Playing 2 Truths And A Lie

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hope nobody's looking you don't eat your own eye boogers I've never done that welcome to come with Gomorrah the last time you ate a booger booger oh man uh it's been a long time but I can I can go into my car and reach under the dash and eat them at any point cuz that's where I keep it oh gosh now I feel like I'm on the bottom of the seat the floorboard where your feet are so I'll probably have some of my shoes right now I'll roll the windows but they're doing it you flick them out the window it like you come to a stop sign there's another car there and you're like think whenever I open my roll my window down I put my cigarette ash out I also just I get rid of the boogers at the same time I I don't smoke okay it was a joke if you're one of those people that throws the cigarette butt out of the out of your car when you're driving it's just like what GRU you really screw you yet you get a life I don't I don't understand it I know that smoking is difficult to stop so I'm not gonna say screw you if you smoke don't I'm not gonna say that but if you throw it out the window screw you it's it's so upsetting especially in California I feel like we I've I've ranted on you know our view and then I've talked about the fear I have of driving over and my car exploding that's not the fear really that you should be worried about that's horrible buyers why are fires is the thing that you should are like catching a asphalt on fire or like a pedestrian wildfires is really the only thing that we should be worried about what about literature suggests the environment the environment is the second thing it's don't I mean do cars have ashtrays anymore dude do they well that's not an excuse you can buy one see you can buy an ashtray ask any link two truths and a lie we've never played this before but we know each other well this is gonna be difficult unless we like just make it lie lie and a lie and then we'll also know that what how entertaining is three truths and that's it gonna be okay I got it okay oh you know what before we do I want to do I want to give a shout out to Mike Martin our friend t-mike Martin wrote a book you almost made me forget uh it's called mr. Stein right making you forget it's right here well the cigarette butt throwers made me forget they did ah we have a none corrected proof for sale but but it doesn't it didn't even need Corrections that's how great it is but Mike Martin and his wife are the people who designed the hoverboard shirt that I wear all the time that we still don't limit a time for you guys so go to T Michael Martin calm slash giveaway starting tomorrow April 19th and get a giveaway and get this thing friend of ours just wanted to give him a nice plug here's a log line for best friends accidentally shoot a spaceship down from the sky and decide to keep it a secret to deadly consequences and there ain't no lies in that that's all truth okay hey guys these are team Michael Martin calm slush these can be very specific the other day I took my dog on a walk with my youngest son and I got to a place in the neighborhood where the like the pavement had undulated because of all the time the sidewalk has moved in stone it's just like a white sidewalk yeah but they had put like black asphalt and in the crack into the cracks and I was like true I was like that's not cool all right I say that's true second thing I think that is it that's not cool hold on you don't do it immediately you wait until you do all three in the tree right I'm so good at it I can go ahead and decide when my parents were that caught on but that's it yeah you and that's not cool yeah you thought that's not cool it was just a natural true it should be white second thing is I grilled tuna last night okay for dinner marinated it and grilled it everybody loved it it's always the best last night the second thing the third thing is yeah you've already done too uh when my dad was in town he called me he was like something's wrong under air conditioner it's starting stop it I was like what are you talking about like you're starting in a stopping so I call it a guy guy comes over it's like there's nothing wrong with your air conditioner but I've got charged you 115 dollars just for telling you that I missed the beginning that you said your dad called you instead that my dad was at home alone but that your air conditioner is that your air conditioner is starting and then stopping oh when he was at your house that's the part I forget that's part of me know when he was like your dad lit why is your dad come watching via live cam yeah remember I wasn't listening for in town I wasn't listening cuz I was trying to come up with my three oh that's what's happening yeah it doesn't seem like anything that I'm saying is complicated on any level I was like requiring so much thorough it reinforcing an explanation I was like if I don't start thinking about my three I'm not gonna have any okay and then I'm like but who's gonna listen to reto he's still talking what was the thing about I think that one's true he charged you to do nothing to the air conditioner that seems true to me I don't know if you grilled out but that seems probable too but then the other one seems so inconsequential that it can't be false I'm going with the cracks man the cracks and the air conditioner are both true so the middle and the trout you didn't grill no salmon last night or tuna tuna true oh he charged me $120 you what instead of 150 115 hey man $5 it's gotta be different man you've totally wrong but everything was true except for $5 yeah I told you I was gonna get you mmm see if you two let me think while you were talking I'd have my three now just start talking you know what no I got that taking the tonker I got this this morning for breakfast boss I had don't don't play it that way I had sausage this morning for breakfast I had eggs this morning feels great both be true this morning for breakfast I had a cinnamon roll and I chopped it in half and I took the top off that had icing on it and I put sausage and then I put eggs and then I took the top of the icing I turned it upside down so the icing was not down and I put it on top and I smushed it and in front of my entire family I ate that thing this isn't it Matt I have invented something amazing this is a mathematical impossibility what you have done here because if you had sausage and eggs that would both have to be true in order for the third thing thing to be true so it logic dictates that the third thing has to be a lie right yeah the third thing is a lie right not a third things true just got it right man they're all true yeah they're all true yeah all true you said to just talk you're crazy man dude truth and a lot I had but listen listen I thought you'd be so excited this yeah and then I put them two together I thought you'd be they're all true I thought you'd be so excited about the new dish I invented it it wouldn't matter that I broke the rules all right and or I ate a protein shake I chocolates protein shake that's also true now I ate that too yeah that's also true yeah it's all true Muta listen so all four of those are true that was my breath you don't entertain a game but you're missing the point man the point is I made a cinnamon roll sausage McGriddle it was amazing you've got to try this I don't tomorrow more I kind of feel like your mix in Turkey is a little too strong though okay like it's something you're too much of a mixer so sometimes I'm just like I just want to those things separate the eggs part is the part that actually the eggs and the sausage with a sin roll you gotta try it your turn when I was a kid I was playing around the house and I went to the spot that my mom used to I don't never saw my mom so but she had like sewing needles and stuff and I was like playing around over there and I like leaned forward and a needle went into my shin muscle all the way all the way to the to the quick ball of the needle he's stuck in there and I just pulled it out didn't bleed it didn't bleed of course it didn't because it never happened what else when I was a kid I loved how you hedged now like I've never seen my mom so but but okay okay my dad was getting ready to grill out I've never seen him grill out but not tuna and he had this chimney stack thing that you know they'd get for the coals and it was like fire was going in it and I like was like I'm gonna help my dad and I like got a bunch you're like sticks and stuff and put it put him on top of the charcoal like leaves and sticks and then he comes out of course he's just expecting this to be like perfectly burned charcoal but now there's all this trash - trash crap on top of it right nice painting he's like what is going on and like I'm just trying to help you so dust not how you help I never did that again third thing yeah one time remember Campbell used to play in the Cumberland County Auditorium basketball team we go to Fayetteville to play because there was some teams that wouldn't play in Carter gym yeah yeah so we would take the team bus down to Cumberland County Arena as a ball boy I was a ball boy but the biggest fans would take this bus oh and I had a bathroom oh wow I was sitting next to my brother like a chartered bus like I gotta use the bathroom but I'm afraid to use the bathroom while the bus is moving yeah he's like there's nothing wrong with it nothing's gonna happen that's a-ok so I go in there I didn't tell him that I had to do a number two instead of a number one and I got in there mmm everywhere number one well hey I took a number two and the flusher wouldn't work and then when I tried to get out I did not know how to open the door from the inside and I started banging but they couldn't hear me and I was stuck in there with my own fumes for like 17 minutes so not only did it not flush but the door wouldn't open I don't know if it wouldn't flush or if I just it just stunk like crazy just a little bit of foggy memory but I took a crap in there that I couldn't get out and how did you get out eventually they heard me whoever was like some dude like I think it was a remember Scott linear stepdad who lived on the the corner I think he was back there with Joan let Doug was named likho on near Scott no Scott laughs Scott Ladner's stepdad was back there and he's like oh hey bud and he open it and let me out oh man stuff lots of detail yeah I don't remember the first one at all anymore needle oh the needle no blood hmm that one's faults wrong man that happened this third one is alive the dump I never did that never took a dump in a bus cuz you know better than that yeah I'm not an idiot how did it not believe man I have no idea I've thought about it many times what did your mom can your mom corroborate this I never told anybody until right now she wasn't sewing when it happened no I was by myself you just pulled it out yes run a lighter flame over it to decontaminate it it had already been in me I mean for the next person I just leaned forward I was like oh when I look down and it was all the way in as women that's false man it's 100% true so I was the thing about my dad and the thing but think about the bus totally made up Scott Ladner stepdad never went on that bus with us man I never took a dump on them what about me ever had that conversation with my brother never got had never been stuck in a bathroom in my life and I wouldn't take a dump on a bus I'm better than that what about you what'd you get because we got too close with yours mm all right I was walking around my house one time and that's false and I was a kid and this is going off of your needle story man oh and I I guess I walked weird as a kid and I I somehow stepped my foot forward and then when I brought my other foot like it was gonna step next you're just walking yeah I was just walking as I was like puberty or something puberty walking puberty walk in and like that back foot was started to come forward and instead of going and like the place what knowledge to go it kind of scuffled against the ground in it it happened to catch the eraser end of a mechanical pencil and it kicked it into my front foot the heel of my front foot and buried it in there and I looked down and I was like oh and I my mom didn't see that either and I reached down and I pulled it back out and there was some lead in there in my heel which put the left foot and it to this day it's still in there I saw that wink that's the first one I can see that other eyes well hey really okay whatever uh okay okay um it has a lot like my story by the way just pencil lid uh my stepdad was a Jimmy my ex stepdad yeah to be sold um it's like fourth grade this is after the pencil let I for this story the pencil that was in my foot still they're probably right it's still here now but this is after that so it's there for this whole story but he doesn't play a part in this story got it so that's faults that makes this one faults as well well she doesn't play a bearing on this one and we went to this convention of insurance salesmen and I didn't want to go to that so I just hung around the lobby and they had these like really where's the convention it really Boca Raton Florida there's a pink hotel and there was like brass handles on everything it was like a really fancy place so like this brass I like brass handles that when you go downstairs and stuff you'd like hold on to the handle so you want to fall that's really nice and it would be like staircases up the sides and into the balcony and then staircases down a double staircase and so what I would do is I would I was a kid you know so I would put my hand on the rails and I would go down like a train track around all of these and they turns out they were all like interconnected and I pretended that my hand was a train actually a monorail like at Disneyworld and I was like it's the my hands like a monorail this is awesome I could do this for three hours while they're talking about insurance and I would just take it down the rail and whenever I couldn't take the monorail off the rail no matter who was walking up the stairs right yeah you're committed and then when the railing would stop I would make the monorail fly to the other rail and I keep going but I couldn't make it fly if I encountered people like people would leave different seminars and stuff they'd be like all on the rails and I would just go up to them like if your hand put your hand out like you're an old lady hold onto rail and then I would be like monorail monorail monorail and I'd make them do that they looked like that and then I would go by and I probably did that to like a 5,000 people you said mother monorail monorail that part's fishy um third one is I have like a pale white mole that it like on the top of my head like if you shaved my head you'd be like gah what's that like albino ladybug nesting up there for and I'd be like no it's a it's a it's a growth of some sort I think it's benign okay I know the moles real because I've seen it oh really yeah you used to have a shaved head and I shaved it right yeah so there's that one uh you've narrowed it down to two I shouldn't told you that because you have to make a decision it's like well what if it's gone now it's not I'm talking about now okay it's right there oh man I'm a new haircut you can probably see it the pencil lead thing seems very much influenced by my story but I know that you have a story of pencil leg going into your body at some way but I feel like I would remember a trip to book over time like Lynx in Florida this week I feel like I would know that happened in fourth grade hmm in the monorail things why would I yeah real I don't hear you saying monorail it's like a fourth grader it's a fourth grader I mean you'd be like anybody Vanetta leave and then you do it are you that bald the monorail is made up well what so so you think that there's still pencil in my foot that that really happened yeah were you there when I happen no it's true that's true they're not all for y'all true but so is it [ __ ] you all three - I can't you make up a lie man yeah you're the worst two truths and a lie contested ever but you learn so much more when I don't tell a lie like you know what you know needs so much better gonna say three things that are true that's my strategy it's easier to come on things that lay out the game but that's what I'm gonna do monorail you didn't say monorail monorail I don't believe that you made that part up 5,000 people that part that part okay yeah I was right okay then you were right I win I didn't count the people come on around
Channel: Good Mythical MORE
Views: 1,932,092
Rating: 4.9058404 out of 5
Keywords: rhett, link, rhett link, link rhett, rhett and link, link and rhett, good mythical morning, good mythical, mythical morning, gmm, gmmore, good mythical more, mythical more, mythical mail, rhettandlink3, rhettandlink 3, season 9, two truths and a lie, two truths, lies, lying, rhett link 2 truths, rhett link lies, rhett link lying
Id: bVwuNVv48zs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 47sec (1247 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 18 2016
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