Polylang Multilingual WordPress Plugin 2017 Step-by-Step Install and Setup

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[Music] it's bjornsen dopey Learning Lab in this tutorial I'm going to show you how to use the polyline plug-in to add translations of any content on your website and usually people use this to have a multilingual site and so if you have say English for example but you also want to have all your posts in French this gives you the capability not to try live automatically but to have your site be able to differentiate between an English and a French version of the same post or the same content and people can actually select the language from a little widget that comes with the plug-in and it's pretty cool it's easier when you show you what it is then to explain it so I'm going to show you right now so we're in the WordPress dashboard first thing we have to do is install the plugin and we're going to go to plugins and then add new and I'm going to type in Poli lang in the search bar for the keyword and it is very first one right here with the parrot I'm going to click on install now and once it's installed we can click activate before I do I just want to show you that there's a lot of other plugins as add-on to this plugin so as you can see there's paw Lang theme strings probably lying aspects assets URL fix contact form 7 additions wpml or the WordPress multilingual for Polly Lang there's a whole bunch of atoms we're just going to cover the base functionality of the core plugin but feel free to explore any of these and if you want me to do a tutorial on you specifically just let me know in the comments below but for now just click on activate to activate this plugin and our plugin is activated and we have a new menu item over here called languages I'm just going to click on the languages things or languages link under the languages plug-in and that takes us to languages that I have already set and I set English German and French or Joyce turn francais and you can pick from this drop-down any language that the plug-in supports and you can get a couple more through the WordPress file for the repository I believe but these are all the ones that are available for automatic download and there's quite a few of them so for the one you need is in there and then you just just go through one of these so dansk or what they speak in denmark the information is auto-filled the language code will actually be part of your URL so if someone switches languages on the site this da is going to go before or right after the domain name but before the the permalink for the content and we're going to have a little flag it's going to show up in various places I'm going to show you what that looks like in just a second and if we look at this code column here for Deutsch de will appear right after the domain name and an en for English fr for francais and then when you pick your languages you just click on add new we're going to have our language added to this list over here so now we have all four of our languages you can set the order of the languages alive and done that but if you set the order this is the order that they'll appear in the drop-down menu in the widget that I'm going to show you how to install in just a second so you want to set that order go for it if you don't that's fine just to get our setup down install the widget right now so go to appearance and then widgets we have a language switcher that was added to our available widgets so we can drag and drop that right into the sidebar or you can put it in the footer you can put it wherever you want really and we can give it a title like pick our language and you can display the language names if you just have a handful of them you can display them on the page right below this title or if you have lots you can put them in a drop-down I always like to put mine in a drop-down if you don't put them in a drop-down you also can display the flags of languages which is pretty cool so you could have actually just the flag shop I'm going to choose that one actually and there's a bunch of other options you can choose the ones that you want to choose and we click on save a cool additional feature is this widget displays for and you pick which language so you can have this switcher show up as many times as you have languages and just change the title to match the language that you're switching for I'm not going to do that right now that's definitely an option available to you and I'm just going to pop back to the string translations for this plug-in settings to show you what those are and this is where we have text that appears throughout the site which is kind of part of the theme or part of the core WordPress functionality and you can add the translations for in here now these ones where they pull in % % that means we're replacing that with a variable you don't really want to change those because those are automatically pulled in I'll show you these are actually changed when you when you update the post I'll show you how to do that in just a second the ones that don't have % % or that have other text as well for example you search for search phrase page SEP site name so you can translate the you search for in all the different languages in here and the page not sound same thing you don't have to change HTML characters we can change the home archives it pulls in all the the data that's not easily changed on the site and pool to them here so you can change it in here and what you see in here is going to depend on to the theme you have and the plug-in you have where the plugins you have running is just going to pull in as much as they can so you can translate as much as it can so this is where you translate strings and there's a the Settings panel as well where you can do some more settings so in the settings page there a lot of settings that you can play around with the defaults are usually just fine if you do want to change some of these things feel free to hop in here and do that and it explains really well what they all are one of the most important ones for me is detect browser language which is activated by default and it will detect on the browser what language your site or what language you prefer on your site so if you are running a browser that's running German language or French or Hindi or Spanish or whatever language your browser is running if your site has a language version for that it will auto detect the language and display the appropriate language to the person and that's a really cool feature that's one my favorite parts of this plug-in actually and another one that you can get with the pro version is you can share the same slug between translated posts and pages in terms what happens currently with the free version is every post you translate it gets a new URL it can be the same it can be the same slug but it's going to be a different URL so that the site knows which one is which however the pro version they have some fancy coding in there so you have the same URL all the time it just switches languages for a lot of it I should prefer to have a unique URL because then you can actually have the URL in the specific language that you want so I'm going to show you what I mean in just a minute going to make more sense when I show you last thing I want to show you in the settings is lingotek's and this is where you can choose a translation service so if you don't want to translate all the text you can hire one of these services all of them are paid for someone have some free stuff so this one has free access for the first hundred thousand characters same with this one here you bid on professionals to do translation for you and there the need extra services tab down here if you're interested in having someone translate this is the place to look for it and always integrate with the plugin to make your life really really easy so moving on to actual posts and what do we do how do we translate these things going to show you that right now so when you have your posts in here you have a new column added you have a well I'm not Canada flag whatever flight nationality you have for your translations you have up here so I currently have Canada Germany France and Denmark and the ones with a pencil that means I've created a translation and if I click on this pencil I can go and edit it the ones with the checkmarks that means that this row is that language so this row is the German language translation French has a pencil which means I've already created that one I can click on that to edit it there's a plus sign it means no translation has been created for that post so I've named them all accordingly so dortch five is the translation of English five is the translation of french fries down here and all of them will have alternate check marks so the French five as you can see is checkmark in the French column the Deutsche five the check my tinder column English five checked in the Canadian column and all of them have a plus symbol for Denmark so if I click on this plus it takes me to a new post builder page where I'm going to just say dance five and on the right hand side with your languages we see the linked translation pages three Chubby's is a different page different URL slug you click on these pencils you can go and edit them going to click publish to publish it and now we have a language post or this modest number five posts we were translated in all four of our languages now this language selector here will change the language of this specific post so this is the dance post this is the Denmark version we've got a Denmark title that's good it all matches up if we click on any of these pencils we can click on any of them and go to that language this is English five English five there's the drop down for that and then we can type in here in the actual text we type in English language it's going to update that and we can go to each one of these and we go through and we type in that translation unfortunately with the plug-in the way it is default you have to do this all manually so either you or somebody you know needs to be able to write and read in these languages but as long as that's true then you can have your translation in each of these and it's really cool so I'm just going to add that one there so that's enough for now I'm going to show you what it looks like on the front end in just a second but what we want to want to do is go to our categories and we can add different category languages as we see here we now have a none categorized option for each language here is the salaah gun categorized on categorize - de - FR - da and we can edit these are clicking the edit button but I'm just going to make a new one I'm going to call it car and like the English version first choose English and down here you can type things in here but it's not going to do anything so we could type in Auto we could type in what or I don't know what car is in Danish call it car in Danish I guess so these won't actually do anything I'm just want to show you what happens but don't type your stuff next it won't actually do anything we click on add category as you can see here under car we only have the English version check marked there's a plus symbol for all the others which means the translation has not been created yet if there is a pencil like down here means a translation is created so now we want to we have our English version when I click on the plus beside each one - create that languages version and Auto for German and now as you can see now in the translations we have car for English auto-filled and as we create these translations each of these blanks are going to be auto filled as we go so we now have Auto for German click on the plus for French you can click the plus on any one of these categories that are linked in language it's a little confusing at first but you'll get the hang of it so now we have the French version we have car and Auto prefilled that when we click on the Danish version right now for the plus it will have all the others refilled car in Danish or prefilled I mean so we have it all those prefilled like I said click on add category that's fantastic we now have our car category in all the different languages in alphabetical order of course or French one is way at the bottom but now we have all the categories like that and if we go back to our posts we can actually set these categories for the language we want to set it for so for the dance five one let's say I want edit the German version we can then go down to categories and we have Auto which is a German version of the category so it auto detects which category is the correct one for that language so click on update to add it to that category and then if we click on the French version is to prove it to you click on the pencil for the French version it's going to have the French available French categories down here and then we choose the one we want click on update now we have that in the French category you can go through each one and do that process over and over I'm not going to bore you with that right now we're actually going to go to live site now and see what this actually looks like so if we go to the homepage for some reasons my chrome is auto detecting itself as French right now I don't know why but it is so if I go to Google everything is in French I can't explain it any way we grew we're taking on the French site because it's Auto detected that I was French so it figures I'm French we're taking to the French version of the website and we're on the homepage right now and if we scroll down we have that language-picker that widget that we created and hopefully yours is not better locations and the 2017 theme it's putting it down at the bottom particular I mess with the CSS recently but if we click on any of these versions for example the Canadian flag will take us to the English version sort of English five English one another post site labels English we click on the German flag it's going to take us to the German version George five Bush to Deutsche one and click all these flags as long as you have a translation for those things that will show up here and this does not mean you have to translate your entire site so maybe you start just translating them one at a time which is great if someone clicks on the Danish version but there's only one Danish post then that's all it shows up and that's perfectly fine also like we saw before in the widgets there's a lot of different options you can choose for this widget and how it displays and that's all the risks of the polyline plugin and it's actually a really cool plugin for when I translate your site I hope this video helps you my name is bro an allpass from the leap your learning lab please make sure you like this video share on social media subscribe to youtube channel and check out
Channel: WordPress Tutorials - WPLearningLab
Views: 229,432
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Keywords: polylang, polylang tutorial, polylang wordpress, how to use polylang plugin 2017, polylang wordpress tutorial, polylang image, how to add polylang plugin, polylang new, wp setup polylang, polylang wordpress plugin, polylang 2017, polylang plugins, how to use polylang, how to set up polylang, wordpress multi language, multi-language wordpress site, how to translate a blog wp, translate wordpress into other languages, wpml, wpllrandom
Id: YpFdmzWCFRc
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Length: 14min 27sec (867 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 23 2017
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