Poor Things Review | Most misleading movie of the century

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[Music] little trouble there let's pick it up at [Music] 17 not not quite my [Music] Tempo so I saw poor [Music] things so according to google yoro Lanos poor things is brought back to life by an unorthodox scientist a young woman runs off with a lawyer on a whirlwind Adventure across the continent free from the prejudices of her times she grows steadfast in her purpose to stand for equality and Liberation just no no this is what it's really about after a woman played by Emma Stone throws herself off a bridge Dr God one played by William defo is like a Frankenstein type character and he takes the woman's body back to his lab and takes the fetus's brain and replaces it and puts it into the woman's body yeah you heard me correctly a fetus brain put into an adult woman's body sorry what and from then on it's just about how every man wants to take advantage of her and imprison her honestly this movie is very uncomfortable and when I went into the movie and I would ask other people that watched the movie they said oh it's just a really weird comedy yeah it has its funny moments it's just very uncomfortable because it has a lot of nudity and a lot of sex and just knowing that her mindset is of a child it's very uncomfortable and it's like you just don't even want to watch the entire time my jaw was on the floor I just I don't know it was really it was not just like a weird comedy it's it's just a different story with that being said I already know that this movie is going to sweep the Oscars I mean the set design and the costume design was absolutely incredibly beautiful and the cinematography was was also very much well done and you know how you know how filmmakers can be oh this this prestigious film and look at the look at the sewing in that dress and the color correction and the blues with the with the yellows and how that's opposite of the color scale and how the camera moved in this direction and the the the lenses that they used so I already know the the Oscars they're going to sweep the Oscars no matter how weird and crazy this story was so Emma Stone plays our Leading Lady Bella Baxter and she does very well with depicting the different ages and phases that she has to go through as a nanny myself I work with a lot of kids and specifically two and three-year-olds so she did really well with like the body movements because kids really tend to walk with their body and their arms are very limp and she did really well with that cuz before because we don't find out that her brain was switched with the fetus um until about like 15 minutes in and so I could tell like just by her acting I could tell by the walking and what she was doing I even turned to my friend and was like this is I was like this is what I have to deal with at work every day and and then when he explained oh yeah this is they switched brains I was like okay that makes sense and she was very much a two-year-old Emma will definitely get nominated for an Oscar and I wouldn't be surprised if she won because this was a very deep and troubled role that required this kind of prestigious acting the only other Oscar I think should be given out to is Mark Ruffalo he played dunking winning bird who was a cunning man that ran away with Bella just to take advantage of her Ruffalo did so well making me hate this character and not because he was intimidating or scary like homelander but it was because he was so pathetic he reminded me of men that date women that are like 10 years younger than them because they know that they can manipulate them I'm talking to you [Music] Leo but what made it so good is that when Bella's mind started to grow as one does she still left him and saw how pathetic he was and saw that how he was trying to manipulate her and imprison her just like her mother's mind saw before her does that Mak sense it's really wild but anyways back to Mark he did really well and I really love this character so I really do see him winning a supporting actor role but I don't think he's going to get it because William defo was also in this movie and I think that they're going to give it to William defo or he's obviously going to get the Oscar nomination and I don't I wouldn't be surprised if William defo gets it over Mark just because oh I've been in the industry longer so I should be getting the award not because oh you did better than me but because I've been in it longer just like Jamie Le Curtis I'll never forget how Angela Basset got snubbed for that role when she should have got the Oscar and if not her at least Stephanie but I'm going to let it go and as you can see it's been a year and I've still yet to let it go because CU that's that made me so mad that Jamie got that Oscar when you know what we're going to let it go anyways anyways anyways I don't think that William defo should get this Oscar win or I mean she should get the nomination you know go off King but I don't think that he should win because this character was very he was very one note he was barely in the movie and I've seen William do this character before it wasn't anything groundbreaking um but obviously the role was needed but it was okay all in all be wary of the movie I I wish that this movie premise was spoiled for me because I had no idea what this movie was going into it and it was the longest two and a half hours of my life I think it was two and a half hours because I was like man this movie is long I felt I like I didn't feel how long it was until like the last 30 minutes so it was paced well but then I was like all right I'm ready for it to be over cuz it's so uncomfortable but but it was like a slice of life is that weird to like to like category it C categorize it as a slice of life because I didn't really get anything from it there was no there wasn't really a lesson learned you're just seeing this part of This Woman's life and it's an insane life and an insane premise and you know I understand why it's going to be in the Oscar nominations because we don't have movies like this anymore where it's so like left and groundbreaking and something that's that's really new and some something that's never been done before so I I do appreciate that part of it it's really really hard to rate this movie and give it give it a number but if I were to by buy like like from a film standard I have to give it a nine out of 10 cinematography set design costume acting nine out of 10 like it it's beautifully done of course it's paced well the uh the script writing is well done will I watch this movie again no will not be watching this movie again um enjoyment wise as in like rewatchability two out its 10 two at a 10 10 uh it just a fun movie that's like oh my gosh no I'm good if I if I had went my whole life now watching this movie I would have been fine like that that's how that's how I would also put it but as a movie snub and watching movies I'll give it a n out of 10 so yeah anyways let me know if you watch poor things I really want to know your uh your rating on it and what you thought of the movie and if you thought of it as a comedy or I I want to know your thoughts so let me know down in the comments uh please like And subscribe we're super close to 1500 subscribers which I'm so excited about and I'm trying to be back on YouTube guys I'm really actually trying to be back and do edited videos and not just lives that are lazy I'm going to back into editing videos so I'll see y'all in the next video [Music] bye
Channel: PutWoodleyIn
Views: 44,238
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 58sec (478 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 20 2024
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