Playing in every rank from BRONZE to UNREAL in 24 Hours

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I made it my goal to play in every single rank from bronze to Unreal in one day and to make things a little bit more interesting I'm going to be trying to blend in and act like each rank that I play in without just wiping the lobby I hope you enjoy it now starting us off for the day we have the bronze rank which I am not kidding when I say I'm 90 sure it's literally just AIS or I'm just incredibly mean since we are in Ron's lobbies I'm really not sure if the player base is much more than ai's so honestly I'll try blend in as much as possible but realistically I don't think anyone's gonna really catch on since I don't think anyone playing this is genuinely real try our best we'll try our best okay if I'm not mistaken someone did land over here yeah okay there they are okay oh bro's loving grenades bro it's the I'm getting attacked by the AI more than the actual player I think this is a genuine player usually an AI would just like Snap onto you and start shooting you man this AI is tossing the background what has just happened yeah okay so we're practically just playing zero builds just in builds I kind of get it I'm solely learning okay we're still playing zero builds what about that home is he about to like spawn trap me oh what's up bro okay pop the minis love that idea love that idea okay that's all the shield that he's just popping on well he's getting fragged no no no hold on hold on hold on no no no no wait is my boy still alive oh yeah he chilling oh he's gone oh my boy he's gone bro he's hooking it hello what is her doing okay the [ __ ] the AI man is griefing okay this is genuinely an actual player and it actually blows my mind that plays like this still exists like I feel like I'm doing an alright job of blending in but [Music] oh he's pushing oh oh always him wait this kid's not I saw that push that was the next level star you don't learn that till about plot surely I'm killing the spot there that thing was way too annoying bro okay that's just me me an old man okay where's Little Bird going you know this is all just so I can learn you know like this is the bronze experience I need to pick up everything that this guy is doing and use it in the silver lobbies okay where'd little Burger wait bro's trying to wrong oh none of that none of that get back in man do I kill him yet like like I've studied this guy's movement patterns enough okay what do we got firm stove top he has taught us well and we will now use his teachings the full silver ring and I guess gold I feel like gold rings also pretty bad okay okay wait hold on what what did firm stovetop do he would heal he would heal in the open yeah a little 60 tag run away pop a mini okay this player is relentless dead just like that look firm stovetop taught me well can't lie I'm now one of the AIS let's keep going yeah 27 Oh Audi I didn't mean to fry them that quick bro that's my boy that one's got a sniper holy okay this kid's a beam that's my bad yeah cracked him hold on my bad well this bird pickaxing now yeah copped out there business Joe like like dead Joe run it then no no no don't get back where are you going okay A little snake attack in the bushes go around because 200 who's this yeah that's that's my bad man yeah we've got more shots over here all to default skin oh oh chill chill hey chill bro okay bro hey chill bro hey chill bro okay well hold on hold on hold on fortified Bridge laser beam taught me this one fortified Bridge oh door edits see that get across any water source doing the Fortified Bridge it's 100 accurate everything bro man I love bronze honestly bronze League might be the actual rank that I deserve and the actual rank that I need to just stay in oh someone's just been fragged chill didn't realize this kid was here actual booger bro Tom's actually Gonna Catch Me lacking bro and I'm just gonna go from like 200 to zero in like a second man oh this guy's done this guy's done oh oh [ __ ] yo I'm done I'm done I'm done I'm done I'm done yeah I didn't realize this kid was a game though that's my bad should have realized should understood the assignment like Bros didn't see oh how cool man on to the next ring now next up we have the silver rank which honestly isn't much better than the bronze ring so like yeah I don't know okay here we go now look we have learned from firm stovetop back in the bronze lobbies on how to really play like play like an AI so basically I'm just gonna try and take as many tips that I learned from that guy and use it over here now main goal is I don't really wanted to start dominating every fight I get into so I guess we'll just like get into a fight try to take things slow and I just don't want to be called out you know because this this obviously is not my ring so just don't want to be called out being better than the rank I'm in right now this is our first kill right here okay we got another fight over here let's try to get involved in that I'm just gonna Beam on one right back dead on one only white on the other hold on 16 7 9 18. that wasn't that bad was it I feel like the only thing I really can't do in these ranks is just build I know I feel like a lot of players play like a zero builds in this oh that is a player 40 60 80. wait what am I doing up here bro that's full damage rather okay can't build much can't build much it's just gonna start like pop a big pot mid fight holy [ __ ] don't pop a big pot mid-fight that is why firm stoves top is stuck in bronze okay can't be popping big pots mid fight oh 16 full boxed like I'm sure someone in silver is doing stuff like that right I'm not tripping honestly if I died then that could have been bad that kid just got absolutely Dome I'm not sure if I'm really trying to disguise anymore yeah okay hold on okay I've tag this kid 160. this kid wasn't bad okay that guy actually wasn't terrible for a silver player hey this kid a little bit sweaty I can't lie I can't be losing this fight holy [ __ ] might be losing this fight okay go go go go sorry I'll look back Dad okay nice that's nice okay it's a 1v1 situation and then we have won our first silver game where is this player at man and I've just realized that I've wasted literally every single material been flexing my edits too much this game okay wait here we go okay I gotta act like a silver for this win and I want to just be taking this okay okay that was like that's like 20 20 effort that game you know I wasn't too bad on to the next rank now next up we have the gold rank which honestly took a massive Step Up From The Silver Ring I can't lie okay we are going into our gold rank now I'm gonna win Rumble and honestly I feel like the player base is good enough to the point where I might be able to start like fragging kills a bit more instead of just you know playing no builds let's grab this one of the uh 20. 70 on them it's another one down yeah let me pop these Minis and get these going 40 on him and honestly I might be trying a little bit too hard for this Lobby actually I don't know I'm really second guessing the skill level off this so I honestly might need to tone it down a bit especially from these first three kills not really even standing a chance okay let's go over to cheeky compounds real quick and I swear to God everyone's better to be cool and cheeky compound cheeky calm down let's be real okay shots from over here until let's get involved trying to leave [ __ ] it's got a virenko you ain't running oh that's a kale okay that person I did not want to kill that quick I'm not gonna lie yeah people are cheeky oh yeah let me get involved there they are it's another one down like it wasn't bad that guy was not bad at all I can't lie oh fighting over there there it is it's booger but this kid's cranky [Music] what have I disbursed a kid was a cranker I'm telling you man gold really does take the Step Up from Silver very impressive ah here we go another five there are three people here foreign skin my gold is where you get your first emails yeah one down no way I get one pump there that is a gold Lobby for you next up we have the Platinum ring and platinum is the rank that about 80 off the ranked player base is actually stuck in and as well as that when you're playing in Platinum it cues you off with unreal players so the games get sweaty solo queues aren't popping either so I've gotten side effect to play Duos it gets interesting okay we are in the Platinum lobbies we are pretty contestant I can't lie I think it's like oh my God what team's gonna put their bed set it off is that I'm on I'm like that I'm dead like what am I playing for there's like four teams here oh no it's Citadel who lands Citadel I didn't realize when did people actually waited like I'm not I can't lie there was about four teams that just started fighting where I died now let's grab this music Jessica give me Med kit give me Shields Liz absolutely nothing why a platinum lobbies like this wait wait there were different teams oh man I don't know the flats are crazy man Platinum lovies son I hate this man this is like the rank that everyone thinks they're like just the goat in you know so yeah they try so much harder than needed how have we looted all of Citadel with 10 kids anywhere I don't know there's like no shotgun also there's just nothing wait hold on yeah oh I hear them you hear them I hear them I hear shooting and I so I just want to go lay down watch Netflix they hired two AIS wait they actually do have two AIS 50 on one what just happened what the on the left on the left are both left there's one on my right wait are we actually playing squads right right we are we are I might actually hear this in this guns cracked on one dead I'm up 140. [Music] dead I'm one I'm one on one wait uh cash just claimed I'm grabbing cash Yeah by is there another day riding I dropped my shotgun [Music] cracked box that you have a [ __ ] yeah there's like five Subs in full box 100 dead Okay so we're playing Squad yeah we are we are we are playing finalized it Jesus man dude I was wondering like damn that's that's a lot of aisle behind there that's another planes over there we are Duo squatting for platinum I see I see now that is my bad shouldn't have done that wait I'm just shooting this out oh my God they're cooking all right we're gonna take this as like together I got two near me [Music] that is a platinum player who is just snorted pure G fuel bro okay okay yeah yeah Graver just here that he's probably gonna kill you what are you doing bro um I'm gonna land on you you fight the kid that just kidding you yeah I'll get his Loot and then the other one's gonna key over and I'm gonna get my bridge back are you kidding like oh well I'm gonna attack by the Wasps no no it's the stink ah bro like my God that has to be the nerdiest Platt Squad there is in existence I don't even understand how nerdy a plot Squad can get but hey on to the next rank now next up we have the diamond Rank and just like the Platinum rank this is where players start taking a massive step up because we're now starting the cube with the unreal players we are in the diamond rank now love that for us okay we are not accidentally in squads either that is good you can point that out you're not gonna be accidentally versing the gun squad okay also while I still have room to breathe and talk last game we also found out that we died to Worthy's Squad which um honestly did not exceed that coming in a platinum lobby but you know I guess that happens are you good um no there's another one behind me that is uh oh they are full fighting over here wait reboot let's go reboot first yeah yeah over here yellow [ __ ] like they don't seem too crazy this kid's actually like 20. cracks cracked I'm dead no no I'm dead from but I thought I had whites 115. no no no no no [Laughter] no no we got man that's gonna look so embarrassing if Hydra just fully leads them well yeah I'm dead yeah oh on to the next rank now next we have Elite and Elite is one of the final ranks so honestly this is where things start getting pretty difficult yeah oh wait I'm dead wait there's two there oh it's a two two b one last and notes why Mom's that was crazy [ __ ] Ah that's a win right there bro Elite Victor Royale not bad not bad we now have champion and Champion is the final step to getting to Unreal so this is gonna be where players are gonna be playing at their absolute best trying to finally get into unreal you could just get boot yeah a few of them oh yeah wouldn't bother that what [Music] the [ __ ] am I versing man like why is it everyone against me bro that's fine finally we have the unreal range which this is my rank originally on both builds and no builds so honestly I should be good at this I hope and guns again [Music] please please please holy had we almost died of that guy what happened nice hello bro there's another team I'm okay not bad oh this one in the car Sadie nice wait I mean I got away in the car he's like when I say one HP I mean one oh my God bro it was coming for me it's 40 white bro why are they playing like this bro I miss all right 101 nice bro oh bro just run just run just run this run no no no no no no please angle angle the car pull the car I reckon you just read I'm not even kidding you reboot here they're gonna kill us and then we kill them I swear to God that's so bad no they're terrible I know I just was literally 10 HP oh time to pray you're good yeah I'm fine I don't know where they're going wait right here um I'm not with them popping a big 60.50 I've been pissed on dropping gold Charlie Max right here nice bro I yeah that was not well played by me oh above on the hill crossing over 20. and I have been hit Max I'm coming 90. yes please yeah I'm not his mates coming all right nice I'm dead or like they're so bad this kid is so bad by the way [Music] oh this one's okay there's some unreal gameplay there's some unreal gameplay right there okay land back up on that loot I want this team to key here so that's why I'm resting now so they don't have enough time to like cancel it but they have enough time to like know where it's coming from you know are they trying to cancel it nice they actually I did cancel it wait there's one up here already cracked what in the frick no I actually win this I'm not kidding I couldn't say maybe the same route but I didn't realize there's one already on the thing you know um I'm gonna land on island I reckon I'm gonna be able to hold off till you get here easily yeah I'm coming I'll be there in like 15. well I'm just dead out of the air bro I think they can you can you get to me yeah no we're coming to me yeah I think the government might as well yeah they did I'm watching you want to try here they're gliding behind you brother are you diving on you I'm I'm popping a med kit currently so I'm coming pardon they're getting above me on high oh they're gonna fight they're in a fight I'm gonna try to pop Med kit as well okay oh yeah oh you're kidding I die by the way here you gotta double raise me okay because oh wait actually no no I should be up should we take two or five tick you've got to pop yeah can I go to run yeah go wait I'm done yeah he's got a slurp off I think we're all dead here [ __ ] dad I don't think you can make it out I can you reckon it's a fire stick no and it's like 500 meters oh wow wait no no I believe I believe just keep going keep going keep going there's a wind tunnel at the top there remember it it cancels at the Zone but you actually make this no I don't know if I do tell me when I know get off the bike tell me when I hit 15 health no mine's delayed you're gonna need a relax okay okay uh off now off now I can't lie
Channel: Winter
Views: 223,347
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fortnite, oce, lachlan, chapter 4, loserfruit, pwr, overstrand, pwr lachlan, pwr winter, famous, loserfruit fortnite, Winter, fortnite pro, fortnite competitive, fortnite arena highlights, fortnite arena, new season, gaming, update, battlepass, battle royale, elite, leo, kill race, games, esports, fortnite battle royale, epic games, ue5, fortnite u35, season 2, challenge, fortnite challenge, fortnite season 2
Id: CMlrnkz3x3g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 1sec (1321 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 28 2023
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