2 FNCS Winners vs 98 Bronze Players

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what happens if you put 98 bronze ranked players against two FNS Champions well we're about to find out ver got first place in the only solo fncs ever and Yumi won du fncs they're literally two of the best players in the world so to give bronze players a chance we're doing this in trios each Trio is captained by bronze player but they can team up with any rank they want but the captain has to be Bron and the fncs pros they're teaming up with me this is going to be absolutely crazy let's get the show on the road we're landing at frenzy field so try to get nisha's Mythic Striker and the M if we can get that loot into the hands of an fncs winner it'll be insane we got our side on con this is great we're free to take down the boss get the pros to overpowered Loot and get right into the action but I could have never prepared myself for some of the bronze ranked plays why are these guys shot I'm going to go to the vending machine and buy some but on the way there something unbelievable happened oh my God why do these kids have to greatest aim ever that bronze R player must have only practiced their aim and not their builds or edits that's crazy but Yumi is in a tricky spot so I raced over to Hell little did I know things are about to get absolutely wild I try to put myself between this team and the other one grab this right there back from both I got to F out yep okay I was getting just full sprayed from both angles wow they broke the vending machine that's crazy and there's another team here luckily I found some heals so I can get back up to 150 HP but now I somehow have to get both FCS winners reboot cards and with at least two team brawling it out near them it's not going to be easy fortunately getting yumi's card was pretty straightforward but when I got over to verts it was a different story Al together he was your team's Champion player he had the Mythic and The Medallion this is huge but I still have to get one more card and make it out alive his full controller that left yeah that full controll behind you behind you oh wait what I didn't realize there's a door right there that was crazy I'm going to farm up a bit and I'm going to wait for The Medallion to juice me up I still got to go get vers card and there's teams everywhere this is about to be Bonkers bro how's this thing called a trail Smasher it's not smashing through any of this I need this car for the get away mind these are you got it you're G The Great Escape nice a I rolled that guy and he's Elite rank that means the last player has to be their bronze rank Captain he's definitely going for right now probably that this is 200 IQ there's no way the bronze player will push me if they're weak and I'm free to get the reboot so I headed over to the van and manag to get it off the F Champions are back in the game just in time oh whole Trio holding up on us here it appears like they all have sniper rifles one I got head shot sniped that's crazy I'm not even peeking bro you guys just got to play for card I think this might have been a bronze player thirsting me with those clingers but now we get to spectate the fs Champions and see just how insane they really are a one V one now nice him you is just mechanical like that that's crazy ver grab the card then hit the reboot and I'm back in it and if it's just Champions so exactly what to do next go snoody yeah let go yeah the the coin is got dropped by here Peter's Mythic Hammer Pump Shotgun will be for sure with The Medallion and we get both of his Champions Mythic loot this will be huge all my guns suck but I can hit fire and spray 70 the blue one why on this guy another two teams it's two teams yeah uh the focus oh how did my bush break oh nice you got the okay there's other guy uh is dropping away East I think he has down nice dead wow my team is a cheater let's go we got Peter's Mythic Hammer Pump Shotgun let's hunt for more bronze rank unsuspecting victims oh kids are here they camping the house they are they are all in this corner this this look I'm going to no scope him hit the guy I eliminated was in Champion rank but I got a feeling the captain was the only bronze ranked player on that team GG's that is some real fortnite Behavior right there I'm not going to lie we had it back out on the hunt but this is where the F winners might have started getting a little bit too thirsty for eliminations might just RI on the island hard body like that I ain't even in zone bro I'm not hard body like that comp play key in his Zone that I wh one's padding here height one underneath you hit this guy 12 I'm dead I'm actually live I'm looking you're solo youi I like looked away B is 1 HP and Yumi is fighting deep in zone I was getting really worried but as always the eus winners have a plan I'm gone I did the reverse Ram Strat he did a secret Pro Strat with the Launchpad it wasn't long before he joined us in hazy Hillside ready to fight the remaining teams there's a lot of fighting over here to my uh west side yeah I see that are these kids the best in the world it's that's insane they knocked an fncs Pro but I got the teammates and vert got the bronze Captain did you just up you yeah have a God now there's only 10 players remaining but in the blink of an eye Bert already made it eight and then Yumi marked another team so I'm getting in there like a slippery salamander he's dead at this point the FCS Pro Pros are getting so thirsty for eliminations they started doing some crazy things you just add across a couch but while we're 2V1 in couches we didn't realize Yumi was actually 1 V3 real players so we raced over to fight them get when FCS players are warmed up they are crazy good oh my God all right well there's one guy left oh he's rebooting let him yeah yeah it's only fair that we give them another chance yeah I'll one on second thought we're going tiger mode ra they're sure to get eliminated to storm now we just have to take down the last player and get the W but first we're going to have to find them somewh Z he's in Z he's dead for sure I think he's he he could be the vending machine just spamming by like heals oh yeah that's definely 40,000 gold nice let's go so there you have it def winners absolutely tore through the bronze dwellers like And subscribe if you enjoyed
Channel: Ranger
Views: 174,327
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Id: ntF621dJcfE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 18sec (558 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 06 2024
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