Poor Kids of Lagos (Poverty Documentary) | Real Stories

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[Music] when we think of street kids gangsters Outsiders we probably think first of young men but there are just as many women whose talents and energies are often wasted living on the edge as we found in Lagos Nigeria [Applause] [Music] besides our guinea a advocate our Aryan girls and they got by jail area boys well they play rough and dirty though some do but what is something cool or just a girl without a job [Music] there's evidence everywhere if you know where to look [Music] in the commercial campaign oil-rich Nigeria magically is one of the poorest or toughest notables like many big city slums still struggling to meet the Millennium Development neighborhoods here are cool some girls area girls my name is Nene my friends have this funny name they call me Shane cos I'm an area go for now and well I'm not an area go because I choose to what an era go you can't actually classify some children person different ways you have some girls the area grows not because they do anything but because they're just rough I just rough and tough the like trouble they like you know anything trouble anyway they strawberry likes to be they like the bottle knife and the they just love it it's not like anything they just love that no life oniony lives the right side of the law but knows the streets lapidaries and then some people like me it's due to one or two things that you know you go through you have to do some odd things you know do one or two runs that's what it's called actually to me so you have those that still you know to meet up we have those done the hotels to meet up different family you know places on one one definition oniony I left school at twelve those qualifications what she does have brothers and sisters I have ten siblings from the same mom but from different dads my growing up wasn't nice it was nice we stayed with our stepdad actually because my mom is mild again my mom has to carry almost all the responsibilities alone school fees feeding clothing and all that so I'm going up and I can't just be depending on my mood for most everything when I know she doesn't have anemia as we'll see has dreams realities after the communion or the other to you know support her because my younger ones are going to this area that I stay it's kind of common it's almost what we do here you know we did men so it's basically what I do for now my sister's my family didn't know about it you know everything about me actually so it's not like the comfortable tips but I have to do it because I don't want any of them to do it so it's like I've taken it on board myself you know to help I won't allow them you know do what I do because if I can't have it maybe they can't maybe they're not strong enough in the to live with it I try as much as possible to satisfy their basic needs their needs the ones they need not what they want what they need you know I need this satisfying her family's needs doesn't make only an area girl but it is what some area girls do so is she an area girl how grateful siblings decided sometimes based on the aerial photo kind of the environment and maybe your body your background and effects and your parents she's brilliant she's very outspoken yeah I can't call her about same time the area as far as somehow and no because she's - she's somehow very very still want to talk about more remodeling [Music] it affects my life I think it effects my self-esteem that's why I'm looking for something I could you know engage myself with that's legit and responsible that could do to help my family instead of relying on boyfriend's only need once to work I've always wanted to be in Moodle I I think I have this talent stored since and I can't do it right sometimes in my house here [Music] Oh [Music] when you are your house you can be free can you know do whatever away on the streets you know you have to give them this mean impression like go skate because if you act like you know one [Music] wrong body you claim you when I'm outside I don't smile I don't talk to people like that except those without really really close to me and he has to keep this strong face nobody can just come and talk to you and just go away you have to keep this face you have to be applied politely to and do that maybe if you're not familiar with someone try to play hard because the other person should be playing hard to know so it's almost the way we do around here we're headed to the cafe right it's just this front door from this place only news off to the neighborhood cyber cafe a some are looking for jobs some are looking for the training and self-help courses that are on offer around here Emilia is looking for modeling agencies I search for modeling agencies so I try to send emails if they reply my email then I go and if I get the phone numbers I call this is where I hang out at nights and it's kind of very quiet because it's morning and most people don't come on you know Prince Knight this week people coming out some judge but for area girls choices in the daytime daytime nothing happens most people who don't do anything maybe they sleep or watch TV or just sits in the house doing nothing but around he and evenings always very rowdy Deponia like nice well Sonny Mustang down [Music] the colossal evenings doesn't it come out doesn't he pick their pockets that's really hard to chance to do whatsoever but you can pick pockets and just something and in the evening they have a chance to you know smoke the iced coffees yeah you know without attention if you are nice to them you are free it can be nice with you if you're like let me use the word lawyer if you're a lawyer you can see them you get them well they need something you do it for them you know you're just you know getting along with them they treats you well but if you're not careful if it gets into the wrong hands they beat you [Music] so area girls all under swag area boys well not quietly meet Miss IO an area girl who's graduated not [ __ ] laude not be a CEO this natural-born leaders become Anya Nia's area mother when you have a new young with a definitely an area where there has to be somebody that no legs are a strong experience and people around you don't have to step on somebody's toes before I get to the trouble somebody can just see on peak travel with you and then they'll be looking for how to get to you so when I found myself in such you know situations I was not talking let me get closer to this person I guess closer to her maybe she needs errands I run errands for her and we have all this kind of stuff so whenever I find myself in such I call out then she settles it protection vicio will settle arguments win games instead she's where you be area mama for your house for your telly three people girls pets you and then go respect your partner my gap in our life so this area love it scene I find it very easy what maps design out here I study history international relations a diplomatic fine I confirm about you so my parents I suspect me too good school but for the father I just want to be a near a girl I see myself at this time my area I protect my territory maybe here I should see any outsiders bones come out saying in my territory in my Kaabah I will fatigue I will tell them that loo this is my own technique in any time I see people making quarrel or fight and I get their sets needin and they refused to look at my face I will said all my guys our works in the fights and the frightful so not to become mine which after everything they will need to bow I so come to my wish because this is my territory I don't go to people solitary making struggles I take also look unsure of my talent [Applause] you might meet some people that is also that you chew their mics combats you and overcome you but if you are not strong with the kind of boys you think you are hope you know that ah but now I'm Elena they come fight on my beer when the cops come to Rose arrested on going through she's you wanna go through with teto's kill true he shall to be laws and everything so that's what we're protecting right here daytime the area mother and friends well there's always games of chance I love playing Luther because he gave me more life whenever I problem right when I'm thinking I use Lou do to stop thinking sometimes we do better with money when we little deaths but this one no need bets enough was my point about your be listening if not Ludo there's not oh the lottery let me take you through I claim my loot it can be a last resort how many who can't find a full-time job when I graduated I sucked for a job I couldn't get word so I play lotro to make my daily needs I win I don't win he's okay by me means right blame everybody abou Lou - so guys play me 22:14 witches might sue sure when you play with ten era and you found five kids you pay attention area you realize 7,500 you can just imagine what I cannot realize in that office within a month I can only catch it - yay and this is the right place for me to kayak I know I dominate my telly - I can't things and I make things happen in terms of social life I'm always there today as greeted as a hero yeah man ah well this is where I lick my happy dude this is my check my joints and these are my guys yeah this is my life [Applause] this is our mama my mom gone gone con todas tebah look right here you get everything but you don't find me for life oh yeah hey this one's on Oh Reba for malaria if you take this one you will never see you know do you get any problem JC this one I wash that bowl of Christ ah yes thank you swine you don't do mama sabor my [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] everything goes on my fingertip because if I tell them to do something they'll do it so with that I believe I've been respected in the society and I can become a leader in the future my destiny is to help the society but this is a neighborhood with girls [Music] the field leave you now make you live look I'd like to let you change the truth is to help [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Music] you know [Music] the only thing you should know is that it's not funny it's not nice at all most of us go to a lot of things in here there were not part of so if we're given the chance the opportunity to change to change
Channel: Real Stories
Views: 132,698
Rating: 4.4726987 out of 5
Keywords: Real Stories, Real Stories Full Documentary, Real Stories Documentary, Full length Documentaries, Documentary, TV Shows - Topic, Documentary Movies - Topic, poverty full documentary, full documentary poverty, investigative documentary, family living in poverty, full documentary, poverty documentary, human rights, poor kids, documentary child poverty, nigeria documemtary, lagos documentary, life on the edge, crime documentary
Id: M2c6fGRnprA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 16sec (1576 seconds)
Published: Sat May 02 2020
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