Poiyomi Toon Shader 7.0 Locking Tutorial

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shader locking is a new feature in wyoming tune 7.0 there's this little button up here for locking in and what locking does is it basically generates a new shader that's hyper optimized for everything that you have enabled in the shader and obviously my shader is pretty big so that's a pretty huge deal now anything that had a checkbox like this was already being removed from the shader but there's plenty of things that were sort of left behind in little things that got in the way of making your shader perform as good as it can and also all of these little check boxes create variants of the shader which will increase your file size when you're uploading your avatar to vr chat for example and this cuts that down tremendously like we saw people with shader file sizes of like 50 megabytes on their avatar and then in 7.0 it's down to like two or three megabytes that's a considerable boost in download time so let's get into this and discuss how it works locking in a material is as simple as clicking your material and pushing the lock in button at the top you have a few more ways you can do that one of which is multi-selecting your material so if you want to lock all of them at the same time for people that don't know you can actually select all your materials and edit them all at the same time so like if i change the color here you can see they all change but you can lock in all of these at the same time as well if you see up here it says four materials another option is right clicking your materials going to thrive materials unlock or lock all and the last option is selecting your object in the hierarchy going to try materials unlock or lock all and that's really all there is to doing a lock-in so let's lock in the jacket material or the clothing material in this case so it takes a second or two to lock in maybe a little longer depends on your computer but the amount of time that you spend locking in is actually less than the time you save uploading because it makes your shader considerably smaller and have fewer variants so this material is locked in now you can see i can't change any of the values and that poses a problem for animating so if i can't modify the values i can't animate them either and you can see in this animation right here the legs are changing but the jacket which is on the same mesh is not animating and that's kind of cool if you've worked with animations before being able to separately animate things is incredibly useful so to animate stuff you have to unlock and then go to the thing you want to animate in this case dissolve alpha now right click it and that'll put a little clock here that means that that property will remain unlocked once you lock in so i'm going to lock the skin and the jacket give it a second and then once that's done you'll see that the the jacket should animate but the legs do not anymore and that's because we didn't put that little clock on the uh legs so this is incredibly powerful and you can actually take it a step further so just to make sure this is working go to thry settings and there's a little option here called rename animated material properties if that's checked then you can do what i'm about to do so we're gonna unlock both of these and then we're going to go into the skin material and we're going to hold control and right click dissolve alpha that's going to put this red clock right here and what that does is it renames the material or it renames the property when you lock in so if i lock both of these in again uh you can see they are locked in now and the legs are not animating so what i did was i right clicked the dissolve alpha with the red one down here and that renamed dissolve alpha so it still works but it has a different name and i can show you that here by pushing the record or let me stop previewing push record and now okay i don't really want it there let's make an inverse of the other animation and now when i push play you can see that i'm actually animating them both separately and the dissolve alpha property has been renamed to dissolve alpha and then the material name so this is an incredibly powerful thing that you can do so you could have all of your materials that your clothes on one mesh and then animate them separately using this and that basically covers all of the locking mechanics if you forget to lock when you push upload it's going to take a while because there's so many variants so make sure you always lock before uploading so that your model performs faster and is a much smaller file size thank you for watching i hope you learned something and if you have any questions about this or anything else in the shader please join the discord there's a link in the description below
Channel: poiyomi
Views: 121,439
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Id: asWeDJb5LAo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 2sec (362 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 09 2021
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