Poppy Playtime Chapter 3 BUT CUTE Animation // DOGDAY Got His Legs Back?!

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somebody please help me prepare for the tortures crafty crafty are you in danger yes these Critters are torturing me wait a second I need to think I know what to do come on player are you even trying of course I am there you go you are free now are you sure oops come on Bobby release her there it comes prepare for the punishment children oh no it's Miss Delight we need to run come on player shut the door you cannot Escape me you little brat looks like we can what are we going to do now I have an idea I'll attach Miss delight's legs to you and you'll be able to walk again look at you isn't it great crafty are you okay let's play time for the punishment player oh no she's become Miss delight come here player it will hurt just a little come on open up you stupid door prepare to die get out crafty here's my friend they'll figure it out I need to go come here kitties I won't hurt you don't be scared I just want to give you a little hug 10 minutes ago drink drink my babies I love you so much Bubba look it's catnapping his babies I want to drink milk so bad we can steal it from them with your magic that's a great idea let's do it hold up something ain't [Music] right what where did their milk go who's that over there that's it you're done mini Critters go get these cats sir yes sir we will get [Music] oh hi there fluffy you will become my new favorite Pets Come here kitties I won't hurt you don't be scared I just want to give you a little hug no what are you doing [Music] stop nice job yes I finally have legs again wait a minute how did this happen 5 minutes before that oh no I've lost my legs again is there anyone who can help me hello dog day what happened catnap tore me apart and took away my legs don't worry I'll help you really of course come on let's make your new legs what's next let's add some magic T are you sure this is a good idea I know what I'm doing men and how do you know what to do look everything is written in the recipe give it to me do you honestly think you're funny seriously what was the last ingredient we need someone who has legs this chicken will do and this is the last ingredient will it work oh yes let's go to a more comfortable [Music] place drink it will help you grow new legs I'm not sure but we have to [Music] try yes I finally have legs again wait a minute how did this happen oops looks like I should have used your fur hey why aren't you in jail what the hell is going on here here fresh eggs help yourself I have to [Music] go this is my chance you will be punished for your Escape do you know what I learned when you took my legs and what did you learn change legs with a snap of your fingers what a idiot yes I'm free what fresh meat oh come on I'm in jail [Music] again Bon appeti catnap this is all for you this fish is so [Music] appetizing thank you no no no no no hey what are you doing you swallowed a kitten I'm just trying to get it out it's so warm and wet in here come on come on I know he's somewhere here take [Music] this um Mr light are you okay 5 minutes later okay this thing should help I'll suck out this little parasite with a vacuum cleaner what the what is this thing I caught him come on we're almost there there you are you little parasite time for the punishment not so fast I'm not done yet I'm coming friend I got this now it's your turn oh no he's mine again okay this plan didn't work as intended what should I do now you shall [Applause] die wait I've got an idea I'll put this lemon in catnaps mouth and he'll spit out that little one it's time to get this done come here catnap eat this wait wait wait guys please don't hurt me it's too late now punk prepare for the punishment my babies I love you so much Daddy I wish I could be near you all the time oh no catnap is coming hide hey catnap I hear weird noises you're not doing anything suspicious right of course not woo he's gone come here my little monsters hey guys could you help me I need you to open the door so I can escape okay [Music] Daddy there she is be quiet the mace this should come in handy I think think this is what we need okay listen we can use this mace to break father's cage I will surprise her with these flowers good idea hello Miss Delight this is for you it's so nice of you to bring me flowers what where is my M they stole it here you go daddy oh no where did you get that mace oh there you are give it back it's mine and don't you ever touch that again Daddy how are you feeling okay 2 hours later look catnap has the key see if you can get it and bring it back we won't let you down I'm so proud of my children here's this key take it and let's go 1 2 3 what wait what's taking them so long daddy we brought the key yay finally I'll be free don't get your hopes up oh no don't touch my baby help help no one can save you oh God okay you're too cute to kill 5 minutes later they're so cute when they're sleeping it's nice when everything ends well [Music] not I miss you so much brother I wish I could find you [Music] what no one will'll find you what are these bones what is this place rejected might it be no that's not possible but I have to check what is this place is looks [Music] familiar oh my God where am [Music] I what I've been looking for you do you remember me I'm not really sure [Music] I don't know the answer type three three is the answer wrong answer you are being rejected brother no you betrayed me forgive me brother two of you are going to be punished I'll kill you you stupid dog let me help oh [ __ ] Fu you
Channel: ToonBurger
Views: 547,006
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: bG27nzhqYAg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 47sec (647 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 29 2024
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