PMDG 737-700 for MSFS - Tutorial 8: Takeoff and Initial Climb

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hello everyone and you're all very warm welcome to this tutorial for the pmdg boeing 7374 microsoft flight simulator i'm emmanuel i am a real life boeing 737 pilot and a member of the pmdg tech team the aircraft you see is at this point still work in progress so it's not fully finished it is a pre-release beta so you can expect to see some minor issues happening anyway let's get started with the reason you all are here the takeoff before we're going to enter the runway let's just briefly discuss a few items and techniques first of all let's consider one of the most important things in the boeing 737 the rotation and the optimal rotation technique is anywhere in the region of about two to three degrees second with the slower rotation being required on the longer airplanes the reason for that is tail clearance and tail strikes we are currently sitting in the 737 700 here and we are using flaps 5 for the takeoff that gives us a lift-off attitude of approximately 9.1 degrees and the tail strike attitude of this aircraft is 14.7 degrees that means you do have some margin left there however if you are sitting in a longer airplane type like the 737 800 or 900 let's have a closer look at the exact numbers in the 737 800 using flaps 5 you have a tail strike attitude of just 11 degrees while the normal lift-off attitude is 8 degrees that means if you're rotating at the normal rate of about 2 degrees a second you're just about a second and a half from tail strike by the time the airplane lifts off if you do it correctly if you're doing it incorrectly and rotate much faster then your tail clearance is going to reduce even further and to give you a perspective of what of what things look like during a normal rotation that's a the tail of the airplane is going to get just about 50 centimeters above the runway using flaps 5. if you're using flaps 1 in the 737 800 it's going up down to 33 degrees down above the runways and that's again using the correct technique if you're rotating faster that means that your airplane is going to have even less tail clearance finally looking at the 737 900 the tail strike attitude of that airplane is 10 degrees and the normal liftoff happens at seven and a half degrees so that's about the same margin you have as you have in the 737 800. we're flying a shorter bodied aircraft today the 737 700 so rotation will be a little bit faster than it should be for example in the 800 or in the 900 so that's just something to keep in mind if you're watching this tutorial at a point where the longer bodied airplane types are released already now this set let's quickly move on thrust setting for takeoff the normal technique here is to advance your engines to 40 then press toga and then the auto throttle is going to do the rest for you the auto throttle might be overshooting the target and one by up to four percent however the important part is that it's there after reducing the thrust again to the desired setting and uh to a thrust that's anywhere between the target and the target up to plus one percent however when you have a lot of headwinds then it might happen that your airspeed is increasing above 64 knots before the auto throttle is actually finished setting your take of thrust 64 knots is the speed where it's shifting from the n1 mode to the thrust hold mode and therefore it's going to leave the thrust wherever it is the moment this occurs so if that happens have a good look on your engine display if you're taking off with a strong head wind of more than 20 knots just to ensure that the auto throttle is actually setting take a thrust correctly should it not do it then as always when the auto throttle is not doing what it's supposed to do switch it off and set your thrust manually the last thing i want to discuss here is the technique of entering the runway many of you are just following the yellow line the yellow line however is for vacating the runway not for entering it when you're entering the runway you don't want to waste any runway that you have available because runway in front of you is a good runway runway behind you is useless so when you're entering the runway go straight on it or if you have one that would extend further to the other side you can also make a slight turn into the other side and then turn it with a strong tiller input to line up that way you'll keep the most runway in front of you where you want to be alright in this video i'm not going to cover the take off go and no go decisions there are some very good tutorials on that available and there is even a video by boeing themselves on the go and no go decision that i can only recommend you to look up hoping that i'll remember i am going to link to that video in the video description below all right that is going to cover my brief introduction that probably turned out a fair bit longer than i wanted it to do in the beginning so let's get started the moment we get our lineup clearance we have to perform the runway entry procedures the strobe lights are going on the fixed landing lights are going on we don't touch the retracts of a taxi light at this point they are going to stay off until we have actually received our takeoff clearance if you're flying an airplane with led lights it's probably not even going to have retractable landing lights at all switch the auto throttle on turn on lnf and switch the transponder to the tara position and we're quickly going to go over the before take of checklist flaps 5 5 green light stabilizer trim 6.4 units set before takeoff checklist complete personally i find it to be good practice even though not in the boeing manuals you do take off conflict check as well when you're entering the runways so just bring your thrust levers up to a high position above 70 percent and one approximately and then pull them back immediately if there was anything wrong with the take-off configuration of your aircraft you would hear the take-off warning sound going off quick word as well i'm not using vina for the take-off in this very tutorial i'm going to do a second tutorial where we are going to use veena for the take off the reason is that my airline simply does not do the enough takeoffs and not more than 10 10 knots here now we're going to bring the airplane all the way up to the center line and then we're going to align it with the runway it just boeing policy to do a rolling takeoff whenever it's possible so assuming we're getting takeoff clearance we'll turn on the lights start the timing and off we go bring the thrust up to forty percent where you want it to stabilize call out stabilize then press toga we've got a hidden click spot for that down here on the mcp said take off frost take off those set indications normal slide forward pressure until 80 knots checked [Music] v1 rotate positive rate of climb gear up 400 feet lnf try not to rotate over 20 degrees of pitch and at a thousand feet above the airport elevation that's the top of the wide band we're going to engage the autopilot and back up once the nose of the airplane is coming down and we start to see the trend vector and you're above the white dot you can retract the flaps to one [Music] and when we are passing the one buck we can retract the flaps to the up position so flaps up we've got a thousand feet to go to the level of altitude as soon as the flaps are showing up no lights we can use vertical speed now to reduce our vertical speed in order to avoid possible conflicts with traffic above keep in mind the initial climb on the set here is 4000 feet so we want to level off at 4 000 feet here all right and we have flaps up no lights we're going to remain on a local altimeter setting here since we want to maintain the 4000 feet for now let's do the aftertake of checklist landing gear to the off position auto brakes off start switches off and we can turn the taxi light and the retractable landing lights uh off as well however keep the fixed landing lights on for now all right let's do the after take of checklist engine bleeds on packs auto landing gear up and off and flaps up no lights after take off checklist complete and now that we are leveling 4000 we can re-engage v-nerve so the airplane is going to accelerate to our final climb speed and let's at this point in time assume that we are getting further climb clearance by atc and we're going to dial the altitude up let's take for example flight level one one zero here and now since we're still in the enough path the airplane still wants to maintain those 4000 feet over here so now we press altitude intervent and that is going to clear the restrictions one by one provided the mcp altitude is set higher than the altitude restrictions on the last page now it's switching to the enough speed and now it's starting to climb as we are flying through the clouds have a look at the true air temperature over here and be aware that if the temperature is 10 degrees or less you do want to turn on the engine ntis passing the transition altitude set standard and cross jacket passing level six three climbing flight low one one zero the after take-up checklist is complete already and make sure that the stamper instruments is set as well alright this shall do for today's takeoff tutorial i am going to do a second tutorial where i'm going to show you how to use veena for the takeoff however this is the way it's done without wiener in my particular airline i would like to thank you very much for watching and see you all on the next tutorial
Channel: A330 Driver
Views: 66,169
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: PMDG, PMDG 737, PMDG 737-700, PMDG MSFS, PMDG 737 MSFS, PMDG 737 Failures, Dual FMC Failure
Id: ZBReus5xDsM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 52sec (772 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 27 2022
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