The Families Forced Into Homelessness: No Place To Call Home (Poverty Documentary) | Real Stories

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[Music] London is at the center of an unprecedented housing crisis keep moving and moving is I I don't know when it's gonna have to stop with social housing stocks at an all-time low private landlords have been filling the gap but more and more low-income tenants are being evicted to make way for those who can afford the Capitol's spiraling rents I don't feel like they're forcing me away from the borrower cause we don't mom as a result over eighty thousand children are now living in temporary housing three-quarters of them in London and no one knows how many more are sleeping on floors and sofas it's quite scary because you're like oh no am I actually gonna ever get our house without a home to call their own children's education their physical and mental health and that future chances in life all suffer we follow two families over a year as they face the fear and uncertainty of eviction and homelessness my friends for living in one of these for a year now and I'm just hoping we get out soon really soon I feel having of getting a house but just not hope [Music] [Music] [Music] when is Ellie I am ten I left with my mom my brother and my teen your sisters trying to help you know they're trying to pack because our landlords are kicking us out are we getting affected because of we've been asking them to do repairs and they haven't liked it we've been asking them to side the mold and it's all over just horrible and my mom's tried to have it fixed a lot of times but I just not working it's I'm coming back for the last two years Ellie her brother and twin sisters have lived with their mum Erica in a private rented flat in Peckham South London but now the family have been given two months notice of evictions that landlord can do this because there's no legal obligation to give any reason for evicting tenants on short term contracts private rental is very unpredictable it's nice to get where you want and you know exactly the amount rooms you need the space she needs but anything could happen they can come and take it back up at any time the family had been living in an upper storey flat in a council block but when she became a single parent with four kids and no lift erica felt that moving into a private ground-floor maser net would give her children a better quality of life I was in a relationship for ten years with their dad but no one knows what's gonna happen and I didn't know he was gonna leave me so basically I've been left in the lurch you know as far as I was concerned we were we were secure and then he's gone so now I've been left to do to deal with it I'm fed from four kids on my own don't break them boxes Olivia my sis's I don't understand what's happening what I've been doing just playing while everybody else packs basically everything I've Pat they've pulled out no sweat I don't need this yeah let's but you've got free to let go go down so shinomiya grind that now a bird I don't need a handlebar and it's a split in the garden there must be hard trying to move with all the kids is especially since they're as you say no one packed a lot of what I've packed up it's not easy at all and you don't want to tell him off constantly but you do get a little bit stressed and you do get a little bit Ellie she's the one who's worrying about it the most I think of the oval freer just taking in their stride yeah cuz they're younger but Eddie's she's just free she's free old of mine you know like she's got an older head on her shoulders basically I feel quite upset about what's happening because I'm leaving all my friends in my school and I don't I'd I just don't want to go through the whole process again it's hard work reaching I left what was her school important very important to me it's fit my school is very important to me as I'm alone with him [Music] [Music] I'm leaving and I think leaving is upsetting they knew yeah I mean I know what's lacking I don't to make her last moments memorable cause I would love to stay in this house yeah I just have a living present for you oh yeah so I'd come to my house I'll give it to you yeah when I got the eviction notice it was I knew it was coming but it was like her heart sunk you know it was that okay this is actually happening now I just waited to get the actual bailiffs eviction letter so I could take it down to the housing that's the only time I become priority related to them is when I get you get the last eviction say winning the city you can't stay in the house no more there's nothing there's no more process it's the end of the process basically basically me Rebecca we're kind of like sisters our friendship is very strong very together over the c-suite holiday nearly every single day we've been with each other that's for six weeks so glad you're my best friend because Maria is cheesy that is before I'm just speechless that I'm going I thought like why the heck are they doing this because they don't gonna fit [Music] Elly's granddad is helping the family move and will store their belongings in his garage until they have a new home my greatest fear is losing Elliott my family because she's my best friend she makes me laugh she'd make I'm speechless she's she's she was a very good friend futures probably traits about Ellie what's gonna happen now is we're going to be going down to Lewis you and where the housing is and basically we've gotta wait and see what they what they're saying what they're going to do for us basically just me the kids are now and I'll clove in really I'll get someone we got off the bus away my greatest fear is my kids being scared really hospitals and new food to them they've never been in anything like that before as odd as an adult you would just go into an awesome sister and just just live with it when you've got a kid that's an added fear for me okay listen let me in society we behave ourselves to understand people it's very one as a feel like come unwanted in also others and you don't really get to believe your friends they don't feel friends over [Music] [Music] pretty busy there there is there is a few people in there with suitcases and things like that so it seems that is two other people that need to be rehoused as well we was sat around for quite a while obviously but when we did actually get to speak to someone Zed's they had a two-bedroom flat for a temporary so and hopefully we'll get something permanent out of that very soon [Music] [Music] [Music] JJ his little sister mom Nicole have been homeless for over six months they live in an emergency hostel in Hackney North London my name is JJ and ten years old I live in my mum and my little sister did you get there come on put them on we're here because we don't have a house I don't like living here that much my mum doesn't like out all this hostels emergency accommodation I moved here because wasn't one's house and the council didn't was overcrowded so put us in this hostel so that me and the children had some space wash your clothes the family were living in a private rented flat outside London but when her landlord failed to fix the boiler and with winter setting in Nicole had to move the family to her mother's council flat in acne the council then ruled that the flat was overcrowded so the family had to move out but because they'd voluntarily left their previous home they were judged to be intentionally homeless intentional means you decided or planned to be homeless so yeah that's just in itself ridiculous to be honest I would never planned to be homeless I don't like living here because all the time this is my son Yin my mom had to bring my sister's dad to poke up all the holes because mice kept getting stuck into the pipes and making me stinky smells everywhere Jenai well if you got I saw one when I crossed my room just running across my room he looked the little place I'm paying 30 pound a week to live in a two-room hostel that I cannot use the washing machine I cannot use the shoe I cannot have visitors I cannot even use the buzzer to let people in the daytime and mice invest in the flat and I pay 30 pound a week Ren whilst on benefit it's it's just depressing most of the time there's no laundry facility for us to use unless you go to a laundry and actually pay to use it so just hand wash everything about 35 pound the time to do about four four washes to large to small and then you try and dry them come up to that 35 pound for one wash on the off is not expensive if you go wash your clothes every day you can't spend for five pound everyday washing clothes too much the intentionally homeless ruling means the council has no legal obligation to house the family now they did give them a temporary place in this hostel Nicole split with a partner four years ago so as a single mum it's now down to her to find an affordable private let before their time here runs out but the relentless search is taking its toll on jayjay I've never been to parts in we've moved in this house I just don't have trying to it's my mum keep going and having to go to meetings and stuff there's nothing to do in here when you're just sitting here all the danger sake just sitting here just boring he hates not having his friends around that is his biggest issues of the artist is that his friends can't visit three or four times a week maybe you would cry and say oh I really would like a friend staple why can't just for one night he doesn't understand that it's a hostel and that actually we're not allowed visitors after 10:00 so I can't have other people's children staying here so he doesn't get that but because what he wants is a friend I had to share a room my little sister so I don't really have that much room no one should be live like this there's nowhere in this house to escape except the toilet because I had to lock the door and I have peace I just sitting there sometimes just right because that's the only quiet place [Music] [Music] unlike JJ Ellie's family is judged to be unintentionally homeless so the council has a duty to house them they've been given an emergency three bed flat four miles away from their old house until they can find a permanent home Pinellas what round if I was a bit well lucky because the Modena wars in my old place we had like a big freeze our big fish now we only have like half of it we can't get a lot of food in the cupboards Moser comes up okay so as soon as we pull the handle it falls off I don't know for storage in here with what likes small stuff the hard storages and we don't know like we don't know where to put everything but the space is it's a bit cramped it's not what we used to I'm not used to having like not having my appliances you know a washing machine and they're working fridge and a freezer I can put stuff into just cram longer Jenny to school from there I'm worried on a bus like I'm gonna be late or are we gonna be early are we gonna get no time am I gonna get to hang out my friends before school but obviously not if those that have been here forever [Music] keen to get to know the local area erica has been volunteering at the local food bank the twins are spending the weekend with their granddad so Ellie has come along with her mum to help out [Music] I spoke to Elliot about food bank and about the charity works and she's helping food on the shelves people - I thought the food was like an actual band where you put money in and then this is like a friends of machine and food comes up and she works and since you've put the right food in but there is actually like a charity place I used to it no Frank Frank hello Frank I like being with people I like meeting new people every morning at 6 o'clock I'll get a shopping trolley and I go down to Iceland I go down deadbeats I made a chicken pie the chicken - first night because I found that there Karis with it it'll go for Mia so Sunday dinner yesterday cost about 12 plates in Via dei does I find it in the bin anything you got a swallow your pride and go dig in the mill some toys sometimes the bags right at bottom honor you have to get you in the big denied a very little buddy Farkle say butt off the chopper I got me belly on it leave right I don't give it yes baby was it honestly but wasn't the day I will be date with style Dave we really really would be to take care imagine do it now that's the first person I've spoken to that she goes and goes he gets his food that way sideburn mint will be one item onions would be your second item see people they love and they might have a desserts or clips oh yeah yeah that well that's a free arm [Music] in Hackney JJ's time at the emergency hostel is running out the council need the space for another family and Nicole has been told that Bayliss will be coming in the next few days they still deemed intentionally homeless the only thing we found out was that they're gonna cancel our tendency I just don't know what date they won't tell me a date they will coming apparently change the locks and that's it it's over so I will just wait till then I just [ __ ] JJ bag in case they do come and change it up soon they take away our stuff then if I can like put a bag on me then these two would be Jays was that's the stuff inmates at school pictures he draws and things take his picture off the walls and put them in the bag as well so he's got those little men he connects them he sleeps with them phasing them and I don't want them to get taken and throwing away or anything although the council is not legally obliged to rehouse the family it has found a landlord willing to rent a three bed flat but in a different borough it's a long way away I went to see our second floor flat and the space was good but now Dante would trouble for hours every day to get to from school or maybe even have to move school if we move to that property if JJ has to change schools not only will he lose his circle of friends but his education is likely to suffer again I'm in year five and I've moved to like five schools already because we kept moving and moving and moving and moving it's kinda annoying why can't we just stay in one house one school and done we've upset that he doesn't keep the continual that circle of friends I had that when I was young we grew up with each other I say it's your community those little friends and he doesn't have that and I feel like he's like missing out a lot on his childhood and missing out on his social-emotional development with other children he's like he cuts off and runs away almost from what's going on but really he's got two he's got two leaves got a choice when we move we don't know how far we're gonna move it worries me very much because I don't want to lose more friends I lost two friends already little called Alfie DMD on day with my best friends and I just really really missed them very much the bailiffs will arrive any day so Nicole either has to accept the flat out of borough or the family will be on the streets I've already looked into the closest school to that property that they've offered me in comes their my son they said he probably wouldn't get his face in the air sex at all there is no spaces in the school so he would have to go to a school that in that area but far from the house anyway on top of it he his bestest friend he's made in this school now and then he thinks they're gonna go stay near 61 go to secondary school together on how can you take that away how can I say that again this is the sixth time how can I say for the sixth time and say bye to your best friend say bye to your plans let's go it's selfish but then if I don't take the place in plummeted and that's all they're offering then this I made myself homeless they know but I feel like they're forcing me away from the bar because we don't mom my kids don't matter I don't matter it doesn't matter that my children have a routine they have a nice little life and they're happy with their schools that doesn't matter to them they're just saying take it take you all down the street [Music] that was Nathan that you have just gone too far over to understand what time despite being quite rundown the rent on Ellie and her family's temporary flat is over five hundred pounds per week her mom had understood that this was covered by Housing Benefit but she's just had some bad news when I've got this place they've said to me that they're gonna change all the housing benefit over so I didn't get into arrears and the whole time I've been living here no one's let me know that the Housing Benefit wasn't being paid so now I'm in three thousand seven hundred and ten pounds of years they said that there's a hostel - Ellucian area so I've got move thing that bugs me the most is that moms like a bit worried that it might happen again and again after the hostel we might have to go back into it every flat back into a hostel back into an office hit with that it's too much as far as I was concerned that we were we were going to get our permanent place after this place I can't help thinking that there's a RHIB asically put me and put me in this situation I already feel myself so stressed I'm starting to cry every mini-monster presence already you do feel like you're alone no matter whether you've got some pool or not you've got to do or don't run you've got it how are your kids around I feel stressed myself well I don't know what she's actually feeling because he doesn't tell me sometimes sometimes she just starts like dropping tears out of her eyes we asked her if she's crying she said she's not about me no yes seeing that sort of amount of money when you were benefits you've got four kids you've got any sort of kids yeah could cause you to do anything to yourself I mean I'm just glad I've got my head of a [ __ ] shoulders that don't bow you gotta go and do something drastic you know it mean but that could cause anyone to do anything to ourselves if you're in the sort of you're in a depressed state already you know suffer with depression and the nice thing that to you they don't warn you or anything like that we're gonna move into the hostel mom said in a future maybe we'll be sitting around on Christmas in about ten years time laughing about our finches I don't I don't know if that's gonna really happen goodbye house [Music] faced with the arrears the family has no choice but to move again this time to a homeless hospital back across the borough [Music] [Music] like you said on my dad [Music] [Applause] [Music] unwilling to take JD out of school again nicole has turned down the flat in South London for the moment the family are sleeping on a friend's sofa in Tottenham I only bring a little bit of toys and my mum brings me my friends children here Steven Arrangements usually one child on the bed one child on the floor some people down in so far some people up there's been two bedrooms so with there being four three four five six people in a two bedroom and there's only free beds so sometimes you get to do so far or roll out a mattress on the floor and do the floor had a few times where you just feel like you're in the way so that's why I try to not even ask a lot of people for long term stay because they if an are before asking whereas if you ask for a week or something then people put me okay the next week that's like making grin and bear it for a week but that's all for people even my mum after a week she's had enough I feel bad if you know I mean looking at other people organize their life around having us day it's a bit yeah it's sad to be honest so are you still looking at the houses yeah still searching every day I look through stuff every single day make calls when the kids are at school and I'll send emails and check for properties see if they're available see if they're in the flat price range don't find anywhere know where he's affordable or available you just search a search or search 28,000 around a week that's not so bad is it 20,000 pound a week is that a little cinema room guys I don't big sooner were wrong Oh Cindy see the garden it looks like a movie because I'm 200 per week that's nine hundred fifty pound per week does too much well that nine hundred has to say about three hundred seven sometimes that I ask friends where are you going in there with like Oh going home and and then I have to say oh I'm going right to my auntie's every single time I don't sit I never say because I don't have a home yet I'm just I always just say I I'm going somewhere else someone asked me why do you never go home I'm like because because I don't like it and and then I kind of died because I don't have one yep it's not a nice thing to not have a home and know all your friends do and you're just look odd one out without the house it's not a nice feeling the homeless hostel Ellie's family have been assigned to houses 13 families all waiting for a permanent home [Music] I don't do as much work as I used to it's a bit difficult because I've worked my own space to myself there's no places that I can do my homeworks having it done on the floor my baby I don't really like that remember my friends have come over here yet so I won't really had to come over but she can't because this is a hostel I don't get to go out when I warn my mom can't trust me to go out sage by ourselves has to always be watching over the balcony isolated in the hospital Erica can no longer get as much support from her father and with her mother living in Wales she has no one else to turn to for help with the children get off your bed cause it's gonna be close on there come on now you're not allowed to eat on the bed and you know that and I'll stop it I'm coping fine but just just the best to share a room with us because this is a six and she needs our privacy you know it's horrible hate this place I really do I could deal with it and M&S I've seen bugs and things like that no we've got bedbugs and bloody cockroaches we need pest control round to it I'm about to have a nervous breakdown because of it it's not good what's our Olivia mommy er since living here that behaviors got worse I think it's because they're all just bunched in one room they're not listening to me anymore as much Olivia bring them up back now it's affected their behavior definitely for the worst stop it Livia his tempers gone haywire I'm punching his birthday and he's tried to use their because he got in trouble for kicking a sister in the stomach because she jumped on him and she jumped on his leg so he just lashed out at her you know and you can't be kicking a four-year-old that's just you're eight years old and you thought you're kicking her for your sister's not on take that for it my favorite now quickly go take that broom off Aaron now [Music] when I get angry mostly because of Ellie older babies and then I always um get angry at their mind and push them or hurt them and then mom called me the punching bags for when I get angry I go outside and just like punch into one calm down people needed space people did fresh air they they need some words that they can actually go up to whenever you're upset when they were once in a long time or they like someone they can't be all cooped up so she a garden so he can play out [Music] after a month of sofa surfing JJ's mom is worried about imposing further on friends said the family are back at her mother's place but if the council find out the family risks being evicted for overcrowding once again you become a burden so we just left and him stayed at my mom's for a bit and now we're here I haven't got nothing but search for properties every single day every day I never had one viewing they leave off searching and searching for months and years looking like there could be hope when actually there's none homelessness has had an impact on Nicole's education she's studying for a degree with the Open University but has been struggling to keep up with the coursework now we'll still finished University I just don't know when to anymore I felt like I'll finish uni in another year and a half I think that if I do I won't pass with any flying colors and to be honest I think I could have done a lot better already even just taking the time out to visit museums and stuff to see the artwork for some of the work that I do I missed all the trips missed all the tutorials but just sorry failing I feel heartbroken is more and de l'homme because I won we we all won a house alone there's permanent not temporary sometimes you feel like you don't one more day it's enough so so so we were wrong what you're thinking because it does feel like it's gonna be a lot longer [Music] mommy I don't know how you mr. C Aldi's they're just gimmick glasses and it really meant to do you anything you can't even shade your eyes lines sound versus mommy so nice I've got a saw and I've learned that we have we've got to respect what we've got right now at least I've got a roof over my head some children are literally living on the streets whatever Harris could be a lot worse I thought I would be able to cope coming into a hospital as I suffered with depression I thought I'd be able to cope on their medication I was already on so I dealt with it for a week and by the end of the week it got to me so much I couldn't cope no more on a Saturday I was uncontrollably Clarke crying all day long no matter who hired round me you're not really being ridiculous now the we are behave yourselves I have no more time though if you can't behave yourself no more tense look a little covers on the floor you've got to sleep under them take out the cameras and put them back now Jesus sorry sorry it's just having like four kids in a hostel and not having them settled is he's a big thing for me it was all it all just piled up and got on top of me sunday was another load day but it wasn't so much crying it was so much like just horrible thoughts most of day so for me to deal with there I just wanted to do instead of thinking them I just thought about gross sleep there's another side of depression just to sleep all day le done the lunch and I woke up in time for dinner done dinner gotten bought and beds and I went back to bed myself and it's just stressful knowing you gotta do it all on your own as well come and get your food please if you don't want it what happens what happens you do starve I wish had a diamond but we don't if we had a diamond will get chairs sold before so I my beds sit anywhere we can really Clary what happens when you don't eat food you go to bed get into night clothes now go into the bathroom goes you know [Music] I mean my brother like nighttime just take my house to sleep we stay out here we're going to go to bed my mom goes in the kitchen what does watch the TV we just have to stay in here there's nothing to do cause we've only got new game mystery from plan I'm worried because my mom said it's a beam light we could be living in handful oh yeah [Music] Oh someone [Music] the reasons why [Music] [Applause] you're gone [Music] sweatshop you you're gonna be swept off [Music] [Applause] two months after JJ and his family were evicted from the hostel they're still moving between friends and family this week they're back at his grandma's you've moved around to my mom's friends my granddad Romeo's house back to my mum's friends and here I go to a place and it doesn't feel like home but it has the Sun else is home and I feel and I feel unsafe unsure about the places and sometimes I just stay in there in the living room just sit there sometimes because I don't want to go in anywhere else with someone else's house that's disgusting that noise yeah I do [ __ ] if he visits anybody family or friends they have their own little rooms she wants to play and she doesn't she knows she knows so she says I want to go to your house mom so she doesn't know she knows what it means she know she's never owned it say that but we lived in Mitchell five years in a private property that was not not good to download needed to sort some things out for it and that was exactly a situation for Plumstead and I know how long you can be left which is forever by private landlords as long as they say they can't afford or fix whatever it is this in your house they won't come and fix it and you'll just be stuck there and no one helps you when you try to travel to see your family of your weekend when you try and get your kids school know and helps pay for those things I know that because I lived in which in four and a half years and we never saw my mom we saw her three times in foreign affairs and I think that's ridiculous if I had to take a house and um and it was too far to see my family I would I would I would just feel so sad I would just I wasn't I'll just sit in my room just staring out at the window because your sister loved your family he's supposed to care about your family and not just you're not supposed to just lock them out and don't never see him again right last if you've got a host or B&B or something couple play my husband benefit with and stay there so we're in one place this is ridiculous and living around my efforts have not stopped every single day to move like find somewhere to live but in the borough or close to the borough but they said no I hope we get a house that has three bedrooms nice heating those Estabrook you've had a lot of problems of that in our houses nice neighbors and enough room to fit all our stuff in so so an all cramped in our rooms and stuff like that so like I don't mind if it's a big garden awesome O'Connor but I do hope I do get a garden at mine what size small big medium tiny [Music] [Music] we stopped by the book mom yeah um can you tell her to stop that's never dull what that's what she wants to do where to go like that the heat in this room is like if I said a sauna that's what it's like in Sydney lose weight I suppose it's still hotness that always makes me feel angry in here it isn't fair because it's only me and my mum that always gets angry and stressed out and early on the baby's data normally get frustrated I've only seen Ellie get frustrated like ten times now I've been frustrated like at least 49 times before T 7 making the house so people can live in that's adorable whenever I get hot I am always end up doing something naughty come here why are you looking at waste against trouble what do you think I've got to do nothing it's not forever we fool around huh you want hugs or not I'm gonna get one back myself coming here if I could wish was I right outside my own bedroom and or have our light our Red Room to be settled everything just to be back to normal I had normal once [Music] [Music] three months after being evicted from the hostel Nicole finally has some good news she's found a two-bedroom flat that she can afford in Enfield close to her family it means some stability at last for JJ and his sister this house is a hundred percent better than the hostel a hundred billion percent better now it's great being in our own house now we don't had to push people out there Lawson say we're saying here for a minute the tenant sees a year but if I could stay for longer I will because I don't want to not be anywhere again to be honest this is the living room and where the extra stuff is put and where we eat and where we keep all this stuff when we go to holidays or birthdays in other people's houses women staying where we can never put out pictures we can't put stuff where we want to put it because it's their house well it was my first night the bed was already here and I felt straight at home and when it was nighttime everyone just went straight to city it was really cozy and cause mummy put on here it was so warm like I had to put my covers all the way over here went out and I was just sleeping like this I'm happier but stressed because of a redo uni I've got a reader year of Union because of the homelessness made my assignments late and they failed me for free assignments but least I've got my own home to do my coursework in now and get everything done not have to be taking it and yeah it's much much better much more comfortable for the children they're much happier [Music] oh did not go where it's supposed to go did you go looking in I was dreaming I would get at own house but it never happened until now after 10 months living in the hostel Ellie's family have been offered a 3-bedroom house less than a mile away though they don't yet have a moving date I read the letter site is staring at it for ages and I was like Ellie read these words and just make sure that I'm not seeing things will happen no God is gonna be big enough so we put a trampoline in it once when I trampoline back how amazing is it gonna be to have space again our own rooms again [Music] [Laughter] [Music] today is oh my god today it's the fifth set tell ma Irie left I think was it the fifth set that well yep it was means it's been one year since we left a year ago I thought we would be sorted by that it would be waiting a whole year before I'd be out of the hospital system by now I hardly miss really it's not so quickly and the thing that the thing that annoys me the most is book is that I've actually called this home which feels really irritating for me because I never for our words and and this place is like not a real home it was just one room we all had to sleep in don't judge me I'll take it away from you no I'll stop doing that although the family have accepted the offer of the house it's not yet fit to live in the council haven't given them a date for when the repairs will be done [Music] this is therefore a house for us but like we haven't moved into it because like we look for the letterbox and it it looks really messy like like cowboy builders like Holly how did it do like they leave it and then my mom got letter saying it's not ready because it's not safe enough yet so it kind of made me feel upset because Here I am two months later I still in this place if they can say that after two months how long would it be till we actually move in [Music] [Music] I don't think anybody should experience living in a hostel it would be better if we lived in your own house because then we can just have freedom and have a like more space to run run I think everyone should have a house and and and the poor people we see on on the streets I think they should have a house to Ely's wait for a place to call home has finally come to an end and the family have moved in after 15 months of homelessness [Music] [Applause] having so much space just a dream come true you've seen us in squash places now you finally see us free we've got more bedrooms we've got like our own space we've got a garden and we got a wash machine I'm gonna try our back and record let's place back [Music] as a rents in the private sector continue to go up and affordable housing options diminish charities fear that levels of homelessness are set to increase in the end it is children who will continue to feel the impact of life without a permanent home do you think you're the only kid in London here just like that no available a small alpha leaving amazing [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Real Stories
Views: 500,954
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: no place to call home documentary, documentary no place to call home, no place to call home, The Families Forced Into Homelessness, the families forced into homelessness documentary, documentary the families forced into homelessness, poverty uk, poverty documentary uk, poverty full documentary, full documentary poverty, poverty in britain documentary, documentary child poverty, poor kids full documentary, child poverty uk
Id: B1IziIrfCp4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 50sec (3530 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 07 2019
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