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judge this is not a real map it's the ultimate challenge map apparently um what basically what every map is slightly different every course what and how did you mess that up oh why jelly how did you mess it up look at this uh i thought this was just gonna be a straight line i told you it was gonna be a challenge i thought he was just gonna beat a straight line but i don't understand for me it's just i told you it was gonna be a challenge his voice it's it's doing that it's tilted i don't know why i got it in three billion jelly jelly how did you mess that up gently this is so easy what's that up jelly guster out here go come on oh wow i thought this was going to be much easier yeah this is going to be a lot interesting okay oh no okay we got a booster now that pushes us backwards oh okay i just flew out of the map legends [Music] there's a booster there josh how big is this booster well bigger than your booster am right don't what are you doing oh no josh you can't can you stop touching oh there you go now you're good now you're all right you're gonna be little yeah it's the boys christmas snow all right now for the next one let's go i'm gonna let jelly go first uh billy what just happened there uh i i don't know like wait oh my god guys no [Applause] all right now i'm like super suspicious about the cause got him okay wait what the hell is this all right interesting yeah i'm gonna let you guys figure it out oh darling there's wood in there what why is it what what's up oh it shoots you out oh no oh no you got it you got it you got it you got it there you go okay okay oh my goodness what's in the sky a portal why portal why yeah there's like a shadow there are many portals oh my goodness what i did what the hell what just happened it i went to the side don't hit me please don't kill me i can't really hear you oh wait it's a reset no no no no no no come on come on can it stay here so where does it reset no no please stay here don't reset what is going on over here this is such a unique course okay julie did it bounce off the left oh okay now we've been caught the glitchy bit all right okay all right what's next something's over there there there's just a bump there oh okay just a bump okay just a bump oh okay thanks jelly [Music] that please oh god so it's all about the edge okay it was all about the edge i love edging gosh don't do it too okay don't edge too fast all right all right i made it in josh just gonna do it at six yeah it's so creative isn't it what the hell strap is cool i like it okay no no no no you go first i'm so it's free of flipping okay i did not see that i did not see that you didn't see it genuinely no guys guys good luck with this one look look look if you hit it too fast okay oh my this is so odd too fast this one's very nice and tough [Music] that's what i'm talking about i'm not so bad about it good luck guys [Music] absolutely nothing lucky about you you're my baby jelly you're my baby babe baby baby baby all right where's the where's the catch oh oh it appears and it disappears oh no the back wall i hit jordy outback bye-bye doesn't actually exist oh really yeah really hey hey perfect oh wait can we even be here i have no idea no no oh my goodness are you kidding me oh jenny i thought that was coming back me too but i risked it raw jordy is good it's actually difficult because you can't actually stay anywhere you just gotta do it from here jordy you gotta do it oh god double bogey am i the only one who flew out the back yeah yes it's really sad okay he's going to go first gotta go fast enough to make that bouncy bounce teddy has hit me no no i'm on the edge but this is going to be okay that's going to roll in go go go everyone's inside of me yeah i cannot shoot by the way anyone respawn please okay i respawned i can shoot now can you shoot julie it's josh no it's josh it has to be josh it has to be josh come on josh josh just waited for me to respawn to get that extra point going you know nice every point counts this is really hard so close because you're gonna get like a nice bounce yes no not mine just read one go can i there you go oh josh oh i could have hit you i love you i love you josh and jilly that was a really nice shot all right well at least i'm pushing into the first place look at the next map are you kidding me this one's easy what do you mean okay i didn't realize it dips down nope nope all right [Applause] okay do not go on the right side do not go on the right oh jelly ninny had it do not do it but the issue is i bounced back so you just bounce back right in there nice one guys thanks dad why did i hit i didn't even okay i don't think we can make this one guys what's the plan to like like get hit in by accident that's the only thing that can happen oh this is just not guys come on determination is all we need you know uh no this is it this is anything but determination close to this wall you can't even get on i went straight through that boy oh no you just fly over what the hell how am i supposed to do this i'm on my tenth shot well i'm on i'm on 11. i'm on 11 12 right now i'm not too sure this is gonna no no no what if we go slow okay it's possible but it's tough it's definitely not 50 miles possible i've got one more no okay i was i was i was getting i even screwed up my last one well everybody how do you do this so it was too difficult oh boy way too hard way too hard okay okay let's go all right a tight rope don't take the tightrope there's a boost at the end rip no no oh damn it okay that's that's a trick it's [Music] oh no the boosted you back okay oh execution execute oh my god [Music] that was really not my intention but it was hilarious he actually hit me well i was trying to hear you into the hall julie yeah but it would have been the same effect oh wait no you mean the actual hole go on jelly go on jello so close really lucky wow you just doubled your points because it's perfect i love it guys i uh no i'm not i'm going too slow okay that's that's how you got to do it boys can you want to hit me please you cannot go fast no no well you'll go back by the way it doesn't respawn josh come on thank you thank you josh thank you josh all right let's get it going julie hey let's join am i making any progress nope nope um yeah i'm gonna have to respond manually gosh i'm going back oh my god i made it i got really lucky with that you need the perfect shot at the perfect time oh crap i want 10 hit hit r make sure to hit r by the way how am i on ten oh my god come on roll child [Music] back and forth and bounce you over whoa yes yes you don't have it josh your final shot oh josh you can do this come on oh i made it on accident um wait oh actually i actually i missed the cannon and made it to the end and i just finished yeah that was thank you i can't even see my phone that just happened josh go for it you got this it's much easier than you think actually wait it's tiny yeah did you make a josh yeah i did it yeah yeah jelly you did it too stop it no no you he made it uh oh okay no way the story of his life story of his life do it really you got to reach one buddy come on believe jesus finally get in front of jelly there you go that's one way of doing it smoke are you kidding me shoot faster shoot faster julie oh you really needs attack he's going back she's not tall enough i did it yeah but we were in the water remember we were above it why is it oh is he not in the water no oh there now you're in the water no it's not of what all right smash it jelly really hard you're putting me really very very smash it really really smash it what oh well you're almost going to the last hole there um i'm sorry jelly jelly this is going to put you quite far behind i'm not going to lie yeah just hit that r button just because you did it we both did it yeah but did i do it because of the glitch like was i the lucky one or what was you know are you really just i think this is just what's supposed to happen i just finished it he's ready for this jump guys that was actually ridiculous i was doing really well and now i'm very sad oh crap it kills you oh not everywhere apparently i got lucky with that wait jordy are you kidding me and into i got a bar actually you got so lucky there you go think about it for a second oh yes oh you're a lucky one good for you julie come on go don't worry he'll screw it up oh he got it he got it shot fifth shot that's the team [Music] it actually respawned me it doesn't respawn jordy but it really i i well i landed next to the hole sorry ah josh messed me up so bad i just did it i call that a how can you not do it come on what is that oh yeah come on come on a little bit faster oh oh oh poor jilly now let him respawn nope doesn't count i wish he took oh it went in him and it gave me the sound no it did it did give me it gave me sound as well but it didn't actually give me a point the game's not with me today guys that wasn't that hard just really really that was like so easy come on that was literally so easy i don't know how you screwed that up well i bounced out there i just got unlucky okay the last one is interesting wait guys you're gonna spawn in any of the old ones oh my god guys get over here no tell me we get a random one you get a random one oh you can pick which one you want to do well i missed it yeah i missed the hall well i'm going for all three can you wait can you wait and we can figure this out okay but i just went into all three i'm sorry but i can fly around okay you guys go all right guys let's fly around and do a review okay okay fly around yeah i got i got the best haul let me just say that okay so i picked all three you cannot pick the same one okay joe do you think it's holding me no well i just already did it are you kidding me you are a cheating boy what do you mean there's another easy hole left but the first person to find it i found it i found it i found it okay well i'm picking mine i'm picking my seven it's bye jelly okay well jilly we're gonna hear about your rules kelly silly hit the portal it didn't even hit the point that's why you can only pick one i told you jelly anyways i'm just gonna oh i accidentally got into seven daily are you kidding me shut up you weren't aiming for eight thanks joshua because i'm already in third place [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Slogo
Views: 1,268,395
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: slogoman, slogomanify, funny moments, gaming, game, golf it, golf, miniature, golf course, hole in one, kwebbelkop, jelly
Id: apWBny_AeBk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 50sec (1010 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 25 2017
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