Among Us BUT Impostors Have LAND MINES!

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today we're playing among us with landmines that's right the imposter which is me by the way can place actual landmines on the ground but when other players step on them they blow up it's kind of overpowered and you'll see in the video i think i do pretty well anyway if you want to see more modded among us click the like button at 50k likes we'll upload another one and anyway let's get into the video hey guys wait i can't sleep oh someone has a landmine okay okay let's go complete todd i promise bye everybody i'm not the imposter by the way that's what they possibly say bye okay well as you can see i have the land mine in the bottom left-hand corner once i click this a land mine will be placed on the ground like this there you go and now we have to get away as fast as possible now if someone stands on that they will literally explode speedy right here let's we're doing a task speedy goes in that direction he's gonna die okay we should walk behind him behind him let's see oh he blew up he blew up oh no reporter buddy um oh hello jelly nice to see you buddy speedy wait okay me and rishi were walking from storage to the left and we just found speedy dead on the floor do you think he died to a landslide storage from the left um did you manage to see did anybody see how he died i really want to know if it was a landmine i haven't seen a mine yet did you see yeah creator and i kind of like we're sticking together [Music] okay that's right i didn't see nothing yeah i don't i we don't really have it does was anyone like left on the map maybe or it's hard to tell i haven't seen a thing all i've seen is jelly that's all i've seen okay i'm skipping i don't have any seconds okay but it was an admin wait rishi didn't see anyone look kind of just place one down then you can see it foster jaws why are you already me and rishi were together in storage she didn't say that he said he didn't see anyone oh no no but you i mean yeah okay yeah see i'll walk to the body with logo oh oh that's confusing we were together in stores do you think you could do that do you think you could beat josh no there you go see relax guys relax now i'm assessing rishi kinda okay no one was ejected wait that's true it could be rishi actually jelly you don't you you can't trust your brain we've been through this okay well uh there was our first kill not the the best we should do but oh oh chris okay i'm gonna place that right there we just placed it and we're just trapping chris inside of that area okay that's good that is good all right swift box is going to be our alibi where are we going so over here yeah we're just going to do okay cool cool cool all right uh okay i guess rishi's our alibi now um okay so we're just gonna be walking around actually maybe we should get further over to the left hand side of the map is that probably the safest thing to do all right we're just over here doing things anyone okay i need an alibi where's my alibi okay bergerons okay you guys can sort of be my alibi i guess now i'm wondering is anyone actually seen it yet or has it not blown up oh okay never mind dang this killer is like thirsty what's going on can i see something wait who can't found the body okay in navigation it's not cool cats jelly we were almost in navigation right there we could have seen something we could have is that did you see anyone walk away cool cats yeah did you see anything cool cool cats okay i i feel like we get a very low amount of information from the people we play i haven't seen a single land mine hey killer please place out of there yeah just place it down i've only seen a body which is pretty sus if you if you ask me wait the cool cats see a landmine no just the body okay so we don't even know if the killer's even got landmines i think i know who it is why did somebody vote me that's a good question it's definitely not crainer i like the way that burger didn't say anything all right well i think we are doing pretty good to be honest now we've been pretty sneaky with some of these placements but i want to place one more like out in the open i guess okay swift fox is in here uh oh oh no wait oh they totally just saw me land mine wait what okay we've got to play this off somehow um um i have no idea if i'm going to be able to play this song swiftbox oh i think they managed to pick it up uh okay wait to explain what just happened i literally did like what was that i i'm just saying slogan and reach your sauce wait why am i suss you guys were together you just walked on you walked like past the land my josh no i didn't walk past it what do you mean it appeared in the room just to pass me the jelly i forgot what what happened mia couldn't walk down yes i know that much she left admin yeah they left the mind behind them why would they both be weird about it are they both wait wait you saw the mine before i walked out imposters no not before you walked out yeah i walked out and then i turned around and there's just a mine on the floor someone tried to kill me okay let me just say this will think okay i forgot what it was no wait wait so rishi could have placed the mine on me wait wait okay here's here's why josh is seeing the research logo okay why didn't we here's why josh isn't sus if you see a landmine what you you're not gonna report it you're just gonna walk past it and not step on it that's what anybody would do but why he is sauce is that it didn't blow up and i think i saw him step on it who slogo or rishi right didn't didn't you see it too jelly i'm so confused i mean i i got very confused by that why don't you guys vote rishi and then if it's not rishi then you've then then you know oh round one and i'm voting him again it's going down okay well no one was ejected okay all right well at least i saw a landmine that was pretty cool okay well we are so lucky but i probably should have told you this but they have much smaller vision um the normal crewmates they can literally basically see nothing like that's how small the vision is i think that's how we got away of that but obviously that they're still sus wait swift is standing here okay there we go okay crane is down here but luckily he didn't go up in this direction um okay i was gonna play some mine outside but there's two of them and that's way too dangerous okay so we've got one normal body right now which is good and we're just going to be pretending to do toss can we just lock crainer in here oh okay wait somebody called cool okay this is getting sauce cool cats is seeing it was at the emergency button whoa that is a wild place to kill somebody okay well that's very open navigation yeah i was with actually i was with both of you guys i mean who else were we were navigating wait who else are we with i want to say bird yeah and cool cats found the body no no no let's vote out rishi because i'm sauce of him but cool cat's definitely also sauce no i don't think cool cats is us at all well that was the only person not with us three bodies or something cool cats keeps finding bodies and that is really sauce but if you think about the previous round cool cats is not the one who could have placed down that mind she was like that's a good point i found you land mine placer we found you all right wait where she's going is he at the end wait what i'm okay now i'm getting confused no it's who else could it wait i was with you guys yeah how did you do that you were but you could have killed wait where does this dead go guys does this man go going oh yeah wait guys what happened to trance trance wasn't there as either we forgot about another person all right see you later guys see ya think about i don't know all right um we are we are getting so lucky that those two are just idiots if they had any idea what they were doing they would completely suss me right now all right i'm gonna try and trap jelly this is gonna be great jelly come on go inside the room come on jelly where you going jelly navigation maybe oh he's gonna report me never mind never mind all right i was gonna trap but now he's got too many people around he's lucky he's lucky he's lucky oh hello crainer okay let's see if we could trap crainer in a room navigation now okay come on crane come on come on come on oh come on here we go we've trapped crainer in uh oh hey oh i really thought oh chance is outside did you just get blown up wait a second um i did trust this get blocked did they both get blown okay never mind you know what let's just go okay i think they got blown up but it just it was weird okay we should oh in the bed okay what what'd you find a dead trainer a dead craner yeah and anything else well uh trans was next to it and he didn't report it okay well that's pretty suspicious right well yeah but you were close to that area wait what where are you right now i'm up by like weapons the last time i saw crainer he was with you josh yeah i walked past him and he was just in navigation and trance ran past me wait a second wait and trance was the one that we weren't sure about in that other round uh no we weren't sure about you in that other round okay well i'm pretty sure unless if it's not true i'm saying okay if it's not trance then it must be you if it's not trans it must be you but me yeah because you're the only other person that was there right it's you josh i know whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa okay don't need to scream is the only person who saw me met me oh so the one person who's dead saw you medpay heard that one before oh oh my god okay i'm pretty confident about this one to be fair okay if it's not trans it's you no it's oh it's so you jelly it's so cute i haven't been okay okay bye okay i'm gonna kill jelly now i'm gonna do it okay um how do i kill jelly how do i need to like trap him in somewhere he's following me where are you going jelly do something do something i so want to kill i know it's like early sus but i want to kill it with a landmine okay gonna go in navigation okay enjoy the mine loser okay i'm gonna stand here pretend to do this task i have like trapped jelly in application of mine he's gonna be so angry okay um wait what is he doing is he gonna come out or is he just gonna stand in there forever on a cool cat sit cool come let's just run past the body i'll kill go ahead as well oh daddy i trapped you in navigation oh the explosion looked beautiful i couldn't i was dead oh man i'm not allowed to well there we go we managed to witness the impulse i don't know how we got away with that in the middle there but we did if you want to watch another video though there's some on the screen tap those videos it'll take you to the next one enjoy
Channel: Slogo
Views: 1,840,888
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: slogoman, gaming, slogo, among us, mines, mod, jelly, crainer, custom gamemode
Id: R6IjjxK1z6I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 53sec (713 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 19 2021
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