the secret to "playing out" like the fusion greats

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foreign [Applause] [Music] I'm gonna show you two ways to play out infusion playing out in this case does not mean imposing some sort of chord on a chord or playing an exotic scale I'm talking about actually playing chromatic patterns that have very little to do with the music but by the power of the rhythms that you're actually executing over the groove they carry you through and they sound like you're falling downstairs or something this is a tool used by Scott Henderson Matheny Schofield a lot and we're just gonna work on one Rhythm so we're gonna play a phrase that's gonna sit on the 16th note Groove so just imagine but that'll be like a measure right one two three four and we're going to play sixteenth notes and the grouping I wanna show you is three and five right so imagine three and five that makes up eight notes one two three one two three four five but what we're going to do is we're gonna displace that by a sixteenth note so it's gonna be like one two three four one so that five and the group of five is gonna be on the beat right so again real slow one knee and the two e and the three and the four e and the one two three one two three four five one two three one two three four five one two three one two three four five now because of how it's displaced and how it's grouped this Rhythm becomes a great vehicle for moving nonsense so I'm just gonna show you a pattern goes like this and I'm just gonna play the same visual pattern on all the strings even though on some of them like the B and G string it's a different interval set than it would be in other ones so check this out if I just go thank you doesn't sound like much slow but when I do it fast and in time and on a Groove like that it becomes this very different thing right one two e and the three and the four and uh [Applause] very different sound now to play this kind of out stuff you need to have a very good sense of home of what you're resolving to so the examples I played here were just in B flat minor just imagine a B flat minor chord so B flat minor pentatonic would be a good place to resolve to now I'm just going to start it at a random place and land in something that resembles B flat minor Pentatonix I'm gonna go [Applause] thank you aha right sounds pretty sick another example I played is more like a circle four thing with that idea so circle of fourth for those of you who don't know you just create major chords that are fourths apart so if you start let's say on B flat it would go from B flat to E flat to a flat etc etc and it just Cycles through all 12 Keys now something that you can do is just play the first arpeggio and then sort of play chromatically on the second one and repeat and if you repeat patterns like that you get these patterns that descend and whole steps why whole steps well if I start on that B flat that first B flat is right here I go up a fourth and then a whole step down is that next chord so imagine if I'm just playing over the first one chromatic on the second one and then again on the third one chromatic and the four fourth one I can have patterns that let's say sound like [Music] [Applause] whatever and so it's kind of like playing on the first one very spelled out and on the second one very chromatic so I'll show you a pattern that follows this Rhythm now starting from a random place just maybe this E flat Triad right here I'm gonna go that's a Triad maybe even make it a seven chord but now chromatic on the second chord [Applause] one two three one two three four five of them imposing that same rhythm again [Applause] it's important to remember that this thing sounds so out that starting it in a random place is not going to be so bad as long as you know how to take it back home to the tonality ideally you want to leave from an in place and land in an in place and throw this in the middle so if I just slow it way down and play some sort of example over this groove at like 66 BPM sounds like this [Music] [Music] [Applause] hmm [Music] so in conclusion this kind of chromatic playing infusion can be very very good to spice up your lines and it's a different kind of approach than Harmony than using modes and superimposing sounds it's mostly just getting the chops together and really hearing those kind of rhythms that have all the syncopation you need to carry very dissonant phrases through the tune very cool I hope you like this please subscribe click all the buttons and we'll see you next time
Channel: marbinmusic
Views: 13,977
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Keywords: how to play like allan holdsworth, scott henderson, pat metheny, john scofield, how to play outside, jazz fusion lesson
Id: 8Dmhx1aDTj8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 15sec (435 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 25 2023
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