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today's video is very annoying this is a warning for you if you find things annoying then maybe go watch something else or maybe i should be saying that basically our minecraft body will shuffle randomly so we might start off with just a hit and then we'll grow an arm that'll allow us to open doors and break things but then suddenly we might lose our head and then we can't see anything and obviously with only an arm you can't jump up blocks until you grow a leg but if you grow a leg you might lose your arm yeah it's really annoying very confusing look at me now now i have an arm now i don't have an arm now i don't have legs now i'm just a talking head you see how things can change so quickly that's this video but you know what would make me feel better if you guys head over to and check out the brand new merch that's all there's my plug also before we get into the video it would be helpful if you guys click like to return my body back to normal form it's gonna be a bit uncomfortable doing this video without them there we go there's a leg there's an arm and we're done thank you very much for clicking like anyway let's get into the video um whoa does something look a little off to you guys guys where are your arms oh i am ahead too um wait a minute i'm a hit too wait what why are we heads it's something did i not get the memo maybe we should go outside and fix it wait wait we don't have arms and legs we can't try to die but you can't actually open the door seriously i can't open the door um guys i can't break the door either because we don't have arms it's because we don't have arms are you kidding how are we gonna get out of this oh yeah by the way did you guys know that we our job is diamond hunters by the way yes how are we going to get diamonds yeah i mean if you've looked at the diamond storage chest and you can't yeah uh maybe we'll if we get hands we can josh wait oh wait how are we going to get out of here hang on the windows open wait go crazy go let me know let me know go yo it's not letting me through guys i'm too big my head is we got out let me through what are you doing gotta sneak hey we're free guys try to sneak in okay wait wait wait wait you're growing up guys hey hey guys stop hitting each other wait up oh no no no guys come with me come on let's check the chest um lol yeah don't worry guys today today we will get ourselves some more diamonds even though our bodies hurt problematic [Music] you don't need to recycle your entire house yes you don't do are you not thinking about the minecraft environment yes what else are you guys saying it won't come down don't worry about it i don't even understand you guys sometimes wait i can't open the crafting table i need my other arm for the crafting table okay get [Music] well i guess we'll just keep getting wood oh my god oh wait jelly i [Music] what do you call those things that you jump on i don't even know a trampoline we kind of look like oh my god i'm a sea creature this looks so weird uh one of you salmons one of you salmons okay so can we actually do anything with this no i don't think we can we don't keep things yeah that's not very useful you could also walk as a hit can we actually we could farm things look if we jump off we can jump off the farm and get some stuff that's actually surprisingly useful see we are farmers now uh no we need to guys we can actually we can actually use our crafting thing in our envelope oh yeah can we place blocks i still don't have a pickaxe by the way you can't place blocks all right let's uh let's wait and grow another limb and then okay use this time while we can oh i've been waiting this is a weird combo okay i guess we'll break some of the house well you've already pretty much broken it okay okay well you're a part of the problem no i just continued the problem no you're a part of the what is the funny part what are you laughing at oh he made a ball um okay okay oh that is great oh he's less than useless trust me i'm getting everything i can possibly get because um i really don't want to know what we're next should we try to find iron real quick maybe we can actually mine it on time uh yeah we'll have to find a cave jelly i know thank you for the info yeah no worries time i'm not new here okay wow all right i've had a chest i got bread i'm trying to help you daily yeah i don't know what the aggression is for a cave with my two arms okay yeah i'm gonna i'm gonna help you all right i guess we'll just start looking for k's then are you running if you're on two arms yes what is what is the definition of running is it with legs no it's also on arms have you guys never seen people that can do handstands yeah but are they are they running are they handing is that what it's called handing no it's not technically not well it's not called it's not called footing crainer oh oh wait wait my vision is blurry we lost our head what oh my god well just a pair of legs hey guys good news i found a cave bad news guys we literally can't even break anything there is a lag in here guys yeah wait wait okay but we can't oh jelly there's two push them away uh jelly yeah obviously your legs your literally legs what do you expect yeah how are you gonna get this iron guys i don't think wait guys ready anything about it yeah wait no no jelly's the heaviest jedi you do it yeah hodge up on it jelly excuse me how am i thinking it's compact josh we're going on a scale together that's what we're doing well if we go together that's going to be a lot heavier what about me can i join you guys i want to weigh myself with you guys too can we stay on can we stay on topic guys can we stay on topic i can't do anything the only thing we can do is just wait here guys oh hey all right we haven't got legs but hey it was getting all the iron from ourselves do we even need legs guys legs are overrated wait what are we using to move we're skidding on our box yes wait this is crosstalk oh wait it's kind of like when a dog has like an itchy butt and it's like scratching its butt on the carpet that's what we're doing um i'm gonna get iron on my own wait what josh don't get out of here what are you guys doing where are you perfect i know you can't steal my eyes i dropped gravel on jelly's head that's me all right crain how's our iron going it's going all right good man whoa wait for me to smell shut up be quiet excuse me it's your crane i got an iron pickaxe of course you did no jelly you can't take all of it that's illegal no don't take all the higher jelly you took all of the trainers get back here this is your fault for saying it too loud crainer that's illegal did you steal it again no i think that's a yes wait i can't get in wait oh why don't you look like a slug i am literally a i don't have arms great how do we get this block is that what they say they don't say anything it's perfect because now josh cannot steal all the iron you know well if we go well i actually have an iron pig if we get oh oh if we get a creeper still cannot mine crane okay i'm just going to go let's go guys let's go jelly slug crane and slugger hello [Music] oh watch out we got animals i mean mops animals i went the other way guys it's better this way help guys josh skeleton we got kill he hit me don't punch me please skeleton oh a mob spawner that's probably bad you have an arrow in your nothing i know it's in my bum skeleton oh is that anything okay this way there's a lot of mobs down here okay this is good this is good hopefully we'll grow a limb soon ah no i'm sucking goblin but he says ow out yeah trader just don't follow a slog i've never heard that how am i supposed to help you i don't have arms jobs guys i found something cool no i doubt that gold okay thank you great a ravine oh okay we'll come to you for that oh geez oh my god oh my god jelly about it he hasn't blown up yet help job ow yeah this is bad wait we literally can't jump a block ah wait we can place blocks somehow yeah but we can't go up stairs if you can't put a crafting table oh yes i can't craft guys wait no we this is okay this is bad wait oh crap we can go up the water i guess uh yeah this is not good there's nothing else i'm gonna fight diamonds this way guys i don't i don't know oh no oh no no i fell down guys guys all right well josh is stuck there forever come with me jelly jelly oh my gosh just enjoy it just enjoy it goodbye josh the arm he's trying to get us he's trying to get us in a door here wait this is actually good i'm out oh we are something again finally oh that worked yes okay um oh uh nope that's lapis gosh dang it yeah create a credit card so so lapis credit card [Music] you did it you did it wait so what do we do to end the year did we ever know if there was a way to end it well i hope so i mean what else well you're doing this we did it we found diamonds so now i can die oh well yeah actually this is a good point crainer this is a good way to end the curse we just die yeah why didn't i think of this in the first place thanks for watching the video is the only place you need to go forever in your entire life and also if you want to watch another video there are videos on the screen go and tap those videos and uh wait what does it do oh yeah it'll take you to the next one
Channel: Slogo
Views: 2,529,486
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: slogoman, gaming, slogo, minecraft, body shuffle, mod, jelly, crainer, challenge
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 30sec (690 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 01 2021
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