POOP in a can?! How dare they! - Poopsie Sparkly Critters

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can can can you see the spook engine can't really do can it is a said truth man poo poo poo hey poopsie pals just kidding hey V vets I'm back and today we're going to be checking out the new poopsie sparkly critters let's go poopsie let's go whoa did anybody order a soda poop it's sort of pop oh no it's not it's sort of poop today I have three sparkly critters these are new from poopsie they finally arrived in Canada I had to pick them up online though because they're not in the store yet they actually sell for $25 up poop so you're looking at $75 zero before tax for three toys and they better be cute because you get about this much slimes this might look like I'm saying eh okay what that price has really got to go the even sadder truth is that I actually picked up five of these so in reality I actually paid 125 before tax like that is insane Jen's terrible life purchases aside we will move on I did try to find the price of these in a US dollar and unfortunately I keep only finding third-party resellers so if you know the price of these where you are please link it down below and if I do find that information I will add it after it is no secret that I am a terrible poopsie slime creator okay now you've all watched me fail I'm not ashamed of that I failed with the poopsie poopoo charm case the single usage poopsie slimes and most definitely with the poopsie slime unicorn oh stuff of nightmares definitely my hope is that today I get to redeem myself and create some form of slime that appears within a decent amount of time and also get some really cute characters for those of you who might not know poopsie slime is owned by mga who also does the lol stuff so basically they took their super popular concept of feeding a doll to see if it spits pees or cries and they added that to their poopsie line I really like this shiny effect it's making it hard to see though okay let's open it up let's do this there is a tear strip over here on the side I saw it let me just find it Wow okay the top one disappeared so I'm gonna go from the bottom there we go instructions seem pretty simple we're gonna open right from here although it seems like a missed opportunity not to have a pop top it would be really neat if we had a card on the back with whatever character you've got inside that'd be awesome our first bit of stuff we have unicorn sparkle unicorn shimmer and a unicorn magic and it looks like there's a rotating chamber in here that's probably why I didn't pop off I understand that now first bag oh that's cool maybe I'll really like this one guys oh man it's the wrong one - like at $25 a pop though okay I have a gold unicorn spoon and some poopy toes true story I was eating these Doritos last night not poopy toes though and I'm assuming this is where we're gonna store our extra slime instead of in a keychain next bag whew I have a feeding tube it looks like a cola can cola because it says Cola no it doesn't Kaka this is la caca it is a poop can our checklist and instruction I'm gonna give this a quick read so that I can make sure I do it all right and tell you the right things so that you don't yell at me in the comments figured it out I'll do those steps that I learned when we get there now we can see some of the new critters there's Bujji poops we've got lay fluff fleece and drama duties of the forest there is cinnamon and sugar oh my gosh sugar is super cute disco Doo doos nanners and Chloe I guess we're about to find out who we have there's turds of paradise stripes bamboo and oopsie starlight I think I got MC Starlight which is kind of funny cuz that over there I think maybe was loopsy starlight can't remember I think we got it C Starling then there are early bird turds there's flutter and dots and I really really want flutter then there's under the Pacific and I really want bubbles there is a junk booty duties category with cinch whale so want cherry and Rainbow Brite star who do I want the most I want drama sugar Chloe is pretty cute bubbles flutter for sure and cinge here's our rarity guide pink and a heart means regular blue and a star is rare and this purple diamond means ultra rare so let's check which one I have and I'm going based on that syringe there if that's correct then I have Upsy starlight who is an ultra rare cool cool let's buy new that's so big and bulbous time for my first character I'm actually really excited right now cuz regardlessly are cute it's just a matter of if it's lines correctly and I do have oopsie starlight which is really really funny because I literally have her right here to look she's even got those same tattoos well you can't really see it but she does for the most part they're very tiny versions and they've only chosen some but still first things first let's see if she can stand on her own I predicted she wouldn't be able to because her head is huge but let's see if we can maybe work with her legs a bit no let's try forward no okay so this is gonna be a little bit tricky to use as a toy because she can't stand unassisted but maybe if you've got some clay look I'm being kind nowadays okay maybe you get some clay you can smash it in there pop it out wait till it dries and make yourself a doll stand who knows maybe you're creative like that I'm too lazy her legs and arms do rotate it's a little hard to get past her head because it's so big and her legs do you rotate and I can see that she has a heart in her bottom so she will definitely poop out slime and let's hope but it's a much better experience than her big version because that was just very very terrifying why does it always have to be red slime come on mga it is not not okay don't use red if it's a pooper okay please let's do an up-close look take out her pacifier she does have a gold pacifier this is where we will feed her she is really really pretty her eyes are super pretty and they've got the faux lashes which I do love the makeup is really great too she doesn't come with clothes this time no belly button required but will push the pacifier back in because we don't want to lose the powder if you didn't notice there was no little packet of unicorn food and that is because it's already inside her head I don't know I'm shaking it you can't hear it but anyways don't take the pacifier out until you are ready to feed her because it's all in there so that we didn't have to pour it in ourselves anything else to check out her hair is solid it's a pearly finish and so is her body and it's not a comparison video but I'll tell you right now that her eyes are identical and that's actually really really cute and so are some of her dad's I'm going to put this down and get my concoction ready to feed her and test out her poop making capabilities and for those of you who need to know apparently oopsie starlight really likes poopy toes the bag is bigger than her and she's not gonna stand so we'll just have to let her fall sorry unicorn oopsie get it the steps are pretty simple I'm going to actually be kind I'm gonna put her in there we're now cuz her head I was about to say it's gonna support her her head will hold her up if it leans against the back there we go the steps are pretty simple push your unicorn out of the way take your super cute feeder and you're going to suck up water all the way to this bottom line Jen can't mess that up there you go it literally stops you at the line and I am ready to go now we're gonna carefully remove our pacifier and insert this feeder all the way into your critters mouth and then we'll just squeeze it all in slowly pop the pacifier back in hold it tight and shake it up shake shake shake the instructions said to shake her for a minute vigorously okay it's been a minute and I'm really happy to say that nothing is leaking out especially since we know this one's gonna be a poop maker I'm really happy to see that it didn't kind of just explode at the bottom which I just realized could have been a possibility here we go here we go and give her a squeeze what okay she spit it out I'm so confused I guess I can't complain about her going to the bathroom the instructions said that if your unicorn had a heart on its bottom that it would be a pooper so I'm not sure why she's a spitter but whatever squeeze are all I'm gonna push this off to the side and let it rest for 15 to 20 minutes and I'll show you how to clean this because that was gonna be my biggest concern was that it would be filled up and yucky which is one of the reasons that I don't like feeding dolls because they always get manky in there but apparently they did think of how to clean it out all we have to do is fill a backup pacifier in shake shake shake and squeeze it is much easier to clean than having to clean out the entire body if it was a pooper that was gonna be my biggest problem I'm gonna set this to the side wait for that to actually start to turn into a slime and we'll open up our next critter I seriously can't believe that the first critter I get is literally a miniature of the unicorn that I have that's insane well that's waiting over there I'm gonna get started on my next one hopefully this is one of the others on my wish list because that would be so cool more hopefully than that though is that I can open it did I just say more hopefully ah why do they even add tear strips you literally out literally can't even get ahold of it more often than not I end up using scissors so you should just start with scissors yay okay it's open so here we go ye unicorn Sparkle unicorn shimmer and unicorn magic and here is our treat bag Oh for a second I thought it was gonna be a double as like Cheetos so we have farty toes here's our spoon we have another gold one look hakka yen seriously we got the other unicorn we got rainbow bright star I got Leo home well they're all unicorns because they're you know burn critters but we got the only two legit unicorns there are only four ultra rares and so far we have the two of them okay so I already know what to do with this stuff let's get to our unicorn this unicorn is pearly and white with rainbow hair and a glitter gold horn I forgot to say that she had a glittery gold horn as well and a pale pink pearly body her eyes are very pretty and of course they have those 3d lashes as well and they look like they're glass there are actually really really cute critters I can't complain this one has a heart on the bottom which according to the instructions means it's gonna poop but according to that Unicorn means nothing so I have no clue at least now we know how to make the slime so I don't need to read that we could just jump right into feeding her ego pacifier out and fill her up okay it's all in there and we'll give her a shake let's go squeeze her head to make sure gets in all the grooves there grooves in there I don't know and shake for a minute she looks sadder than the other one I think it's just the colors they chose focus on the shaking I'll hit my elbow I'll hit the table oh right a minute later and we are ready to do stuff I'm not sure if she's going to make poop or barf all over the place so let's be cautious pacifier out and here we go oh she's a bar for two she feels better now let's clean her out with some water not in the eyeball yet and then spit out she's clean all right so I'm really happy that we have a way to rinse and spit out all the extra gunk that might be inside them so that we could reuse them and they're not manky but I do want to say that anytime you do clean them out if you're gonna play with it great but if you're gonna let it sit make sure you keep pacifier out and maybe just drain it upside down because water that sits inside there will eventually still smell gross so just make sure it airs out before you put the pacifier in if you're not gonna play with it I've got my unicorns waiting back here but before I move on to the last critter I'm gonna check the slime of the first unicorn it is thickening up which is great it's only been about seven or eight minutes so that's fantastic it does have a little bit more to thicken though so I'm gonna leave that alone and move on to my last critter unless I don't get who I want maybe he'll keep opening I have problems like tear strip problems can I get a what would Oh seriously I'll be back don't worry guys I'm still here peeling away when all right thing Oh fingers crossed fingers crossed oh I got it oh this one doesn't have unicorn sparkle I think if you get unicorn sparkle it means you're gonna get an ultra rare so this one only has two which means it's not gonna be an ultra rare in Jen's theory anyways and there are two that I want it three that I wanted for that I wanted who aren't ultra rares so that's good I have a chance there's our magic and there's our shimmer and here's our treat bag I guess there's only so many poop related parodies you can make of chips so we've got another poopy toes and another gold spoon here we go the moment of truth here's our feeder I don't know what it's actually called but our drink caca kula carry to the list move on Oh diet caca kula would have been fluttered I think we're gonna get bamboo still cute but not too way what dude yes it's definitely going to be bamboos oh well this is not a double all right so we don't need that but it's time for our critter oh it's definitely really cute though it's white and black obviously the white part is pearly the black part is not it's got light pink inside the ears and green eyes very very cute there's a little bit of purple eye shadow just behind the eyelashes too it also has that hurt on its bum so will it poop we'll find out just so we know none of the heads move okay that's probably so that the powder doesn't come out which is a really good thing but the arms still do move and the legs even though I forgot to point that out on the last unicorn the last is not the name of a movie time to fill up the soda take out the pacifier which is also gold here we go have some Akula okay pacifier in and shake it till you make it remember to shake for one minute I like to do this to make sure we get it all but shake shake shake shake shake shake shake your body shake your body okay it has been a minute time to get barfing or maybe this one will be our first pooper does it be nice to see how hard it would be to clean that it there you go one nope it's a burr fur he ate something bad or touched me this one's green I don't think any of these smell no it doesn't smell like anything now it's time to move on to our barf I've got poopy toes here for my oopsie starlight this is where we're in a store our slime after which is really cute I actually really do like that and our spoon and my slime is super duper ready to be touched and manipulated with my hands there we go it's a little bit sticky of course because we haven't worked it I'm a kind individual I could admit that I'm just stretch it out oh I added the wrong one oops forget it I'm a rebel I'm gonna do them all at once who cares this is a good experiment okay now we'll know if it matters what the order is that's some unicorn magic because Jen messed it up mm-hmm and then we'll add our shimmer after I believe I did the wrong one I'm gonna add some more unicorn magic you only have to add some but I really like the shimmer so I'm just gonna add it all because why not you only live once often do you play with unicorn vomit man there's a lot in there doesn't feel like it but there is gonna fold all that in and now I've got this big bubble of it if I pop this it would poof everywhere I've mixed it all in and now it's turned into this very light pink bubblegum color it's actually really really pretty and to be honest I'm really happy with this slime because this is probably the best slime I've made using a poop z kit ever to be honest I might have even let it sit a minute or two too long like for me I really liked it but I think other people might want it to have a bit more stickiness to it but I'm really happy with it I'm gonna add a bit more of my sparkle because I really like those pretty stars yeah I don't know if you can see them can you see them aren't they pretty I don't think you can see it but it is really pearly pink basically look at my hands and pretend that I am this slime and that's what color it is but let's add in a little bit of this shimmer to see what it did before we move on to our next slide oh no it is pink glitter ah it's a that's a it's very pretty from afar I knew it was gonna be a bad idea for the most part it's all mixed in now and it's alright it's not as bad as the usual mess but I get with glitter I was a little bit more cautious let's put that there and show you guys my son now you can see it so you can see the pearly bit and even some glitter birf looks like you're playing with bubblegum I really wish that you would get enough stuff to make more slime though $25 for one critter this little bit of slime is not the greatest even if it did work out better than the previous ones I understand that it can't make too much because the head size but that is an awful lot of money to spend on one bit of slime especially since the poopsie slimes if you don't touch them for a while I don't know about you but if you ever go back and check on them they get really sticky and gross and some of them even turned back to like some weird liquidy feeling so I don't know now I really like this slime here I know you guys are gonna say that I let it sit too long so I'm gonna move on to the next one before that happens again but I'm really happy with this one even if I did let it sit too long because apparently that's how I like it I'm gonna put it inside of my chip bag to preserve it whoo perfect and as my poop Ito's it looks like squished gum excellent Here I am at slime number 2 and I'm gonna take it oh this one's still liquid what how did that okay oh this one set for so long I don't even understand it at least it should work in those different mix-ins a little better yep yucky oh gosh that's terrible I feel like I'm playing with purple snot it's not right my hands are sticky soon I won't be able to open it and I'm not gonna make the mistake of adding of that I'll start with my unicorn shimmer I'm not gonna mess up and add the sequins first this time because I learned from my mistake and know what I did the wrong way Jen did not learn from her mistake apparently so she's still very not intelligent okay at the glitter which was purple oh gosh oh no that's how that's gonna work out oh man I can't even right now just have all of it just go for it we might as well we're here yeah uh man no true story this is what slime was actually like in the 90s if you ever got slime this was it I wasn't a fan it was not this super stretchy cool whatever thickness we have now just sure to clean up a bit of this it's actually really pretty once the glitter just worked in there we go and now it's a slime there you go that's what you need to do you just need support everything in like you planned it obviously and mess up like I did and then you'll have a good slime excellent and now with my dirty hands I will add the unicorn magic and create even more mess hey I get off me do it all it doesn't even feel like there's anything in there I really do like the unicorn magic though because that's what makes it look all pearly for metallicky which is really cool here we go see makes all metallicky oh that's pretty though I like the look of the glitter I just don't like it on me oh that's not how you're supposed to mix it in but it's what I'm doing cuz that's what's happening exit look at my hands oh my Jen doesn't slime right I'm just keep mixing it in I like to pull it really slow oh I wouldn't mix them together make it like a galaxy with the pink and the purple and the green that would be so cool I'm actually liking this slime today it's so pretty time for my Sparkle and it's going to be purple stars this is a purple theme in this one you see them you're so shiny woo that's really pretty I'm a grape alien haha hey where is my fart Cheetos package I'm gonna put my slime in there and I move on to our last one oh it's a little less fun inside the package because it doesn't flirt party tools time for our very last slime and this is the green one it is still super duper goopy but we're gonna work with it and Jen's not gonna mess up this time not at all okay don't open the wrong one Jen oh now I opened it with my teeth the magic poof go all over my clothes and my face oh man magic is in I'm doing it in the lid this time so that I don't get rid of all the slime the actual goopy part that's still on me so that we can still have that moisture in it it makes it round like that ooh not much space to do this this one literally looks like a booger oh my gosh we're gonna have a little bit I don't want to do it too much though as I want to see what it's like before I overwork it there's so much shimmer on me it's literally it's so sticky this one doesn't appear to be working out as well as the others yet let's add our glitter which is called shimmer if it's not green it's a missed opportunity it is green oh it's a neon green it's actually a really pretty color considering it's glitter you should see my camera right now this is covered in glitter oh I'm getting so much trouble later I bet you nobody else has such messy hands in their video when they're making their poop sea slime Jenna's keeping it real there we go this colors are really light it's really hard to see anything but there is fine grains of glitter in here and it's green but to be honest these ones feel more like sand than glitter because you can actually feel the green in it but this one's nice and stretchy right all right guys these are all three of the critters we opened today oopsie starlight bamboo and rainbow bright star and here are all three of their slimes ready to go what I did like and it's what originally made me purchase these is that the characters themselves are super super cute they look adorable they are a really good quality the eyes are just as nice and 3d as the giant unicorn surprise that we got over the holidays and then luckily their heads are already pre filled with the unicorn food so we don't have to worry about anything spilling or not using enough or getting all the powder out of the package one thing that I actually did find kind of funny is the reusable bags not only are they actually useful and cute and clever but the company themselves were actually pretty smart and wrote that all these things are parodies of brands and that they're not actually affiliated because they did run into a fair bit of trouble with their Puli bouton case and Louis Vuitton thinking that it was too similar so good on you mga good on you now the things that confuse me we don't actually have a purpose for these spoons other than to poke it if you want like I did to see if it was kind of done but I could have done that with my finger they're kind of useless this time around they literally have zero purpose another thing that confused me is this it literally says look for the opening on the creators bottom if it has a heart it will poop if it doesn't have an opening then it will spit up all three of my characters had the heart under their bottom and not one of them pooped they all spit up so that kind of confused me a little bit and my final complaint it's just too much the dolls themselves are cute the quality control was great I was actually able to make the slime however at $25 each just look at this for an example if I wanted to collect each and every single one of these and I was super lucky enough and not to get a single double it would cost me 400 dollars before tax let me drop some Canadian knowledge anya 400 times our tax 1.13 is four hundred and fifty-two dollars so without getting any doubles because you know we're amazing hypothetically it would cost me four hundred and fifty-two dollars unless they eventually go on sale but even the old poopsies still haven't so say leslie overall i am actually really really happy with these this time around I would highly recommend them especially if you can find a sale which says a lot for me considering my old experiences with the slime and now the last thing that I'm gonna do is eat a little bit of a galaxy slime oh look at that coming out like no problem - you can't see the first one it's they're three they came out so perfectly oh I'm getting all shimmery all over again I'm just meant to shine guys that's what that means no it just looks like a fancy marshmallow rope or something too bad marshmallows are disgusting there's a unicorn poo here maybe I'll say my goodbye stuff while you watch it turn into a really cute galaxy if you know somebody who loves slime or poop see products or gens reviews in general then please make sure you share this video with them and if you enjoyed this video yourself then please make sure you remember to comment like and subscribe you can let me know in the comments down below do you have any of the new sparkly critters and if so who do you have oh my gosh guys look how pretty that is we look at me saying something that's sparkly glittery and poop seat is good how weird is that right thank you so much for watching and I'll see you in my next video bye
Channel: NexJen
Views: 304,402
Rating: 4.7114801 out of 5
Keywords: greatbigtoybox, toys, kids, toy, video, fun, gbtb, Bebuts, beebuts, poopsie, slime, surprise, sparkly, critters, poopsie slime surprise, slime kit, unicorn poop, unicorn, poop, Pooh, rainbow, Galaxy, Galaxy slime, pooey puitton, honest review, doll review, mga, lol unicorn, surprise doll, surprise toy, collectable, mystery character, blind bag, soda pop, poopsie pop, poopsie soda, new poopsie, diy slime, sensory, glitter, shimmer, stars, ultra rares, oopsie starlight, rainbow Brite star, panda, bamboo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 54sec (1614 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 08 2019
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