Horse Constantly Kicks Out!

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[Music] uh so I'm here with Antonia yes and uh who what's your horse's name Goose goose here with goose and uh you had me come over here to give you a little bit of help because you're having some issues could you just share with us kind of what's been going on yeah so goose is a 5-year-old Thoroughbred he I've had him for about a year and he had most of that year off for a variety of medical issues and as he's been getting restarted he needs a little help finding a go button so he's off the track throw bread raced a couple times raced two times um and then was kind of briefly restarted um and then he spent about the last year not doing a lot um so his issue is um really when he's asked to go forward he's pretty bulky um and if you kind of continue to ask him he'll kick out or or buff um in response to kind of the request to go forward MH so he's typically once he starts going pretty happy to work but it's really that like initiation of a job that he finds really difficult yeah okay M all right sounds good and so you normally do a little bit of ground work before you write him yes he's been starting to learn some ground work he definitely knew nothing um about a year ago and so he's been learning um just some kind of basic yields and pressure and stuff and i' say he's so so is that is that going pretty well or is there some issues on the ground that you like help pretty good with study pressure I think it'd be helpful to work on some of the like yields especially shoulder he has a hard time with particularly his right shoulder which is a pattern when I ride him to he lik still kind of collapse into that shoulder okay um and then our program right now is we typically lunge him to get him started because he knows how to do that um and then we trained him to kind of voice commands as well to try to help him like put the pieces together um and then usually I'll get lunged on him um to try to help him transition into having a Rider and then we take that off and see if he'll kind of go forward and and do the ride all right sounds good well why don't you just kind of show me what your normal routine is and then we'll go from there okay I want to thank the sponsor of today's video ABI attachments so ABI attachments hooked me up uh with the tr3 eer arena drag and this thing is incredible I mean it is like having a personal assistant for your Arena because it does everything it's got a scraping blade here that kind of aerates the soil and can cut out grass if you got some grass growing in it's got a level floating leveling blade that is incredible for keeping consistency throughout the whole Arena um and then all the different settings of the drags that breaks up and loosens the material and then of course their patented comb that they have here at the back um just lays a really nice finishing layer down at the end this drag is blowing me away with how easy it is to pull it's super easy to use because you can just drop it all the way down and it rests the the frame of it rests on these wheels and so it takes out a lot of the operator error that can happen with making and some whoop-de-do in the arena as you go so if you guys are in the market for an arena drag you are definitely going to want to check out uh the ABI attachments they have uh applications for everybody's uh different uses and uh make sure you check them out I'll leave a link in the description below let's get back to the video do you mind if I have you experiment with a couple things because I want to understand a little bit more where what it's important to really understand what Cue it or if it's just flat out going going forward at all um but like for now don't use the whip just get it no voice cues either just just legs let's see what he does let's go to a halt and ask him to trot with your legs let's do it one more time just don't kick the miror okay just turn them bend them around there okay now don't use legs at all and just use a voice CU and see if you can get any movement from just a voice cu okay now if he if he slows down then add a little tap and where do you normally tap him yeah no legs we tap okay so it's everything everything that needs to go forward um okay let's let's step off him and um let's see where we can move the needle if you're not on patreon and you would like to have me as your coach in horsemanship I have lots of videos um on there we go through a fundamental Series where you can teach your horse a really good foundation and check them out so if you guys would like to have me help you on there uh go check it out we'll leave a link in the description below uh so what I'm thinking right now is there's two there's I think there's three issues going on I think the first issue is you're not doing enough yielding of his feet in various ways for him to see you as the leader um so I and I think so I think he's pretty left brain and I think that's why you were saying the shoulder get sticky and that's why he doesn't want to go even though he's really quiet it's also why he's pretty successful out on the trail because he's he's happy to go forward like you said he's pretty brave um and going forward there um I think there is some tension um that when a Rider's first on him that of getting him to bend through his ribs that we could get him to relax a little bit more because when their left brain they can get a little tense but it can still be a no versus and I can't and so I'm seeing him say NOS but if we do help him a little more comfortable a little more relaxed through his ribs that the the sheath noise that we heard that's tension that's not him just saying that's not him being totally chill and like no there he there is a little tension there but because he's so strongly left brained it's a no not an I can't which is a very different thing okay when a horse says no versus I can't and some people argue with me about this in the YouTube comments so you guys can go ahead and bring it on uh but it's very much true horses can be afraid of something and say I can't and I don't even know that I would say normally that's it it's it's near 50/50 of nose and I can't and like another couple words that I'll use to identify different what I'm feeling in the horse if I say they're leaning on something or if I say they're bracing brace is fear-based they're unsure they got tight and they they hunker down and they hold their breath and they're like just they're taking it and they're brace and they're not moving but they're tensed up about it you do not want to add pressure they're already putting enough pressure on themselves we need to hold and maintain in that position leaning on something is a different story leaning is they're wearing the pressure and if we continue to apply that same amount of pressure in that same way in their leaning which is what he's doing on the cues we're going to teach them to what I like to call wear the pressure so it's like him wearing the saddle like it's just there and it's going along with him but he's not we're not building any responsiveness to it um so um then the third thing is we need him to more clearly understand uh legs legs mean go when they come on if it was just leg queue I would actually be tempted to do a Dr training strategy where I actually teach the horse you take your legs off and then it means go and you can actually do like a workaround you can find formulate a different Quee but he he leans on legs he leans on the stick the the whip when you tap him with that he leans on The Voice cues so he's saying no to forward just overall as a whole so so pretty pretty clear there so those are kind of the the three things that we got to cover we got to help him get relaxed to his ribs we want to do some yields where he sees the human as the leader better and we got to have help him understand the answer is yes uh to uh to a queue um and I think if you feel comfortable I'm going to do some groundwork with him and show you and experiment a little bit but I would actually like it if you wouldn't mind writing him again and I'll talk you through what what to do um you seem very comfortable on him and you seem very coordinated with everything so I don't feel like it needs to be me and it'll be a good kind of learning opportunity for you does that sound good yeah you want write them after you do the groundw yes okay yep Co um so I talk about this quite a lot in my videos um but getting a horse to see us as the leader is one of the best things we can do for instance if we just spend time with our horse feed them scratch them they can kind of become our friend without ever seeing us as the leader in horse language you become the leader by moving their feet so if they're and this is very clear if you watch a herd Dynamics you you're shaking your head so I'm I'm assuming you're nodding your head I should say so you're agreeing with me you understand that horses have a pecking order and they vote for their leader every day which means they're always even if you get a have a perfect session today they're going to test it in some way tomorrow it's like it's just a natural thing for horses to do because they need to know that the leader is going to have the best plan and is the most prepared most qualified um person so it's not a matter of it's not as simple as are we the leader or aren't we the leader it's more about how much does the horse see us as the leader so he sees you enough as the leader to move him around walk TR caner on the ground to do some levels of riding but that doesn't mean he's ready to go jump you know three foot or he's ready to do flying changes or he's ready to do a caner half path you know I mean like in in terms of responsiveness to L cues um so there's a lot of benefits that are going to come from doing the leader so the way we become the leader to the horse is by getting the horse to willingly yield in various ways and it's like an analogy that I use is like if if all you do is go forward at most if it's perfect forward you get five points if it's not that great of forward you get three or four points if it's not if it's not very good forward and see right there even though he was relaxed him calling out says he's not even though we're here with him he's not thinking about me he's thinking about other things which is one of another indicator that we he doesn't see us as a leader because if I'm the leader the herd is already here he doesn't need to call out for the herd does that make sense um so the challenge is we're Predators by Nature they're pral nature so convincing a horse that we're a qualified leader is a challenge right um but we're going to do that for various yields but back to my analogy here of Five Points if it's really bad forward it could be one point it could be negative points if it's bad so in the saddle it's negative points um on the ground I would say you're at like a plus three to four it's it's it's going there but just going forward at most you can get one or two and I'm talking about out of 100 points total so if you're only getting four out of 100 that's not going to move the knee lot if we can yield the H quarters we might get up to another five points if we can yield the four quarters another five if we can back them up we could get maybe another five maybe maybe more than five cuz backing up is hard okay if we could get him to side pass if we could get him to change direction so do you see my point the more different things we can ask him to do and have him do it willingly with light you know good qualities of response in horse language it's like we could pin our ears and get him to do a whole bunch of different things without having to kick or bite does that make sense but if we have to do a lot of things to get it to happen even though their body's doing the move it doesn't really count you don't really getting those points because the horse isn't saying yes yes to it okay and so because he's not paying attention to me I'm going to first go ahead and go to the hind quarters and if they roll forward then I pick up the halter but I'm trying to do it first off of connection and do you hear that breath that he just took it was kind of like shortened it was like like that he's holding tension in his rib cage so he needs to also relax and so that's where there's a few other things that we're going to have to add to it because it's not ju it's not as simple as put more pressure on him and get him to say yes and do more something we also have to help him get more comfortable so one of the ways of of starting that is even just by doing this H quar yield but his first response right here is to leave also because he kicks out if he if you were doing you know making more mistakes with him um doing doing things all wrong it could develop where he this horse turns and kicks every time he refuses something because that's what his go-to has been right is to kick out and so that could translate to him turning and kicking towards us too a little bit like he did um when she was lunging him and so nothing wrong with teaching him the H Court yield now see that one was better I just so I first I give him the look I was ready to correct if I needed to but you can see his first steps now are a high quarter yield but that's like I'm getting like two out of five points with that okay there's a lot more there's more Improvement that could be had there but two is better than than zero also part of why I I'm touching him the way I am right away and not doing it softer is because he is left brained and I don't want him to teach him to wear it I want him to be a little bit more sensitive to you know I wanted to mean something to him when I do uh touch him because he needs to have a little a little bit more sensitivity to the writer to what we're doing now part of this too is he's kind of wanting to check out and not think about what I'm asking him to do and that's one of the things that I find to be a bit typical with thoroughbreds it's like they're expecting to kind of just be told what to do every step of the way and I want him to think for himself and what I mean by that is before I tapped him every time I gave him a chance to respond with but without me adding more pressure just like when you're riding you giving him a voice cue before tapping him you're giving him a chance to to make a good decision um the only issue was it wasn't enough pressure for him to go and then he he kicks out and boxed at it and there was no like consequence for that he needs to find relief moving forward and then if he refuses to go forward we need to do something else so it's like if he if I ask him to go and he kicks out the next thing I'm going to have you do is yield his hind quarter like pick up a rain and he's going to run into a little more pressure he's going to go oh I was expecting this to be more relief than it was um versus just pressuring him until he goes forward so it has to be a conversation but he needs to run into some pressure for refusing and saying no so you can see I I have I have a little bit more connection now at least I thought I did so now I'm going to ask him to back up just a little bit now do you notice how easy that got right away there's not a lot for me there because he did it well right away there wasn't a lot of need to do it so we're going to move on right away okay so it's like I'm looking for the spots that he's sticky on and he was a little sticky about turning loose to connecting with me now there he got tapped because he also looked away and was thinking over there as I was approaching him so not only did he not step away he also was like I'm going to go over here you know and then I'll just kind of add in some of these other yields so now I'm asking him to move his four quarters it's also a big difference to a horse whether they're stepping off of steady pressure and you were right about the right shoulder being stickier there's a difference to a horse versus if I ask him to move to the left off of this do you see how would that happen willingly that's me telling him to go over there even though I did it very Softly there wasn't hardly any pressure there I told him to go there he didn't choose to go over there just by switching that yield from the halter to the stick changes that okay so by me putting pressure here and yes you could say maybe he doesn't know it yet but there's going to be a difference in his brain if he chooses to take a step so his left foot took a step so I'll release and that's why I'm not giving him a ton of Direction uh with the halter here he's got to make a decision to step over there there he did so one of the things I'm trying to set up on the ground is instead of telling the horse where to go I show them where not to be so that when they do go where I wanted they chose to go there versus I just made them go there and to be honest I don't think it makes a whole lot of sense from a human standpoint but to the horse it's a big difference because if another hor if he's at the hay pile and the alpha horse comes up here they're just is telling him to not be here they're not saying you have to go there there there they're just saying don't be right here so that actually resonates with horses quite well um and there's a mental Choice then in there versus just me telling him what to do which is why I'm a big uh fan of getting horses to move off our legs well riding instead of just directing them with the the resins again that doesn't mean I don't ever there very good so that took a little less Sor I was just messing with him because he just kind of he's like I'm just going to exit the stage left here there's a lick and chew which means he kind of got relief for doing that yield but I'm trying to get him to not to just to also think a little bit about what we're doing here very good and that's when you're really going to have him turn his feet loose is not by being bigger and batter and putting more pressure on just more pressure on him and making him do something it's going to be by getting him to understand there's a conversation uh that's happening so here I'm going to practice changing directions now there's two ways you can ask a horse to change directions one um is about building more draw and one is about building a little more drive so you could even say confidence versus more um assertiveness so I'm choosing to step into him to ask him to move his four quarters to change directions versus backing up and uh drawing him into me and then having him come through the middle of the circle and so that's a very deliberate action when I have a horse that's more left brain that I'm trying to build more connection to now I'm going to mess with him a little bit so now I'm going to throw my stick and string over his back but I want him to read my intention not the energy behind the stick and string so he's thinking I'm asking him to go but there's nothing in me I'm not pinning my years at him right now and I expected him to get a little re reactionary to this but this is a a little bit of the hole that I was kind of saying and him not connecting with the human very well he needs to read that and and you want to find like different ways to expose him to different things so this is kind of addressing some of that confidence stuff that I was talking about and again I knew that one would be hard because we were already in motion but I did it because I wanted to challenge him a little bit um with having to think and go H I didn't need to do all that running around fussing he was actually just doing this so I I deliberately made it a slightly harder puzzle because he's thinking we're just going to tell him to go all the time and what we're going to do is kind of do the opposite of what he's thinking and that's this is an one example of that like instead of me asking him to go faster I'm actually just asking him to walk while I throw the stick and string over him there you go see it wasn't so bad and hopefully that helps him find us interesting now here's a technique that's going to be really we're going to use in the saddle so right there I could just keep tapping him until he goes that's more of a teaching stage this is going to be more reinforcing and so I'm going to give him a little feel and say I want I would like you to go to the left and if he's not going I'm going to swing this at him and then I'm gonna touch him and then I'm gonna reset and so he's gonna learn there's a pattern to this instead of just tap tap tap like even there he went I'm not going to accept it because he went off of me tapping him I want him to go off of that does that make sense so we I call that um technique for building responsiveness resetting so it's a you're making it about the first Cy you so it's like I'm a cluck ask him to go he didn't go so I'll tap him and there I'll stop him because I had to tap him and we'll try that again and I clucked and it had more meaning to it but then I'm going to ask him to stop right away cuz I want him to understand it's not about just movement him going it's about the connection to the idea of going and so but you had and you had this idea already by doing more transitions um now I'm going to ask him for a little side pass so side passing is a good one um because it requires his whole body to step away very good but you can kind of see how there's just a lot more depth to the conversations I'm having with him versus just going around in a circle for so that's you can see that's a hard one so you saw some things were easy some things were hard it's the hard ones where there's more points on the table to get from them so I'm just asking him to just do everything thoughtfully because he tends he's kind of just kind of going through the motions so I'm just drawing a line here saying my bubble's moving backwards it'd be ideal if you went with it otherwise the boundary with the bubble comes with it ah there we go so you hear that so when they blow out that means they're relaxing through their rib cage it's equivalent to a human not even recognizing maybe that there was even tension and all of a sudden they go they just take a deep breath they relax through their rib cage so horses uh very easily breathe shallow they hold tension the ribs when they do that they're on the verge of their heart rate escalating and when their heart rate goes up to a point then their body's going to start producing adrenaline and cortisol and stress hormones and so if we can get them to go blow out that means we're getting them to relax through the rib cage so then you're less likely to hear that sheath noise although that one it takes very little tension for it to create so it's like one of the first signs that there's some tension but I never base what I'm doing off of one thing I try to read the whole the whole picture so you go he's making the sheath noise but his head is down probably not that big a deal he's making the sheath noise his head is up and he's going have you heard it where they they breathe and they go like that it's like okay there's a lot of tension going on like he's breathing super shallow and fast his head is elevated his muscles are tight he's making the sheath noise yeah we should probably step down maybe and do some ground work here does that make sense though you want to look at the whole picture not one thing um a lot of people want to make a rule book off of one the ears did this the eyes did this the nose did this whatever is it's like that's fine what else was going on what are the other things and you can put two three four of those signs together now you can make a pretty educated idea where that horse is at but if you just go off of one thing you could be going down a rabbit hole chasing something that's not really there you know um let me do one more game with him um actually I'm not normally right now I would do like a three Circle game but since he just blew out and relaxed I don't want to like you know add more more pressure to it but it would I'll just show you real quick are you familiar with that have you watched my videos okay so that's another game that I would also do with him where you're just asking him to not just go around you but go around you in basically like a shoulders in position whereas hind quarters are doing a partial disengagement and that that will really help facilitate the ribs uh bending so that's part of why he he blew out after the side pass cuz the side pass his hind quarters are doing a partial disengagement for more steps and he had to bend his rib cage uh when we were side passing and so that's why that's valuable similar to riding of a shoulder in or a leg yeld something like that all right I'm going to have you step on him uh yeah so we can put his Bridal on actually I probably won't use that whip I might I might have you tap them with the stick so let me show you guys and we'll show the camera here so these are good for signaling but they're whippy and so it there would have if you used it firmly there's going to be a pretty good little sting to it this is solid and so it's more of a thunk it'd be equivalent to like somebody like flicking you you know like it's like annoying you don't want to do it again but it's not like I'm in pain now like ow you know or this if somebody if you tapped him firm enough that you might have to with this that that end gets gets a little snap to it and it's a little springy so I actually think using a firmer stick um for a couple of days will be helpful this is good when the horse is already responsive to it and you just need to kind of give them a reminder kind of similar to riding with Spurs Spurs are kind of a reminder tool and an accountability tool a Precision Tool versus like oh I'm going to really bang them with it you know he's like we're not use that if I have feel like I need more pressure than I do squeezing with my spur I'm going to ride with a stick and just tap tap the shoulders tap the high quarters um yeah so it won't work and that's similar to this you wouldn't really want to have to like do it cuz it as firm as you may have to tap him if you did it with this it would probably get him more defensive yeah it does yeah okay so we'll switch that too I'm also going to have you change St tactics and when you tap him you're going to tap him on the shoulder okay you're not going to tap on the H quarters because what's interesting about horses is it doesn't matter as much where the pressure at it's more of when it's at and how much was it if you're taking notes write that down if you're not taking notes write that down that's a really key thing um because a lot of people think like for instance if a horse isn't going in the trailer a horse trailer they think oh I need to tap them right when they're by the trailer on the butt it's like no no you don't at all that actually might have an opposite effect and you might they might associate that tapping with the trailer because they're standing right there I could take the horse away from the trailer and I could could uh move its shoulder around them and then go back to the trailer and now they're going to see the trailer as relief because over there was pressure does that make sense yeah and so it's like it's more of when and how much versus where um and so so because we've already tapped him on his hind quarters um I think tapping him on a shoulder will be a better strategy if he kicks out when you tap him so there's a few things that are critical here one is that you tap him in the shoulder not a sign course another one is the timing you're going to give him a very subtle Quee I want a voice cue and I want a slight squeeze with the legs to go and soft voice cue too not like you know go like just a you know whatever you Q use um if he kicks out or even thinks about kicking out you're going to pick up the rain up and you're going to ask him to yield his hind quarters so you can bump him with your leg and ask him to yield his hind quarters and then you're going to settle okay that's if he kicks out if he doesn't kick out and if you bring your life up you give him a subtle q and he doesn't go and tap him the next thing is reset not keep tapping keep going reset so if he goes forward after the tap we don't it's not acceptable he has to go off of the subtle Q first does that make sense so that order is very important and by resetting it makes it not about like I'm going to make you go it makes it like you don't have to go but if you don't go I'm going to tap you when you do go I won't tap you does that make make sense um all right so just just accept this walk until he thinks about stopping you probably could like power through it a little bit and and the groundwork would carry this ride a little bit um which hopefully would indicate that um that there's some room for improvement there by doing some more yields than just circling but I do want to I do want to challenge him and test him a little bit in the saddle because there's it's going to show up again because he's done it so frequently it's going to happen and so I want to make sure you have the the tools and the sequence to um be sure about that now what I want you to do is reach down with your outside rain and roll back into the wall so you're going to turn into the wall and I'm having you do this because I just wanted to let them stall out let them stall out okay I just wanted to do something different that he was kind of not as much expecting now take your time here let me let me talk you through this so relax smile because part of it is if you're anticip ating it too like you have to forget that he's ever done that okay um you just have to be really present in the moment with him so is your stick ready to tap him in the shoulder okay so just bring hands are forward just bring your life up squeeze very subtly give him the voice cue tap on the shoulder and reset relax everything very important that you relax everything no just do that for now this for for the beginning part here is a little more about you just getting the sequence down so we're going to take our time we're going to go through it real slowly so you're really sure of each thing so now again you're going to bring your life up squeeze one tap and you got to tap him firmer than that yep and then we're going to stop and reset again so that was too fat to yeah bend them around disengage the high quarters strong use your leg yep good one more good and stop relax so he's like no relax no rains so now he's a little bit like huh I wasn't expecting to run into pressure for that so now we have the if if you do that here's the pressure now I want to go slow with this not for him but for you to make sure you do the sequence because that time when I wasn't talking you through it you did it very quickly you went one two three I want it to be one two three and three is the firm tap one is bringing your life up and actually it's one two three four because it's like you're going to go through that sequence so that's a pattern so part of the reason this will work is we're going to let the pattern do the work versus just adding in more pressure and trying to make it happen one time okay the only thing is when you tap him it's not about tapping him hard enough that he for sure goes it's about tapping him enough that it made him uncomfortable that he didn't really want you to tap him again okay so I would say you need to if there was a a pressure meter I would do one click up from where you were okay you were you were one click too low okay so bring your life up squeeze relax because he gave you a try and for the next like 10 rides you need to become an expert at this sequence okay because it's going to take a little bit of time because he's going to test it frequently but you have to keep your composure and do the right thing each time in order for this to eventually disappear but if you just power through it and you just go the heck with it I'm just going to do this or that and make it happen that moment instead of letting this be a process and about un him understanding if you don't do that it'll keep showing up at really inconvenient moments it'll it'll continue to be very inconsistent but if you get really good at this sequence every time you think go and bring your life up he'll be ready to go okay but it takes time to reins a new pattern when they've learned a bad pattern to start with okay so let's redirect him into the wall go the other way no legs release him yep good okay let's ask him to stop it probably would have been fairly easy to get him to trot but I want to I want to First make sure he's understanding this at a at a standstill here okay so you're relaxed that's important whenever you reset you relax all the way so right now we're doing this slowly but the real time of this um let me see the stick for a second this is what it would look like in real time life up I'm squeezing tap reset life up squeeze see now he knows the voice cues he's so smart does that make sense so I you reset for a moment and then you go again but what what's hard for people when I teach them this is after they tap they're a little bit and so their next cue is like one two three four and they they get to it again yeah you got to let them time to process because this is about the conversation of it not about how many laps you do right now you're making it completely about the quality of response to you eventually what happens is you bring your life up he's ready to go into it it's not even the squeeze or the the voice queue you know and he'll get there the end of like that's what I mean about yeah yeah because there's it's because it's not that hard to go forward on a horse like that's one of the easiest things for them to do um but because he's testing it it's going to be intermittent and it needs to be about this conversation that's why I said if you don't if if you don't stick with this very consist 10 rides is almost more for you than for him to like be really good at it so that your default habit if he shuts down on you isn't to get bigger and power through this is one of the problems with strong riders or good Riders is the horse will be making mistakes and they'll ride through it if if you put your trainer hat on and the the client that owns him is uh a person who has like no leg muscles whatsoever and is very feeble and they have to be able to go for walk for Trot and for caner and he has to go if you said that was my job I have to create that you wouldn't be able to be that strong Rider and just power through you would have to find a pattern and some psychology and get him to be wanting to do it with you does that make sense and so I can tell you're a strong Rider and that's great because that means you've reached that level of confidence and understanding about your cues and everything but the problem is you don't want to it's not about you showing him how much you know about it it's about bringing him along where he's at and and bringing and improving his level of understanding what that pressure means okay life up wow squeeze little not a hard squeeze just a little squeeze reset and don't release your legs either go ahead and stop him yep by stopping him this is also important because that's how you're communicating to him this isn't about going this is about you saying yes ma'am when I when I ask you to go and he blow out and relax yeah because he's he's anticipating things happening right now and so we're confusing him a little bit by like this isn't what you know we don't normally sit here this long it's normally just about going forward but literally by stopping him and resetting you're making it not about going forward so when I'm working with a horse that won't go in a trailer I have to completely put myself in the mindset even if we're late the person's late and they're stressed out and it's like we're all running late we got to go you have to all that has to be to the side the more I can convince the horse that I'm there all day long there's no pressure the quicker they're going to go in the trailer so that make sense so you really have to be in that frame of mind hands forward life up squeeze relax good and the reason I'm having you put all these cues together is because I want them to learn to say give you good responses to all the above you can refine it and say whatever cue you would like to be your first cue to go forward my cue is squeezing with my legs to go forward at a walk no I don't have a voice cue for that um but you can do whatever you want but for now I kind of wanted because he was BRAC at each one of those individually I wanted to go ahead and use them to uh change his thought pattern about what those mean right now all those mean go forward okay now let's go through it at uh asking him to trot so it's the exact same sequence if you have to reset you reset now back to the walk not a stop pick him up pick him up yield the H quarters strong strong leg leg and settle so relax if he's walking that's fine now you bring your legs on quick like pretty strong I want you to just send that energy down your legs and start to squeeze like more slowly okay life up start to bring your energy down to your legs and reset come back to a walk softly back to a walk yeah life up woo there we go oh very nice that one feel pretty good yeah redirect him back to the wall relax life up very nice you're doing great go ahead and redirect him back into a wall again sit turn into the wall life up and we've got him Bend him around and yield the high quarters there cuz see that winning out says he's with the the herd over there not with you so do it inter Interruption of some sort like the roll back was great you could Bend him and do the high quarters but again I would put a focus on this I'm giving I'm saying like 10 rides that if you really follow this to a te it'll it'll it'll be a GameChanger for all the rest of his development because you're going to take some time to put in this qualities of response him seeing you as the leader being more connected to you and then that will lead to a very trainable easy horse for all the other things you want to do um let's work on halt to try so we're going to sign him up okay so now when you do that you're expecting him to trot off now reset good and when you tap him I want you to tap him firmer than that and go that's okay you can go go Bend pick him up yes strong strong H quarters now stop and settle relax okay now next time when we reset to a walk if he kind of wants to go I want you to go with it a little more like reset stand still if he stand still for a moment we're yeah yeah because we want him in that frame of mind so we don't want to tell him no don't go too many times okay so take your time life up pick him up yield the quarters strong strong strong strong and relax if you were able to to have his head bent and use the stick and tap him on the butt that'd be pretty cool okay life up squeeze take your time reset he didn't kick out there I probably would let that one go hands down hands down relax life up good now do you see how we have a little tension there you hear that okay go ahead and bend him down there so I would try to not pull back on both re I'm saying Bend him down and I would just have you bend him with one rain that will still help with the idea of like we're not going to pull on you to slow down and um and that okay so go ahead and halt we loose loose rain relax and then go through those cues slowly ooh that wasn't bad all right I think we'll take that one now if I'm riding him and I hear that noise I'm going to be bending him and doing doing some things that put his body in a Bend where his hind quarters are crossing over and he's bending his rib gauge I'm going to help him relax a little bit there because that means there's a there's some tension in there let's do that so come out here to the middle and just see if you can walk him around your inside leg and you're looking for him to just do a partial disengagement in his hind quarters so smaller slide your leg back a little more good good good perfect so I would when you hear that noise I wouldn't keep going I would I would recover Bend him down get him thinking go go back again and just play with that if you can get him to just move off with even less tension because those are things that would be easy enough to just skim over but they're going to show up like I said at a times any holes you leave in your foundation as you train them through Upper levels of whatever sport you're in you you leave holes in there that come up at really inconvenient times um so I think it's important to take your time so the sequence you did a great job make sure when you tap in the shoulder it's enough to be effective make sure you go through those levels of pressure slowly take your time time through it cuz you the only kind of mistake that you made is you would go through them kind of quickly you would go 1 2 3 4 it's one two three cuz that gives him time to think and make a decision yeah and if he gets there before you get to four we're we're happy and if you're doing it from a stand still which you should practice quite a bit um you bring him to a standstill and then you start going through it and then let's say he walks and eventually does Trot um you could still tap him but I'm going to let him go forward I'm not going to hold him back there at that moment okay so it's like we're our say our goal is halt to trot and you put your hands down and you bring your life up and he starts going you still go one two three four and now you're trotting but we don't accept it now we're going to come back to a halt and I would have you do that with one rain just like talk them into the walk again or a stand still with one rain versus both rains save both rains for when you pick up contact and you want them to give you flexion or stopping or something it's not worth it uh pulling on him there with both rains when he's when you want him to go forward anyways does that sound good so it's easy enough just to redirect his energy with one rain um so that would be the the setup for that we're not going to tell them no you you can't move at all unless you're trotting but it's like I'm still going to follow through and tap you because you should have gone faster back there it gives those other cues more meaning when you do follow up the tap what do you do if he kicks out B yeah lift him up yield the H quarters and you got to do it fair strong because you think how strong he's kicking out pretty strong right he's not like like I don't want to go forward he's like no you know I mean he means it so you have to mean it when a horse is the you know if this was a scale if he's this level committed to not going forward you have to be just slightly above it or it's not effective if you come in anywhere under here not as a it won't work in fact it could have an opposite effect it could teach him to wear it more you know at that point so you got to get slightly above their level of commitment in order for them to go yeah that was not not worth it easier to go forward was that helpful yeah that was helpful thank you awesome um so what were your uh takeaways what's going to stand out to you the most there um I think working on the ground on on his yields especially like before we start and then doing all those things slowly in a sequence and just practicing that for a while till we're pretty solid there awesome do you feel comfortable doing those do you know like you know how to do those y awesome um are you a patreon member yes awesome that's how we talking very good thank you very much for having us out today is pleasure working with you and uh you have to keep me posted on how it goes in the future thank you [Music]
Channel: Ryan Rose
Views: 106,582
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: horse, horse training, horse kicks, kick, kicks, horse trainer, horses, Ryan, rose, Ryan rose, rose horsemanship, horsemanship, ground work, English, western
Id: zMOmeyr8Wpk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 38sec (3038 seconds)
Published: Tue May 21 2024
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