Playing For Keeps in $10,000 BULLET Tournament (Chess)

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we'll be going up against sardoche good luck sir okay he knows what's up no question there he's a league of legends gamer he's a gamer don't don't do it he's doing a pawn rush dude um we take we uh push it's bullet it's bullet baby don't sweat it too much oh that's an easy take in my world i choose not to take hmm this doesn't look too bad right now my queen it looks terrible never mind okay immediate hung queen followed by hung queen in many ways we would say that's insanely lucky we got to do something saved time not on our side time is not on our side very much not on our side oh no no no no literally i'm just giving him so much time rip this one's done good game good game he got me on that one next match that was well played sorry white has an advantage turbo fisto okay i believe this is critical as in like it's extremely important my personal recommendation don't give out your um fiancee bishop this early i choose not to lose the rare triple pawn structure you're not going to see that too much not scared yet not scared yet put some pressure on one sec oh he got out of it you lucky son of a gun really i'm a little surprised this is not looking too bad let's put it that way are we gonna do this okay there you go there's a win quick sip of the potion little better little better calming down a little bit next match not going winless come on man sardoche that's not a fork oh he's a genius the man is is a genius he's he's practiced all i'm gonna say this wouldn't have happened if we were in pogchamps okay it's bullet don't freak out in bullet we don't freak out you take your time you get kind of your peace advantage back a little bit at least oh that was bad this is not looking good either just do it in bullet the rules don't apply he's in check that's not the right place by resignation that's how you know he's a league gamer he's trying to get the maximum number of possible matches in that was a good game though next match they're finding an opponent good recovery sapnap chess i don't trust that 1100 rating at all for the record it's like our first castle man what am i doing you got to do something just for the record you got to do something in this game you got to move a little faster from time to time close them in take control of the strong diagonal take their queen move your rook close them in don't close them in i know where i want to be that's where i want to be hmm delightful i'm like am i dead do i lose that's not the right move but time time is of the essence this is probably one where you can just calm down a little bit and be like we're looking pretty good okay there's another one in the books get ourselves up to what i think it's like three and one yo alex five wins in a row wolf bark woof four wins in a row we got a little lucky on that one hung queen is something you can't rely on small degree of confusion i would say hmm oh i've left my bishop hanging for like 20 turns [Laughter] i was wondering i was wait did i or did i not i don't know maybe i didn't don't move this guy oh you don't come on man you don't want to move that guy i just i'm promising you that one you did that's fine that's a bullet baby all right there's another one in the books don't talk to me about chest on khan's analysis on that one i don't want to know i don't want to know four wins in a row next game wolf a bell among us pro dad crafts pro chess enthusiast i'm not trying to be i'm not [Laughter] i didn't mean it is bm okay i just the comedic timing was good this one's a problem okay there's another one there we've moved up to ranked number two although i think we might have just fallen back to three but that was okay bad boy halo it's a great name are they i was going to say are they just doing like the the pawn storm that's incredible you won't see that one too much you won't you won't see that one on espn go ahead you want to get weird let's get freaking okay all right surprising a little surprising this one's looking alright you know i'm not gonna it wasn't even bm sometimes you're just like i just want to be lazy i just want to take the lazy move that was i don't know if i would have done a pre-move on that one personally but don't don't don't don't do it not stalemated okay as long as they got the pawn they're not stalemated all right good game take another one there moving on dude people are doing some serious work in the points no doubt about that gm silker the man's got gm in his come on dude what why it didn't have to be like that i got so scared though i was like what what is he doing dude i think this is the most beautiful oh it's not quite checkmate this is an amazing game not a checkmate you're going to see every day boy boy i want boy [Laughter] bring me boy hmm this is a serious competitor here you can't mess around with this one we do a little messing around but just a little this is his move and then we take here hmm really good move actually kind of like blows me out we got a great pinch here good win good win that one felt good boy i'm i'm unchained from the botez sisters now i'm running wild hand and brain i don't know there's no joke there it felt good too because that was the the botes london that we just popped off with right there what little surprised but that's okay dude i'm still so nervous i'm still like what if what if pardon me ruby's flashbacks dude you're not joking though like this don't take with the knight because then i'm going to put you in check and it's going to be a whole so just do it and i'll do it again let's try this okay that one that one went well sapnab chess hello again they're playing book moves they were not playing book moves last time dude this is a genuine game this time no joke we need to put way more pressure on uh that was really good honestly i i think we might actually lose this one no joke dude our pawn structure is so weird not today not today we're down by 10 seconds that's pretty nasty now draw draw we'll take the draw okay the loss or the the non-win hurts but the draw is okay at least it wasn't a loss it does bust our streak up though daily dose of internet e4 f4 interesting interesting i saw where that was going and i did not like it certainly interesting it's an atypical uh structure okay bust them begin the busting holy hell that's not how that works huh i'm out of my depth i'm out of my depth take that's good no it's not it's not that bad bad move but it was fast this one on the other hand was not i think we saw a great moment there to to just get some arbitrage on time and we took it but that was not i i would not consider that emblematic of the average play of somebody at a 500 elo that was that seemed a little bit uh on the advanced level for me do it do it they won't do it but imagine if they had though wouldn't that be something she's looking okay obviously now that's not good i'm like i can't i can't check mate yeah never mind there you go okay the checkmate's the hardest part man everything else you could just program endless moves and win on that but daily dose of internet one more time hello put up a very strong fight last time willing to guess has probably also learned from their mistake time wise but i've learned from my mistake too murray have i i don't know now i'm like maybe i haven't sorry i never had a choice [Laughter] oh david pac-man okay playing fast clearly a speed rich gamer knows what they're doing knows what they're up against interesting some might even say delightful i like i like it i think i like it maybe i don't like it fair enough good move good move bad move i'm a fool i'm a genius i'm a sinner i'm a saint 1600 hung is queen on the first isn't that what they say hunger's queen 1660 hung his queen on the first move 1660 16 1660 i'm familiar with levy tabbo my man okay he's he's just gaming he's just gaming i'm like if if my mans is just pre-moving then it's got to be done i mean no don't okay just don't be a fool the pre moves man tell about the pre moves he's got me off balance i don't know what to do i'm so scared i'm just like i think we're okay here but there's there's a degree of fright regardless okay that something was i just say it was a scary time to be me how's the glycogen level looking i'm scared we're going up against number one right now also it appears that their photo is from the michael myers film the love guru unless i'm mistaken and it's been known to happen don't get me wrong that's not the right move okay when you make the wrong move it's very simple you simply say it was a gambit it was but a simple gambit interesting that's such a bad move i've resigned that a shame yeah this is a resignation we got bodied on that one next game good game good game that is not a photo from the love guru i'd like to apologize am i getting gambited right now that was literally just his face i really thought it was mike myers from the love guru um uh looking up into like the the sunlight that's my mistake i meant no disrespect i assure you good gamer by the way that's that's a legitimate gamer i think we could we could have done it but but we didn't so there's that hmm that's a big move that's a big move my queen i'm not a gamer no we're still doing pretty well that again can i tell you in all sincerity that was a simple gamble or a gambit i should say gambit confirmed can't make it okay good one there we go we're back getting back in there we got to play some more wolf bark wolf man it's close we got a really it's a close game here okay it's ludwig he's playing the inverted sicilian also known as the dutch defense millions of years of chess gameplay have led to this moment feeling okay to begin with i'll tell you that much interesting okay he's going fast it's a good take good take can't be mad can be mad shouldn't be mad what's going on here what are you doing you mad man you mad genius most sub channel in twitch history what are you doing here never should have been done but sometimes you don't have a choice you know okay this one's gonna be fine that game was a little weird i stalemated him well play honestly well played well played i was like i gotta do the pre-move to get him in the mate that was a smart move i can't be mad i can be i can be a little salty but i can't be mad at him especially because that's the second time he did that to me in uh in twitch rivals too which is so funny are you is this like is this a meme am i simply being copied i don't understand copy that good game i don't think he was actually copying me but i don't know i just i felt i felt a staggering amount of acetylcholine rise in my system there dare i say i may have almost become the joker temporarily resign okay next that was the guy who was in second 24 minutes remain that's yasuo champions of fire revenge he plays the alapin i don't remember what you do against the aleppin okay i'm like i'm just uh confused i guess this one unlikely to be a draw resignation okay next match i will win this easy dude they're a gamer this is an actual confirmed gamer right here they they know something bro i'm just like this is i've never played out of my gourd like this in my life before just don't get back rank mated that's like i could try for this but i'm like i just don't want to put myself in a back rank mate dude and in bullet you know you got to make tough choices like castling for example the toughest choice time advantage you know how it is don't give yourself a back rank mate you're gonna be fine plenty of non-stalemate technology here two pawns remain don't stale me dude don't stale me what are you doing don't steal me i know how to do this just a brief glimmer of hope followed by extinguishing the light boy boy i gotta be honest boy this isn't what i want i don't want to go up against you you're a great gamer one of the greatest i believe in history statistically speaking you think given the choice i'd want to go up against the greatest gamer the answer is no yeah that's a good move i'm scared of this do something that's something he's gonna take that oh my god dude what are you doing what are you doing nothing you're freezing this is called freezing we're still going to lose this now we're just going to trade okay fair enough oh no no he's going to take this stay frosty stay frosty okay fair enough do something put him in check no no no oh his apm is too high dude that was a good game though i can't be mad about that one hutch who is by the way has gone up 200 rating points just over the course of the tournament today and clearly knows what they're doing okay we're down already but just chill dude just relax i'll do my my night for a dollar name my knight this is not good you're okay still okay still okay still okay still okay we went on time okay that was scary i wasn't looking time got a little scary there but we're still chilling 16 minutes in lud again come on man i'm like just don't fall victim to the same oh my bishop's hanging my bishop is not hanging my bishop is completely fine that's bullet though dude in bullet everything's hanging always if it's not maybe you're the coward it's like i don't know what to do oh yeah move this okay takes takes takes resignation next game okay good one good one hanging in there 72 points we're trying to make space we're trying to make space here we got a little cushion but not much he called you a sweaty nerd well be that as it may sir i am as god made me okay we must get revenge here for all of the times that someone has said okay boomer to us i mean i gotta get out of here man i feel like we could have definitely done better there but i'm gonna i'm gonna choose to live with that you know it'll be fun and if you move there it's going to be even better oh no oh that it's probably that's probably the worst way that that could have gone okay good game good game we're just remember we're padding the cushion we're padding the cushion trying to stay in the mix come on man you can't even put your bishop there bro come on what are you doing you're gonna get in trouble i mean i i it just disrespectful this is a serious tournament you're gonna try to come in here in scholars made makes a mockery of the whole thing man this is a serious tournament for serious gamers and when you go and you you pull you pull crap like that just makes a mockery of the whole experience i'm in a castle yeah i don't mind we gotta do something certainly spending a whole lot of time doing nothing which can be a little frightening let's start applying some pressure okay good game keep it moving this is a big one that helps a lot i'm not gonna lie that also helps out a decent amount i mean i'm just gonna like after all this i'm just gonna castle uh queen side fair enough it's a good move i'm going to be put into check here no how about one of these then good game that one it's we're still real tight at the top here but that was a big one that one helped out ten minutes remain making a lot of space here david pac-man hello also i know we mentioned this before but a good gamer don't mind castle like it a lot i think yeah fair enough good move this guy is styling dude are you seeing he's pulling some some nifty stuff on passong okay we gotta do like literally anything just chill this is a big this is a big moment stalemate no timeout oh thank god [Laughter] i thought i thought i stalemated him that went well though good daniel daniel hello welcome there's eight minutes left things are tight then things are tight but we are in the mix as you may have predicted we are in the mix bit of a misstep on my part maybe but not bad hmm [Music] this guy legitimately by the way confirmed gamer running a little light on time that's a big one that helps keep it moving keep the chains rolling david pac-man come on man i'm not out here trying to get like bandai nam code okay good move good move i've deviated from the plan that's oh that's not that good it's not that good it's okay it's not that good it's pretty good it's pretty darn good actually fair enough he's gonna put me in check here don't worry about it don't worry about it not yet worry about it i hate this that's a good check that's a great check stop putting me in check this is huge we we got problems man like this is not this is not right this is a bad man he's up on me by four end time that's a big move he got me he got me that was a huge one big big ups big ups well it's 0.7 we were right in there too okay we got 92 i want more points please i did not want to do that it's my bad my browser is lagging i'm not a gamer browser lag confirmed good move should have taken here instead but okay that's a big one keep it going next game the browser lag gambit three minutes remain dude sam arena has 111 points that's that's uncatchable we can still have some fun a little disorganized fun a squamy interesting time is on our side right now time is looking pretty good i don't know what's happening okay don't dude there we go timeout active king oh no lud i'm so sorry i don't remember how to play against the aleppin i believe i mentioned that once or twice that's not the right move dude that's the right move resignation next game next good one keep it moving keep it moving no don't give me sammy rayna don't give me sammy rayna please we got 40 seconds we got one more you got to move like instantaneously it's all about the points baby one thing you can say about it it do be all about the points i'm simply begging you not to take the coward's way out and time out arena over time baby technically third let's go though that's huge oh yo look at these stats man 32 3 and 32 3 and 2 37 and one so they just played faster which is fair and i was 29 four and 2. 29 4 and 2 is pretty freaking good dude yo equals equals thanks for the gifted subs botasis if you're watching thanks for the invite i had a great time big ups to the other competitors as well that was a good one what can i say it's all diamond member players here it's all diamond member players you put in the work you get to bake the bread you put in the work you get to bake the bread now my chest hurts [Laughter] i'm going to take a couple of deep breaths but uh feels good feels good tally v thank you thank you tally v for the gifted subscriptions as well oh man so i think we came in third place kev three three hundred one eight nine thank you for the gifted subs as well third place i think is uh i think it's a thousand bucks and you know what oh my god i got a huge burp dude i'm so embarrassed 2000 oh baby oh baby it feels good at dent thank you for the gifted subs as well like it feels better to win a tournament where only one in seven people got uh prize money that's like that's worth way more than the pity points i usually get in twitch rivals tuba gooding jr thank you as well and paranoic pie thank you for the gifted subs just take a deep breath man [Laughter] oh man okay i i don't know if i can see the full rankings maybe by clicking this so we got sammy rayna like not even close just destroyed i got a 33 out of 37 cp thank you too alex sem who we went one and one against i think they played some amazing games they went 30.5 out of 38. we got 30 of 35 then it's wolf bark woof isn't that yasuo j pup thank you as well thank you yasuo box box champions of fire one no chance for the grand prize yasuo champions of fire 2. well today the casual gamers get their revenge on the league players boy boy no disrespect you've always been nothing but a class act but i i it's part of the narrative i apologize fifth place yasuo fourth place sardosh seventh place the casual gamers took home a little money today you love to see it those great games though man no question there we stand the casual gamers scrolling up just scrolling up i was just i apologize okay cuz like here's the thing right people are like ludwig's mad that he had to play you so much first off thank you i'm very flattered secondly i actually feel like i understand believe it or not cause like i was just praying that i wouldn't match up against the people that were at the top of the bracket as well and thankfully it worked out today i just say i got you know the the chips fell where they may and i i'll take it anyway slash
Channel: Northernlion
Views: 68,051
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: games, twitch
Id: EenRf-0F5pE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 64min 32sec (3872 seconds)
Published: Fri May 07 2021
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