Pokemon Timeline Explained | Ancient History

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excuse me sir my friends and I wanted to ask you something I was just wondering if you were heard about the almighty powerful AR you're taking too long swe let me handle this sir have you heard about our Lord and savior archus accept archus or die oh come on in you did it again you scared another one away man really I I thought that was actually pretty good sorry [Music] guys [Music] what is going on guys this is Dos here bringing you another Pokemon video and well you guys definitely wanted the next timeline video as soon as possible because the response on the first video was incredible we got 1,000 likes within the first hour and right now there are over 10,000 likes on that video with less than 100 dislikes like that is just insane and don't even get me started with the requests because I'm getting them everywhere so it seems that you guys really like this series so I wanted to make sure that this video has the highest quality so it can live up to your expectations and if you're sort of lost right now I have a series where I'm going to go over the complete history of the Pokemon world from the beginning to the present time so if you want to check out the first video just click The annotation on the screen or Look Down Below in the description and just like last time the more likes this video gets the faster the next episode comes out so enough of my blabbering and let's get started with the video [Music] it's 300 million years in the past and the moo population has decreased drastically most of the Muse have evolved into different Pokémon suited best for their environment but the number of different Pokémon are growing in the deep sea Kabuto kubu tops alight alastar relicanth Tiera and KAC Costa are all flourishing and growing at a rapid rate kakosa is named the father of turtle Pokémon because of the amount of different Turtle Pokemon he gave rise to the same is happening on the land Pokémon such as Aerodactyl the ancient form of Genesect Anorith armaldo archin AR chops lilip Crilly Cranidos Rampardos shieldon and bastiodon are all inhabiting this new Pokemon world just like Kosta AR chops is given the name the father of bird Pokémon because of all the bird Pokémon that originated from bar chops 200 million years past and no major event has happened since the epic battle between Groudon and Kyogre but then suddenly a meteroid hits the Earth and annihilates a bunch of Pokémon making most of them go extinct another 100 million years pass and signs of human life start to exist during the Ice Age Pokemon such as Swinub pillow swine mammal swine Amora auroras Tyrant and Tyrantrum are all widespread and the coexistence of Pokémon and humans start to exist the first maj major religion is Born the ancient people worshiped Reggie gigas because of how powerful it was but soon the power of regie gigas starts to frighten people so they decide to seal him away along with the legendary Titans while sealing the Pokémon the ancient people put spells on the caverns it hopes that one day a powerful trainer can decipher these codes and tame these Pokémon 7,000 years pass some Legends say during this time the original dragon Pokémon was split into two the original Dragon being a fusion of rerum and zerum this powerful Dragon was used by Two Brothers to create the yova region but each brother sought different things in life one being the truth and the other being the ideals as they begin to argue and fight on who's right the ultimate dragon Pokémon splits into two with kierum being the leftovers of the two dragon Pokémon and the second major Pokemon battle begins the two dragons were evily matched neither Dragon could conquer the other riran being the master of fire and zum being the master of electricity as a result the two brothers set aside their differences and equally declared that neither one of them was right but in this process rasham and zob destroyed the region making Unova Wasteland for thousands of years to come the year is now 3,000 BC civilizations in CA start to have a conflict and the first major human war begins many Pokémon are sent to fight against each other resulting in many deaths of Pokémon the tragic War causes a Fete to pass away and is sent back to his Pokemon trainer this trainer happened to be king AZ and out of unspeakable grief he builds a giant device to restore it to life this device sus out all the energy of the Pokémon and in result the king of fuete are granted eternal life but he was still unable to overcome this despair so he turned the machine into a weapon and destroyed both sides ending the war this weapon was so powerful it actually caused a split in the universe in one version of the universe the firing of the weapon caused normal stones to become mega stones filled with power in the other the weapon was never fired meaning that megga Stones were never formed a thousand years pass continuing in Universe a a plague of meter showers rained all over the draconic people turning their home place into the Meteor Falls these meteors contain a ton of Natural Energy and this Natural Energy was so powerful it awakened Kyogre and Groudon after millions of years of being in a deep Slumber they realized they both require the same Primal energy so they begin the fight once more after absorbing more and more of this Primal energy they eventually change in their Primal forms bringing the Pokemon world to the brink of Destruction again the ancient people of hoen pray to Rayquaza to come down and stop this fight once more Rayquaza descends from the sky for the first time in millions of years and the spiritual energy from the prayers allows Rayquaza to perform the first mega evolution in Pokemon history this new found power allows Rayquaza to stop this epic battle and grada and kogre are sealed away for years to come Rayquaza is then worshiped by the people and that is named their savior of the Pokémon World 2,000 years pass the year is now 150 BC brass Tower burns down to the ground killing three Pokemon inside these three Pokemon were believed to be Vaporeon jolon and Flareon and are revived by hoo into legendary beasts and what's next you may ask well that's for the next episode because we're in the recent history era so so I hope you guys enjoyed this video be sure to leave a like if you did I spent a lot of time in this video so I appreciate it a ton and remember the more likes we get the faster the next episode comes out and also if you're enjoying the channel be sure to subscribe and if you want to follow me on Twitter for fan reactions video updates and other cool stuff follow me at Ethan dobs and for the question of the day who is your favorite aner Pokémon be sure to leave it down below in the comments I can't wait so you guys have in mind and I'll see yall next time see you
Channel: Dobbs
Views: 4,053,545
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pokemon timeline, pokemon timeline explained, pokemon timeline theory, pokemon alternate timeline, pokemon history, pokemon history timeline, pokemon broken timeline, pokemon the darkest timeline, pokemon video game timeline, pokemon facts, pokemon facts you didn't know, pokemon facts and trivia, pokemon facts did you know, pokemon facts you wont believe, pokemon facts the history of the pokemon world, pokemon origins, pokemon trivia, pokemon trivia and facts
Id: 4LWRnegZ53s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 37sec (397 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 11 2016
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