HE KIDNAPPED 3 KIDS?? | Hello Neighbor 2 Alpha 1.5

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okay wait can i move this uh wait why don't we have a security camera into his house already i didn't put one in wait what ah oh what are you doing buddy hey everyone it's your friend thing noodles and welcome back to hello neighbor dude it's been updated to alpha 1.5 i checked out the trailer i mean i already see right now this is how we get up to the uh the final spot that we got to last time but like i swung down with a rope but looks like we build a ladder now what's this oh oh let me do that uh i did it oh well it doesn't matter all right guys so you know what i'm noticing like the the this these are i think these are kids trick-or-treating and one's dressed as the crow neighbor guy uh but okay anyway let's start the game now guys i'll go ahead and start it up uh please do like the video if you want to see me play more hello neighbor two and more hello neighbor style oh dude the ladder's already there oh yeah we brought caught fee what what just yo did they just break into his house oh wait huh what's happening okay wait can i move this uh wait why don't we have a security camera into his house already i didn't put one in wait what ah oh what are you doing buddy why that was like a like a little bunny pet it's like oh oh he threw us in the fire too yo that was a nice little bunny he just bit its head off and through the fire okay oh okay they're going to trick-or-treat yep all right bring them some oh imagine you're trick-or-treating and you go to this guy's house and he's climbing on the roof like a spider i get up oh dude he's wait what happened oh okay wait what did he just put the kids in a little sack and stick them up okay no i need that bro what wait wait a second okay if he can climb like he like a spider okay and he has the key himself but okay and i don't know where those came from but anyway that uh but he could climb around like that what did he need the ladder for right she left it for us okay so yeah as i was saying before i was really interrupted by the cutscene please do like the video let's go over 20 000 likes on this one for more hello neighbor too uh when updates come or if we don't beat it for another video on this to beat it uh also if you are not already subscribed i would absolutely appreciate it if you would subscribe now and support my channel as according to youtube over 75 of you guys who watch my videos aren't subscribed so i would really appreciate it all right so i'm gonna now i remember in hello neighbor one when you like hold wait a second no okay yeah that's that i wanted to chuck the box and see how far i could throw it just because like i remember being able to like really throw them bar oh yeah we got that back i like that all right so if i remember correctly what do we have in our inventory okay we've only got the binoculars whoa there's weather in this game now like oh oh i hear him hey buddy hey buddy this witch hat like traffic code is super cool oh you know what i should i missed hold on let me grab another one here wait oh wait i got him because i need to get that key he's got oh there we go that no that didn't hit him run okay i thought that hit him okay so i need to hit him come here buddy oh jeez i forgot oh so i completely let go of me i completely forgot okay so this is the other side bro is this the other side of the street or are you just like here wow okay that doesn't do anything okay so um there is no other side of the street with this dude like um like there was or like there isn't hello neighbor one where you can just cross the street and he stops chasing you like he chases you everywhere if i remember correctly all right let's yeah okay let's go here now where there's usually oh there was like um a secure oh no that's because he caught me um but yeah i'm noticing like all these pumpkins and lights and stuff it is definitely decorated for halloween so he's attracting the kids oh look at the pumpkins inside too all right oh hello neighbor uh this house is completely different let's grab that no poor kid or whatever wait what are we what are we doing here why whoa okay so this house is completely different like we we had this before oh that's what we're doing okay right so before actually oh we want the key so before we we did try oh we did put it out right last time we clogged it up and put it out come here we just got to let it stop burning stuff we should be able to well i don't know if the key will cool off but we'll just keep taking out this stuff two hours later come on come on let's go yes it's blue yes i got it okay mission accomplished game over no i think there's probably oh that's cool the volumetric lighting where it's spinning like that okay so we need to oh yeah all right we missed what do we need for that so we need a security camera which um it showed one somewhere we need to place it so we can see do we need to actually get in here oh yeah we need that rope dude have i already got this if i get the rope okay i also have to figure out how to get upstairs oh would that would that possibly have done it would that have turned that off no it didn't okay let's go downstairs so we're looking where is he is he out there oh yo he's he is he's stuck huh i feel like i feel like i'm cheating here like let's explore a little more while we like cheat and then and then maybe i'll reset it so that he's not just completely stuck there oh look this is a lie wait oh yeah here we go this is a lot easier to get up into here oh that's oh okay oh this yeah so that thing so it's coming out of oh wait wait wait wait it's coming out of this pipe and going up there so can i deduct how do i crouch oh yeah here we go wait crouch okay wait can i oh see that's what we have to do oh wait did he oh no you can't i'm scared for a second there no i want to see just a little more research while we can oh what no no no no give me that so if i were to go on this can i outrun this thing okay get the pet so that so it's getting stuff again so oh yeah look at that fire is maxed wait i can't oh no okay hold on okay and can i nope let me through oh dude so you can't outrun this thing huh oh there's something going on here where does this go so we need to get a generator to turn this conveyor belt on which i don't i'm not sure where where that goes but yeah you need to put it you need to put one of those generators there oh my goodness he's loose no all right how did he get loose no no no no no no no no no oh dude this is bad news all right this this just can i can i okay where there goes the key whoa where did he just throw me okay wow oh okay so he threw me over this fence here well next to this fence where is the key though hey hey quit it yeah no oh oh it's there that's right the crows tell you where things fall that's not exactly what i thought all right let's see where what don't lie to me where is it they said it was here you lying stinking crows okay all right let's let's reset all right so we're gonna avoid the house for now we're gonna go find ourselves a generator although can i possibly get up here let's try this real quick here because like that ju oh i don't know it's just a it's just a wire i thought it was something for us to okay i think maybe we can do this here yeah okay so we got in here aha what is this i don't know what this is okay it's a big flashlight cool wow he makes he makes a completely different noise he used to make more of like a geiger counter kind of noise um but now he's like like i don't know what noise that is but it's definitely different whoa hey what is that is it a cat hey little kitty are you wearing a costume oh good cat are you wearing a costume hello you don't look very uh interested at all wait did you oh no no no no did you lead him over here i swear or was that oh there he is okay okay uh i hear okay i hear a generator definitely i think that there is one on the roof here i think there was the last game too i didn't i didn't use it last time i think you could use it you could have used it instead of the rope i don't know how to get up on this like it was on the roof oh oh no give me that give me that give that oh you can oh we just walk along the fence here i don't think we can walk on the barbed wire seems dangerous all right no whoa what was that okay that was the weirdest jump i think i've ever done like i sort of like climbed onto that and jumped on i don't know all right so i should be able to make this there we go okay there is our generator can you okay grab that can i grab this wait a second how do i pick this up ah like this got it ah i put it in a box that's good glad it came with its own box all right so where's this house oh yeah okay his house is over this way because i remember this like busted house here run here we go excuse me excuse me oh man i am breaking stuff everywhere now how do i put this open it no oh geez pick oh jeez oh geez oh geez oh geez okay oh there we go uh okay that's a little close all right so it was hold left click i i was trying everything except for that um okay let's put this wait where do oh oh wait here put it there put it there okay boom i did it all right now what oh okay all right we have to get that so wait and what does this do this is turn it off oh okay it just goes back and forth okay except now that this box is in the way it won't ah oh all right i'm about to lose so so well at least that yo wait what i got out i got out somehow i got loose let me out let me out let me out let me up run no no no i'm out the window i'm out the window let's go go go go go go i'm going across the street i'm going across the street i'm getting away i'm getting away i'm getting away i'm hiding in the grass okay wait did i lose did i get to keep anything oh i got to keep everything including this box so we haven't gotten anything valuable yet the key is obviously what we want so what do we do all right let's we need to get in here and then we can stop this let's go out here i think this is just to get actually there's no chance hold up oh god heat all right there goes my stuff oh dude he took it he grabbed it would you let go of my leg look on my leg bro let go of my leg oh wait here we go hold on can we there we go okay so why did i jump through it okay this is um okay so here we go so should i crouch and like try and get through the window or can i get into this oh well i didn't um oh i need the crowbar oh look at this okay oh no stop that all right can we dude oh uh dude i got your oh oh that's cool okay so when i click this it actually rings the phone to ah to distract him is that oh ouch ouch can i oh that bag oh he answered it he answered it where was it let's see what is it where is it where is it oh yeah all right so oh let me through okay okay okay okay i understand i understand so um let me out let me out let me out okay so we once we get the camera if i call that number he goes into that room so he'll use the keypad that's how you make him use the keypad so we can learn what the code is i think i can use that every time he gets near me to call him back or i need something small like a pumpkin can i grab one of these no can i grab any of these here we go oh dude what was that what was that was that was that was that was that okay no go answer the phone no don't you dare no no no no no no get away get away he's scary dude no no he took my phone wait wait come on let go let go did you get my phone bro you did you steal my cell phone hey give me the phone give me the phone you [Music] no i need that phone so bad dude okay wait oh dude drop a bunch of stuff come on get it get it get it what is that what is that what's what is this i can't pick it up what traffic going where's the phone man i should have stayed on it because i don't i don't like i don't think you're gonna hit me like look yeah dude he can't do it see he like just like i couldn't he can't i think yep there he goes just keep eating bye dude where's the phone though here he goes ready [Applause] all right so my idea is to actually throw this and hit that switch i don't know all right so i need a little bit of here we go i don't know what that's going to do besides um let's let him get back up wait where i need some more traffic notes all right you do that go ahead i'm gonna grab a few just for better like all right go go go go go go go go go hey kitty cat can i pick up the cat no you can't pick up the cat okay so i hit the edge of it before let me just try like that oh okay so that should yeah that should do it right like that that there's gotta be a fire extinguisher in there so that reverses it oh wait i got an idea hold on can i make this i don't know if i can but so that that'll give us the key and i feel like i can't get through there but can i yeah here we go i think i can do this now oh yep we're in we're in now oh yes all right now we're we're good oh i can't get through here can i i can't make it wait yes i can never mind okay so let's let that keep going all right where is this thing so how do you use it you know okay wait can i yes i can fly all right so oh wait well this actually hold on can't i just put the fire out how much stuff does this thing run out like this okay i gotta go you cannot have this you can have everything else but you can't have this uh oh the crowbar that's what we need how do we so i wonder this my i might actually be able to dislodge it with this because we we need to like we need to knock it onto the conveyor belt and the conveyor belt will go up wait actually oh geez no no no i don't know where you are i don't know where you are just stay away from me i need this thing what are you doing what are you doing what are you doing i you know what i used to be when i look at you you would get scared and run away but now you don't care okay can i uh huh no no no okay i'm going in no no no no he's coming he's coming he's going all right let's go let's go let's go let's try this let's try this does this work does this work it does oh it did it did it did it did okay i gotta get out of here no no okay dude oh my goodness look me let go of me you you i'm throwing everything at him i think i don't know oh jeez he hated me he eated me and i lost the fire extinguisher i thought i made it go the other way oh he switched it back oh no okay but what about the other one then there was the other one where does that go the one that i flipped well i oh he um wait okay hold up hold up hold up he unplugged the generator i think so the thing should still technically oh it's still there okay okay okay all right so now all i have to do is this wait what why what happened it ran out of gas all right i need to get there's gas i mean i guess let's go to the gas station huh no gas at the gas station i wonder surely there's a way to fill that because like that because i did it out of order sure like i should have um gotten the uh i should have gotten that thing down first and then started the conveyor belt moving or done at the same time maybe huh there's a few places it looks like we can access let's look in the backyard here maybe there's something in here we can use like fuel-wise i mean there's definitely like i mean what looks like oh dude seriously oh man okay so really okay there we go can i climb this one yep okay some box towers i'm not i don't even have binoculars anymore so i can't let's jump to here because that's what i was noticing it looked like yeah we could what are you serious okay just a regular jump there we go okay so walk across this i mean this is set up for a reason like this right what there's nothing in here are you kidding me but why would you make this oh maybe it's up top maybe it's like a troll like telling you hey oh yeah i saw this too but there's no reason to be in here either come on really um what's in this blue thing here anything oh this looks this looks like well you can't pick it oh it's a bike pump i thought it was like one of those things that you you know like like dynamite with the tnt you know look at the cartoons uh let's check this house over here we haven't whoa okay uh lots more shoes seriously i can't believe i'm just looking oh here we go i can't believe i'm just looking for like a gas can can i climb oh can i oh there we go didn't think i could make that oh wow we are um this is dangerous be careful bro what is that it's like a nest can we get inside why would you i mean okay all right i think i jump to there and then jump up maybe try not to clip the roof nope oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh wait what oh i caught the edge so lucky dude can i okay um i should have like sprint jumped there but i've always felt like before like the sprint jump was a little far well oh oh that's all the way down dude oh i remember this hold up there was oh this thing okay so there was a i remember yeah okay it's a little different though do i jump to there or do i jump to there let's try and jump to the door here yep okay now this oh no okay here we go and then we go like this and then we go here and then we're going to go up up up i don't remember why we needed to get it or why we wanted to get up here oh yeah it was for like a rope yeah it was for right here but what's there now it was for that was it no no there was something on that chair last time and now there's nothing there was it a rope i think that's where the rope was last time um but i mean i already have the cable from the generator so i don't need this it's a hard jump anyway can i see it okay let's try it so you just gotta like no there's nothing there and i completely missed that um yeah yeah there was yeah it was definitely that one you know i am not seeing um gas anywhere so i think that like being an alpha um there are things like me doing the puzzle out of order and it sort of breaks the game so you have to start it over like there's not like a renewable source of fuel or something that's all i can think of uh so i think we've figured out a few puzzles we've seen the new house if you guys want to see me uh take another attempt at this and uh and actually get up there and save the kids uh click the like button again if we get 20 000 likes i'll make another one and i will whoop this crow's butt uh also if you're new here subscribe for more videos like this and i'll see you guys again soon thanks for watching and of course new line
Channel: Thinknoodles
Views: 1,436,637
Rating: 4.9290819 out of 5
Keywords: thinknoodles, gameplay, let's play, no swearing, funny, commentary, playthrough, no cursing, gaming, new, video games, lets play, hilarious, funny moments, game, funny game, kid gaming, family gaming, family games, family gaming channel, app game, mobile game, app store, hello neighbor, suspense, horror, neighbour, puzzle, escape, launch, house, hello neighbour, hello neighbor mod, hello neighbor 2, hello neighbour 2, alpha, hello neighbor 2 ending, alpha 1.5
Id: hF3CNw1yXNM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 27sec (1527 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 05 2020
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