Mario Kart Moments So Unfair Moo Retired

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someone in chat said Vanos better donate a rack guys Vanos donated enough to Brock's career [Laughter] [Music] okay I can't wait to finish last every race never mind Anthony's here oh right you're to serve my purpose him and I him and I split him back and forth someone's got to be last yo who's Black Yoshi oh no you stealing my thunder stealing my th no you can't be Yoshi but then if you're going to be Yoshi do you want me to be black Birdo then whatever blackace character you want thank you my brother oh I was too busy looking ahead to of what directly in front of me I'm people St no it happen you can say read oh sorry sorry oh wow stream stream on his last stream I keep don't give me that don't give me that I'm losing to Anthony I'm last good last I don't know why it's hidden underneath the uh the or the cart settings like that but cuz Nintendo is just the worst yeah they'll probably copyright strike all of us for this final stream too fa well Brock go [ __ ] yourself sign Nintendo she g m just shows up and puts bullet in your forehead you need to say his name a little bit chigui I don't know how to say it so iigu oh okay mamoto is that it yeah mamoto I personally like the way he pronounced no no no hey you sugar ho I call my wife no it's not all right no it's not she's going to see this that's what my prison cellmate called me I have myself my own green shell I'm going to I'm going to commit you come over here and get me on the math you're going to commit sugar ho yeah that's where you cut your intestines out right sugar ho I'm just enjoying being in the middle of CH H oh I almost hit this game ising there's some it's just fing me I have to turn off these settings I'm randomly steering away from [ __ ] that I'm like I'm actively trying the big Dono a br what that be the auto steer oh thank you for the oh swe I'm your sugar ho tonight 500 Rock because it's your retirement I won't break behind you with red shells come here Mr changal treatment well he went first Brian still cares more about himself than you hey man I got to keep my bran going all right my last nope Rock did you read out mine the one where it was $100 I said good riddens guys if you're in the chat subscribe donate or get the [ __ ] out the [ __ ] out subscri Don or get the [ __ ] out all you got is $5 call yourself a f $5 how are you spending hours watching moo and you don't have $5 this is the last time you'll ever get to watch him live and you're just sitting there with your poor broke ass not spending your Harden money for no reason whatsoever guys fle Flex by donating who has the most money a month who has the most money guys show by sending a Super Chat to Brock yeah we just got to get two old prin fighting am I the mother [ __ ] maybe mother you mother on top on top of the mou puffing on CLS volcano 50 as well oh I went the hole as well Anthony for you right now I got hit by a large Rock not not the Dwayne Johnson lot of Banas on the bridge lot Bridge driving like a Bri he's definely what the [ __ ] just happened with that bom that actually might work I say that one now a lot because of you Anthony I like that Jesus Christ on a cross I love it laugh blasphemy don't matter me it ain't changing where I'm going I how did I not hit that with my green shell [ __ ] you are suck I am not suck you are very suck how I avoid that and of course Brock gets a Bullet Bill in like fourth place oh two bullet pills I got passed by two bullet pills there it is there's the last place waiting for no no no no Tyler with the wheel I was in third and got passed by two bullets came out is he in his RAC him honestly it was a clutch move by Brock to do this on a Friday payday baby yeah Friday just got a paycheck and they send it to him to retire once a month and you'll be set for life oh bro I'm surprised you you didn't stay dein for longer you saw all those donos rock big genius move doing this on a Friday [ __ ] getting paychecks Rock I'm protecting you go that box I want should not hit this special treatment yeah he does he does you're well you're definitely getting it you're going to need it now that noler saw how much money you just got he's a bit angry what is happening I gave him $500 and he didn't even read my Don got another it's buried no I'm trying to find it so you I donated $500 to you and you didn't read it Brock you're [ __ ] you used to be cool he changed used to be cool bro money changed him yeah money changed good Ritt I say good donation ignor yeah did you read that huh read it I can't find it oh that I wasn't even beside you and the flower bit me airborne and the Banana's biting my dick off banana e that booty eat the booty I still came in last cuz I D grass I'll take third gets me out of dead last place we go right where I belong I didn't deserve that win I agree if I hit 20 points this stream I won't blow my brains out we're all you want to get bull we get to 19 R guys let's uh let's wrap it up there guys there's two retirements today yeah I retired from life prop Peach gens that looks lovely you select that he's laughing as he he went out he went out doing what he hated my final video this is my 13th lap my favorite rainbow 13 laps why oh that banana you someone snuck a banana behind a coin you dumb rat the coin blocked it I couldn't see it exactly that was no Angry Hit Me Harder last oh how do I keep getting these in I just got like four stars in that's crazy I got hit by a blue in second on stars back thereit I was in second and the blue shell went for me yeah I finished I finished the race so you're first technically that's stupid ASU from one thank you [ __ ] I those your donos are his $100 from Mar thank's getting donations of people thanking him for making Brock quit you're doing you're doing the Lord's work thank you here's $50 I should do a celebration stream like finally MO is done donate yes nice Tyler nice yeah he can't even be happy he can't I hate it throw back Mo stream Mo stream oh you little Chang [ __ ] CH [ __ ] godang it you stupid coming in here taking my bananas you Anthony got 20 points I'm not going to get 20 points well I got 20 points go grab the deagle no I I don't have to now not you oh that's I pass it on the Tyler like some sort of curse from a horror movie go got so if he doesn't he's got a let me go load up the 10th Prestige deagle do you think anyone has like bought a gun from Walmart and then kill themselves right as they bought it like thank you so much definitely well no you can't the gun won't be loaded thank God I'm Live on YouTube that would you buy a gun that's loaded you buy the gun and then you buy ammo maybe they maybe after they bought the ammo already brain particles don't don't do don't do what we're joking about oh this is that map from Black Ops 2 right here the goat Bo go in this water look at these little wiener tips floating around say What Not only can you go in that water you actually have to it's part of the course there we go really Chang [ __ ] [ __ ] you man [ __ ] you black face Yoshi I'm so confused I don't want to say the color face yeah what color is my face say it say it say it with your chest py uh I'm trying I'm really trying not to be racist it's taking everything out of me but I'm trying my best you're doing a great job every word after is a racist one I'm like a [ __ ] I can't say that can't say that God damn you CH he's about to do it he's seven place last nice dude last millisecond of the race that's when everyone hits me with everything awesome a of course you have a staro second oh my God oh my God don't know final race it says final race Brock got all the money he needed getting mushrooms in last place destroy all in my so you go so you go faster dumb ass yeah dumb ass I was going for the world's greatest friend you're not [ __ ] retiring stop streaming you might to say something else no you're definitely are my request don't use that word sorry sorry Brock sorry Brock stream Brian stream I doubl down I say it again on his stream guys just got the flower eats the bats oh my God I can't get a coin to Save My Wo that is terrible yes second how did I do it how did awful the [ __ ] shrooms [ __ ] I just got more I just got more points in that one race than I did the last four in a row you didn't end up last you be guy yeah brother put the put the deagle back mhm it's back in the cas it's back in the cas drawer and his office back under the bed it's staying in the room though just in case in room yeah ready still got a long time to play still I understand have a window next to a second story or yeah dude you have to really make sure you hit neck first bro uh I will guarantee [Laughter] it we're in Tokyo but I see the the awful Tower that's okay that's the Tower of P how the hell am I getting blue shell already yeah that was the fastest blue sh I've ever seen I have a feel another one awesome [Applause] dude you turn on shells only you dumb it's shells only dude starting a new starting a new website only shells God can't even finish her a lap this is awesome there's no point in grabbing coins you'll never hang on to them this is AIDS this is AIDS I don't want to be here I wish bad things upon you I see two coming at me right now I must get it blue shell buak dude nice first blue Shi right d blue gagi oh nice Red Shell somehow missed me I had spawn protection oh funny as FU oh my [ __ ] maybe I should have set this to eight races again yeah this is horrible I like it like of these do why did that pass me oh you going good yeah you know you know these settings are Anthony w Anthony won and I finish second these settings are okay I'll back [Laughter] out I am the one the fortnite one yeah I did someone in chat said Vanos better donate a rack guys Vanos donated enough to Brock's career okay relatable my briide I 10K viewers I sounds such a hot [Laughter] Tyler that's a that's a fake laugh yeah that that one that one actually hurt I think my bad bro that's a hide the pain laugh yeah yeah I'm a white Yi let's go oh nice mix it up man I did a Michael Jackson I saw that swap races bro I'm excited to see your privilege to show this race oh my credit score went [ __ ] true to roof all rightler all right yeah I was almost going to say the name of Cody's character in the game and of the jokes it kind of scared me not going to lie there's too many G's in that in that name oh what the [ __ ] are you yapping about shut the [ __ ] up [ __ ] God oh my God go re again but Yoshi's drunk Willam Willam nice job Cody I appreciate [ __ ] that green shell was amazing to me oh my God I was saving that in case someone me that that sh truce you your it went right past Anthony dude what the [ __ ] ladies and gentlemen cheers to the New Year from our friends over at manscape today's sponsor of course because your resolutions shouldn't be the only thing well-kept this year that's right every man's cheat Cod is to look good cuz if you look good you feel good if you feel 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package 5.0 featuring that lawnmower 5.0 and of course we also have the weed whacker 2.0 for those ears and nose hairs you know you shove it in the orice you get the hair and as always manscape comes right with the liquid formulations that's right we got the crop preserver ball deodorant so those bad boys are going to be feeling smelling nice and clean all throughout the day and of course we also have the crop Soother the aftershave all lotion that's right rub this on them balls after the After Shave have them feeling good and of course the holidays may be over but the gifts don't stop when it comes to manscape that's right you get the shed travel bag 2.0 and of course the incredible boxers 2.0 these bad boys are silky smooth so be sure to click the link Down Below in the description go to use code wildscape save yourself 20% off and free shipping manscape thank you for sponsoring my YouTube Oh Chang is going home Chang is going home we're in La uh no we're going to Japan oh but I don't know if I don't know if Chang is a Japanese name I was yeah I was going to say that sounds a little inappropriate oh that's where we draw the line huh how New York of you huh a little more wanton than it is [Laughter] Samurai thank you for those coins Brock never mind nice dead last I didn't mean to do that how did you know F you Brock right your Brock [ __ ] don't threaten me with a good time brist oh theologist is back at it I'm going to bend you over [ __ ] who's Chang it's Vanos he's in the lobby yeah he's just not talking he's muted [ __ ] I keep [ __ ] my ass dude I keep [ __ ] up bro I've hit this pinball so many [ __ ] times wa no white Yoshi can't get away with that I don't want to be Aly nice move you filthy wiggler my wiggler this race makes me want to end it all I get no coins no [ __ ] no items no yeah where's the pink Yoshi at I got no item I got no items and no motion dude I'm trying to not yeah thanks keep but I'm making it difficult oh that's awesome awesome awesome oh boy ohy oh boy like the Middle East in there why is there a swamp dead in the street bro someone gunned his ass down not a swamp a swamp got hit with a driveby you mik Tyson with a swamp nice pass by a Bullet Bill cool good job Anthony dude I earned that one I worked real hard had a blue I'm in third place a Bullet Bill just comes in the last quarter mile blows my doors off I understand you're upset that I'm just so good at this game I was out played for sure you had a Bullet Bill I had [ __ ] bananas for the sixth time so that's what happens you lost a few now and you're you're in my skill-based matchmaking ranks now baby I finally got nolas thank you thank you no problem you're welcome man that's it it says guys keep donating only 98,005.18 maybe maybe CH but yeah guys only 99,000 more it can't it can't hurt it certainly can't hurt I'm willing to try and figure this out nice everyone has a number Brock yeah he's stop that explosion nice M air I love it oh I love [ __ ] you too that's consent I won't do it you're going to have to wait till I'm done with him Scotty I think you're gay I've got bad news Scotty it appears you've caught the gay why did I start with two coins cuz I'm second to last and I mean mentally challenged sorry coins I feel like we've never said that word more now oh nice off the map me off I didn't know where the road was nice I'm off the map again I'm having a blast save that for Cody don't hit me with those green shells you [ __ ] [ __ ] oh my God I just turbo accelerated off the [ __ ] Galaxy F [ __ ] my ass oh give me we are on the game map give man all right I need to go silent I'm driving like a [ __ ] okay Jesus Christ it's not that serious Brian holy [ __ ] you're you already won the last one you already won the last one all right he want you to go out a loser Brock give me baby Park YouTubers be like I just went come on please baby Park please baby Park you had to go there oh my gosh please baby Park Brian has the diet hair and everything no he don't yes you do look at your character he's got red D hair oh yeah yeah yeah you look like you teach sexual education in kindergarteners yeah yeah yeah man has sex once Pops at a kid thinks he's a [ __ ] that's 100% success red right [Laughter] there he's got government certification of [Music] having best you can produce is video proof show me I got that Bart and signed it I was like [ __ ] yeah no one calling me a virgin no more instantly used it on Call of Duty that week I did and then they said the N word back and I was like crap can't say that but maybe I'll try it couldn't hurt I can say half of it which half is your favorite NOA what do you mean the front half is definitely the best part the front half is definitely the best part that's not even I like G I'm more of a g than a n you know okay I really don't I'm telling you that first half is the spicy half you can't say that without raising some eyebrows I think I was playing Uno and Anthony and we're dude you knock me off the map I hope you [ __ ] die we were doing we were doing we were doing the Just Dance we're doing the Just Dance cards you the the number one card is a girl with knee pads and Anthony was calling her the knee girl no she remember that Anthony you were calling her a knee girl right righton I'm going to say it again I'm going to say it again said it it was eir you were calling her I thought you were calling hers e girl dumb ass I thought you called her a knee girl because she she had knee pads no I called her she had like the cat headphone things on oh my God you're a genius he's like wow I really don't like that joke as much now but make me do it to you Cody dude Tyler and Brian are silently holding hands in first place there's just no drama going on up here there's nothing really to talk about you know and I are just [ __ ] Cruising bro yeah we're just chilling I've screwed him over too many times I don't want to touch him he's got a green shell I ain't throwing my [ __ ] at him [ __ ] it dude have a silent agreement yeah not to Heart each other right now oh never mind it was broken wow whoopsy you just ducked me in the toilet I want a race it's a miracle I just realized everyone here is white let's go no not for the white part not for the white part not for the white I was trying to find it so I could see yeah excite bike it'll choose one of the two randoms it will we're going to need [ __ ] Bowser's gang bang Castle or some [ __ ] oh excite Pike yes that's exting yeah it's I feel like he chooses Brian's every [ __ ] time yeah he's in that bottom left slot he's gotten it like six times Ginger privilege we go to Ginger how accurate he is sess you know the kid that uh that got really upset about Ginger's not having Souls remember that like super old viral clip he's trans now so you mean she's trans so so he's he's not Ginger anymore transition identify transition to blonde I identify alurn now thank you my pronouns are jinj that second part again oh no I wasted I'm so sick of getting hit by shells at the last [ __ ] corner see you lat [Applause] CH your sewer po bit [ __ ] unbelievable Chang number three no an's it's been an hour and's getting quiet rage to himself has kicked in now [ __ ] irritated by that one I'm not going to lie that one was [ __ ] irritating you know some was angry when they're mad quiet that one sucks damn it all the hell that one made me so angry I'm going to order some pizza I just hate when that happens that one made me so angry on myself self sabotage got a rage eat now now congratulations Brock your retirement's going to make me look like the guy from the whale you know exactly what okay sh God [ __ ] damn it pissing my ass who that's KCK [ __ ] me the good Bo that way I'm drifting the wrong way oh dear God [ __ ] you your [ __ ] blue shell no I've got the horn for it though I clicked it wow wow after that nightmare of a race that was that was not fun crazy this a Yoshi map we got to win this one Tyler one of us got to win this yeah wait is it mine oh no I've picked Yoshi's I'll take one of ours man yeah we got this do this do this for the boys come on no we got to work together here I know I'm trying you little [ __ ] did you just throw that at me if so you're not trying noo abuse we love [Music] it no we're in last yeah on our home T you're working together that's all that matters f Fu Tyler what do you want me to do about it dude I've been trying sorry sorry that's Tyler the Creator's uh quitter handle isn't it oh no I'm an a oh my God my God my God oh my God I got third we'll take it where did my I got American Sniper the right way you dumb [ __ ] Yoshi [ __ ] bro I [ __ ] car what is happening oh my God Yoshi was just in dead last how is he first now bullet Squam I hate Cody I swear that's his [ __ ] I [ __ ] hate you oh that's Tyler all my homies hate Cody sounds like sounds like Brian doesn't really want you back oh the ghost took both my BS you pass me last second [ __ ] you Brock Brock you got to leave in 30 minutes 40 minutes or no um yeah 40 minutes guys you hear that 40 minutes so if you're going to give him some money Now's the Time to do it guys dig deep reach in those Pockets move some money around transfer money through different bank accounts whatever you got to do steal your mom's credit card whatever's got whatever's got to happen don't do that you don't have to do this you don't have to do this you didn't have to be next to me [ __ ] nice dude there's just 400 stars behind me nice dude good job oh my God how did I finish sixth wow that was sick what happened shell go your buet bill just eviscerated my shell that was going for Nola so yeah you deserve that [ __ ] I however do not leave me alone seven and eight bombs I got more [ __ ] you bom [ __ ] so many bombs so first place only get bombs Yan gang stays together s you [ __ ] dumb [ __ ] I'm sorry I'm sorry hey man you're I'm holding the Red Shell right now I can just send right at your forehead I won't don't don't I'll let you get first I'll let you get first thank you [ __ ] [ __ ] oh I forgot to slow down Tyler I'm sorry unbelievable dude I'm going to just too good you're just too good no [ __ ] G oh man okay that's right Chang back in six where Chang belongs Chang going come for that ass mother you me I sh what the [ __ ] that was I wasn't even next to you I'm having so much fun this is great so far oh my God oh my God you're kiding nice nice nice oh that's f i getd I've never been love that you got second that's good though why is Scotty laughing let's just say uh I was not last anthon you there I got I got hit a lot you you're a little bit I am all these coins first place nice first to six awesome this got gang bang donkey F six times in a row by different items I have no coins no no prospects nice Brock nice dude nice dude nice nice one dud that's a real nice job that did Brock holy [ __ ] dude that was crazy what you just did that D oh my goodness dud un someone give me the good item dude someone give me that [ __ ] thank you my [ __ ] you boo I appreciate that D come on you got this [ __ ] D come on dude with the boo let's go dude oh nice dude yeah dude just finger my ass one more time dud let's go first place D nice I I was protecting him did you bomb him I I horned him oh that scream was beautiful yeah there be some s stuff happening at Yoshi's Island I want to see the Yoshi [Laughter] list stepen Hawkings on the I'm on the wrong Island no not Luigi I want to see the tongue use your tongue did you just not what the [ __ ] is this tire my boo got jwed my boo got jwed that mean he's underground oh some invisible F you kidding me a no gets that right there oh my and a star and a star so we all go half a mile an hour while he can go 400 with a star and oh my God I thought you passed me I was going to lose my [ __ ] reminder guys 12 minutes left to get your donation in if you haven't yet guys come on dig deep get them pockets out if you have a gift card scratch off the back send them the Code via DM or Twitter or something yes go to $500 cou why are you redeem it redeem it do not redeem it what are the numbers on the back M please this is John LeBron James from the CIA please don't it is me Kobe Bryant please from Bank of America from Bank of America this is Steve from Bank of America hello how are you my name is Bob let's [ __ ] not your name is not [ __ ] bob nice dude I'm so glad that that hit me suck a dick oh all right all right all right now that we've all been set back for 35 seconds straight Let's Race boys me you and Anthony this is when the real race Anthony hasn't said a word he might be muted doesn't know it or something or he's just or his or his pizza pizza's in his M pizza right enjoy that damn it I want I want to [ __ ] stab you these bombs these booze and I got I got my red shot I was in first and now I'm last [ __ ] why did you redeem the boo why did you redeem it thinking of my thumbnail with the Indian scammer but it's boo one side boo on oh no it's one of the one of the little guys on the side wearing the headsets it's that guy shy guy or something yeah aren't there shy guys off to the side of the track wearing headsets that's one of the great videos that is one of the videos of one of the videos of the great a Delirious sentence that's one of the videoes of all time hello my scam subscribers my Subs scamers self scammer SC [Music] [Laughter] it scage like subscribe and redeem hello is I Bank of americaus redeem lious hello redeem lius oh God an Indian Delirious microphone is so you going to need to go to tarious and get you give cious I'm it was worth it it was worth it Cody I threw that forward just to get no bomb bom me that was my bomb Oh my God you're all right you're all right I had two bombs both stolen nowood blood coming up I can't help you it's all going downhill Tyler it's all going downhills he stole bom real is going real bad right now going I can't protect you no more stole my boom box as the blue shell is circling me unu believable oh you [ __ ] my own stop fooing me as I'm about to block a shell dude it'sing annoy oh my and here it begins first place the entire race third now bunch of undeserving slow [ __ ] passing me at the Finish Line awesome awesome awesome first place the with protection and every time it gets booed away I don't I don't care [Music] about [ __ ] use that last boo [ __ ] you Tyler Tyler yeah Tyler I may have reld you three times that's fine I had it would have been fine if I didn't get booed every single time I could have bled xcc [ __ ] stupid we don't not like that myself I wasn't going to but I just I just you've been a [ __ ] this whole time I'm nothing you have you've bombed me so many [ __ ] times you little ass hat I have oh nice dude thanks for taking that never noticed wait Yoshi's Island we got it two races oh my gosh yosi's Island Char if you don't win this hang yourself seven racists pick a pick a nice velvety roll finding the sturdiest ceiling fan in my house you Cody remember that what the [ __ ] remember that remember that Cody remember cuz I remember cuz I remember literally haven't made a single mistake this whole race I'm dead last awesome your mother doesn't love you nice awesome I just got double again haven't made a single mistake in the whole race cool oh sick you shot me on my hand it was me there it is right see you Brock touch youat yeah we'll see you tomorrow I'm not trying to milk this but this actually really hurt I I hit B yeah and it says leave this groupy here I'll leave it first [ __ ] you [Music] guys [Music] he
Channel: WILDCAT
Views: 546,056
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: WILDCAT, I AM WILDCAT, iamwildcat
Id: eeg73kqXrqs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 3sec (2223 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 17 2024
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