Poketuber Reacts to Young Yong tales: "Attempting a Blind Pokemon Ultra Sun Nuzlocke"

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right [Music] [Music] [Applause] what is going on guys it is your boy because we're here for another reaction video from young young tales and he is attempting another Nuzlocke I went ahead and did a reaction video with my man sanak another time of young young tales for his very first Pokemon Nuzlocke and now we're gonna go ahead and take a look at his next one I hope you guys are excited because I'm thrilled and ready for this next one after attempting my first Nuzlocke ish thing and winning like a total boss I decided yes you did and what better place than the alolan island Lord out goodbye stress and death and Lola to rest and relaxation sure [Music] why does this feel like Legends Arceus all over again except in the alola region no no no no there is no way I'm going to subject myself to that again you'll get a chance to capture a very powerful bug Pokemon if you do no hang on that's interesting okay fine but I'm not taking the seal let's go Drupal and with that my blind Pokemon Ultra Moon Nuzlocke ah so we decided to do ultra don't know what a Nuzlocke is you need me to explain it that's a hundred percent true though every single person at this point knows what a Nuzlocke is in one way shape or form and if you really don't know you can check out all the videos on my Channel or on anyone else's channel for that matter of fact including so not Caleb or Rebel trainer onto the video full of bug Pokemon so already my team was looking pretty good we got duple the roulette GrubHub the grubbin Lenny the ladies and Harry the Caterpie Riding High nothing can no no no no no no no no no no no I know my Yu-Gi-Oh that's a Yu-Gi-Oh that's a Yu-Gi-Oh monster that is a dual monster that does not belong in Pokemon just like Digimon to stop this Unstoppable Force apparently my gallerian Champion credits didn't transfer because before I could even start my journey school first it was so insulting like do you even know who I am and don't you dare say James so I beat four trainers including wiping the floor with this preschoolers Metapod in the classroom the teacher just standing there like yeah this is fine but before I can leave the principal I love this so much already come on in I hear you've been picking on little children and their Pokemon Emily what are you doing here silence Punk now get wrecked she challenges me to a Pokemon battle using mommy sorry only one Pokemon except this one Pokemon was like the worst matchup possible a litten not only oh that is if you're just kidding but also against every single member that proves every reason why I like dogs over cats in absolute bloodbath and all that was left was the smell of charred bugs and barbecued chicken you saw the rowlet right the burnt Relic my self-esteem what is this so much and I fought so many tougher foes and yet I am defeated by a total scrub is this what it's like ketchup so there you have it everyone that was my uh long overdue Pokemon Ultra Moon Nuzlocke don't forget to like And subscribe comment wow what an amazing video best video of the Year honestly buy that merch roll the credits and I'll see you in another three months don't say anything come on I actually want to do the entire time anyway so actually welcome to my blind Pokemon Ultra I love this never heard of it a lot has happened already so let me get you up to speed I got a brand new Dream Team popsicle the popplio.com precious the Caterpie and door Dash the grubbin I met Professor Kakui who signed me up to take part in this so we're still doing the bugs I saved a girl named Lily and her companion nebby from a bunch of angry sparrows okay well actually the bridge we were standing on collapsed and then we ended up being saved by a mysterious island girl Pokemon and it gave me a Z power ring so that was pretty cool I met my rival he already had a name but from now on we're just gonna call him Jagger Jim Bob ciao because it's cooler and we're gonna be great Rivals Until the End of Time Triple J all right but I crushed him in our first guys get rid of the Pichu finally get my revenge all right Emily which brings us to full circle so uh yeah pre-eventful first day if you ask me onwards two womples the Cutie fly joins my team and we proceed to The Verdant Cavern home to my channel one instead of gym leaders and badges there are powerful totem Pokemon which I think was amazing addition to Pokemon just saying that's just me I thought this was an amazing idea it just did didn't follow through very well regarding special Stones we beat him then we can have this done very simple and first trial on our list was totem gum shoes if this is how the totem Pokemon looked no one I repeat no one would have been upset no one would have been upset this is this looks like a mega is it young goose yum he just doordash smacked him with a bunch of mud slaps so he couldn't hit us at all precious knocked him out with sleep powder and then dubby punched him in his sleep a lot all right I have a new uh we gotta work out Vikings oh come on at this point meets me outside to show me how to use the Z Crystal ring but not that this one is of any use to me Lily apparently has this tendency to get lost and wandered off so it was up to me to go find her on Route 3. we eventually do find her in the meadow but Debbie just keeps running away from us and when we do catch up to it I'm challenged to a battle by this futuristic robot guy named Dulce who's a member of the ultra Ultra Squad well his for foul looks like it could use a real super effective punch to the face do it dubby he did say he needed to work out oh my gosh and thus the first Blood of the Nuzlocke pushing forward we ran into none other than jaggered Jim Bob Joe finished his trial and felt like he could take me on but you know what I just lost dubby and I just wasn't in the mood so I showed him no mercy Revenge going and take on the [ __ ] you got Butterfree this should be more fighting walk in the park real concern with precious and womples taking the lead I actually had no idea that fairy types were super effective against fighting types so you know it's just another one of those fairy matchups that makes no sense but regardless Victory wasn't handed the next island of there you go hold on that art that art everything about this man is just this man and his team do amazing jobs on this I just have to point that out evolving and then I head over to pennyola town where I square off once again against my arrival here like some old western [Music] I passed out from drinking too much moo moo milk and when I woke up I found this team skull and gladion who challenges me to a fight he didn't give me too much trouble so we're good and look at that thank you for my second try all right second trial so far so good only one that is one big water spider this one's actually a pretty tough one oh I wanted to be saying it and I want a boosted bubble beam and Aurora beam like how did that even happen also I forgot to mention that in addition to the powerful giant monster if I have to work with bug Pokemon on this island 2V1 is considered fair so that definitely says that's 100 cool just practice so that way I could heal up doordash again I made the switch and I finished rocking it off insane to think but now I have Mr munchie and thank goodness too because the next trial was on a volcano with alolan marowag these guys look amazing Kyle with laurentis that was like super annoying it was supposed to be a simple bug to grasp not that one all this bug imposter did was heal itself non-stop with its Ally Who guess what also healed it eventually a few hours later we do beat it sounds about right on a pincer I named stud what's behind that rock I'm not really sure hello which nobody or at least me ever is to go back to that trial and push that rock oh hey professor there's a giant Wormhole that just opened up Oh you mean the large crack in this guy yeah I see that hold on I'm gonna have to call you back I think some pigtail lady wants to fight me anyways without taking me this is an awesome Style with Kahuna Olivia she uses rock type Pokemon which you know are usually pretty strong against bugs unless the bugs attack first and no water and grass moves which I did that said hurdle Elite became is not even a bug types of power boost doesn't put my entire team in a bad spot I didn't think it was that fast yet so I sent in wumples to quickly finish it off but oh I was wrong he couldn't take another hit and the lileep will for sure Attack yo The Vicious it's like so what was that forever Five Nights of Freddy that's that's the game I'm thinking of not long after morning loss of another Fallen teammate everything that's a big one mysterious bug looking man to come to a special Island so I hop on a ferry and I travel to Ether Paradise which is actually not an island but just a large floaty thing there we meet president Louise I mean I listen to her spiel about building the island to be a safe haven Utopia for all Pokemon and then this giant alien jellyfish just randomly which looks like a bug sort of to fight it is this thing so uh everyone attack ah well that worked answer me you stupid jellyfish where's your bug friend who sent you it didn't answer me but we did later learn about a Pokemon called um but who cares about that because it's on to the next Island and my fourth child let me tell you that one he's one a little bit kept protecting itself with bounces and spiky Shields while his buddy Skarmory spam spikes and torment the only super effective news I had was stud's brick break but he could probably get one shot by a bounce and doordash's dig which fortunately is just not that great to begin with noordash would use dig but then the tokede Maru would use bounce the Dig misses skarmy would then use torment so I can't use dig again and oh look there goes a chunk of doordash's help nice suck Mr munchie was the tankiest member I had so he chipped yeah he's a water time why good and he was able to protect against some of the bounces but unfortunately he did end up getting credit precious came out on the snow sustained heavy damage but in her last moments she managed to put the toga demaru to sleep ultimately giving doordash the opportunity we needed and landed the final blow we completed the ridiculously crap heavy cost this island is awful you know this was supposed to be a chill and relaxing thing but instead it's an island of death and yup anguish precious and Mr munchie okay well after that Fiasco I had to really rethink my Approach arachnid is amazing Pokemon and I'm barely like Butterfree like those are those are pretty good Pokemon was uh yeah not so great so I had to take some time to do a bit more research on the island and see what I might have missed and hopefully I can bolster the team I evolved the pineacle I named Gumball and revived a cloth fossil to get Spike the anareth I'm Gonna Save You for later I arrive at a secret garden place and meet guzma a fellow guy I gotta watch for that gotta watch for that be best friends but unfortunately he's also team skulls leader and uh yeah me and team skull aren't on the best of terms Professor gokui is also there for some reason and he just tells guzma straight up that I'm better than him I mean hey so region this island isn't big enough for two bug lovers bring it bug eyes guzma's Infamous [Applause] dawn on me that he couldn't do anything to him oh your Sucker Punch failed oh what a sucker his master rainbow was actually a lot stronger than I thought almost knocked Gumball out but thank goodness for popsicle after that I took a slight detour on Route 8 to pick up there he is and on our way to our next trial doordash finally evolves into a vikavolt at a power plant protect the nebby what in taboo Village it just makes me think of Demon Slayer protect the desico no pictures what the captain named acerola returns and then she sends me over to an abandoned Superstore foreign but that's why we have Gumball who tanked everything chipped away at the mimikyu and doordash swooped it and delivered the final blow I got a delivery for a thunderbolt s we come back to the east this is such an anime Arc of oh I wanted it back of all time I love this so much I always love these guys some child's young goose is beyond me like look there's literally a wild one right there on route to poetown on Route 16 I caught a robombe and named it Polly now before any of you start writing in the comments John that's cheating cause you already got one man you're a monster I caught its pre-evolution alright so while I can't catch another cutie fly I can catch its Evolution because I haven't done that yet so shut anyways outside of Poe town There's loopholes mysterious guy names loopholes I like it I like the loop hide but I ignore him team skull goons are everywhere but my Pokemon are too strong for them I got it we eventually we love the smell once again don't you no no animal violence Pokemon but this time it was his golicipod versus my tanjiro what a fierce rivalry I love this I love that Owen guzma is defeated and I take back the years when I get back to ether's house oh my gosh I find out that my entire Journey was just the destruction so that team skull could come back and kidnap Lily and nebby you didn't protect you gotta go get him back lydian has a feeling that Lily I could just I could just imagine playing dodgeball with a fortress gosh that would hurt Ether Island so gladion Jagger Jim Bob Zhao and I took a ferry to get there before we could leave nanu appears and reveals himself to be the Island's Kahuna nanu more like Nani okay yeah that's a no we have the grand trial right then and there but you know my man you can do better it's just not really a competition no but hey it did give me a chance to bring out Spike for the first time yeah that's pretty cool you see him you see him right you see him you see them that tiny little guy tiny little guy right there right there I see him I see him I see him I see him don't ask me why he he is there but foreshadowing send these dark Pokemon back to the abyss now we're off to save Lily and nebby if you wish to see the president you'll have to get through all of us okay but it's close enough you are too late with nebby's powers we will be able to open up oh yeah to another dimension where necrozma is waiting there Guzman and I will defeat it and I will save all my precious Pokemon but I'm sure you have many questions as to how gladion and Lily are tied into all of this for I am none other than their mom I mean I didn't want to assume she was on to say that she will back off if I were to beat her in a Pokemon battle so I do but then she goes and then she still says no powers and her along with Guzman jump into a portal leaving nebby hey guess what do what I think he was doing hey in the shape of a stone they are most likely way over their head so we figured it's a good idea to go after them and in order to do so we need a legendary Pokemon that can transport us across Dimensions the Moon and Sun flute gladeon already has one and the other one is on Pony Island we have our headache we arrive at Seafood we have our hitting here we go Mina who then points us to talk to a girl named hapu hopefully this is the person that can help us locate the Island's Kahuna who can then tell us more about this legendary Pokemon that we know little to nothing about the world hangs in the balance yeah we don't have a Kahuna here oh well is incredibly unhelpful then just give me what I need the room oh so that just happened her grandmother showed up later and showed us how to move giant Boulders I left for a moment to go get something and then we headed over to the ruins while there we wait a minute wait a minute ruins of Hope wait a minute her grandmother showed up later you guys saw that right I left for a moment you see that right it's it's it's an orange spiky thingy I'm thinking Larvesta let's go get something and then we headed over to the ruins while there we witnessed hapu receiving a blessing from the Island's guardian and she became the brand new Kahuna of pony Island and because she's Kahuna now apparently she is allowed to tell us that the flute we need is on executor Island was all of this necessary I don't know but we have our heading we arrive our executor Island and uh oh what a sight we save you a load in executors by removing the pincers that are stuck on their head I caught a tree felt like I'm gonna be using it anyway the sun flute is ours back on Pony island in the vast Pony Canyon there is a shrine that we're supposed to play the flutes at blocking the entrance dulse of the ultra reconstruction and he's got me once again I am much better than I was I could have done so much more with these guys than just a quick battle on a little bit of story but now watch my amazing pipe Hall use nasty plot yeah okay Lily and I pressed on and the only thing now standing in my way was a giant combo and a Noivern because my next trial just happened to be on the Way I Loved These Guys friends of this cursed Island Challenge even though they had any kind of fairy type goodbye had a pretty good feeling that kamo or the Noivern had something that could One-Shot paulins so I resorted to the best strategy I knew how by having Gumball use toxic and stall until kamo died Fortress easily got the comma out of the way and allowed Spike to finish off the Noivern and bestowing upon us the Dragon Z Crystal which is useless to me we climb an absurd amount upstairs and with whatever because there's no bug dragon Pokemon give us the bug dragon Pokemon we've been waiting for it and it would be an amazing mod which you've had plenty of opportunity including that Flygon Aid the flutes the music awakens nebby and it evolves into a giant lion looking Pokemon turns out that this was the Pokemon that can transport us across dimensions and it was with us the entire time so how'd it go roster whoa yeah and I thought eternitus looked weird in its newest shiny form nebby and necrozma Duke it out he fought bravely but necrozma was stronger and eventually the cutscene of the game is so good done good weird Pokemon come out of them including the one that I have been searching for ah finally which can you even get an ultra seal with this as that impossible or is that an ultra moves again I am putting that classic situation where I don't know what's effective against this thing but regardless faithful and reliable tanjudo was able to land some good hits because that was perfect and it took necrozma out defeated necrozma Retreats through a wonderful leaving the eyes try to be like the darkest day it's more like the second Darkest Day you have to go after it here take a ride on our lunala it will allow you to travel through Dimensions as well here's a lunala right on this one riding on top of the lunala I am transported to ultra Metropolis dulce's home planet where necrozma is waiting on the top of a tower and it is there that I am met with the biggest challenge yet more stairs I managed to climb to the top of the tower okay come on now shaping out of breath but still ready to defeat necrozma once and for all but when I reach this oh he wasn't done before Legends Arceus came out this was the big bad boss that I loved to death but the very first time I did it holy crap that's my use the rest of its power to transform into its final form his Ultra form okay well you may be bigger more shiny but time you don't beat you once he'll beat you again wait level 60 yeah impossible in the blink of an eye my entire team was obliterate and just like that my entire Journey was over but you know what I feel like I deserve a pass on this one was that his butt there was no way that I could have known that that thing was going to be this strong let alone adequately prepare for it like bruh this is real life man I don't have a device that lets me see into the future I'm just saying this whole thing was kind of rigged so here's what happened in fairness I was given a second chance however I would need to make a sacrifice of one of my own Pokemon and unfortunately I had to pick Paulin but who knows maybe it was better this way so thank you pollen for everything that you did for the team and with that sacrifice my team I couldn't do that we defeated Ultra necrosma by toxic stalling again yeah yeah I know I know I'm not proud of it either jeez get another chance in life every Victory is a victory strategy to beat a big bad boss it's not the most satisfying feeling in the world but it was the only one I could think of but turns later an amount of used up Max potions power of friendship and oh thank goodness Gumball no sturdy necrozma goes down and we save the world once again holy crap yeah you're back I see that using your Mastery of the Z crystals you are able to save the world oh yeah I totally forgot I had those but I mean it's not like I would have been able to use them anyway do you want this poipole no do you want Beast balls well actually I have Beast Boy I mean yes thank you let's see where did we leave off ah yes my final trial reinvigorated with life my Pokemon and I headed folk Village to challenge Captain Mina but considering the fact that I just fought a giant Doom Dragon going up against her team of fairy Pokemon who's just not nearly as challenging my team handled them with you sure I'm done right but unfortunately no because apparently that was only the first half of the trial now I need to go battle all the other captains that I met along the way and then I can battle the final toad in Pokemon so to speed things up give me all your pedals finally I brought all of the pedals back the longest trial in the world to get petals for a flower Bombi pollen is that you and with that we obtain the fairies Crystal and finally yes finally it is is waiting for us her ground Pokemon were strong but tanjito was just stronger we are one step closer to our objective but being so challenging something gonna happen it's time to do what I came here for bug hunting heck yes I don't think this is the right place nope the references I love them okay well this place is just weird nope nope nope nope nope nope nope get me out of here I love oh my gosh what just happened to me oh what a nightmare that was that was awesome I think we're here foreign we've all been training for is here we have lost a lot of good members to bring us to where we are now but all we can do is make them Proud by what we do next some of you haven't been with us long but in this short time you have already convinced me that this is a team of Champions yes sir now let's do this and get off this cursed Island next round of monster on me first of the Elite Four was malane and a team full of Steel type Pokemon now fire types would absolutely be perfect here but for the longest time I just didn't have one until now enter solar the Volcarona I tell you she's always just a true power no Steel type Pokemon didn't stand a chance Olivia was the next Elite Four member and she came that's gonna be an issue with her Rock Pokemon specifically her crate oh my gosh say hello escanor yo I love that who decided that now die acerola was there okay so we're just throwing okay we're just throwing fortresses everywhere bowling basketball soccer might as well just go for the trifecta and then we have this girl who is the epitome of ghost types look at that was super effective against her Pokemon but when in doubt just hit them really hard and solar once again came out and stacked with a quiver dance and sent those Ghost Pokemon where the heck did you get a volca Runa though I don't even remember getting a victory thing like that in ultrasonic already that's the final Elite Four member kahili and her and there's the golf ball something for the rest of the team to do so after a tough battle with all of her flying Pokemon and a quick chat with kahili that badminton is probably better all that was left was the champion except we can't agree with that League doesn't have a champion yet when I reached the top of the mountain Professor Kakui was there to greet me as the man that set up alone Pokemon League he wanted to witness and Crown the very first champion of the alolan that's the final battle the one to decide it all would be between me and none other than my rival Jagger Jim Bob ciao which I think was a pretty cool have it any other way [Applause] oh he's going on a four ahead of History I love this [Music] which by the way his whole team you're seeing all the credits and stuff of this which is really really cool too [Music] Fortress with the stall tactics like always [Music] we've been so fast [Music] this is so cool so cool [Music] [Music] and then his stupid and similar at the end wait would you have popsicle right you have the answer for the cat oh no you have glycipod razor shell just you're good it's also a dark type you just first impression [Music] dude this is sick [Music] he used the zmc When the Fire Nation attacked [Music] yo this is a hundred percent no wonder his name is tanjaro yo this is sick first four water bleeding yo that was amazing for real this time [Applause] yo that was amazing that was a beautiful piece of Animation yo if you guys do not know that guy please go subscribe to him I'll leave it up in the bottom in the do in the description down below you guys are amazing thank you guys for all the love and support you give to me make sure you go show the support to everyone on his team as well and I will see you guys in the very next video bye [Music]
Channel: Beagers
Views: 13,236
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: young yong tales, young yong tales react, reaction, reaction video, pokemon nuzlocke, pokemon, young yong tales pokemon, jadien animations, pokemon reaction videos, pokemon reacts, ultra sun nuzlocke, beagers, beagers reacts, beagers reactions, beagers ultra sun, attempting a blind pokemon ultra sun nuzlocke, blind pokemon nuzlocke
Id: EPK6P9l584s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 37sec (1957 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 09 2023
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