MELON Died And Became A ZOMBIE!

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today in Minecraft I became a zombie ah what the heck melon what happened like the video right now and I'll turn Sunny into a zombie too melon you're so dumb why did you spend all of our diamonds on that mask cause this mask is so awesome look at it bro I'm like a cow that's blue red and yellow yeah really cool bro really cool I'm so proud of you you're an ugly stinking cow and you wasted a hundred diamonds on that and now we're bro Keys calm down Sonny we'll go to the mines and we'll get some more diamonds oh yeah and this time I'm not sharing them with you I can't trust you with our diamonds anymore all right well I won't share the diamonds that I find with you either oh collect some iron but there better be diamonds around here somewhere melon Sonny I don't got time to waste on iron I'm gonna find myself some diamonds oh lapis this looks nice shiny yes diamonds finally give me these give me these give me these oh so satisfying guys I feel some weird Force calling to me wants me to head this way what the heck dude this is corrupted there could be a warden what the heck what is this oh guys that block it's so beautiful my precious it calls for me oh let me clear off these disgusting veins oh it's perfect so shiny oh I must have it I must have it oh guys I don't feel so good I really don't feel so good yes more diamonds give me these give me these give me these I wonder what melon's up to oh feeling a lot better now finally that passed I actually don't know why I was called to this at all I don't even want to be here anymore I'm gonna go and find some diamonds somewhere oh that's a lot of zombies I'll just speed run past them yes and give me these diamonds wait why aren't the zombies attacking me it's like they don't even see me what's happening wait why am I a zombie what the heck oh oh this is not good forget about the diamonds I gotta find Sunny we've gotta fix this I hear a zombie yo what is this thing doing here die Sonny Sonny I need your help bro I need your help chew Jill what are you doing Sonny what are you doing what are you doing yo this zombie was rich it had a diamond oh that is so cool oh the sun's setting it was a beautiful day in the mines now I just want to go store all my items upstairs next to my bed yep and put my diamonds away I even got some gold a little bit of lapis hey Sunny hey sunny it's look it's me it's Madeline from in your house and I even have some iron ore and some Cobble sunny sunny why is there a zombie in the house what the heck chill chill Sonny look it's me it's melon look I'm sleeping in my bed look look guys this is so weird there's a zombie that broke into our house I gotta go find melon and warn him uh ow what the heck melon there's a zombie in the house there's a zombie in the house Sonny guys can't hear me I'm right here Sonny I guess melon's still down in the mines I don't know why there's a zombie here where's it where's it maybe I can try to communicate with him Morse code one one two one two three four Sonny it's me it's Melon No Yes I destroyed that zombie and the house is safe again hey melon it's safe to come home now I just killed that zombie where are you bro hello are you smelting some gear like where are you melon hello well I'm just gonna throw this out in the meantime you know what guys I'm done with trying to communicate with Sonny for now I'm gonna prank him uh guys starting to get really late I need to get some sleep but I don't feel too safe after that zombie attack so I'm just gonna make sure I put a little bit of armor on before I get home and I hope Mel is doing okay I haven't seen him since we went to the mines I'm pretty tired though I could use a good night's sleep good night guys Sonny just went to sleep so it's time to initiate prank one yes as a zombie instinctively feel like I have the power to summon more zombies oh yeah I've done it I've spawned my zombie army I feel like I'm having a nightmare I'm hearing all these zombie noises wait wait this isn't a nightmare I'm in my house this is real life why why what's going on I killed one zombie and now there's so many this is amazing yes zombies swarm swam him let me out of here let me out of here no oh get wrecked prank one complete no no I'm responding my whole house is infested why are there so many lock them out guys I'm safe underneath the counter this is the only place I could hide from them ow they can hit me here too not good guys I think I'm safe now they can't hit me here wait how is that zombie breaking blocks what is going on stop it stop it no no no no no no no no no no wait I think I'm still safe yeah I'm fine here totally fine ah I thought okay I'm not okay oh oh no one heart one heart I'm gonna leave my house behind it's a freaking disaster what is going on okay guys I survived the night I set up my sheltered the woods to survive the night but it's the next day and all the zombies should be gone now I've just gotta get back to my house guys it's time to initiate prank too I made it to shore now I just hope they're all gone hey the house it looks peaceful again just got a lure Sunny down here by making some zombie noises uh guys I thought the house was safe but I'm still hearing a zombie sound I think it's downstairs it must have survived the Night by hiding the dungeon yo there it is I'm gonna kill this thing wait what is going on it must be the alpha zombie how is it grabbing my diamond armor die die die what the heck it's got sword no why is it so intelligent how is it getting smarter I'm sorry outside safe get back here sorry wait why is it the zombie burning no way the helmet it's keeping it safe yes guys I left the diamond armor out to bait Sonny I've got a homing Dynamite with his name on it now I just gotta hide around this hill and wait for the time to be right this has been the weirdest couple of days ever I just want tonight to be peaceful for a change what the heck why is there Town my game is so cursed ever since we went Mining and I lost melon there's been a zombie doing weird stuff I think it left this armor behind what the heck is that guys that explosion was way bigger than I meant it to be but I gotta steal this armor back quickly and I'm out I'm out no way that zombie just stole my diamond armor again oh man now I've gotta fix this whole house bruh this is not gonna be easy I don't even know if I have all the supplies whatever it's time to start patching it up a couple more Cobble here and I'm gonna need to install some fresh wood walls ah it's almost back to normal just a couple more Farm patches to fix up and we should be good time to kick back relax and enjoy my new home my gosh what is this why why is there TNT get rid of this this is the final break yes it's beautiful okay guys I kind of feel bad I think it's time that I show Sunny Who I Really Am why does this keep happening to me my house got exploded by a zombie twice and all I have left is the Green Top no no I see that zombie it's coming to the Green Top too no hey hey Sunny listen I know you can't understand me but maybe this speaks your language look look I'm melon I'm melon okay I'm melon why is this zombie throwing watermelons at me go away haven't you done enough I'm melon bro look I'm melon do you not understand like he's a stunning stupid or something wait a second guys yeah zombies can't move like this and zombies definitely don't plant or throw watermelons hold on I have a suspicious feeling this could be melon disguises a zombie this whole time he must have gotten cursed in the mine shaft but wait wait a second though guys there's one way I can verify this for sure what is wrong with you sonny what is wrong with you okay that's definitely melon he's super upset that I destroyed the wander melon and now I'll eat the slices stop eating the water what is wrong with you actually okay here we are at quandale dingleberry shop hey quanda how you doing I got a watermelon slice for you yeah go ahead and dig into that one and that one yeah so I'm here today to ask you for a little bit of assistance melon got cursed and now he's a zombie hey yo chill melon I got no clue what he's saying he just keeps making all these zombie noises and groaning at me and being really aggressive so do you have one of those translator devices I can borrow oh yeah if you look over there I have a zombie translator in one of these boxes should be there somewhere zombie translator yo sonny can you understand me now [Music] I can't understand you melon yeah translator oh sonny can you hear me now melon I can hear the sound of your voice again yo wait if I put it in my off hand you should still be able to hear me yeah it's working perfectly I hear you crystal clear finally you can understand me I just wanted to let you know I've been the one trolling you this whole time yeah I know you have and now I'm getting revenge now what is wrong with you I don't even know how to die yo quandel on a real note I don't want to be a zombie anymore how do I change this you should visit the mine shaft where you got cursed in the first place I think you can find an antidote over there Condell how did I think of that you're so right let me get Sunny oh hey Sonny yeah hey I was eavesdropping on that entire conversation and I know just the place to find your antidote it's gonna be the mine shaft where you got cursed probably okay sonny I'll give you all this stuff but I need to helmet so I don't burn in the sun oh wow that's really kind of you can I have the sword too no absolutely not only if you promise you can't use it on me I won't use it on you I can use my natural zombie strength and you can use the sword let's do this I said I wouldn't use it on you I never said I wouldn't use it against you oh chill and dice calm down Sonny calm down melon I'll join you down in the mines in a minute I just gotta grab a little something something from up here yeah that's pretty good I'll get a spare one for melon and I'll grab this set for him too Sonny we're almost there Follow Me Wait melon I got some supplies for you get some armor on just in case we run into some dangerous enemies thank you so much Sonny and a diamond pickaxe yeah and also some bread I hear zombies are vegetarians these days yeah I don't know where you heard that but I've been munching on steak this whole time that's it I'm eating melons no Sonny stop just eat bread or steak or something all right fine fine fine I'll stick to the bread diet Sunny this is the room where it all happened once I touched that mysterious block I became a zombie yo this room looks crazy what the heck bro that's a cursed Emerald why would you touch that how am I supposed supposed to know that Sonny it looks so magical in fact I just want to touch it again if you would touch that again you might have become a blaze or a wither skeleton or something even worse you're right I gotta stay away from it quandale mentioned something about these crying obsidians Sonny I think we should break them until we find something you're right there's gotta be a clue around here somewhere and underneath this crying obsidian there's nothing sorry melon I think I found something Sunny yeah what is it it's a piece of paper with coordinates yo that means we probably have to go to the next location follow me let's go melon I think we found the place this looks pretty ominous bro yo it's the motherland of monsters this place is awesome yo skeleton Ralph and Zombie George it's skeletons and all kinds of Monsters Everywhere bro break these spawners quick okay okay sonny you can chill I'll get the spawners you might want to like focus on eliminate the rest of the mobs or surviving yeah survival survival sounds good die skeleton die oh no there's a lot of your brothers here there's a lot of your brothers Sonny just survive all right just survive ow ow they're not at my ankles just get in here you'll be okay big daddy melon will take care Oh more bread even birthday cake just get rid of this spawner and this spawner and these two spawners there we go yeah good work good work I'm trying to offer your zombie friends a little bit of birthday cake they don't seem to really want it though Sunny there's quite a bit of spawners I'm trying to do my best to get rid of them all but uh I don't know if I can do it you have to do it I can't leave this place except my birthday cake is acting as the perfect trap for these zombies hold on I'm getting rid of the skeletons because nobody likes skeletons bro I made a mob grinder with a cake now it's time to clear the rest of these mobs guys I killed all the zombies now I can exit and eat my cake yeah yeah uh sunny I forgot about a few that's okay I'll take care of this and you forgot about one final zombie get back here oh melon there was a lot more down here what is this place hold on hold on I'll help you out sunny and now we're gonna take out my friends this kind of feels wrong yeah I'm Gonna Leave it to you bro there's still so many don't worry I got this don't even worry about it don't even worry about it ah melon I found something we're gonna need two levers to act as keys to open up this Bedrock yo we gotta search the chests the levers have to be around here somewhere and it's a good thing we already killed all of the monsters so this shouldn't be too hard hey that's my cake bro I was saving it for later two latte oh gold and iron do you think these have any curses on them or you think I could steal all of it I would just be careful this isn't part of normal Minecraft anything bad could happen melon I found diamond armor here come grab it come grab it oh golden apples and uh uh a hot tub ow sorry just cause I'm a Zombie doesn't mean I'm immune to fire oh sorry about that anything else cool here nope not a lever in sight melon sorry about that the heck where are the levers maybe down here in this creepy pit yo there's something lurking in this I could tell over here levers hello oh a chest yes I got one of the levers let's go dude finally I was starting to think these levers didn't exist bro oh that's a lot of magma cream oh Diamond no Lava Buck it's kind of cool okay we'll take some steak yo I found the next lever good hurry up bro there's more zombies coming into this dungeon we need to get out of here Sonny go to the living room ASAP go to the living room I'll hold them off okay okay here hurry up I'm putting one lever in yo I've got the other lever okay on the count of three Sonny three two one three it worked yeah I'll see you on the other side bro let's go we made it where is this place I don't know sunny but they're attacking you back off bro it's just two husks relax I can kill them with a pickaxe no you can't Sonny and also I have an extra Diamond Helmet why don't you put that on oh thank you that's actually not bad I gotta protect my Noggin there's a Galaxy brain in there after all Maryland if this was a boss fight it was actually super easy all this hype for two husks wait Sonny I could tell just by looking at it the antidote must be in there you must face my Challenge and defeat the Ultimate Zombie uh sunny sunny oh bro that's not even a zombie what the heck dude this makes no sense if you don't stop being so snarky I'll send all these giant zombies after you as well bro look at the edge of the map there's giant zombies watching take him out burn them burn them we can take him out buddy we can take him out ow ow ow it's the only way to get the antidote sorry I'm flying I'm flying get to the hay Bill get to the hay bill that was so clutch melon you're actually goaded I know I'm a freaking genius burn him he's in the lava burn cook it cook it uh where'd he go where did he go uh I'm scared yo he's underneath Sonny he's doing heck of damage to me I'm going down I'm coming with you just give me a second give me a second boom he's going back up he's such a coward he's running behind his box like the coward he is yeah oh I slipped but so did he where is he he's out here he's down here oh he's getting epic it's getting epic I don't know where he went Sonny ow oh he's so Gro SS he's aggroed on me take him out Sonny I'm doing tons I'm doing bit Ah he tells wait there's two why is there two he's supposed to fly egg oh no oh no this is not good I'm doing heck of damage though he's so creepy this is why zombiel zingle was so confident he's got an army of these zombie shulkers Sonny take yours out and I'll take mine I'm trusting you I'm trying this isn't easy bro there's so many monsters here die oh no oh no he's shielding he's shielding oh no he's sending me in the air Sonny I'm trying to kill this guy he's gotta be low I've hit him so much wait I think he's dead oh no no he's not no he's he's not dead uh sunny I need you to get back here ASAP shulker you scumbag yes I think he's dead holy I don't think oh he's daddy blew up there's just one more to go sonny where did he go well and then I think I killed mine actually because he did that same special attack when he killed me uh oh we did it yeah look his grave is over here that's right you thought you could take me out try again well I guess you did take me out but I brought him down with me Sonny something's happening to me I'm levitating I think I'm going back to oh no that was just the shelter well we can climb up the water spout let's claim the antidote you deserve it bro you worked so hard for this yes the antidote it's actually open now just time to do some sick parkour let's go ah it's okay it's gonna be okay just get up here just get up here there you go buddy there you go okay thank you so much thank you so much Angelo here sick parkour there you go swim up I did it now let's see this antidote antidote melon juice wait melon juice oh was this antidote sourced Sonny I guess the only way to cure yourself was to make a watermelon smoothie blend it up and put it in a potion bottle I refuse I'll never use this antidote yeah as if you have a choice no oh no it worked bro you're back to normal but at what cost one of my brethren had to die there's only one way I can atone I too must join the afterlife nope I won't let you do it melon instead why don't we make more antidotes so that villagers around the world could be saved you're right Sonny and you guys should save our Channel by pressing that like And subscribe button do it quick before I roast these melons now what's wrong with you
Channel: Sunny
Views: 505,347
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: z2sqWb5ziq0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 52sec (1252 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 29 2023
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