Playing Minecraft as a HELPFUL Golden Dragon!

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my friend is having the hardest day in minecraft until he finds this adorable golden dragon who is here to help other players want him gone but this golden dragon unlocks the most amazing powers but other players are jealous of his new friend who is secretly me will i be able to keep my friend safe and avoid being taken all right grab some of this [Music] pierce i'll do it again you want more guys more tantrums okay don't worry about it and i will defend my house the good old-fashioned way with more tnt caterpie [Music] [Applause] no i'm i don't need anyone else's help it's fine i can rebuild the house let me just uh go to my totally not secret face may not need anyone else but maybe he needs like a big strong dragon i have this dragon cookie oh i should do this over here menu okay um let's see oh that's a big oh that's a big drag wait oh man i have to have stuff in my inventory to do oh man i only have like 12 gold oh i can afford this baby wagon all right let's become a baby dwight [Music] look at the hatch what oh i got powers i can't use them maybe i can get ian hatch me and then i'll be like oh you're cute and it's a gold egg secret base where'd it go oh oh that's not much of a secret but let's see what's up we took everything huh items still at least have one gold ingot it's fine it's fine i can start over i can uh go mining go get some more gold and oh whoa i don't remember pissing here it's a big golden nugget heavy what what's happening [Music] oh that was an egg and you hatched from it oh look at this adorable little dragon you're so small yeah you know you're like even smaller than my friend out now oh but you are kind of cute uh hey that's the golden no no no no no it's fine that's fine i can go get more golden eggs but looks like you you like gold huh [Music] oh it'd be nice to be a golden dragon flying around oh you took it all [Music] oh you are so cute you are so cute look at those little rings this is just trying to tiny you're like you even smile at half house somehow what i want to love you and hug you and call you george [Applause] really really high in the sky it's not too high for me [Music] that's what you get for stealing myself oh speaking of winter oh i got my gold back so much gold and you know what you're like gold too sure why don't you have some oh really wow that is so nice do you do you have anywhere to live it doesn't seem like yet well i i don't have much of a house right now either but i still have my golden base so um [Music] i know what i can do for you come on okay we're flying again that's great that's wonderful okay it's pretty high you're not here where are we going that's a cave that's a cave this is where you live i don't know but you know we couldn't live here if you wanted to if he likes it uh there doesn't seem to be much here yet but you know i got this i bet if we worked really hard we could keep mining and crafting and make a really nice home we can live in and oh my gosh oh well then this is uh this is better i think you and i should uh stick around together i'm gonna name you goldie for the golden dragon and you know what hang on uh i still have some carpet from my old house why don't why don't you have a nice bed right here he's so sweet don't think you ear oh you know what this is a there's a lot of cold water why don't you eat some more okay little dragon now that we've got our new home all squared away i think it's time we visited pearson noyes little prank wars we can go with their houses they're over oh actually they're right there how's that how's it looking coming along pretty good just needs one final trip okay uh i just got to get this done and there oh yeah irresistible um hello oh no not casey casey yeah sure could you come out here i wanted to talk to you about feelings and science [Music] yeah you too always trying to trick people well how do you like getting tricked what ah this prank was your idea wasn't it yeah zayd yeah very nice guys it ain't trying to get out of here i think i want to run about now um [Music] [Music] oh man casey that's too bad that they tried to prank you glad you're okay now have a good day bye bye bye oh that was so nice you wanted to save her hey little dragon little dragon while you were chasing the boys away i took casey's cake he is evil oh don't worry little one i'll share with you here oh you deserve a reward for helping me be the greatest prankster ever yeah how about this okay you can have more kicks oh yay let's see i could have sworn is around here somewhere i i know the two of them have a secret base where they plan all of their pranks because that's what i would do so obviously if they're going to try and be as good a prankster as me the best prankster they're going to have a secret base of their own so it's got to be around here somewhere oh not cameron's house no hey what oh oh yeah that that that's pretty obvious yeah yeah that that's definitely it is a secret base no i know i should have trusted you with this you know it would have been a great prank if you messed it up me for owning a redstone all day maybe you messed it up oh that's impossible i don't know what you're talking about if i messed it up then would i be able to do this yeah what do you think about that huh hey i don't like it when you do it to me ah [Music] animals [Music] we mean golden animals i've never had any golden animals and take a look would you buy that it's got to be okay so now we can turn here's the sheep in the golden right house those are the animals that matter oh you know what that's a classic dragon prank i like it oh come on you don't know what dragon's gotta eat right [Music] what this is more like the gift crackers more fire more that should be like enough well what's ian up to let's find out oh there he is we gotta make sure okay that's good this time right here and then who's gonna have to count that corner hey how's it going um hi that's a little um a little noisy there but it's fine you know um you're really cute oh here's some more ingots to eat listen listen i need to uh have a little bit of ian time you know count my gold i mean there's so much of it you know little gold big gold little or gold big or gold so uh i got stuff to do you know here take some of these and uh you go have fun for a little bit i mean i guess i can go do something else oh maybe i can go prank some other people that'd be great oh hey hey hey little dragon over here over here over here hey hey come here come here could you help me down from this place i helped take me back to my house don't don't ask me how i got up here i got a surprise for you if you if you help me out surprise hey look it's so heavy mad about the that you slaughtered uh earlier hey you know i actually keep sheep in a secret base i'll share with you maybe if you'll join with me and uh prankie and maybe i don't know about that i'll take him home oh come on come on please whoa whoa this is a good time all right okay yeah just drop me off here oh thank you for dropping me here and not way in the air all right come here come here i was thinking all right if you help me out i we turn on ian for a little bit you know just have a little bit of pranks i could give you all the money you could ever eat how about that yeah oh you're good does it sound good no it's not enough okay i get it totally honest uh let me just go look at the fridge real quick uh hey i want to know why don't you just betray ian and come be my little driver you're so cute and so adorable and maybe you could set up a friendship trap and have fun like that yeah yeah yeah wow everybody really likes me now i'm just gonna take you sir thank you little dragon oh this is fun oh i can see my house in here it's right here there you go all right now come on in nuzzle place you know orange is kind of close to gold and if you stay with me i've got lots of the good stuff you want some of that you got a sweet tooth sweet tooth golden sweets maybe i just like gold whoa love being the king of all this gold and it's all thanks to you little one i feel like i i haven't been giving you enough gold to eat with with all the gold you give me so it's more gold more cakes more anything you want you want you want something i can i can buy it for you with all of this gold what do you want i'm gonna go fly around and see what's going on okay yeah you think about that i'll uh get the gold ready here there and what oh my lovely mutton cooking on this campfire would be such a shame if there's a golden dragon would have come down and like steal some of it or nothing uh that would be the worst oh it would be so prank that dumb peers the prank let's see hey hey hey look i got goldman i need your power someone help i've fallen into quicksand and i need help to get out from someone who has wings like a golden dragon really oh you came my hero you know what i'm gonna i'm gonna understand oh you're so wonderful helping me out and getting to safety oh how would you like to this is not quite what i advised um help i'm actually stuck this time help fires making it hot out now burning ah please i am really stuck with him help oh no ian you think you can get away with this what happened they made the cage and uh it was the oldest trick in the book of course this was you yeah of course it was me now is my time to take the golden dragon power for myself once and for all now like come with me let's do something um like this oh thank you i cannot be stopped for i am the golden dragon master the king of minecraft and all of you are just lowly peasants feel my golden wrath look out there dragon everything you see in this hub is mine now because we can turn everything into gold and then everyone out there they don't deserve to be with us with the golden dragon and the king of the golden dragon so you know what we're gonna give them what they deserve [Laughter] come on dragon we're gonna take this server down i do not think that this is what was that oh no what's happening [Applause] at the wild with no barn because i'm blowing it up [Music] hey did you notice some of your cakes were missing that's because it was me you've gone too far i'm sorry but i must end your rate of terror not anymore okay all right [Music] is she i guess as a matter of fact no one can stop me including all of you [Applause] oh no um oh i'm back to a human again um what do you think it went though she went it was your guy's fault right you saw it happen oh i think you're only a tnt guy now at this point ian is everything okay what happened no huh it was it was an accident it was oh what have i you're done good that's what you've done my little dragon friend is gone oh i can't stay those eyes here you know this [Music] i can't take this i'm getting out of here don't talk to me what happened you pumped in your own buddy i'm gonna go back had a dragon friend and it turned everything to gold you can see casey's house is golden and i [Music] will i ever see her again probably not can i do anything for you well um would you pretend to be my dragon sure would you eat this gold and you know maybe maybe take these fireworks and take this elytra and fly around and let me let me ride to fly um okay please i'll pick you up oh oh okay no no it's sorry i'm a little heavy hang on oh my gosh you're heavy [Music] you know what i'll miss my dragon friend but it was worth it i love you through goldie can you also make some dragon noises what the dragon noises she she made dragon noises too fine oh too heavy
Channel: Aphmau
Views: 15,378,101
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Aphmau, Minecraft, Minecraft funny, Minecraft mods, Minecraft Aphmau, Aphmau pranks, Aphmau Minecraft Pranks, Aphmau Gaming, Aphmau Games, Aphmau Pranks Friends, Aphmau Playing As, Aphmau Aaron
Id: r22me-F9TBU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 51sec (1251 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 21 2022
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