POKÉMON 1st Place League UNDEFEATED Greninja Deck Profile (May 2024)

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[Music] [Music] come on we're going to be [Music] light what's going on guys welcome back to the channel we are here again with another first place undefeated Deck Profile with the reoccurring reoffending Mr Ben Sinclair with one of his pet decks this is the Greninja ex yep yeah let's talk about it my go um so round one I played Brendan who opted to play in cinal today um I frost life puts in a lot of work um and so there dvo so I won that pretty quickly game two over Sam um I would have got d game one but I top deck Rod him and then I just set up too quickly and he bricked um so I on game one pretty quickly game two I just had him in a deadlock um so not he couldn't do anything game two even though he was aheading prizes I took four prizes in one turn because of frost life so uh that's one the thing back in my favor and then round three I ver yourself um and we just decided to end the tournament there cuz it's late and we want to head home so yeah and to be honest I'm I'm playing Gengar x uh and we were testing before the tournament so I I pretty much said we'll just call that our round um there's no way in hell I can I can beat the Greninja deck at the moment so save myself the headache it's pretty good y cool well let's jump straight into the profile cool uh all righty so um Pokemon first uh I play a 413 line of uh the frogs I'm not playing the 60 HP frog that calls for two more Froggies uh so for one um water you can put two more froakies on the bench um my first turn attack is usually cleer or I'm attacking person so I don't want to be searching um PL the one frog a deer just because deo's around and sometimes when it's a little bit hard it's just get your candy play off it's easy to your out and I'm playing three of the Ninjas um this card is insane for one water 170 two to your deck for any card add it to your hand then shuffle your deck and then to add a double colus onto it you detach the double cess and then you do one 20 to2 of their Pokémon which generally knocks out anything um that's 290 which is a good number plus Frost slicing between turns kills anything higher and then if not you do the 170 again and that's 340 and knocks out anything in the format um I'm also playing this Rog because it's uh they're both 90 HP they're both one Retreat this has one energy for coin flip paralysis the element is two for a 40 strafe uh I think this is going to come up more um then for the frost line I'm opting to play this sorun they're both 60 HP one Retreat the other one is one water attack for 10 plus 30 if your opponent's acting Pokemon is a fighting type I think the astonish will come up more so I'm going to play the astonish and if I can swap around um for frost L cuz this card is very very very good it helps with all your numbers um and then as with our testing um yeah it's it's painful if something's locked in the active this is just doing 2030 in between turns and it all adds up yeah when you prize both your switches and frost lasses on board you kind of just sit there and pray to pray for it to end uh my two support Pokemon are the cleer as I mentioned and the RM clef's free Retreat free attack um draw seven cards so usually you play your hand out you're going second and then you attack back up to seven you don't care if guys CU you play Revenge stamp um and then you've got generally everything you need um for supporters I'm playing Fort ERA this is a water deck and searching like frost lass or frog Frogg and a candy is pretty good unfortunately that the Greninja is fighting type but oh well I can't complain um I'm then playing three iono this this breaks my heart that you've got yeah it's like a $60 card still so I might pick one up um I know just really good [Music] um if you can do this a lot late game I guess it's s up and then you're just taking a lot of prizes I don't think I'd stop with the counts but I'm liking three at the moment uh I play three AR just because it searches my tools I play three tools this helps me with tools and the item um where IR gets me the Pokemon so just depends on what I need and finally I'm playing two boss's orders um just cuz the gust effect is very nice yeah uh for my items I'm playing the Buddy Buddy Puffin because all my Pokemon are 70 HP or lower all my Basics except for RM but once that's out it's out uh I'm playing for Ultra Ball I'm playing a stage one and two deck so searching stuff is good um then I'm playing the three candy for the three Greninja I don't think i' play Four just cuz of searchable and you just be you just don't discard C and you're fine like two Nest ball just so I can search out the RM and then like if my bench has four on it instead of going for the Body Buddy pop and I get the nest ball get one out and it save my PFF for later when I want a super r two back in and puff two back out uh then my one my a I'm playing the Revenge stamp um I know it's a proxy we haven't pulled one yet so um Revenge St is if your Pokemon is knocked out during the last turn um It's Like a Rock Hand both play shov their hand the neck I draw five my opponent draws two so I I can do this and then still support it for turn it just sees me a lot of cards and helps me a lot um I'm playing the one counter catcher the one super rod one lost vacuum one energy search I'm still debating if I want to change this for vessel but I think this is better cuz I don't have to discard and then I can attach and then search the double colorless fors I'm playing double dvo just cuz you you can do 20 with frost L past and 20 and then 20 again and then dvo and then like most think 60 or 80 by then so you can kill it um the one for seal stone for the rodm um just guarantees you set up or late game you can go get whatever card you want and the one Stadium I'm playing is collapsed purely because Frost lass hits my RM and then to be able to take RM off the board anyway um takes two prizes off the board once you sort of use RM first turn uh to use your V start and then draw three card it's sort of useless anyway so getting it off the board is really good and I don't play like Penny or turo to get it off um so I think that's that's uh really good uh then for energies I'm just playing six water uh because your attack is for one water um and everything's one retreat in the deck and then I'm playing two double turbo I was what old aect was the uh the Double energy whatever it is the rainbow energy uh whatever it's called I've already forgot the name of it but it provides to energy which is good cuz you can put it on to provide the water and then attach water and then discard it to Prov the two but I'm liking Revenge temp a little bit more again this isn't like a perfect list anything I'm purely playing because Greninja is my pet deck it's my favorite Pokemon uh it's the f I played Greninja break back in 2017 when I first started playing uh it got me a lot of my CP my first season um and I don't know why I just really like ninja so playing ninja thank you so much my guy uh do you have any shout outs uh shout out to people who came tonight um shout to Guff as always for let me run these events um we're still running two nights a week which is good we're still getting tournaments two nights a week which is good um we have a few people that are away at the moment so tournaments are a little bit smaller but hopefully the numbers pick back up again um cuz it's a lot of fun yeah um just thanks to the community and uh yeah that's it awesome thanks my guy [Music]
Channel: The Vincible Gym
Views: 10,173
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pokemon, tcg, gengar, charizard, lostbox, ancientbox, vmaxx, vstar, pikachu, radiant, pokerips, rips, opening, boxopening, deck, profile, deckprofile
Id: 2iRpisOsHKU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 28sec (568 seconds)
Published: Mon May 27 2024
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