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[Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so outside playing what can I say about it how do you effectively use it a lot of the times outside playing is categorized as just tension and release and that's what we're doing we're maybe playing a couple notes outside the scale and then figuring out a way to smoothly transition back to home base it's not just the notes you're playing it's not just shifting those notes out of place it's also thinking about where you're placing it with the music that's happening behind you for example I really like placing more outside ideas at the end of four-bar phrases because a lot of the time that's kind of when a lot of movements happening maybe the drummer is playing a fill or something else like that maybe the bassist is playing a little bit busier or just doing something different and you'll find that if you put outside ideas kind of and then land right back on the one on bar five then it'll be really satisfying it's a really nice feeling to get that how do we play outside for people who aren't used to playing outside especially guitar players there is something that you can kind of try to twist your ear into getting used to that sound and that's basically taking the pentatonic scale sliding into notes outside of that scale I can show you what I mean we can take that a minor pentatonic scale and let's take the top note of each string and kind of slide into half step above and what you get is a pentatonic scale and then you have sort of outside ideas like [Music] so there we get the the major third we get the major seventh and we get the flat five but yeah the idea is to get used to hanging on some of those notes and and just being able to hear that in your head as like oh yeah I can land there so let's let's play it to the backing track and I can kind of show you what I mean [Music] [Applause] [Music] yeah anyway that's the idea so if you aren't used to playing other skills like maybe the Dorian scale or anything else start with that and then the next step level two of that is basically being able to sidestep with something like the pentatonic scale you know just taking that shape and then either moving the whole shape up half a step or starting from below and that kind of sounds like this this is a really cool trick [Music] [Music] another idea you can take is using the altered scale to resolve back into a minor so what I like to do is think of the five chord of whatever humpy that I'm in so I'm in the key of a minor so that means the five chord would be e 7 e 7 sharp 9 and I would take the e altered scale and use that as a device to get back into a minor and what's really cool about that is that you're taking an idea that's very functional in nature e the e 7 to a minor is just such a common sound that if you superimpose five to one ideas over a static chord progression like a guy here then it makes a lot of sense because your ear is already used to hearing that kind of resolution you know that means you could also use diminished half whole diminish and whatever but let's take a look at the ultra scale which is F melodic minor [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so another way to play using the altered scale is to just think of it in pentatonic form so he altered has G minor pentatonic so if you play G minor pentatonic back to aid minor pentatonic you're also creating a five to one movement and that's a really cool sound to it sounds a little bit like this [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] I kind of went back a little bit to alter it at the very in there but as you can see it's like a very wide intervallic sound very ambiguous and it's just cool so take some of these ideas and hope you have fun with them
Channel: Brian Sheu
Views: 14,697
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Fusion, Jazz, Guitar, Shred, Funk, Improvisation, Outside, Concepts, Lesson
Id: gB4KFbJqYsQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 0sec (480 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 06 2020
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