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[Music] having this much land I think I really underestimated how much it takes to maintain this is going to get [Music] wild hopefully doesn't roll the lawnmower into the water yeah s s sadly when not to not to cry but I'm going put my crybaby hat on for a little bit what's up guys welcome back on our last episode we made the big announcement of our new project that we're going to be getting into and it's like a nice Villa Paradise Courtyard situation for our RV we want to do a deck a pavilion maybe a little pool I don't know some exciting stuff but it's taking a little longer to get the what the wood the just some materials for the uh what's going to end up being kind of like just the roof system over the RV the RV is 27 ft long 10 ft wide so you know you're going to do it probably realistically on that a minimum 20 by 30 so that's a pretty big roof and I don't want a bunch of poles holding it up so I've been researching some materials here on the island where I can span a little bit a little bit further and make it look a little more rustic and cool you know the trailer is going to be be here permanently so we want to you know make something look nice look something look really cool down here while we're waiting on the permitting and stuff to get started on the house so we have to kind of wait on that we're still kind of in the middle and then also in the middle of that happening um the baby goats are weaning they're getting off the milk so when that happens they're under a little bit of stress and there are some parasites that are opportunistic when that happens so one of our goats got a little sick um was having you know the uh I guess the bath time was a little runny and she had a slight fever goats run a little hot anyway but she did have a fever so you know how it is here on GBU Farms um when an animal's not feeling good it's all hands- on Deck everything stops you know we're going out there to every two hours trying to give them some PD light uh a friend a friend of the channel helped me a lot my kind of my goat Mentor shout out big Dana uh so she helped walk me through a ton of things um but yeah basically we got we it did work out well we got the fever down with the PDL and stuff but since we're waiting since we're held up I mean we're not really held up no one's really held up in life but since we're waiting on a couple of big projects to line up we're going to in the interim knock out a project that we've been wanting to do for a long time and we got to get started on it because the clock you know we don't really put time constraints on ourselves too much but the clock's ticking on this particular project [Music] I'm super excited because today we are finally getting a legit I'm saying legit because we're going for it this time a legit pumpkin patch last year we tried to grow was it last yeah it was last year we tried to grow pumpkins I had two really strong well one was stronger than the other Vines only two and they ended up dying I had to go travel somewhere and they ended up dying this year I'm not playing around I bought a package of a 100 seeds 100 seeds so this is going to get wild because if you know you know pumpkin Vines get really long they could be up to 10 ft long and they just go everywhere so I don't know if I'm going to plant all hundred of them because that seems kind of crazy but like I always say we do got land okay so we're going to do two rows here we recently moved the RV so we have a big clear patch we think that'll be a good place to start we're going to do two rows but first I got to break up the soil and get that laid out [Music] all right so you may see my rotor rter tutor this is the rter tutor 5000 model um it's a little bit of an upgrade from just the pick picking it out and hoing it um these four prongs do break it up a lot easier and what I've learned with this mud is anything you put in this clay sticks to everything it's like a nightmare with post hole diggers so this thing has like a plunger that knocks the dirt out when I get stuck it makes pretty quick work of that top 4 in of soil every now and again you still got to have the pick to knock some Roots out or get a little bit deeper but this just does break it up and make it a lot easier to use and I think erates the soil and stuff like that there's probably more technical terms but for me it just breaks up the rock hard clay so I can actually work in it having this much land takes a ton of Maintenance and lately you probably heard Matt talking on and on about needing a tractor and it's pretty expensive so we've been going back and forth on it so we were kind of looking into it and we were searching on our phones and now all we can see on our phones is tons of ads about heavy equipment tractor this tractor that and how does that happen you might have noticed something similar in your own life the problem is there's a ton of data breaches online and it's only getting worse the scary part is that in the US there's many people search sites these websites create detailed personal profiles of millions of Americans and they publish them for anyone to see this information contain your home address your license plate number financial information family members and even religious and political beliefs this can easily put you in danger for scams online scams identity theft harassment online and even stalkers thanks to this week's video sponsor incog you can start taking your privacy back incog reaches out to data Brokers on your behalf request your personal data removal and deals with any of the objections from their side once you create an account it's kind of interesting but a little bit scary your dashboard allows you to see which sites have your information and show how many removal requests they have made and completed this allows you to keep up with the progress so if you want to take back your personal data with incog use code sailing GBU with the link below and get 60% off an annual plan here farty Marty Marty here farty Marty [Music] I promise you he's not a paid actor he's just really that cool come here [Music] Fus all right so this is my best friend marus even though whoa whoa whoa he did the old kicker he said more nanners less pets but this is my old friend marus everyone hates iguanas and says oh they're invasive they blah blah blah blah blah blah blah but one for first thing that's not true nothing on planet Earth is ever invasive we're all sharing this world together if it swam here if someone brought it here on a plane I'm invasive too I wasn't born in Puerto Rico so if you hate iguanas you hate me too these things don't tear down your house the wild dogs and the wild cats way bigger problem than these sweet sweet treats get your nose a bit off these sweet sweet babies running around so anyway but they will be a problem for the agriculture I know that they will eat these pumpkin plants they do eat every sort of plant so that's a problem but guess what I eat the pumpkin plants too so stop hating on iguanas guys how are we going to avoid him eating our pumpkins um we uh we're probably going to have to end up building a small fence and then I'm just going to have to train these cats to run them off when they uh when they're being bad but we have bird netting and we can build a small fence around this if we really have to get crazy it's just pumpkins so we are over planting we're planting a good amount but we'll see we're we're going to have to cross that bridge when we get to it cuz I'm certainly not going to take the easy route and just kill every iguana everyone wants to just kill everything all the time hateful yeah he peeled and now his Tail's like Aqua yeah this thing is cool bro Who whoo whoo easy there partner he wants the bananas he's sick of waiting [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] all right so the instructions on the packet said to build an 8 in Mound of loose soil and I wanted to just take my finger and shove it in the dirt and throw the pumpkin seeds in there but Kristen said we're going to follow the rules boy we follow instructions around here so that's what we did and we're not going to fail this year Well we never failed at grow in the plant we only failed at grow in the actual pumpkin cuz we had a that's failing Matt oh I guess no pumpkin is a fail oh I don't think we failed at the sprouting part but we failed at the pollinating part part but we got some bees in that tree so I think they'll pollinate good for us so we got this going we got one Mound more or less dug out now we got to finish the other one get it trimmed out and then we put the paper down and then we cut the holes and then we're ready to PL it [Music] [Music] nice moves there [Music] [Music] your cat messing up work that's your [Music] cat [Music] ow be nice boys since I'm not playing around this time and the summertime is here where it floods for 3 days and it don't rain for 5 days what I've learned in my small gardening career is that that doesn't work who knew plants need consistent watering so if you're wondering why you only doing 20ft rows it's because I have a 50 fft uh drencher what's it called soer soer Pro irrigation system that we're doing so we'll run it just in a loop and then I'll be able to plug my water hose in easily get everything watered up it'll be nice and you know nice and healthy for the plants it's raining guys we have to take a timeout real quick [Music] luckily the sun came back out today the cats are really enjoying our pumpkin patch but now that it rained we see a kind of a low spot in our pumpkin patch and it filled up with water so I don't think that's good so we're gonna try to like make a little trench so that doesn't fill up with water and we drown our plants like the soil wet is good but I don't think having them like underwater is a good idea also these are the seeds I got I got these off Amazon they're called the spooky blend they're supposed to be like white ones blue ones all different type of ones but I'm kind of confused how that works because if there's different types of pumpkin plants in the same patch and the bees pollinate from one pumpkin plant to the other type of pumpkin plant do I just get a whole bunch of mixed up type of pumpkins so if you know how that works let me know I guess we're doing it anyway so we don't know what we're going to get it's going to be pretty spooky [Music] [Music] for [Music] [Music] so in addition to the ones that were direct planing into the ground we had a couple of those do okay um up there so we think we might as well go ahead and try it but we also in typical GBU style are trying to do something for the cheap and reuse something so so um prior in an episode we bought the little Nursery Greenhouse kit um I don't know how much it was it wasn't outrageously expensive but you know whatever it was still buying more stuff and we've been eating you know stuff from Sam's Club and Sam's Club obviously has the big packages of like rolls and croissants and stuff like that so we have some of those left and we thought they're pretty much the same thing we don't see the reason that we can't put some holes in the top of this and these have the added bonus of being sealed shut so like animals can't easily get inside them so we're going to go ahead and try to fill these with dirt and make these our miniature nurseries because if those don't grow at least we'll be able to sprout these and then transplant them later yeah we're not failing we're not failing [Music] [Music] [Music] okay so this is an experiment um this is we don't know if this is a hack yet because we don't know if it works it seems like it would uh intuitively it seems like it would be just fine it looks like kind of the same thing the only cons I can see trying to look forward is that it's not segmented so when there are little root balls you could possibly put the roots under a little more stress when you're transplanting them so that could be an issue or the roots could even intermingle and then you're kind of breaking off Roots they're not staying exactly neat and tidy to be moved that could be an issue and then there could also be I didn't oh my goodness p PE I didn't go out of my way to wash these or sterilize them or anything so there could be old uh pesticides or some sort of chemical on them that I didn't that I don't know and maybe these just leech a different sort of chemical could be a different plastic but I think it's going to be good only time will tell let me know in the comments below if this is not done for a reason [Music] this way versus this way [Music] all right guys our pumpkins are now all planted all we can do now is wait I'm super excited hopefully in 3 to 4 days we start seeing some sort of action but this land like I was saying before having this much land I think I really underestimated how much it takes to maintain the property it's been getting out of hand in some spots we did get a good lawnmower though didn't we yeah some time ago I told Chris and I said look this grass is going to grow up and the money we paid the guy to come knock down a little bit of that old grass I said it's just going to grow straight back I said we got a good handle on it here you know we wanted to keep it we didn't want to Flatline the whole land we wanted to keep it natural for the birds the snakes the lizards we wanted to keep as much uh biodiversity as possible but we do have a couple of areas flattened off that we can cut the grass so that we can keep everything a little bit under control and then now we can turn this bottom Paddock into our garden area but yeah we got this Mower and since I've been using it you know me I ain't scared to go hardcore with it I've been knocking over some stuff with this Mower and it works pretty hardcore so if you have a a zero turn little mower it can go a little more hardcore and I think we're going to show you some of that [Music] today he is there anything you love about this lawn mower oh I love everything about it it has its quirks I pushed it too hard a couple times and I hit the belt inside on a stump um and then I had to fix that which wasn't that big of a deal one time I ran over too much grass and it bound up the uh cutter wheels and that I had to fix wasn't too big of a deal the one thing that I really don't like about it which probably could just be solved pretty simply is the tires they're pretty slick and when it's muddy it doesn't it gets stuck very very easily and it it can't do like really any sort of up and down even the smallest bit of Hill it gets pretty dangerous cuz it's back heavy and it's really light in the front so you feel like you're going to roll back on it but aside from that I know I'm pushing it outside of what it's rated for but it works really really well I don't have a name for it yet guys so if you could help me name the mower it's just a tool so I you know I didn't I didn't come up with a cool name for it um but I was thinking you know maybe you guys could help me out with that but this thing is awesome it does help us keep it's small you know you can't really do everything but it does help us keep everything under control to where you can keep certain places clean I think it's going to help with the garden to be able to mow around it and keep this area working for us and you know it just I Kristen's a workout Maniac so what I do is I cut out a track to the so she can run you know stay in shape keep that b busted but uh either way yeah it's a great tool something you definitely need but we could have went bigger I could have went with a 50-in deck and I I kind of regret it a little bit [Music] [Music] so down here I was able to maintain some Trails so that I can access my banana fruits and you know other parts of the property this is Kristen's track I was talking about you can see behind me we had this area completely knocked down to dirt and with the machine and now you can see it's almost all the way back I was keeping a decent handle on it but one time we got a bunch of rain and then we left for the wedding and when I came back it was already you know it was already high [Music] so this is my favorite spot on the whole property it's like my Paradise Zone I don't know why I love it so much but I think it's just like if we cut the grass down it has a good Mountain View and the neighbors have a whole bunch of banana trees so you get that Vibe and there's a ton of my palm trees on this spot and it just feels really cool you hear the water passing by this is pure jungle Vibe so Matt's going to try to cut some of this grass real quick but hopefully doesn't roll the lawnmower into the water there's some there's a little bit of a drop downhill and then it goes off the cliff but I'm going to be safe I'm not going to go off the cliff but if I do you know I'll just definitely get more views on YouTube if that were to happen but uh I'm not going to do that today but yeah Christ on purpose at least yeah true fingers crossed everybody but yeah loves this spot I don't know what it is about it too it's kind of inexplicable or unexplainable I don't know what the word is but it's there must be crystals buried down here or something cuz when you do come here it's just like a th% relaxed it's uh even at night time it's like so chill the church put up some bright lights so even at night time it kind of shines the bright lights down here that's kind of a bummer but it is like this to me feels the most secluded tranquil of the whole property beautiful spot but you know it's been overwhelming itself so I need to clear off and clear back some things so that we can enjoy [Music] [Music] it so a lot of you might have just saw that Quick Clip and thought dang Maddie that motor sucks it didn't do hardly nothing I don't have the blade spinning yet what I do when I'm dealing with something crazy on the other side some of this vegetation is so thick that it will actually hold the mower up a little bit so I just Ram it with this front end kind of use it as like a a skid steer just so that way I can see because if these front wheels do drop into something the front's light what's a problem is when I get the back wheel stuck into something that then I got to come in here and grunt to get it out so at first I set the the trim up as tall as I can get and then and I just kind of ram everything to see where I'm going to be able to mow and then I'll go back over it later buzz it all down [Music] [Music] [Music] all right I don't know if y'all can hear that lightning and thunder in the background but it's a little ominous here on the farm today but we're still dancing Between The Raindrops trying to get all of our work done now that we have our seeds planted we got a little bit of time before they sprout but there's part of the farm that is integral to the success of anything plant and animal wise that has grown a little too out of control and it's turned into a nightmare so we got to mosy on through the woods to see if we can get this one more thing fixed today [Music] [Music] so what you would be seeing behind me here if I was a good housekeeper is my manal it's called a manancial but I call it manal because that's the way it's spelled and I'm a gringo and people make fun of me but yeah the weeds have grown completely over um they've grown into down and around where we get water for the animals water for the uh vegetables water for a lot of different things when it doesn't rain so I got to get that cleaned out cuz I got to get it sorted I got to get it under control otherwise we won't be able to use it and there just something a little off-putting about feeding your animals stank water that's overgrown with bushes [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] all right so I have some really thick rubber mat that I want to roll over all of this so that it doesn't grow as quickly um and maybe it controls a little bit of the runoff with the mud as well that will run in there so I'm going to clean this out a little bit knock that stump down and then roll that thick rubber mat across which is going to keep water from growing in the water as well as around the water [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so since we get so many bananas this time a year we can't possibly eat that many bananas as a human so they go bad so they pretty much supplement the feed for the iguanas the goats get a banana treat here and there the chickens seem to like them a good bit so the other animals eat them and I think a rat comes in at night and eats some of them too we're hang them up on a string so the animals can't easily get to them but they help they're probably good I from what I can read online you're not supposed to give them too much but you can give it to them as a treat so they do enjoy it crash don't deserve him though cuz he's a maniac and it's a bad boyet so this is is my goat suy little sugar that uh was sick and who the healthy way that we were able to bring her back was uh we were able to take her temperature every day which wasn't super fun for anyone involved and then we were able to give her some Pedialite and then even though they're weaning I was able to give her some milk every day and that I think helped her bounce back she came back strong but all the goats are doing good because I built this cover for them which keeps them out of the rain they get to lay in this hay and have a good time and not be too cooped up in the house now that since there's four of them and then uh I built a like maybe a 1/8 acre pasture in the back that they can roam in all the time so they have plenty of room to run and then I can separate the boy from the girls you know every now and again I'll separate them for a day or something like that just to give them some time off from his Insanity so we got our water kind of cleaned up oh there's an iguana waiting for some bananas and getting on we got our water pretty much cleaned up Matt put that rubber there that's still a project in work that we we might build up some of the cement blocks on the back to keep the runoff Build It Up all together yeah cuz the problem what happens is the mud behind it when it rains really hard it goes into the manal and it takes about 10 hours for it to clear up again because there's constantly clean water coming in from the bottom the seep so it does push that Dusty stuff out but sometimes you don't have 10 hours what we need to do to solve it and we've been knowing this for a while now is and just not doing it is we just need to get like a 500 a couple like maybe two 500 gallon ssts this way you could fill and you could have a, gallons on Deck we don't use 1,000 gallons but you know we have a 200 gallon system now and you can use 200 gallons pretty quick um by the time you know you each take a shower and do two loads of laundry wash dishes dishes believe it or not that's 200 gallons gone on it's pretty incredible but it's uh one of those things that we just need to do that we've been just putting off and being lazy but also we've been being lazy about the ban so I don't think we've been lazy I think we just haven't had any time we've been building yeah so s sadly when not to not to cry but I'm going put my crybaby hat on for a little bit yeah when we build so much and we're constantly creating things doesn't leave much time for maintenance so we got to get it done so we had to catch up on some things and I think it's super interesting to me you know when we moved out here the things that you have to do to kind of survive when you're even mildly off-grade like we are so it's like I think offgrade got a little glamorized and I don't think anyone's ever really off- grid too much cuz how on Earth could you post on the internet if you're off the grid but uh it's um starlink oh yeah starlink that's how you do it but then that's how we do it but then you're on the starlink grid you're plugged into electricity to do starlink unless you're pedaling a bicycle that runs your starlink or something like that but it's even just living kind of minimally out here and living with more of the land becomes you know it's a full-time job job just to live you know what in the house we always took it so much for granted doing laundry laundry is like still an all day go to you know by the time we get it washed dried and all that stuff so it's pretty crazy so hope you guys enjoyed looking in on our lives and seeing what it's like here you know it ain't all YouTube fun and games everybody thinks when you're on YouTube you just sipping champagne 247 rain I hear it's raining right now all right guys it's about to pour on us thanks for watching this week fingers cross on my pumpkins leave all your pumpkin tips in the comment and we can't wait to see you guys next week bye
Channel: Sailing Good, Bad, and Ugly
Views: 102,761
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 34sec (2254 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 23 2024
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