Beating a Zelda Speedrunner in a TRUE test of skill

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hello hello good I guess morning or something probably yeah it's like 1pm for me it's just starting the afternoon nice okay I am ready personally already ready okay okay I am excited a little nervous I mean you've been doing a lot more speed running than me and especially long categories I I feel like you know more about the game than I do in terms of relevant Bingo stuff I feel like I don't want to be the you know those kids in school after like a test they would be like oh my God I did so poorly like it went so bad and then everybody's getting like their grades back and I got like an a like I don't wanna I don't want to beat it and be like no I like I have no chance but I will say I have not 100 of the game and there is some goals that I've literally never done but I've done low speed running so I think either way it should be close and fun oh yeah I think it'll be a good time and we're doing lockout right yeah this is also my first logout but I've seen it before chat and sorry I just yeah this isn't a lookout race this is a lockout race chat yeah yeah we're not we're not going to look at Landing no no it's we're getting a board of of 25 random objectives uh right now above me and uh the first person to complete 13 of those goals wins and if one person completes it go the other person can't you'll see you'll get the hang of you'll get it that's the logout part uh one thing uh how do we want to sort out chat because if if you know my chat tells you what I'm doing you can get an unfair Advantage if you know you're you're uh chat tells me I don't know how to I mean I was hoping that everybody could just behave but I don't mind also going emote only I feel like you have a better grasp on it we can see how it goes and if you see people like limb cube is doing shrines right now or something that you can like tell me but I feel like we could give them a chance you know how about this for like I'm I'm for a uh uh uh look a rule for like if you because I I feel like chat back seating can be kind of helpful instead of like having to Google stuff yeah yeah but I think chat can only backseat like if you specifically ask them for something they it's they can't be they can't get this gold no but it's like okay hey where is the nearest Talus you know I think if you directly ask Chad a question that's fine as long as it's unrelated to what the other person is doing does that is that fair that sounds good that sounds good it's a general idea yeah yeah but I'm not gonna like do any goals that chat tells me to do and like no no reminding chat if you if you can I feel like we'll probably get reminded but try not to yeah I feel like I won't even be I I'll be busy enough to stop the game but so we'll see yeah we'll see okay um I'm gonna top up my coffee and then I'll be good to go sounds good give me a moment you've had a couple hours to warm up huh yeah yeah I'm all wound up this is gonna be um a cake or no it's really not am I nervous um I'm excited I think it's a better way to put it I came into this with like a small strategy that uh will maybe not even work I will reveal it when we start it's not going to be as huge like anime villain moment you'll see okay I'm just waiting for it to get made but um but chat if you didn't know I've known limp Cube for for quite a while it's been through six years I think probably I think about in that ballpark six years the thing is I think we only did like one bingo in breath of the Wild uh I think we've done one once yeah yeah and I I feel like I feel like I was just thinking about this earlier like I feel like we um like especially with this lockout formula I think there's cool stuff you can do in this game where we like it might not even we might not even have to call it Bingo we like do our own goals and we make like a real like overlay for it and it's gonna be like the same formula like the tears of the Kingdom Clash or whatever and there could be like Co-op matches I think this has potential it could be cool yeah but yeah we we did one uh bingo in in breath of the wild and it was a blowout like limb Cube absolutely destroyed me so well I'm hoping to get a little bit of Revenge here let's see because yeah he beat me so badly that I'm like it just wouldn't be entertaining because he would beat me by that much every time and so I wasn't able to do anything with it when in breath of the wild and that was competition I mean the game is new so he might be even we'll see we'll see we'll see yeah I I think it's going to be I think it's gonna be fun I think you've been doing uh some really cool stuff of this game already and you've been getting the hang like I was watching you do early speed runs and that looked quite impressive I would say yeah it was the speedruns are pretty cool did you see the the new route yeah yeah that's the point where I like I was finally getting ready I like edit all of these Trails was like nice now I'm doing some runs and then like yo we can clip with a different method now we don't even need Auto build anymore everything you've learned is invalid wait it doesn't okay does that change at all shrines can you clip through no no no like anything yeah maybe maybe I'm scared of that still like I'm still scared of you can skip like the tutorial shrines and like Proving Grounds that way because I was excited to actually come up with some strats but yeah that's essentially like a way that you can clip through words now without any extra stuff so we'll see where that goes okay I think coffee is probably ready um someone put a message reminding folks onto spot yeah yeah maybe you can print something like that too sounds good the squad stream isn't working I probably hasn't accepted it yet chat oh wait yeah yeah I never do Squad screen streams but I'm about to accept it okay uh starts Twitter invites okay there we go started all right Squad stream should be gone I guess we're ready to go yeah let me post it really quick maybe we can uh put that in the pin and then I'm gonna go I guess we're starting on like the are we starting time I mean doesn't really matter yeah you start on the load button you think yeah all right sounds good sounds good oh okay oh hey I'm ready all right I am ready to go you know what Lim you do the countdown okay I'm ready to count on yeah on go then we'll start on go okay three two one go good luck oh all right all right uh what do you think of the card uh one full set of armor is really easy we could do that pretty much instantly um are there any like super free ones like I should probably do that immediately grab something of like somewhat kind of value and then immediately warp to the town to get one full set of armor uh that's what we're gonna that's we're gonna start with we're gonna get something of very basic value and then I'm gonna warp to the town to yay um oh wait a full set of armor is actually pretty cheap so if I can just get something to sell uh what else is in here what else is in here uh are there any other really easy goals defeated yiga member is also super easy all right but we're just gonna grab These Wings Are there any corocalated goals any koroku later goals at all no because that would be the time to do it uh three Shrine light repairs are not too bad okay um oh there is a 20 Clorox seed goal do I want to do that though I'm gonna duplicate a couple of wings not a ton right now um Five Little Gems cook oh cook a copious mushroom skewer that's super easy you can get three different types of mushrooms on this island you can get stem stimelish rooms uh you can get a couple of other you can get some melish rooms you can get um Scottish rooms and you can get something else as well the stamella sky and rushrooms I don't know if I want to do that yet though because it's really tough because yeah copious mushroom skewer is very very easy but I'm gonna grab this is the thing that I'm gonna sell for armor I'm gonna grab a stimulus room I'm gonna grab a sky stream and then I'm gonna warp to Lookout Landing to start selling stuff to buy a full set of armor I think that's my plan right now I'm gonna just skip weapons all together uh because I think it'll be faster just to do this I'm not sure how much money the full set is but yeah I'm just gonna go down I need one sky stream actually I need to get six elixirs so I'm gonna grab one of these as well Puffin frog and there's my sky stream right there if I can make it to it I really hope I can make it to it come on come on come on come on there we go okay uh Sky shroom for the copious mushroom skewer and now we warp to Lookout Landing we have the warp point because we did unlock the paraglider are there any Tower goals no um what else cook six Elixir types that's actually really easy 30 unique recipes a phantom Ganon will probably be able to kill it on the way to uh the castle which shouldn't be too bad uh I don't know where to get one of these the Divine Beast helmet uh Coca copious mushroom skewer we need um uh two more mushrooms now I'm not exactly sure which ones I'm gonna get but for now I'm just gonna get one full set of armor by selling uh the large charges that's uh my idea I'm gonna sell the large charges so here check this out we're gonna paraglide we're gonna go boom boom and I messed up the dupe already all right because these are worth 10 each I don't know exactly how many I will need but I'll need a few for sure I'm not sure if he would have immediately prioritized getting this but a yiga member is also pretty easy to do if you know where to find one do I know where to find one though that's uh that's the question isn't it I'm just gonna check how much money this costs total can I uh 120 130 70. uh 320. okay so I need 32. um I'll need one more because I need to keep one wow that was if I just duped one more it would have been fine okay 37 good um okay welcome by my stuff we'll sell this 35 okay we'll have our full set of armor in a second here one come on yes that's good all right don't talk no no no no no no no no no let me go come on I need this goal fast dude yes okay put it on as well and wait for the and there we go first goal man oh that's scary that was incredibly close I I saw it too late and I just got the pants ah okay yeah nice okay oh my God he was going for the same thing okay there's also wait I just noticed uh coca-copia mushroom and meat okay well back to the drawing bolt yeah yeah yeah yeah you gotta figure out the next one to do uh the next one I'm gonna do is copious mushrooms at least we look cool now oh yeah we're both stylish we're matching I think it's very cool um I do need weapons and stuff do I saw this pretty bad is it bad huh yeah uh okay I do need like weapons but I think I'm gonna grab this chest just because it would be nice is there any dive challenge goals or Glide set pieces yes so I will need at least one of uh I will need at least one of these to do the second dive set the first one is right now because I'm just focusing on that is all right I I'm muting and talking myself through it yeah no problem I'm just also saying it to chat because I'm focusing on duping because easy to mess up fair enough duplicating what the heck yeah a full set is three different pieces three unique pieces a hundred weapon power see yeah 100 okay this is an interesting one wait is this um oh it's plus right it's like because I knew there was a 61 69 specifically yeah this one is just get one that's a hundred or more okay okay okay um here's what I'm gonna do now chat this is a little bit backtracking but I need to get a ruby to be able to feed a phantom Ganon I think so we're gonna we're gonna get a weapon here we're gonna get a oh man there's a couple of things that I need to be able to do do I have any weapons yet at all I don't think I do which could be a problem because I um beat a mini game I'm not even sure what it's basically anything that says like finished at the end okay okay if that makes sense yeah yeah okay um korok seeds are back because Fashions bubble gems a gypto spawner okay I think I know what those are I need um I'm assuming Koga counts as a yoga member yes as a general question Coco would count as a yoga member I believe yeah if you wanted to do that one okay I think there's enemies right here if I can somehow get to them but I don't know if there's any weapons around that's the one problem I'm having I also I want a Coco copious mushroom skewer please just tell me if there's a stick around that I can fuse with there's got to be a stick right I just need I just need something also I oh they're gonna fight them I actually do need oh yes wait wait wait this this could give me a weapon if we just hide come on give me a weapon okay no I need uh monster parts for elixirs so we're gonna do this um I'm gonna grab this throated him all right we'll be able to get his weapon now good awesome we have at least one thing now fuse with that because we need a hammer let's go this way that was stupid okay um good good good good good I I did not see where any weapons were but I guess that works now we're gonna go get a Ruby and I think we might go and get Auto build and defeat Phantom Ganon while we're getting a another thing I'm gonna grab one of these yes I uh didn't read it in time in a dope pause the pants got that lovely teal color what set were you going for at the same one like the archaic armor I just like um archaic I'm assuming that's what you had oh is it not it's a full three-piece set you got a full three-piece set yeah you gotta get it all right wait the arcade wouldn't have even counted you said yep um that's what I was going for why not it's just a full three piece set that oh that's a full set that's like a two-thirds set wait I see oh my God wait now I'm interested which three people I don't know if you can buy the one look at Landing I'm assuming yeah that's the one I got that's the highly in one yeah I got the nice Hylian set okay I would have been baited anyway then I thought it'd be a kx7 would count as a full circle that's all right hmm actually I do need another Shield I'm not sure quite where to get another Shield at the moment I will need six of these so we're gonna make a couple I'm gonna see that trick before which trick the um duping I'm not sure why it keeps going on yeah that's not on the current version unfortunately it's very powerful though okay I need a couple more wings now that I have this gold down um but we need to go to here to grab I'm just gonna grab like a fairy I think and then ah can we fly to the castle no do we grab Auto build you know what we'll be able to go down and we'll be able to kill a yiga member down here yeah yeah wait wait wait we'll kill a yiga member also I really need a shield if I can find a place to get a shield that would be great but I don't think any of the enemies over here have a shield um because I completely skipped where I I usually go for a shield on the on the the lookout or in the the great Sky Island because I wanted to get that armor set quickly but yeah there's a yoga member that's really easy that's just straight down here uh I could probably kill it with rubies I still don't have a bow which could be a problem um no he's supposed to hear both of them I think he he's just not muting during it he's just talking when he when he talks there is a Sage's will on this island actually wait isn't there I'm pretty sure there's a sage as well on this island I should there is a goal for eight of those and I mean I guess I am here I might as well do that right yeah yeah I should um with this one do you need to open up the one on only on the bottom or I'm hoping you only need to open up the one on the bottom but we'll find out here in a second that was almost uh very interesting okay you can just open up the one on the bottom that works because I believe this is a Sage's will thanks for nothing I did not need that fish open this and that's I think one of my first stages Wills correct good I have good memory on my board I'm kind of proud of that honestly that was that was great okay uh now I could okay don't need that guy don't need any parts from him I think I should go grab the uh I should go grab the Rockets it'll just be nice to have all right let's duplicate some things now that I'm here but like I still don't have a shield than I was hoping wait hold that's another mushroom if I get one more mushroom I can cook uh copious mushroom skewer I don't think there's gonna be any more but if I just get a basic Highland stream that'll work uh so after this we're gonna immediately jump straight down and in the forest Below in oh yeah yeah wait oh this is wait there's a defeat of floods construct when did that show up uh there's a flux construct on the island that I literally start on that's so easy wait we need to do that like immediately then what am I doing um there's so many things that I've completely missed okay I have two of these we just need one rocket I one of these good what am I doing dude okay clearly he hasn't done that yet is there anything related to this but at least it gave us a goal no you didn't give me a rocket wait you got a goal yeah I just don't know where it is I just noticed that I was like what am I doing yeah it's on the starter Island I didn't get that one but I yeah I I still find new clothes I don't know exactly that's fine because mushroom skewers but that sounds not too bad bro I just want one rocket that's all I need okay mushrooms yeah it's just a big old pile of yeah okay we need to go this way now because I need to land down here defeat a Hugo member I think that's what we're gonna do next we're gonna go defeat a yiga member and uh I'm gonna get oh Mount six creatures three Proving Ground shrines I don't even know where proven grind shrines are I'm not gonna even do them I think uh but we're gonna go defeat a yoga member and then get Auto build I think because here check this out mushrooms dude mushrooms I wish I would like them more than I do they smell amazing but I feel like I don't like eating them that much the texture is awful I hate that that's that's that's exactly the issue yeah but um at least yeah exactly [Music] oh I'm sorry for the mouse I'll remove the mouse foreign all right this is a yiga member right here so if I just get a couple of rubies I'll be able to kill it super fast I do have a couple of fairies so I think I'm just gonna Chuck it at the floor uh well goodbye all right so this is our Yuga member directly below our start and I just need to kill it and it's dead wait for it to pot there we go Giga member down ah I was on my way I guess we're skipping that guy yeah yeah I ended up I I went to get my last mushroom and there was just a person that was like who's our next member and I'm like yeah wait a minute wait just a minute all right we need to get copious meat now there should be a pig spawn that's right over oh that's a tree there should be a pig spawn that's like around here somewhere um and there's also a pretty good sword I think it would it'll just carry us through early game I think so I'm gonna try and get that um but currently three to one doing pretty well but yeah there's a there's a good sword in a chest right here next to the pig spawn there he is uh I would like to kill him but oh okay yeah do you keep it safe and if you downgrade to physical 1.0 from you I don't know uh We're Gonna Save ocean shenanigans I really need a shield chat this is actually kind of bad that I don't have one yet because uh do I need one it's just I just I really need one because it duping is very slow without a shield and that is something that we'll need to do a little bit not a ton but it is something that needs to be done okay let's uh uh let's drop uh actually before we do that let's go to the pair glider fabric this should take me out Hello send me we should be able to get pretty far here Temple of Time is a paraglider fabric I do want to get that is that a korok right there or no no okay um five bubble gems there's so many different things that I would like to do um I don't know it's just like a BOGO somewhere around here you see a goal about batteries do these guys have a shield I missed it uh that guy's a shield that's probably not a good idea okay batteries hmm okay if I can kill this guy he'll drop his shield and he dropped meat I just need to pick up a shield before it burns where does shield go no way I burned a shield no way wait did he not have a shield there's there's no way he didn't have a shield I swear I saw one where'd it go oh my goodness dude it's tough deciding which goals I'm kind of all over the place just yeah they they go I feel like the goats a little bit of the place I was looking like when I was thinking about routing I was like okay so if there's like energy Wells then Forge constructs work well but they go the goals are kind of like a a little all over the place yeah it's tough man I I neglected to pick up a shield and I'm just really needing one yeah I I did prioritize this I I did also forget though that you can actually do without a shield that's why I over prioritize it I think but yeah yeah I've been I've been able to jump off the ledges over and over again yeah all right this is gonna be our first paraglider Fabric or second actually oh and just uh for the paraglider fabric gold the one you start with does uh count still okay okay just a clarify I'm assuming we're not gonna be gut shot scanning amiibos here but um yeah I'm not using it yeah I am so we're at two right now chat um got the Nostalgia fabric there is a korok around here uh I'm gonna crack these pots open and hope that I can all right wait is there a bad this is interesting though because they're like you think about okay so this is the goal I'm gonna do next but what if someone is doing it right now Amber I need just an arrow and my effort has been involved okay but that's what makes it fun yeah yeah it's tough like do I do this goal do I not that's the fun about lockout strategizing trying to cut the other person off it's good stuff do I really want to get 20 Clorox I don't dude faster than this one and then you can get it yeah but that's exactly the thing you have to actually get there so if you don't get it then you've wasted a time uh there are three Forge construct goals please remember to mute the call oh yeah sorry I'm that's okay that's all right all right low battery strats it's okay I'm I'm I'm good five light Roots I think I'm gonna get the light root Shrine pairs just do this all right is there's a copious meat skewer we have one type of meat so that's a good start um oh that did not duplicate that time that's bad I've been trying to duplicate but anyways this should bring me over to this hole I'm gonna get Auto build and yeah defeating a phantom Ganon there is a phantom Ganon uh below right beside the Hylian Shield so right after we get that we will be able to do that but I would like two Shields to be able to duplicate it is the one thing that I need a hundred power weapon already yep what okay I see where you oh God he's gonna defeat a phantom again ancient blade strengths with the Knights broad so that's what I went for oh and wait you have an ancient blade yep you know where those things are I actually recently looked at them for 80 that's actually the only reason okay interesting I mean I know where they are too Chad but it's just wow it's a little scary okay actually an okay hover bike wow this is actually pretty good uh I did make a couple of these were able to soar do I need to kill anything interesting I I should probably try and get a style horse for mounting six creatures uh the mini game goal overlaps really well with the two Glide set pieces the Divine Beast helmets I don't know where to get them but I should have to find them I don't know if I want to do so it's technically you need to get like four that makes sense Sam yeah I think that's fair you know what I think five light routes won't be too bad even if I just use the hoverbike like I think I might just use hoverbike get five light routes but is there anything that I could cut them off before that happens uh there's also three bargainer statues there is one directly below me right now so I might hit that up and then a hover bike out of here I think that's gonna be the play um there's also wait three bargainer statues and then there's also three Forge constructs I didn't get the forge construct in the sky island so that's a really easy one it's directly below the room of Awakening so if I get this one here that would require me to defeat Koga though if I want to get this one here is that worth it is there anything related to defeating Koga there's no battery upgrades hmm I don't think I want to do that I don't I don't know if I want to do that yet uh let's let's uh just focus on defeating our Phantom Ganon first so let's get this out of the way uh let's drop down two Wings you'll see why in a second I I figured out a really good setup for building a perfect Auto build cancel structure uh right there there's our Auto build cancel structure and I think I have a warp Point here if I really need it let's go here and then we'll go to the castle um destroying a gypto spawner requires you to set the thing clear two monster forces that is uh areas that have a monster health bar basically but multiple enemies oh my God I didn't get the light Roots but is he really getting the light Roots he kind of went straight where'd he get the knights weapon from is the question did you go to the castle I don't know um I think once I get the Hylian Shield I'll dupe some fairies and then just kill I'm gonna try and kill the the final Big Boss guy but anyways let's uh turn off this now and with motion controls we're gonna go one two and then the third one after all right this should bring me pretty much directly over the castle um but yeah this is the best auto build thing that I could get it brings me upwards and I found that the horizontal speed is the same so it doesn't really matter too much um it might have been faster to actually start from Lookout Landing and I think about it because this one gives me height still um ah whatever it's fine I'm gonna grab the the 30 power bow from the top of the castle hit the shrine on the top of the castle as well and then jump down I was planning on getting the 100 power weapon while I was here but unfortunately I won't be able to get that but I will be able to kill Phantom Ganon so that will be fine uh eight Sky shrines isn't too bad is there a blessing overlap at all no are there any Proving Grounds in the sky I'm not sure um but yeah you can see here a Divine Beast helmet I'm gonna have to look to see where they are um actually I can just ask you chat chat where are the Divine Beast helmets because I know there's one in the really deep cave in Gerudo um I don't know where the other ones are though the Goron one is at Lizard Lake okay Zora's one behind the waterfall oh yeah probably the Zoro one is easiest right yeah I think the Zora one is gonna be easiest okay this one actually gave me way more height than I expected I'm like a kilometer above where even is the castle I can't even see it I'm so high up um it would be nice to get another Shield before I go down so I can duplicate the Hylian Shield actually I think in this room there might be a shield in a chest in I think this one actually there's a there's a shield in a chest no it's just this weapon is it below one of these has a chest in it this is a good learning experience for me wasting time uh another sword that I definitely don't need uh one of these has a chest in it I'm gonna check this one if it's not this one then we're gonna go straight down doesn't matter there's another ball I'll grab a second one whatever I still don't have arrows which is a minor issue uh uh here's where we need to go yeah whatever I'm just gonna go with one shield and uh I won't be able to uh Pocket Rocket immediately because you do need two Shields to Pocket Rocket um but we'll make it work anyways uh no no do not go in that was close so if I go I think this way the Hylian Shield should have an entrance rate here we won't be bothered by any enemies um and yeah I I won't be able to immediately duplicate it so we will be going with a damaged Shield just give me one Arrow there we go that works I just wanted one so I can go into bullet time if I really need to uh but yeah we'll defeat the Phantom again and he'll give me a spear yeah that's really unfortunate did I then get that uh ubitos pop that lights it good we'll be able to get the shield and I'm gonna duplicate some fairies really quick now that I will have a shield it's gonna damage it a little bit unless this counts as sand I'm not sure we'll see anyways when it starts count on some things the stars are the ones that I want to go for those are the goals that I want to do immediately so that's that's kind of what I'm hoping to get done here um oh okay a couple more rubies now and then we'll be done uh I should probably focus on some elixirs I can make one but it's actually uh I have an idea I could make four elixirs really soon here anyways let's get the Gloom hands to spawned they should spawn right around here if I just walk around here yep there's a Gloom hands get the rubies ready three of these yep and then a phantom Ganon will spawn uh and then you know what let's make a decent weapon just so I have one this one has a spear yeah because yeah this is not gonna do a ton of damage come on come on let me flurry rush you attack me bro hello hi okay so not only my internet died but my entire piece refreshed oh okay I pause I pause which yeah I don't know if this is related to like the thunderstorm uh because there's like a thunderstorm going on in Germany right now I hope it's not and I hope it's stable now I'm very sorry okay um I I can wait for you to go back up no problem I don't even know if I can I I should only be back up the stream um I should already be back up on stream all right um I'm think I'm hoping I'm still in the Bingo thing uh you can just rejoin it's fine uh yeah you did rejoin okay and I did complete a mini game I think people were seeing it as I crashed dang okay so we're back up to tide now oh yeah link has had the exact same thing happened so with the p with the PC yeah his police he crashed completely what apparently these matches are just two um intense but tell me when you're ready yeah yeah yeah I should be ready to go in literally like 20 seconds all right let's yeah sounds good no no it's my time is going to be it'll be unfortunately but don't worry about it I got it okay okay so I'm just gonna count us down all right yeah sounds good time is running again yep three two one go oh all right I I wanna I'm gonna be playing off my OBS real quick because I need to switch my screen deck but it's fine I want to kill this guy but he won't attack me and I can't flurry Rush him uh yeah I hope I don't know lightning strike probably not that's damaged there we go bro I just want a freaking flurry Rush oh my god well that's why we got fairies okay what if I just do this actually wait a minute okay that that he counts as a little mini boss so it actually doesn't count the timing for this is actually kind of tight attack me there we go I'm so dumb bro and that should be a phantom Ganon defeated one more hit bang okay away from the pop and pop there it is oh okay I pulled back ahead we're all good [Music] uh wait let me connect what you did here oh [ __ ] that would have been pretty fast hmm those guys are scary okay okay yep spooky little guys uh clear two monster forces isn't too bad I think I'm gonna go to a oh man copies meat skewer that that requires three more types of meat will be on the the track for that you can't hear Lim not too much I don't need the spear chat that's not super useful and again try not to backseat unless I specifically ask about something that would uh that'll be good okay uh here can't take that out here yes I can did you hear Lim yes did you guys not hear Lim Cube could you say something real could you say something real quick I think I Discord might have broke on my side you can oh never mind um sorry now I should be should be saying something yeah just any questions all right can you hear that chat you can okay good good perfect okay nice um eight sages wills it would take a little bit but it's not too bad um where am I right now okay uh I'm gonna go to the beetle that is right around here there are eight Sky shrines I could complete this one because it is just a blessing and it does give a diamond even if I don't even if I don't get the eight Sky shrines goal which he completed the mini game so we completed probably the Bell minigame I've had to guess I think doing this one would be good but I really don't want to do the shrine just because I'm a little bit afraid of of him going to the shrine goal because I think you said at the start he's like I'm just gonna go for the goals that I know how to do in a German accent um which is scary uh also oh wait you know what no I'm gonna I'll probably have to come back here later because I still have a second Shield I can't um I can't Pocket Rocket yet you need two to pocket rocket damn I'm gonna guess he probably completed that minigame there also frames wow so here's what we're gonna do we're gonna go over to this uh we're gonna sell a couple of my rubies which is not gonna be super optimal but it's the best I can do at the moment uh look what I've got we'll sell probably 20 rubies sure and then I think this guy has five or three different butterflies wait no he does not what stamina recovery this guy usually has three different butterflies I thought maybe I was wrong huh so that's three different types of elixirs uh do we need to make a pizza I should buy tomatoes if I do no take them all okay so we have arrows now which is good three bargainer statues um can I grab more stuff underground I'm trying to think if there's anything with getting you know what let's oh man let's go Mount some stuff on Satori Mountain really quick because I think that would be optimal I thought that specific Beetle gave me that stuff but I guess not um anyways come on let me go this should bring me to Satori Mountain where there are a couple of unique mounts so um we'll do that and there's also there was also something else that I wanted to do here what it is completely is eluding me I don't know what it is I can't remember I really wish I had a pocket rocket right now oh meat yes right meat that's what we've got to do we're gonna ride the bear and then we're gonna kill it I know it's very Grim but we're gonna get a lot of different types of meats here so we're gonna you know what just for now so I have some aiming this one dropped raw regular meat bro really okay uh there should be a bear over here somewhere can you guys drop better meat prime meat I think these guys drop prime meat just raw meat okay great yeah it's ever um okay let's stop stop joking around now okay you know actually give me something useful for once oh there we go there's one Mount I guess cool walked right up to me fantastic uh wait does that give me I should have killed that because it'll give me more might give me prime meat please give me a better meat prime meat oh thank goodness okay there's two Meats uh I need gourmet meat uh which I think I can get from the bear which should be around here I don't know where the bear would be I also need to kill a bird if I see a bird anywhere um I should do that but the bear it should be around here it should be like right here oh wait this is um oh I don't need any Seafood do I no um let's see you finished both of those things already looks like we're back to even the old shrines practice helping them yeah apparently wait I need to ride this for my second amount okay now I made a mistake I shouldn't have talked yeah good luck what the heck was that about okay there's two um I really wish I had a pocket rocket right now because like I I don't know where the bear is and if I could just move around a little bit quicker um you know what this is good for recipes I suppose oh my God wait I'm having some Synergy with the recipes if I just I should probably be picking up anything and everything that I possibly can because just cooking one thing is actually really useful so I should be grabbing pretty much everything that I can uh just to cook them is this gonna give me prime meat I don't think they can though no uh I haven't been going for Clorox at all I really hope that doesn't fight me later on we'll see but let's see where the hell is this bear there should be a bear somewhere around here but I cannot remember why don't you dupe the shield you need two Shields the duper Shield chat that's why I want two you also need two Shields to do pocket rocket I only have one I wish I had more I just don't oh wait oh yes bird meat wait this one might give me a different bird type come on if you give me a different bird type I will love you forever no okay we just need gourmet meat now which hey wait is this silent princesses what are these doing here oh Endura carrots too [Music] wait what does Asylum princess doing here excuse me what's going on with that Sun princess oh wait this could give me gourmet meat that's a whole nother goal if this if this fox gives me gourmet meat it's all over for one of the goals please give me Gourmet Gourmet Gourmet Gourmet okay there's another Fox this is fine we're still okay there's actually a lot of foxes one's gotta give Gourmet right right is this a joke this is a joke yo pigeon give me a bird die ah okay wait how do I get Gourmet is it not Fox is it give Gourmet [Music] maybe it's only wolves I might be dumb and it might only be wolves also the Bears should be like right around here I I genuinely have no idea like where the bear is but I'm pretty sure like it's supposed to be just walking around in this area because it's like I remember there was a skull and I walk out from the skull and then there's a bear this is wasting so much time bro I might need to check them out oh there's the bear okay because this is gonna be our third Mount and maybe this drops good meat hey hey hey hey hey hey whoa whoa this thing's going crazy hey what the heck okay we mounted it thanks for the help no shot how does this have so much health there we go okay prime meat please or Gourmet good good yeah that's that's all the Gourmet or that's all the meats we need so we can go here we can go here boom hold our one two three four copious meat skewer okay I pulled the lead I pull pulled ahead again I've been cooking my meat okay um okay I see I didn't even see it on called enter now but there was some some Gordon Ramsay stuff going on but good job oh yeah Master Chef moment okay that's another ingredient for uh Elixir we have one one uh two three four elixirs right now in my inventory I think uh it'd be nice if I could get two more but I don't think there's two more that I can get right here because it's elixirs not meals that's a that's a difference anyways uh we can go what can we ride two more things because we're at uh we're up to three right now let's go to look out Landing we're gonna go I just need to go somewhere um monster forces I guess we'll go south um a fairy Elixir if I just cook a fairy by itself does it make an elixir if I cook a fairy by itself doesn't make an electric chat yes okay um uh what kind of bugs are around here that's my own question that I have okay if it says it's very tonic not elixir okay yeah that's not I need an Elixir chat not tonic I could cook myself I am a bug an ant of course wait there's three different swords right there I just noticed those huh okay we're gonna land on this horse this will be uh four mounts [Music] we'll drop another one of these down I still don't have that extra shield that I really want okay I picked up these two boom boom okay this is tough though like after I complete these goals I'm gonna be a little lost as to what I'm doing crap this is the wrong way I think no this was the right way I just fell off l two more things so we could do a style horse we could go do some light root pairs actually you know what let's uh let's just unlock this and do a couple of pairs of things yeah all right uh the mounts for are for these six unique mounts which is wait is that not on okay yeah no about six unique creatures there we go thank I was like wait is that not on this thing bro don't talk to me because yeah all you need to do is unlock them so I think we'll do this I'm gonna go east and I'm gonna go North I think I'm not sure what he's doing ER yeah let's go east and then we'll go to uh the underground after this should be pretty straightforwards come on here we go it's good let's ride on this should bring me to this Shrine which will unlock and then we'll immediately go to the next um monster forces I'd really need to figure out all the monster forces because I'd actually just genuinely don't know where they are but we also need to look out for bugs because if I can get two more bugs or one more bug it's two more right I think it's two more if I can just search for one more bug that'll work uh the monster forces around that Tower don't work by the way uh because it doesn't have a health bar what the heck okay I think this is the right direction we'll see in a second whether or not it is we should be going to the monster oh this was not the right direction no um but you know what I'm gonna unlock this so we'll get the and then we'll just yeah I'm just gonna get this to unlock it and go we'll go through to the underground and start hitting light Roots because I think the the the light roots and the pairs are actually really really uh synergistic um so yeah we're gonna warp to this we're gonna jump down and we're just gonna follow this line basically to hit the light Roots uh I still really annoyingly do not have pocket rockets which are really useful for going in the underground but maybe I can find one while I'm there Sky shrines you've been blessed once again evening it out well it does make sense with the Glide suit I thought because they're like oh yeah they're blessings right or some of them are blessings some of them I am yeah okay okay all right this is scary dude this is intense yes okay that's really good because I know he's not doing this and you know what I think I might be able to just build a hover bike this is also another elixir let's see do I have how many do I have I have one two three four five elixir materials if I can get one more like if if like is that an Elixir or something like I just got one more that would be so good what can be uh can I make an Elixir out of anything in the underground that I can get really easily even just like because it can't be an animal it has to be a bug to make elixirs with uh uh can you make a dark elixir I don't think dark elixirs work deep Firefly I I just got a deep Firefly chat I that's what I just grabbed okay the first cutscene is really long but yeah we'll do this these this three pairs um it's cooked six unique Elixir types you know what I know where a bug is that I could get very easily and I could just get out of the way but is he is you think he's going for that though I really don't think so huh you know what let's uh let's do this and then we'll do the elixirs after I'm gonna Bank on him not doing the elixirs right now that's what I'm gonna Bank on thank you because I I know where to get an Elixir material very very easily and very very fast it's just I think it would be more valuable to get the light root pairs first please tell me one of you as a shield oh my God none of these guys have shields it's so annoying um there is going to be a mount potentially around here um happy yeah there could be a mount potentially around here I'm just really he's probably got pocket rockets which is scary for me because that means he's doing these light routes probably faster I assume that's what he's doing right now um after this maybe bargainer statues what do we got we're at are we at five five completely tied right now that's oh scary okay he's probably doing Sage's Wills as well then actually wait a minute yeah because he's been going in the sky he might be going for sage as well as right now oh oh that would be really good for me if he's doing stage as well because like I I only got one just because one was like convenient come on timing for this isn't the easiest okay and boom let's get on to this because like I could have been at the other light route already if I had a pocket rocket ready to go this is pretty close but anyways this is gonna be my third one you have to wait until it pops up on the map for it to count for this one okay and wait for it wait for the text there's a text okay okay pull the head again oh you were scaring me there Lim wait what did you do wouldn't you like the no kid ding yeah I do it's bottom left not really because I wanted to potentially do that but okay okay I know he's not doing that because I want to finish it first you want to finish what yeah yeah exactly please tell me he's not cooking if he's cooking then oh no please don't let him cook I guess the kids say uh so there should be on one of these stick trees around here there should be a uh a beetle just hanging off of it I think it's hanging off of that tree but I'm not gonna do five light routes immediately uh because he will most likely be doing that now okay I can't Pocket Rocket but I can do this and I think if my brain is working properly there should be an energizing Beetle resting on this tree frick it's not on this tree okay it's not on this tree uh um that's okay I'm pretty sure there's one on this tree no it's not on that tree either okay well then maybe there's one on I I'm I was almost certain that that was I I was looking around for beetles specifically for the there's a beetle goal wait I don't need to I just need a freaking Beetle bro I was almost certain there was some around here I'm gonna check this tree come on energizing beetle there's no Energizer Beetle what the frick they might be up there it might be on the higher trees actually god um please please please please please please I really need to get this goal I don't know if he's doing it I just need to I just need one bug just one bug that's all I need dude it's not so much to ask is it I'm going crazy I swear there's supposed to be beetles on these trees uh um okay maybe is there what kind of bugs are in the grass is there just a new bug in the grass that I could use I don't think so that was a rest I already have that damn it okay uh you know what let's just go throw myself East see what happens because I already bought I already got a cricket here we go uh we can get one of the Divine Beast helmets in the waterfall we'll go for that sure because this will lead to what zoro's domain yeah there's probably gonna be just something in zoro's domain that I can grab on the way down because it it's um the Divine Beast helmet for zoro's domain is the waterfall that has a secret Chasm or uh I can't remember where it is if you got light repairs why don't you have five light Roots because now I know he's not going for that he's probably assuming that that I am not going for that so that's going to be relative oh my God that's annoying uh it's actually kind of exactly above where I needed to go uh there's probably gonna be ah what do I get here I mean I think this waterfall is pretty much exactly where we need to go for a Divine Beast helmet so we're gonna go here um there's this will also be a cave so we might be able to get a sticky lizard there we go sticky lizard that's our that's our sixth um it also gives us some recipes which is good um I'm surprised he hasn't gotten the Sage's Wills yet then maybe they're taking all right all right looks like we're moving grounds into even yeah I think one of the one of the um Glides pieces shrines is actually also Proving Ground so that worked pretty well but I think now in such Synergy probably yeah yeah I'm probably hanging out in the depths though so I'll see what I do about that um that's at least my guess given that you've done three light Roots but oh it's getting intense yeah yeah I'm going to that last one now oh oh okay um I totally lying give me a freaking sticky lizard where's the sticky lizards wait do I need to climb that there's no way I need to climb that no no please tell me it's just another secret behind the waterfall oh thank God and tell me it's the Divine Beast helmet please please please please please don't be a piece of sore armor yes yes I'm assuming the um the constructs inside the provinces are not monster forces at least that's what I said yeah I think I was supposed to like their own thing they're called just like constructs right yeah yeah okay okay it's basically like any enemy camp with like a group health bar wait that's what he says like monster forces yeah it makes sense oh I got a new goal by the way a Divine Beast time but I was wondering where it was even uh but nice um bro there's no sticky lizards in this freaking hole where's this where's this the sticky lizards what the heck I should have got the bubble frog wait a minute wait a minute maybe we could do bubble gems next one two three four five six we're at seven we need six more to win um there's actually no sticky lizards grab a firefly from the depths don't bag see me like that fortunately I already have one of those so it didn't it wasn't a helpful back seat okay um I'm just gonna go up I'm gonna kill this bubble frog because five bubble gems really isn't that bad I could try the glitch with the bubble frog bubble gems to duplicate them but I it only works in like certain areas okay let's grab the GM dude is snapping good okay uh Mount six unique creatures uh what's another unique creature that I can get I have four right now um okay okay I have a play um stall horse and then one more which might just be one of the [Music] um stall horse legendary horse there's a lot of legendary horses uh one of them you have to start a quest for ah there's a lot of different things to consider here but anyways I think there should be sticky lizards in this cave that's just my guess there's also the bubble frog that I completely missed earlier on bad play for me it happens but I think in this cave there's got to be some sticky lizards right if there isn't I don't lose a lot because they're still the bubble gems are there actually no sticky lizards where's my sticky lizards bubble Jam bro okay there's also a cave beneath the ice shrine we can get that one for another uh bubble gem if I just get a single sticky lizard then I get this whole goal right now I can just cook it up and then we'll be at like 10 recipes which is like 30 unique recipes it sounds like a lot it's not it really isn't all you need to do is like freeze meat and you're good to go uh okay here's the cave please tell me there's like at least one sticky boy in here second Shield holy crap bro all right thank God Jesus all right let's get uh just another Highline Shield real quick okay oh my God excuse me is that that's not the huh whatever um I need a wall this big yeah we'll do it in a second I need this freaking sticky lizard first sticky lizard sticky lizard where are you the stickiest of lizards I need just a one hello I don't think the sticky lizards here [Music] bro no sticky lizard all right good uh boom and highlight Shield good and now we make a pocket rocket I should probably duplicate some first let's see okay um there's this is ridiculous okay what bug can I get easily there's probably just a cave nearby right there's got to be just a cave there's always at least one cave uh let's hit one of these Wells wait there's a well right here we'll be able to jump into the well wait a minute to get the sticky lizard you've got to be kidding me okay you know what whatever um we'll get the last two light roots where are they where's one I don't even see one I don't even see a single light root what the heck hello not a one huh you tell me there's no light Roots around here bro I can't see [ __ ] thank you yeah I know am I dead okay nope like there's usually like always a light root you can just straight up see apparently not here I'm weirded out dude is there actually no light root in this entire freaking area oh okay it's got to be this way because I'm gonna hit a solid wall ow bro calm down another solid wall I'm in a walled off area but there's got to be at least one light root in here you would think right also this is probably the worst well in the game you could have tried to find a sticky lizard because it just leads into hell like come on bro this is actually so messed up you know what screw it I'm gonna warp to this and we're just gonna go from this one the hell well yeah apparently three-fourths constructs that shouldn't be too bad if I wait let me open up a map real quick boom boom find the mines I guess um like I'll probably just see one right now now yeah there's one right there fantastic okay let's go great and there's another one over there okay let me look in the underground because three Forge Constructors one directly below the great sky island or in the great Sky Island it's really easy to get to score right now is it six to seven currently I'm just barely beating them yeah dang he's about to get a goal I bet too um boom there's another one I think it might be faster for this last one to ah it's right there I'm not sure if it's faster to Auto build to get to it but how many bubble gums do I have three Three Gems okay so we're making progress on a couple of different things if he cuts me off on any of them it'll be sad but we'll see here this is going to be our fifth light root newsomak let's hope he was going for it because we're gonna cut him off right wait for it wait for it wait for it oh man those lightrooms took me forever I'm good now nice nice lighting up the depths yeah as I do okay I'm cooking up something different so we'll see what else goes cooking up cooking hmm oh um the fact that he used that word is very scary for me because is he making unique recipes is he making Elixir types I I like the Synergy between all the cooking that I've done and The Elixir and unique recipes but we'll see um see where do I need to go I need to go I'm just gonna go east to uh I think there's a stable to the east or slightly Northeast we're gonna go I think this way ish and we're just gonna go open two of these um did not mean to take the third one out good it didn't block me oh okay good uh we need to land on a stable wait this is not where I thought we were going um does kakariko have bugs that I can buy early huh um there's fireflies at night time though which will work there's there's fireflies at night and it is midnight 30. there's also a lot of caves around kakariko um like the cuckoo cave which is a really small one there's also this cave right here um I think I'm gonna grab this first fireflies are usually on this bridge let them load in please please let them load in there they are Sunset Firefly let him move more quietly okay good good good so now we go to the cooking pot here we need a couple more Monster parts great that's totally what I wanted uh we need six good okay so we're gonna hold this and this to make one I'm gonna hold this and this to make two I'm gonna make this and this to make three this and this to make four this and this to make five foreign this and this to make six well I was cooking too takes me it always takes me so long to unmute oh wait did you actually cook it up like big time no oh those ones okay okay yeah I cooked it up big time bro it's pretty big time all right well we need to uh now do a couple of things uh duplicate everything that I only have one of and I'm going to hold holds hold hold hold five hold [Music] good all right and then this is gonna hurt that's another recipe that's another recipe that's another recipe that's the recipe that's a recipe but okay so we're at uh we're at a fair bit of recipes now let's um let's go into the two caves around kakariko uh there's one in this waterfall right here not sure how easy the bubble gem is but we'll find it uh there should be a hearty truffle right here all right uh maybe not ooh tireless frog that's potentially another recipe if we want to cook it um all right bubble frog why are you always so hidden I think it should be on the you'll go in and it's on the right I think there's a Little Rock blocking away yes there it is okay this is gonna be a new recipe we'll be able to cook tooth oh no it's actually right here never mind all right this is gonna be our fourth bubble gem now send and then we'll go to the cuckoo cave that is on one of the hilltops hmm uh are there anything I can mount here that's really unique I can't remember exactly where it is there's a cuckoo cave um on one of these Hills somewhere think man can't quite remember where the cocoa cave is uh the shop won't have anything to cook um let's do this really quick oh I'm gonna lose some stuff let's uh duplicate I forgot to do the egg hold this hold that I meant to dupe it I did not well I guess the Frog's gone rip okay uh there's two of those good what's three Forge constructs you have to unlock three Forge contrast okay there's another meal uh there's another meal sneaky Seafood skewer this I don't think this is a different recipe yeah that's just Seafood skewer uh I don't have a fish skewer yet um let's toast this and toast this I'm also just gonna cook an egg by itself cook a fairy by itself let's cook some greens let's cook greens in this it might be a vegetable and mushroom skewer steamed mushrooms let's make some steamed meat [Music] I'm gonna get attacked by chickens here campfire egg and toasty truffle all right let's see how many we have um one two three four five six seven eight nine 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 we need seven more recipes and then we're good uh so let's cook this dubious food let's cook this rock hard food okay we need five more um the general store doesn't have anything in it right now I don't think I have roasted fruit or wait wait wait wait uh I think I don't know if I have fruit and vegetables or a fruit and mushroom mix yet I don't know if I have a meat and fruit mix so we're gonna do this it's gonna be meat and fruit Mighty meat skewer not that actually might be new uh meat and vegetables and that's steamed meat damn okay mushroom and meat skewer uh mushroom and fruit skewer okay let's check my recipes now one two three four five six seven eight nine one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen Seventeen eighteen nineteen twenty Twenty One 22 23 24 25 26 27 28. two more do I have enough to make two more in my inventory uh maybe Maybe simmered fruit I mean warning meets gear I don't think that is no we need one more there's a freaking Beetle right here wait that's a new recipe yeah yeah wait this is a new recipe isn't it energetic no I have four gems uh oh no dude I was actually I was searching them like casually I I was like what the hell is going on then I almost drowned in the world sir and because I climbed I jumped back into the woods and it gave me stamina back like that was that must have been wildly close wow yeah I I'm on my last one oh no that's really bad um okay oh no no wait there might be something below here still that I can use for ingredients that's a cool rock I haven't picked up any Clorox and I don't plan on picking them up if I just found the chicken cave that would have been enough jet that's crazy um wait is there a fish down here that's not an ancient arowana if so we can just throw fire at it oh my God wait wait crap cooked crap and 30. uh it's really easy to destroy gibto spawner how many do we need we have one two three four five six seven eight nine ten we need three more what three could we do realistically uh mounting six creatures we need to mount two more so um you know what here's what we're gonna do I think we're gonna do uh we're gonna Mount the six creatures first uh because I think it shouldn't be that bad let's um it is where is it the horse God Fountain thing it's like around here somewhere also below us I I don't I can't remember where it is Forge constructs you know what this is gonna be really stupid on my part but I'm gonna get the forge constructs I think did you read the chat a little bit um where the old horse God is there's a legendary horse we can use I need three more goals I think destroying a gibdo spawner is really easy for me to get there so we might do that um bargainer statues I don't know that oh crap I don't know the fastest way to get to them is the one thing that I'm concerned about I believe right here is a forged construct um it's basically the ones that have the the fire and they're all lit and stuff so I might go back and defeat kogo really quick to get my second one because yeah this right here so I have to talk to this guy and this will activate one good so that's one Forge construct I think I'm gonna go kill Koga I think that's gonna be the easiest thing to do here thanks so there's one oh let's get rid of this okay uh I don't have to fight Koga to get more that's true but it would be good to do to unlock the one that is underground right here I do need to defeat Koga though and I think we all get the bargain how many paraglider Fabrics do we have I would need to unlock the camera if I want to get four easy paraglider Fabrics because I need to take a picture of a chew a horse a Lionel while we're riding the line you know what six paraglider Fabrics that's what we're gonna do I think that's what we're gonna do we have to kill Kobe here so let's do this really fast um we might be able to get both here if I I'm trying to think of the best way to do this because you're killing Koga it's gonna take an extra second but I think just to get the forge constructs I'm gonna have to do it um just because that's the only convenient ones let me check where the other Forge constructs are um yeah there's none that are really close by they're all kind of far away actually um is there a bargainer statue nearby I'm just gonna try and get some overlap here on if I if I can four four chasms okay all right I have a plan we kill Koga this is gonna be faster than you'd expect uh just because the rubies do an absurd amount of damage I don't know how many arrows I have left though yeah so what we're gonna do after this is I'm gonna go talk to the bargainer Statue I'm gonna do this Forge construct we're gonna do the forge construct um I'm gonna turn this on so I can actually aim it's a little bit of time loss but no one cares good all right we'll hit him one more time and then okay good he is done and I'll be able to get this Forge construct and then the closest one that I can easily get to is I'm trying to see if there's like a forged construct near a hole in the ground but there really isn't oh man there's a forged construct right under Zora's domain but I don't think I got Zora's domain did I um I think we're gonna go for that Forge construct though we're gonna go to Zora's domain after this to get that forward to construct um then I'll get the Barking of statues and then I can either get a gibdo spawner or paraglider Fabrics depending on what I'm feeling unfortunately I need to talk to or open this chest before I can open up this this is probably the slowest forged construct I probably could have gotten now I'm thinking about it like I could have just traveled to two other ones this is silly uh oh yeah wait I I could also be mounting creatures um I have a few up there's actually I'm on a I have a lot of options here I'm actually in a really good place so what are you working on I got bases a little bit really um and now I'm doing a pretty unoptimal goal but I'm I'm logged in I'm logged in you're logged into an unoptimal goal yeah I feel like going back at this point would have been even worse and then trying to do something else but that's just my guess again I haven't really done a lookout yet maybe I should have all the pins you really cut me off with that that bubble gem one I am looking for my last cave yeah yeah that was intense okay there we go there's one bargainer Statue we're gonna go here and we're just gonna go to zoro's domain I guess um yeah and then we're gonna get our Ford construct in there I don't believe we need to fight to unlock it I'm pretty sure all of the other forged contracts you can just unlock and then uh there is actually a bargainer statue somewhat nearby I think it's a little bit north because it's underneath the um the thing you know what thing I'm talking about right chat the thing anyways uh we need to go to zoro's domain which has a little bit of an outline we're going there we're actually going to that cave specifically uh here we go we need to oh okay good they all came out gyro on damn it I'm gonna set that up again you see why you can see right there why you have to turn gyro off because that happens otherwise there we go hello I wish I could see it yes I need to see it to get into it come on let me hit every let's go come on oh that was oh that was terrible okay that really not good not good uh two creatures that I can mount are there any creatures that are easily mountable in zoro's domain decide on happen to be around I could watch the statue I could have stand on the Statue it doesn't count just just a hands up that that wouldn't count come on here we go in in breath of the wild you could Mount sidon for a goal wait you can ALS wait you can mount sidon in this game very briefly you actually can though right I think you can maybe I'm dumb or misremembering but I'm almost certain you can actually Mount side on hmm interesting yeah I'm starting to look at this though and we we could have had a much more optimal path if I had just activated this Shrine underneath zoro's domain almost no time investment but I think I got knocked off of this early or something something happened but that's okay we'll just jump down here we'll get the forge construct and then we'll go North to get the bargainer statues uh and we'll see I'm actually over top this is the water temple by the way Chad that's how high up we are this is the water temple um so uh we have a ways to fall I wish there was like a really fast way to go down a descend you know it's crazy that's just directly above the hey no don't it's a cutscene bro it's what hello well that was a waste of my time all right I'm starting to think that I want you to do the 20 core oxides or eight sages Wells which is nice because I did not want to do them and I'm pretty sure Lim Cube has a massive lead on me there anyways um yeah from zoro's domain we're definitely gonna be going north please don't tell me how I'm doing don't tell me how I'm doing just like don't ask you're not I got baited so many times people were like I I I read like a master of people like oh the gypto spawner sounds fast I was like oh yeah actually true I just go over there and kill them and then it was like oh you have to do the quest and then it was like oh when you do the quest you can't walk away yeah I mean it's not too bad if you know what you're getting into yeah I didn't but it's fine now I got it at least okay okay uh that was my backup one so if he gets any of the other goals that I'm going for we're kind of boned we'll see this is gonna be our third Forge construct though like he has a very good chance of winning if he gets the bargainer statues or the paraglider Fabrics or the uh mounted creatures anyways this is gonna be our thing once it pops up on the map we'll be good all right come on here we go on and it has to pop up on the map it's popping up on the map show me the map goodbye there we go oh there's another goal okay so we warp up now to here I managed to get another goal I'm gonna just pull one out uh which one was it I I'm having a hard time at this point just seeing it because the boat is so full I just got a couple of Four challenge tracks of what Forge constructs oh Ford concept okay okay I got the forge construct on the island I got the first one and I got one other one my first bargainer does show up on the map yes it is right there chat it does count you didn't activate the one by Koga please only speak if you're 100 certain of what you're saying or else you're just gonna lose me time Chad I don't want to do Monster forces it wouldn't take that long but I just don't want to do it uh I think right here would be a good idea to just go straight North with one of my incredible ABC devices so let's go around this hill first and then do that okay lovely oh here yep it's totally what I was going for stop big regret on the fans I can't take that out here there's it's a wide open plane hello Jesus who is limb Cube um real good gamer real good gamer friend of mine okay anyways we need to go to this and then we'll go Northwest to get the um thing uh is there anything I can mount here is there a stable nearby actually uh we could go directly what is that directly south from the bargainer statue to hit a Lionel because there's gonna be a line underneath the stable um there's no famous horses here what is that oh huh well hello I don't think I need you but this is kind of cool kind of Cinema oh crap this is unbearable heat um I forgot to consider that how many fairies do we have 14. okay all right um see we need to go to here and then to like here-ish I think oh it's actually fine uh let's see do I have a metal weapon that I can here we go we're gonna really quickly set up a thing looks like we're not actually burning we will probably be burning in a second but we're not for a little bit all right pasta Fox thanks for the 22 months all right bargainer statue I'm just blindly going to it at the moment Well Spring of power fantastic but um did I get any oh did I get any of these uh I need to look around what the heck how far down is that what this was a mistake bro um this is so stupid but I'm gonna do it oh wait oh holy crap this works great uh maybe an entrance lower this way I killed myself there uh dude I'm gonna do something real cheesy chat if you get up into the top here it allows you to see a little bit easier okay getting into the fog layer you can see I cannot see a way in where is this guy yeah uh okay that's not a way in let's look this way I actually am so confused wait what did you get 20 borax seeds yeah that was somebody painful but uh I was able I would realize that you can like also build cancer the the backpack boys and it wasn't actually that bad but yeah nice yeah that works well that's not nice but also how the hell do I get into this if I had like one big bright Bloom seed it would help a lot wait where where the hell the hell did I get over here wait wait this is what it's this is the statue right here it's right here this is it oh okay good blah blah blah blah no I don't want to buy anything I literally just wanted you on my map okay now check this out chat I've I've remembered about the Lookout Landing bargainer statue completely forgot about that you have to visit them on the map that buying them doesn't count and if that one doesn't show up on my map then we'll get the one that is at the wait I could have got the one that the freaking the the gray Plateau that's above ground right does that one count that one might not count actually I don't know it's fine don't worry about it okay okay come on please let me talk to you please no no does it only it only works if you have a PO I didn't pick up a single Poe whatever okay um okay never mind not that one one two three four five six seven one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven I need two more goals so bargainer statue where are we going then where are we going because I got I have two um there's one that is just north east of here so we're just gonna hit that I think I'm gonna I'm gonna risk it all to go to it yeah it's just straight Northeast uh it's actually like kind of close to this light root actually wait what yeah it um it's kind of right beside it actually wow it is a little bit south of this yeah just a tall boy right to uh it is right here there's no water blocking me no all right yeah we'll just go to the Green Dot let's go uh I'm gonna hit the light route here though just so I can actually see what I'm doing uh then after that um we only need one more goal after that and I think we're gonna be focused on the creatures uh it shouldn't be that bad I think yeah we're just gonna hit this light route because it should reveal the statue itself and I won't be able to I won't have to like look around for it basically yeah there it is it's right on the edge that big chunk of brown on the top right good no more hesitating to find it yeah you can see it right here this really wasn't that bad and talked with the showed up on the map and just let me leave come on let me leave please no back and show it on the map there we go oh three bargainer statues I got one more one more left in me okay I need uh a stall horse nice um what time is it 450. uh in that case we're gonna go here and if I go West there should be stall horses and then we just need about to Lionel and then we're good uh a Lionel let me think what is it what is the best yeah it's gonna be very difficult because basically he's gonna have to cut me off on Mount 16 creatures and paraglider Fabrics now but I don't have the camera yet and I'm hoping I won't need the camera but there should be stall horses in this general direction they might have been this way yeah they're here star horses are right here except they're not right now that's weird they're always here um I've always seen Star Wars is there weird maybe I went a slightly wrong direction but I'm I was almost certain it was like right there they're pretty much always there every single time I've done this hmm I might have needed to walk towards them for them to spawn like you're not you have to like run along the ground okay uh in that case I know of another star horse spawn but it only happens at night so what do we do here all right here's the plan uh I go to this Shrine I set it to night time I go Southwest because in the valley around Satori Mountain there should be enemies on stall horses and then uh the next closest horse to mount all right next closest amount would be I don't know but I only need one I only need one goal yeah we need to go to Satori Mountain which is just like around that's outside stable it should be like right here I think or here I should just be able to see it yeah it's like this direction right uh oh there it is I don't know why it took me so long to find Satori there by the time I get there I don't think it'll be ready let's there you go um okay um wait uh the the special White Horse isn't that here the special white one I think I might be or is that only in uh uh I think it might only be a breath of the Wild where's that special white horse in this game unfortunately just take the death by the horse God place no you're thinking of the wrong Horse Chat no no the Zelda Source in the previous game is what I'm talking about not not the big white horse Zelda's horse from the previous game you think about the wrong thing okay I need to wait like 90 seconds or set a fire somehow is there any trees that I can drop down around here Zelda sources in the snow that's the piss Horse Chat no no no no the other horse is that not in this game anymore also I can't do the piss horse because you need to start the pen quests yeah all right here we go bang bang totally meant to grab that tree branch yep sit till night time good only will the breath of wild save transfer ah dang whenever it breaks a compendium if you take a picture of it then anyways okay so now I should be able to get one more horse a stall horse what huh it's weird no it's still losing the game yeah there should be stall horses right in this area I remember finding them in a previous game that I played just stay close to the ground let them spawn or not I remember funny stall horses here is that only in breath of the wild am I mixing up my games hello what the heck I'm so confused should we saw horses here the star horses just aren't spawning um okay you know what just so we're stop screwing around let's go to the other Lake uh or the the old horse God Spot which should be um if I look at this map it should be there should be two dots should be right here all right we're going to the horse God right now hopefully like I still need another one after this horse but I mean I guess I could just hit up a Lionel that is nearby this I'm trying to think is there like something I can mount here not really there's a Lionel and Farren I think we're gonna get the Lionel underneath Thunder head or dragon head or whatever it's called yeah we'll get that that's probably the best thing is just Mount the Lionel okay okay we have a path to Victory as long as he doesn't Mount the creatures we we have a pass to Victory here this goes really high all right here we go how are you doing what are you working on right now you willing to share I'm willing to share because I got like baited six times back and forth oh yeah I made the mistake of listening to Chad okay but uh I I my goal I I'm gonna be honest I've been looking for a stall horse for like right right but none of them by the way the the monster forces and I'll tell you what the problem was like I thought oh okay yeah like our monster forces and I went there and it wasn't because the one on Eventide is one yeah in in the camp but yeah it was uh Wild um yeah I mean honestly you can keep looking for one um or I can tell you where I just remember one was and then another one I know where they are it's just they're not splogging there oh wait what that's weird because I I think all of the three goals essentially that we have like left to grab yeah I have done zero progress towards any of them I have no Sage worlds I have no unique creatures uh and I've only the one paraglider um okay I think I'm up to I I have two paragliders right now right right so uh it's really just a matter of time I mean you can just like I let you look for your style horse I'll explore a bit more I'm learning more of the game I don't know if you were down to do another one after this I'm down to do another one yeah yeah I mean this is already pretty good it's not over yet what if I never maybe maybe your game is yeah maybe your game is broken and you can just never get a style horse I can see it we'll see oh that's bad that's really bad that it dropped that it's hatched yeah maybe who knows oh crap my rocket fell off bye okay drop a rocket fuse a rocket let's use a rocket okay so there should be a uh basically right below this little island here I'm fairly sure there's a Lionel I think it's in this big open area right that I'm looking at so all I'll need to do is like headshot it to mount it and that'll be six because it does have a mount button because the white Lionel yep here's the white Lionel here we go and this will be it what's our time at Actually I don't even know okay good length hello oh aiming is hard apparently I don't have any arrows left that could be an issue hey hey that's time I was just like okay I'm gonna get a style horse um this is the only way this can ever be turned around but okay GG well I found the style horses at least I ended up doing a Lionel instead oh that makes sense cool yeah yeah that was actually cool I feel like we did like exact I guess that's how lockouts go where once you realize at least that was like my thinking when I was like okay it's the smallest in the devs he's probably always going to be ahead of me in the depth so I shouldn't start going for five light routes now so I did like basically everything else the game to go I think was the one that buried me but good now it was pretty good that one takes like it's like two and a half minutes for a single goal that's not too bad um you could ask my child how that went wait did you get Auto build I did but again this is when we realized that there's like five unskippable cutscenes and you have to go back to karakar Bazaar and then the thing starts okay fair yeah I uh I watched all of the um not all of them but I watched some of the all dungeons runs just did yeah that's that's the fastest that's true that I wasn't sure for example if you could um you might notice now because you've watched them if you could go to redu before going into the shelter yes you can you can okay okay I I didn't but I was like you probably can as I did brutal but yeah I'm down to if you are okay with this um go to the bathroom really quickly take a short break hopefully next problem NPC is fine and then we can run it back it was really fun yeah I'm down let's do another one all right a quick bathroom break and let's go yep I'll be right back as well all right Chad I'm gonna take Subs I'm going to the bathroom uh burnt Wing thank you for the subs uh Ketone thank you cinderheart no skills for dumb nasty wolf Dietrich um 15 months Alice minor division Andrew pastafox Zeto Mariano holy mousse black cat purple Charizard pepperoni flu Alone um their eggs lavender Laura thank you frankly not temporal Hunter kokuriyu Toby thank you so much for all the subs I'm gonna go to the bathroom I'll be Iraq I'll think more subs in a second but I see blonde iskers thank you so much for the subs cribe we won first match let's go okay sorry my cats were crying I do the snake I didn't really know let me go big yeah I have two cats yeah I use some breaks soon oh no I'm not what are you talking about this guy said I'm still on board and do you get to make the boat this time no one gets to make the boat someone didn't make the ball the ball gets like randomly generated from a list of goals all right bang let me make this um how do you set them up I think smaller does like a file um yeah I just have like a Google doc that has like 100 and some goals on it yeah and that like was it like puts them into the side so I guess like Auto generator no one makes the boss yeah yeah well I think my chat and I came up with the goals but uh yeah uh but just because there wasn't one on the website yet on Bingo sync that's right all right yeah we won the first one I have my safe ready Stone I didn't save apparently so I don't have to download it okay um great yeah I didn't do any manual saves either okay uh all count is down this time are you ready yes that sounds good to me um give me one second okay it is Tim okay okay this ain't for real all right three two one go good luck all right any easy ones immediately uh uh five unique core types super free um that one's actually a super easy recovery tools both three unique pristine weapons isn't too bad three bargain interceptions we just that uh five Shrine that repairs uh defeat of phantom Ganon that's not too bad either I think I might be able to do that before I leave the island what else are we doing three types of ball Goblin is also kind of free seal toy equipment is super fast if we just get there three unique Elemental type weapons is actually really really free uh we're gonna get a unique core Arch type right now uh well in a second just give me a moment apparently um we were going to get it shame the radio okay we're going to get one of the unique Quark types right now because there is this one right here the confetti great yeah just drown Link Good Start strong start so there is one unique korok type uh confetti uh we're gonna grab the wing and then we're gonna go get the second one which is a dive korok uh can I get all five before I leave the island really fast there's probably a pickup Rock that's somewhere around here right there's an Ascend core rock at the Temple of Time there's a dive korok right here what's a Poe um it is nothing to worry about at the moment okay see how there's a korok here that will be able to is there any cooking uh use an ancient blade on an enemy is actually just free it's a free goal you can also kill a black vocabulin yeah yeah okay okay we're gonna we're gonna do the ancient blade on the enemy as quickly as I can I think 15 light Roots is ridiculous three unique Talis heart type equipments that's not too bad either um clear two monster forces again that's the only one that repeated here uh anyways there's no cooking right nothing related to cooking okay so we're up to two korok types now uh there's a another korok in the one of the trees around here I'm just trying to think of all of the koroks that I can get before I leave because there are a couple on this little island here um is a goal I'm not sure where cuckoes are exactly but that is something to keep in mind there's 30 unique recipes again visit a secret hot spring interesting um okay let's get one more korok uh and the Ascend I think would be good I'm gonna hope I'm gonna try crashing this into it and hope it kills them to get the shield nice okay that worked really well sweet that that was like incredible actually um there's two Dives I'm just gonna grab not that there's this um five unique core up types there's a korok right here so we'll get this one um defeat a phantom Ganon so there's our third unique korok type are there any that are near the God I'm trying to think what else is there for Unique Clorox uh is there one over here you know what let's uh go kill something with the uh ancient blade which is gonna be where is the Great Plateau where is it where is it I actually cannot find the great plateau what the hell this way oh my God that's so far away oh let's go great Plateau I assume he's already going for that right now but we can also kill a black Boko with it uh so we're just gonna do that regardless I'm wondering if warping was faster here are there any Clorox that I can get here there's a there's a a korok pair here is there just a lift a rock core Rock anywhere around because that's a really easy and quick one um I've got confetti I've got dive and I've got a send are there any cork core rocks exactly sure hmm yeah I got a weapon I don't have a bow which sucks um don't have anything to kill a Talus with because there is a Talus a battle Talus that gives a ruby uh in here which is nice because of the elemental stuff I could get ice pretty easily I could get fire pretty easily inside the fuse Shrine it's the electric that is rough but um I think I know what I'm gonna do the unique elemental weapons are very easy so all right I have a plan I'm gonna kill something with uh with this really quick uh because this is our ancient blade that we needed um we're gonna kill a black Boko do I have two good yeah there's a black vocal over here we're gonna get to him as just quickly as I possibly can Chuck it at them and that'll account for our Boko uh are there any koroks nearby that I can get really easily is there a golf courock is there a dive core I'm not sure whistle come here is there kill an Armored enemy at all no all right come on and boom ship yeah oh my God you've got to be kidding me please okay there we go use an agent blade oh got one you no it's nice I haven't planned but not that early there uh there's I think there's Clorox in this Forest over here but uh there's a five light repairs pristine weapons are actually really easy if I have a pocket rocket but I don't want to do that defeat a fan of Ganon is also really easy I might do that one again as long as I can get a thing I think there might be a a flower Chase over here uh what is this one I'm almost certain there's a korok around here because they they I remember there being a similar one Maybe not maybe I'm dumb anyways uh are there still arrows here and a bow Maybe here there are arrows there's no bow though that sucks um there's a court core rocket please tell me there's a rock in this please tell me I can just lift up a rock and there's a korok in this please please please it's freaking eggs uh whatever [Music] I'm not able to kill it yet um let's see with this I'll probably just grab a log and attach this where's the cork there's there's four um there's a flower Chase nearby I can't remember where it is I accidentally hit it last time where is that flower Chase oh man where did I where did I accidentally hit a flower is it just here still is there just another korok in here maybe there's five unique Quark types wouldn't be that bad um oh wait there's a balloon one right here if I just have something to throw I can get it uh okay badly damaged damn it one two three oh come on I really would like the shield to not break I know it's designed to not break on dirt so we'll get that come on oh we're probably gonna get the elemental type weapons soon after this I'm gonna hope this is dirt and it allows me to duplicate stuff with it um three types of Boko I should be able to get that relatively quickly because if I go south from here there's actually some regular bokos [Music] all right let's climb up this now and then um that'll be five unique korok types because I just need to throw this a little bit okay let's hope this is enough I'm gonna use this to aim the balloons where are they there they are one great one two and three hey there's five new car types wait until we get the seed that's stupid all right there we go ah there's another one nice good I didn't even see this goal until you just clicked it oh my goodness where am I I actually literally where am I I'm pretty sure I know where a couple of where's the zoo nice stuff koroks are there should be a a weapon I have no idea where it just ended up how did it end up here the zonai stuff hmm I think three unique proceeding weapons are at those two locations so after I get Auto build we're gonna go do that uh 300 pose is something that I do not want to do diet a Coco that's a really fast one if I just go to kakariko Village after I get Auto build um I don't think he knows where pristine weapons are but he probably knows where kokos are so we're gonna try and cut them off on the cocoa goal and then we'll do the pristine weapons after I think that's the plan here yeah that seems like a good idea uh I don't have any fairies yet so I still have to be a little careful on the whole damage thing um but we'll see let's see um defeat a frost gliac 300 new oh I just lost like 20 seconds I think finding the goal on the board those are the the ones with the shines right yeah you found them already wow I I found like a spotlight literally three of them next to each other on my old shrines roads really I had no idea there was an area like that nice all right well I'm very glad that I didn't start that one because I was not gonna get it uh it's local 15 light Roots is that what that says well I am absolutely not staying underground this time that just does not seem like a good idea I'll be honest okay I didn't even have to boot this anymore no actually but I guess it's so fast especially without speed food yeah sorry yeah you didn't need to build that like what's the big deal okay all four like stones that's actually kind of a tough one I think I'm gonna do the Coco's next uh then we're gonna do the elemental stuff because I know where to get ice really easy I don't want to get fire really easy and I know where to get electric a little bit you'll see in a sec um so I just need Auto build first six energy Wells um do I have wood six energy Wells is really easy I didn't bring wood did I 6 energy Wells you know what that's gonna be one after I get the cuckoes and the elemental weapons we'll get that right away um I can also get this one pretty easily these are the ones that I just the one the ones that I've starred are the ones that I kind of want to go for early um there's a few different things uh three unique talosart types gives me two different Elementals if I get a fire one and an ice one but that isn't gonna be worth it because you need an electric or a water one for Elemental types I'm not sure if there's any Opals around but I'm wait uh I have to kill Koga if I want to do the energy Wells easily that sucks whatever we'll deal with it another time in that case laughs no not there um that is not even but we're gonna have to work with it okay so we're not gonna get these we're gonna go to kakariko village now which is where where the hell is kakariko I I always forget where it is I have to look at the map this is stupid it's a waste of time but I have to double check uh kakariko is north of dueling Peaks where the hell is doing Peaks though it's uh here ish yeah it's right there all right so we're gonna go here and is there any armor goals at all because we can just die to a cucko there uh is there anything unique that we can get there oh I should be killing book hoblins um when I was at grape plateau uh I think there's blue bow goblins above the kakarigo village so we'll probably kill the book hoblins and then go down to kakariko to die to the cutcos do I have the equipment to kill one though that's the question huh all right what's backseat you mean it means like telling me what to do uh don't tell me what to do unless I ask specifically hey should I or how do I do this is kind of the idea I'm gonna get this cold armor just because it's like nice to have um yeah [Music] seal toy equipment I could do that in like 45 seconds you know what it's so quick I should just get it out of the way right right like it's so quick like all you need to do is oh that's a little difficult to to figure out exactly where you need to go I think it's like here so if I just hit this angle perfectly we'll go this way boom little crooked really that didn't work I forgot to turn off uh motion controls no your gyro come on good pick those up come on let's get a seal toy real fast here because it's one thing really okay that's annoying uh in that case we'll let these guys spawn Maybe there's usually ice chews here that works as an elemental or not give me the ball good okay with a bow yeah yeah whatever weird looks like there's no guys spawning around here that's yeah that's annoying I'll pick up the arrows he's probably planning something okay that was really bad whoa because I didn't do them properly but whatever we'll deal with it I just want to get to that seal toy very quickly move out of my way please move out of my way there we go okay we're on the way to the seal toy and like I said about 45 seconds to get there and just insta fuse basically from riju's bedroom uh maybe slightly longer than that is there anything I can get on the way that's worth it 600 wheels for goblins not really I guess the fall is going to take a while hmm are there I should grab shock fruits while I'm nearby I think is the best play will they kick me out because I don't have a shirt on I never actually considered that they might put me in prison because I don't have a shirt on hmm I'm sure it'll be fine it's fine uh we'll see we'll see if it's fine or not anyways is it three Elemental equipments not weapons okay so I think we're about there I'm gonna walk off I passed it that's okay from here I am going to um I need to be able to kill a phantom Ganon with something so I might grab is there something that I can fuse with that has a lot of fuse power right now not really because I don't have any fairies that's one of my bigger issues at the moment let's see hmm I have to think it's a good opportunity to do because I will need a lot more of these okay oh I failed that one good that'll probably be all I need good um are there any Shrine related things not really let's get rid of that of course uh three types of Boko I think is what we're gonna be doing I don't know if he's going for Boko or Elemental weapon stuff because I feel like you would be going for one of those two because they're just they're easy goals right they're they're not the difficult goals here there's no direct Shrine related ones I wouldn't be surprised if he's going for the Glide set stuff but here we go seal toy is gonna be uh right here uh I just need to ascend from this I think let's get to our bedroom I I missed her bedroom but whatever exit there we go seal toy good seal toy equipment boom okay uh let's go to Lookout Landing now I'm gonna enjoy them oh yeah seal toy enjoy course I think we're gonna go kill a phantom Ganon next that seems pretty easy I don't actually want to unlock Shrine pairs I think I've changed my mind uh bartender statues are pretty easy though because we realized that that works I think but there's there's two there's like five light routes and the but I mean he is in the underground because we know he got the pristine weapons so it's hard to say what we need to do here um I did find that apparently right here there's just three weapons you can grab so I don't know it might be cool to grab them [Music] it's actually crazy that they just give you one of these all right that's all I could have duplicated that faster than we actually did that whatever uh we're gonna go North now to do some stuff okay foreign this one is so awkward because it's like kind of sideways I don't really know how to feel about it this is fine I believe there's a topaz chest right here so that's gonna that's our electric weapon um we don't have any other elemental weapons yet but I'll probably make a couple uh more topaz but for now we're gonna go this way uh we're gonna go drop three of these down again can't take that out here some tells me I can hello come on there we go um Auto build canceling has been patched I think we could get a diamond from inside of the castle I don't think I need to yet though yeah I think we'll be fine for now uh uh do I need anything from Iowa Castle not really I don't think we need to warp here ever again either so we're just gonna go get the Hylian Shield I don't have Rockets yet but that's fine because we're not coming here for the Highland Shield it's just convenient that it is on the way um we're going for the defeating a phantom Ganon that is my plan right now defeat Phantom Ganon I don't exactly know how we're gonna defeat it I think I have a couple of arrows right how many arrows I got 10. it's probably not enough arrows actually um we'll see here oh hey two arrows um yeah we'll see how I feel about some things hello there you go good um because yeah the Phantom again it'll be pretty easy and now yes [Music] good all right let's go against this wall equip the map drop this drop that and then we drop this now we don't have hylene shields to last but I need a couple of this to kill Phantom Ganon with because that's the best we can do I'm also going to fuse it with a weapon because then we have an electric weapon uh uh and because of that after we do this we're gonna warp to the fuse Shrine I'm just gonna go into it get the um stuff related to it all right unfortunately uh this I believe does more damage than um uh the ancient blades which is why I'm using Destiny gem blades but anyways we're gonna do this I'm gonna Chuck them and I cannot mess up at all because I don't have any you know what I'm gonna save the game actually real quick make sure to turn this off after the fight tomorrow oh he's warping at me he's well okay I actually just cannot hit him right now because he was too close and I will just die in wait out oh my I'm in the middle of fighting one oh no you gotta be kidding me that's so bad okay um we need to immediately get something else like I literally he's at half health he really cut me off there oh no did you have like rubies or something uh that's yeah yeah I did okay the guy that I was fighting was like actually I don't know if you ever watched the early 90 runs where you can like three shots them with like a bunch of rubies but this guy was like tanky they take way more damage it's really yeah all right we're going into fuse to get um a fire thing uh I don't think there's any ice things in here but if I get one more we can do that I could I could get the Ruby on the great sky island but I think it's gonna be faster just go through here instead uh I think this is gonna be faster because yeah it's just it just has to deal that damage so getting the fire fruits we already have the topaz which is going to do a lot of damage here [Music] so now we need to go to the cold area and I just need a single Frost enemy a like a single little blue guy that gives me the stuff um is there a sapphire maybe that's I could get actually wait where's Sapphire I should probably check a designated Sapphire location but anyways uh let's go find that and then we'll make it in a sec I assume there's just gotta be something right here right there's gonna be like some that attack you yes that just spawn in please tell me that's true so I'm gonna do the fusing for everything else this one and this one all right good yes yes kill it to death I guess that's kind of how it works come on we just need a few of them we have three unique Elemental type weapons there we go all right all right now what am I gonna do let's go kill some bocos uh which is uh I didn't see what you got my only issue is like I need like a fourth monitor because whenever I unmute myself in this code you probably have like a hotkey for this oh I need to open Discord and then I need to support I need a show to have one you unique Elemental type equipment see I didn't even see that until now but that's the smart goal there's a quick one yep just wait till I get this other one 10 seconds from now it's gonna take a little bit longer than 10 seconds but it's just fun to mess with his head a little bit sometimes um let's go over here I need some fairies I think it would be good to get fairies now come on hello bro what is going on I forgot to turn off motion no oh okay it's fine that's what was actually ruining me let's go this way uh yeah we're just gonna grab some fairies and some Rockets real fast no Sage's Wheels in this one uh Boco should be trying to think about some I know where red vocals are they're just all over look at Landing are there any blue bokos in that um because I think there were two clear two monster forces and I think there's one monster force with two different colors of Boko in it to the south of Lookout or north of Lookout Landing we might actually do that in a second I'm just gonna get Rockets first so I can uh uh uh pocket rocket anyways let's do this I'm not gonna get a ton here it's like 50 okay great good stuff all right that's probably enough um let's do really quick another one I think this one is still active so I can just do this just reuse my parts should work really really the timing for this is kind of precise that's not obvious yet there we go okay five different types of lasolfos really isn't too bad either oh this is just might ruin me we'll see um can I save this Maybe okay are there unique devices at all no okay we're currently at four to two we got a good lead uh right after this we're gonna go die to some cuckoes like I don't know if he's gonna do cuckos or bocos that's the one thing that I don't know what he will be doing uh let's go to kakariko which is in the pink yeah you know what let's go kakariko because kak Rico has cacos and we'll just die to Coco's I'll just drop all my fairies yeah because we drop all our fairies and we die to Coco's and we respawn with the fairies 30 unique recipes if it's a secret hot spring we could also visit a secret hot spring those are really easy just a bunch of visiting goals we'll see here um let's do this one two three probably only two we're gonna drop third one always takes a while there we go I was more patient that time cool good let's go clear it nice good okay so here is gakoriko we'll be able to die at a cucko real quick and here we go do you think it's kakariko or kakariko the lockouts are determining the easiest goals not really it's determining what the other person might be going for to try and cut them off but also you know strategizing like oh should I waste time doing this other goal while I'm doing this goal there's a lot of strategy to it that you might not uh realize without trying it at first there's a lot to it but yeah this will be good because it will auto save the moment I hit here the moment I hit the ground it'll auto save so be ready bang okay it's saving all right and now we will drop all of my fairies I'll respawn with them but I just need to die to a cucko now here so we'll go here we'll go pop good so we're gonna die to kokos you got the two sets come on almost there come on and that's death the armor set again now you see well I just died unfortunately that's the only thing I know how to do um really try and Shrine stuff oh you died unfortunately okay nice nice yeah I kind of locked myself out of this I feel like because I got like fairies but I just dropped that makes sense yeah and then I respond with bugs true true all right well I mean we can Pocket Rocket now so I think I'm gonna do that uh I think there may be two different color bocos at this Camp up here there may be where I can never remember where this Camp is though there's like a camp somewhere around here but I can never remember where the freaking Camp is is it this way oh it's this way so let's see there are is it only blue only blue that's fine that's fine we'll we'll kill this these blue guys and we'll warp the Lookout Landing there okay there's two kinds um and south of kakariko or one of the entrances of calc Rico there is a battle Talus that has red vocals on it uh I think it should be right around here where is the battle Talus that's what we need to find there should be like a walking battle Talus where is it uh I mean we do need to kill lasalfos so this will be okay only green Los Altos so we've killed one green lasalfos now um let's see what else well I just need some red vocals where are they at actually they usually they're like little little trolls on the bridge right harassing people at least they were in breath of the wild I think there might be some here today nope okay I didn't care anyways didn't even want any all right so we've killed the green lasalfos I'm gonna be looking for more Boko bokoboko I would have thought I would have seen just a red Boko right like you'd expect there to be some vocals around here really gotta dupe them a little better you know what just to get it out of the way let's go to Lookout Landing uh and then we'll be at what one two three four we're currently at five we'll be at six I think then we'll start farming taluses um I'm trying to think of all of the taluses that I know of there's one really easy it's on the great plateau um just a basic one if I killed a battle Talus that would work actually because that would kill the Boko and the thing but yeah there's some actually directly east of this I believe so I think we might just go east real fast because they're just they're in a little camp like right here yeah there we go there's some red ones I could do energy Wells uh if I just get one wood I would need to kill um Koga but anyways here we go there is three bokos away from the pop three types of bocos good done I got another book I got the blokos down nice one uh there is a battle Talus I think it's just right across this bridge so we'll start with that I think um can I do anything in the meantime the secret spring we will get while um it's tough yeah I believe there's a battle towers over here that they're in battle thousands are weak as hell so should be pretty straightforwards okay yeah battle tiles is walking right there there it is I could have done the vocal here but I just didn't want to risk it like three arrows should take this guy out it's kind of crazy how simple it is yeah look at that all right up we go there we go so this is going to be our first type of Talus um did I fuse with anything of value not really how much does that do not really I'll wait till it knocks me off oh we might be able to kill it cool okay we need the talus heart though uh let's unfuse some of this garbage uh destroyed destroy destroy good I'm glad this one is unused we're probably gonna duplicate this a little bit Palace heart there what I guess there's one Talus heart uh I'll grab a ruby just in case we need it let's go to the secret spring now which uh there should be a secret spring it's just in this general direction I'm sure we'll hit it if I just go towards yellow uh so we're just gonna warp here and then go there again um hello MC Jay Buffy vivacious thank you for all the subs and it's on the five vivacious with the gift subs thank you all right um there's an ice Talus on the Gerudo Plateau um there's also ice lazalfos there probably but we're gonna head this way first I think he might be I'm surprised he did the flying challenge the dive challenge without doing the secret Hot Springs but maybe you just didn't know they were there that's my guess he just didn't know the hot springs were there because he is right next to one of them if he does it oh um did okay disappeared I do have rubies for killing the other Talus with but unfortunately why is it so high what the hell I'm gonna have to like bring this to the side a little bit yeah there we go brought it down enough it's weird this build is definitely not optimal but we're running it um let me think while we're going over here at bubble gems bargain statues so we're gonna do the the secret hot spring right now monero's mask isn't too bad um it takes a couple minutes it's basically the same length as recover tools bow uh Frost glioc if I had more arrows I could do it uh before we go kill the ice palace I think that's what we're gonna do actually oh I need to go way further no okay um this is bad okay I have an idea chat you're gonna go here really that doesn't let me huh because I'm pretty sure if I do this it just doesn't let me yeah yeah it just doesn't work okay um is the retalis below me that I can kill or what can I do here because I I am now boned what am I supposed to do I was supposed to ride all the way over there Tunes bow is also something you could have done I think landing on the surface is gonna be fastest here um I don't know what to do six energy Wells is very easy I could do that and then think because it's really easy to get energy Wells if you just have um one wood very easy let's activate this just in case anything from Beetle you know what let's uh let's buy some arrows from beetle uh I don't think I could survive oh wait I have hmm I could go kill a frost Glock right now actually toolen's bow um yeah yeah I'm a little sad that you can't use this power yeah at that point but it's fine that's fair okay uh what have you got take them all yes okay chat so here's my plan the gliac should be on the plat or on the on the Gerudo plateau uh we have fairies we can survive it's the brutal Highland sorry uh griddle Highlands it should be like is it just it's I think I think it's straight north of Gerudo town like up here so I'm gonna head over there but not before I do something here uh we need a couple more rubies you'll see in a sec why okay oh here oh there's also one by snowfield stable yeah that's true but this I think is more optimal um okay what's my strongest weapon this one 23 okay I'm gonna try in one cycle the glioc but I this weapon really does not do that much damage unfortunate wait it's on my back I'm stupid I forgot to equip it okay oh you got to the secret hot I was on my way and I fell off uh an ABC or something yeah yeah and I I just couldn't make it dang it cut me off there that's all right that's all right it's fine it's fine yeah I'll be fine I'm sure okay um wait what version is this I can't remember I think this might not actually help me in this version I'm thinking about it ah we'll see all right I'm holding like 15 of these things now uh so we're gonna go and kill a frost glioc and I'm gonna try and do it in like two seconds the posts seem easy they seem easy Until you realize how long it takes to get 300. okay foreign uh I'm wait what oh crap I need to go to the green one okay actually I need to go to the Green Dot not the yellow one because the yellow one is the uh the spring no delete it Frick okay that's fine is there a killer uh dude a Lionel no look at the line of goal is it possible to revert to 1.1.1 I don't actually know if it is yeah we'll just we'll just kill this guy real quick okay come on let's let's be real though good I need more Rockets so I might do rockets while I'm on this going towards the throttle nope we're not doing that okay never mind that was a [ __ ] [ __ ] land on it oh my God holy crap I have no idea what's going on but I mean okay I'm okay with this I thought you were going to Green I changed my mind hello wait are those monster forces right there uh no I don't think there's cameras just get on to it dude all right let's go come on chop chop okay here's a frost Glock that I'm going to try to kill with what little resources I have um hello uh can you come here please huh ancient blade it's a boss that's not really how it works bro don't make me auto build cancel to get up to him I think I have to come on come on good whistle just whistle for the oh there it saw me okay that was unnecessary Hello friends um please don't be too close to me is that falling no really please please how many fairies I got left 10. there we go there we go it's fine I actually cannot hit it here okay no I can't never mind okay looks like it's gonna be a two cycle um oh come on what is bro waiting for okay uh we're gonna land on this recall this go Frost glioc hello friend let's make sure we get the three headshots this time hello and it's dead okay good wait for him to pop and pop good pick up one of these good for damage all right now we're gonna go to the Green from here I think uh is there anything that we have closer than that actually uh no we're just gonna go to green from here oh that little boss was tough nah dude was free holy two cycle them in everything I was going for the one cycle but just look into this guy not quite enough damage output sadly okay this is a little bit sketchy because it's been kicking me off at this this build is not it's like leaning which makes it a little bit difficult but whatever but we're going for the Gerudo Plateau the icy area for Gerudo I I'm pretty sure it's around here I I really hope I'm not accidentally going to leak around here but yeah um I think after this we might fight like a luminous house or something let's see where's the tower uh the tower okay so we need to go a little to the right going a little to the right we'll get the second tallest equipment we're currently at uh one two three four five six seven to five which is you know a a slight lead but it is not significant um it is really not significant all right let's go we're gonna fight an ice Talus that's here and then um is there like a luminous house or something nearby yes I'm trying to think of where I think this is a luminous Talus to Slightly North East of the great uh of the of the Lookout Landing I believe that's where the the closest one I'm actually gonna accidentally land on a frost Glock um which is really sub-optimal because I could have just fought disc gliac but you know how it is sometimes that just happens sub-optimal place anyways this engine setting you change for the fight what does it do uh it makes it so it doesn't like drift randomly because it like will drift in a random Direction otherwise but yeah this will be our second piece we need to come back here ever I think after this I'm gonna get my energy Wells sorted out but I'm not sure what he's doing he's been doing some above ground stuff in the snow area hard to say that's another 20 seconds finding the goal oh okay on my screen yeah yeah that's fine foreign okay he's cooled off all over please it would if it let's it's not let oh I don't have a weapon equipped I'm stupid okay you know what oh huh that's not what I was going for at all hello throw something at me there we go that'll knock him over good and now let me hit your stuff okay we're just gonna throw one of these on the ground yeah no come on another piece of and fuse Frost okay delete this pin we're gonna go here and then we're gonna go to the little island that is God it's like it's like next to the I think it's like right here is where we need to go next for a luminous Talus I think and then we're gonna be at three and then after that we're gonna go down for the energy Wells like stones shouldn't be that bad uh if I just go to the the thing in the castle also I'm gonna see how many pose are around because if there's like an easy way to get pose that'll be good yeah then we'll be we'll be ahead by three we could do bargaining statues if we're gonna be going down again but uh bargainer statues are just tough there's a lot of different they're just they're hard to spot uh there we go did I never pick up Rockets or did I accidentally use all of my Rockets I think I may have accidentally used all my Rockets uh which is bad clearly but it is what it is this will be our unique tiles type equipments I don't know how I managed to use all them oh I failed a dupe right that's probably what happened yeah that makes sense all right there should be a is this not a luminous Talus that's not what I wanted to do but okay um huh okay well there's a luminous talus in that cave right there then that's what I was thinking of oh crap I did it successfully but I just didn't see it come on all right let's go we might be able to do some recipes here soon too see we'll see I I'm gonna have to do some stuff yeah this would be a luminous Talus heart which is another kind just gotta get him to wake up wake up like like there is Miska stuff here probably not worth it all right any bombs to wake this guy up instantly not really all right wake up let's go on the fight yeah it's just a luminous he fell over there let me up okay and we'll fuse with this no oh that's gonna be bad right sure Royal brothers and you son of a no the big thing please there we go unique Downs our type of equipments we have one two three good uh let's go do energy Wells now uh uh but I need wood first so we're gonna chop down a tree we're gonna kill kogo we're gonna get our six energy Wells and then how many do we need we have one two three four five six seven eight we'll have nine we need to get four more the pose the like stones maybe Los alfos you know what let's go before we do that let's go into Hyrule Castle because there's gonna be like Likes down there uh there's gonna be a lot of pose as well so I think I'm gonna go to Hyrule Castle the chasm uh to do some of this stuff um Auto build drop down uh that guy won't activate until I have uh at least a PO so let's go um all right so in this tunnel that I'm approaching I believe there is an ice like like I believe there's there's a like like right here maybe not foreign no there's a fire like okay be fair to laugh seven okay yeah I really need to directly hit that bro okay uh we're gonna make a couple of fairies we're gonna make a couple of topaz I think okay because I need the stones I can't just kill them oh like this if I could just get more one more bow let's do five fairies as well what the hell a little annoying you know what I'm just gonna bite the biscuit and we'll go here okay good we're gonna fire like stone for this and I'm gonna open this chest hoping it's a bow wait oh it is a bow wait is this another bar right here oh that's nice okay um oh and there's an ice one right here wait and I know where an electric one is oh this is a great place to do this huh all right let's go with the rubies I'll show you all right there's ice and I know where a regular like is it's just on the gray plateau or the great Sky Island so yeah all we need to do now is jump down into this hole beneath the castle um Discovery I would like to hit the light route that would be nice because there's a lot of pose there so let's let's hit that real fast and then we'll warp to the great sky island and we'll have all four like stones uh there's gonna be some lizapos down here as well I might kill a couple of those anyways there's a PO 300 poses a lot it is more than I would like to do because yeah this is like I mean you can see how bad this is this is only 35 uh we're gonna get the electric like below here and then we'll warp up and get the regular like Stone nine bubble gems are there like nine caves that are really close together that I could really easily get I don't know the dream home isn't that bad we would have to buy some rooms but I think we could get enough money to sell to do that deliver monero's construct isn't too bad as well so if the game doesn't crash we'll see we'll see I'm gonna do what I have start off right now those four those are the ones I'm gonna focus on and then we'll we'll see what we can do after that anyways I just wanted a warp Point here just in case never know could be useful uh I still don't have Rockets six energy Wells yeah because I was I wasted like three minutes because Chad said you need six Over All yeah yeah you need six over oh because I have like seven I was like still grinding and then check was like wait uh but good to know um yeah I didn't lose that much I didn't lose much time okay that's that's good that's good yeah I am oh no um that means he fought Koga okay uh that's that's bad for us that's that's really bad for us uh this is the only one that wouldn't work come on come on drop the juice do you think the electro gun will heal him dead okay good so at least we know what he's been doing for the last little while wait where did that go whoa how many of these do I have left 13 okay where did that go no no no no no no don't do me like this and I don't want to have to kill another one I think I have to though gotta be kidding me bro yeah we're gonna have to stand on this and take it while we kill him okay good he's dead at least all right that's not all the like stones but we're getting there uh we're gonna go to uh this one yes rise we'll have all four like stones this is gonna be tough because I like he's been in the underground so I I don't think he's good I don't think he knows how to do the deliver monero's mask to the construct Factory yet so he could just do it use recall to find it it's too late we already got the other one it's fine it's fine we got it we're good you're colorblind you can't see the difference okay um it's the ones that have stars why are you backing so much I don't know I'm not really looking at it anyways it's fine show me your juice show me show me show me okay this is gonna be our all four like stones let's just double check one two three yeah I have the elemental ones and then the bass like Stone good I like those stones okay wait I would like like stones yeah nice one okay um this is like my least favorite enemy I'm scarred from them and already any person we used to go through this room with all of the ice like like and many runs would die there yeah it was brutal um I need to see where the lizalfos Coliseum is because there's going to be a a blue a black and a silver one there which is four I think anyways um we need to go to the southeast to where it is storming here and I'm gonna try some stuff so it is not the modern Coliseum on the bottom left it is not the one in the bottom top right so damn it I always forget to turn this off the bottom right okay well that's actually a Boko uh a Boko Coliseum so thank you if I if I followed your instructions that I would have just lost um good one okay I'll just check a map bargainer statues he's probably going for bargainer statues if I had to guess um I still don't have any Rockets does this one give Rockets I don't think this one gives Rockets I think this one gives hover stones and some other stuff yeah um yeah I'm gonna deliver monero's mask I think or at least like unlock the warp for it do I just unlock the warp for it or do I actually do it right now because I don't think he's gonna do it so I'll save that for later I could always just work back um I think killing the Los Altos I should prioritize but we'll at least have a warp point to it monero's is the thing in the underground yeah so unique recipes okay here's what we're gonna do I'm gonna grab a bunch of things [Music] to cook [Music] what else can we cook with I don't know um let me think let me think 30 recipes 30 recipes 300 pose 15 light like I don't know what he's doing this isn't so tough um dream home I guess is really easy so maybe we go do that let's do dream home um I don't know what we need to do to start Dream Home but let me check um lizalfos Coliseum tears of the Kingdom the secluded Coliseum okay does dream home have a long Quest I don't even know yeah I don't know oh I see what you're doing oh no um I'm diving one two three four five six seven cave diving one two three four five six seven eight nine he is he is eight and I have nine um oh okay let's just do this [Music] um I wish I had a rocket just to do this with five times lasalfos [Music] um because yeah I still need four goals why apples we'll use them for a bunch of different recipes [Music] um I should probably prioritize bargainer statues now I'm just gonna go this way really quick because I think there's gonna be lazalfos next to the water on the bridge right so I'm gonna hope there's like a blue and a black one and then we might not need to go to the Coliseum because then we just killed like a a fire one and an electric one or something um I guess we could have gone to the castle for that couldn't we because I know there's there's definitely blue ones and black ones in the castle yeah this is a slight misplay probably not gonna be punished for it but unless he kills all those officers before me when I'm at like four hmm uh the what I look at Landing apparently doesn't count for a bargainer statue so sadly don't land on me please good okay where are the lizalfos at there were some here in oh yeah there's a is that green is it only green no no no no come on give me a better one come on give me a better one than that do I have to kill Marla's office for them to tear up sometimes there's areas where like the lozophos are just at a high level to begin with yeah I think we need to go to Hyrule Castle did I I went to Hyrule Castle twice did I activate it bro I keep skipping I'm just gonna start activating the Hyrule Castle because I always need to go back there bro it is absurd ah all right you know what Chad I'm gonna check to see for bargainer statues if the one in Lookout Landing counts and gives me one it should count because you can trade with it and you just need a Poe so I'll try it if it works it works and then we'll immediately go for that goal because I have a very fast path to finish it if it doesn't work then whatever but I'm just gonna talk to this guy uh it doesn't show up on the map so it doesn't count I don't think yeah I don't think that counts it's hard to say I I don't think it counts because I think the map showing is what does it I didn't give it pose okay fine chat I'll give it one po it would tie it again right now wait what did you do you got 300 pose bro calm down the other kind of looks like but it's like chilling there so I guess I picked them up okay okay that does count oh my God wait that means he might get ahead of me very soon okay he we're tied now he might win this if he's been going bubble gems um because he has the 15 light routes he's just gonna beat me to that um from here oh my God oh my god [Music] um we're gonna go to this one this is two and then from here we go north east and that'll be three okay there's one there let me Ascend no I'm just gonna warp back up then open up a map while we're warping depths it is pretty much exactly north east south of there okay this one just has his head sticking out all right it is right I'm just gonna mark it off again so I can get it really easily the yellow pin all right let's go come on take off already good I'm gonna really hope that doesn't stop me come on keep going keep going keep going don't stop Don't Stop Don't Stop Don't Stop Me oh my God wait are we gonna make this okay that was pretty damn good pretty damn I'll take that I will take that bro holy crap um I have activated one light root so this cutscene won't be that long I know he's going for light Roots right now I mean he has to be right okay it's a little bit further just line myself up this way there one two three come on let's go move on here it is I see it we're standing on it we're standing on it right now come on pray pray yes make an offering I need it to show up on the map though come on let me leave no we're done we're gone come on let me leave and there we go okay all right it's okay I'm back in the lead it's fine oh what did you get uh I got uh uh some statues don't worry about it some statues okay nice yep where is the secluded Coliseum oh man okay now I'm still not gonna do Monero uh because there's no lesolfos near there um light Roots We're not gonna do so I need to do what three one two three four five six seven eight nine ten I need to do three we're gonna do this we're gonna do this and we're gonna do unique recipes uh what is the best play right now um uh how do I kill five Los alfos let's let's go Hyrule Castle there's probably gonna be two types there um uh moneru I don't know if limp people knows the clip and if he chat I know how to do Monero it's just Lim Cube doesn't know how to do it so we probably won't be going for that which is why I am going to be doing that when I need to when I have nothing else to do um but we're gonna go to Hyrule castle where I know guaranteed where a blue one is at the very least so it's going to be one guaranteed because we're currently we've only killed a green one come on let's go uh if there's like a blue and a black one here fantastic super great news but I believe there's gonna be one right up here um the secluded Coliseum is boko's chat it's not Loz office so there's a blue right here there he is so we're gonna kill a blue Boko or a blue lasalfos I'm gonna go a little bit further up and hope that I can see another kind Maybe this way I'm just gonna hope I'm gonna move a little bit over come on I'm trying to think if there's any other uh lasalfos that I like know their locations of I don't know locations of Liz office very well here but even if this doesn't if I don't see a black one okay we're gonna go I mean I already have a warp here so here's what we're gonna do we're gonna warp here uh we're gonna find a an electric one we're gonna find a fire one in this area and then we can kill an ice one if I can find an ice one do I know any dedicated Ice locations for lizalfos not really men um but if we can do that then we can focus on the recipes after that uh recipes we probably want more meat we probably want more vegetables and we can just do different combinations of each I think we'll see uh but uh if I just fly away from here we probably will hit just some lasalfos right like if I just go in this general direction there's a good chance I just hit some lizapos yeah okay are you sure there's some in these ruins no not in these runs ah crap it's a molduga um I really don't want to deal with you guys right now pentakill yeah almost certainly he is going for these light Roots hello what's up there we go gonna go into the desert all right uh I think there's lozalfos here might have been bocos no they're constructs God damn it bro uh uh where the hell are those Alphas I'm so confused I'm gonna try and help if you know where some lozalfos are the training camp really some of the entrance all right bro I don't know if you guys heard that but you know how Kirby goes hi my stomach just made that exact noise what the heck wait aren't there fire ones here is that just in the previous game foreign no the fire ones despawned bruh really a couple of blue we already got the blues on this Gerudo Tower true uh Gerudo Tower I think is like this direction let's go let's go uh okay um I guess Gerudo Tower is in the same place huh battle Talus I don't need a battle of Dallas it's a freaking laughs oh where are the legendos this is ridiculous moblin BOGO wait I need your meat prime meat primate hey we're not done with you yet I need Gourmet I need Gourmet all right too late okay wait electric this is good sign an electric one of these little dudes all right all right now um I Could Just Kill some other ones under fort hatino Fort Latino is there is there when you're hittino uh uh let's see let's see if there's a fire one nearby you know what we could you reuse this we're at the three types of lasalfos I'm just gonna go this way I think and hope that the wall doesn't stop me it there's a very good chance it does but we'll see if I can curve around it first oh my God okay okay come on come on I'm gonna hope that there's a little similar zalfos like around here there's always are like you know one or two losafos right right I don't see any Los Altos see some moose open area there's a nice Los alvos okay then all we need is uh we can do a fire losafos okay we just need to fire those office now um fire Los alfos I genuinely have no idea where I could find one the high how many fairies do I have left 12 okay the other Tower there's a lot of towers chat death amounted well yeah obviously down the mountain but ideally I don't have to go that far I really don't want to have to go that far as the problem so I'm gonna go this way and hope that there's that Tower there Maybe this is not gonna work um I need to go one less office one new lasolfos type let's you know what I'm just gonna search on I think I have a map I might be able to search like fire Los Altos or something uh uh fire Los Altos uh monster Parts animals food other ingredients you cannot search for specific enemies yet but someone said that Tower is a good place to go so we're gonna go there oh come on I know he's going for light roots oh freak I canceled it I mean he just has to be going for light Roots right now so if I can get the Liz office before he finishes the light Roots we're still doing okay damn it how those light roots coming along um um I think they have like nine okay all right I thought you'd have more by now no no no not quite okay that's kind of good for me then because I'm uh oh uh you know what I'm just gonna mute I'm not gonna keep dying I'm trying to make them think I'm doing light Roots so he focuses on light roots okay that that was a that was a mental play I hope it worked it maybe did not we'll see I don't see any Los alfos yet there might be some around here though just seems like an Ariel is office kudor would be and since there's like a fire gliac over there it just makes me think that there's gonna be a fire those office around here you know holy crap there are fire those awfuls around here okay okay make sure it's a nice clean shot done okay the Zappos are dead okay um now I think we I'm gonna grab some food maybe or something I don't know I don't know what to do uh you know what let's let's do it Menorah mask delivery in the sky yeah we're gonna deliver Monero mask um so the game May crash if I do it wrong you did not mark one at the same time as me he has one two three four five six seven eight nine I have one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven we need two more it's gonna be these two about the game Crash it's very unstable and we're gonna try and clip through a wall chat um that's the short answer he is ten one two three four five six seven eight no he doesn't have ten he will have ten [Music] okay uh I'm gonna try the non-crash Strat that I have not practiced enough first and if that doesn't work then we will try the riskier Strat that I know does work if the game doesn't crash okay okay here we go [ __ ] it's not gonna work okay that's fine we'll give it one more try gotta stand on like a specific part of this so it doesn't go down too far oh there we go this could work now come on let me up let me up ah damn it we'll get another try here stand here come on I missed it I think I missed it I don't think that's going in unless damn it's it's tough the timing for this is tough man okay come on looks maybe it was here I haven't practiced this if that's not obvious yes yes I think I got it I think I got it I think that's that's it I think that's a skip is it yes it is escape good okay we will be able to deliver minerals mask then whoo what that is wait what huh you didn't start you don't need to start the quest literally I tried it this morning and it worked you need to have started the regional Quest I've never had to start it before what do you have to like try the door then I might need to try that oh Regional phenomena with Pura do you actually need to start that oh my God I'm gonna have to do this a second time I had no idea you need the paraglider I have the paraglider just let me do it okay how many unique recipes can I get right now is there a cooking pot nearby not really that really sucks that is is annoying to say the least because I'm gonna have to go up and then we'll go to down Dr PIRA just want to look at the basement but that takes too long to unlock there's probably a faster one that we can warp to foreign bubble gems I wonder if he's working on bubble gums right now because I need two to win [Music] because yeah this cutscene just sucks to be attached to your first or second this is my second I won the first one today [Music] doesn't dream that's a safe option someone said there's a really long Quest tied to it apparently someone said there's like a really long Quest tied to it and I believed you like an idiot but maybe it's easy if to the the Madison Quest huh okay we'll see I'm gonna do the mask we'll try some other stuff all right do I have any sundelions nine bubble gems I'm bubbling I'm scared because wait what's the score right now one two three four five seven eight nine ten and I'm at 11. okay it was getting real it's getting real this is scary dude okay it's getting scary and he has the Lightroom one he he's not gonna do light Roots now like I need to do he's what is he doing then is he doing the Monero mask what is he doing now you know what screw it I'm gonna risk it chat no I can't risk no wait I don't have steering sticks I can't clip what am I thinking like I just literally cannot clip I don't have steering sticks I'm gonna do this I think recipes though bro there's so many different things that I could do that I don't know what the right thing to do is you know hello you can't take that out here shut up just a second yes okay I got the skip first try yep okay let me do the mask now come on oh you have to talk to para jeez dude it's so dumb that is so dumb oh my God don't care got anything from ages passed honestly I think probably the fastest way to do this because I don't have any Rockets still because I actually use them all we're just gonna Glide all the way down there like normally like a like a caveman we're losing no I'm winning by one right now but it's gonna be close it's gonna be very close there's rocks over the side no no the the machine doesn't dispense Rockets I don't think not that one okay um I think after this we're gonna try and focus on recipes as quickly as I can I don't have a lot of ingredients but it might be enough we'll see do I have any sundelions uh maybe I should have grabbed them hard to say hello foreign there's so many cuts inside of this BS bro hey pick it up here we go okay all right we just need to deliver it now are there anything uh okay we can do a couple of elixirs uh there's gonna be a cooking pot we'll grab frog bug I probably have at least one monster part ABC is very wacky yep okay I really hope this so what goal you're going for now then limb Cube yeah this is this is what I was like thinking just now um because I was curious if you're going for like look at this [ __ ] is like really fun I would say for that reason uh there's like Mind Games into it because it's like hmm should I go for this instead and like it's pretty cool yeah unfortunately um I think I have to withhold that information you have to withhold it what yeah I know it's pretty sweaty like info well it's not really Speed Run of me I'll tell you exactly what I'm doing right now if you tell me what you're doing and then we can um I will be 100 honest okay let's okay let's let's do it like this I'll tell you where where I am okay and then you tell me where you are okay you you go okay I'm I'm in the depths right now okay I'm in the construct Factory okay okay good to know the information but um yeah yeah link Zelda's chosen protector I just got information for free okay it's 12 to 10. let's go cook my name is Spirit arrived okay I did the mask we're good unfortunately oh all right I don't care just let me visit we cannot yet speak face I don't care but do you see the four storehouses in the area no I do not bro this unskippable dude I would ask you ask you if this is my request to you like loyal swordsman to Zelda can you let me go okay do I have any monster okay I have one monster part it's good uh we warped to the this shrine we are going to grab a hot-footed frog and we're gonna get cooking uh wait there's no cooking thing right there is there crap uh there's Rush rooms ready to grab those we got those that oh there's roasted mushrooms versus Highland shrooms this uh we're gonna go to the cooking pot on the great Plateau maybe I don't know we'll see I just I know there's frogs here that I haven't got yet there's like a frog in this Pond over here does this work you think nope okay um ooh bird meat I don't have any bird meat yet good excuse me that that's just regular freaking meat I feel ripped off this you're not a bird I don't believe it I do not believe it okay anyways we're here to grab a frog look where the frogs at I don't see any oh there's one uh I I I I don't you dare despawn son of a mother okay uh uh cooking pot is where's the closest cooking pot I had a freaking know I don't actually know working plots are here so I'm just going to jump off at the earliest opportunity no frog um oh wait this is the recipe right here bang toasty Scottish room that's a recipe thanks let me go uh uh bomb bomb bomb bomb not that wait oh that worked foreign which will give me a couple more reps she'll give me a couple more recipes some people man he's in the depth so I I assume he was getting light Roots right that's not where are you going is there a frog around here any frogs do you have any grasshoppers no idiot [Music] [Music] come on it's not that I'm getting terrible luck on the oh my God it was just off screen come on just give me a grasshopper Madge bro [Music] there was one there I didn't see it that's on me there we go Jesus uh uh cooking pot there's probably gonna be one if I just dive um maybe actually wait this is a stable oh my God yeah it totally is uh Beetle's gonna have some ingredients uh is there anything else that's around here that's cocoa Bowl if I just get like a variety of fruit that would work too but whatever all right beetle uh I don't know if I have any money okay I do have money but I will need a couple more of these just to cook with come on okay what have you got oh my God Hylian rice is so good okay I think these do the same recipe electrical resistance yeah tireless frog one yes gonna buy the arrows in case we need to shoot something okay it's time to cook okay anything we have one of uh we need to make multiple of I'm just making sure that we have pretty sure okay let's do one egg at a time in case that exact thing happens okay it looks like we need to do eggs and water that didn't happen last time please please eggs have like so many recipes tied to them okay it's time to cook so let's uh hold hold hold hold hold uh we can stop holding that hold good throw a fire fruit at it how many fairies do I have eight good great I love it when everything flies away [Music] I think the egg is just gone restroom oh great okay uh hold hold I need to make a campfire egg excuse me campfire egg Rush room come on take it good we're gonna cook I need some monster parts now so we're gonna do uh monster Parts this sure mm-hmm I don't know if you can cook with that actually okay uh I think I can make dark Curry with rice I think I'm not sure uh stand bulb I have how many of those all right let's do this here energized stand bulb this and you during Elixir cook you and you Electro elixir you and you energizing elixir this fairy tonic cook one of these for an egg omelette egg and rice is there like a rice omelette or something fried egg and rice okay meat meaty rice balls just a meat skewer meat and fruit spicy pepper steak let's meet skewer meat and mushroom skewer mushroom skewer uh okay any more prime meat how many recipes am I at now um one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen Seventeen eighteen eighteen okay twelve more recipes and we're good uh let's go here no simmered fruit okay simmered fruit fruit and mushroom skewer let's do fruit and egg does that work no that's just an omelette frig um sauteed peppers it's gonna be a thing oh uh okay let's say Peppers uh rock hard food oh that's dubious food what's rock hard food probably this this would work let's do this food uh how do I make rock hard food is this one thing scorching skimp simmered fruit okay uh maybe this and this is something Doobie's food no apparently it's not I can make rice though rice by itself okay rock hard food okay we need a couple more recipes um I'm gonna look at the recipes really quick uh do we uh uh meaty rice balls we have rice balls a mushroom rice ball and a fruit rice ball Maybe [Music] uh fish yes true uh there might be a lizard down here okay there's another one another recipe okay I don't see anything else that salt would help a lot yeah you can cook these bright blooms yet took like an hour for that huh uh uh all right any fish oh there's is that a fish right there oh there is a fish over there I'll probably bring it up good okay Seafood and Meat skewer is probably a thing and like seafood and mushroom skewer there's like some combinations that we just unlocked because of this um seafood and rice yeah let's drop all right let's do this okay let's drop uh this and this toss a ruby on the floor yeah it doesn't create an updraft like they do good toasty bright cap aggressive Bass baked apple true I haven't made a baked apple yet I never will tomatoes oh um that feel like I give some options as well cook a pizza we don't have cheese okay we'll let that cook come on baked apple [Music] is there just simmered tomato is just that something simmer tomato uh rice and mushroom rice and fish fish and meat mean Seafood fry fish and mushroom that's gotta be it that's gotta be it right let's check one two three four five six seven eight nine 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30. done uh nice what did you finish with cooking unique recipes uh I was cooking I was cooking I was trying to cut you off on this and then use the probable advantage on the light bridge I had yeah I didn't get a single one I don't think not for that yeah let me see how many recipes I was at one two three four five six seven eight nine 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 not that close oh I was at 19 like 33rd like 60 seconds ago so yeah I I just I learned a lot about like how easy it actually is to do a lot of dishes you can just like mix and match like you can put like honey in and then you put like yeah a simmered fruit and then like an energizing mushroom and then like a hot Mushroom yeah I definitely learned a lot today holy that was intense yeah veggies um those were both close races my God yeah I am I definitely now I need the Revenge now it's one one yeah now we have to run it back for the final one eventually yeah apparently you started cooking before me oh yeah I had like no I had like no ingredients and I've never actually done um any of these different recipes or whatever uh so I was a little lost but it worked out I still did well I thought I like yeah I did some things for the first time ever this playthrough which was nice I found some bubble frogs for the first time wait you haven't found any bubble frogs in your casual place no no I've done bubble frogs but like I've learned a lot of new ones because I was like oh there's okay um all the recipes here in the future hell no that gave me carpal tunnel all of the duping I think I'm good okay but yeah I would even like normally best of three would mix well I guess the best of three would already be one but I would have done a third if it wasn't like 1am yeah that's fair it's a little late for you but I still had a lot of fun yeah do this again if you're done yeah absolutely I'd be down all right well you have a good sleep I'm gonna go get some food then yeah enjoy your food all right have a good one I'll talk to you later bye bye two for two nice just barely limb cube is so good I have more experience in Lim Cube and he very almost like a couple more recipes that even should beat me there like he was just better but we want two for two we managed to win at the end of it all fantastic let's find someone to raid does anyone else doing lockout or anything like this let's see uh um then we're doing like Bingo or lockout at the moment I'm just gonna scroll down I'm gonna go search if not we'll write a 50 viewer streamer uh uh bingo okay limb Cube lockout okay that's me all right we're gonna rage someone that has exactly 50 viewers in this category or at least the closest to it uh uh okay that doesn't look like an English speaker tears the kingdom no weapons ooh no weapons no bows or Shields or paraglider this dude is one-upping me love to see it all right we're gonna raid this guy have a good one chat wish him luck give him a good stream make sure to follow his rules though I'll see you tomorrow we're uh doing Minecraft half a heart hardcore with Fundy tomorrow let's have a good one
Channel: SmallAnt VODS
Views: 18,290
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: smallant vods tears of the kingdom bingo, smallant vods, smallant vod, smallant tears of the kingdom bingo, smallant tears of the kingdom vod, tears of the kingdom bingo, smallant vods tears of the kingdom
Id: uGeuY_9Mvm0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 240min 47sec (14447 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 06 2024
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