Politically Incorrect - O.J. Simpson civil trial discussed - Feb. 1997

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[Applause] sadly Corona political commentator and now the star of politically incorrect [Applause] [Applause] thank you well thank you well I know why you're excited Star Wars is back in the theaters righty-o big that's right the new updated Star Wars we released today and they've kind of updated it for the modern times and this one Luke is defeated in the big climactic battle with the Death Star but then he recoup his losses in the civil trial [Applause] well a big news in the OJ trial that I guess you heard a juror was dismissed and now the jury deliberations have to start all over again back to scratch and these two jurors are not happy about this they are apparently furious because they have to go back now and re ignore all the evidence and OJ is mad boy when he heard that the whole thing was starting from scratch he thought he had to go out and kill again [Music] now the the Clinton scandal de jour is it's one every day now it's the database did you hear this they have a database a computer database that they have like with 200,000 names which they've been using for political purposes and yesterday Hillary answered why do you have this big database and she said well if we were going to have a dinner how would we know if somebody had been invited before and she told an embarrassing story about how both times Yassir Arafat was at the White House they served him tuna casserole it was and the other side has scandals to Newt Gingrich of course his problems he said yesterday that he is considering going on TV to explain his ethnics ethics lapses he is he said he's going to take it to TV it's either going to take the form of an interview with Diane Sawyer or a TV movie with Charles Durning [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] first we watch her grow up on family ties now she stars and Men Behaving Badly Wednesday's on the N Network Justine Bateman she is the executive director of the Council on culture and community Heather Higgins the clothes I'll make you sick sorry he is one of the best-known broadcast journalist of our time the host of Aveiro live of course Geraldo Rivera of course a a peerless comedy super mind the Dean of humor and satire the star of HBO's the Larry Sanders show Jonathan winters no Garry Shandling [Music] what up huh well somebody bet me that I couldn't get through the first month on ABC without talking about Oh Jay it's the 31st so I guess I lose that bet we have not we've not done a notice on ABC now oh my god now what will happen will that be bleep now horse because I'm your old show used to be able to swear we couldn't that's your show where you can swear that's right I get them confused now my bill who's this that's the brilliant Heather Higgins and she's gonna make you look dumb now [Applause] [Music] she appears to be starting already yeah she swears a lot now Carabas swear come on don't make me look like a fool my first bojay now you said you're gonna retire if he if he's found innocent again that could be considered jurika and bill and bill he didn't retire after he opened the Al Capone safe I mean [Music] [Applause] that's a bunch of book [Applause] oh I finally ain't gonna win my bet we're not gonna talk about OJ but I'm gonna get thrown off the air if you don't shut up now the first question I wanted to ask is I don't understand why they're having this trial in the first place maybe you could help me out with this but I mean it seems like if a guy is tried once the for murder and and then is acquitted whatever right or wrong I mean this is so maudlin that now we're putting him on trial and the worst that you know what's the message that you get a stiff fine if you kill somebody that's right that's right if he kills someone he gets a stiff on what I mean what most people kill people they go to jail Simpson kills two people and you get to sniff fine maybe if we're lucky I don't understand why there's a trial at all this second trial actually there's a long history of having civil actions which are different from criminal actions the whole word for murder its purpose it's not actually it's for wrongful death it's not for murder oh no but there is a difference the the whole concept came about where you had a widow who is left or somebody where there's actually rightful death after Al Capone's walls what people forget is that criminal cases are crimes against the are considered crimes against the public which is why you have a state prosecutor this is a private action and what's interesting is it's actually not compensation for the life of the individual it is compensation for harms of the traditional one is the earnings that are foregone earnings or pain and suffering but you never never have actual damages for the for the life of Ron Goldman or Nicole Simpson just as when the Germans we had repatriations to Israel after the war it was not for the life of the Jews who were killed it was for property the theory being that and this goes back through Western civilization that I know this is not funny but it no but but it's making Gary look Tom with you I appreciate someone explaining before you had God pronounced in the Torah that there shall be a death penalty for all murders the idea was that you could basically buy your way out of murder by paying enough money damages and if the person was a lowly person then we didn't have to pay very much that is a terrible message and that is and why do we keep that is why we don't do damages for the actual life you're gay you're getting pain and suffering for the Goldmans but what's really going on there like figured out the value of the clothing but couldn't everybody have civil trust like all the time all over the place you know people say oh okay wrongful deaths charges not more in our business you hurt my feelings don't have enough money to bury millionaire murderers that's why you don't have lawsuits so but but the other thing that's happened is that basically this is a substitution of money for honor in the old days Ron Goldman's father would have gone out and challenged OJ to a duel he might still be myself but he would have done it legally right okay well I want to get I want to take a break we have to when I want to go back I won't talk about what happened today with the dismissed juror [Applause] [Music] politically incorrect with Bill Maher brought to you by Cadillac and your Cadillac dealers would like free tickets to avoid the incorrect call to 1/3 eight five two two six five five okay we're talking about the OJ case you know what happened today was that the the lone black juror was dismissed a 63 year old black female they dismissed her because her daughter is the Secretary of a high-ranking official in the LA district attorney's office why didn't they know this before today how long had they been into it six months is a long time to people secret because that essentially is what it is I mean it just seems like this system gets stupider and stupider it is a stupid system and they then people are okay so now there's our to me is that this this civil trial jury is not sequestered watch your program I know I can't kill the unbiased ratings have gone up you got 11 now that customers are watching Gary show too and they could be watching tonight so that's how I just want to bet so if I could if any of them are watching yes may I just take this moment to say that these these are not Bruno Molly oh this whole video tape has been doctored and I am I am I'm wearing sneakers right now actually but they are ugly-ass shoes shoes and they're the wrong size so yes but the tragedy is that this jury will render a verdict let's assume it's liable the evidence certainly points in that direction not that that's any indication that the jury will be reasonable but the jury the jury's verdict will not be believed by anyone in the african-american community this will be the white verdict that followed the black verdict that will just add to the racial division in the country just exacerbate the most grievous problem we have in our country the one that Johnnie Cochran so brilliantly exploited last time but the reality is I think that given that there's only one black juror on the jury anyway there's no but now there's no other but they would have argued any because I believe we need or nine take effect so that if you get a decision that goes that way those who would be inclined to view it in racial terms in terms of assuming that's how people think would have said anyway that one she was outvoted or two she was the only black person who would have favored the prosecution anyway because of her daughter's job or I mean those who want to dismiss the verdict we're going to dismiss it anyway and find an excuse whether she's there or not do you think no I don't think it's racist to believe he's guilty if you're white but if say you like he would like us to yes he would but if you but excessive coverage of it do you think that's racist why would it it's a very excessively interest this is it I don't know Charles Grodin or this is the one of the biggest domestic stories of the 20th century it has to do with everything with race with the criminal justice system with the difference between rich man's justice and poor man's justice yeah celebrity justice it has so much to do with who we are as a people if you want to take your tack of reasoning than what you would say is that the whole media system is in fact inherently racist in its outcome in that news tends to pay attention to those things which are unexpected rich people committing murders are having murders committed to them are more unexpected than four people so the poor person who gets murdered doesn't get near only the press Tupac Shakur has sort of vanished from the scene whereas OJ continues on and continues on even to thing given to back as a celebrity but if you wanted you know Jays alive well okay if I may I think here's a perfect case of what I consider to be reverse racism because they've been showing this chase over and over again the last couple days does add the videotape it's just stunning yes and you know that I live in Brentwood and I make basically that same drive every day with a with a gun to my head and no one gives a damn [Laughter] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] okay one of the big stories this week was about Miss Universe who the USA Today dubbed expanding universe she is from Venezuela her name is Alicia Machado and she was signed to know about 112 or something when she won the title and now apparently she's about as big as the Mills Brothers and she has been dropped from her contract by Special K and Kellogg's baby slim fast I'll pick her up I don't think anybody can figure up with this no one ever says you want your face on a can the cycle three but but she said that she said cycle three she said cycle C now there's a woman doing what a man could a joke a man could not do considered sexist I would also be a dog that's how sensitive I would but as a lack man I can say something that you can't those Latin women are very few very slender Latin women and and after a certain age it just is the starchy food and and the taste of men like me I like women I can't wait to see the letters you get I will have them translated for free because you will get letters saying that not all Latin women get heavy you cannot you'll you will be surprised the other hand you may get letter saying the more there is of me the more there is to love and here's a photograph this is exactly my taste oh you really like I like something to hold Reuben s I'm fairly sickened right now I never wanted I never want to think of Geraldo's love life your only experience with Latins is Taco Bell Oh got me to tell you something after the show does that do the burrito [Applause] it's just that started change the subject but is it just that they want to drop her from the Special K contract or they want to take her title to no title no no she you can't take her title well I'm confused as the whole box heavy do you pick it up and the stuff test goes all over the floor okay it is single thing I'm just I switched to Quaker because at least of that and I still look the same [Music] you cannot kill the Quaker man putting on weight cuz he's wearing that big black coach he should just get a big Oh what is she wearing on the thing that you can tell she's putting on weight in Brazil and elsewhere women were thinking that if they eat the cereal they too would put on 50 pounds or whatever it was hello story about tony the tiger he is starting to look like a big fat pig but don't up for a corporation have a right to protect their product image I think so yes because it's just eat Special K to bulk up if I were hired for like a hair they had I mean I don't know it should be in their primary contract I would think that she maintained a particular way but look I got like if I had signed a hair a hair contract right and I cut it all off I would expect them to drop me the reality is this is the best thing that ever happened to her I mean for the first time somebody everybody's gonna actually know who she is they're gonna pay attention to whether she loses weight or not she's got a career on Oprah now this is what America is all about let's hope something bad happen Jojo host they followed their weight lost you're gonna get letters from fat people telling you that it's not right what did I say what is that one I say we were very gentle I just don't think that you know yes if you make a contract like that but the truth is I don't think anybody judges what they eat by looking at the picture on the box right and my voice shot up that was right okay yeah take a break we'll come right [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] all right during this Monday we're gonna have mark comma Lisa Kudrow Jeff Greenfield Lisa Shiffrin okay I have one more issue for you this was in the paper yesterday a woman in New Jersey follow this she is in jail she is five months pregnant she wants to have an abortion she is being released so she can have the abortion but the judge has appointed a lawyer to represent the fetus is it five months a little late to be doing something like that still there's another issue now you have to feel sorry for the kid because you'd think I'm the day the kid is born the doctors are gonna say welcome to the world and by the way you have a $200,000 legal bill it's judge is wrong because the under Roe vs. Wade a fetus begins to accumulate rights after it's quick that is can survive outside the mother's body which is generally thought to be six months and on of course technology can lowered that but right now it is considered the last trimester so for the judge to to appoint a lawyer for a five month old fetus is basically appointing a lawyer for the woman's you know one of her organs it's a violation of her privacy and it's unconstitutional will be stricken down well we were saying during the break you know then would you start having appointing lawyers for you know a woman is born with a certain amount of eggs in her would you got like get a lawyer for all that and we're done baby puppy lawyers my sperm is suing me for bail why I can't go on from there you have to stop somewhere don't you Taco Bell perhaps but you're pro-life right do you not politically but personally and the I believe in this sort of autumn algum where most of America is which is in moral choices and saying that it's not an easy call it on either end of the spectrum you can make an easier decision than right in the middle which is where this is but Geraldo's right as technology gets more and more advanced as you can be saving lives and doing operations on babies you're watching ABC [Music]
Channel: gimmeanidicanuse
Views: 8,779
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Politically Incorrect, Bill Maher, Heather Higgins, Gary Shandling, Geraldo Rivera, Justine Bateman, Talk, Panel Discussion
Id: Lv-_P9L-K9s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 2sec (1262 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 21 2020
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