This Horse pretends to be brave!!

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and then rub him come on just stay there come on oh okay okay direct him direct him rub him come on I am pushing the limits of everything I've done I've got to be honest and then rub him come on well guys what a video this is there's there's ups and downs in it there's so much going on in this video loads of tips loads of learning uh just it's so real this video and so many people will kind of be in the same situation or would have been in that situation Tanya's also asked me to mention the demo that is on the Saturday the 13th of May uh there's a few seats left for that we're actually going up that way in the next couple of days to do some horses up there and we're going to go and see the venue and sort some horses out for the venue to keep it authentic courses with issues that I haven't really done anything with uh now there's a few ticket left it's a Malt House a question Center Abingdon and oxen ox13 6ap so if you want a ticket for that guys then message Stephen horsemanship and Tanya or sort everything out for you so that's that but guys there will be some people that would think Carla is too big it's too heavy for a horse okay now is Carla too big for us you know probably yes you know I will say you know for what Carla's doing with the horse at the moment she's just walking really uh then the horse for sure periods of time would would carry Carla now Carla because of the little bit of depression over a horse's and all what's gone on Carla has put has gained weight and I did say there might be some comments and Carlos put herself out there guys she said no put the video on if it helps some people put the video on you know I'll have to just take I says no I said you won't have to take it I said I will mention this pre-video and guys please don't say anything negative we at Stephen horsemanship that's James Charlotte Dan uh Tanya me we decided right right at the beginning if we haven't got something good to say about something we won't say it you can think what you want but if we haven't got something good to say we will not say it uh and that's what I'm going to ask you to do here uh and Charlotte Charlotte they all police the channel and that's the way you know we do it we don't like any negativity our Channel's safe uh and fair play to Carla to allow allow it to go on because some people will think she's too big so that I needed to address and I hope you're okay with that also since you'll have to watch the video to see how well I we get on with our horses but all I'll tell you is already Carla is losing pounds she's losing weight uh for a horse and I'm really pleased to hear that and it'll make things so much better all the way around so let's get into the video guys hope you enjoyed this video it was it was done over a course of uh one to I think three days with all what goes into this and condensed into obviously I've had to cut bits which I I don't like doing videos but I've left everything in that you might learn something from or have a little bit of entertainment from uh so let's go let's go with the video this is Charlotte Stables Charlotte yes this is where I've booted you out to yep and this is your friend this is Carly yeah Carly yeah Carly he's got three he definitely will call you something else yeah um so will obviously Charlotte's uh got me a beer on my resting day yeah my day after you gotta remember something Charlotte's 50 to Stephen lordsmanship so she says Dad I'd like to be paid 50 this evening yes don't don't get that part of it yeah so yeah so it would be a child's Direction also will was bread Carly bred him it's her baby yeah okay this is her Dream Horse everything she ever wanted not currently that stage okay so you brought him so it's all awful awful no he said he basically he'd been sent away for a year um Carly wanted to come back at three to be back no so he was doing grandwick and a friend and sat on him before he left okay um and I used to walk him out look around the village and stuff so he's well oh yeah yeah um he went away my dream was to race him he was bred to point to point with a friend and it was here rude man that he came from great explain it but also you've got this little pony which is for your 10 year old son yeah and this phone is seven yeah and that that so you've got three horses yeah I'm aware that no try you can't you can't have a life going out because you can't Roblox and that's what you want to do with Billy and socks and yeah he'll go right in the Box no problems he's a bad lead horse so I've tried walking him through and him watching and he doesn't make a difference okay so that won't help us um he's very few food won't even he wouldn't go for the food either it's in November and I've tried putting them in since uh anyone else tried to help you yeah any with what methods you saw in there we okay uh now there's also a thing about water Crossings I think Charlotte yeah through a muddy patch in a field yeah he goes past the water on the way to the field yeah when you're not riding I don't know whether it's an issue of him thinking that he's got to balance with me when he's been ridden or whether he just doesn't like it we've tried a few times to get him to go across the stream and then the latest last week was he just sat down like a dog and then rub him come on just stay there come on all new shoes this week calmer than my pony at the moment we'll just do that part slightly oh delicious no they should be are they all right there for another pole it's nice I'm gonna put the phone down so I can zip my coat up yeah yeah you want to try and make it look welcoming I knew you were thinking I don't want to touch it but I'll have to just show me some music careful because obviously when Dad goes all over the country people send him the video so that's why we're doing it from the start how many times you've heard you say goodbye for being an Naughty Boy Kelly's Tilly's good at Tilly's down the road he's going in then you're going places don't even think about it no I wouldn't say because the frequency of your God it just means this to him you might forget I do yeah but I would never say that now because it automatically okay so yeah see what you got getting over it now bro you're about to say good boy [Laughter] he doesn't know you yet so you don't shouty I told you not to say it so you're gonna try not to release unless you even move it from side to side down release you've released again you've got to really start right now you didn't release for the thought his head went down to say I'm going right Carl I promise you this is what yeah this is not you doing anything all right okay not bad you started right then all I'm gonna do is put this little one on all right yeah it'd be a little bit oh all right that's stage one throwing ropes should be able to cope with that better than ears all right now I know he's only a baby but that's kind of telling me he's not it decent's tight enough would you agree it should be able to cope coat with the Rope good so that's something you could play around with in this table yeah you really should be able to you know I think he's one of these horses that pretends to be brave brave yeah he's not brave yeah but it's a false brightness completely now that tells me he's not ready to ride you know you want to get I think it should be decent desensitized more than this he's frightened of a rope yeah it's over my horse no problem right okay so but that was a little Improvement would you say yeah a little bit better yeah yeah heartbeat a little bit they can't help it when you start learning it's right okay oh I'll get loads of photos no that did you um real good thing to do around the Box is getting relaxed you know get his head down and relaxed there you go mate there we go that's the look I was looking for okay ready for a flag stick it's hard because he's your horse as a baby but it would be appear like he's been hit is because all trying to load Nets is feet forward that's it yeah yeah straight and that's because you said he goes from side to side that's one of the most common thing side to side for avoidance yeah sorry about that Guys somebody somebody rang and dad had to speak to them not going over that little yeah he's pretending to become confident till the push comes to shove Tilly's got to walk on there until he's got to go on the stream Tilly's gonna have a rope thrown on him and he falls to bits so we've gotta we've got to do a lot to get his confidence up shaking yeah oh do you stand on your foot I said dad this would be a really easy one I said he's really calm he just he just plants I said he'll walk straight on he's standing on his rope what kind of gram book have you done with him um where we were before just go out like long raining and walking him around like through traffic and stuff in the village yeah um but he hasn't really done any groundwork or such yeah and then he went away obviously I'm just wanting to disengage his hind end a little bit here he wants his back like yeah there's one so a lot of people have asked me what I mean by stepping around and not disengaging this is a little slowy bit if you look at the rear the rear hindquarters are not the front left is not going in front of the right so the rear left there is not going in front of the right it's stopping short there it lands short look he won't cross over and by crossing over a horse loses its ability to flee so there look it's it's stepped in front of the right again and it'll go again now and step in front of the right the rear there so it's ready to be able to use his power to flee it's important that I don't be too sheepish around him yeah I'm just get on with it as if as if it's nothing and that's probably what I've done as well yeah that's what we do and then when yeah you've got to be matter of fact with him matter of fact don't just you know like because if we're a little bit sheep isn't a bit too quiet around it then uh right so disengage again a bit better yeah yeah I can see you can see it sort of how good he is but we'll see what he's like on the other side can we go this way or more in this side so you want to do it loads of stuff this side I wanted to do it quieter than that stop but if I'd have finished if I don't get this nice I've got no not intimate he's got it he'll respect me more you see how he was coming through me then the good learning tip here I asked him to move around me and you can see he's going towards me there he's going towards me so I say no that isn't an option because he either kept going forward there he would have actually knocked into my right hand side so there I tell him no that's not the option and now you'll see he'll start to send his right shoulder out a wife I know his left shoulder there away from me now the right shoulder will cross over away from me and he's bending his body perfect change eyes but a good morning of this the picture of me doing this would be less so any change eyes that knives nice yeah this is real groundwork it's not just lunging so here for the very first time I walk up to the trailer guys that's the first time I've done that foreign there because his toe went on yeah so in a minute all right I want you'll notice me throw the rope away completely release when he tried that was a truck that's a try now that's getting lined up again try that's a try to tighten that up [Music] foreign [Music] how many times have you wanted to say good boy I nearly said it a few times too no I've seen this before guys watch that hoof it lands and he's his left leg collapses there he's that frightened to put weight on it that's our front end is yeah there for you [Music] foreign guys I'm tapping my boiling stick on the drive line which is where our legs are to our scores go forward uh previously I got him used to that cue going forward to the stick the boiling stick and it's important here I don't stop tapping tap tap till I get there forward step no this is going to be a beautiful place for him now where's the lick S no I don't want to lick it so it was really important for you that it was a nightmare there for him yeah but without pain I'm just bringing his side the longer that takes it's hard for people understand the longer that took the more it meant something to him right okay if it's just a couple of seconds it don't mean a lot yeah but can you imagine what that means to him now yeah I've been tugged on with this and yeah yeah but I'm releasing for each of the people not wasting anything yeah and the Boeing ends getting him used to the sticks not that side yeah outside you're gonna have to work on that side that's why on this side at the moment so the best place in the world for him right now yeah he's on here isn't it yeah yeah he thought about taking it off didn't I thought about that so what I'm gonna do um I'm waiting for him to make a move I I know you like the fact then that he thought about going off and then gone I would have referred into gone up because then I was going to work him right okay so I was going to work him there or what I was doing which is mentally demanding for him yeah and then getting back to there to rest so it is a decision to leave the trailer means more work yeah right okay if that's the only way you're gonna make him go on there is him deciding it's like if my horse said no you know what I mean yeah it's like if they don't stand to get on Dad's like this is excellent I'm like is it he's like yep like what just stop can we lower his head a little bit here around the trailer the only way he's going to go on for you to change his mindset get any man we put all lunch lines around here and get brooms and everything we need to force him on that would never that's what I didn't want to be yeah don't say that we're going to make him okay about going on you know so nav um he looks different now doesn't he won't forget boy oh okay it's really filled out hasn't he that's huh it's really filled out he looks good all right go to the side there see he's thinking I can't take him off he's thinking okay we'll we'll do this good boy oh this is the nightmare ah foreign [Music] I am going to look down at the ramp back legs went really wobbly close too right see that shower yeah it's just engaging better I just want him there that's I want him to space there I'm gonna lift my hand now let's block this front end oh that was nice but it was nice the fact that I had the yeah you know my space but he's leaving not well again so I could say I'll do days of dark not that way not that way not that way not close to me come around now the more bashful I am with this the more you get nervous so I'm being Deliver Us go that way with your hind quarters go this way give me space that was quite nice when he went in how did you feel about that yeah go that way now behind quarters are too close again you see the hindquarters coming in right finally so it's because he feels it's high and causes a threatening with the man that's why he's keeping them close the more mentally demanding this is now he's coming right into our hands can you think why because there's resting places there is it nice nice nice are important bending the rib cage nice save foreign okay work so I'm gonna lead him for driving him look at that I'm gonna lead him to take all this space here I like it I'm going to lead him that's nice he's not on that he's not much protection that's what they do when you're in charge of a horse needed driving next one we'll have some of that there are a multitude of actions from her feeling non-actions and actions from whatever they the picture of course so this picture is getting less terrifying how hard it's liking that now so can we come out of here better oh good boy now what we're going to do now not exposure I'm gonna give him 10 minutes to be stable because that was a lot for him and then we're going to set the feeder this off so we can have 10 minutes rest okay so he's had 10 minutes um in a stable we've Now set the trailer up somewhere that it can be left not that much room there but okay we've taken everything out other than that pole walk in have a feed come out you see nice and calm in there yeah good real good foreign thank you see the light going in now oh no hesitation foreign [Applause] [Music] thank you so Branch down and looking around put him away then [Applause] good job I wouldn't do that today okay we'll do that another day get this done yeah he's excited now I mean he stood really nice there all right don't have it too uh short nice to relax so guys that was the end of Session One turns out the horse this horse will pretends to be brave he goes to Pieces when other people do anything with him really he's a lot Karma with with uh Carla but it really shows up and I don't think that you're awaited him that much good from all accounts but anyway uh basically I took the petitions out I've left I made sure that that Charlotte uh you know a few people did that so he got used to other people doing it as well through the trailer so I left introductions for Carla to put the effort in feed him um daily if possible in that trailer uh just bring him through I knew he would go in with petitions because when I first done the trailer in in the school there he went in okay with the petitions in the end so I knew we could put the petitions back in and then that would be okay so I wanted it to be a lot a bit safer for Carla till he till will was used to going in and out so that went on for a few days then it was decided that um I had an opportunity there to use both Carla sources there in my Ranch day uh they could be there for the afternoon sessions where um I could show and explain about Will and now we maybe could get him a little bit more desensitized in front of people and the little socks there the little of the pony uh that one turns out uh very bulshi bites all the time which I didn't know about uh very very handy with his head we'll knock you with his head and generally you know you know not perfect okay perfect in some ways not another so I said right great I can take uh advantage of that have them on my lunch day and what a great opportunity to ride will with Charlotte riding socks back to my place through the woods which has the Ravine in it where the horse will always sits down whether it's in hand or um we're being ridden he sits down because that's how he saved himself and he won't even go across this little streamy muddy bit where even if a load of horses go first which is very rare he'll just turn for home oh sit down so that's what you'll see now is the is how we get on and how Charlotte gets on riding socks in their little trip back to mine and we'll we'll get into that now so I'm waiting for a phone call Charlotte to let me know that they're they're starting the ride to come over here so the horse is here for the ranch day and to see if we can go through the stream uh the bug here in the Stream where this one would never go through well as I've explained before we'll sit down even though the draw is there for these horses so I have no idea but as a as I've done the trailer in um if I do a tiny little bit of groundwork down by the bog it would be great if I could get if I could get this horse through that it would be a big breakthrough and then through a river but what I'm doing uh it's not that far from here uh well as the crow fries it's just over that those trees there but I've got to go the roadway so I'm taking the hemiway because then with this electric bike I can actually go through the woods follow them back and through the river so a little bit about this bike just very quickly it's a Hemingway electric bikes got the longest range in the uh well I think in the world from one of these electric bikes it'll do about 80 miles on on a full charge which is amazing really and what I like about this bike is that it carries 410 pounds that means two two guys and a child uh so I'll be nipping down on this uh so it shouldn't take me that long on it and then through the woods so yeah um we're so pleased with this with this anyway guys really really pleased you can put saddle on the back there um you can buy spare batches for these things so you can do 160 mile range um and there's the motor there there's a 2.5 kilowatt motor but absolutely brilliant with the big tires we use it all the time now and uh I deal with horses to go to shows and things like that but obviously that's a bike but these are bikes Guys these are bikes there's me Triumph there's me Triumph 1600 and there's my uh very special little bike little aprila 660 American colors uh USA colors uh there's only 15 under them made and it's just superb I absolutely love it but do you know what I don't get much time lately to bloom in ride ride these little bikes and stuff so I think next year I'll have to slow down a little bit I have to all right there I'll see you in a bit be careful you've got a ranch day tomorrow no and then uh I would think it all goes to plan I'll see you in about an hour or so we'll be looking at it's looking at the bay it's a nice bike lucky boy you are right then so I've turned up at the Stables everyone's quieting in a Jolly mood so Charlotte's riding socks socks who's a little bit Bowl shooting all it just said yes um and will and Carl is here will I um worked with the other day for the trailer in he's now gonna ride to mine and then hopefully we'll bring him back in the trailer what do you think Carly yeah but when it comes back that might be a good idea mightn't it yeah okay so the idea is now to hack back to our place through um a Woods where we've got a ravine type of thing that there's no way he's going through D even the drawer of other horses going through doesn't happen so let's go and see what we've got isn't it yeah will he lie down with you on again what do you think [Laughter] right then this is exciting well I'm alright I'm on my hemiway I've just got up here Charlotte in literally five minutes I've never ever had any interest in biking but I love it it looks Charlie have you been on a bike Right Carly come here what'd you think of it go up man I'm back you want you want mine [Laughter] she loves it he's like I'm a bit concerned she's got a red fire is she okay are you getting used to it you're getting used to it already please I got here in literally a minute to where we have the problem ravine Charlotte's getting up on there on little socks I like that name sure oh so I've said to follow me I've said to follow me today right and guys so I'm here waiting now at the offending area which is this little nothing really isn't it but this horse will not just won't even follow a whole herd of horses through so I think now the trailer is done we can get this one done it's going to open the life up for Carly Carly or Carla this fella I've just met what's your name what's your name fella Daz just met Daz coming down here and uh dad says to me he was he was a little bit Rocky he said I'm a little bit tipsy I was gonna say the wrong thing then so yeah guys this will be this will be interesting now I'll take my um my flag out because I might need that and I might need my little lead rope as well so I can hear them coming what well it turns out guys everyone knows everyone here so you obviously know you obviously know uh Carly or Carla right he's a little bit tip he's a little bit on the Tipsy side he said so have you had a little Karma have you direct him direct him all right that's it give them a little rub I won't wave it but basically he needs just a little more and now I'm going to back off as soon as he direct him direct him and then rub him come on just stay there guys true to what Carla said he sat down on cue right there and then in front of me filming it just look at that and that's what he's worked out he needs to do he's not being difficult he's just doing what he thinks he needs to do to survive the day but he'll either sit down like that until she gets off or head for home this is funny come on direct him direct him rub him rub him give him a rub now now stay there don't go anywhere whoa turn him back down here right Carly Carly I need you to just get off there a minute yeah I need to get off now I'll help her get back on we'll find somewhere right stay where you are now all right I'm gonna cut this off for a second and come up to you so that was really good what just happened yeah and then it goes through okay so he wouldn't even come through with me leading him before no no yeah I'm gonna grab one of the licks every time now he goes through we're gonna just give him a little plus to it okay you're gonna make it a plus now for him you did really well then you did really well it's like I didn't get food now that's what I wanted just to stand in it kill him yeah and go forward but now I'm gonna ask him to go come again thank you now what I'm going to do is go through here now a few times and we're going to get you back on all right at the top oh he stood on his own foot God bless him okay I'm gonna come behind you okay but you're only going to go up a little bit and turn around okay okay right okay and you rub and just a little clock in a rub it looks like in a rub hey girl now turn around socks socks turn around come on Char rub his neck give it rub his neck and I want you to do one more time yeah now you turn around Carly you turn around you turn around see whether you leave the lead the dance through come on carry on now different way all right you have a nice little steady one and I'll meet you down by the where you go down through the wood Charlotte yeah so I'll take the hemiway now and I'm gonna go that way around past some beautiful old houses which I think some people have seen in my videos they're amazing you'll see them they're like I call them the hobby houses here I am at the first Hobbit house as I call them just look at that absolutely amazing I don't know whether they were built for a film set or something whenever I come past them I just think it's amazing and there's always a weird feel but you can see all of the all the lentils all open oh just amazing there's another one the other side but uh but be careful there's people in there I think oh they're growing oh look at that one look at that one guys dripping unbelievable The Hobbit has is alcohol wow pretty fantastic right I've gotta go and see the girls now because they're going through a river where we go down through the woods down to the bottom where the river is and I'm just waiting for the girls I did hear them a while ago these fears get rid of his fears getting trust in a little bit more okay I'm thinking that maybe it might all work out okay he doesn't have to protect himself but how scared was he guys to not only sit down but not follow horses over like I say they've had 10 horses go over and he just went that is big um he just took a little bit you know of Knowledge from me to get that one done that's pretty steep isn't it yeah yeah that's good well done well done you little thought well your big four-year-old oh okay oh saw the other horses saw the other horses if you want to get off get off and then we'll do you want to get off before you yeah if you want to get off because we've got to go for a river then we can lead or I'll just go in front here or you or do you and Charlotte let's go first there should be okay you do what you think then he is it was suddenly seeing the horses yeah I am pushing the limits of everything I've done I've got to be honest but be careful like I say you can get off if you want give them a little rub you go with socks socks so you're gonna go left okay I've got to I've got to do this skate uh we head into this River guys and Carla said there's not a hope she could see him going in there see how let's see how we get on I've released him just to let him know okay thank you he trusted me and I say thank you just want to take a picture of him in the water yeah uh oh I wish I had to let that too but do you want it is it in the bag it's all right it's amazing isn't it Burke is almost like [Laughter] I have got wet feet let me do that yeah he didn't like to see us remember right okay okay right come on man Good Good Charlotte and then come back around yeah foreign yes he loves it now now he's gonna lie down come on yeah come on then push him on look just want to come out there that feels nice to his feet and his legs a bit of cool on them good boy good boy okay right I'm gonna turn this off now the river [Music] right that's it Charlotte you take Colin now to wear we're gonna get on and then uh yeah give him a little rub all right off you go give my rub and then go up there like it's nothing like it's nothing give him a rub and then go through and come back life changing for this horse wouldn't go through water wouldn't go through even that little creek and look at this his neck as he goes through [Applause] that'll do it well done right then so you arrived safely and apparently both are staying now for the ranch day yep um socks so so um Carly's little boy who rides socks is a bit worried that that it's all girls so I think he'd like to see like me do something with him push you with his head there isn't he but anyway uh right okay yeah Charlotte will look after you now then okay well done so this is the following day guys when I had the lunch day uh where people come for a day and they have a meal and ask questions and see me work a few horses and it was ideal because I worked wheel and socks and this is socks here um actually at the ranch day so if you're gonna get on now you just show us not happen good disengage yes and then one more time we're going to relax with you let you know you're all right okay yeah and then we're going to side him up set it down here you're gonna bite me he hasn't won sassy thank you that texture stuff is a real good thing to have lift up reach down fluidly on the neck and gift because I would give the reason I would get because it didn't first time he didn't do up movie Speed he didn't move his feet foreign will was on at the end of the day look at the rain come down guys when we got will on there to do something it absolutely teamed it down everyone started to get soaked so it was the end of the day anyway and then we finished there and went and all had a debrief but uh yeah there was just some little clippets of these two guys on the ranch day and now this is a couple of hours after the ranch dad finished everyone had gone home and Charlotte and Carla rode socks and will home as a real test now guys we're going where are we [Music] [Music] so we've just come to the corner of the thing we could make not a big deal of it and go down together um you know we're not I'm going first absolutely fine it has rained so it is going to be a little bit more buggy than before I'm one-handed so please don't jump socks absolutely Fab we're not going to make a big deal of it we're not going to go through again because to him we're going to try and make out that it's not a big deal it's just somewhere that we go well done socks good job so okay I think this is going to be the end of the video now hopefully it'll go okay I'm gonna try not to be in the mix completely um I'm gonna try and stay back a little bit and help the girl you know watch the girls put in this job is the petitions yeah petitions first petition's in and then will and socks and then travel to mine hopefully get them out with a little bit of quality to it set up for a while put them back in and get them home and then you go in there and go underneath the underneath the thing yeah well done oh yeah just make sure you all right okay only six inches at a time up down up down up down or else it's too much like it's nothing yeah that'll do okay that's unbelievable that track it's really bumpy so just go gentle we'll go behind you all right okay now do you know how to get into my Gates yeah go go the go the top way top way where where we go in the main gate go in and park somewhere there by the school all right we're not gonna go straight out right now how do you think that went Charlotte really well very soon in all fairness Carly has been a beautiful driver really really steady that's what we needed wishing that button I do it you jump in for her right and hang on now we're going to leave them in there for a little while it's not hot well in fact can't hear him now what may have helped I put the the the back's always been open that back there now behind will I've closed that so sometimes that can make a difference and he seems very chilled yeah that's really good and you drove beautiful nothing oh first nice and slow but at the bottom of the ramp the bottom of the ramp you want a bit more that was nice right then so slow and look down look down do you know what well done you where about that right go and put them away now in the turnout follow Charlotte guys between me and you that was the most dangerous two seconds of the whole thing because usually it would rush out oh man brilliant Okay so we're all ready after how long a break have we had girls about an hour's break so that's good so it's the same thing now so Charlotte's gonna go to to the back of the trailer so we'll can see sucks exactly the same system um so yeah your first Carly [Music] all right bit of feed lovely job I'll put this over and now how steady are you gonna go all right then that's it best of luck off bye I'm not that far away but you know what I mean right okay all right now I'll go do all mine now rugs this that the other oh you go gallivanting carrots [Laughter] I wish I could do that no that's it let's hope let's keep fingers crossed oh dear I've got another horse in the morning to go to stop him well then guys that's kind of the end of that video now from that point which was I think about five days ago uh Carla's been riding will out been over that Ravine and bloody blood but I'm starting to enjoy a horse and will is starting to see the world a little bit better and not running back to the barn or sitting down and all that kind of stuff now what I've just been told is a couple of days ago Carla went on a ride with all her friends or people at the yard I think there was five six seven horses it had rained again and it was more buggy guess what happened one refused two refused no everyone was kicking trying to get over who do you think went over and the others followed yeah Carla Carly uh so that is music to my ears no it was touch and go and a lot of that work there's a lot of danger element to it and like I said people if you're in over your head get somebody this Horseman around that can hopefully come and help don't get yourselves hurt that first time that will win in that trailer I didn't mention on the video that was very very dangerous he was knocking these and he was kind of panicking in there although he didn't hear him smashing down like a lot of them will smash down on the trailer he was his heart was pumping on that and he was he wanted you know if he wanted to blast out he could push someone up against the side and hurt them so yeah that's it that's the end of the video it well I think that's a hell of a video a lot in there uh and so again if you can like share comment on these videos it keeps us plugging on keeps things going and uh yeah Keeps Us building really so okay guys till the next video uh Happy Trails from me and the team that yeah okay guys
Channel: Steve Young Horsemanship
Views: 133,616
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: nGKsRx18i0E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 65min 39sec (3939 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 28 2023
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