First Game, First Victory Royale (New Fortnite Umbrella)

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i'm just gonna hop into a game i'm nervous i have not played a game of fortnite for oh like three or four weeks oh no this would be painful isn't it so painful schmick thank you thunderbirds they unvolta the pump the combat the lmg boogie bomb shock waves bounce pad scoped assault rifle attack smg revolver porterfort ah what vaulted the decoy nades yep they sucked attack shotgun rest in peace epic and legendary pistol that's a rip as well um rapid fire smg hunting rifle goodbye hunting rifle stink bombs smg and flare gun the flare gun was so sick though i forgot my mystique skin oh you're right let me just look look at these uh look at the iron man fists yo this is a little bit laggy right now i think we're good i'm gonna go and put the the skin on real quick i forgot uh schmick thank you for that thank you for that list there's some really cool stuff in there portal fort is like uh that's a proper throwback hold up all right let's go and get the skin what styles does she have oh yeah we need to unlock that right what matches old mystique might go without a back bling you know or is there a skull the gold skull absolutely doing that a rip to four uh mobile players by the way absolute rip i can't believe that's happened to you um i don't know what i'll say launch pads are gone as well that's kind of crazy i'm excited to try out the combat again yeah i can't believe the mobile players have just been eated straight heated i'm a blop thank you for the gifted sub nugget king thank you for the 510 bits sarah west welcome back thank you for the underbits as well kane through thank you for the hundred bits omen of sorrow thank you for the four months darren thank you for the tier one emma thank you for the tier one as well mine box my boy my box is the longest sub i'm pretty sure the highest sub 32 months i'm doing great thank you buddy how are you doing today the mc universe welcome thank you for your prime uh aim angie thank you for the prime seasick kingdom uh sea sickles kingdom thank you for the five months my friend steph's your biggest fan watching the stream right now steph what's good steph how are you doing uh luckily it's gonna get a shout out since the beginning there you go there's your shout out enjoy right then it's happening it's happening right now and i'm nervous very nervous my frames seem quite bad my sensitivity seems really high so this is oh my my controller ain't set up properly wait hold on hold on don't do this to me what is that oh okay okay let me see if this works where are we going um let's try and fill out some of these areas shall we i'm gonna go up here you told me to go here oh no oh no i'm messing up i'm messing up hey where's the map what oh they've changed no why would you do this why would you change they've changed the keybinds for that and i don't know how to use it oh no dan's big forehead thank you 300 bits hello hello foreheads appreciate you i don't know why this is lagging so much guys i don't know if you can notice it but it ain't looking too hard oh what is that bro stream is laggy it's not the stream it's my game i don't know why might have to bump the frames down a little bit but i'll do it in a second when i've got the chance extra ping on map ah okay nice so apparently there's this much fish now which is kind of nuts i'm not sure i'm vibing these fists you know at all doom's domain oh wait this is different i need to go somewhere else okay heavy choppers are still in which i'm not happy about i need to go get a weapon i messed this up bad i wasn't paying attention yeah i'm out i'm definitely out i suck at fortnite yes but it's okay everyone sucks what am i talking about okay you told me to go here and it wasn't a great idea i'm definitely gonna suck at least a little bit more than normal what is this what is going on can i get uh just a weapon please that would be fantastic oh no you got insulted by dan no you didn't no you didn't was this pump shotgun a bluey a bluey pump so i haven't played actually the last time i played was when um we did the cars update that was legit the last time how long ago was that what is that building i'm gonna go up here real fast behind you i'm back i've got one i go on i'm gonna go over here hopefully there's something for me but yeah you need to let me know what else has changed because i'm going in blind here i'm not sure i'm gonna feel about it right what's this fire trap okay okay flamey vibes we've got a combat as well which one does more damage this is 50 90 oh i don't know so combat oh that's so much slower wow combat massive nerf that's not good right i'm gonna go and catch some fish actually i feel like we should do that we kind of need some uh kind of need some chests and stuff as well but my main goal for this stream i don't care how i get it but i want the new umbrella that's all i want no umbrella or or bust that's all i want behind me don't say that please stop oh scoped rifle that's gonna be good on um that's gonna be good on controller let's be real good on controller can't wait to use that oh it's weird they've changed it it's like a circle around it that's so weird come out to back apparently so i need to find some more chests and then we're going to go fishing as well actually i need the fishing rod i want to see what new fish we can get oh why is that on fire down there dude i'm so nervous i've got terrible weapons can you get the car i guess i could get in the car oh what is this radio i need to turn the radio off i'm gonna get copyright copyright claimed i don't want that i feel like what do you guys feel oh what the charge is here too okay what's going on here what is happening so how many shotguns are in the game how many shotguns uh i'm gonna have to quickly change my audio sets i want to see where the license audio mute all okay we're good we're good we're good we're fine right i want this and i want this attack is voted i know so how many shotguns are there so there's we've already found three taking up all that loophole space mystique was driving a car okay i'm going fish i think i saw a lambo over here actually oh that was a that was that ew charge yeah i know i don't think many people are going to use it now unless it's a gold maybe all right lambo over there let's go grab that real quick and then we're going fishing okay random fact because it's happening right now random fact i keep getting calls every hour from an african country and i don't know why just a random african country keeps uh keeps calling me someone sold my number to somebody i want to try the new tack smg as well 100 [Music] a fan no i don't think it is they call different different numbers every time so random it's definitely a scam yo oh please don't do that fueler up boys attack smg isn't new no it's not new but it um it's back driving in fortnite is really difficult still right we need to find somewhere that is close to oh no this is bad [Music] oh wait let's go get him [Music] oh oh they fell on the car oh this is the port don't you kill me what what oh no oh that actually they actually might kill me they've got like no health how far does this go in nine don't kill me bro oh yeah you know that was a pog oh my goodness oh dude that just ripped that was amazing hold on a second that was incredible you gotta give me some props for that uh what do i want to get rid of i think we get rid of the combat do i want to get rid of the combat i don't know oh no the storm i forgot about the storm that was sick though this al got upgraded yeah probably but it's not very good on controller i seem to remember i don't know why that happens i enjoy bullying bots come on that was that was decent for me that was decent okay this can be a problem i think there better be campfires still vending machine oh there's someone right there why are you coming this way no why are you coming this way wait i just whoa oh i stood in the fire i was like who's shooting me i was stood in the fire okay keep it going oh i'm using all my mats i'm just gonna go i know someone's oh geez there's someone right there i'm gonna boogie bomberman i think oh we got a long way to go maybe not they're there is this gun gonna do a lot of damage or no okay that did a decent amount to be fair all right boogie bomb time [Music] come on control again oh no no no no how is he shooting me and i can't get him where's that coming from he could not get away he's not gonna get away i don't want him to get away i need heels from him if he's got him oh he's getting away and i'm gonna die this storm was not nice to us well there is oh yes he just used healers though he just used them up i watched him do it okay he's got the new smg well new old smg let's get rid of this i think that's it i'm gonna have to go oh we got three med kits wait oh what's is the whirlpool still there the whirlpools the whirlpools still exist i don't think they do i'm pretty sure that was a bot as well right new old smg i'm about it he had no mats either no no whirlpools dang use the fishing rod to put him closer i'm not that good i haven't played in so long they fixed the controller glitch though definitely vibing about that i thought launched whoa what on earth is this wait what is that there's someone up there so i definitely need to avoid that i need to get in the zone and just pop a med i'll catch up on all your subs and stuff in a second guys controller glitch there was a um every time you went your inventory you would get the cursor pop up and then the imagery wouldn't work properly it was made annoying well i'd be so careful this this my zone though lazy jump on the robot hand is that a thing because sworn i saw somebody oh come on i need to make it in i might just hit the edge i think there's someone over there how are people if the launch pads are gone how are people using the umbrellas i don't know what mythics are in here either yeah i will make it don't worry i just want to get in zone first so i don't waste time say that right i'm gonna chill in here real fast no one will know unless they're stream sniping all right emote i don't i can't do the emote can i i don't think i can do it i'm not sure that's not the end i wanted to do never mind i was verving i think i have to get to a certain level to be able to do it right i need shield i've had hardly any shield this whole game let's go find some we ain't got too far to go [Music] we really need all these sound effects come on now give me some shield give me some shield shock waves that ain't any shields right there oh wait that is never mind some right underneath do i pop this though i think i'm gonna let me pop it i know i almost missed it don't judge me i'm rusty remember i'm rusty we need people to uh kill each other really guys chill it's gonna be risky i don't really have that many materials either this is not gonna end well don't think but if we goes chill you're making me nervous i head through here oh no oh what's happening what's that noise oh wait excuse me what was that hello can i get me some uh some aim assist please what oh i'll take this uh i'll take this as well what was that bro i can't be handling that there's no way oh no this is bad this is definitely bad i don't know what all these noises are but i'm going pog pog oh this is not gonna go well [Applause] i'm hear all kinds of noise oh they've got shock waves they definitely shockwave the wrong way i'm nervous guys not gonna lie to you oh bro what if my aim assist is broken my aim assist is actually broken i need more health than this i'm not feeling confident at all i can't believe that didn't hit that guy i waited for the first oh there's someone up there okay we are surrounded by people right now i'm just gonna get to zone wait we are super surrounded by people what is happening why is what happened to controllers bro what are they doing to controllers sad controlling noises what just happened you guys saw that too right there's no way i was the only one that saw that what oh bounces that's that noise i want to try and secure this umbrella real quick uh oh wait what happens here i want to get the umbrella i want to just cheese it i don't know what's happening with my aim though i know i haven't played for some time but please give me a break here we go here we go wait what do they have what do they have on them scar i'll take it uh gold pump i'll take it gold one of these i'll definitely take it oh we just lucked out so bad sweat harder okay i'll do it yeah i don't know what the aim is about and i'll do i'll do the fish next game we've got three people we're in a good position look at this tactical sub that's wild there's a guy right there and a guy over there let's get in circle let's go supply drop nah actually yeah you're right i'm not going to say that i do not like that if i get this circle on this this hill i think i won i can't shapeshift guys i haven't unlocked the uh i don't unlock the emote [Applause] come on okay someone there okay a little bit of aim assist there not bad i know where they both are i think we can do this oh they're way out yeah they got they got to come over just gonna connect myself to this what's going what is going on i'm just gonna let them come to me okay that is not in zone either friend where's the other guy other guys over there okay he's making it in i feel like that's the sweat we kind of need to delete the sweat i kind of want to bully him let's get in the zone quick stop this bro dude i'm sucking gold scar i don't care bro where was it did i miss it okay he's got that new rifle i don't know what it does okay what was that is that the new rifle behind me i can't i can't oh it's 1v1 the other guy died okay sweet he's got no shield left though oh first game first game let's go dudes let's go okay i'll take it i will take you yo hit the follow burn if you're new i didn't even get a chance to emote on them right now first game first win we've unlocked the umbrella easy mode i didn't need the gold score stop stop 20 wins no i don't know how many i don't know how many wins is this 201 i think oh okay are they luring me into four cents of security i think they are i think that laser rifle rips and i don't know what happened with my aim assist for a little bit because i had my cursor on those boys and it didn't quite help me out there all right let me see what this uh this umbrella looks like shall we show me the goods show me the goods come on goldscar i don't care also where is it oh oh that's nice that's real nice okay yeah equip give me that's that's nice i like that oh look at it i had to get my collection of umbrellas i've got every single one yeah i like that a lot it doesn't match this uh this character but dude let's go i don't want to see how many wins there is i'm pretty sure it's oh 202 i don't know where the other one came from but hey we're fine right now we need to do the challenges all right definitely do the challenges right let me catch up on uh your guys's subs and stuff while we queue for another game oh we got we got dan's big forehead i think i've done that already thank you though kia thank you for the hundred bits while tomcat thinking with the tier one page things you hundred bits as well oh she did that's cool uh hi laura how's it going dan's big forehead thank you again for a hundred manty thank you 100 as well i dropped there did i drop there and i won the game i survived and won the game your next drop has to be there manti to put that out there uh kaya thank you for the hundred bits kane two things you've done your business as well polar gamer thank you 100 bits too i appreciate it i'm glad i can help you out steph thank you for the 200 bits of vince thank you for the four months essa oh yeah i do need to thank you for the hundred bits uh mary welcome back how's it going there you go the five months emma thank you for the hundred bits steph thank you for the 300 bits yeah think noodles laughing right now that's right first game first win that's right uh kaya thank you for the gifted sub red rack thank you so much for the five gifteds kane through thank you for the hundred bits as well happy birthday hello and happy birthday for the 28th that's tomorrow have a great birthday tomorrow uh quinn thank you you've done your bits mama fears thank you thunderbits big forehead thank you very much as well ray noah thank you for the prime won the beard afternoon thank you 200 bits any thoughts on the new fortnight how to play during lunch break and you get used to the guns i haven't used new guns yet i use the combat which is an old one i didn't get to use the gold smg though which i'm a bit upset about but man we ripped the first win uh but how are you hope you're doing good wonderbeards uh petra thank you thunderbits paige thank you 200 bits as well uh manti thank you for the 100 bits i'll drop their next match but you won't see it happen unless you tune in hey that's true but guys if you're new around here the follow-up i'll be greatly appreciated so we've been to doom's domain let's head over to this section i don't know what's here i'm going to do the we need to find a telephone box so we can do the first mission we need to do i can't find them i definitely need to do that though all right see what's over here where's minecraft hardcore it's coming oh look at that that's got a dope i think it's a bit of texture bug at the top but still looking nice with omega that's gonna look so good right what is new about this section [Music] what cars are these oh they're just like dead ones why is this section new what is new compact cars okay okay was not worth coming here just putting out there i've got a grey pistol and nothing else oh no oh no oh no no go away where'd you go where'd you go i wanna take you down where'd you go i have no idea where they just went no idea i'm gonna take this though looking forward to the silence smg action all grace all great challenge i think they went up there pretty sure they went up there okay this is a trash based drop do not drop here oh there they are i see them 21 oh on the truck really oh no i think we're gonna die here this is a terrible terrible swarm gotta take the charge i have to hmm use iron man i'm trying to do the challenges for this real quick so i want to do the challenges first he's going to jump me isn't he really oh man right i need oh they had nothing never mind well i want to try out these new fish apparently there's a lot of new fish so i'm going to try these out too all right see we can grab how many fish are there like a ridiculous amount that is i think that's a slurp fish yeah that's the normal slurp fish that is a purple ar i will take that thank you see how many we can fish out of here oh what's that oh that's oh the flop has changed okay i'll take this with me let's go flop is looking real different you need a pro fishing rod one earth is that what's a pro fishing rod are you guys trolling me i'm the grey god you're right i feel like the map's looking more detailed you know like the actual hud map i need i need help i hear cars i might be in trouble here off oh i knew it's gonna do that oh okay oh okay nevermind i thought that they got wrong didn't they not get rid of these wasn't not a troll wait really no i i don't is it is it wrong to not believe you you can upgrade them what what is this i'm making friends with my fish what oh we've got like a friend meter amazing a fish friend meter okay that's how this game is going huh we get marvel but we also get fish friends name your fish mr flops right i'm gonna see if any of these are secret passages i don't think they are never mind i'm out this is a bad start let's not come here ever again to the barn i don't want to find another fishing spot actually let's see we'll find another one oh here's one what you got for me what you got for me jellyfish oh uh i'm guessing this does shield what do i drop for it though let me drop these just for now then i'll come back let me just tag them remember they're there i'm trying to see what other fish there are oh that's a big boy come here you oh actually got him that's a pistol they ain't the fish i was looking for it gives 40 shields okay that might be all right oh you can fish anywhere i think you could already do that i just never did it leave those small fries behind it's so weird that fortnite can now be a fishing game very strange are you liking these hulk smashes by the way vibes or no vibes no one's here there's 23 people left though no vibes i keep doing this that's one there oh i'd say this [Music] i killed someone with a car last time didn't i never gonna need some of that better loot please hey kevin yo what's good kevin how's it going my friend it's been a while since i've seen you is that copyright oh no t os d os i've been striked wait is that really copyright because i got the option turned off it ain't working i swear to you fortnight if you get me you ban from twitch we're gonna have some words right now big words campaign what's good unpopular update unpopular opinion cause update was done now car update was really good they needed cars we've got here oh yes give me that you know the body of war let's go let's go back here should probably lose a little bit more this is a pump isn't it some max damage 80 into a bird i just want to see what the fish we can get real quick can we get some down here pi royale is only yeah but i've got the there's an option built in where you can turn off copyrighted music don't seem to be working right now um yeah that's right never mind oh what's that yo give me that fish fishing simulator 2020 oh another purple fish purple jellyfish oh what is this thermal fish is that what i think it is another jellyfish don't mind if i do got any other fishing spots we're a little bit far away right now what does the thermal fish do oh there's like a massive dude here as well give me the goods i'm gonna complete the fishing pokedex that's a flopper classic it gives you thermal is it really spicy fish okay i might eat that because that's gonna get me out the storm real quick i like this let's make sushi another thermal fish okay all right let's eat this yeah that makes me speedy and then we got two thermal fish let's do it up let's do it okay okay use thermal i'm going to eat it in a second i just want to get near people otherwise there's no point i don't waste it that's kind of cool though give me a thermal scope on this can you show you anyone we're down to 13 people so it could be handy at the end of the end circle hey officially i know did you see in my um in my bow pass video by the way where they had the princess fish stick we need that if that doesn't become a skin i'm gonna be upset all right let's go this lasts for ages i kind of wish there was a timer on it that at the top right i just want to get to end games uses thermal fish no llama up there i saw the outline of a llama no cap princess fish stick i know it looks sick we need it there is a llama there poor fort what's good if i see someone and they start aggressing on me i'll eat the thermal fish just to see what it does i'm kind of intrigued i need to know what's what's gonna happen so fish are definitely worth getting now especially if there's right how many we got dude there's so many oh it's like a pokedex found in coastal areas coastal areas oh no way it's actually like a pokedex it's so weird i feel like we should get a lot of mats hide up high and then see if the thermal can give us some uh some look-ins see where the next zone is and then we'll use the thermal fish right as long as i don't get sniped beforehand is there still snipers in him fortnite x pokemon yeah i kind of like that you know what they are doing for people that aren't as good as the game like someone like me if you don't feel like fighting all the time you can get distracted with i think there's new henchmen and stuff which we haven't checked out yet but i'll do that next but you can also like do this fish stuff lots of fishing find the fish you want it's kind of nice right we got three of these um three of these things as well these jellyfish well i know this is a slow game but i really want to try these out properly it's gonna be able to find everyone isn't it i think we're like aimbot x your x oh i'm gonna have to leave that it's all about the thermal fish at least i can't believe we did first game first win but i feel like because i haven't played fortnite for a little bit my matchmaking might be a bit different i'm also glad i got that game in because we did that that boogie bomb we did a boogie bomb attack oh where did that just come from over there okay i'm gonna go around this right let's try the thermal fish whoa whoa whoa no you're almost dead oh there's someone you see the other person okay we got them sweet there's another person the other side this is sick bro whoa this is nuts the thing is anyone can have this and i feel like i'm invisible but i'm definitely not i am not invisible in the slightest i can't see the colors whoa that was dope that was so sick can we get on the white house and then use it again that was nutty it did feel a little bit more uh accurate as well but i guess because you're only seeing the white that was nice okay that's my favorite addition to fortnite in a long time extra fish let's go he had a lot of wood as well which i i like i think someone's gonna be up here yes i'm going up here there's only six people left i mean i would say where they at but don't even i thought this is actually a really a good player because they know what they're doing wait i need to get rid of the bright bomber the bright bomb is the real player the one underneath the bot but well where are they going did you drop them down i knew you're gonna do that i knew it whoa what was that oh what uh what was that i need to get rid of this guy what earth was that i've hit him so many times what was that did someone throw something at me i might yeah i might love this down here actually what is that stop that at once no what was he throwing at me that assault rifle absolutely destroyed me i'm so upset what was that it's a it's a superpower i thought i had him for sure i didn't know that was an actual superpower i thought things were raining from the sky no dude i got absolutely beamed i want to see what they do with this oh i'm so upset that this happened i had the thermal fish as well it's the doctor doom mythic weapon yo they beamed the life out of me wow can you through thank you [ __ ] no worries cutie mark thank you understand well appreciate it phase shad thank you for the tier one pedo wolf thank you for those bits i don't know where's the bouncer action i'm pretty sure he's behind you buddy you could use the thermal fish but you didn't do it did you i can't believe that he just beamed me like that oh i thought i had him the problem is the burst weapons i'm not used to them you know what though two games we've had a first and a third that ain't bad that ain't bad at all uh brendan thank you for the five i appreciate it it's ready up i need to do the challenges i'm gonna do the challenges now i keep forgetting uh when's minecraft i don't know to be honest with you soon faze thank you for the gifted sub uh wow tomcat thank you thank you as well thanks for recommending neck deep a few back listen on repeat at the moment any more recommendations oh i'm glad you're liking uh i haven't listened to a lot of new music recently i've been listening to the old-school stuff like old my chemical romance and stuff um what else i've been listening to new for your strong album is pretty good no i just been listening to my old stuff to be honest i'm glad you're liking them i'm glad you're liking it they'll be glad to hear that uh bkk am thank you for the prime yolololo thank you for 100 bits as well appreciate it shaney bro thank you for 100 bits pause thank you for the eight months hoping you run into a skin so you can transform eight months wow eight months indeed thank you sir hlg instacloud thank you for the six months i'm sad they voted attacking the flare gun i actually really liked the flare gun a lot so i am sad that it's gone but we've got the thermal fish now that's a that's a decent replacement sick die thank you underwent as well rewind singing for 200 bits are you ever going to continue minecraft high pixel skyblock i do want to stream that at some point but i need to get a good streaming schedule and i don't have that right now um blades door thank you for the tier one i appreciate you my man right we've had a first and the third we can do this where should we go next um i kinda i feel like i'm gonna go over here i'm gonna do this oh no i'm gonna do that we need to find a phone box that's what we need to do we need to phone booth if i if there's no henchman or any phone booth over here i'm going to go over to the uh the doom domain what happened skyblock i just said i want to do it as a streaming series because it's perfectly suited to that but um i just need the time i need the stream schedule to be honest you like this victory umbrella i like it a lot i don't think authority has changed that much it's less busy i don't think there's any mythics there anymore could be wrong though it won't be from pleasant ain't called pleasant no more it's dooms dooms domain all right might be here by ourselves never mind we are not here by ourselves why is it blue over there [Music] there is a mythic of doom's domain okay this is a not a great drop you know what i'm gonna do i'm gonna drive in no bro get away from me who is this man who is this man who are you and why are you here we're craggy cliffs we're back boys we're hitchhiker you know blast his head off oh pump which one do i choose okay 70 80 i'm gonna try the pump if the pump fails me i'm going charged i think a lot of people came here as well so he might be in trouble oh wait hold on this is i this is all right i will take this yeah i think that's what i can take sounds like someone's got a decent gun already pump pump of course people are happy the pumps back i don't think they do it but hey they did it i just want to make sure i have more mats than anyone risky move going over there maybe i'm going there's a cycle with a car oh give me something good oh who's been camping here how's asha he's good thank you how are you he's doing really good he's got a lot of teeth coming through still but he's close close to achieving those teeth right i do not know this location very well i just all i really need is a a phone box guys where's the closest phone box to here i need to know you don't know it's not helpful the help of my man i'm just gonna get make sure i got full shields shield pot oh my goodness summoned i might get some more fish actually because the fish are fun in a mythic location so if we go let's head over there let's do that i just want to make sure i got these challenges done all right let's go hopefully no one challenges us just trying to do some challenges tonight's a weird one even if you don't play it for ages sometimes you can just like slip straight back into it to be honest it's weird ah that's what i was missing there's a chest up here somewhere there it is not the greatest loot to be honest i do miss the attack a lot right now i'm glad we haven't been in a in a fight yet a shotgun fight all right let's go somewhere's gonna run out of time we're heading this way might get shot in the back though right i'm gonna get that phone box that's all i want attacks were the worst nah they were fun they are my favorite right we can fish in here as well jellyfish blue i think i want those i've got my four i have new sound effects they're much better than the last ones we have time to make this i think we will one phone box is all we need then we can see what the next challenge is gamerbeards that's right gamerbeard coming through bladestall thank you for 100 bits paige thank you for your [ __ ] we ever do the 200 player build thing i'm not sure that went really well last time actually i might do it again gingy thank you for the four months juice boxinator thank you for the five man months don't land pleasant it's a death wish is that the hot um ticket right now i think it might be right i need to ignore these guys and get me a phone box see one it's oh that's right here i'm gonna sneak post no one gonna see me you're gonna be fine no one gonna see me no one's gonna see me sneak in get the phone box sneak out then i can see what the next challenge is as well we did it what's the next one what's the next challenge tell me examine doctor doom that's not it though right does anyone know the next one so i can try and do it i need to know it oh there's a guy right there finally in front of him did anyone know how to do it phone booth in the doghouse i've got it i got it i got it i've done that i need another mission now i have to go to the lobby that's annoying i'll probably get there in a second through elimination where my man at where is he could sure use a thermal fish right now okay after this if i can sort out this guy there he is i think i saw him down there yeah after i find this guy and eliminate hopefully i will he's too far away i'm gonna i'm gonna fish i wanna get some more fish yeah attack smg is back we haven't actually managed to use it yet i'm trying to get these challenges for this um this new skin which i never normally do i never said i wanted to do challenges before we were doing it how are these guys using their redeploy if there's no launch pad how is that i need to know for science oh okay bro this guy's got a mythic as well oh no he's got the mythic from there isn't he bounce pad no bounce redeploy is not back oh yeah fishing spot i'm worried about this guy though okay okay okay i'll take it a new mythic oh is it silver surfers surfboard nice there's a guy not gonna bother him he might bother me though i do some more fishing where are we going to go i need more mats dude that sounded really close i'm scared someone's firing stuff okay there's there's the guy zooming in with the umbrella oh there's a lot to get used to in this season i feel like there's just too much there's too much going on here but i think we're gonna be okay it's been a whole season pump i miss you he's back the boys back all right i'm gonna do some more fishing yes let me take that three more on this orange flopper so there's different different looks of different fish yeah we're definitely playing pokemon today pokemon game mode coming soon who can complete the the flopper decks first all right we're in the middle we're ready we've barely seen anyone i'm actually nervous about all these guys with superpowers not sure how i feel about them oh this is like abandons now yeah this is completely different this is actually a full didn't this have a christmas tree in it pretty sure they had a christmas tree in it no it is not rest in peace christmas fortnight's deleted christmas i don't even know where to go let's go to the middle actually because we don't have um that on the map let's go now i can't christmas tree it's unfortunate but it's it's true i don't even know if this is worth yeah crack shot cabin rest in peace buddy oh someone in the heli someone's in the storm in a heli i really use the boogie bombs but i'm just not good enough to pull it off don't you dare i don't know what everyone is bro i know there's one up there i need to go up to this big robot thing there's the guy flying around with the mythic i don't know if he's gonna come down and get me okay they're shooting let's go let's get into a fight so i want to see what this new challenge is anyway so if we die we won't die in vain it's fine you should play avengers i'm definitely going to play when it comes out no way they did already oh there's a lot going on here was a lot going on okay hold up so it's like shock waves but you use your umbrella afterwards that's kind of interesting where's all this firepower coming from i don't know any of these sounds anymore oh oh lasers there's lasers why are there lasers the four line's so different what fortnite's got lasers now i know that's the new tony stark gun is it good though oh man i'm getting in here he's all the way up is the new one good i need to get started we're in the middle of a new place it's been a slow game i need to get up on this hill and then we might be all right actually there might be someone up here still 11 left i still feel like palmy thinks the map's too big and games are too oh wait fresh village fresh bilge is there a man in there oh look at this bro this is kind of nice oh it's dope i think you can jump off those can't you that's what you guys were saying what is this guy doing flying okay i don't know what that guy just did but it's blowing my mind no no no no no superpowers superpowers superpowers no dude where'd you go what is happening to fortnite you just zoomed towards me nah i don't know how i feel about this i don't know where those shots came from either it's right under there that's not annoying no no no stop stop how is this allowed how is this allowed how is that allowed how is that allowed what this has to be a joke you that has to be a joke that can't be real he's spamming me with super powers what let me see that again boy is that the same one as before oh no that's a different one dr doom's arcane gauntlets that's the thing right there no i'm not ready for this i'm not ready for this marvel battle royale what's he gonna do i couldn't even hear him and he does this as well just you've got the movement to it good enough even by itself never mind never mind you deserve to win the game you deserve to win the game oh what was that these super powers we got top 10 every game so far it's fine we unlock four oh we unlocked his other thing what's some challenges sweet i wanna go and see what the other challenges are um why can't i see them on here where do i see them guys i'm being dumb i think i want these challenges deal damage with different rarity pistols no what pistols are there deal damage of different rarities what pistols are there we're gonna have to do this as a challenge we need to do it what pistols are there the laser is 50 body shot 88 shot no way no way there's gray green and rare right i need to find a pistol deal damage then upgrade it deal damage then upgrade it okay okay blade store thank you laundry bits paige thank you for 200 bits again gingy juice box essa thank you 100 bits as well yeah high pixel skyblock is very good i think it's updated a lot as well recently acronyms thank you for the two months you hyped for the new season i'm enjoying it so far i wasn't gonna try at all to be honest because i'm not in um i'm not into marvel that much but it seems to blend pretty well i'm not gonna lie to you uh blaze thank you for the 300 uh blades sorry i think it's 300 bits lordy lorks thank you for the two months shays thank you for the five months uh don't worry concentrate on school you can always catch up on the live channel for sure afraid thank you for the four months sarah west thank you for the 200 nope thank you for the 100 bits you get animal crossing in a week and our top shotgun's gone tactical shotguns are gone to the gun graveyards they're out of here uh hey droopy that you're the prime as well right let's do it will we see a dc season i would have thought no just because they've done marvel already right we need we haven't unlocked yet just rounds here coral castle really sucks okay something down here it's at the there's a crater right here i'm gonna go there oh my mouse is on the screen get off get off this season sucks so what do you guys think of the season so far give me your honest opinions i need to know so to be honest i thought that fortnite should just stick with originality i'll be honest with you that's why i wasn't going to check out this season but it's growing on me i do like it i don't know about the uh i don't know about these mythics yet though holy cow i'll get the mouse off my screen in a minute i just want to go here this is different question mark flopper bonds oh if i get a pistol it's going to be a good place so all i need to do is damage that's an annoying challenge okay it's a good sub actually let's get this off i just said they fixed it and they definitely haven't someone do be coming though what do you want what do you want i appreciate you 30 36 headshot from this though that's pretty nice for an smg oh man we're going to find a pistol dude assuming fish went out i actually won a pistol just for this time just this time okay that's not one i'll take it we don't just interrupt my fishing session like that bro stop it where are you i heard you coming no he's gonna have way more health than me what was that nah what is happening i thought i was on my smg he just got so lucky so lucky oh oh i can't believe that just happens upgrade your fishing rod oh yeah i'll go back there actually and see if it works living strike thank you for the prime pgc fusion thank you for the prime tmg thank you for the prime and ck thank you for the three months that was unlucky okay that's our first bad first bad game today the rest have been pretty good i had no idea where he was after he threw that launch pad i think he tried to do the exploit but i don't think it works anymore because that definitely did not work i'm gonna go back there i think so i can see when i upgrade the fishing rod thoughts hammers at the crater oh yeah i need to do that as well he got a pistol she got pistol after oh no why why do these happen to me why do these things happen to me you're right i missed it get the superpowers i'll do a superpower as well how long do we go in one yeah we've got time we've got time it's okay go get this mouse off my screen we got time what's good bro this is the locked one this is what we need the pistol i feel like aim assist is still a bit janky if i switched my smg there i thought i was on the wrong i was on the wrong time why didn't you upload the video on the main channel i'm gonna keep on my fortnite stuff from the live channel i think just because people like it better there and i don't the only thing i was uploading fortnite was the battle pass videos and that's it it doesn't really make sense is it here is that where i went down here oh no it's here i don't know what we're doing why they why do i change the map like that huh let's go pumps are back i know i just cracked that guy with one and it did not work very well for me phoenix rising for the tl1 tdm fan thank you for 110 biddies i appreciate you thank you right then oh no was i going to four hammer oh no this is bad well i wanted to see if i could upgrade my fishing rod bro it's all i wanted i probably shouldn't have announced that i was coming here short-sighted of me actually i think we good i think we're fine right why give me this and a fuel can i assume i'll grab this oh it's real yo you guys weren't trolling me hold on you weren't trolling me oh there's a pistol as well and he's going i need to take that guy out i do a little bit damage where is he yo come here if you're a stream sniper please come here i need your services yeah you are i did it okay that's good i think i'd already done it though i just smack that guy you might be in trouble here i shouldn't have aggressed him all right pistol pistol and a dream pistol in a dream i don't know if there's anything in this roof there is nothing in this roof so i've dealt damage with him though oh no oh no what is hey hey no what what ah legit scared legit scared who was that i'm leaving i'm turning my back and i'm leaving yo no there's too many superheroes in this game i wanna what i wanted to do is upgrade oh okay i'll take this i'll definitely take this okay you wanna come back help it over here and do that again huh i don't think you do i don't really know how they just got set on fire i'm gonna go to this house and then collect enough materials to upgrade my fishing rod the fishing rod is real i'm shocked i'm actually shocked and i need to upgrade my pistol as well i need to do the three different rarities oh he's there no i saw him wrong time no you've even missed my chug you troll you absolute troll oh he's disappeared as well you absolute troll is that blue pistol yes brian you do these challenges um oh not these scope rifles man i actually need this problem is he has a decent weapon that'll do i'll take this i'm keeping the gray pistol so i can upgrade it did he go back he went back didn't he oh it's not i can't believe i missed my splash like that that's a troll i want to upgrade so bad i don't know if i did did you see how much it was i can't remember i can't really go back to that one though can i pumps are not back yeah they are they definitely are 100 i've had one earlier all right let's go in here this is where thor's hammer is so make sure i don't get dinged by this guy it could be over before we know it how'd you pick this up how'd you pick that up oh a hundred per mat for the fishing rod i dropped the fishing rod though didn't i cause i want to do the i wanna do the pistols i think i've got green and blue to do i just need to do damage so i just need to find someone in a fight and do it from there you have to be thought okay that makes sense oh wait i'll take those fireflies what what's the word you would not believe your eyes was a green pistol i've done gray okay we're good we're fine we need to this is the perfect game it's the perfect game we just need to deal damage with these pistols and i think we're good and we got some health we don't even need to we don't even need to kill him let's just deal damage with them well there's someone over there never mind i find it hilarious that the porter fault is back i don't know why i need to just third party someone really does hear something i wonder if that guy's still following me too i don't think he is how late am i about an hour an hour and a bit missed some epic beginnings though we've got victory first game on which is pretty nice now i'm just trying to do the challenges for mystique so we can get that emote that changes you into the people you kill but the reason i'm carrying pistols is because you need to you need to damage people with each one of the pistols i've done gray i just need to do blue and green so i don't really care if i die as long as i okay okay that's a thing i don't care if i die as long as i get a hit off i should be fine even if it's from mega long range i don't care i might try out some new pickaxes as well ultra hardcore it's kind of dead but i can bring it back at any moment where is everyone does anyone want to be volunteer come on you know you want to oh it's been ransacked oh no not a superhero come on not a superhero i just need a ding though but you know as soon as i ding someone they're gonna get mad there they are there they are i just need to get with this no come on that was on oh there's someone here they've got a sniper though who carries snipers come on lad don't worry about it there's no one here it's fine there's no one here i just want to damage you with this yes get hit get hit get hit he's like oh i did it i did i did i think i got that one now i need to do this come on just one i need one to hit just one where are they going just one come on do they both fall down i got that that came up didn't it go on peak over peak over peak over darcy's shouting him storm's going the other way lad oh he's he is peeking at me bruh did it come up guys i'm pretty sure i did oh there's a spot on did he die no shot he died no okay i'm out i see one more shot with the green and then we're good he's going to come over though isn't he he's got a superpower all i need to do is hit him once poor foster back yep they're back yeah there he is he's coming i heard him i'm sure i heard him look at these robots though oh that's close someone said you can jump on the hands so i'm gonna quickly do that oh yep should not have done that definitely should not have done that oh no that wasn't helpful yeah scope they are to be honest as a controller player that does not matter oh here it comes i just need one just one one shot with this so i'm playing sneaky where'd he go oh well there he is let's go this way i'm sure i saw someone down here oh there they are i got him i got him okay sweet those are shots that was definitely it right yes okay sweet what is the last challenge oh we got it we can drop these pistols now puggers you think there's pogbas pogba's indeed i've got a gray uh gray ar this is not gonna go well i might just die so i go back to the lobby what has he got zero gravity or something as well with all these fish things i don't know how we're gonna get used to all this stuff there's so much going on i need this quick oh this bad this bad check your challenges while you're in the game it doesn't show this one up for some reason i don't know why yo i'm hitting them with pistols let's go come on i'll get one of those one of those kills they're still in the storm [Music] no oh no he actually scared me i have no idea where he went these superpowers are too much way too much oh no i don't have that many mats either what is that in the middle i don't know where we're gonna go but we need health and we need it now all this shark i thought sharks were extinct now i thought they were gone never mind what's up lads okay that just appeared out of nowhere nice we're dead there's no way i really want to grab that there's only four people left on that smg i'm that ar i need it is there a new game mode i don't think so i didn't check though i might check for you guys in a sec well i could even use the small fries right now let's see where the closest body of water is let's go to the lake there's four people left probably because someone's like destroying but i need some hp we might be able to close this game out i'm not sure though someone died there's three people left three they're down there bringing third party that'd be amazing i need to find some health dude i kind of don't care if i die so i want to see what the next um did not mean to do that i want to see what the next challenge is oh angry puggies darcy you're gonna need to chill for me anyone else around oh that's they're the last people whoa i can get used to this nonsense right now yeah take that take that as we over here my supply drop that's all so we've got a sweat so we definitely take him down let's just set on fire come to me i haven't got the ammo to shoot you down there's the sweat we need to get that sweat down i'm gonna third buy this they're gonna be so mad how they doing how they doing come on come down faster oh he's so low he's so low what we got i'll take this i'll take these i'll take this and i'll clear up afterwards don't mind if i do did i win yeah i've already won i want my first game i'm gonna say this just in case i got bounce pads as well what's that held up by oh i see it how is that still hold up what is that held up by i don't see it i can't see the tree you can't hold on to the tree did they give up on that fight it must be the back oh yeah there we go i know what sound that that is what are you doing bro oh they're over there okay right new plan new plane mats okay they're fighting i kind of want to risk it i'm gonna go up here oh there's someone all the way up there they already beat me to it there i can't walk out that noise it sounds like the grenade launcher but i don't know if it is this is risky i hear someone no he's already here this ain't gonna happen i think he's got a superpower as well pretty sure he's got a superpower yeah my mats i'm dead i have no materials this is it it's over i'll let them to fight it out happily no i don't do that i got one build he's healing wait oh why did i build no dude big brain biggest of brains i was reloading use the bounce pad i don't think i can use it now can i literally can't use it i'm stuck here i'm actually stuck here all right that guy is king in a mountain i'm sure there's someone down here still oh no it's it that's it oh no oh i survived i didn't think i was gonna survive oh i don't think i was gonna survive at all that's the most scuffed game i played so bad all the way at the top of that hill yo you're dead that's the noise it was the bandage launcher you're dead bro use bounce on the floor ah you know what i don't think you can do that though that was a good game it was not really a good game i'm not gonna i'm not gonna sugarcoat that i just wanted the challenge so now i need to go back up here it should be one last challenge for this emote as mystique after eliminating an opponent okay we're almost there we're almost there that's what we need to do now let's go phoenix rising thank you for the tier one tdm fan thank you for 10 bits shiny ditto thank you for the five months i appreciate that my friend tdm fanning the hundred bits as well thanks to your sister uh twitch thank you uh twitch x e a s zed thank you for the prime that game of plays thank you for the four months appreciate it phoenix rising thank you 100 as well i'm gonna eu damien thank you thunderbirds i'm enjoying it so far but i haven't played fortnite in a while so it's actually kind of refreshing to just play uh fortnite and played it in ages uh milo vibes thank you thunderbirds could you tell xander to get all his class work done and focus on class xander come on buddy you need equal balance of fun work it's got to happen uh rubify thank you 100 bits i wanted a bad shot i donated thank you nosebleed thank you for the prime mila vibes thank you for the 200 bits as well captain nemo thank you for the prime bean thank you for the 100 bits dusty gamer thank you for the four months i'm gonna play animal crosston again at some point i will do yeah i will but i haven't touched it since i streamed it last moxie mills thank you for the 100 bits limited cola thank you for the prime as well and ceo elijah thank you for the hondo bits and guys if you didn't hear i ordered my new pc it's coming on the 5th of september that's right the fifth play henry stickman i've got another episode coming up on saturday right we need to kill someone and then emote straight after and then we win we win the new skin uh where should we go i might just go to old faithful you know hit up lazy what's good bro oh i need to go on doom's domain as well they need to go back there can any of you guys tell me what the mythics are i actually don't know the answer to that cody brown think of 100 bits as well i'm trying to study for my dissertation you keep popping up your live streams i'm sorry good luck with your dissertation i did mine in like two days because i'm a terrible human being the bullseye is coming to stream snipe you yeah probably i just want to kill one person it's all i need in my life with a pistol with a pistol it can happen there he is got it we got it let's go oh it worked like that's so sick yo where is the where's the chest where is the chest excuse me where'd it go it worked it doesn't keep you as the skin though you change into it but it doesn't keep through the skin i thought it'd keep you it for the rest of the game yeah look at that that's so sick so other people see you like this anyway we got the job come on done me in bro you're mad you're mad you're so mad feeling toxic guys feeling toxic now the fishing yeah now the fishing now the pokedex that's so paid to win it's it oh coming up boys there's someone under here who's coming in the destiny's someone under there just gonna close the door real quick those hammers paid to win how comes they're right under here yeah they are i see him this is so done oh there you are hello how are you let's see we ran them out you still in there all that worker they have an smg no way oh i'm so mad so mad you can shame me for that one that was awful i don't like the combat i'm never using it again all right sarah west your fortnight's celebrating i've been with three hours yeah it's a big update i think i think it's a big update thank you for 100 bits cody actually wait no we need to go back returns lobby get out of here oh yeah coley good luck with your dissertation my man right what other skins should we use so we've got the mystique awakening which changes the emote uh what other what the skin should we use i can't get rid of these mythic blades that's kind of dope that's even dope let's use this next skin next skin what should we use let's see what new ones we haven't used yet thor doctor doom tony stark oh i haven't used axe a little yet iron man groot oh yeah groot mr dr doom we need to land on a mythic poi as well thor uh let me let me do a poll actually who shall we use i'm gonna do a poll uh iron man groot doom thor tony stark storm i'm gonna put those as the options because that's a lot so one two three four five or six to make your vote okay and we'll use that in the next one while i do that though let me just do let me do one more game while that poll is going and i want to land hot i'm gonna land hot we're gonna do it grew all the way oh it is a it's a top two for sure iron man and groot not even close [Music] guys no we just hit 700 000 followers let's go thank you that's insane that's actually nuts so we use one two three four five or six to vote and you need to type it once if you don't if you type more than one one then it's not gonna count let's try this new harvesting tool as well looks vicious real vicious okay i like this it's pretty loud i don't think it's too bad oh there the engines charge up as the time gets closer that's that's quite nice i like that touch all right i wish we had two next yeah 700k oh nuts what's going to hit a million first the twitch or the youtube i don't know what's going to happen doom's domain is i guess i don't know where the other mythics are where are they where are the other mythics spider-man i hope someone said that spider-man is the secret skin because there was a bit in the trailer where i think it's where wolverine smashes the camera glass it looks like a web so apparently people think that's a hint to spider-man but we'll see were you voting on you're voting on the next skin to use because i've got all of them sir impossible thank you the 200 bits nightmare game i think you're the gifted sub there we go authority oh is it this house at the back is that what it is yeah that's looking pretty aggressive right boxing thing in here pistol dope oh you get that do you nice okay oh oh almost died almost died just reset jeez yo do not forget to say wolverine is the secret skin oh yeah i guess so yeah you're right it tells you doesn't it the pump is back i know just used it hit 90 damage dope right who did we get who is who's the winner iron man's the winner thank you for voting my friends i appreciate it i'm gonna finish up that poll and hide it before how many times have been killed by that by the way please tell me please tell me i've been killed by that way too many times that superpower uh moth glow thing you're thunderbirds tdm fan thank you 100 bits as well uh maddie hey maddie how's it going moth glow think of another 100 pages thank you very much as well appreciate it wrecker boy prime i appreciate it as well thank you metal head thank you for the tier 1 and coley thank you for the 100 i'm not a man oh sorry i say it to everyone i said to everyone sorry to assume don't think i can write a nursing dissertation in two days two days but respect you no mine was a music dissertation so i definitely could have done that nursing that's that's uh that's a top tier dissertations a good luck with it uh iron man wait do i need to do oh no do i need to do challenges for it hold up hold up i do reach level 100 and create stony tony stark challenges bruh i need to play as tony stark i've clickbaited you all reach 88 on the speedometer in a whiplash what's a whiplash right and tony with some uh some business to take care of sorry guys i click bait you which one is the whiplash lambo okay sweet let's do that guys if you're new around here the follow button we greatly appreciate it we have 700 000 followers today which is just oh unbelievably nuts i appreciate that so much especially like moving from i haven't really promoted it much on the main channel the twitch so it's really nice to i just really appreciate you guys being here thank you i need you to challenge i know i'm gonna do it i'm sorry i'm sorry so the dantdm live channel is on 747 and i think it's going to go up because today's uh fortnite video is doing pretty well um tony stark looks pretty vanilla i like the gold skull though that's pretty sick guaranteed place for lambo or nah okay oh there it is see me fly to the island there's my clickbait right there i do hope for the sake of fortnite that this is the only like hashtag ad season are we even moving we are not moving we tried gas stations where the lambos are okay i'm gonna i'm gonna hit that up lily thank you for nine months we call that a twitch baby thank you my son is soaked in stoke for this season make sure you say hi to him for me it's a good one if you like superheroes big marvel fan big w uh jenna nater thank you for the two months as well right what was i doing these are the gas stations let's go here i don't think there's a lambo there actually i think there's one i'm gonna go lazy lake instead i think how do i get rid of my ping now i don't actually know oh he does kind of match this umbrella though right is there anyone else yeah oh no oh no i want the lambo give me lamb my friends oh it's gone oh no it's actually gone where'd it go well this is fun and by fun i mean no fun at all all right we haven't used an smg yet i'm shocked let's take this one okay these are actually really good now the harpoon guns as well okay garage isn't too bad i feel like actually as someone who's not into marvel that much i feel like this season is actually not that um alienating which i thought was gonna happen it's actually not too bad i need to change my my rap as well i'm not quite sure i'm gonna get out of this i wanted a lambo and i didn't get one okay someone over there am i just trying to get them let's go speedy gonzalez come here you sit down though sit down spicy fish oh that's the same as this isn't it oh he's got the pro fishing rod okay right we're gonna play with this then he just delivered me that what a nice man right okay let's try this pro fishing rod let's go to a more concealed location and let's get it i keep forgetting what i was gonna do i know i was gonna do this before but let's eat another one of these and then go get that spicy fish oh it's spicy there he is right pro fishing rods it's got is that banana it's got banana on the end let's see what happens if you just use it here materials 30 materials i need a fishing hole let's see pro fishing rod delivery thank you my friends ah okay i don't know what happens with the single fish okay more mats interesting let's see who we got from here i'm guessing this gives you more chance of getting like a a decent fish what do we get flopper 44 centimeters big boy oh there's the thermal fish dope i don't know what to use now i kind of want to keep the fishing rod um should i use that now i'm going to use the thermal fish now let's get some materials let's go see if we can find anyone this is so sick dude kind of ridiculous at the same time okay i can hear someone in the car that i need he's like what's going on how can you see me i think he just ate some next level fish as well what is that gun yeah they're they've eaten something sounds weird in this day and age before night where you're like he's eating sun he's eating it where is he [Music] he's got a lot more health than i have and builds i can't see i know what gun that is i have no idea what gun that is this is so dumb i'm running no i'm just making behind the rock no dude why isn't all these fish they're in my brain he's eating a hop flopper which is the same as a hot rock what oh it's a gold revolver nice yeah i was unfortunate oh jenna nader thank you for the two months lily thank you for the nine months as well nightmare game i think the two months two can you please hello to blake and ollie blake nolly how's it going my friends how are you uh sarah west you have to go to bed now since 1am you always seem to be saying that he had the car as well at the car cow man thank you very much you need to make a tick tock or eat raw beans are we i'm thinking about the tick tock i feel like it needs to be a good one so i feel pressure paige uh hello to emily hey emily how's it going anonymous cheer i think 100 bits as well and nightmare thank you for the hundred bits did i just say that blake and ollie i did sorry it took me a little bit to get you i was um playing the game picture for the new season is cool i do like the intro it's very nice the attack rest in peace rest in peace a gas station uh oh down here is that one every time though that's gonna be hot i need to get to 88 as well i just need the car and get out of there i need iron man give me iron man and then we're good so the pro fishing rod works i like all the new fish the thermal fish is amazing it does feel like click bait as well not clickbait it does feel like aimbot too because because you can see them so well it feels like your aim's just way better okay we're going to the gas station this could be a terrible idea but i need that car i'm grabbing the car i'm getting out of there yeah this is definitely it let's go four was the pump now it's attack i know i kind of i want the tack back attack attack you know i don't know what the other challenges are going to be either the corner of the station oh this one oh it's massive now wait we've had an extension over here okay that's a pickup truck where is it oh don't land on a weapon no there it is let's go get it i need to get to 88 miles an hour don't mind me we need to get to 88 miles an hour i never say anything everybody got anything there we go i actually don't know [Music] oh no okay i'm out i'm out let's go let's get out of here it's bad no leave me alone leave me alone i have no weapon to defend myself [Music] no this is party royale pyro is safe [Music] we're good definitely need this right now yo miracle if we even attempt to win this game where is it let's just follow these roads these old town roads let's see where they take us [Music] oh the [ __ ] just came out nowhere okay that's how we're playing now is it [Music] the car literally just just trolled me i don't think we have a lot of fuel oh we actually have a decent amount yeah i don't know what the other challenges are guys you know the challenges or do we have to go back to the lobby to do it because i'm quite happy to just kill myself here [Music] yeah i might just do it i'm out can i jump on this there we go open the map no that's not it it's happening it's going down goodbye tony because i did like hardly any damage come on burn me up oh this is a lot of damage he's happiest when he's in in in the fire right let's say it's annoying after you go backwards and forwards but we're doing it paige thank you very bits your first tick tock why don't you learn to dance absolutely not i'll never do it oh we unlock this as well we're not going to uh silver foil nice right we've got a few things to do actually right then use an upgrade bench as tony stark easy mode i like that easy challenges let's go should have also looked up i don't know if it's active though until you leave the lobby because you haven't technically completed a challenge until you died i don't think anyway i can't wait to debut your new banner i've actually got new outro new banner new st stream intro and i'm gonna get new graphics done as well and i'm gonna premiere it when i have my new setup so it's gonna be a big um it's gonna be a big september weekend let's just say that hey maddox how's it going dude right let's get this iron man on look shall we so we need to just use an upgrade bench i'm going back to trust the old pond i'm actually i'm going to turn my um i'm going to turn my sensitivity down what am i on let's go back to og yeah let's do that hey roman how are you doing uh paige you're doing a tick tock dance would be amazing it definitely would not you could have opened options to challenge i'll try that next time but i think you have to complete it to work you know what i mean where's my where's my fishing haul let's go here no one follow me unless you're willing to be sacrificed to the gods i need to use an upgrade so i need 50 of each right no 10 of each 10 of it should be fine yep 700 000 followers madness yeah i'm doing good thanks ben the man how are you doing play on linear without boost nah expo boy all the way um you use v box to level up i did cheeky man i bought it you smell food that ain't coming from me all right here we go i know i'm only coming here because i know there's an upgrade bench watch fly upgrades trusty fishing rod i remember what we actually covered today i thought we've covered a lot by them give me signs upgrade nothing expensive uh is that expensive it might be i kind of want something great let's go get the fishing rod [Music] we oh we do need 100 of each might as well do the ar then actually i am going to get the fishing rod i need some more brick can i do that up here or is that going to be wood i think that might be wood still yes i need brick let's go get it there we go right 100 100 metal i don't know how much metal is around um where's the closest place to get metal maybe in holly yeah bounce pads are back which is nice i think um what's it called to gone though the trampolines what are they called what they called just got third place congratulations complete the fish index is a lot of experience okay how are we doing on that there's a lot to catch still a lot launch pad that's it that's it crash pads are still in though here comes blue thank you for your [ __ ] i promised my little boy harrison i tried to get you say hello to him would you really make his day of course i can hey harrison how's it going dudes thanks for watching right i just need metal and then get out of here then is there an upgrade i can't even see it is there an upgrade bench here oh i forgot you can't use those now is there an upgrade wrench here i will take these actually no i don't want to eat that nevermind oh never mind i'm dead i'm out i saw someone i just came to get the metal that's all i wanted i don't have enough still it's embarrassing i might not have the metal yet i think now you can't mine the cars up there's not a lot of metal anywhere you can't make the um you can't break the car oh yeah wait a second i forgot you can get the upgrade bench so i grade it it still works let me check it out i trust in you oh no all this taxi break the car you can't it doesn't happen oh it does oh it does never mind this gives you way less sorry lads you're right you're right never mind oh please how do you side grades oh you can cycle these now what should i upgrade though i can just do this to a green i'll do that right that is done sweet challenges tony stark awakening challenges see it doesn't give me the next one yet i can't do the next one i think i need to die again here we go i'm out win this one for us i'm just gonna get out of this one so i can go and unlock um i need to unlock iron man and then and then we're good you have to crack short cabin do you really oh that would make sense actually you can leave it used to not let you do that but i'm not gonna uh i'm not gonna risk it uh uh naruto nana hey how's it going thank you for the three months dude appreciate it how are you taylor's barbers thank you for the tier one tyson is great thank you for the prime luke score thank you for 100 bits here comes blue thank you for 100 bits i hope you caught the message kanato thank you for the tier 2. i appreciate that my man thank you uh graham thank you for the prime and no nature thank you for the two months as well right there next challenge yeah is back what does that say emote is tony stark there you're right you're right crack shot cabin it is let's go you deleted fortnite you go to the quinn jets for other mythical jump uh items okay we might try that as well here comes blue thank you for the prime as well i appreciate you thank you oh it's a cool loading screen i've seen this one before yeah this is the new season season four of chapter two chapter two chapter two go to the fallen queen jets where is that though it doesn't sit on the map does it can you say hi dean thank you for 100 right where is that thing it's is it here is that crack shaw cabin it is isn't it i keep pressing r1 that's it nothing we've got people working next door so she's like hello i missed missed again hug cam yeah they're getting pretty rowdy there they are while we do the challenges i'll put this on that wobble keeps catching me off guard oh it's right on here if they're stream snipers we're dead i think your dog's called darcy too nice all right then let's go so we just need to remote here and then we're good and then we need to die i'll try leaving i'll see if that works here we go yeah that's super protective so now we should be able to unload here get the iron man suit and then play and someone's telling me uh ash glitching saying if you complete the decks for the fish you get a lot of experience oh llama as well let's go no no no don't kill me don't kill me there's someone in here did it oh we changed straight away oh no there's someone here i don't have a weapon there we go chill bro 35 35 no all the shotguns suck that's definitely a stream sniper there's no way look look at him look at him little punk we got iron man though he did it that's cool how he transforms in game when you finish it right let's do a couple games let's do this proper ones he just tried to bottle flip on me amazing you failed in front of all these people in front of all these people you failed thought with with a gun is lol yeah you're right actually oh no he just what did you just do on me is that a tick tock i mean that's a tick tock dance hope you lose the game for i hope you lose it can you fly an iron man no because that would be that'd be pretty overpowered i think we've got the same loading screen twice in a row all the odds of that no mood boy is not a real person it's a it's a robot season trash you think so i think it's good right couple more games in me we've been streaming for two and a half hours there we go why can't the captain america skin hold why can't it i don't know i don't actually know that much about avengers lore so you're asking the wrong dude i can't believe that only did that much damage dude oh it's 104 when we're in the lobby a great one as well nice we must uh suck so why are we iron man wait wait wait wait wait wait wait did you know i oh no spoilers come on tony stark awakening transform into iron oh you do it while you're in oh i see okay never mind it was right all along you just do the uh you just do the emotion then you're good you have to suit up i'll do it don't worry i'll do it could you in the lobby no i haven't watched the marvel movies no i'm a bad person i get the um i get the characters obviously everyone knows the characters full iron man that's right i like that it's the transforming piggy two oh i don't know if i'm i don't know if i'm vibing piggy anymore i'm not sure but where is it oh yeah the gold skull as well let's go right i need to find these quinjets where are they because i need some mythics guys i'm gonna need some map coordinates of quinjets please help me out here iron man looks good in fortnite very good dan stark that's me above dooms ah is that them there look for blue smoke oh okay okay oh they dropped random locations ah let me look for some blue smoke don't crash guys don't crash oh wait he's dropping do they crash live there's one over there i jumped way too early for this one there's one definitely over there how'd you get groot and doctor doing his battle pass but i bought the battle pass because i'm too lazy to unlock it now it's like a white aeroplane on the map oh okay sweet yeah i get that now awesome thank you danny stark we're out here how do i get rid of my marker oh there we go so that guy is landing before us so we might have to zip down here get a weapon and try and take them out unless they've got the same idea they definitely have the same idea oh no oh no so what now we have to try and get in here without getting destroyed oh no this is bad at least damn got aimbot the henchmen suck now let's go you're coming with me come with me boy give me that give me that thank you okay we got the we got this don't know how well it's going to go i don't know if there's anyone else here i think there is oh no who's this are you kidding me what did he just use how did he redeploy because he flew in behind me how did he redeploy you could have hacked it how did he same kid oh yeah it is as well how did he redeploy okay i'll hack him next time the silver surfer glider he doesn't have it though does he it's not in his inventory i think you need to shave never never oh steamy stacks yeah you're right okay nevermind tomato thank you for 100 bits stream is season's really fun might be biased i think if you're a marvel fan you're going to enjoy it for sure uh luke's core can you say hi to june hey june how's it going thank you luke appreciate it thank you hundred bits well we just got absolutely destroyed no that's not that's not a stream sniper ride i think but he went to the back and then he must have gone all the way around to steamy yeah he did okay the queen jets are a good place to go but you need a weapon first game of beard forever you're right you're gonna die bro you're gonna die oh you oh you failed oh it's embarrassing straight embarrassing there's a small chance to get a mythic from the drones ah okay i'm learning i'm learning do you do videos of dr terrace i don't know where he is he's gone thought trying to build he's trying to you love this season i'm glad you like it more henry stickman that's coming out on tomorrow tomorrow or saturday i can't remember when i got a video done for i've recorded it anyway i'll come here when i said i needed it for i cannot remember but there will be one out don't worry we've got a hype train going okay paige thank you for the hundred bits were your thoughts on the siren head i'm a bit confused by sirenet there's not like slenderman's a proper game whereas siren heads like i'm not sure what i'm trying to say here it's way less of a game but now much more of a meme you know well there's not a lot of players in this game 90 oh we might get bots hold up 90. let's pay attention to where the the things go in the planes i want to get a superpower and try x i haven't actually tried it i've been distracted by everything else where they're gonna land where you're landing boys where you dropping where are they where you're landing come on show me the goods oh they're all back there no that's not fun i have to go lazy now we'll go over here oh back over here oh no oh next to the trash as well should i go gas station first who else is going to come here because as well there's the bots which i did manage to kill with the pickaxe but didn't leave me with much to work with oh there's someone right there already okay oh no i'm bailing i'm bailing i'll make my way over there yeah definitely all right chester rooney let's go charge shotgun is not what i wanted at all i need an ar or something otherwise it's gonna be too far gone i might have to go over there i'm just gonna do it yeah i'm still on i forgot who is that someone's here someone's trolling me someone is definitely trolling me where are you do they run away i feel like they run away wait oh they are in there it's the store it's thor you're mad annoying you're so annoying stay away from me leave me alone shoot the can uh i didn't want to risk it i don't know what i'm doing don't play with fire you know all that stuff okay this is not good to go and get the queen jets or whatever they're called i'm gonna go to this house first all this stuff's gonna be going by now cabbage got me a cabbage oh shotguns oh great yep just happened to be here huh just happened to be here so stop it be gone you just lost to a grey pistol grey pistol let's go oh yeah i need to suit up as well i'll do outfits there we go get in the thing come on i feel like iron man's big target hog okay what else did they drop actually do they not have that much they cracked me oh iron man has like a weird oh it's kind of distracting the footsteps sound really weird right now we've got this let's try and go over to where the quinjets are but there's two and i don't think any of them are going to be free there's a lot of building over there let's go to this one yeah over here it's building over here as well okay are we doing that are we you know what i've had enough for you i missed i'm gonna ram you oh he actually shot me through the thing that's actually pretty that is that drum gun okay this is bad i kind of want to get out of here dude i do not have enough mats for it come over here i don't have mads to fight you and if i get in that that's dead i'm not here i never was here oh you are low he's low no ain't happening ain't watch happening a shot in the back you're gonna die at the store we're both gonna die i'm not letting this go you gotta move bro are you gonna die i want your stuff come on come on you gotta go for it thank you i will take that now i may lose a lot of health for this but it was worth i'm going to take i thought was attack for a sec i'm going to take this what the no i didn't want that alright let's go oh no that's up lake oh no this is bad i met messed up here oh no was there a pump oh i left it it's fine i need to survive oh that'll do i we'll take that was it worth the kill probably not but we got the stock industry rifle let's go and see if we can get some health oh it's so far away i definitely want to trade this out too i bet it's been ransacked i mean i'll take the little bit of healthy and get from this that dragon shotgun it looks like it isn't it any help you can give me that'd be fantastic so apparently this rifle was really good i haven't had the chance to test it probably yet there's a campfire in here isn't there iron man sounds really slow yeah there is alright let's quickly grab this and then we'll be on our way oh we've got so far to go though go run straight and hopefully we can use this i mean mats as well this is gonna be a rough game wow someone's got a car i forget about cars i don't want to bring my attention to myself can i go and get that car i need a car why do i always forget about the cars let's go give me my right there we go ready just in case if only you could drive well over grass i thought that'd be way better i don't know why [Music] get some mats as well do some fishing it's okay you can drive through water in fortnite you can drive oh come on come on it's iron man driving a normal car it's kind of hilarious right up here how many that ten okay sweet right did you hear ellie just cough love me oh what is happening over here someone's got a wooden helicopter ready to charge i need uh i need some meals give me some meals no one went to get that supply drop i was really close to going to get it as well ryan we need to stock up for the end game y'all no no no no no stop this get out of here we've got a snitch we got a snitch guys hey what did i just say hey get out of it i'm gonna make my way around here just to see if we can um actually get in oh okay yes yes yes i'm gonna drink this anyway just in case we see anyone we've got eight people okay weird games today but i'm kind of okay with it oh wait yeah let's do this i know we're iron man let's be doomed for a little bit big pot i don't actually use this gun yeah though scan me scan me i don't know why we need to do that it's like nothing in here right i haven't been in this building yet let's see what's going down i still got the iron man footsteps [Music] oh this has been looted like crazy come on now shield mushrooms are taken why am i still holding this let's grab this let's get chilly let's do that oh i thought i was going to disappear right then best place to go i'm not actually sure but i definitely need more materials or to kill someone that has some i'll get your chats and stuff in a second guys don't feel like i have the best loadouts kind of go charging in i do wish i had a thermal fish right now okay someone up there are they bouncing they big bouncing i could probably take that down actually he's gonna come over there's no doubt anyone behind i haven't used this gun yet so it's gonna be an interesting one do i go and get that supply drop or does he see me what do i do i might go get it i'm going speedy gonzalez we're going let's go around here for some cover let's make sure no one else is going for it oh no it's way up in the sky fire's pretty quick you know oh not bad i need to get around here let's just go to avoid that guy for sure okay big build fight i'm just using my peppers and get out of here come on dude my aim has been terrible five left oh the nominees fall off that someone's gonna knock that down surely thor is missing too yeah i see you oh my disguise so they're down there that's definitely a sweat oh wait is that dude definitely a dude i'm just gonna go for it dude i got a gold pump i will regret this i think uh what what did he excuse me where'd he go where did this man go where did he go oh oh geez i hit him as well i hit him i hit him big oh he's all the way up there i know groot is somewhere as well but i don't know where he left the game i've got five mats five knocking down there's too much holding up right hold up about all of this oh no no no how much help oh no dude that's mad annoying oh i missed that pump at the end i didn't know he was in that bit i really don't have that many mads in these games which is frustrating and groot groot lured me in he lured me in and disappeared he lured me and disappeared actually outrageous why'd you take those fights there was no yeah i probably shouldn't have done that one but i had no match there's not really much i could do to be fair apparently people saying the um the servers down servers are down are they ready is that why it went to 90 was that the last game uh paige thank you for 100 bits kanato 8 000 bits you just got twitch i want to tell you that i'm really big fan of you so little hey thank you so much eight thousand bits is crazy thank you my friend uh matrix nitro thank you for the three months uh oh thank you 100 bits as well tdm fan thank you 300 bits internet high five we done here still live on thank you for the prime uh cannon shells thank you for the four months luke's core thank you hundred bits as well say hi to june hey june how's it going sorry it took me a little bit to get to them score bunny thank you hundred bits as well animal crossing worth getting if you're if you don't mind waiting each day to like to play the game then yeah it's pretty good uh it's the soundtrack thank you for the two months anyone else can't get into a game i'm going to try it and see what happens uh archie thank you for the prime far blades think of 100 bits mr fancy pants thank you for three months i just need to sort out my um my vibes up and then um vr will come back i think matchmaking is down that's probably a good place to end actually what do we do today we got our vikroy we got our umbrella we we had some good games today most of them were top ten i just uh i need to get back into the swing of fortnite definitely so guys i'm gonna end this video here uh this stream here thank you so much for being here if you're new around here it'd be great i appreciate it if you would uh hit that follow button and also um hit the bell as well so you get notifications when i go live twitch notifications are actually pretty good let me know what you think of the uh the season that'd be uh that'd be awesome i think it's pretty fun but um i need to get back into the swing of fortnite it's getting real sweaty all of a sudden and i don't know if i vibe with it uh swoop thank you thunderbirds and the kind words i appreciate it thank you all for 700 000 followers you're insane i massively appreciate you um we got we got another win today i can't really complain at all at all but guys thanks so much for watching i love you all stay safe thank you for all the uh the bits the subs all that good stuff i might grind a little bit fortnight off of um off camera and then start streaming it again soon i'm not sure but four guys is kind of my main my main addiction at the minute uh me the weeb thank you for the prime uh dog master thank you for the two months as well i appreciate you guys thank you so much and i'll see you soon goodbye
Channel: DanTDM Live
Views: 2,031,759
Rating: 4.9207807 out of 5
Keywords: fortnite, dantdm, dantdm live, gaming, video games, fortnite marvel, fortnite season 4
Id: 76B-gGbe11w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 153min 59sec (9239 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 28 2020
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