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welcome to among us today we have tornadoes that's right the imposter can call in a tornado every 30 seconds not only will that throw all the tasks around and completely jumble them up but it will also throw our characters literally across the map and sometimes out of the map if you're not careful also head over to for my brand new merch look at that little slug oh where were we oh yeah click the like button otherwise you will be sucked into a tornado and let's get into the video i'm not looking forward to this why would it be a natural disaster oh [Music] the best of luck be seeing you guys so yeah the imposter has an ability to call in a tornado whenever they like i think probably every 30 seconds they probably have a cool down and all of these tasks are thrown around the place if we get caught in the tornado we get thrown across the map as well why is there a this one does not go here oh no the tornado's right on top of me whoa okay i'm literally stuck in it again that tornado spawned in my head what is going on oh and come on get away get away i wonder if dead bodies fly into this thing as well okay so we're outside of the radius of it right now which is good all right let's complete this task over here i can hear the tornado i have a feeling this impulse is going to keep doing it oh wait a dead body already cool cats found trans dead anything to report something we haven't confirmed yet can the tornado kill no it can't i don't think so i was the only one around the map so i was in the tornado i did not take damage the tornado is and we were assuming that the imposter can be caught in the tornado as well i saw the body going the tornado and saw the button what what the body is flying around inside of a tornado okay that makes it so much harder to find out who the imposter is yeah that's going to mess with that got kicked okay well that helpful i mean whoever the imposter is is also a hacker apparently let's say okay well i have no evidence at this point so i'm going to skip yeah either evidence is like biased okay gets thrown in for jellyfish ellie's being sauced right now with his little wait no i skipped a vote like i'm well all i gotta say is like good luck guys and take care oh no there's the talk jelly okay uh yeah this is insane now i don't really there's no one to really be suspicious about yet i guess we'll just like keep doing these tasks it's hard to like see anything because people get thrown across the map the best thing to do would just be to get a kill and then get caught in the tornado and people wouldn't even be able to report it but anyway we can still focus on completing our tasks and then hopefully we can defeat the impossible that way hello jelly please do not murder me please do not involve me okay now he's following me and that's all they do i'm getting sucked in i'm getting sucked in no turn around okay we're in the tornado again well and i flew back down here okay we're gonna get to electrical we'll be safe and electric we're not safe and electrical i'm in the tornado again whoa i just flew across the map that's the furthest i've gone so far i wonder if you can catch like a task flying across oh oh oh yeah uh the tornado threw me outside of the map guys i'm on a wall i don't really care about that okay because i got cards right first time you weren't even in here yeah no but the card swipe was in the weapons room oh wait oh yeah we got another dead body and you're right josh okay wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait waiter got thrown out wait wait how long well hold on a second crain it when were you outside the mac from the beginning because rishi is dead so if crane was outside the map yeah that means when did you go outside the map trainer i think somebody actually saw me outside of the map yeah but how long were you outside like i didn't say i was outside for like uh two minutes wait there was a body in electrical where crainer was but crainer was in the wall yeah i'm in the wall so i can't kill anybody yeah i was like when you're out of the map you can't could he not have flown out after probably okay i don't know who it is i'm [Laughter] okay skipping i was a little obsessed of you what but i actually i actually don't think respect the quad sweep the cut yeah he's just doing hot swipes you always dust that daily you know yeah yeah sure yeah sure always do you think that the impostor maybe could not call the tornado every 30 seconds it's a little bit annoying yeah the tornado needs to stop that's kind of the point okay please i was asking nice we were done with okay i'm out bye-bye i'm actually nearly completing my task so we could do this okay completely task there so yeah i mean creator was oh oh i'm stuck i'm stuck wait complete the task complete the task race against time oh perfect okay so yeah i i don't know what jelly was deadly was over here crainer was apparently stuck out the map so it's likely that it is one of the other players though i really don't have any leads on that at all oh look let's get the car swipe okay we do have a task in lower engine that we can check out so where uh i thought oh it's hidden okay here it is it's like impossible to see okay is another tornado okay that's good and we think we have med bay is very big going to still be in med bay wait can i see everything happen on cameras that'd be funny oh i could literally see a tornado on cameras that's so fun oh it's coming towards me that's bad there's a tornado on top of me right now but i'm still on cameras whoa oh my god okay um oh dead body four people dead wait jeffy is dead okay i found speaker i found speaker what all right oh no wait chance has been dead from the beginning right oh okay i found speaker what do you have to say do you have any evidence what do you have to say for yourself wait i was guys [Music] would you trust a guy with two top hats on he's clearly got an agenda guys so you're saying that he's lying yeah of course he's lying he's the he is the imposter and he's trying to blame it on me and you know why he's doing that because you guys so always believe i'm the imposter anyway i saw crainer following somebody on cameras but that person's still alive yeah because i'm jelly should we go for the old kick out deluxe and if it's not deluxe kick out craner sure that's it that's not a good old something we do well we can crane if you're sure it's deluxe it's fine well i'm not sure it's him oh that sounds like something like that deluxe did you wait i walked to m i thought it couldn't be ukraine are you a hunter that the tornado didn't catch craner because i saw somebody disappear as well and that was because of the tornado i mean i've just i've just gone off of one i walked into edmonds i voted deluxe though but if it's not him then it must be crater right crainer no that's not how math works that sounds like stress how about we go to med-based scam i don't have midfield and where is my base scan oh move i think i have my base can deluxe was not the imposter and here's the tornado hey guys it's right here oh i have pepe i have pepe oh i got thrown away i'm actually doing it i tried but i got sucked into the tornado help okay oh i'm flying around okay you're gonna need it all right i have a feeling it's crainer i i just i can't help but feel that way i thought it wouldn't be him because he was outside of the map but i don't know i i it would make sense okay not a lot going on oh jelly just walked past it wait i just saw crane event i just saw crane event i just saw crane event okay okay click the button click the button click the button wait report huh okay i just found a body in a wall jelly what is it you no of course it's not me it must be you i saw a crane event on cameras by the way oh okay that's me guys but i almost won i almost won there was a body inside of the wall it was really weird to kill one more person and i would have won yeah you suck agreed thanks for watching the video if you want to grab some merch head over to we've got slug t-shirts and slow cookies what more could you want also if you're watching another video there are videos on the screen go and click them and i'll take you to the next one enjoy
Channel: Slogo
Views: 1,219,589
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: slogoman, gaming, slogo, among us, jelly, crainer, custom gamemode, mod, tornado
Id: QDcpJfJHitg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 34sec (574 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 20 2021
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