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let's go down guys and welcome back to five nights at Freddy's simulator and say dropping back into the game because as you guys could see a brand new update just came out and from what I heard nightmare bonnie is now in the game and some other stuff so of course it's gonna be a fun video and when I say fun I mean very very fun but let's go ahead and check out the main menu which just got an update by the way so clearly look at this got almighty Freddy or Bonnie I don't know do it looks like Freddy though he's glowing in the middle and it looks awesome whoever that is it looks super cool though and then of course we have this main important thing right here okay forget who ever is buying this thing you got right here it says we need your help save the nav sim so if you guys don't know the developer is actually meeting some help right now and if you guys want to help him out you know create you know the game and continue to create the game head over to the page I've linked in the description ain't know what matter of fact if you go and check there right now I should have made a donation to it so yeah head over there support them and let's get them a new PC hopefully and help them you know create this game and go further within so like that which I think we definitely should help them out though or at least I will for sure because you know he's helped me out so why not anyways let's go ahead and get in this own by the way let's go ahead and hit that like button down below if you guys want to see some more of this game let's see if we can destroy exactly one like alright let's see if we can do it let's go and check out this so what's this quest Oh what is this familiar friend not available yet the world revolving not available yet and the real nightmare also he's taken the playable characters and now their quest interesting so if you complete this when you unlock golden Freddy I think if you complete this one you unlock the puppet and if you complete this one you lock buff helpI awesome so but they're not available yet that's cool though or maybe they I don't know okay that's awesome though so what else do we have your music stuff like that options the band let's see that anyone new in here oh by the way I wasn't able to check this out before it but I updated my driver just up like that and everything's good but we got Freddy fazbear Bonnie chica foxy withered Bonnie the mangle toy Bonnie toy chica and wait there's suits and CPUs now what look at the top right it's like phenom special delivery Wow spring-trap in the new character nightmare Bonnie Presi to freeze time oh my goodness there is a lot here okay so suits and CPUs that's so excited we actually turn them around stuff like that so cool so it says for that for use your time abilities to your advantage while time is frozen you can open doors the child scare the child move things around interactive things that basically make things easier for yourself in general be careful not not to get too close to there when the child is at the door hello here are you breathing it immediately send you back you will get deactivated for an hour or two and come back all right let's do this you know what let's do this I'm hyped and let's go ahead and go to fine a four okay not sit wait let's make sure nothing new up here first do there's so many new things all the time Oh is there anyone new in here wait the creation is in here and monster red those are both new oh wow that's so cool at least I got like the cool helmet rocks from the jury creation in fans case we're like that's awesome dude like the coolest ones the creation everyone knows that but let's see let's go and go to fanat for nightmare bonnie and all we need to purchase I forgot about that hundred fifty fast coins alright let's do one match normal and then the rest I'll just start whenever I have the rest of the coins let's try it out let's see if anything's new in the actual games I didn't really read through the devlog I just want to go into so it's about complete surprise okay here we go so obviously we're playing as foxy so we're gonna be really quick check this out alright so let's actually check out the area oh we got coins here we should probably go in here just to see if anything new and then go from there I gotta grab all the tapes again I think all the ones I had before I gotta grab them all I think I don't know for sure but I think he might have reset them because there was a problem with them I don't know for sure them what do we got here the exit which we can't do anything with just yet and then this is still here which you still can't do anything in there wait there you can kind of see look the head right there of an animatronic you see that watch see the red eye is that what I'm seeing is that and coming down below okay you think that's an endoskeleton head or not let me know what you guys think that is right now I wanna see your guesses but that definitely looks like an endo head if I had to take a guess I don't know I couldn't be seeing things really it's really hard to tell but alright so let's go ahead and make our way what's going on over here bro you opening doors I'll go with Freddy stop what the why do you look different - I think it's just the lighting you looks green for some reason alright let's go ahead and just use our meltdown run Adam and goodbye there we go that was easy so much easier than I thought it would be the cunning of all right so that was a new map I don't really see anything new I guess we check off and have to while we're at it let's just do both of them that way we'll stack up some coins and then you know the rest I'll get myself so let's go on a path to now and try out the mangle of course my favorite name a trunk of all time we got to do it oh this is completely random all right and we're already halfway through the video but if you're new to the channel you're watching this you haven't it that sub button all I'm saying is we're 2,000 subscribers away you guys can't tell anymore because YouTube got rid of that but we are 2,000 subscribers away from 2 million 2 million oh wait this is new an exit door here anyways 2 million insane can't believe it can't wait I have some cool stuff to show you guys by the way whenever that comes out I've got a new profile picture and a new banner and oh man they look so sick wait withered foxy pilot he is a Cove what the he's over here ok that's awesome then over here you've got I'm guessing the puppet that's balloon boys area this has all been updated really ok cool let's go ahead and make her way over here then to the nightguard and check out anything new over there excuse me Toyama Tronics i'll be seeing you guys around though don't worry about it I'll be playing as you guys soon all right I'll go back to you guys don't worry what we got here though the bathrooms are all the same the back withered area is probably the same now we can check it out though why not that guards over there though I'm off light for nap too so I don't know if I'll be able to jump what the wait are you here before what the heck did I see that before I like the weird thing is I faintly remember seeing this so I brothers haven't either seen this in like a video like maybe I saw random gameplay video and I saw this or we found this but that thing is insane what the heck I don't know what that okay well let's get out of here that is an interesting Easter Egg though very interesting ah alright well excuse me Nygaard I'm on my way just very slowly but when I get there expect pain okay it's gonna take me a few years okay he's looking around we're gonna wait for him to look this way go go go go go go oh come on he's inactive no no hi I died I can't wait for him to be on the cameras I always forget okay wait for it he's still not what are you doing why are you just looking around back and forth what's wrong with you look at your cameras do something look at a vent or something I don't know I can't get in all right anytime this is literally all right you know what I'll just I'll take the vent that's fine you know you wanted to keep looking around I'll take the vent literally I leave it he goes on the cameras what you cannot make this up all right I'm gonna try sitting here again let's try this again if you troll me again two times in a row I am going up here maybe then he won't see me maybe he knows I'm here somehow if I go into this room again and you go active I'm gonna go down here maybe hey if I back up a little bit now he doesn't even care he's just going back and forth over and over and over again come on dude all right fine you know what I'll take the vent path I'll take if you insist I'll take the vet I'm trying to fake him out Oh I faked it out it worked it actually worked wait a minute why what No oh hi I managed to fake about and we still failed we still failed that all right guys give me a second I'm glad started though whenever we get you know all the coins any cuz currently we need like 95 or something like that so I'm gonna go and hop into some foxy matches and just keep running at them and go from there all right guys so about 10 minutes later and nightmare bonnie time so let's go and purchase him that is so cool that it shows that little animation this game has been very surprising like it's just been getting better and better you know when I first played the original demo this is crazy whoa okay find child find child okay don't exit file what what the heck is all this oh we're in where am i what the heck dude this is awesome can I in the kitchen we got a broom a little party hat sink why on earth - this looks awesome all right well let's go ahead and go out the front door toggle light what I can turn off in on the lights with my mind okay that's awesome I don't know how I could do that oh wait I said there might be a light switch here oh there oh why the first think that way to my mind was that I don't know I literally thought neither body had some kind of power to turn off the lights it's just a light switch I guess like I just figured you know it's an animatronic could do cool stuff I don't know what the heck why is that a feature I just I just assumed that that was like too much of a random thing to like actually be a feature so I just thought you know I imagine you're just imagine you go in late at night you know you're going for a late-night snack in your kitchen and you just see nightmare bonnie is standing in there just turning off and on the light switch like that's why I just assume oh okay I press the timeout and did something waiting to advance well I've got to wait here and get lucky is he's shining a flashlight at me bro don't shine the light be shining a light at me he's unfrozen I think what's happening what they waiting to advance Oh are we gonna get in and OH what I was right there literally you know what I'm going back to the light switch bro I'm done with him I'm messing with the light switch from this point on literally I need to see my shadow just flipping up and down a light switch alright let's try this again so I've gotta like sit there and wait to get in I guess I mean listen now is that his light I think that is what that is okay wait right here wait wait I got it if you look down it worse okay I'm gonna time him out and then wait right here to advance what the dude I have four arms what on earth wait oh that's what okay I'd start froze time no it freezes me in place I can then go to the other location that is awesome and I looked away why'd I do that dude that is awesome okay we need a way for this I should be okay right I don't think he sees me I think I glitched No okay I thought it's the game but no I did not I think I might need to go back and read the instructions you know just just may like I like to do things you know for fun like that not actually pay attention you know not activate it not actually read the instructions you know just gonna go in for fun and find out myself but I think for this one I might need the instructions so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna go here right okay I'm gonna put a timeout right here wait so what the he's T posing dude he is T posing he is max level right now okay run go for it go for it I'm so slow though well I even I don't have time to get over there and dive I don't know let's go maybe I should put him at like the end of the hallway yeah that's fine what I'm supposed to do some arty out of this thing he's T posing though he's literally at ultimate form right now he's at maximum level how am I gonna get in there with that okay shinies light over here now what's this door by the way it's open a little bit there gonna be a secret character in here what is this like kind to just get in but guess not so alright we're gonna go ahead just put one here I should probably wait lights weren't on this light let me turn on that's this light all right what I'm doing alright let's just go over here and wait I can't use my time out so it's 5:20 I don't have enough time I guess I'm just gonna have to sit here and wait wait waiting to advance yeah I gotta wait okay maybe if I timeout right before it happens and timeout I mean no all right you know what let's go it's 6:00 a.m. we lost let's see what happens when you lose I guess after I get out of this timeout I'd probably lose all right come on in the timeout already there we go that is really cool though all right what okay it's 6:03 6:05 all right you know what I can't exit I was just gonna get out of the game but it won't let me alright guys let's try again I'm gonna just try again why not I guess so I have a little bit more time I don't think I don't have time to get in there that one time yeah I think like okay the thing about fanat 4 is you go to the door and they wait outside of it but he's not closing the door so it must be like a different mechanic cuz usually you would close the door he's just he posing hair dude he is the ultimate form I don't know how to Kontest that like you can't do anything you see that that is literally that's alpha right there he's alpha male all right I'm gonna put this on we're about hit 7 a.m. I guess I could put this back here and then try to go for it but yeah look it's past 7:00 a.m. all right I think the game I just glitched or something I don't know all right let's go this way then and then around through here actually no I doubt it lynched alright so he's there now go please a little bit faster why did it okay I just want to read the instruction at this point dude what is this by the way I didn't even look at these okay is that is that I that kind of oh no I thought never mind okay so these are just like his friends or something like that well guys I'm gonna sit here and see what happens and then yeah I need the instructions for sure alright so let's do this alright so the plan is right I got a good idea I'm gonna freeze myself here walk forward see look look at my what now my awareness is maxed oh wait my awareness goes down if I don't move so I can get here without I'm seeing and stand still Elsa wait for the awareness to go down okay it's draining okay now I think I need a timeout Oh every little footstep I make if it's so loud look at my awareness on the bottom left just go oh what I got the fast planes come on come on wait for it to lower just a little bit how close do I need to be to this door don't hear me okay I don't think this is gonna work okay just look down now no we're just going up what how do I keep my awareness down while approaching the door wait for it waiting to advance oh wait mine where it is super low no why is it go up though one of us freeze time no look up see no matter what my awareness goes okay let's try it now my awareness is super low but see it takes longer to do it oh look now my awareness is going up let's back up how on earth do you do this because like if you get look see if you wait to advance he knows oh right now let's just try this my awareness is super low it's not maxed out I might be able to get this let's try it come on and that makes sense cuz yeah all right he's more aware that were there cuz then the other games awareness doesn't really matter too much but even a floor makes sense because he hears you outside so his awareness is high so he hears you like you know he hears you a lot more outside the door and stuff like that so it makes sense alright so I get it now well guys that is the brand new update for fan app stimulator overall I loved this update you know nightmare body super cool the updates that we got to see were super cool too and I'm looking forward to the rest I mean I'm a chicken and plushtrap nightmare fredbear are also gonna be awesome but I think I'm mostly looking forward to such location for sure everything after I'd say for that for finet 4 was always the one that I was always like you know it was cool but you know not not you know in simulator mode but the actual game I always thought was just cool but that was really it so I'm Devin looking forward to like pizzeria submitter Help Wanted ultimate custom night and all those things gonna be a blast especially fan made games with creation and monster rat oh my god I can't wait anyways you've enjoyed the video leave a like rating on a future I haven't already be sure to that sub button I'll see you all in the next one thing is so much for watching peace out
Channel: FusionZGamer
Views: 2,087,806
Rating: 4.8970017 out of 5
Keywords: fnaf, play as freddy in fnaf, fnaf simulator, five nights at freddy's, five nights at freddys, five nights at freddy's simulator, freddy, fnaf vr, scott cawthon, horror, animatronics, freddy fazbear, bonnie, jumpscare, fnaf vr ending, freddy in space 2, fusionzgamer, play as chica, fnaf special delivery, fnaf vr help wanted, special delivery part 1, creepypasta, reaction, funny, fnaf song, scary stories, fnaf fan games fusionzgamer, fnaf sim fusionzgamer, playing as nightmare bonnie
Id: vRUc_k29jkI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 13sec (973 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 19 2020
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