PLAY AS FUNTIME CHICA HUNTING THE NIGHTGUARD! | Chica Simulator (Five Nights at Freddys)

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What's up guys and welcome to chica simulator We play this game on the channel in the past But it's been quite a while and there's a brand new update that released a bunch of new chicas like I think there's literally Every chica in any five night's at freddy's game is now in this game like Rockstar chica everything from ultimate custom night Everything chica related is now in this game and I figured you know what this is gonna be a blast we gotta hop back in We gotta play as chica again and see what it's all about But I'm also doing a giveaway as you guys know, I sometimes do giveaways and while this is a pretty big one basically I'm giving away any copy of Fight Night the phrase that you want and all you have to do to enter is simply like the Video be sure to subscribe and click the bell icon and also just comment down below which game you want as you guys can see On screen right now, you know, we have a choice from either five trays one through four or I guess you know, we kind of skipped a few because some of them are free, but basically, you know You get to choose which one you want just leave a comment down below like the video and subscribe and click the Bell icon to stay up to date with videos and that Is it you are entered that's all you got to do. It's that simple Anyways, let's go ahead and hop back into the game here. So okay, this is really new though. There's so much here So this obviously is made by mr. Snake games We've played his game before, you know chica simulator in the past But this is like like I said way more updated so we have a shop now where you can actually purchase Well, this was here before, but I don't know what's new So yeah, Oh a few items so you can actually have now so the cupcake which decreases the move time by 100 Okay, that's good. The Evo cupcake slows you down but will give you will give you out more points at the end Oh, that's perfect. Golden cupcake makes you faster, but will give out less points at the end And then you have the balloon boy plushie. This tracks the night guard in the office 50% chance to fail. That's cool, though Freddy's microphone is 150 coins and it stuns the night card for 3 set. Oh, that's really good You can start it for 3 seconds. That is not bad at all and then of the time machine decreases the time by 1 hour 25% chance to fail it can only be used once what that sounds insane Ok, what else we have characters. We have toy chica now withered chica phantom. Chica. I don't think those are new nightmare Chica, that might be new funtime chicas new Oh what and Rockstar chica that's also new Ok, so there's a few new chicas right there. Now. There's also new difficulties hard mode and mayhem This is cool extras. You can unlock cheats where no points are received at the end if cheats are activated and arcade What okay, there's even more. Here's the minigames passive approach and chica verse Bonnie Wow, there is a lot here now you have statistics you have a but minigames which we can't play because you know We kind of need you know, that kind of stuff unlocked Options and an extra menu Wow, there is a lot here. So you got two got toys chica withered chica phantom chica nightmare chica funtime chica and Rockstar chica, wow, there's a lot and of course the credits we what else was in here though, Oh cheats and arcade games All right. Now here's the thing guys. Alright as much as I you know, would love to play through this all over again We've kind of already did that and we already has everything unlocked. So here's what I'm gonna do for you guys alright I'm gonna hop into the app data menu and we're gonna just go ahead and just hop in here and open the notepad and maybe you know add a few coins to our our our character here Which actually I don't even see where I think we might have to play one game to be able to do this are you know? What let's play one game. Let's get a look at this even new select two character screen. That is awesome. What who's the hidden character? What? Oh, we need to find out who that is. All right, let's do normal And let's see what this is all new the higher the difficulty the more points you'll get wow. This is all new This is actually really cool so far. All right here what do look all these items Ok, let's move. All right, we got to keep moving guys. I forgot how this game works completely. But all right cameras up Let's go to camera 6 now. Come on. The camera is up. So he's currently looking let me in go to this one We're gonna get right outside his office, but we're not gonna jump scare him until he puts that camera up. Ok. He's waiting He's waiting. I cannot no donut. Okay, enter the office his cameras up. Come on. Come on. Come on attack. There we go We got him just like that. We already got a kill on the on the officer. Wait officer woody I don't like keep on to call him the officer. I get the night guard not the officer Ok, so free completing that we got and not a lot of points. So yeah, that's super low We got 230. Yeah to unlock everything. We're at the play like 50 games I don't know about that. But still alright now that that we now that we did that Let's see if we have anything new unlocked in the notepad section here because I am curious cuz obviously I want to go ahead and get everything a lot for you guys so I can show You guys so in the notepad section. Yep. There we go Alright, so we're gonna go ahead and change our points to how many points should we have guys? I'm gonna put like 5 million That might be too much. But yeah, you know that that's fun. You know, why not? Well, we're just gonna have like, I don't know. I just put like five and a bunch of zeros This could be like 50 million. But hey, you know what? We're gonna do it and we're gonna just have everything unlocked Alright, let's see if it carries over immediately. No, okay. I'm gonna have to restart the game real quick alright, let's go ahead and do this and Alright, let's hop back in. Okay, so let's see exactly. Uh What how this is gonna go because there should be a lot of fun having literally Everything unlocked in the game that it's gonna be Opie because literally we could buy any one you get play as anyone It's gonna be a lot of fun. And of course the minigames too. Alright, here we go. Let's get past the menu here Alright, so now let's go to the shop. Oh my god we have literally how much is that? It's at 50 million Yeah, that that's that's 50 million. Holy crap. Okay. Well, let's buy everything real quick as you guys know, I'm only doing this because we played this game in the past and Wow look at that we have everyone. I mean sure we didn't have all this stuff unlocked But I mean we kind of basically did so I'm just gonna go and buy everything just for you guys to show you guys everything Okay, so we now have everything so if we press Start, who is this mysterious? Character right here. I need to know who that is. There is a character that we don't know I want to know I'm trying to think of who that could be our you know what I know how to do it We got it. We gotta do it. Some items are not usable what you can't use any items. Oh My I bet you to get that character. We have to beat the game on mayhem mode and then we'll unlock whoever this is Whoa, okay Right go right go, right It's not letting oh, wow. This is a long move time. Go, right? Okay. No do our floor sides on the right now. Okay, we gotta wait. Come on I think you have to go in the opposite side of the wet floor sign if I'm not mistaken. Okay, come on Come on, come on. It's on the right. Come on. Let me attack dude. This takes so long. I can't use items Oh, here we go. Here we go attack. Yes. We did it Wow Okay, I guess mayhem mode for rock star chick is pretty easy. Cuz we widen it. Oh nice. Okay. So what does that do? We unlock anything for that. Please tell me we unlocked that secret character. Well, you get a lot of points for this though So me if we wanted to we could just like unlock rock star chica and just continuously do that Mayhem, you know night right there and just get you know infinite points, really? So yeah, it's not like it's the hardest thing to get points to be honest All right, so we got 800 from that not bad at all. Now. Let's see if we unlocked Hawaii I bet you 2 to unlock wherever that is. You probably have to do the mini game. Like maybe that's how you do it So let's go into the minigames real quick. Let's see what these are wait minigames move Your movement is set to 1200 kill the guard before 6:00 a.m While that's hard chick overs Barney raise bonding to the night guard of Bonnie kills a night guard you lose All right. Let's do cheek overs Bonnie first Okay, let's do rock star. Chica. This is interesting So Bonnie's gonna be racing them at the same time as us, but I figured with Rockstar chica It shouldn't be that hard, right? We said to get him on the right side of the sign Alright, we have to pick a side. Uh Go go go go. Go, right. There we go. Oh no, the white floor signs on the right already. Wow. He's quick All right, go left. What now? It's on the left. He's like right on top of me. Okay, what if we just stay here? Okay, it's on the left still come on. Come on. Come on. He's gonna be in the office attack attack got him Okay, so I already beat that. Minigame. That was super easy Like I said, I think it's just cuz we were playing as Rockstar chica and you know She's she's relatively easy to play as if I'm gonna be honest, but I mean that's how the character is in the main game So kind of what you expect Alright, so we got another what was that like six not having that 800 is it seems like less? Now, I think it's yeah, it's like seven something. I think I don't think it's eight. Is it eight? No, it's not eight. Yeah It's seven something seven forty not bad at all though. Great job Alright, so I doubt we unlocked that character for that. Let's check. Nope. Nothing Alright, so we still got another minigame to play passive approach with this one seems like it's gonna be pretty hard You got to wait like 1200 seconds to move so I kind of want to do let's try Rockstar, but this is gonna be tough because he I feel like this one might not even be possible with Rockstar chica just because of how quickly he's gonna be moving that sign Well, let's try it. I mean we could try All right. So let's go Let's go left. I wonder if you'll move it while we're out there. That's kind of what I want to know But let's go right just let's just do it how it's supposed to be. Well, it's already 1:00 a.m Okay, this is already uh off to a tough start. Oh my God. He's still on the left. Come on. Come on Come on, the left on the left. Oh my god. Come on. Come on. Come on, come on. Yes, what if he already beat it? He just left it on the left side and I just won Okay, you know I'm not gonna complain at all about that. I'm not even mad He just left it on the left side Like you didn't even check for me or anything okay, you know I Gonna accept it, you know, sometimes you just gotta accept it. All right So, let's see if we unlock whatever that thing is now. I mean, there's got to be a way of unlocking it I just I don't know how maybe have to beat the game with every character or is that just like no It's not a random select of a character. It's an actual character Alright, so we did that. What else is there arcade games? Okay, so there's still arcade game so you could play chica invaders and cupcake dodge All right. Let's do cheek invaders and cheek invaders. You must defend against flying freddy heads while trying not to die You were also provided with some covers. So use it. Well each round you get one more point towards blah blah Okay, so Araki's move space to shoot. Alright, let's do this. Let's do this. Oh, so this is like our cover Oh wait, we only have a set amount of ammo. I didn't know that I just I just shot my weight. How is this? Okay, so wait we have to wait for him to come back I'm confused This is interesting. So like we can't really fight him because he's constantly moving Okay, we hit him. We kill them. All right Round two you. Okay, not bad Okay got that one. I'm starting to figure it out here. So we're gonna wait behind here. Our walls are starting to disappear though Got that one. Alright, we only took one damage from that nice Okay So we've got Oh what I didn't realize the ammo load thing Wouldn't give us our ammo like it wouldn't give us more ammo than what we already have That's kind of broken. Okay, I have two bullets. Um Okay, there's bullets right there. That's good that they always spawn I'm gonna try to grab this hell, no, it didn't give me any ammo unfortunately got a dodgem All right, we gotta grab these bullets on this side real quick There's a lot more here in this game though than the previous update. That is for sure. Okay got him All right. Now I'm not gonna grab that ammo yet because we got to play it more strategically Wow, okay there's a lot of them now, uh There's a lot of them. This is gonna be tougher Okay got that one. Like it's pretty easy. If you can figure out where they're gonna go and shoot them before they get there Alright, here we go again Alright skip this one first cuz he's off on his own. Let's wait behind this wall all they're gonna destroy this wall so fast Come on get more ammo no, we hit me once I'm not a big deal Got him. Alright, there we go. Nice and easy round six. This is eventually gonna get to the point where it's just like Insane. Oh, wow. They're taking more shots - what? Okay. Wow, they're taking a lot more shots I need ammo Get that one. Okay. We got one. I'm not gonna grab that help yet or that ammo Okay got that one Okay got that one Come on die. What the okay. There we go. I need help. I need help like right now. Oh, no, I need health Oh, no, are they gonna stop like giving me help it out? What the egg? Okay, there's hell Okay got that one. Oh my god. They're just like on the health right now Okay. I've got a hide here for a second. Oh my god. I've got to help I'm at one help. Okay, this isn't gonna go. Well, I'm dead That was tough man. That was actually really tough. Alright, let's try the other one, right? Not that one ready. Go the extras menu Alright, so let's try cupcake dodge Dodge infinite waves two cupcakes. They'll come from four sides left right top bottom every four seconds to receive five points I will count towards okay easy Well, I say that it's probably be really hard, but we'll try Alright, so here we are. Um, we've to dodge the cupcake. Okay, how is it? Okay, so this is how it's gonna work, huh? Oh, this is gonna be tough. What how did that? Oh, no, it's one of these gay Oh, no, it's one of these games where it's like jump at the perfect time To like go over them. Oh, no. All right. Let's do this. Come on. Okay, of course I got hit. Okay I'm like jumping but her feet are like moving at random intervals. So they just keep getting hit by them All right. Just keep Josh. Oh, wow. Now. They're coming from that side, too. Okay. Yeah, this is gonna be interesting I Don't think we're gonna win this one. That's for sure. Come on. Just keep jumping Keep giving me points. All right, give me those points. Why am I not getting points sometimes? That's weird. Like look I didn't get points for that one Okay, I didn't even jump over that one and I got points. This is kind of broken. All right I just want to see if I jumped if I'd get the points, but I took a lot of damage Yeah, we're gonna lose. Oh, yeah, we're definitely gonna lose. Okay, there it goes. These are actually pretty hard now How the heck do we get this character? Maybe we got to beat it. I was like every chica It's only thing I can think of. Alright, let's let's try out a fun time. Chica here So yeah, I don't want to use those Anyways, alright once you use the golden or the golden or the evil cupcake You'll be able to use them for the rest of the game. Alright, not a big deal. I don't need those Alright, I'm a pro. How does this work waiting for someone to attack? Huh? How does fun time Chico work? I don't even remember. I don't remember Okay, we're about to distract. Oh, that's it. Oh, okay. So we're supposed to be a distraction For somebody else to attack. I'm assuming I don't know. So let's wait I think we have to wait for somebody to start Attacking and then we attack and we distract I don't know Nothing's happening. Just distract the beginnig s. Oh Okay, we want it. Okay. I don't know how we did that boy. We did it Interesting. You won not bad, you know we did something that that's gotta count, right? Well, we did was like to strike them though. I mean, I guess what do you expect though? I mean, that's what that's what fun time chica does in the actual game So it kind of makes sense for her to do it in that - to be honest Alright, so there we go. We can plate we complete that one as funtime chica, which isn't bad at all Now, let's go ahead and hop in again. I Kind of want to do nightmare. I kind of want to do everybody but It's gonna be a really long video if we do that, let's just do okay. Let's do Nightmare chica and then we'll see we'll go from there. All right Yeah think nightmare chica was in the last version that we played though if I'm not mistaken All right. So let's do this again here All right so I remembered I'm a chicas just to go up to the door and like wait and then he has to like Sit at the door long enough I think for us to attack Yeah, I think okay. Yeah, we automatically move in this one I'm assuming because look I'm not even I didn't even touch anything and we moved Okay, so the kid is up there at the front. Okay, let's move Okay, the kid is looking left right now. I remember this one being like impossible But I don't know. We'll try. All right moving closer. Okay? Yeah, that's impossible He literally looks at you one time to go all the way back. Uh Yeah, it's Hardy 2 a.m We're gonna lose like if I don't move There's no way of like stopping him from looking either like it's just like a random thing. Look you looked again Yeah, this one's impossible. I remember playing this one being like I don't think this is possible at all Like you looked again right there. Yeah, there's no set pattern. There's no set way of being able to do this. It's all like Completely luck based. I think I'll move up anyways Alright, let's just keep moving up. Come on. Let me move 4 a.m If he if he sees us one more time we lose But she's about to look here because this game is random and I think he's going to come on. Let me move please Oh my god, you have to move this close before you can attack Wow Yeah, that's broken. That is super broken Yeah, you lost I wonder why because he's opie dude. You can see us we Boo, you suck Wow, that's broken. Oh, so this is like the Yeah, the guide where you can kind of see how to play everyone. Alright, so let's do one more I do want to see phantom. Chica. Let's back from phenanthrene So I'm wondering how this is gonna work I assume am sure why not and the only item you can use in the office is the BB plush I don't need no item. Alright, I'm playing on mayhem. I'm a professional probably not obviously not but still All right, so waiting for spring-trap. Oh, it's one of these again, I don't understand so we're supposed to cause a distraction for Spring-trap. How do we know when he's there? cameras up So we can get him to put down his camera or as monitor so we can like keep them off a spring trap So that spring trap can move closer. Maybe I don't know keep attacking We're also like resetting is uh, there we go. Yeah, okay, so that's all that that is released That's another way of getting like super easy points. All you have to do is just keep attacking him It'll keep him off of spring-trap. So spring-trap can move in an attack from the right All right. So we did that that wasn't bad. You know, I will say this update was really good. I don't know I haven't kept up with the game So, I don't know if he's been updating it a lot or you know This past update was like a big update for the game or what but yeah There's a lot here now like there's a lot to play There's a lot of items you know secrets minigames all that kind of stuff and I still I need to figure out how to Unlock whatever this is like whoever that is, whatever it is It's not like a random character select like I thought maybe it's like where the item goes now. I don't know what that is I don't know maybe if we have every item on something will show up. No, what is that? Like who could that be guys comment down below? I'm trying to think of like every chica and I think we have them all we have an f-14 naff, two, three four Sister location. Yeah funtime Sakes would be ultimate custom night Maybe fine a floral chica. I don't know I Literally, I cannot think of who this could be at all so let me know in the comments down below if you guys could think Of it, but that's it guys for this video Let me know if you guys want to see more of this game and also like I said Be sure to enter the giveaway by liking the video Subscribing and cleaning the bell icon down below and commenting down below which game you want. It's that simple That's all you have to do and then I'll be choosing the winners sometime soon. Anyways, I'll see you guys in the next one peace out guys
Channel: FusionZGamer
Views: 5,264,805
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chica, play as chica, funttime chica, phantom chica, toy chica, withered chica, freddy fazbear, fnaf, five nights at freddy's, #fnaf, rockstar chica, funtime chica, fnaf chica simulator, play as all chica, fnaf simulator, fnaf play as animatronics, five nights at freddys simulator, FusionZGamer
Id: qtEF5Nw-7M8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 45sec (1185 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 13 2018
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