Charlie's Angels | Angels in Chains | S1EP4 FULL EPISODE | Classic Tv Rewind

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once upon a time there were three little girls who went to the police [Music] academy and they were each assigned very hazardous duties but I took them away from all that and now they work for me my name is Charlie [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] n [Music] w [Music] ain't around here boys we're wasting our time she's in here she hasn't gotten any further new here [Music] trees well now look what I found [Music] Elizabeth is a backpacking and camping Enthusiast on her last outing near Pine Parish Louisiana she was arrested for possession of drugs well do you think that was a legal bus Christine well according to the local sheriff it was but he could couldn't have been telling the truth how do you know my sister never went near drugs in her life and she wasn't even given a chance to defend herself in court she was railroaded into prison like something out of an old western movie where is she now well that's why I want to hire you our parents are gone Elizabeth is the only family I have I'm just not sure where she is but you said she was in prison well she was sentenced to a year in the pine Parish prison farm for women but I tried to visit her and each time they told me that she was being disciplined and wasn't allowed visitors well after not hearing anything for more than a month I got a letter back that I'd written her marked Return to Sender prison records show that Elizabeth was paroled but she hasn't been seen since well are you saying she might never have been released oh I'm positive she wasn't if she'd gotten out of that place she would have let me know and all my inquiries to the sheriff go nowhere have you thought about appealing to the governor or State Attorney General no they're reluctant to interfere in local Affairs unless they have definite proof of wrongdoing I have no evidence please I need your help we're going to do the best we can miss Hunter now if I may show you out the girls will get started immediately yes yes of course thank you Christ don't worry we'll try to help bye you heard there Charlie everything Sabrina and I've already made arrangements for you three to go to prison prison you've got to be kidding Charlie it's no joke angels can say that again your contact in Pine Parish will be a sheriff's deputy Dan Winston [Applause] now that's Winston and he's working with us so keep in touch with him as much as you can Bosley just how are we supposed to get into the prison oh don't worry Jill in Pine Parish that's easy [Music] [Applause] [Music] terrific [Music] well here we go here I go good luck thank thank you bye byee bye bye where do you think you're going for a walk no you're not come over here hey this is a free country I can walk wherever I want now you ain't walking nowhere now you was with them and they are speeding I'm not with them I don't even know them College just hitchhiking they pick me up 10 20 mil back hitchhiking huh yeah that's against the law too in Pine Parish you got to be kidding um officer I sure hope you're not going to hold me responsible for whatever this girl did I mean if I had known hitchhiking was illegal I never would have picked her up no ma'am no I'm not going to hold you responsible for what you done I'm going to hold you responsible for speeding can I see a driver's license registration please uh yes sir Kelly could you have me my wallet here okay it's my license and Pap for the car excuse me you [Music] oh little pill and pot party ladies what are you talking about that wasn't in our [Music] car tell that to the judge [Music] sence on a prison farm for possession of drugs that were planted on us look I don't even know these girls I told you I was just hitchhiking what kind of county is this anyway one that don't tolerate law Breakers [Music] [Music] [Music] how we doing Dan good so far but be careful don't worry this isn't exactly on my list of favorite experiences I know I don't like what's going on around here that's why I agreed to help out aside from busting people illegally exactly what is going on around here I don't know they keep me outside of things but one thing's for sure Elizabeth Hunter isn't the first girl who disappeared will you stay out of drafts and take good care of yourself you're our only safety valve don't worry about me you're the three Crazy Ones [Music] [Music] welcome to Pine Parish prison calm ladies out of the [Music] car now who do we have on our guest list today Sabrina Duncan Jill Monroe and Kelly Garrett busted them outside of rville for possession judge newly give them a quick run through where are they from from We're from Los Angeles you know we weren't even given our rights when we were arrested is that right well now girl you're not in LA and you will do better around here to speak when you are spoken to got it [Music] uh-huh [Music] okay girls strip down to your birthday suits in front of him behind the partition of your modest [Music] deary [Music] girls are get a $1,000 a week for this well if this is how it starts I hate to see how it ends just remember the faster we find Elizabeth the faster charling bring us out of here tell the warden we hit the jackpot this time and girls are prime candidates for the house especially their blonde I'll try not to bruise her tender skin too hard you do that Max [Music] Maxine okay girls into the next room for skin search and [Music] shower [Music] that's enough turn the water off dry off come [Music] on [Music] open your [Music] towel how long has it been since you've been sprayed get cute in here and you can get hurt [Music] understand you could use a fashion coordinator in here what if they don't fit don't worry about it honey I can fit you better than any Tor just by looking at you you know I'd look much better in one of those those are gorgeous what are they doing in a place like this wouldn't be healthy to concern yourself with it Blondie don't worry you need anything just let Maxine know when they're dressed take them to the barracks are the dressing rooms what do you think this is sax Smith Avenue drop the towels and get to [Music] it [Music] Linda the warden is ready to see you well here it is ladies home sweet home take a bunk uh I suggest everyone get a good night's sleep tonight you got had a long hard day tomorrow in the potato fields and wake up it's 5 a.m. a gee I never get up until 10 a well then I'll leave you a call Sweet Cakes I'm going to be watching you sweet cakes watching you real hard that was Dum I just wanted to be sure she bought the cover if she' bought it anymore you'd need a new set of ribs well look we starting to look for Elizabeth first thing in the morning okay if what our muscle said is right we're going to need a good night's sleep so let's try to get one okay are you all right mhm thanks [Music] [Music] come on you for form up first detail come on move it you second come on the four of you move it all right you four you four let's go I'll just stand there pick up those baskets get them out of there come on you okay mhm but I haven't seen anybody who looks even close to Elizabeth neither of I maybe she's not in this group or maybe she's not here at all no talking sweetheart sorry it's all right all right everybody take a row of potatoes and start digging move let's go you heard a lady move man why does everybody have gloves and we don't have any you want gloves cost you $20 you got $20 then start digging [Music] I'm Jill Billy what are you in for I busted in somebody's head for asking nosy questions a well here's nosy question number two I heard a friend of mine was doing some time in here but I haven't seen her if she's still around I'd like to track her down yeah who's that Elizabeth Hunter yeah she was here they took her to the infirmary about a month ago I haven't seen her since don't tell anybody I told you that they come down heavy on snitches around here thanks and don't worry I just want to find Elizabeth if she's still around what did they arrest you for trespassing were you I didn't think so it was a wooded area and no private property sign I just Camp there you know I didn't even get the contact of attorney here it's like some kind of nightmare yeah I know what can you do about it nothing right now I guess when they were putting us in our room last night that guard was taking you to see the warden are you in some kind of trouble no no trouble hey are you okay yeah I'm just a little scared I guess can I help thanks I don't think anybody can help Linda when they brought us in yesterday we noticed some beautiful cocktail dresses in the clothing room what are they for parties where at the house what house you no talking when you work you're hurting my arm yeah I'm going to be hurting more than that if you don't obey the rules now let me explain something to you you learned some manners and me and you we going to get along just fine you don't we're going to have problems easy on me okay I'm new uh you're right I need to learn the ropes maybe we could get together privately get smart already yeah you getting smarter already I get back to work KY you be careful of him don't worry no I mean really careful of him don't you ever let him get near you why he got along with one of the other girls a few weeks ago and tried to rape her she hasn't been seen since her name wasn't Elizabeth Hunter was it yes it was how did you [Applause] [Music] know [Music] youve been able to find out anything more about what Billy tells you big zero they didn't exactly will have the Welcome Wagon for me then no one would admit anything more than they saw Elizabeth taken to to the infirmary after Carl attacked her Billy's the only one who'd admit to that the rest of them are scared to death that Carl was following me around foaming at the mouth all day they ought to keep him on a leash what about the date Elizabeth was sent to the infirmary no one could remember any specific date just that it happened about a month ago month ago well that would be just about the time that Christine told us that she was told Elizabeth was released that's right Kelly could you get any more information out of Linda about what the house is I haven't had a chance but I'm going to keep asking questions what we really need is a way to get into the infirmary to check Billy's story out well L and surely patrolling their beat the question is how it's easy you get sick don't worry I used to do it all the time when I was trying to get out of going to school watch this chill what happened I don't know she was trying to eat her dinner she just peeled over I can't say a blame her the food in here tastes like wind over Pig sloth okay take her to the infirmary come on J on it's okay on come on there you go go now is there something wrong with the food dear well it's not exactly dinner at 21 these days what it is your name is Kelly gar isn't it yes and Sabrina Duncan I'm Warden senson and I know it isn't the easiest thing in the world for young ladies to be institutionalized especially Ladies as pretty and refined as you however when laws are broken we all have to pay our dues I just hope that your stay with us doesn't become too unpleasant for you oh sign in oh no I [Music] can't oh my stomach okayy lie down the doctor has to come from town [Music] yeah they from La all right and this Sabrina Duncan and Kelly Garrett are prime candidates for the house I checked them out from a little slip of paper I found in Kelly's knapsack they both got wrap sheets CEST and misdemeanor I uh checked with their probation officer in La fell named Bosley far as I can tell nobody gives a Down what happens to either one of them what about Jill Monroe well I haven't found a record on her yet but I'm still looking into it all right let me know as soon as you have something [Music] okay just the case of stomach pramps they're easing off already it happens again I'll send some pills out from time can't you work tomorrow no reason why not I'll let you out you stay put I see your head outside the door I'll knock it [Music] [Music] off [Music] come on let's go wait a minute Blondie sign out before you leave I already signed it everybody signs in and they sign out right pick it up you need any help if you don't pick it up the doctor will be coming back here only this time it won't be for stomach cramps when she's finished signing take her back to the barracks [Music] right what are you doing just getting it back to the right night page you do [Music] it sign thank [Music] you get her out of [Music] here I think you better get a good night's sleep ladies you're really going to need it Elizabeth signed in the infirmary and there's a sick file on her but get this she never signed out and they're very serious about people signing in and out around here what did the files say well Elizabeth was treated for bruises and abrasions by the same doctor that examined me how could she just disappear from the infir sh sh you have a half an hour to get ready girls ready for what you're going to a party and believe me it's an invitation you can't [Music] refuse [Music] wait here why is it I sudden they feel like a Christian going into the arena just be cool it can't be that bad M no worse than skydiving without a [Music] [Music] parachute how nice of you to join us girls did we have a choice you shouldn't always be so cynical Miss Garrett I'm told you made a remarkable recovery stomach cramps oh no it it was an allergy I'm allergic to working in potato Fields you're right you shouldn't have to work in the fields none of you should well then there's a way we can avoid it I think that's why we're here Jill you're smart girl and I like smart girls because they can understand the benefits to be derived from cooperating at my little parties what kind of benefits one benefit is that after three parties you no longer have to work in the field now go join the others we can discuss the future benefits later H how my two more please Linda is this why you were called to the warden's office last night this is it now do you understand why I didn't want to talk to you not quite well I don't know how you feel about being a prostitute I feel the same way you do Linda you've got to trust me I'm on your side I can't tell anymore right now just trust me thank you the man I'm talking to is from New Orleans he says he supplies food to all the prisons in the southwest counties what about the other men here oh they're all prison suppliers if that's what you mean look I got to go I got to get back Linda no matter what happens I'm your friend I'm going to help you get out of here don't worry okay thanks Kelly did you get anything you mean besides multiple bruises don't feel like the lawn Ranger the one I'm whis got hands like a linebacker for the Dallas Cowboys but we still haven't F out thing about Elizabeth's disappearance chel has where is she she found a talker in a bedroom to take him [Applause] [Music] to oh damn you're pretty thank you arol now tell me more about Elizabeth Hunter uh little is she's cute just didn't know how to play the game I guess the infirmary isn't that where you said you saw her last yep I was there delivering some of my medical supplies and I oh oh hey I told you that was my line didn't I yeah you did how beat up was she when you saw her oh not so bad most she just scared I guess that's why she tried to escape that's when they caught her huh oh I guess so all I know is I saw the sheriff and Carl take off out of here on the QT the mean dog and the gun's ready as they caught her she's dead now count on it Hey where's my pretty Hy going huh oh I'm just going to go get some ice and you stay comfortable okay [Music] oh [Music] e Operator Operator give me the pine Paris Sheriff's Office it's an emergency please hurry I'll ring for you Sheriff's Office uh Deputy Dan Winston hold on see if I can find [Music] him you was planning on getting some help from your Deputy Dan forget it we caught on to his little game and he's resigned [Music] permanently you've been very bad girls not smart girls at all I guess that's my mistake for trying to treat you so well I checked with the guys there with and all these bimbos did all night was ask questions questions about what about Elizabeth Hunter and our operation I called Blondie here on the phone couldn't tell who she was talking to is probably our dear departed Deputy Dan is that right Jill oh no I was just trying to call my attorney am I supposed to believe that you can believe I want to get out of here remember I'm the one who uh hates potatoes you how do you know Elizabeth Hunter I never met her so then how come you've been asking so many questions about her I don't know what you're talking about why would I ask questions about somebody I've never met car right they know way too much why take unnecessary chances put them back into their work clothes first and take them where they won't be found [Music] W be long now girls hope you all enjoying this scenery pretty country ain't it yeah it's a real vacation Paradise hey would you mind if we stopped at the next gas station I'd like to buy a postcard to send home I'll say one thing y all got spunk I admire that it is a shame we're not going to have time to know each other a little better ain't it car yeah it's a shame all right I'm going to hate to plant you in the ground without giving you something to remember me by now get I [Music] [Applause] [Music] can't hey oh KY you okay come on K get the guns I can't I can't they're lying on us okay forget it forget it come on let's just get on T and get out of here come on on which way this way wait I I am not a yo-yo [Music] car come on get out come [Music] on [Music] Chron to [Music] Central [Music] no [Music] all right boys we're going to sweep this whole area I couldn't have gone far in them chains I want you to double back and go around the Ridge Route you going up to North Point keep your radios on you [Music] ready [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh look there's a pick up truck let's go [Music] okay [Music] terrific hey B Cutters oh [Music] hurry [Music] hurry let me get yours come on blood hounds oh they're getting closer what are we going to do toss me that bucket what are you doing Jill run back and forth acrossing gas what's that going to do it's going to throw the dogs off the sand if we're lucky let's go come [Music] on potatoes I don't believe it who cares as long as it [Music] runs no [Music] keys [Music] hey they're getting closer duck hey the keys they're under the mat let's go come [Music] [Applause] [Music] on Sheriff the deputy 2 we at the storage chance get a car down here right away [Music] [Applause] all right I'll take it you stay [Music] here [Music] hold [Music] on [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh they're gaining some wanted on the [Music] floor we need another diversion Live come on our show it's 50 mph 50 sometimes I worry about [Music] her mashed [Music] [Music] potatoes [Music] come on let's get to a phone call [Music] Charlie how does it feel to be out from behind bars Angels not funny Charlie I soaked in a hot tub all week I still haven't gotten rid of all the eggs well your efforts are appreciated by a lot of people including the governor I received a call from him commending you on a job well done he also has another prison he'd like us to look into what did you tell him Charlie I told him we'd think about it why don't you check into this one yourself Charlie I mean after all women's prisons are filled with women a tempting thought Angel but I couldn't come close to doing the job you did in Pine Parish oh your friend Linda and more than half the other girls s have been released as for your friendly Keepers they're all being held for trial oh Christine Hunter Charlie how'd she take the news about Elizabeth very hard I'm afraid but she was also grateful for your efforts oh tell Bosley to forget Miss Hunter's billing this one's on the house I'm right here Charlie and I've brought a friend well Linda hi I just wanted to step by and say thank you while I was here for my interview interview yes Charles thinks it's time that we hired a receptionist for our front I just hope I can measure up I don't think you have anything to worry about right Charlie you took the words right out of my mouth Jill right out of my [Music] mouth [Music]
Channel: Classic TV Rewind
Views: 56,514
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Classic TV, Bewitched, Charlie's Angels, Sanford and Son, Diff'rent Strokes, Sabrina Duncan, Jill Munroe, Kelly Garrett, Joh Bosley, Charlie, Kate Jackson, Farrah Fawcett-Majors, Jaclyn Smith, David Doyle, Charlie's Angels Stunts, Season 3, charlie's angels season 3, charlie's angels best moments, charlie's angels hawaii, hawaii, charlie's angels kidnap, charlie's angels kris munroe, kris munroe best moments, charlie's angels original series, charlie's angels soundtrack
Id: VJwneM4UK84
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 43sec (2983 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 26 2024
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