Poor Man Pavement? Testing Asphalt Millings for Upcoming Project, Plus Chainsaw Mods and More

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so welcome back to outdoors with the Morgans it is first thing in the morning and I am heading over to Adler and Suns to check out some Walnut I may get a log truck load of Walnut logs here we'll have to see how it goes but today appears to be a lot better than yesterday at least so far uh but we got over an inch of rain yesterday I mean at 11:00 in the morning you needed your headlights on it was just a dark wet sloppy miserable day so not a lot got done yesterday so we're going to try to regroup today and uh get something going on it is 46° right now now they're saying next week it's going to get cold but I don't see any real cold temps it's not going to freeze up looks like it's going to be like 35 during the day and in the 20s at night I'm kind of hoping for a good cold snack map but uh we'll see all right pulling into Adler Suns we'll see what they got here they are uh demoing a new grinder here throwing a bunch of big gnarly it's like a tub grinder I guess they make mulch here so uh and that big Hopper they're putting all kind of stuff in there I think it may be jammed up a little bit right now I think they grind it that way it kind of shreds it and then they'll regrind it again into mulch man that thing eats it so after watching this thing for a little bit it's called an inventor 9 uh that would be a shredder not a grinder so I don't know if you can see over there they're making a big pile then they will grind that regrind that into mulch they got a lot of wood to feed through it the excavator is a PC 290 kamasu it's got that nice head on it 360 saw on it everything got probably a 24in Oak in there [Applause] now all right I'm on my way back from Adler and Suns and I learned a little bit more about that machine I think they call it like a lowspeed or a sloweed shredder and it doesn't run at near the RPMs as a big tub grinder and the benefits to that Shredder is it only uses about 12 gallons of fuel per hour compared to 50 or 60 Gall per hour with a big tub grinder and regardless whether you're using the tub grind grinder or the shredder it has to be regr to make into mulch uh so there's definitely a benefit to that new machine they are just testing it out kind of demoing it but it's about $1.2 million so you need to uh produce a lot of mulch to pay for that but it's fast and even that fuel savings would uh would add up pretty quick plus I think if you hit something like a big hunk of metal it wouldn't do near the damage with the shredder compared to a tub grinder those tub Grinders everything's just moving fast and uh huge horsepower high RPMs and uh you get something in there that shouldn't it's going to be costly all right just got back to the house hooked up to the dump trailer and uh we're going to go get a load of something that that you guys have been telling me for the longest time that I should try and that is asphalt millings a lot of you have suggested that I try them in the past but the problem was nobody around here that I know of had any that's why I always Buy Limestone but my buddy Wild Bill has come across quite a bit I think he's got about 50 triaxle loads uh that are at his place so he is now the local King pin of the asphalt Milling cartel all right we're at the right place machine's running chainsaw is running so we're here with uh Wild Bill and before we get on to the asphalt millings tell them what we got here Bill these are pretty cool oh yeah these are custom carving job the guy's got a big home theater in in a garage so it's a big party party kind of place right and these are going to go on each side of the home theater one on each side in the theater's great big so I guy comes here and I'm like oh let me guess you don't have any kids he's like no we got kids I say every time I lose a kid we get a dog so these are all the Husky names of the dogs they have so they have one husky now but these are the previous huskys they had and they just got Piper you have a dog the same name yeah we got a dog Piper yep he's Piper and uh he's a pop right now but they wanted a normal adult-sized German Shepherd so we got a little German Shepherd in the Husky collection people were super nice this log was gigantic so I tried making them out of a half log for a Pacific reason everybody knows you know what's got that main split in it right so I saw that main split in half get that totally out of the carving and then it's still going to maybe crack a little here or there that's a good 36 inch or at least yeah yeah it was actually over 30 ex I had my I had my steel you know 500 eye with a three- foot bar and didn't make it through Mike so you know there we are so anyhow so it makes it nice so it's a big big log you know this thing I think this weighs around 300 lb but anyhow I did it in that reason for that cracken I we've talked about that before and uh my worker Greg did an excellent job on the painting I mean he's getting better and better and uh so this is a combination this is actually like brushed on white um little black rattle can airbrushed in between all the little things and Air brushing really makes a difference it's really cool Barbies make it more natural yeah yeah that's right softer more natural her Cardinals are just beautiful our female cardinals are awesome and uh anyhow so that's kind of how it is a big combination of of of airbrushing and dry brushing and dry brushing is just you know the black background and the white over top or white and black however you want to do it and the same thing with this this one is a lot more airbrushing and then this is floppy wheel so see how you have the little light highlights so we put all this together together then we grab a floppy wheel and we floppy wheel this and it gives it some high and low spots and just gives it a little bit of depth and everything you know um so it it was a lot of fun making these uh took my time and just picked and poked and if you had to guess how many carvings you do do in 23 I tell you what Christmas we're so excited about Christmas I bet you for people's Christmas presents over for the year they buy them all year for that well over 200 people Christmas morning will be open in our packages which is you know our presents and car rings for the year but I have no damn clue um yeah you know I don't I couldn't even guess so I don't know well we do the Christmas me and barbar all excited like yeah I can't wait and then these people send us pictures sometimes which is really cool yeah you know uh so but yeah so this is like you know the end of 2023 I got this I got a little carder out front maybe we'll peek it and uh that's it for me I'm heading to the Florida Keys baby heading heading south for January February yep I'm taking wow January February March and April really I got that place for four months so we'll see what happens there I have it into may but I'm taking my sace down I'm going to try cutting some floor of wood down there I think I'm going to try to set up at like a um Tree Service somewhere and just see if they'll let me carve some and I and I'm trying to you know just keep myself sharp and then also I'm going to build a little book where I write how I do everything so that way I have it you know yeah and uh that's kind of nice and then I could maybe hand it to someone else someday you know right but uh so anyhow that's the end of 2023 right here well let's go load up some millings and we'll go look at that Cardinal and maybe some saws yeah sounds like a plan so what do we got here Bill all right we got giant eagles parking lot and St ferdinand's Church all right so the the nice thing about the millings you know as far as going green goes none of this stuff want more than 2 and a half miles to our our site here yeah so I'm kind of blessed I got the last little piece of commercial property on a private Drive in cranbery Township so that's a so you had a pile the whole way up yeah so when I was sitting in my my scare loader I was right even with them power lines sitting there like oh boy now in middle of the night I went over the back of that Hillside and down the gravel part I can't believe it didn't flip over I I come the whole way back I was looking at the sky oh man and I bumped the boom down with my right foot and it came back down and I think I would have flipped it totally on the roof if um it wouldn't have been muddy when I hit the bottom of the bank it kind of mushed out instead of like hitting me harder and and slapping me clean over the top but I was on the back door which makes you want to crap your pants you know and then I went over to the side of that pal uh once in the middle of the night too um just get turned around you know not a lot of lights in here so they were bringing this in in the middle of the night yeah exactly so that so me and Barb work together we have lights everywhere in here and these guys come in back up the ramp dump I push off back up the ramps and then when and you know how them damn truck guys are right instead of one at a time they'll come at six and there's no way they loaded them all at the same time but they yeah oh yeah so then we can split it up on both things but it's just an excellent way of not wasting it's hardly any fuel wasted you know whatever and then all the little local people come around and the excavators landscapers homeowners with dump trailers all come around and gra and it's 10 bucks a ton you can't beat the price you know what I mean can you uh load a triaxle with this 300 yeah yeah no problem so if you shoot that ramp behind you see how long it is um I'm up on the ramp and they pull their trucks tight and then I have it so it leans them into me so the bed leans right into me yeah and then that lets me load them no problem I'm at their door I'm pretty much at it's getting a little low now but I'm pretty much at the door handle on the truck so I hardly pick up a half boom and I'm I'm thrown in and then this machine's look made for lifting the boom goes out of way from you not yeah it's got the vertical vertical lift boom on it how many hours you got on this one oh really really really close to 5,000 getting close to 5,000 I didn't have much trouble with it but I finally finally drive this year that was the first big expense and I've had this thing for like 20 years so been pretty good with this one and I when I got it I got the upgraded final drops that was something to come out crappy years here with some final drives I had the heavy duty final drives and really my final driv was fine my brakes went out like the brake kept walk up on it and I was just back and forth and couldn't figure this out and whatever but so far so good and this this doesn't leave home much anymore it's not like we're in the Excavating business like it used to be and kind of hang out here I move Logs with it more than anything else right so gets used a little at a time but uh you know price for new one I'm not too excited do you hear about them electric ones they're like 200,000 bucks yeah I don't I don't get it yet I'm I'm not I'm not I'm not digging and how long you going with them and then what do you got to do the guy the guy's got to sit and wait for the thing to charge and you just or or just like you you had you got trucks coming in the middle of the night what if your machine's not charged you know what I mean you know like yeah and that whole business is crazy oh there's only this me then there's more or there going to be more or there's less it's you just never know what you're get into when you're dealing with and trucks so asphalt depending you know it's this is just a top inch or so yeah it's just a top inch or so but asphalt's made of memory serves me like 95% Aggregate and and 5% it's a petroleum base it's like an oil you know what I mean and and that's the binder or the glue for asphalt but I have a bunch of number three Rock and if this works out I just want to kind of top coat it choke it yeah you know you're getting older your ankles get a little wobbly walking around on that number three rock you know what I mean but I'd like to do a little test see how this holds up running equipment back and forth and I could tell the average person and you know friends of mine taught me about I used to buy it from other people before I started getting it uh you want it 6 in thick if you can for your driveway you follow me it's packs it packs really really nice too way if the best way to do it you get it's a hot day and you get it and you just stomp it in with trucks or if you don't have a roller stomp TR just keep tracking it rolling it in packing it packing and then that heat just rebinds that tar together and it it really holds well now is this about a ton per bucket yeah a ton for bucket you got it yeah it's pretty dense product there's not yeah it's heavy like 2A modified yeah because there's not a lot of voids in it exactly right so you get more coverage out of three stone the tighter aggre you get the less coverage you get it's heavier but it packs it packs so and and you look like down here so any chunk like this size probably about that's probably like the biggest thing we get in here you smash that around it all turns into you know it's got that really most of them stones are about the size of your pinky fingernail yeah and then you stomp on it for a while and then all binds together and packs together but when you first put it down you got some so it's not like hey you know Stone beautiful or anything like that you're not going to make better hson Garden out of it but for a lot of uses it's it's really really good especially like we have big driveways here it's that top driveway is 2 200 ft long this is probably 900 ft if you had to put Limestone on that you know it going to run everybody broke oh do you remember Limestone I remember for years I'd buy 210 bucks a tria Lo that's what it used to be now it's 650 yeah yeah so that's why we do good with us too and we have triaxle guys in here all the time especially if you're using the fill like uh last week there is triaxle in here and he was uh filling behind a retaining wall for a driveway so that packs really nice then they were going to go in the garage and pack it down you know what I me so they're running a plate tamper on it in between trucks so they're spreading out with the machine plate tamping it down and I I have other guys that have rollers on their skid loaders yeah and that works pretty good and then there's some solutions you can put on this stuff to get it to rebind so right you know so yeah learning all kinds of stuff about it but uh I I just like it it's it's a nice inexpensive thing and if you like Liv on country roads and no matter what you do if you're on a little Private Drive you know how they dip you know you're driving in the same spots all the time you got the tire mark the hump in the middle the next tire mark and it starts mushing out the side so you're going to constantly be throwing rocks in it you know way to go now do you use fabric a lot cuz I like fabric I I like fabric you on flat ground on flat ground yeah and you have to plan on putting at least 6 Ines of material down same thing with it you yeah if you don't you know what I mean it rattles around too much yeah you got to lock it in you got to base you got to lock it in put the bigger stuff down and then I always fabric number three Rock and then 2A Limestone makes the best driveway that I ever made but like I said you can't go in and refresh a new driveway and think you're going to put fabric down unless you dig it all out or you're going to be six inches too high to do it right you know what I mean yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah but from scratch I always like Fabric and it saves you from buying Stone after Stone again especially if you got a wet spots different you know what I mean like sinky spots I you remember that piece of property I bought years ago behind uh Gris Mill oh yeah yeah I've been there that's what I that road is still a good road fabric yeah I know exactly that three four inches of N I probably put seven inches of stone maybe even eight in places but fabric number threes and 2A Limestone okay and then it locks it in yeah 25 years you know what I mean cuz that housing plant I put in by Marine it's got 5 as in it which is out of the mill same thing though yeah heavy choked it all down and it was white but I put that fabric on it but it saved me buying getting thicker and thicker and I didn't go up there year after year I mean I don't think they've hardly put any gravel on that and that's been 15 years I really loaded up I the sub stuff from the mill could be super big so you get some really big base in there but then the next load could be like dust so you had to kind of them all together but it packed tight like this too so it all works you know well load me up a 4 ton all right four scoopies you get [Music] there's some big white pine right [Applause] there [Music] so you're uh you got everything here steel Husky and now echo my first Echo purchase right here so as far as I know this is the smallest Saw made in the world this gas saw um I really like it super lightweight I think it's around 30cc's I gave it a little trick out um I popped a little hole in the muffler right here popped that little screen out of other famous for that screen clogging up right away I use this for making fur on my Bears and making feathers it's so light it is nice and light yeah it starts easy couple of my buddies have them they run like a rape tape um made in Japan but so first first what model is that it's their F it's it's it's hard to get too it's a a 2511 um I'm I'm going to use keep this one for far I'm going to get another one and put a little carving bar on it is that a/ qu inch chain on there uh no it's 43 but it's 3 so it's a little bit like Electric Shot kind of grabs and chokes on you a little bit it turn you know do turn much I'm going to keep this for fur I'm going to get another one with a little caring bar put quarter pitch on it you're not taking such a big bite out of it and it'll be a real smooth detail saw so I have one for making fur one for doing faes claws detail work to totally two different jobs but you got to leave it be for what it so you can't expect this to be like banging through a piece of locust right um it's it's excellent for what it what it's used for and and and the more we use it the more I use the more I like it my bu's like you like it I'm like a it's okay but now the more I use it I love it it's super comfortable saves a lot of energy not so loud all those things and it's great for bark so right let's look at them two little steel B that battery what you did with that yep what do we got there this bar comes from Japan I paid um can you see the there is a word there is a lettered right can you see that right down there it's like samur yes Samurai something I did eat some Samurai Gems or something that little bar was 225 bucks the only two people in the United States that I know of it sell them um Steve Higgins I bought this off of Jamie dorm's the only other person I know of um everybody that works here uses the crap out of this saw Barb especially Greg to um great for super like now which one is that this is a little one this is a little 140 and I and I test ran this before I bought it right cuz I'm not spending you know 225 bucks on a bar yeah and it's kind of like a gr here I'll see so that thing doesn't shake your hand so you don't have this piston banging you banging it so if you want to go up and do something like really detail battery's dead what are the odds anyhow can I get a battery battery number two it does burn through the batteries pretty quick and just smooth nice thing you know all day of safety glasses ear muffs jamming on ear that gets you on your nerves you know so can put that down for a little while you know I I run this without safety glass hate to say that but it's true and no ears I can listen to the radio and do little detail stuffs so I'll do all these little feathers with this thing and it doesn't wear you out it does burn through the batteries quick which batteries are you running no this just has the stock battery but I do have that that quick charge that quick charge is awesome I would not recomend not having a quick charge so and I can do this with two batteries and not stop you know what I mean I don't have to wait for a charger I got that new I think it's the 500 see I have the same one that's that's a battery there yeah yeah I got two of them same same they're heavy they are heavy everything's I get it everything has its place you know yeah I'm telling you so these are all new for us and and Barb carbs in the heat all the time and I maybe I'll grab one of her Cardinals I'll show you she makes but anyhow that that works super good for me that's not for your average showe but if you're a craft or or making something or even if you're a hand Carver and you want to rough out with that a little bit get you is super smooth Greg uses it when we're painting so you get paint on something you sneak in there boom you're done then you're starting a saw now you can run it inside the building that's that those things are allig let's look at them other ones yep yeah so what do we got here um so I got the older uh 200 and we got that from Acme Tool so they still have the older version 200 now it's a 2011 I believe it's a I'm assuming it has the same sprocket so I took the sprocket off the 200 and I moved it over to the 220 and I absolutely love it so this only come with 38 pitch so here's the so this has flat on two sides and round okay yeah right all right this sprocket is square the whole way around it's just square square square all four sides this round one since it's round will fit over the squares on this so I converted the 3/8 to quarter pitch yeah and it's is so much nicer so now I you got a lot of time with this after making that swap yes I do I absolutely love it compared to I don't I didn't even put it I'm going to go ahead and put another quarter this will have quarter pitch this will have quarter pitch I don't I'm not a lover of 38 thank why everybody got to the 38 Oregon quit making quarter pitch sprockets and I think that's why everybody switched over to 38 cuz Oregon did that okay yeah so anyhow I got this on here um super smooth lightweight bars I like them can you get an idea that's how thin that is oh yeah yeah and then it's you know and then if you look at the teeth they don't take such a big bite so it spins faster it cuts quicker because it's thinner right you know why take a big scoop when you can take a thin scoop right and it doesn't jerk you so you know electric saws are famous go it pulls you forward and you know we're trying to car something you just jerk you just wrecked your project right so this got a lot of power now on this 220 and it's not Herky and jerky and it's got a lightweight so it's a little more balanced and just now it's a usable saw for us that we could use all the time and uh whoever the guy is from the UK thanks for the tip on how to get it cuz I asked everybody if it would work they said no he said oh I just changed it so not bought a whole another saw just to see if I could do it and it works so it's it's an awesome awesome setup that way you know very nice cool all right so a common problem with this style saw and this is a great saw doesn't vibrate much it's got a lot of power for the weight ratio it's it's awesome that way famous for getting hot so this 2011 I'd put away a couple years ago kept getting hot on me it would boil the gas in the thing it' get that that hot right so to get these to work nice I finally got it figured out uh you got to keep this stuff clean now this this is crudy it's an old saw I use but I I brought it back out of retirement cuz it runs now if you clean all the fins on this side you got to clean all the you can't let that get cruddy and a little bit of crud in there you would think you know get it and I got goo all over if you used um canola oil it made all your crap sticky and and blah blah blah so I clean that with either carb cleaner engine cleaner the absolute best stuff to clean your engine with is you clean air conditioning units with it for cleaning the fins and stuff it's like an acid you do 50/50 with water you clean it with that and get it really clean then I use that aviation fuel so it's 100 octane I get it from the airport and then at the same time I switch to that I switch to this this oil it's just a regular oil it's not that synthetic oil the athetic oil doesn't smoke as much supposedly and all that kind of stuff I'm assuming it burns hotter that's why it don't smoke as much so getting the heat away from this saw it's so compact it gets so hot yeah that that there's not enough there to that yeah so as soon as you get it dirty there it's it so they're excellent saws if you get a run right and you can tell when they're running back you pop this up and it pffs out I could tell you I'd run a half a tank through it then you had to put it down let it cool down I grab another one cuz I have into the same size so I have probably I think I have four of these 2011's the 194s and all that I think six eight of those you know what I mean so so got them all running a lot better you still try not to get super nuts and like over rev them and get all nuts the other thing I did with this one I popped a little hole in the muffler right there too let it breathe a little bit better let get a little that out of there I don't like to do the uh timing Advance on these cuz that adds more fuel and it makes it hotter so just cut the air out try to keep it cool and so this is a saw hadn't used for a couple years switched to that fuel and everything's working way better on all you get some time on that so I can tell yeah yeah we're not like the person put you'd be on these for 10 hours you know especially you're making the same thing over again you're gra the same one that's why we have so much of the same of the same one you run out and throw it down grab another one you know whatever then then obviously you can steal Parts off of them so anyhow those are our little top secret tricks for the day what do you got on that Dewalt drill over there ah so this is something most people don't see so this is called a floppy wheel so say we burn and scrub all this gets all these fuzzies off got to run them over all the milk and panties oh yeah so it's cheap just put a little PVC pipe in there actually my one of my kids set this up but this this pipe should spin in here it doesn't so my hand gets a little bit warm and then you know I go to Harbor Freight and get the cheap 6in uh pieces of yep yeah they're not even discs they're uh the belts and you cut the belt yep and it just pretty much on a dow Rod you know double nutted so it don't come off there here and a little nut up here and in this that should have been so tighten in and so would spin in your hand but it's a lot cheaper though they have other ones you buy they don't last as long and this is funky to run at first it is so fast like you got a big carbing get in there and you can get in the cracks no look the crack you can use the back of it and the front and I do like so many one way and then so many the other way see how I flip there got the backs on that we use the front and the back super inexpensive super cool and the longer shaft Rod use it way more we have some shorter ones we don't use this is one everybody uses with a longer arm keep your hands loose so another little top secret chick for people doing like say you had a log and you're trying to clean it up and make something out of it great gets in all the cracks crevices clean all that guck off around the bark you know yeah even guys that do Live Edge stuff and all that exactly yeah perfect that's a great example yeah great example yeah cleans all that stuff up so yeah that's that's the new tricks of the year right here folks well cool Bill well I appreciate it man I am going to go home and uh try out my asphalt millings well I going to need some some more M I think yeah I'll get you when you get back from Florida I'd say well I ain't here I'll leave you the keys you can load yourself okay all right sounds good all right man thanks all right brother take [Music] care [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] all right so my uh first impressions of the asphalt millings I like it uh now it doesn't go real far I talked about that earlier or Bill and I did you know it's like a 2A Limestone or 3/4 in down to dust there's not a lot of voids in a pile uh so volume volume wise you don't get a whole bunch but it seems to compact pretty well and uh it may be what I'm looking for I'll have to decide what I'm doing here is kind of a test as you know I built that road from the house all the way back to the clearing well at some point I need to put something down on it and what I'm thinking you know you're still going to need a base Rock so I could put like number three Limestone down but I may be able to use like these asphalt millings to top it so this area here is just kind of a test I'm in and out of here with the trailer firewood baskets thing like things like that so we'll see how it holds up over winter but I tell you what if you had a smooth drum roller I think that would be the ticket I just tracked this in with machine but uh you can see it tightens up really well fills in all the little voids on the base rock kind of like a p man's asphalt right here put this down in the summertime smooth drum roller be business but anyway I think that's it for today's video before I forget though if you are a subscriber to our Channel double check make sure you're are still subscribed I've been seeing comments from people that uh they are no longer subscribers so they had to do it again I don't know why YouTube does that but every once in a while you just kind of get bumped so if you'd like to subscribe to the Channel please do hit the like button all that stuff leave a comment let me know if you've ever used this stuff before and uh I think that's about it we'll catch you on the next one
Channel: Outdoors With The Morgans
Views: 136,827
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: firewood, country living, tractors, sawmill, woodmizer, jeep, ford bronco, wranglerstar, wild wonderful off grid, best chainsaw, stihl, husqvarna, polaris, kubota, john deere, zero turn mower, cabin in the woods, off grid, entrepreneur, make money, farm, garden, how to build, diy, lawn care, side jobs, f 150, ford, yanmar, tym, ls tractors, land plane, cabin living, excavating, small business, excavator, skid loader, dozer, tree felling, chainsaw sharpening
Id: ZSIbFzIw7uQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 35sec (1955 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 30 2023
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