Playing Fortnite Season 6 for the first time..

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so uh fortnite season six in chapter two it's crazy that's right we've got new guns new locations to land and um pigs and chickens as well why's a pig will this thing attack me there's a lot to get used to but um these are some of my highlights from the first stream that i did from my first few games on chapter two season six hope you enjoy if you do leave a like that'd be awesome and if you could check if you're subscribed because most of you watching this video on look just below the video if you aren't subscribed if you could do so that'd be awesome it's free and you can always change your mind in the future apart from that enjoy the video all right we'll be heading to next we're gonna do a new location each time obviously the middle is gonna be chaos we've got some new rounds here new up here new up here let's go here maybe hello goodbye cool guy poor guy so we have npc still i need to remember that nbc's were really important before okay so pumps be back interesting bony burbs this place is cool only burbs press r1 on the gun oh primal shotgun you need four animal bones normal oh it's that's different ah what's better makeshift or primal for shotgun anything is better than makeshift oh okay no we need to find some cars then huh not sure i built that wall is there somebody here so that's makeshift revolver so anything makeshift is kind of trash you need to update upgrade it right oh god i need to get you then stay still where you going fella there's only 25 people there oh you're in the bush whoa okay party over here dude this is way too high we've got sways i smell them big stinks big stinks oh these new shotguns are weird dude so weird i know there's a couple more people here someone down there maybe don't mean that don't be in the bush bro don't be in the bush don't do it things this thing is gonna be really hard i don't think you can pull this really quickly okay bro oh my god there's like no whoa okay almost lost that not gonna lie someone's above hmm this isn't good never mind we kill him there's nine people left i feel like we just need to get up now there's someone i can hear someone rustling what does that mean well they're in that hay bale i don't know where they went though why is there so many bush warriors oh it's pretty close we've got decent mats i feel like it shouldn't be too bad we need to stay high actually what we're bushing big bushing oh there's someone up there too bro we're in trouble we're in big trouble oh dude there's someone there they're on the hype and there's someone underneath nevermind there's someone down there too okay so three left one below one up there i think it's gonna be hard because i haven't got that many mats this is good we got height no i need those mats dude i need those mats so bad that was a great kill too i like this no oh no oh my pump is like 20 20 bro 20. that was unfortunate very unfortunate very close though guys i'm sorry to say but we're gonna have to go center on this one to unlock the question mark we're gonna have to do it yeah i'm not gonna land in the middle this is like a boss right we are gonna die off the rip no cap okay though he's d for dancing hello ah that that would have been nice sir thank you we didn't have the rip i guess i don't know what just happened i didn't realize that was a this is a revolver get out my inventory okay we didn't die straight away oh someone just flew in on the chicken chicken what is over here this is colossal oh it's close to crops let's sweep the area we actually survived the drop that i didn't think we'd survive kind of crazy let's sweep the uh the back got a sweep sweep sweep whoa that is a massive magazine that's crazy i probably shouldn't have picked this fight but here we are there's only 14 people left what has happened but definitely in that box i see him oh he almost did it he almost went for it he really wants to do it sweaty boys sweaty boys sweaty boy yo he destroyed my health what right do you not really have that much else you had no heels right where's the next storm of course it's far someone down here there you have to rotate him he's gonna suck now you can stop that i know what those are i know exactly what those are i've seen them what the what was that that was a scar holy cow that was a scar big lasers big lasers that's insane hello die for me die for me die for me die for me die for me i'll be back in a second i need to chill oh this guy's big sweats i smell it don't dance he's got a shotgun i'm dead thank you for sacrificing yourself for the greater good big bugs big bugs we had like decent stuff friend thank you what our plan works oh wait thank you oh someone went in a toilet or something they wanted something okay we don't have a lot of ammo it's not the best we killed a sweaty boy happy with the outcome i don't really have the health for this big shots big shots [Music] okay we did good there guys we did good just saying i was about to say how do we have five kills but stream snipers big box the glasses you know the extra millimeter difference what oh you're there and why is there oh he set me on fire i don't know where this guy's firing at me from i'm gonna get dunked on what okay oh this is how we're playing is it i'm out yay all right we got three med kits right let's go got some mats too it should be fine oh i don't know if i did it in time oh are you kidding me 0.1 i thought i did it in time headshots only i kind of wish snipers were back they uh got rid of them completely kind of wild person it's always appealing how do you headshot banana oh you hit me from there huh what nah that obviously was not meant to happen i think this is the best thing to do no do you find someone else oh it is don't shoot me don't do it oh he disappeared he died storm is my worst enemy i always forget about it my guy die or no we're right on the edge of storm we don't have a lot of mats to be honest i think my guy came out oh no absolutely dunked on oh there's two people oh no dude that person definitely just got away there's a wolf i'm primal is kind of nasty actually go get him go get him are they tamed wolves are they tamed wolves i think they might be oh my god it's attacking that stove get it wolf hmm this sucks i might stay here we got good um we've got a good zone here there's two people there and one below i think i just want this umbrella i'm sweating no they took my staff this could be interesting how did none of those hit i know where the other guy is either no i had to kill them seven hp i had to kill them for the mats oh no oh no that's the only choice i had dude i feel like we could have got that too they had the high ground with a shock wave i've seen it more mad
Channel: DanTDM Live
Views: 645,595
Rating: 4.9625096 out of 5
Keywords: fortnite, dantdm, dantdm live, gaming, video games, funny
Id: ZAhy12p0v1Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 50sec (830 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 24 2021
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