Pop Quiz Hotshot (and To Boldly Flee) - ralphthemoviemaker

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Channel Awesome has a lot of videos on things they don't like, but plenty that they do have a strong love and affection for. They also appear to just keep that work related, as most of them have families and a strong circle of friends. Their out of character personas are also very upbeat and positive.

Obviously things like the game show aren't above ridicule, but these people however, like Quinton Reviews, are bizarrely obsessed and not only have a clear mental instability, but they seem to think they're going to get under CA's skin by assuming the people at CA have the same loneliness and immaturity as they do. In reality it's pretty obvious the people at CA don't care because they have actual lives outside the internet.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 7 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/OrganicCrab πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 02 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

I donr see why he decided to do this now as nothing specific happened relate to this and felt most has been said what can be said about those vids already

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 7 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/jfsredhead πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 02 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Take a shot every time Ralph callously uses the word "film"

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 5 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Megasus πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 02 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Film brain said this in regards to vid https://mobile.twitter.com/FB_BMB/status/1279343117087518726

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 4 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/jfsredhead πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 04 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies


  1. Oh, Ralph mocked To Boldly Flee. How original. Even NC mocked it directly.
  2. Pop Quiz Hotshot was a Kickstarter not working out, not a malicious scam.

Yes, I am a little salty about it because this isn't original at all.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 6 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Brody_M_the_birdy πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 02 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

I am torn a bit about the seemingly odd amount of β€œDunk on CA” videos that are being made by big creators recently. CA always seemed to be that one off to the corner channel no one really looked at. I figured if any videos about CA would’ve been made but said creators it would’ve been in the aftermath of CTC.

I also think it’s just primarily they had a lot of former viewers growing up and launching their own successful channels, and are now looking back.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/AMA_requester πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 13 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

This whole sardonicast crew is cringe

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/AnotherThrow53 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 02 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies
πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/jfsredhead πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 04 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies
what a beautiful day the sun is shining cats are roaming about the birds are chirping this is the perfect day to stay inside and watch a bunch of nostalgia critic hello I'm the Statue Critic I remember so you don't have to two things in particular to boldly flee which is an Internet video he calls a film and also a trivia show that he crowdfunded I'm Doug Walker he might know me as Star editor writer and director of such shows as the nostalgia critic when I was younger I did watch nostalgia critic and bomb reviews and I asked so it was called something like that and he's in a robe that material probably had an impact on me as a young man and shaped the person I grew up to be I don't know if that's a good thing or a bad thing heads up America [Music] so Doug Walker made to boldly flee he announced the end of the nostalgia critic and he raised money to make this and while there's many shows we're currently working on right now one of them could use your help and by help I need money for his new show he needed fifty thousand dollars that was his goal he got eighty nine thousand seven hundred and fifty seven dollars for ten dollars you gotta thank you for 25 dollars again autograph photo two hundred dollars you get a voicemail greeting Doug will record a voicemail greeting the Skype call with Doug and Rob for five hundred dollars holy screen your show Doug and Rob will screen your video series and give you some tips and pointers through a Skype call for $750 for $1500 you get a tour of the studio and take home a copy of every DVD CD in the store thus far watch doug film an episode of the nostalgia critic and take home a copy of every DVD CD we have lunch with Doug and Rob hey come a copy of every DVD CD we have sold in the store $6,500 appear as a character in the Stoddard Critic plus you'll get a copy of every DVD CD we have sold in the store thus far we have stretch goals which you can see below oh I'm dedicated to getting you even more so one of the next ones being a video game game show lies lies these are all lies game game Jenny probably won't be called that he's just talking out of his ass we've been working hard to collect costumes props and all sorts of goodies to make more productions he's so vague about everything he keeps saying we're gonna use some money to make productions and once we put that money to good use we'll continue to bring you productions and shows your way most important of all once we get the money in the equipment to get the production's we need going we're gonna open up this place to other productions their productions whether it be online or what else according to the channel awesome website with the 89 thousand dollars they received they used forty seven thousand seven hundred sixty seven dollars and sixty seven cents for productions the leftover money is being used to continue filming pop quiz hotshot he says Brad Jones who plays cinema snob is going to host the show the answer's no no idea that would be Grenada you said Kurt Oh would it so been wrong that's why we got funny man and nostalgia expert Brad Jones the host the show my name is synonymous with nostalgia but one thing is eluded me the game show then there's miss Stockholm she has apparently been kidnapped by Brad and she's locked in the basement with pink fuzzy handcuffs that they got in a sex store all of this is totally unnecessary it's up universe it's like the bare minimum of what he needed to do that's actually crash I've never seen a host looks so bored to be there hey Brad why don't you look up based on Madame Butterfly what 1990s musical staple featured a helicopter landing on stage hint it's said in Vietnam between this and between this and okhla tune the musical that would be Miss Saigon icon and the score is max 30 John 230 looks like I'm gonna have a new friend in the dungeon he's doing it just like in the movie the music is mixed to loud you cannot hear what he's saying [Music] giorgia dungeon this pilot episode is also 10 minutes longer than the normal episodes of pop quiz hotshot are you ready to face off against the final boss the Nostalgia Critic okay I think that's all I need to see if love is an open door life can be so much more a lot frozen is the places microphone at though that's ancient history been there done Hercules $90,000 and he has to point the microphone at the guests as they say the answer Doug clearly loves Disney and he keeps asking himself questions about it so the category is Disney love songs when I read you a lyric I know what's really going on here the 80s and 90s rule on a show actually aired it was Doug hosting but you're my friends now yes yes you are and that just makes me so had because this is what friends do please please stand off you have a gun yes not very wise so boldly flee was interesting in a certain way but I find this interesting because he put everything on the line for this he ended his most popular show to make this it's a trivia show that doesn't make any sense I'm the Nostalgia Critic and ever since I was a child I always wanted to play games quoting movies and TV with my friends they present it like the character of nostalgia critic is a crazy person who kidnaps all these people and makes them contestants in this weird game show now that I have power I can take my friends by Forest there will be last trivia those disturbing cartoons that give you night terrors but it makes the character of nostalgia critics so unlikable and weird I don't understand why they did it and why it's even necessary because really it's just a bland game show all of this extra stuff he adds on top of it doesn't add anything to it it starts with some kind of game Oh get the fat nipples off of Batman they're out of focus and then they just do a bunch of questions that make no sense which Tim Burton film featured the lyric just because I cannot see it doesn't mean I can't believe Nightmare Before Christmas Henry Selick directed the movie the way yes the question wasn't clear at all it wasn't specific enough then there's a guy general at ascetic get it and he just stands there with a gun threatening to kill the contestants who lose turn-turn that is going to be there if you do that again good that was really necessary I'm glad you put tons of money into having a guide to stand there and contribute absolutely nothing to the show critic go ninja go ninja go ninja turtles do incorrect Doug's intention was to make this a trivia show but it was also funny what separates this from other game show well we want to make this one funny this isn't funny good for you you want cookie what a dick it has a dark sense of humor the point of a game shows that everything is very friendly and it's like comfort food you can go in any one of those shows and the host comes out and he's like a very friendly respectable guy hi there my name is mr. whatever and welcome to family trivia night it's clever but it isn't funny I expected more out of you Tom no that's pretty much my life yeah Wow and you're sad and you're bringing me in a bad mood oh but it's a joke shut up it's a joke he's not really mad I don't know he looks pretty pissed to me yeah I don't know rope in my carpet has nothing to do with gum oh of course not god I am so glad I got to you before you get to me and he made the same joke again oh you grew up in their car I'm glad I got to you before you got to me you made the joke already I haven't taken your eyes in which money Python film did John Cleese shout I say you're the Messiah Lord and I should know I follow a few this question suck coming and I've saw in therapy I am so shocked you didn't kidnap me you made that a joke already somewhere this got switched around cos you should clearly be kidnapping me I've never heard of Popeye fam more dedicated and scary but good for you man nicely done nicely done no problem you know I'm glad I kidnapped you too because clearly you would be kidnapping other people with stories like this finish this Kevin Spacey line the greatest trick the devil ever pulled was tearing me apart devil you know what but they give it to him because they move you up it's so much better if they have my given a what they didn't make you laugh if the contestant does not know the answer but can make the Nostalgia Critic laugh ten points are still given what Steven Spielberg movie had the line we seem to have reached the age where life stops giving us things and starts taking them away Batman Begins the classic Steven Spielberg hey you know what yeah I gave him the point for that that wasn't funny that wasn't a good answer but who cares just don't care he's given ten points it was a totally different movie with that line no actually it was as good as it gets you make me want to scream again a very different movie if you would have said that you made that same joke two times already yes and my last name is beverage and no one ever it's spelled differently but no one ever believes that how do you spell beverage different q that is Bell beverage day friendly and what action film de steve buscemi say define irony a bunch of idiots dancing on a plane to a song made famous by a band that died in a plane crash Wizard of Oz the movie would have been a lot better if he wasn't if I know that was actually Conair the priest would be a totally different movie wizard yeah it would be in American Beauty which actor said look at me jerking off in the shower joerger's oh Jesus Christ you have to dress up and talk like Popeye for round two name the Star Wars character who said it's an older code sir but it checks out L mean when can L be know is actually Admiral Piett yeah I didn't know that one he just picked an obscure character so he can make fun of the name instead of writing a question that was good and I just liked the fact that somebody decided hey you know this character's name should be peeing let's go over this together okay dude stay at the microphone and ask the questions walk breakage actors I think they should make Walt Disney's fatal attraction is ten points you know what I'm giving you ten points for that simply because I think we should make Walt Disney's fatal attraction in the final round the winner has to face off with nostalgia critic Tom if you win you'll be able to get this you can build yourself as well as a hundred dollars in cash $100 $100 is not worth this amount of public humiliation Spaceballs clothes it's actually space balls not pants baseballs but I'll give you the points anyway the three amigos clothes it's the three amigos not the three Amiga today's theme is Star Wars quotes in my experience there's no such thing as luck han Solo incorrect it's a trap this guy of dinner Akbar how do you not know advil Akbar nicely done you walk out of here with your life but on the plus side I think the police are gonna be looking for you soon anyway it's out of focus the police are gonna be looking for you soon anyway he keeps asking questions about the same movies finish this line from Full Metal Jacket for instance there are so many questions about the film Full Metal Jacket according to gunnery sergeant Hartman in Full Metal Jacket only two things come from Texas can we say it am i mud dick and my balls you are quite the enigma shader you are a fascinating specimen that I'm giving ten points to at his worst he just gets stuff wrong name the Christopher Nolan film that had the line I can't remember to forget you I was going to say the prestige buy my shirt that's funny or true so after that come on you don't know the prestige is a Christopher Nolan movie you're right let me try that again here okay okay I'll go I'll go there's a man with a gun right next to you right now jump you're married I got nothing else to live for ten points just based on that cuz you know what if he gets out your wife is gonna kill him anyway they're gonna shut up by our contestant there a little bit done you know I like you oh really Doug you like me I like you because I really want to punish you for getting this one wrong in the movie Being John Malkovich so I'm gonna give you the ten points for that Reservoir Dogs yes the Tarantino film now is the center of a Tarantino film even before he became Tarantino what's even the jump dunk the joke doesn't make any sense it's like a Tarantino movie before the dirty you know pick a Tarantino cuz you don't even know what to say we will see you next time on pop quiz hotshot are you ready Dominic go get the codpiece inside David Boies pants I vote to skip the opening welcome back to all my balls I can tell why that man has the silver balls to cover up the fact that his balls are probably blue and that's some sort of medicated lotion a puts oh you don't give it to me in two episodes he has made the same exact joke a hundred times I will vlog diffusive teen spirit no it's actually there's something about Mary but by God would that be amazing if he said Eska lieth in Madagascar what are some of the core problems with this show compared to other trivia shows the budget seems very limited the questions aren't good the rules are really complicated for no reason there's this whole thing called spaz ease look out for the spasm so this shot of the contestant is completely out of focus mr. Smithers incorrect and they had to write in some stupid joke about how they wanted his shot to look bad on purpose minion are you ready yes are you ready it looks terrible and it's distracting from the point of the show which is just to answer questions critic requested no favoritism in these establishing shots what what what what was what was what what was who was the character that said that's a lot of fish in the 1998 Godzilla classic that's just a joke from a nostalgia critic video that's a lot of fish Robert De Niro's said I'll make him an offer he can't refuse in what movie The Godfather no it is actually Godfather Part 2 trick question sandy video via YouTube stating your name and why you think it would be a good contestant hi my name's Ralph sippy they think I would be a great contestant for a pop quiz hot shot now I'll tell you why cuz I love film also sometimes [ __ ] so not funny so distasteful so pointless it's just pointless is that even a film are you you know I'm gonna give you those points because if they ever did make a monster squad to that remove the title you do a really really good Chris Rock impression I mean I don't mean the bread this kind of kept me on the right day the impressions on this show are really good was that Shay your was your voice really breaking there I'm air Winky on the reset that is I'll be taking these Huggies whatever cash you got is putting paper bags over their heads a requirement I'm giving you ten points for that you know what I want you to answer all the following questions like Chris Rock like I said fried energy this guy starts provoking Doug which movie featured the way harsh insult you're a virgin who can't drive your autobiography from what Spielberg movie is this line from Stern if this factory ever produced right there it's obvious what the answer is Schindler's List really a guy dresses like that you don't all these movies but you know Schindler's List childhood what are you talking about none of your business Don't Ask Don't Tell Chris really Dorothy the brains was in there is and he just continues to go after him he has no brains much like you right now wearing that are you having that okay it's not funny yourself in the mirror Wow that definitely does there's ten points right there $150 this time all right all right it's going up and then the Stalder critic wins the prize money is $150 because the contestant from last time lost his money goes to the next contestant that wins then Doug just pockets 50 all of this money and barely any of it went to the contestants baked Lebowski edition so this entire episode is just Big Lebowski questions it should be sorry you will be sorry okay okay and they still get most of them wrong general anesthetic is just in a t-shirt now and he has a vest on he's off to like the corner of the frame finish this line from when Walter bashes the sports car in you see what happens Larry you see what happens when you [ __ ] with strangers that is not right it's when you had to go even more vulgar when you [ __ ] a stranger in the what kind of question is that get rid of all the guns and the references to murder and like killing all the contestants skip out of here don't dance he's already doing like a special episode it's like the fourth episode of the show you start doing special episodes like this when you have formula that works and people like and then you start mixing it up a little bit later on right $200 yeah Walter Sobchak Daniel Radcliffe Maude Lebowski max tell Brooke oh my god this is the episode where they have Edie from Eddie and Eddie as one of the contestants they don't have the foresight to go no one is going to like this and Punk is nothing but uh of the crowd and we're back down to $100 there are 11 episodes total of pop quiz hot shot it's actually pathetic how few episodes they made it's just that a lot of these are the same they ask the questions they do the stupid games it's so repetitive and boring to watch this is a pretty eventful episode so we'll skip to this one for now [Music] so now cinema snob and another guy are on the show used to be the host of a game show I did yeah welcome to purgatory [ __ ] yeah they don't even want to be bagged begum this is pop quiz hotshot it to general I wouldn't either if I was on that show I'd be like get that paper bag away from me you're not putting a paper bag on my head it's a quiz show I want $100,000 in court we put that bag on my head you [ __ ] whatever there's a weird answer he does the same thing he just gives a look enough whiskey turns any 10 Burton movie into a comedy you've clearly already stolen his kitchen tiles so he's so pissed that he's getting showed up by his own contestants really you're gonna give I know you yo you get one Oh given the points and what movie did Christoph Waltz say I got a bingo inglourious basterds yes whooping great if he's actually said if they go as well you made that joke all right II don't even find these two together are you dating were you dating you're not funny and nobody loves you [Laughter] [Music] I'm giving you the points on that one my friend because that's that wasn't that a very different movie though not that for an episode a this is like the hundredth time you've used the very different movie if you would have said that they caused our explosion given that given the place for creativity right somehow there's 50 points between the two of you not one if you have actually gotten all right answer yet maybe it's because you give away points for no reason you play 12 different instruments can you name them all in 10 seconds the girls in this show are and always have been 14 years old the age of consent in many parts of Japan is in fact sex between 13 to 17 year olds can only be done with other 13 to 17 year olds why did I still put her in the top 11 hottest anime a women list I didn't really listen to it you only applaud the fact that we all have eyewear on in this episode that's really weird that might be the first time would you count this guy's helmet as eyewear how about the first episode of the show where they all had glasses on do you remember that really give him the point no Bing you pervert ten points jerking off in the shower to a fourteen-year-old [Applause] [Music] they didn't care about the technical aspects of those three videos they made to boldly fleeca cassia and suburban Knights what pop quiz hotshot was supposed to be a fresh start I think they were going for something more professional and they fell on their face Discovery Channel documentary and after these 11 episodes it's just thrown away dude you are not gonna believe this this house is wiped out it came from wherever that signal came from I think he's dead this is a total waste of time okay we got that out of the way [Music] channel awesome a hub for a bunch of film reviewers I just I can't even look at it the channel awesome series of anniversary films they gathered all of the movie reviewers together from the site the first ones called kickassia I saw it when it came out I saw all of these when they came out by the way and I watched the entire thing as they were released you can tell like he cared a little bit there like filming in fields doing battle scenes that aren't well done the next Doug Walker production was loafing called suburban nights the all dressed up in like a bunch of cosplay uniforms and they got in a field and they fought each other I remember Matty amity was a guy from Captain Planet he was in one of the nostalgia critics reviews which I guess was for Captain Planet and he's now a reoccurring character in suburban nights he was killed off at the end of the movie [Music] and it was like a really dramatic moment I remember when I was 13 I was crying the reason why I'm focusing on to boldly flee specifically the most is because I think that's the worst one it's just a bunch of film references so Pat it out these aren't really movies these are like internet videos that this guy kind of whipped up I don't understand why this is a big proxxon it's a guy sitting in front of a wall talking about a movie then what really put a nostalgia critic on the map recently was his review the Pink Floyd the wall of nostalgia critic there's no point overthinking any of this there is a whole lot of controversy surrounding channel awesome I work for channel awesome who also put me in shows like sibling rivalry bum reviews and that's not really the point of this video we will get into some of it but there's way too much for me to even cover and of course our anniversary notes so let's go through the video why is it all blue I just see a bunch of blue [Music] this is cram [Music] oh that guy that's a film brain okay film brain so annoying [Music] my god he's not a focus I don't know who that guy is so is he's listening to outer space through his headphones that are connected to that satellite and he's looking on Google Earth it has a big dent in it then Doug Walker wakes up from his two day acid trip it's a feeling I'm not used to nostalgia critic is calling film brain because he feels sad about Mattia he misses him but what makes Doug want to call film brain in this moment is that what the opening of the film was a dream and it makes Doug wake up and go man I miss Mattie today and then he calls film brain and that should have been communicated within the first minute and a half of the film you're under house arrest under what charges this is the start of a whole subplot in which the nostalgia critic is placed under house arrest for copyright later on they figure out a way to get that angle bracelet off em in the end he has the choice to leave the house and get a life [Music] but he chooses to stay inside his house [Applause] he's sweating profusely the digital zoom ins with the red cup then they reuse footage from suburban nights and they reuse footage from the nostalgia critic review then they reuse footage of kickassia the unstoppable copyright killer that reviewers like the nostalgia critic won't even be in business anymore here we go with the social commentary about how Congress is going to pass some kind of copyright law that's going to make him make less money people don't see and that creates as a threat these charlatans are threatening freedom and making it harder to protect our corporate oligarchies Smurfs too may have to be cancelled again with the straw man arguments people think they're watching reviews so they tune in to these bozos who put on scatological rents filled with pop-culture references husband has created this whole world in his head where there's like some guy in the suit talking [ __ ] about film critics and it's just a bunch of guys or anything on the internet you'll give these critics too much credit look up smart that is the pile of pop-culture referencing peons so the bad guys in this movie are like the people who hate film critics [Music] this is just such a love letter and you can download the dog-walker takes center stage in so many moments that are horrible he is overacting bracelet he gets on the phone with Spoony who is playing a different character this is going to be something you're gonna have to get used to spoonie in this case is playing one of the characters from Battlefield Earth a notoriously bad movie you look like Coolio trick-or-treating is Jack Sparrow John Travolta didn't play that character bad enough there's no attention paid to if it's even framed correctly if you have limited resources then try to make the thing as short as possible limit the amount of time you're telling the story so you can consolidate I'm not sure if they let his face yellow and then dog's face blue or if in post-production they just kind of put a gradient over them and given their laziness it was probably done in post what are you doing here have you lost your mind do you remember this scene from Star Trek the hell are you doing have you lost your mind help meet you take me home bones we are we are home help me critic take me home boom it's funny we are home I guess all these guys are like skyping with each other I am running a scan see if we can use my satellite to get a lock on it they all go in their computer and they're trying to track down that signal but the gravitational pull has to be stupendous whatever it is it's gigantic okay tracking complete source point is confirmed as super then Linkara Cara yes I'm gonna go get I'll go go he opens the door and he's like looking that way also you can see the green screen that they left on the computer monitor it's fine it's a video on the Internet no one will consider it a movie then Spoony has a meeting with rob walker who is playing the emperor from the Star Wars so holes Reach is strong in him he must not be allowed to intern their interaction is so painfully boring that I just keep phasing out I can eat this while watching any [ __ ] it could be the worst movie all time I could I miss I'll be folks see you won't do it me just be trial yours X come and it's gonna wait then this guy comes in Y critic why did you leave mati in that oatmeal cat he's dressed as like a Jedi from Star Wars this is the good stuff so you get this a spell of your French that means city takes autonomy that's some brioche bread so the sci-fi guy gets his [ __ ] house blow up and angry Joe's like oh my god dude you are not gonna believe this the dude with the robes comes back and he starts talking about the plot I sense a disturbance in the plot the plot there's just a bunch of plot holes in the movie he starts listing them off where did you get that battle footage who filmed it why is it so well edited when did mati find the time to do this there's no continuity man this movie's deconstructing its own narrative it's so complex they have a machine that can read mine and it actually goes down a route that's really funny were you sexually attracted to your sister I don't know who to blame I guess Doug wrote it did Rob come up with the concept for that scene remind me to ask he's a transvestite or a transvestite so this Todd and the shadows guy I guess he's supposed to be the ladies man of the group all the girls are really attracted to him because he's mysterious I don't know there's just something about a guy in a mask who's clearly hiding some deep emotional damage sexy meanwhile he gets to laugh at them in the background we would like for you to please stop dyeing your head that horrible red so our paths will no longer be blinded by your hellishly [ __ ] colors and so long as we're talking about Airspace you might want to put a nostalgia chick on your Maps car obviously padded bras much too large [Music] no one ever gets to insult Doug because he's the boss he's a genius he created the Nostalgia Critic I mean the brag but it was a pretty big hit I don't be deport back but it was a pretty big cage well except for a saxophone shaped penis penis you're not paying them it's a [ __ ] anniversary special and it's supposed to be a comedy you're making them say all this weird [ __ ] whichever he's break not his penis penis he doesn't care anymore he's not even thinking about what he's writing it's literally just regurgitating scenes from movies there's a ton of scenes from Star Trek hi sir then we come back to Spoony in his bedroom and it turns out that in the computer they're actually talking to Mattie the video quality keeps changing none of it looks good but it goes from a high-quality digital camera to like a web camera this is just the scene from ghostbusters shut this off city Zola I'm warning you turning off these machines would be extremely hazardous the Nostalgia Critic calls upon the rest of the film critics from channel awesome by tapping his phone all of these different web personas are teaming up to fight the looming threat of the plot hole they set it all up to look like the bridge from Star Trek except it's a basement Linkara has now been replaced by a mecha Cara his voice is much more annoying this is starting to sound a lot like nonsense and that's because it is I don't get why this story had to be so complicated this could have just been something simple and straightforward and short you're such a geek I find that illogical and that's why your undateable once again nostalgia critic putting down someone else throughout the entire scene you can see the poster of suburban nights as well as a blaring light source only one light that's shining from behind them and he's still out of focus and the rest of the room is dark so this guy starts like writing something okay hey Jo the mad scientist girl shows up she starts talking to him I just had this oddly specific daydream I had to get it all down on paper does your hat look like my hat Zod and John Travolta are hanging out Zod thinks the place needs a remodeling the critics got it right they must make the works at home in their home their work transformed this place at once some of the Dutch angles are clearly a parody of Battlefield Earth but most of the time I just think they didn't level the tripod there's also a love triangle Todd and the shadows guy is madly in love with lupa meanwhile nostalgia chick is crazy about Todd in the shadows but Todd in the shadows just doesn't feel the same way I'll tell you what you get my back and I'll get yours wonder if this friendship will experience some obstacles over the course of this film I mean over the course of this video and then nostalgia chick is just walking around she follows a bunch of wires that lead her to Mecca Cara it's just not funny this is the script to the original scene which from what I read is way worse no oh there is no subtlety to any of the humor every joke goes on for too long every visual gag is poorly communicated we cut back to Zod and Spoony they're using the same angles of the characters as they talk the guy in the red collared shirt wants to be captain now I'm sick of playing second banana to you they tell him he won't be a good captain cuz he's a redshirt this time I'm in charge buddy I don't think that's a good idea why not look what you're wearing yeah so well it's the guys in the red shirts that tend to be captain yeah another Star Trek reference on to the next scene these three guys go in a different part in the basement and they shake a box a little bit and spoonies supposed to fall out of it oh my god that was intense that was intense make to boldly flee is the most ambitious with its visual effects there is a lot of CGI in this movie there is a lot of green screen in this movie well you know it's subjective so it depends on what you're looking for and how much you willing to forgive and how much you're willing to accept given the buck I mean it's just supposed to be fun this guy starts stabbing the red collared shirt guy for about a minute and five seconds yeah nostalgia critic references Star Trek again but then he comes back because red shirts always come back this is another Doug Walker staple instead of putting work into the visual effects he just keeps using these frames of white like he's trying to give me a seizure they teleport angry Joe onto the ship to shoot one of their officers then they beam nostalgia critic down to the basement where they're holding Spoony and he's dressed as Judge Dredd now you see me now you don't why do these guys stop shooting Doug I don't know cuz it's funny they beamed nostalgia critic to a field so he can have a change of scenery Zod also beamed a ton of soldiers there and by a ton I mean three guys you know he's been fighting those guys for like eight minutes now but Zod being cinema snob out of the ship then he drives away do you remember this scene from Star Wars is it possible to learn this power not from a Jedi and I can learn this technique not from a critic do you remember this scene [Music] do you remember this scene from ghostbusters according to this morning's sample it would be a Twinkie 35 feet long weighing approximately 600 pounds that's a big Twinkie enough that it will make that we're you're twice the size of Chicago and three times the height of Mount interest Wow you are hung man I am sick of this [ __ ] we cut to the Jedi guy and a poorly rendered knockoff x-wing [Music] they hook up a machine to film brain that does something we go into spoonie's super-ego and were treated to this [Music] now this film is funny at times unintentionally then there are the scenes like this that are just really uncomfortable he's possessed and becomes Robocop it's time to bring this love triangle to an end he takes off his helmet and shows nostalgia check his face and stub trick freaks out and her scream blows up Linkara saved my life I think that's worth one day while cinema snob is becoming Darth Vader this guy is becoming Luke Skywalker he's learning the magic of films so he can have the power to defeat Darth snob you're probably wondering like appearing in your boss I am here to teach you about the plot it's just the scene from Return of the Jedi except it's Rob Walker sitting there so that's the funny part we'll edit it out and add it to the special edition something is out there film brain something is calling me maybe it's nothing but maybe it's something maybe it's something where I could be useful maybe it's something where I can make a difference but maybe it's something where I can actually do something meaningful and not just work people whatever it is in the answers I'm looking for it has the truth then they sing this song about how they're a distraction and I gotta admit this is the best part of the movie instead of making this three and a half hour long monstrosity they could have focused their energy on making this like a cool little music video nostalgia critic drives his car into the plot hole and there he finds Doug Walker the writer you were a character that I created for an online media show for meeting and talking to himself he uncovers the truth that he is the most important person in the universe and that makes it so nostalgia critic doesn't have to do nostalgia critic reviews anymore and then the following day he announced he's done making nostalgia critic videos so much of this movie is focused on showing how nostalgia critic has transcended to this next level where he's gone beyond the story and then Doug goes on about how the nostalgia critic has grown as a character over these past years how far he's come there's something else evolved you've literally left off the page and taken on a life of your own it became less of me writing you what to do when you telling me what to write just rambling garbage out that door reality people enjoyed his reactions they found them genuine and entertaining these jokes and how they're presented are so contrived and predictable dr. encino we thought we'd never see you again some of us bolt we never see you again this is one of those scenes where it looks like no one knows what the hell is going on it feels like Doug just fed them lines to read on the spot it doesn't matter what equipment you have do you have something to say and this guy used to have something to say and that's why people were really connected to them and thus everything he is or ever was it's lost he put his very life savings into it his life is all by all accounts it's a complete and total abject failure and yet by making something so awful so wretched we created something that the exam fame is fleeting but infamy lasts forever [Music] is there any reason you should care about to boldly flee it's hard to watch and technically incompetent there's no reason for it's absurd run time there's no reason to care about any of these characters there are too many villains to give them any development all of the character arcs are predictable they're either taken from other movies or their cliche nothing about what he's doing is actually funny it just seems more like he's imitating what he likes rather than criticizing it or spoofing it suburban nights was looking to be a parody of the fantasy genre whereas to boldly flee is a parody of sci-fi specifically Star Wars and Star Trek with references to a few other things as well let's just reference a bunch of movies like them what is this Cloverfield he just takes scenes from films he likes and calls a comedy because they're doing silly characters it's the same problem Seth McFarland has with his material tell a new story write jokes that stand on their own parody adds another layer onto the onion it's not the whole onion does that make sense no all right well now that channel awesome has a ton of controversy behind it it's kind of become okay to make fun of them and their content this is not a low-budget indie film that people really cared about the worst part is the content they are producing isn't good [Music] there was no reason to stop the Nostalgia Critic you know why because if you wanted to make some crazy trivia show then he could have made those things and done nostalgia critic at the same time he could have made money had a good income stream and then done things he wants to do on the side but instead he decides to cancel everything so he can kick-start some kind of trivia show for almost a hundred thousand dollars and then make eleven episodes before it just tanks this is to boldly flee oh you thought it was over after announcing he was done with the nostalgia critic he released a nostalgia critic on to boldly flee Doug goes through the entire movie he made himself explaining the plot better than the film does and he throws in a couple jabs but you know he's not too self-critical he doesn't break down the fundamental problems which is that it's unwatchable and it's not funny I am also cool and I'm here to say no invoice is a ok another project he worked on after nostalgia critic was something called demo reel which was a comedy sketch show this ended only after a few episodes as well then in September channel awesome uploaded nostalgia critic season 6 episode 1 who the review must go on demo reel finale do you want to do this again do you have that same passion you had before do you honestly want me to come basically in this episode nostalgia critic comes back this is the movie that brought you back that made me realize I can actually do this again what is he doing this I want to review whatever I want whenever I want I went I review whatever I want whenever I want [Music] [Music] you're just in the surgery but you made it out all right back to normal in a couple of weeks happy to patch you all up let the nurses know if you need anything doc boy can you put on the show down low real I go back that was it that was it right there we finally arrived at demo reel there's only so many ways I could say this thing is bad let's not go through every episode even though a lot of them look like winners come on wreck-it Ralph versus Angry Birds lost in translation burro man's version the Blair Witch hangover it's too good let's hone in on the first episode of demo reel which is a parody of The Dark Knight I am going to pray the founder and director of demo reel they're introducing a lot of stuff a lot of different characters it starts with a ghost skit we're just a bunch of ghosts from movie show up Jesus it's Beetlejuice there is no joke in the scene aside from referencing movies ghostbusters they spent a ton of money on this as well yet it's that same low production value we've become accustomed to making a comedy skit show that's funny is so difficult it requires enormous talent lots of time and some kind of technical skill to pull it off okay once again Doug Walker is the greatest man to ever live or I am bad Jesus do you remember this scene from The Dark Knight Rises do you remember this scene I don't like any of the supporting cast but the worst has to be Rob who plays the cameraman this first episode is two parts each one clocking in over 20 minutes one of the most infamous skits is something called the super villain shuffle which we're gonna watch right now I am dr. crane totally insane and I only have a few lines in the movie so next now this is a story all about how [Music] my daddy was a drinker my wife she liked the game I'm working on a video about great TV shows which will be super long and I want to dedicate my focus to that now but I figured I'd throw in something stupid like this [Music] if one movie did Will Smith say you know what you drive almost slow enough to drive miss date a lot of blasts you know that movie is so stupid but even that movie wouldn't be stupid enough to make a reference to Driving Miss Daisy [Music] the story I'm about to tell you is true 100% true this is like me when I was 13 years old so I have the email was proof this is the comment he wrote to me a long time ago in a video that he is now deleted by the way he reviewed kick-ass 2 the basis I recommend this movie Ralf the [ __ ] is that I love kick-ass I own the DVD and the graphic novels you conspiracy nut [ __ ] don't you dare make any videos supporting anything you like Ralph it would be embarrassing oh wait it's too much for you to handle whoa whoa whoa whoa so that's my only interaction with Angry Joe
Channel: ralphthemoviemaker
Views: 1,274,912
Rating: 4.8690238 out of 5
Id: dhWh_FRxJOc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 32sec (3332 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 01 2020
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