L yeah let's do that let's try that out Speedy is ridiculous save and quit uh no we're not quitters here whoa this schol looks different give me that thank you okay we only need to find three more this is easy wait a minute he's about to start hunting me I got to run run run run run run so this is like endless mode but he's actually here now let's take him all the way around on the whole map going to Loop them do a little bit of loop-de-loop and pull right here Loop all the okay there's one right here anyway so the last one's probably like near the elevator which is wait is that a door down there that might be chocolate give me eat that run all right here we go he's definitely yeah he's chasing us this time I hear him all right we have a chocolate bar which is very useful get out of the way nice move run run run no I hear oh no no no no no no no watch out for the principal yeah yeah yeah baldy you're not getting me let's be honest I'm way too quick and cool for you buddy all right you're not catching up to me can you get out of the way I can't see if the principal's up there you're blocking the whole hallway get out of the way okay hold on I think I saw the principal he was behind me he was down that hallway oh yeah we are oh my gosh wait yeah we we smoked them holy miles in front of them on to the next level so that's only one obviously it's going to be easy even though I got a C like huh what thought I did pretty good guess not all right uh do I want to go in sure let's see what do you have to $150 I have give me that thank you now I might not start uh give me that again okay I can't afford anything else all right that's good I got to be SOA I'll take that I'm trying to leave what do you mean hi a Baldi for me yeah okay buddy I'm not saying hi to Baldi for you let's go level two what do you got to say good that's it let's be CL you're good all oh wait no I should have taken that and not stared at him oh no I could have got such a head start I missed out on like 5 Seconds just standing there staring at him uh one one one take it run run run I got to get seven seven why would I need seven dude where do they think I'm going give chocolate bar give me that and run give me that and run what does this do the chalk eraser use that oh my what the heck are you what he what did you just call me Hank or I don't know fast what uhoh what too slow what are you try again who's he is he talking to I'm just going to I don't know if he's talking to me wait a minute why is he BDI what what why am I small he broke my legs run I don't know what's happening with that guy that guy is something El what is his what's his deal what's his deal he showed me two like of the little orbs from Minecraft and then killed me or snap both my legs I don't know I'm just going to avoid him I guess and go oh there he is again all right buddy look you may have made me tiny but that won't affect me I'm not going to that one he's right there I need to drink or eat this chocolate bar but I don't oh my legs they regrew I'm some kind of lizard or something my legs came back this is incredible all right let me in here what do we have okay four four four take it run run okay no principal run no principal we run okay so keep in mind there's another exit there it's in here whistle all right let me blow that whistle there we go I'm coming uh okay H well I didn't think that's what that would do but I guess so it makes the principal go over to that area uh okay let's see what else oh I see that oh I'm going to take not you again what don't don't you run towards me stop there no jump what is happening what is going on right now what okay I'm just going to go uh I'm upside down I don't know what's going on in this game right now I am upside down though I do know that that's quite the predicament to be in why why do I hear Baldi oh I'm going to cut through here I guess why do I hear why is he s oh my God I was like why is he sound so close oh I'm back let's go nice try oh come on no uh well this is okay I guess I'm I'm back all right I'm not running into that one I am oh hey there I'm not okay I have to run into it okay wait principal turned I go in here I solve this eight eight eight oh my gosh give me it run run run run oh it's you again hey what's up buddy what's your problem okay what's your problem what's your problem I like my knees oh no no I don't what's happening why' that guy just break my kneecaps and run off what is happening this way oh hey look at this one of these thank you okay what how am I wasn't I just upside down now I'm upside down get wait am I right side up I'm right side up I thought it was I'm just so tiny I can't tell anymore what no I can't grab the item oh thank you all right my legs are back all right I got a lock this is huge hold on n nine nine thank you yes run in what okay thanks Baldi but oh look at him wait I thought he was on my side for a second he stopped moving he looked kind of happy I don't know why it's like he was reminiscing and he thought about me and then he just changed his mind all right we're just going to go all the way oh it's you no I'm not giving you any of my items oh my sound like he he got so fast every time I go through that door okay he's over there this is fine we're do we're doing fine I have three three more there's a map which I always forget to use so wait the red one on the map is one that I haven't done yet right wait that's not even red that's just the locker oh no it is red okay I need to go in here I don't know what wait is this a room there's a tape in there I don't need that but wait look this Red Room what is why is this room red it's just a bunch of locker thingies or file filing cabinets all right uh map right now it's not working out too well I'm just going to be honest this map is kind oh my gosh what what is he I almost ran right into him I was reading my map oh no no no no no no no no no this is not the time this is not the time principal oh oh you're not the principal it's a trap he's going to break my kneecaps help no not today buddy nice try uh-oh I got to go wait uhuh nice oh Goodbye Oh we caught him that's happens when you break my knees ha look at him go you can't do nothing now I'm out of here wait have I Sol oh I haven't solved this zero take that and run take that and wait this is a dead end oh no oh no I don't know where he at oh oh oh no no what's happening oh my God what's happening h no that's Harry's room we got to go I don't know if the principal saw me or not I thought I thought I heard him say something but I don't know oh no okay this isad I don't know about this one for us fellas it's not looking too good I need one more notebook but I'm I don't know what to do hold on wait close I can't reach the button I'm too small wait I think that's where the last that's the last notebook in there oh my gosh no no no I hate you oh wait I might actually be able to escape this oh my gosh no way no way no way oh my gosh I'm insane I am insane move oh wait oh that's the last room okay I can do this I know what to do now I know what I must do what I must do is ooh mystery Room ooh Apple an Apple for baly baly now you can't kill me cuz I got you an apple and that would just be rude okay you know what I'm dead he's going to turn that corner and I yep I got an no problem buddy we good now a thanks look at that you enjoy that I'm going to yeah you you okay wow you're really really like that Apple I'm just going to go through here real quick hold on let me uh lock that okay and then we yeah this is looking good for us right oh my gosh this is it three come on come on come on sciss run run wait uh how do I zoom out of this zoom out how do I zoom out of this this way I go no no no not you okay yeah gotcha okay now we going here come on come on please please no no no not the fish no the fish death by fish not like this no no I have to run I have no other choice come capture me please capture me oh my God we were so close we were so close H how do I say how much money I have I thought it was this but I don't know yeah look I used it but I still have this will fill out your map no way you'll get lost oh that map is 150 oh these are my credits okay H I'll take create a cloud of chalk and block side of Baldi and his friends stand in TI to hide oh I can hide in it what totally worth the price hide above that is toally worth the price the fact that I can hide in it we're going to try that this is going to work watch this watch this watch this watch this okay I've got a huge brain idea right now oh there's another okay we can hide twice drink this run move move move okay this is going to work watch this what dude you've never seen something like this before you've never seen something like this before in your life watch this all right here's the plan right I have it in my hand another one I have no room all right watch this I have okay where is he where is he come here Baldi come here I got something for you buddy come here he come on come on over here buddy I want to show you something H oh not you okay let go run away leave me alone okay we hide uh smoke screen okay what the heck is that I'm hiding after see me in here okay now they definitely can't see me I am so tiny there's no way they can see see me in here this is going to work I have a feeling he's on his way he's very slow right now cuz I didn't grab any notebooks let me go grab this one let me grab this one hold on give me I can't reach it crap crap no no hide hide hide this is going to work this is going to work this is going to work I'm so small he's not even going to see me he's going to come in here like where'd he go and he's just going to leave no you you don't know I'm in here I'm hiding you don't know I'm in here there's no way okay wait he's getting close wait I feel like it's gonna end use another one that him he doesn't see me he doesn't see me give me this give me the item give me the item my gosh he actually doesn't see me it works dude wait is he going to use he's coming this way to leave I have to go no you don't see me you don't see me no he sees me how do you see me wait okay I'm in it now I'm in it you don't see me I think he actually doesn't see us as long as we're like in the middle of it even though he's staring right you don't see me right you don't oh my gosh he's leaving Works dude it works it's kind of scary but it does work all right well and just like that we've now officially lost Baldi okay hey there buddy how you doing what is this oh that's the Gumball thing from the thingy uh well this isn't going too well it was a good idea at first I will say now I have no idea where I am I'm upside down Baldi is still right behind me it's actually close to the if I was just to run away oh not you what do you what what what do you want what what what's what's your problem okay fast uhoh what too slow okay get out of the way get out of the way leave my legs alone leave my legs out of this my legs didn't do anything to you close it ha got him God doesn't know who he's messing with all right uh nine uh-huh there you go yep got it now oh all right guess we're going okay what do we have here what is that noise eight oh it's you okay 8 - 5 three three uh I can't even grab the notebook harder than me uh well can I can I get off the ceiling please or like can I get my legs back you sound really close oh you are oh hello okay wait no let me in I still can't grab the notebook I'm still too tiny hello can I get my legs back please what is going on okay this is fine he's slow enough to where I can okay maybe not oh legs please yes Run Okay run run run run run wait is there one in there no all right just fine okay hold on not you no give me on the bus give me on the bus what is this night is coming so we need to keep these fires burn out put the right amount of firewood into each fire there's a number on each fire and a math problem on each group of fire use your m to swap the fires around so that the firewood falls in the fires with the matching answer oh I get it oh my gosh wait uh zero zero no zero this one six two one I didn't even okay I I ran out wait wait two 1 7 yes okay this is easy I'm sleeping right now oh three come on come on a zero I don't have to do anything it does it for me great job 7 done right yes okay good easy great job uh that's right yep done oh my gosh that was actually kind of close I can't believe obviously the biggest number 1632 yep come on you guys would think I actually passed math looking at this I do want to remind you I've never passed math not one time in my entire life this is all I was born with this skill baby I was born to do this well the opposite of whatever this is uh uhoh wait a minute wait wait uh there holy okay this is actually kind of easy I can't believe 18 you're incredible 20 zero oh my gosh I should have became a mathematician 20 uhoh wait a minute uh I just remembered I could never beat Geometry what is this no wow that was the one I never passed it was geometry now we ready for the night oh we did it you've done it the fires are really warm you've earned these prizes nice that's not bad 200 wait wait oh oh my gosh there's so many what's this grappling oh hey there buddy out of the way don't do that no don't do that no it's fine we have time we have time I need to go in here I need to go in here I need to go in here eight eight where are you going no get back here okay run run run that's right okay yeah yeah yeah he's stopping and talking to himself guy thinks he's a YouTuber okay we're going to go through here Library wait last time I came in here I think when you go in here Baldi is silent that's what it is so you don't know where he is me out of here get me out oh come on dude I want to be able to use my grappling hook you better not stop me from using it I got points for that not you zero zero zero okay scissors I need those but I I'd rather have the items I have now items I have now are kind of crazy I'm just saying they're kind of good uh six uh oh my go what it's a six notebook and the number six the answer okay it's in here I'm not wait that's a lock no I'm not going to grab it I'm not going to grab it the chance of running into two Yellow Doors you get to use that on way too like slim he's on his way he's behind us though I'm going to run should I go in here no no no wait I think I know where the last one is I think I actually do dude this it no okay I don't know where it wait there it is I I don't know I want to stop running wait it's in here okay go in go in go in oh what's the six hold on wait wait I have to throw this at him okay hold on I have to get my stamina back throw this at him anyone feel run run run run give me it run run yes oh he stops he stops okay we're good isn't there one over here there's an exit yeah this is a fake one though well I think no matter what one of them is fake okay come on come on come on we got this we got this uh-huh yeah yeah yeah yeah I knew that was fake oh wait this that noise what is that okay watch this watch this want no I didn't mean to run right there no no oh my gosh no use the grappling hook yes oh dude no I closed that door on myself oh no this is bad this is bad the principal wait there's five uses on it oh my gosh this thing is crazy oh my gosh we won we won come on come on come on come on yes hey get in get in yes oh my gosh that was crazy that was insane holy I didn't know that thing had five uses I saw the five and I was like hm I don't know what that means but now it makes sense all right I got some money to spend now 740 okay hm you won't be able to resist taking oh totally worth the price um H prevent to oh wow those are pretty useful I never knew what those did those been out for like years I never knew what these boots did these I can't buy it's not available yet will fill out buy this uh no that doesn't help all right I think I don't know if I want to get this one all right I think I'm going to grab this this and this and then I'm going to call that a day this is this is good this is good I apple is insanely useful so I will gladly use that I think we had to use the Apple for like an Easter egg didn't we or something why is the light so dim in here oh crap we got to go uh eight eight eight eight eight eight run that uhhuh look at this look at this wait wait look you're not going to know where I went wait there's another one six go go go go go go okay this is perfect this is perfect he's not going to know which way I went oh he's going to hear me open the door but uh well wait actually he can't hear me until he starts if I can get out of this room before he start no he heard it dang it he heard it go go he would have heard that anyway oh there there's that guy that's his room dang it I thought that was where there'd be a notebook all right so this is good though we have a good start right now I will say what is this I remember this um it opens a portal but I what the heck was that oh what's this wa okay this is an interesting room oh I'll take that I guess lets me go in here uh well I mean this is what is dude what oh it's you oh no I forgot you even existed check your map what are you saying I don't know what you're saying check my map what is going on I'm faculty leave me alone 6 S8 take that give me that run run run this is oh that was a conveniently placed quarter what's in here anything useful wait I'm faculty I'm allowed to be in here and I'm allowed to run WD squeeze on that bad boy need a checkup no no one needs a checkup you are a strange creature uh what do we have here nine crap all these on his way go go go go go okay this is fine we're not doing too bad right now okay I had to say something no no leave me alone I'm not using my appal on baly this early there's no way I still have four more notebooks to find like it's too early I do need to lose them somehow what's in here oh okay well let's not mess with that guy I'm going to eat this I'm going to solve this zero zero take it take it run run no no no no what I'm upside I don't know where I how did the heck how did I get what is happening what what just happened I didn't even give him the candy I just got flipped upside down I thought I gave him the candy is that oh that's a room I need to go in dang it I don't know how we're going to do this this is a rough one uh well I'm upside down I'm right side up I'm everywhere dude this is fine though I think this is another room I need to oh my there's so many rooms I need to go into but like I can't cuz I'm upside down if I go in there while I'm upside down the last three rooms are all right here okay we need to strategize here what is that noise oh hello I somehow just avoided got to sweep by going on the ceiling can this game stop I'm going to throw up wait which way I can't even tell where I was is been in there okay I don't know where I just went but wherever I am now is not where I need to be I don't know where those notebooks are oh 6 seconds I need to get to her she's all the way over I'm not going to make it I don't know minutes left well uh you see up what happened was I didn't really want to go over there all right you again great uh where where's that where did the room go with all the notebooks oh hello oh my oh what no going into the Hall run run move run oh no he's going to be behind me he's going there he is he's silent now I don't know what to do like all the luck we just had just got thrown away because I got tossed around in this game and everything that was useful to me is now gone this is it yeah okay hold on zero but do you think he'll be able to oh wait you won't kill me right cuz you're oh my oh oh thank thank you weird demon wow thank you for that that was actually why am I lock thing oh uh okay looks like a crystal from Legend of Zelda like a gem just bouncing around what's your problem what what do you can I leave well thank you that actually saved my life so she's kind of a nice lady she just saved my life you didn't have to do all that now you're just going to follow behind me aren't you oh whistle I don't know no I'm calling the principal over here I'm just going to throw it hello there's Baldi so uh this is not not good this is not a particular spot I want to be in right now I don't like where this is going uh I've never been this way so we're going to go this way I know where the last three wait this is a oh great this is a square dude I don't I don't hear him wait why do I not hear Baldi what is going on I guess I'm hey there how you doing okay you know this is fine Baldi doesn't know where I am somehow and we're just playing jump rope in the corner this is not bad I do not mind this okay wait I hear him I hear himar okay I hear him to my left zero n what eight huh s we use these take it take it no no no no no no no no no let me in I'm in my doctor's office now okay you didn't you hit the wall uhoh wait it locked the door uh go this way go this way I think the last notebooks that I need are over here what's okay nothing useful in here right now I don't know what to do cuz I've got oh no run no oh oh wait he can hit Baldi with that if he did that could save the run the only thing right now that's saving this run potentially is this apple that's all I got going for me right now this apple dude is the only thing that could potentially save my life I got nothing else dude nothing wait there's a room over here I haven't been in see oh no he's already behind oh well this is the end this is the end for us fellas we had a good run oh wait wait a minute wait a minute please please I don't want to use the Apple no app dang for me no it wasn't for well it was for you but not right oh no no no no no no no no no no leave me alone stop following me you bald creature oh my okay well do some silent jump rope thank you all right can I well you know what this is good just some complete silence all right this is it's over for us it's over for us it's over our run is dead it's dead it's it's in the dirt right now it's over because I oh wait I I think this is where the last room is you see that on the map I I I I lost I lost but I mean I guess I'll just grab this last notebook because this isn't even a what is happening he just swept everyone on top of me all right dude yeah yeah 15 seconds that's good that's good great yeah thank you for that I how did he just go in there that's a dead end what are you doing what are you doing huh well all right just let me in here let me in here let me in give me the keys give me the tape oh that it could have gotten worse it literally I was like oh that's bad but it can't get any worse than that and then it just got worse and worse and then well guys that was Bal Basics the new update very fun there's a lot going on pretty wild but got a lot going for it and I think it's going to start getting more updates so stay tuned to the channel if you guys want to see more anyways I'll see you guys in the next one thank so much for watching peace out
Channel: FusionZGamer
Views: 280,413
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: baldis basics plus v0.4, baldi's basics, baldis basics plus, baldi's basics plus 0.4, baldi's basics plus 0.4 ending, baldi's basics plus update, horror game, indie horror game, baldi's basics dr reflex
Id: QzFlz0c9Ojc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 7sec (2227 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 28 2024
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