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just me enjoy the jellies on the toilet he's won like equals one squeeze let's go alright I think I'm innocent - yes Oh way to die okay I could not believe I survived that okay okay I'm gonna make hitting really fast slay me portal up there all right no no no no I thought we used to go up by the way okay let's go I'm going I'm hitting way harder than I usually hit I don't know what's happening Josh do you want to jump into the flaming portal hole with me I can try oh that was a bit far that was a bit okay oh there's a there's a barrel to your left that has a flamed portal hole in there and if you're landing there you'll get to the other flaming portal hole I know it might sound crazy but it's probably I'm also not gonna bother with that way too fast oh wait knows a little jump if I I almost landed in a hole there if I go in that hole I would have made it so it would have been impressive so what do I do Jordan just go slow not too hard are you sure about that still too hard to add a little bit more do you know how many shots I'm on go a little bit slower than that possible Jody listen to my advice can we restart why [Music] especially me come on Josh do it slow how can you not shoot slow I'm trying wait I'm not moving my mouse with never under shot it have you true there you go you make good point that was an hour was it oh no I got this then that one would have made it you got it now I got it in 12 a little bit behind I will find out what did you fail yeah don't go too fast Josh okay what this is why I fell off again all right rhod him I'm just lining up this shot this is a tough shot oh my okay come on okay Josh was very worried about me I love you too oh yes I think I go good shot God perfect oh there is actually hating me I use like two shots up no way you kidding me no are you kidding me Josh free me really just there we go now you did it right okay yes great yeah are you kidding me I look away for two seconds whoa Josh I can't even do this okay into the red Tory you are being me by so many points I don't know I'm doing that Josh I don't know I'm the great kidding me this oh my this is not going well don't worry whole five whole five you are not a professional oh oh oh are you kidding me that's really come on you gagging no no Josh really I think I just use myself I think that I think that that works for me though it just sends me back yeah wait you can even get to the other side of this what that has to be different all this is just a tricky hole Josh you must be him oh I don't even do it myself you missed me up good Josh no no no no no no yes yes wait are you really oh you actually are okay I'm just gonna do this hey no I'm feeling so odd yes come on this is it right this is right Josh I felt a little bit of anger coming off it that's definitely yeah definitely just definitely a little boy today with you Josh Wow just remind it's a little as it every right I'm ready there you go got to be ready ready the entire all right okay Julia we know gonna take it a bit slower no I want to get a holy one Oh actually you did better than I did Josh yeah I did okay now let's go take your time there is a waterfall here Josh and I am afraid and that's why you're going first well thank you you the other side waterfall Josh I made a waterfall oh god um wait first times up there yep this is where I get the memo I claim it back get the memo you should have got the memo oh my goodness I've water on my table again we need to be a bit more what the hell just where am I am I getting a hole-in-one no no did you just really get art I smashed it as hard as I could though to be fair well that's what I did with your mom to last night Hey I did it in the three but I did it at school as you did it Josh yeah but not as cool clothes there buddy that's right all right well wrong way it's not here you sure about that yeah no he's right well I still think you're lying medium risk medium reward I'm doing the medium risk medium reward you should definitely go for very hard Josh it's definitely the best I'm looking for a something okay I risk Hyrule is my reward was easiest I didn't know go hard enough did not go fast enough okay well I I did it I guess did I make it I think I made it I think I did as well wait are you kidding me Wow are you kidding me I did just did one and then it sends you back well they weren't lying about the high risk it's injury why don't you back to the start are you kidding are you joking no I'm not you don't you Oh what the hell it was just a tricky one but where were you supposed to land I don't know let's go Louis maybe there's another way to do it if that makes it I don't know how you're supposed to don't know if I'm gonna land on this let's see it was just a trick Josh it was just a trick it's this count it was just a trick Josh there is no other way we can stop bamboozled I think that if we went harder or slow or something how because you can't shoot it into the hole you shoot the hole and then there might have been one into the sky Jordi there might be one in the sky I'm really high up I'm gonna I'm gonna be around I need to get to the bottom of this well I'm just yeah so we're gonna high risk there's a hole up here I don't know if it's that Sauers I didn't know there is a hole in the sky maybe at the at the roof you're supposed to go to a different place Oh media reward would have been a hole-in-one okay so it was just a trick it was just a no no you had to go hard and then he would've popped you over the other side of the roof oh there's a hole on the other side he just would have had to have gone straight down the middle I think no no you go straight down the hole yeah what is this hole shape by the way okay okay all right on to the next one oh my risk baby I'm guessing that I didn't do it that's good I'm going oh I nearly got high-risk got the front door okay I can do it I mean now in the perfect place for it I can do this I got it low risk I'll take it life oh yes okay that was a bit too hard I am racking up these points yeah [Applause] because how else am I supposed to get didn't lie hey come on medium-risk let's go low risk is low risk is way too much oh my god what just happened you just shot into a portal which shot you bounced me into another portal which bounced you back okay okay screw this thing I'm on nine points by the way perfect bounce oh my god there you go nice show yeah it's horrible this is hard you got it boy nice now well on the right side not too hard not too hard there's no edge behind it Jordy I'm gonna fail this there you go Oh God this is what it came to I have to bounce I have to bound work let's go to the next one all right thank you about making my video very entertaining it's okay I live to entertain I just screwed myself up and I made it further [Music] I honestly I'm getting a bit upset bounce back in yes okay Jordy I'm taking it so see the problem is is when jelly's not here then I'm the worse and that's like a serious pressure on the left side just cheated there ya go what's that so hard where did your creativity go judge up man okay all right all the way all the way all the way you know what they say Josh you know what they said judge and you still did it though did it really I should take your time I've got this Jordy one shot one dan dan dan dan they're dead okay not bad not bad all right and then just finish it last shot just finish it okay and once again a DNF for Josh I'm nearly double your points which way is easy it's gonna be the hard one oh gosh I'm looking at the right one this is definitely easy how did that go Josh well wait is there a cheat very tough this whole Josh business Jordan something in my eye well blink and get it out of here I've been sabotaged exactly what I needed now that he's down Oh Jordy I'm struggling during the the okay Josh which way is easy right right just go my way okay I mean it's not easy but I'm a nine strokes I'm gonna get our strokes on this thing that's good that's good no it's not good it's really bad eleven strokes and I actually tried I'm Troy yeah you're not gonna make through that whole I've never seen a hole like that before oh my god what about something more of your taste isn't it oh you can't go stuck in the hole yep in there let's pop over all right this is my moment you ready yes okay okay and we're back you need to get in the middle Josh shortcut cannot make it so nearly made the shortcut I so nearly made it God saved me three hits Jeff you did not do a shortcut you little liar no I mean it's everybody's gonna save me two hits I mean gosh what are you doing what are you doing skills go up there go just play oh my god no way you just did that yes okay you just absolutely didn't save a single hit because you could have just gone over there but whatever this is my money three there three there you see that little hole right in front of you go come on focus oh you can just do it in two okay now just shoot on there my base to go to in the same as you which is fine same as me there we go on to the next one thirteen yeah yep I think you're a lot further ahead than me so good great actually the same Josh no I'm like really far behind golf course oh no I just cheated I'm sorry you cheated I'm actually getting great scores over here you've got like your whole school is red Jodie it's it for three numbers before three of them are green and the other one is yellow that's my shoot like a man right I'm trying a giant golf course Josh go yes that's it right now where Jodie you lied to me whoa look at that yeah I told you I told you have to go slow and go there right yeah I'm already sure that was exactly what you said right there's the hole you just go in now you got it got a big bogeys all right you go ahead and three that was impressive okay all right already boink crash you have to let me know first what's up with this is that's easy that's it Josh they just wanted mean to suck I just got a par are you got into you kidding me that's eight Josh it's right there that's the hole yeah I got info man's well be two per face that's amazing all right well what we expecting this um okay I'll go first are you kidding me Jordy are we inside of each other no you hit me right now sorry Josh it's not my intention Oh what is happening ah come on step up your game boy wait you could cheat I'm getting hacked Hey oh no you don't oh no no don't cheat you cannot cheat this this is a trap Josh whatever you do do not following that hole there what hey where would it go it goes back and I got him from there No Oh yuck seriously that was not gold that was not that good go Josh yes there we go done [Music] okay Josh you know what what we're gonna I'm gonna help you out with you next three hey that sounds good hey I'll go first I'll tell you okay nice powerful hit yeah you got it nice and then we have to get up there I feel no it's gonna be hard tricky like that's gonna be nice interested like this just like kill me nice it's nice and powerful oh and I'm off and I'm off the side yeah no Josh it's all wrong wait hey are you kidding me Josh come on nice and nice and hard just like I you yeah I'll sit yesterday hey go Josh nice and hard nice and hard I'm talking about okay get in here let's get up on the pipe and we just go between the holes I'm so sorry for your loss judge there's there's nothing like you kid I can't do it now I can't do it now oh boy okay it's actually pretty hard if you get the wrong one here but you can do this Josh I'm gonna spectate you in a second give me some more tips more tips and tricks oh yes getting that whole getting that whole getting Josh accidentally was okay so maybe I shouldn't be complaining too much there you go in Nice making records okay - easy what seems suspicious [Music] hole in one wait why is it yellow that was what is up with that hole [Music] okay Josh did I just pass you I think you might have yes how did you do that I don't know I just read very hard Danny we're doing a golf race son I hate you you even passed me keep on doing the golf race no I'm still going Josh I'm still on one yes I'm doing this already not on one hit so that's my day oh I'm home eating me just as hard as you can Jack come on yes keep going baby actually I'm on - this has really hurt my feelings yes yes do it still going Josh I'm still on one it no did you fool God at the start okay let's go well at least you get to enjoy it all again oh I'm near the end of near the end I'm gonna make it into I didn't even get a hold of one of them one flip happy you're gonna get the same as me and you've read it thanks for playing and I can still lose right yeah I mean you'd have to know you call him you've won whatever happiness it made it spectate me and just pray pray for me I'm praying that you fail I'm praying that somehow the golf gods will give you minus points or no no I'm okay my full speed full speed no this is where - oh that's Paul's story that's fast and right here I flew out okay you're fine you're fine unfortunately you are fine do you think I'll have enough time Josh wait visor or roof there that's dangerous a roof what so much thanks for playing oh it's thanks wait you're a three you have to do your double yes oh yeah [Music]
Channel: Slogo
Views: 925,118
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: slogoman, slogomanify, funny moments, gaming, game, golf, golf it, kwebbelkop, golf with friends, giant golf, mini golf, golf course
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 40sec (1360 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 01 2017
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