Plumbing at The Abandoned Cabin - what a DISASTER!

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back out of the cabin today the project for this   video is the electric inside and  all the plumbing try to get that done oh my goodness please don't hit me in the  privates you got to let it Expos [Music] [Music] perfect okay putting in the  plumbing we got to go through   this wall unfortunately I think  the best spot to do that is right here chip away some of the structural Integrity  of the foundation hope that it doesn't fall on me head I think I think that's  going to be enough and that   was way easier than I thought that was  is going to be a lot harder sweet all right sorry look at that nice ph's done the toilet drains just drains  into the basement oh these are the J   Hooks we're going to be using to hang  the pipe as it goes from here all the   way across to there and we're mostly just  dry fitting this right now I'm fitting he's singing of a okay don't ever do that again  of a you specifically defied my direct request after a bunch of monkeying  around and a couple more trips to   the store that's enough of that we're  back to where we started like 3 hours   go is that where that I'm starting to see  why having blueprints would be nice you got   your tape on you no and together we're going to  figure this out I hate how close that makes you   seem top of the pipe to top of the floor  Joyce where you put the hanger eight and   a half 9 and an e let me do some math that's  3/4 of an inch and we've gone much more than   3 feet 3 feet this is your captain speaking if  you look to the left you'll notice that engine   one is on fire it is unfortunate oh man that's a  big r and shove it in there yeah it went all the way try not to pull on it too much  I'm pushing okay it's probably good   let go yeah all right let's get a hanger on that [Music]   oh [Music] there's the finished product in the  basement so I put the main trunk in   first now I'll go back and add all of the  lines that inter intersect with the main   trunk I don't know if that's the right way  to do it but that's how I'm doing [Music] it Light emergency sometimes straps are [Music] helpful so hey bike reached out to me and  asked if I was interested in trying one of   their bikes and I agreed I'm not much of  a cyclist but I think these are a really   cool way to kind of adventure around and  I like doing stuff like that just rip this   out of the box get it assembled quickly  and without any nonsense and go test it out this is the box that it came  in with the magic of editing dude these are those big tires that go on my truck  I got to come back and grab these like right now oh for it's free it's for me awesome [Applause] there's an old Eerie Canal mural pretty cool yeah let get some ice cream Sunday and Rainbow's breakfast nice night for an ebike ride [Music] [Applause] [Music]  [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] the nibblers on that [Music] thing  is that really Modern Problems modern   solutions you're a modern idiot aren't you  that's my motto like this oh boy oh golly [Music] [Music]   dude look at the chunks that thing shearing  off let's measure this carefully looks about   like 6 in It's Beginning to Look  a Lot Like Christmas funny right Max come Max come buddy what are you doing I got him what are you doing buddy had had enough all right buddy I just want to make   sure I knew where you were come on Lee a  lot of you guys don't know is that I'm a chiropractor I said slow oh oh yeah okay ow push on that pipe please I love that oh boy can  you go down and push in the basement push push more like your life depends on it okay as it turns out either  one of us know what we're doing   and I'm not a plumber I have a question  this line the same line or two different   lines there the same line they're this line  they we missed by just a frag would you say   that's like uh e them thing you know Elon  Musk said that SpaceX could have that much   he had a lot of that that was the tolerance  allowance do you know what you're saying no Okay so I just want to start off by saying  I'm definitely not a plumber and I don't know   what I'm doing and I made a huge mistake  we had the main line from over there run   all the way down here all the way into the  basement all the way over to there on that   wall somewhere in the basement the problem with  what I did basically I tried to go the shortest   distance between two lines so I went from  that corner and try to do this weird angle   all the way across the problem with plumbing is  everything is in 45 90 22 1/2 or 60° and room is   supposed to be square and if you go outside  of those angles you're going to be fighting   it so I undid a bunch of the work that we had  already done which is kind of annoying but now   look at how nice that plumbing is everything  is square it all lines up it goes all the way   over there everything is in 90s and 45s  everything sloped correctly and you know   initially I was kind of frustrated cuz we have  put several hours into the plumbing at this point   and it's pretty annoying when you realize that  it's all kind of been in vain really by changing   out you know a couple elbows I think we really  only wasted one 3-in elbow honestly I think that's   all we wasted and we used an extra 45 by doing  that we now saved so much time and made everything   easier going forward a lot of lessons learned  it took a long time I'm glad we fixed it ow cheap but effective it's a dumb place for a screw IDC Max is here what you doing buddy  what you doing did you come to say   hi what do you think about the  plumbing the passes all right good okay so cool so so we're plumbed  from the washer drain all the way   over here and over there is where the  sink's going to go tied into the main trunk ow something really poy there the siding okay no stay right there buddy stay  you're going to make a big mess if   you step on this thing right you got to stay there buddy checking the workout  making sure it's done right just took that board off and found  this petrified chunk of something   horrible I don't even want to guess what that is I'll leave it right there so I can let's try something I have  an idea carefully r that thing carefully for future reference a a un an  example of of a universal sound might be   okay I'm ready go ahead and Mark it oh man  that's hey stop pulling away from me give it back and there is the roughly finished project  I'm not a plumber okay so you're pretty Hest it   dude it could not be any closer than  me um a scale of 1 to 10 what's your   confidence level about the accuracy of  that Mark for the hole 19 10's the worst 43 why does it keep getting worse you want to  put it on the mark maybe yeah I got to find the bit oh what you doing man you  got to go upstairs buddy you come up go check it out buddy just don't fall  down that hole that would suck all right   ma watch out you got to get out of the  way buddy get out of the way come here   lay down lay down you're probably going to  have to take this out to get that in there   okay just pull it up and then the whole  thing's coming let me do it I'm already up here so I drill a hole in my  brand new roof thing I hate the most and glued yeah so I can shove it together  look at how nice that is nice hole in my roof   that will inevitably leak so there's different  measurements on this pipe boot and we're going   to cut it to the one that applies to me which I  think is 3 and a/4 to four which is what that pipe is definitely going to put myself in the  hospital doing this do you have a new razor   blade or actually can you grab my tin snips out  of my tool bag this is like the best way to end   up at the hospital with a razor blade sticking  out of your leg yes you have to cut a hole in   this tin snips is a much safer way to do this  and you know that safety is always my number one priority I just want to make sure it's going  to fit I think we got to cut one more out   oh that'll work I guess oh man the sun's so  bright glaring off this metal roof good grief so this actually goes on a on like a diamond  shape so the water comes down hits it and runs off and that's how they recommend you install  it I wish I could say that I'll never leak   but it absolutely will leak at some point cuz  drilling a hole in your roof is stupid there it is   little mushroom cap on there to the rain out and   invite the bees give the bees a nice  place to hide and build nests [Music]   yeah e [Music] [Music] [Music] is I [Music] [Music] I for the woman here's one of those birds  that hatched recently and that's right on   time cuz the internet said about I  think it was 18 days max is thinking   a snack about 18 days they start  flying which is 3 weeks which is roughly where we're at so he's okay  he's just learning how to fly and   that's what happens they they kind of  land on the ground they got to figure   out how to take off and fly again  oh sorry you didn't like that Max please buddy there not a snack for you go on go on the absolute definition of efficiency  right there carrying all the pipes at one   time where you going why didn't you just  put them in the truck here we can drive home it's like the Pickup Sticks game oh I was going to help but I think I'd rather watch some almost hit me in the forehead  again let's get out of here what what a strap no we're going do some Plumbing today buddy  what do you think about that you shake good   boy can you speak speak speak speak where's your  stick go find the stick go get them hi buddy hi [Music] buddy is everything  going according the plan you [Music] shake we ready get back to work come on SO doing a little bit of electrical and since safe is my  number one priority I made sure   that the feet of the ladder  were safely on whatever that is hold on I got the tool for that this hot perfect getting all these holes drilled  and then we can start pulling wire and there's that Nest all the eggs have hatched and hopefully  the robins got out and learned how to fly I got the all right the upstairs  although you probably can't see it it's completely wired all the  lights or all the feeds for the   lights there those are in all the outlets they're pulled the upstairs is done basically  next step up here is insulation I got these puddles kind of  forming there's some here   there's some over there I want to get this  graded off anytime you have standing water   it creates mud holes and and potholes and  everything just gets way worse you got to   try to keep this stuff graded off and  clean so you don't have standing water [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] once I get in here and I'm able to cut the  driveway out I'll be able to fill this with   Bank Run gravel pack it all out this be really  nice to drive on I'm just trying to do basic   maintenance so that it doesn't turn into a muddy  mess because for some reason it won't stop raining   so I originally had the Trap down here which is  not going to work so I just moved the Trap up   there where it's supposed to be not really much  film just me stumbling around in the dark made   a mistake had to fix it moving on so where I am  code for the location of the toilet flange is 12   in from the back wall and then 16 in from this  wall if there's another wall here it can't be   any closer than 16 in to the center of the hole  which is where the toilet flange is going to go   toilet flange also has to be set to the height  of the finished floor so I acquired very [Music] legally yeah so 16 in [Music] toilet flange is installed and this is the drain   hole for the sink hopefully  I don't run into that beam [Music] ow degree isn't going to matter all you're  going to do is ruin the glue it's perfect okay [Music] [Music] [Music]   oh I have 7% of the battery I'm going  to try to film this last piece on that   7% so the Plumbing in the basement  as far as the drain system goes is done the pipe that runs along there and that  back wall is the drain line This is the toilet   drain and this is the toilet vent that goes  back here it goes out there and it's going to   tie into the stack in that far corner there we  have the sink drain tying into the main trunk   the toilet trunk here and the 2in line coming  to the bathtub tying into the main trunk and   the last thing we did here was added this  clean out so you can clean out from here   to the road other than that the plumbing the  Drain Plumbing in the basement is done [Music] he [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] that is the last Plumbing joint I am not a  plumber and I am super proud of how that came out do you have any last words [Music] Le let's go on this side H well you put it on that  side so I followed soup and then you'll keep them is that too far apart no I like it let's  try to keep them about that distance   everywhere so it looks ni here's a pro tip  if you're going to steal Pex fittings your   giant hasn't if you're going to steal  Pex fittings from the store make sure   you remove the RFID chip before running out  of the door that's a huge violation [Music] la a [Music] and that is the water Plumbing down here  you can't really see it all on camera so   you don't really get to appreciate it but it's  super nice and straight and organized I like it [Music] [Music] we yes [Music] [Music] [Music] well here let me Crump this out before  yeah why why you even put this on yet I   don't know see this is like this is why you  get to charge whatever you want when you're   working the trades because it's not about  knowing how to do plumbing it's about all   these little what it won't go that way  so I have it right no it does it locks   in huh that's the right way yeah that's  why you get to charge whatever you want   when you're in the trades it's not knowing  how to do plumbing it's knowing all these   little tricks that make the job go a 100 times  faster it's knowing which order this stuff goes together you don't get to complain about a price  for a service you can't provide for yourself I tell you what I'm proud of that extremely and with that plumbing is all done I  am ready ready for a plumbing rough in inspection
Channel: 99 Projects
Views: 58,213
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: lCX8TvKahIc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 7sec (2707 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 22 2024
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