Pokimane Tries Finding the Highest IQ Woman

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can a 100 women find the highest IQ I love these cuz then I get to participate while watching can they figure out who ranked the highest welcome to the one it's time for the first round so we need the 10 people who believe they have the lowest IQ to leave when you decide to leave please exit by pressing the counter and then stepping aside your time starts now oh oh oh I'm out of here the reason I left first is because I knew like one question on that test so I graduated when I was 16 that is smart but I also looked up the answer thank you for subing I feel like I'm I'm I'm more of a creative person than smart I've never been that bright in in in the the books was like about to speak boom just a bunch of people left I was like oh shoot well guess I'll stick around for a while see what's going on it's really kind of upsetting to see that so many women were so quick to kind of dismiss their own abilities and their own capabilities and to leave immediately but I know what it feels like to be in that position where you just feel like you aren't capable even though deep down you are what sorry I feel bad laughing at that but I'm just a giggler I laugh at everything okay don't read read into it let me tell you what I'm giggling at I know she was really she was speaking on her perspective in particular and trying to uplift other women and I respect that I appreciate that however I don't think it has to be viewed so negatively if someone's like you know what my strength is maybe not my intelligence and I'm okay with that Deuces then it's okay maybe they don't care to hit the books and that's fine it doesn't mean that they're going I'm an idiot the Point here is do you think you're the smartest in the room that's different than being like I'm the dumbest if that makes sense well that's the fastest that's may they show themselves uh let's move on to the next round welcome to round two we're asking you to leave if you believe you're ranked 50 and Below you have 5 minutes for 40 people to leave your time starts now growing up like I always thought of myself to like I never had like a 4.0 or whatever and like I even didn't really do well on test have you heard that statistic right like if like applying for the same job like it's much higher that the man will apply with less qualifications than a woman who's overly qualified to apply for the same job and then the man will exaggerate what he's like yeah I work in the medical field and it's predominantly and they often look down upon like like okay but in my opinion an intelligent person if they're like I never even had a 4o know and we're trying to find the smartest person in the room you probably leave no it's not a bad thing thank you for the Su female doctors yeah cuz in nursing guess what it's women but higher up it's so it's like we have to prove ourselves more intelligence wise even though like a lot of men know that we're smart it's like AC yeah men are like the ones who kind of predominantly take the field and I wonder am I the only one who's confused by why they're talking talk about men I mean slay ladies you could talk about men if you want but if we were trying to figure out who's the smartest person I would L I would literally bring a group of people and be like multiplication table go we got scores our whole life like we have a number in our head because they kept telling us our grades I doesn't even tell you if you understand the concept it tells you how good of a test taker you are you were memorizing the material but it doesn't necessarily measure how much you understood the material so I feel like a lot of people going to underestimate themselves and sort of value the wrong thing and leave for that reason but IQ ironically I think probably a lot of people left at the beginning decently correlated with like a typical school test and they should have stuck around I grew up a very I don't think if you don't have a super high IQ that doesn't mean you're intelligent I think you can be intelligent in a lot of ways but I do think there's a correlation between the way I Define myself and I think it ended up being how I valued myself growing up I was valid orian and got really high grades and then went to college and did the same thing and moving from a very achievement based field into acting the Arts which is so completely out of left field in terms of achievement based was a really hard pivot for me it's honestly been a really important shift for me as an individual because I could no longer place value in something that I would get a number for I would say that anyone that's leaving now that I'm talking which might me a little more emotionally like confident in their emotional intellig because emotional intelligence is still intelligent yeah but it's not like M but they're talking about just IQ right now yeah so based off of like this actual experiment I guess like whoever should leave is like who feels like they didn't do the best on the actual test because that's what we're ranking so I think I'm with her I had a teacher over stupid in front of the whole class and that devast I feel like that should be illegal me because from home you had how many of you guys have school trauma like teacher trauma let me rephrase teacher trauma will you remember some [ __ ] that a teacher said that heavily impacted you you hear it so much in songs to be honest which I think is funny you know like they'll call it a teacher that said some [ __ ] and then they're like look at me now [ __ ] yeah it's it goes to show how common it is which really SS sucks because like a young person's mind is so fragile and developing and easily influenced especially by a figure of authority like how dare you all this love and support but when I was outside in the real world somebody looks amazing pretty much told me that I was Dumb and that really I took it to heart back then and it really made me insecure about my intelligence okay everyone we have 2 minutes left 40 people will need to leave during that time oh [Music] [Music] [Applause] my sorry Mom and Dad if you see this I didn't have parents that are educated and I feel like I have always been a little bit slower to learn you know so I love the way she said I've always been a little bit slower to learn you know like I had a hard time but it's no big deal respect it is no big deal I am gonna guess she 100 is the lowest I'm G to guess she actually ranked like 40 because there's a level of self-awareness that she had or like around 30 40 to be honest because there's a level of self self-awareness she has that requires a decent amount of intelligence oh my God cutie should do this with streamers I saw oh okay4 just going to open it cuz I think that this will be comedy comedy oh my God bro I can't even bro can't do a test can't open an envelope so I got my score you know you know I think actually I'm the idiot here like why am I so stupidly optimistic I was really rooting for her you know what that's not the lowest though so I that's true dude I only answered two questions and onow so I don't know I don't know which one of you thank you so much didn't really grow up in like the US education system in general I like to consider myself an intelligent person in different ways but when it comes to us standardized testing I think being honest with myself there is a gap in the way that I was taught versus education is taught here and on that note I think I should politely exit but what I want to hear more from her I think I'm going to exit too CU I feel like for me the definition of being intelligent is just so skewed by society which obviously I know I'm intelligent in many ways I know oh now I understand they're almost like trying to preface why they might still feel like they're intelligent but they're leaving because it might not translate within [Music] the you stay I'm sad I want to know because I know for a fact I'm very self-aware and I know out of guys do I roast someone in chat tell me right now tell me right now you can say no it's okay you guys probably get tired of me [ __ ] on others but they deserve [Music] it yes cuz I saw it okay good lots of flatchested girls there's at least one little dinky guy I'll tell you that much like who makes an observation like this d i you got a flath headed brain that's even better dude that's good I wish I came up with that 100 people I'm not going to be number one 60 I'm going to open it cuz YOLO and why not like I know that it's not going to be a very great number 70 60 it's good what it's a good number this is not are you serious I [ __ ] told you guys I was like please don't leave I could just tell by her her her rhetoric in her tone I was like you a smart [ __ ] no her hair knows all there's so much knowledge in this hair how dare you underestimate yourself that's crazy I don't believe this I hope she takes it as a sign to be more confident don't cry I'm gonna cry and also like this is kind of cute because 10 is actually my lucky number Casey thanks for giting a sub feel very shocked but also proud of myself I feel really I feel content I'm not going to lie I tried really hard okay now I'm confused it's like do I believe them when they say that they think they scored badly or do I not believe them you know what I just don't I just maybe make an opinion IR regardless of what other people think wow that's not something I'm used to with the amount of social media that I consume I'm a biology and Applied Mathematics I want to go into Environmental Conservation so like I want to go for my PhD I know everybody probably thinks she's going to be top 10 but imagine she's not like it would make sense but then you know plot twist I believe that majority of people do believe I'm smart from the way I talk the energy that I put off is a thing that just knows about a lot of things even if I don't know it with the specifically in I test I know that there are a lot more intelligent women in this room that have put more effort into learning these types of things really I am going to open this to0 envelope but I'm not determining this for anything I know this is not this is not I no I do not no I don't I don't no this is no [ __ ] what the [ __ ] [ __ ] what and she walked up like now I'm mad now I'm mad now I'm look are you she heard her talking about stem and she said got to go [ __ ] and just did without even saying anything you're third wow majority of I'm sad things in the Arts like acting and drama I am not ever been like the math part was so hard also I did try I tried very hard on this test but I would never in a million years three I would never PR so the test I don't feel like it was a really good so I guess a lot of people overestimate themselves and a lot of people underestimate themselves analysis of my intelligence because I was taking it on my phone wait a second the questions were on a Google form and we were able to Google the questions if we wanted to were you in this PO I was in the video let me tell you the T when we were filming this video everyone had an ego and forgot the ranking is based on the IQ test we took 15 minutes before filming yes filming this was so frustrating because the highest IQ is based on the test we took 10 minutes before filming we we were literally told to just Yap to fill in time during the video oh that's why yall started talking about random [ __ ] the IQ test we were told to take was on a Google form it was crazy did you see anybody um Googling the answers I'm so curious and did you Google the answers you can be honest it's over yes I'm in the top 10 in the happiest video in the happiest video coming out soon okay oh I'm going to watch that too W Insider scoop did you see people um please please please tell me oh yes my entire table Googled questions well that sucks now it feels so inaccurate maybe that's why they're all like oh my God no way I got third Googled everything for IQ test as much as people like to say they're not important they are because it kind of gauges where we can go in society cuz I mean you don't want a brain surgeon you know being really good at Art and awful at math I mean that I'm inclined to disagree slightly I think there is a bit of correlation between how applicable a high IQ is to certain jobs but I don't think it should be idolized so much in that way yes or creating a correlation where art equals low IQ and brain surgon equals high IQ you know what I that wouldn't really make any sense so I think it's important to a degree based off of what you as a person want to go into artistic capability can also be important to a degree if you want to be an artist guys care more about IQ than women do I've never cared also there's times in my life where I felt like I was really smart because EnV imagine going on a date with a dude and he's like what's your IQ and you're like I don't know I don't really I don't remember just whips out a test why can't I see that happening St many times but I feel like always gets Mur so I'd rather be stupider and begin okay but don't call yourself stupid because you're not like I you know what it is but I'm not really worried about you know what I mean like I know I got prove it so I get that I wouldn't consider myself to be a very emotional person but I get really emotional around like girls in general I feel like I just feel really supported in this group and I also feel girls Ted downplay their intelligence anyway it just it says a lot about women just trying to be humble and I think human hum is a good thing but I also think it's good to be forward with your gifts you know because you guys aren't leaving I have to pair you up and you have to decide between each other is this [ __ ] squid games like can you do something simpler why are you making wait a second why are we pitting women against each other here make them do a math test or something why are you making them be like you're Dumber you should leave that's the [ __ ] okay so you two you two you two you two two two two two and two now that you guys are in pairs you can either leave together or one of you must leave are you confident oh it's going to be high I feel like high school and college me would just die to know this number I think I've done so much personal growth at this point that I honestly don't I don't give a I really don't this isn't a mark of my value as a human being it doesn't Define how I treat other people and especially being a creative it doesn't have any impact on my ability to share with the world my talent which is acting so I'm going to choose I do think it's very funny that share with the world my talent which is acting not to open it what one person from that respectfully I'm going to dock you a point on your acting skills because if you are an actor you know that your goal is to entertain the masses and I am not entertained I am not entertained by you deciding not to open it minus one GT RP six there's just one more person dissatisfying I could believe it's up to you I don't I could are you sure enjoy enjoy oh that's it my partner made the choice and was like Hey if you want to stay you can if not I'll stay so they end up leaving which kind of wish I stayed stay I felt that my partner was more enthusiastic I felt like she had something to uh show and talk about so I just let her do her thing I don't know if enthusiasm correlates to oh well I think she's just I was going to leave before the top 10 to be honest and the only reason I stayed was because people were telling me to stay um I think she wanted to stay friends are great motivators and I've made a lot of friends here today you guys are the 10 that believe you have the highest IQ in the entire room but we still need to narrow it down to just one person you guys have two minutes to nominate who you want to be the one why don't we go around and say why we think it's us does anyone want to start first you want I'm open to the idea of it being somebody else I believe I have an over average IQ so I'm actually planning on going to law school because I think I'm very structured with my analytical skills so that's why I advocated for myself to kind of be one of the top 10 I went I'm going to say this right now I think four to five of them school and optometry school so every school I've would app to program apply to I've gotten in I really love to read I'm an aid reader so i a about 380 books per because I think people really either overestimate themselves or underestimate themselves that's me out of a bird I thoroughly enjoy cognitive skills activities and that's a strength of mine I hope she's top 10 I like her early from my University and I uh began a graduate program I dropped out because Tik Tok but that was a valid opportunity that was that was an intelligent decision in my opinion you know [Music] what that was I grated early from University I began a grad program I dropped out because cognitive skills activities and that's a strength of mine's a crypto wait actually are you just saying that my University and I uh began a graduate progr but that was a valid opportunity I think Trump's going to lose the election refuse to leave office and incite massive uprisings as I've mentioned in videos past Biden's astrology looks more straightforward into getting Authority but kamla Harris's extremely auspicious next decade is what sold me on predicting the Biden Harris ticket winning however Trump has such [ __ ] show alignments this November December and even the new moon on October 16th looks like a certain amount of win for him like at the cost of others especially could be Amy con Barrett getting nominated and the eclipse on November 30th is falling into Joe Biden's first house of self every presidential candidate that has won in the past few Cycles has had eclipses falling in their first house I I think this was a meme or maybe it's not but apparently she ended up being really accurate if you are not already aware tonight is the lunar eclipse in around 9:00 p.m. Pacific and midnight eastern time the Sun will be opposite the moon starting off our Eclipse season with a huge letting go or chapter ending in relationships or being close with others or something social going on in your life so if you feel like you are distancing yourself cutting people off or remove listen I don't know much about astrology but I love her aesthetic there's a full moon in Virgo on February 24th and it's all about I'm curious how much money you can make doing a astrology like this on Tik Tok cuz it's a lot of videos I think she basically does one for every sign right Capricorn placements Capricorn Sun Moon Rising you were officially done with being slaughtered by the universe over the past 15 years Pluto was in Capricorn from 2008 to this year and it just entered Aquarius slaugh anyways interesting I know Tik Tok doesn't pay well that's why I'm you know she said that she dropped out for Tik Tok but maybe she's able maybe she does other things oh she making money I do love that she still does astrology though also so funny to see her uh closet thingy is all redit sorry I love the little deep Dives do you guys mind I think it it adds a layer of interest to the video oh my God yeah it's like April food true that was an intelligent decision in my opinion oh my God you know [Music] what now that I situation I don't know but I will say I know like random facts I have ADHD so it's kind of like I forget stuff and then stuff comes back aggressively so book smart I don't know about that but like anime comic books cartoons Arts crafts oh I know everything about that but yeah um I'm from Vietnam and that I was raised in a family when my parents didn't go to college um I try my best to learn English I came here um like eight years ago I like her accent but her voice sounds little sad so in terms of intelligence I feel like you also have to put a lot of hard work and have like a big autonomy the thing like you can do it I'm just advocating for myself but I think I have chosen who I think would be the smartest to um My Little anecdote is that um I started doing this thing I came up with like a function um like a math problem function that I just did for like a grounding exercise um and I started like telling it to people I went on dates with so now it's like this running joke with like my friends and stuff that I'll give them the function on the first date or afterwards and then they have to like solve it to go on a date the second date but it's not about solving it that's like it's just like I like to see how they like think about it and how creative they are and if they have fun and if oh I feel bad because I love all women but if a guy ever did this [ __ ] to me I want to say I would block his number but it depends how it came up it depends how it came up up I like me a little bit of math but if he was like hey I need you to solve this in order for us to go on the second date otherwise I'm going to think you're an [Music] idiot but you know if we're hanging out I don't know we're playing board games we start talking about derivatives and he's like if you solve this I'll take you shopping next Daye oh I'm solving that equation you know at least that's cute that's cute it's not I give this function to every single date of mine and if you don't solve it you're not good enough for me it it depends how the dialect but she does seem to have a positive attitude I guess that's not really so I assume she's not like really me a big reason that I'm here is because my friends have and the friends that I've made here have been pushing me to stay like encouraging me like you are smart enough you are good enough and it's really awesome to have like women encouraging other women to stick around and stay I'm really proud of my capabilities that I have it's not necessarily like a competition of like what I do and what I don't do I'm just really proud of like how far I've come in my own academic journey and like whether I'm the smartest person or not like it doesn't really matter to me I'm just like proud of my own progress and proud of my own capabilities so I'd say that math with no R equals bad math with R equals good yes hello I know academics isn't all I've been in honors for like middle school high school college um I've G scholarships many awards I plan on going to law school which um but yeah I don't know if I'm the one but I do believe I'm like up there so yeah yeah after hearing everyone's story I feel like there's only going to be three or four out of them that I really resonate with what Taylor said Being a woman in stem um I'm a chemist and all of my workplaces even my classes back in University were dominated and I felt like that always kind of made me feel a level below everyone else in my class but again with the support of my friends and my peers I know that I am smarter than what I think I am the bigir I think I too it's it's a lot about exposure it's genetics and exposure and like life experiences I've had so many different jobs in so many different Industries and I've worked amongst so many smart people that I continue to learn from dayto day and that I feel like has a lot to do with it a lot of the girls when we they were talking about themselves started shaking and kind of getting like just nervous to be honest that they thought that they might have the highest IQ it really did it made me so emotional because I just feel like those girls were really smart and I wish that they they were more confident and honest about that yeah so I actually honestly don't think I have the highest IQ in this C I want them to do this with guys so we can contrast and compare cuz to be fair I also think some guys will be like um you know I don't know if it's me but some guys will be like well here are are my credentials and so yeah I think I could be the one be so funny to see the side to side intelligence and other ways that I actually view intelligence and I actually think that the person with the highest IQ in the room may not be the most intelligent anyway um but yeah I'm working on advocating for myself because at the end of the day like being grateful for it and using it it's crazy because that's what the women you're doing no we haven't really seen make peace with it like a cocky we haven't seen a single cocky woman wait a minute dang this is difficult I have a top three right now shoot compared to everybody else their achievements oh my God I was like dang I'm sitting next to three p like y'all are my top three I was like if I could pick three people oh my God the people are next to me oh oh I nominate jire I don't agree with me but thank you for the Nom I personally think it's Nancy I think a lot of people were talking about how experience really buil stop Ching have like a really really strong me toad we all think kind of builds IQ so I think it might be you something's pulling me towards Sydney I'm actually going to vote for Taylor um I think the way that you spoke just like eloquently really brought things together and I was like yeah you seem very intelligent with like the thing the way that you spoke about that so yeah I agree I think you were very intelligent but I'm going to go with Taylor because I think that what you said I think it's a very like humble perspective for you to be self-aware like it's one of those people that's kind of like the background or like the sidekick but they're super important you know and so I think that you need to step into your super I want to advocate for you put your C on all right everyone it looks like you all voted and have agreed that I don't know how to describe the impression I'm getting from Taylor it's like she wants to seem more humble than she actually is which I understand I do a better job that Taylor is nominated to be the one everyone else please leave the group it's time to find out if Taylor is the one she is insecure dichotomized with confident okay I'm I'm going to open it um I don't think that IQ has anything to do with like real intelligence or what I actually value and intelligence so this number is not I think she did great mean much oh God but I feel like I'm always wrong okay um no I think she did great are you sure oh my God she did great I'm the smartest see I shouldn't put myself down either so I got two um slage okay I thought it wouldn't mean much because I actually assumed that I would score really low so this actually means a lot I'm so surprised a I'm so surprised I would do this well I tried really hard on test hard cry if you want um maybe I need to take my own advice about being forward and confident and intelligent so yes wait are you sure that that was my test you love to see it wow thank you yeah she's such a cutie I liked her a lot what oh so excited Mama it's my golden ticket oh my God okay yeah I kind of cheat so Lord have mercy oh my goodness that's awful what do I have to show it I'm shook oh no please hire me I'm so sorry I'm I'm not I'm very smart girl she was giving cocky a little bit I'm telling you you're either overconfident or not confident enough you guys are laughing so much her reaction is really funny girl I can't go outside I'm not that intelligent I don't free smart oh lord it's just one test and everybody cheated more you know what she said she has ADHD I bet she didn't cheat I don't know why I just bet she didn't cheat Taylor she watches anime she for sure didn't [ __ ] cheat you know everybody not everybody who watches anime but a lot of girls who watch anime you know their morals like I can't I can't do it up on the podium okay so how are you feeling right now um really nervous to be honest um I'm very very thankful that like people think so highly of me like I feel very very respected in this group of women right now which is something that I never thought I would say more tea def very ner it's very tough to hear like so many other like amazing women talking about like how intelligent they are and to like stand up there and say like no I'm also I fit in with these other women so now it's time to see if Taylor is the one if the light turns green then Taylor is the one if the light turns red then I'll bet you guys 100 gifted she's not I don't think she scored low it's just the odds of them finding the one like this someone else in the crowd let's change the light in three two think actually scored like 30 you guys owe me 100 gifted I'm kidding it was a beted on also my odd are crazy you did so good you you killed I'm so proud oh my God don't cry what guys the odds the the odds the odds of you guys guessing the one person who got number one are terrible it's not something to be sad about girl if if I somehow made it up as number one one I'd be like well that's really nice thank you but also the odds of it being me are really low so it's not going to be me but thank you and I'm excited to leave the podium to let someone else on you it's so out of your comfor not like sad I know it's out of your com you did that people voted for me so many people here that were saying you deserve when it I appreciate them uplifting each other I was just you know I'm a little surprised I was not disappointed I I had a feeling that I wasn't the one I don't know I would like to know where I was ranked but I knew that I wasn't the one and I kept saying that but nobody wanted to listen to me when I said you have any te on Taylor okay 20 30 20 20 I'm not I looked at it but good I think like a big thing that I preach is like comparison is like I think like is the is the thief of joy and I find myself like getting caught and comparing myself to other people a lot and like I guess that's why I think it's something I really need to work on is to just like really like do my own thing and be my own person and like not compare myself to how other people are doing so I'm kind of mad that I just looked at it but it's nice to know where I stand and nice to know like maybe from like here on out I'm going to stop trying to compare myself to how others are treating me actually that's really good take away from this off of who I am yeah okay it's time to find out who the one really is we tabulated everyone's scores and we found out the one really is anah heat girl I love women this is a hard one to sit through me right [Applause] now [Applause] [Music] like Shake yeah yeah on a heat um can you just tell us how you're feeling why did you leave early and how are you feeling now um well right now I'm shaking I'm I don't believe it um I early because I felt like there's just so many smart women in here and having conversations with them like I just felt you know there're just greater um greater intelligence greater emotional um intelligence Greater Life Experiences like and I just felt that you know what now that it's near the end of the video I realized this video concept is stupid because it just promotes people to compare themselves and then realize why it's shitty to compare yourself to anyone else especially other women and then realize you shouldn't do that you know I can compare but I didn't want to push I didn't want to do any you know put myself on top um but here I am and I'm still in disbelief and I'm shaking and I'm grateful for all of you girls I have so much love for you I was shocked I didn't process it at first like that yeah and also inaccurate um because know I just didn't really think about it like there's chemists and lawyers in the group and then I'm here as a DJ y'all did a Google form so it's okay that's I don't know it was shocking one two hey I knew she would rank highly because she wasn't overly confident or 10 we love her oh she got eight I knew she would be up there too um she got six nice yeah was like Tik Tok girl everyone thank you on a he thank you everyone and thanks so much for watching we'll see you on the next the one we'll see you on the next the one
Channel: Pokimane Too
Views: 19,409
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pokimane, poki, pokimane stream, pokimane clips, pokimane best moments, pokimane funny, offlinetv, offlinetv highlights, livestreamfails, livestream fails
Id: azqz3Pjo5pg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 34sec (2314 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 31 2024
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