God of War Ragnarok Story FULLY EXPLAINED! (GOW Ragnarok Full Story Breakdown & Lore)

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God of War Ragnarok was possibly the best 22 hours I've spent in a video game in a very long long time throughout my playthrough Focus mainly on the story mode and far throughout that I have so much else to sink my teeth into after the game was complete and I can't wait to jump back in and finish it off however today I wanted to spend a bit of time specifically going through and explaining what happened during the story in God of War Ragnarok how it links to the first game and how Kratos notreus's Journey comes to a close if you guys do want to enjoy today's video do consider leaving a like it'd be very very much appreciated and why not consider subscribing to the channel as well but plenty well God of War content coming and plenty of other games also but let's dive straight in God of War Ragnarok begins with Kratos sitting slumped over a fire inside of a cave somewhere within midgard he's reminiscing over the bag which carried the ashes of his deceased wife Faye still mourning her passing despite the events of the first game with Ragnarok taking place a few years into the future from then atreus walks in with a deer that he'd recently caught hunched over his back with both of them agreeing to go back home due to the weather becoming worse as they load up the sled a trace pulls out an object of some sort that we're not too familiar with trying to hide and keep it a secret from Kratos however as we're journeying home atreyus spots an eagle in the distance which suddenly transforms into a person it was freyja in the first game the god before and killed Boulder was for his son for aircaster spell on Boulder to prevent him from feeling anything the warmth the cold the touch of a woman pain or anything in order to just simply try and protect him how however this only made Boulder hate Freya more with Freya giving Boulder the option to kill her at the end of the game but krasos would not allow that to happen from that point onwards Freya would never forgive Kratos not just for denying her of death but for the grief it caused her in knowing that the man that killed her son is still out there Freya has been hunting Kratos specifically for a long time and Kratos simply refused to fight back due to the help that she gave us in the first game like saving atreus's life we eventually escaped the wrath of Freya and returned to our home in midgard a trace mentions that there's another wolf femre that was severely sick in that it was atreus's first wolf Kratos and atreus essentially captured and saved the wolves in their possession from a camp of rebels that were planning on eating them a while back however when atreus gets to fenrir it was apparent that he was very near the end and atreus finally has to let him go fembria died in a trace's arms however once it did happen a blue orb floated out ephemera's body Kratos catches it with one eye but says nothing more on the matter chrysos walks inside the cabin whilst atreus finds a place to bury fembrier when atreus doesn't come back Kratos and Omega searching for atreus when suddenly they're attacked by a bear it turns out that atreus has the power to turn into different animals depending on his feelings anger and rage was the feeling at the time so that's what he turned into completely uncontrollable at the moment the three of them returned back to the cabin to rest when suddenly a storm hits the ball foreign [Music] can I come in I have meat you would not find me good company no I'm sure we'll find lots to talk about they rushed the front door and when opened a greeted with a close figure standing there Thor it's really good to know that the Avengers were law accurate when depicting this image of Thor Thor asks Kratos if he can come in for a chat crisis being very very wary of this however he eventually says okay and Thor walks into the cabin and sits down placing his hammer on the table and just to show dominance Kratos does the same with his ax they both started talking to begin with both very tense about the situation with of course Kratos killing magni and atreus killing Modi in the first game both sons of four however as the situation begins to get more tense in walks Odin they started by reiterating that they do not wish for war that they would leave them both alone if they swear to not continue to look for the god tier Odin tries to put it down as Tia being dead to try and stop atreyus from looking however trius was secretly searching for Tia without Kratos knowing due to his connection with the Giants and his desire to find out more about the shrine than he found in joltenheim atreus wants the Giants to repopulate yachtenheim again and he thinks Tia could help with this help find out more about himself and for theater lead the army of the Giants against Odin and take him down for good isn't it so what do you say no don't take all day about time Kratos declines this offer from Odin and Thor strikes him with his hammer and they fight off into the distance however during this time Odin decided to stick around and speak with atreus telling him more of how he could help him get the answers that he's looking for and that if he ever wanted help finding them to me Odin and Asgard atreus is a young kid that wants nothing more than to find out his overall meaning in life and more around his Shrine and the prophecy so of course this is going to Intrigue him however now that Odin and Thorn know of their home's location it is not safe there anymore sindri and Brock invite them into their home and stay low for a while until they can figure out what the next steps are at this time though retrace brings up the meaning behind the ass fact that he was holding at the beginning of the game he found it in one of the shrines and Mame mentioned that it was the craftsmanship of the Giants this Shrine revealed that TF the mid Guardian god of war and The God Who helped the Giants was imprisoned somewhere however the location was not revealed Within in the shrine brockenson reinform us of a dwarf based in svatohein a dwarfed named duralin duralin was at the Forefront of a rebellion against Odin with Faye helping to lead that Rebellion we travel to the Realms of svato Hein and meet with duralin who could immediately recognize the blade on kratos's back believing that he and atreus had killed Faye knowing that it was FaZe ax and not knowing that she was kratos's wife in knowing this derulin presents Kratos and atreus with a fine in which bewilds the two at the time however when exiting the house atreus checks this fine and finds that it is in fact a map of a nearby mine the mine in which Tia could be held captive in by Odin Kratos atreus and Vermeer make their way up through the mountain and into the mine reaching through four green doors when finally they find what they're looking for tear tear was weak fragile and not the God that he once was not believing in violence and not wanting any part of what they're preaching to him he was kept captive by Odin for an extremely long time being tortured for his ax and not revealing the path to yachtenheim so you can see why he was a bit skeptical krasos grabs tear and gives him the talking to there's needed at the time saying that we've come all of this way for you and my son believes in you so in doing so tear returns with us to Brock and cindery's home however tyr insists that he would prefer to sleep inside a broom closet in the house saying that he's used to the pitch back darkened wants to be there and doesn't want to take up any more space than what's needed this seems really odd you know with Tia being a God but more on this later in this section of the game we take control of atreyas for the first time which I thought was really really cool The Next Step was very blurred with no one really knowing what else to do or where to go from here atreus takes injury to midgard in order to try and speak to your minganda the world serpent this was to try and find out more around the meaning of Loki and where they need to go next atreya summons the world serpent from under the thick layer of ice in which he responds with Ironwood not knowing what this meant at the time the two were very frustrated and thought they'd wasted a trip there however treyse decided to try his looks speaking with freyja she only wanted to kill Kratos so he might be able to reason with her and maybe even talk for Aaron's taking their side in the fight against Odin and helping them find answers Freya though was not of the same mind frame she listened to what atreus had to say even at times looking pretty shocked but resulting in the same resolve this place go and do not return go before I change my mind do not expect the same Mercy the return back to midgard where positive progress was made around next steps there was a god named grower in the realm of alfheim which would potentially provide us more information on the prophecy and what we needed to do next the shrine revealed to us that the prophecy that Odin was working from was in fact wrong and the Odin is working off a lie Grandma had a vision when meditating one time for weeks on end she was trying to find her lost husband Freya freya's brother their parents were very creative when choosing their names it was during this Vision that Grover had the vision of ragdarok word of the vision reached Odin and Odin demanded a private retelling of the vision Odin didn't like what he heard relating to Ragnarok and he killed Grover it was at this point that we see Ironwood mentioned there this was the same phrase that yorminganda mentioned to us earlier Ironwood is a mythical Sanctuary for the Giants however Ironwood has never been found and it's not known to anyone even mimir stating that it's just not a real place we also get a glimpse of the champion of the war which atreus believes is him eventually showing Ragnarok a battle between each of the nine Realms all gods and all beings however it then moves the show someone leading the forces against Odin however Tia does not want war and finds it hard to come to terms with that he could be again the God of War however suddenly the vision shifts and no one has seen this side of the prophecy before the Giants of Ragnarok destroys Asgard leaving the other eight Realms to thrive an Odin to die grower lied to Odin the vision was false and the prophecy that Odin's searching for is incorrect they all return back to Brock and cindery's house where atreus goes into his room to sleep however before closing his eyes he pulls out the giant artifact from the beginning of the game his eyes and says Ironwood atreus falls asleep but suddenly wakes up somewhere extremely unfamiliar when Harry encounters all of his older memories from the first game going through the phase of his resentment between him and his father his pure Cockiness as well it's all you ever talk about over and over feel something about it or shut up we're sick of hearing about Little People's little problems not nice ones you broke the gate that was the only way to your nine what do you want I don't understand whatever whatever whatever whatever whatever when suddenly he falls through the ground and moments later finds himself in a place surrounded by Wildlife somewhere that he's never been before he's escorted to a location by a pack of wolves when he meets angra boa angry boa's prophecy is to teletreus of his prophecy so she takes him back to her home and shows him the rest of the shrine that was destroyed in the yachtenheim temple however it wasn't what he was expecting nor what atres wanted the prophecy shows him holding his father in his arms with crisis ending up dead at the hands of Thor and Odin with Loki eventually going to work for Odin atreyus snaps and turns into a wolf trying to channel his rage and destroy the shrine the missing piece of the Shrine in the yachtenheim tower did not show this final part the death of his father and atreus going to work with Odin and grabola had one more thing to show atreus though before he left she took a trace to the location in yondheim where we could see the temple that we traveled to at the end of the first game however she explained that jotenheim isn't in fact not full of bodies of dead giants like we thought it probably was at the end of the first game as you can see on screen right now it looks very much alike but rocks making you believe that it is yonhein is full of rocks to make you believe that it's full of Giant's bodies that just lay dormant and dead this is so that if Odin ever wants to come to yonhein that he would take a look and believe that all the Giants here are in fact dead but really it's just rocks without giving him additional reasons to go further and investigate it's pretty sad to be honest with the people of jordanheim we reach one of the rocks and anchor Builder pans us a bag this bag contained a bunch more of these marble type things that we'd found from the first shrine these were not created and left by the Giants these things are the Giants the Giants unfortunately didn't really have a choice they could stay in yachtenheim to wave Odin to find a way in and just slaughter them or they could hide in these marbles it's within these marbles that they find peace in not being hunted anymore their souls are within these Marbles and their bodies are just left to rot and die away these Souls can be patched into creatures or bodies with no souls within like we see later into the game when one of the souls were passed into a snake this was huge power given to atreus and he didn't want the responsibility to do that so he gives them back to angriboda and says that he wants her to take them for now however before atreyas left Ironwood anchor Barry gives him one final marble and it was his mother's marble unfortunately though there was no soul within it due to her dime within her body in the first game but it was better in his hands however before trius left Ironwood angry Birda told him that he must not tell anyone about Ironwood even his father if Odin found out about it he would find his way into lionwood and ultimately yachtenheim and that is real bad news [Music] atreus returns home to the cabin and when trying to move through the portal Kratos was standing there happy to see a trace but also furious at the same time it turns out that atreus was gone for two whole days which only felt like a couple of hours to him as ultimately time moves faster in yachtenheim however there were suddenly both ambushed by a valkyrie which turned out to be freyja Kratos didn't fight back once he found out who it was with atreus even turning into a bear just as Freya was about to kill Kratos however Kratos jumped into action saving Freya from being mauled by atreus as a bear Freya turned around in disbelief that Kratos would save her like that essentially risking his life to do so Freya decided instead to use Kratos to help free herself but instead of killing Kratos she decided that he was more used to her alive at this time using him to free yourself from the spell that Odin cast upon her binding her to midgard freyr and Odin were once married a long time ago and to prevent her from traveling to other Realms he cast a spell on her and that was what we'd seen in the very first game she was unable to come with us to alfheim due to the spell that was binding her which was the reason why she was ripped away we take a trip to valaheim progressed through and free Freya from the spell binding her to midgard and upon returned to Camp She finally reunited with her brother freyja Freya left when he'd found out that one Odin had killed his wife grower and two found out that Freya was marrying him he never went searching for her because he thought that she was dead but really she was just bound to midgard this whole time so could never move between Realms however they both forced a plan to work together to take down Odin we'll return back to the cabin and Kratos tries his best to get out of atreyas where he was and where he's been but atreus wasn't able to say anything about Ironwood all the characters in the house were all pushing atraus to tell him where he'd been telling atres that if he was in Asgard the Odin is bad news and he's using him to get to his end goal in which atreus responds so am I a trace at the time cannot tell anyone about Ironwood so with the rest of the group connecting the dots and with Odin inviting him into Asgard that's where they all believe that he went atreus angers at the accusations and turns himself into a bear going through the portal and Landing into midgard however as he's walking through we can hear the sound of Ravens in the distance he eventually finds Odin's personal Raven and says he's ready take me to Odin atreus ends up in Asgard and begins to climb the Great Wall at the top he's greeted by someone named Heimdall Heimdall didn't believe atreus was here for to see Odin for a second and even almost dropped him to his death at the very top of the wall however he gave him the benefit the doubt and took him to Odin's Lodge Heimdall began toying with atreus Heimdall could not be touched by anyone bearing in mind he can essentially see your every move even before you can see your move until Thor turns up Heimdall stands down however proceeds to tell Odin that he believes the boy is fake he believes he's there to betray him in which Odin replies of course he is he has no reason to trust me yet Odin shows us around Asgard the camp the training of the soldiers and even how he has an unlimited Army a soldier will go to Valhalla when he dies in battle then drops straight back down into Asgard where Odin recruits them back to his army resulting in an endless cycle of troops Odin gives atreus his own room which used to belong to magni the son of Thor which crazy just killed in the first game so it's pretty Bittersweet to be honest this is where we meet fruit magnium modi's sister the daughter of Thor and also Sif Thor's wife we meet up with Odin once settled and he informs us of his overall plan and why Odin wants our help Odin states he doesn't want Ragnarok orb or the end of the world but something that could give them the answers to everything answers to why the gods were here learn how to change their Fates save the people they love and much more of course this is writer petraeus's Street he knows the overall prophecy into the end goal and he knows that his father in The Shrine is gonna die so if he can change that fate and save his father of course he's going to work with Odin and Odin knew that this plays straight into his hands and will know why a little bit later on into the video Odin as a young God found a piece of a mask a mask that will let you look into the crack of time which was situated under his Log Cabin the mask is required however the mask is a hundred percent required to do this as when Odin tried to do this without the mask he lost his right eye the task to Odin needs from a trace is to recraft the mask and make it into its full form they need to make it whole again so that they can look within the crack and find as many answers as they can this is what is driving Odin and this is why he needs atreus's help this will give him the ability to change the prophecy as he sees fit which could be catastrophic in his own right we're sent on a mission to find the first piece of the mask with Thor in musporheim and this was a success however during this time we find another Shrine in the distance so we trick Thor into doing something else whilst we sneak off and look inside it it was there that we met Angry Bird again she decided to rewrite her own prophecy and search for more of the Giant's marbles within the shrine so she's traveling the nine Realms it was within this Shrine that they found how Ragnarok is formed the gods of musborheim Samara and suta combine and form a large creature known as Ragnarok they find the part of the Mask they're looking for and return back to Odin where they finished their first mission together we move back to the perspective of Kratos they are all in conversation about what to do next and Freya comes to the conclusion that Warren Asgard is what she will follow if that's what the prophecy States however tear is not prepared to go down this route with there being countless innocent lives lost in the process just because of a prophecy there must be another way Freya has the idea to speak with a species called the Norms the Norms are a species who know of the prophecy and can recite it well they can predict your every word even ones you're not thinking at the time however there are also a species that don't want to be found Kratos wants to ask the Norms how to find his son and if there's any way to get him back from Asgard and even to change the fate of the prophecy we finally reach the Norms after searching long for them the Norms talked to us about the prophecy that Kratos will die and that Heimdall will try to kill atreus in Asgard they leave and make their way back to the house with this new information Kratos informs the group that Heimdall will try to kill atreus and that we must do what we can to stop it however the problem is Heimdall can see your every move even before you know it yourself how is anyone supposed to combat that however Brock and cindery believes to know a way and thus to use something called a drop near this mineral was stolen by the dwarfs a long time ago and was done to keep it away from Odin with him having so much influence over swartlehein why will it help kill Heimdall well when it's combined with another mineral it can be thrown and detonated remotely by Kratos or the person that's using it stunning Heimdall allowing creators to attack him and essentially kill him Heimdall isn't only Odin's right hand man though it also carries the horn in which begins Ragnarok the gala horn we take these minerals to the forge in svartelheim specifically though to the lady of the forge once we get there we walk into a lift which descends under the water it was here we met the lady of the forge for the first time and she crafted a spear out of the ingredients that we gathered return back to the house with the spear and switch back to the perspective of atreus in Asgard Odin had another mission to retrieve another piece of the mask and to accompany him doing this was through and Heimdall they visit helheim and follow the mask throughout until they reached their destination guarded by a huge wolf named garm garm was chained up and atreyas thought that he knew what to do here he thought he knew what gone wanted and that was to be free if gone was free they could just walk straight past him and get the mask without knowing why he was chained up probably wasn't the best idea atreyus and threwed through the wolf and to their surprise a dead end we return back and meet with Heimdall who explains why garm was chained up it was because the wolf is able to create create tears between the different Realms allowing things from helheim to move between the Realms and infiltrate them and cause chaos this means that the enemies of hellheim are going to be able to move between the different Realms now with no problems at all we return to asgardened Odin confronts us on what we've done we tell Odin of the mistake that we've made and advise that we just want to go home now we use Odin's Ravens and it takes us back to our cabin as we step through the portal though there was a tear in between Realms from helheim to sindri's house this was because garm tore a hole from helheim to our current location resulting in an attack for Aaron at Reyes closed the hole and he is reunited with his father asraeus tells the group of his mistake when freeing garm stating he had no idea of the damage that it would cause so Kratos tells atreus that he will go to hellheim with him fix this mess which is exactly what they did atreus and Kratos both reach hellheim and they both defeat garm for the first time however a short time later he comes straight back it was later found that there's no killing garm because he has no soul to kill he just keeps coming straight back regenerating his health back to full atreus has an idea though like the snake earlier on in the game he decides to transfer a soul into garm but not any Soul femreer at the beginning of the game we spoke about that blue lights that appeared at once femmeer died this was atreus transferring femorous Soul into his knife which he didn't know he was doing atreus had no idea there was a soul in his knife until angriboda told him in Ironwood and this is where he got the idea from once he did this gone ran off and then found him under a cavern in helheim as we progress through near to the exit atreus approached garm at first very very timid and very wary but then it was truly femria just in a completely different form Kratos as well couldn't believe it as well as myself it was awesome to be honest of course fenrir couldn't stay here so Kratos instructs femura to go home in which he tears through the Realms and goes back to the cabin we make our way back to Brock and cindery's house and atreya spends a bit more time showing everyone what Odin's up to atreus mentioned the mask and Mame mentioned that it was just a dead end that it wasn't really anything special however when Tia looked at it he said the mask has great significance it's a way to gaze into the secrets of creation itself a way to find out the purpose behind everything and everyone becoming one with a source of infinite knowledge this was the reason that Odin tortured tear however knowing that the prophecy States Kratos kills Heimdall Freya wants to know if we should focus on killing him right now or not even if he was how would we get to Asgard Kratos doesn't want to return to the person that he once was he does not want to be a killer of gods anymore and he tries his best to rewrite Fate by seeking alternative routes to killing Heimdall or just not killing him at all Freya decides that if we don't take the fight to Odin that she's going to return to vanaheim in the meantime to help a brother prepare for the battle against Odin should he ever return there Kratos and atreus also decide to follow in help in any way that they can however just like fate there's Heimdall in vanhein Kratos and Heimdall fight utilizing the spear that was created by Brock and sindri and it worked Kratos was the first person to ever hit heindel in which he took him down despite defeating Heimdall though Kratos didn't want to be that God killer anymore and decided to spare heindel's life however Heimdall found it insulting that Kratos didn't finish the job and fought back and eventually left Kratos with no choice but to kill him on the battlefield we return back to Brock and cindery's home where we discuss what happens next now that heimdul is dead it's only a matter of time before Asgard finds out so atreus uses this time to revisit Odin and find the final piece of the Mask Odin requested that we go with Thor on this journey however we had to fetch him first Thor was drunk and left in a bar Thor was essentially an alcoholic and passed the time by drinking away his Sorrows of his childhood and his life right now so we tried to get him out of the bar and in doing so we started a Barb rule he eventually gets out and comes with us even if he was being sick along the way we finally found a piece of the mask that we were looking for and suddenly Odin appears out of nowhere along with Sif and two Valkyries Sif found out that heimdul was in fact killed and Sif then goes on to talk Thor into wanting to kill atreus for one killing Heimdall and two killing magnium Modi along with Boulder atreyus was given what a one-time use device by sindri before he went into Asgard if he wanted to get out and go back to the location of the home at any given time he just throws it on the floor as hard as possible luckily he had that because he needed to use that right now to escape Thor's wrath and he did that and was back at the realm tree where Kratos just waiting for him and they went back to the house they returned back to the house and discuss what had happened atreus got no real answers from the completed mask meaning all he really did was steal Odin's greatest treasure just after Kratos killed his most loyal Ally Freya wants to start the war now however again teever is very against doing so not wanting to kill every soul in Asgard just to get one man tier then goes on to say that the plan is staring us clearing the face we should slip into US guard ourselves and use the mask to figure out what it means we can do it right under Odin's nose without him even knowing you can gain the knowledge to shatter the prophecy end the war once and for all however how do we get into Asgard we can't use the galahorn as it sounds across all of the Realms they'd see us coming atreus thinks looking into the mask is a good idea though we can't forge our own path and get the answers and stop the war then nobody has to die but again the question how do we get into Asgard undetected Tia stands and steps forward and says that he knows he's been a burden to us all even though we've saved him from imprisonment but he's now ready to step forward picking up his spear one last time and tear would lead them to Asgard Brock immediately fires back with a question if you've gone away into Asgard where's this idea be in the entire time craze State the same thing back to Tia why would he withhold Asgard from us and why is it only coming up now now that the mask is complete he States it's because it would have gotten everyone killed and we needed time for Loki to find his Destiny the mask everything led to this if the mass doesn't work out we'll still have the drop on them because we'll be there with surprise but then again Brock fires back Brock wants to know if this new way into Asgard Tia mentioned that it's an ancient path and it can't be reached from here but Brock is having none of it where then and why is he walking off with the mask that's the boy's property he earned it Tia said he's going to collect his things but Tia has no things he didn't come with anything he was a prisoner for centuries nothing is welding together correctly here why is Tia calling atreyus Loki he's done nothing but make food he's never fought with us and also turns up late when we do and when the battle's finished he turns up with his shield almost like he was somewhere else when it was taking place he's never around when atreus is in Asgard so what's going on TIA turns around and stabs Brock straight in the stomach however it wasn't here all this time it was Odin Odin takes the mask and tries to get away however just as Odin disappears Kratos throws his spear through the eye of the mask and passes it to the wall Brock dies on the floor in cindery's arms tear was never really there Odin played atreus this entire time and the rest of the group he knew that Kratos refused the offer at the beginning of the game he knew that atreus would continue his search for Tia which is why he used this to his advantage to find out their every move and to shapeshift himself into tears form this was why Odin was so calm about atreus being in Asgard this entire time he had a gateway to both sides Odin was using atreus to build the mask and to look into this crack of knowledge whilst at the same time finding their entire plan whilst atreus and the rest of the group thought that they were against Odin and outsmarting him he really really played them here he was there when they were looking into all of the shrines and found out that grower lied as well so he was well versed on this new prophecy Kratos hands the galahorn to Fey and both him and atreus walk out of the house and return home they both take some time away to grieve and warn the death of Brock before returning to the house to plan their next steps this was it the home stretch Ragnarok is coming and we need to be ready for it the group gathered around the table in Brock and cindery's house to form a plan as to how they're going to attack how they were going to find and finally defeat Odin and Destroy Asgard the group are going to unite all the Realms against Odin they've now completely lost the elements of surprises Odin now knows everything that they were planning with him being in the form of tea this entire time however this will not stop them they need to forge an army of their own an army that spans across all of the other eight Realms we need to still get past that huge wall protecting Odin's Camp the wall of Asgard in order to do this they need suta Sutra is the god of misohein along with his wife Samara Sutra is the god that will turn into Ragnarok and essentially destroy Asgard like we seen in Growers Visions just as it's shown in the shrine Hilda's Vini the boar that was shot in the first game who is now human and friends with Freya will travel to helheim to recruit the army of the Dead Freya will return to alfine to reunite the L light and the dark even after centuries of war and Freya will return to vanaheim to find singram to muster all of the free Valkyries of that realm that only leaves svartelhein syndra is still more than the death of his brother however he agreed to help Freya picks up the galahorn and hands it back to Kratos we get Suitor and tell him of the plan to summon Ragnarok however when we get to suta he says that he doesn't want to help this is because he knows of the prophecy already and he knows what must be done to combine himself and Samara together to form Ragnarok but he doesn't want Samara to die so he forges together another plan the blades of chaos Kratos holds on his back are filled with primordial fire this will be enough to start Ragnarok so suta leads us to the spark of the world to begin the process we move to the edge and place the blades Into the Heart of suta this then starts the process of Ragnarok we return to midgard and make our way to TS Temple for all of the Gods of the Realms are situated just waiting for Ragnarok to happen freyja looks to Kratos and says that she wants him to be the general to lead the armies into battle this is not who Kratos wanted to be remembered by but having an experienced General leading them into battle there will be nothing better than that and it will probably help them to go on to win this war and make those difficult decisions in those difficult times krato sleeps on it and in the morning agrees to be the general leading the armies into the battle crisis leads the rest of the Army's tears Temple and blows the gala horn marking the beginning of Ragnarok [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] ready yourselves we enter into Asgard through the temple and see all of the surrounding realm Towers there too this scene was so cool it literally reminds me of that ending Avengers endgame scene it was just so sick you see the giant serpent in the background you see Ragnarok in there as well all the dragons flying around all the different enemy types you fought throughout the first game the second game it was just this honestly was one of the best fight scenes I've played in a long time for gaming so well done team however it was found that Odin has a series of war machines set up and ready waiting to destroy any towers that will show up trying to shut out Ragnarok this was the first objective when we got there destroy the war machines we get to the svato Hine Tower and there's no son of the dwarfs anywhere syndra comes through though however and says that no more dwarves are dying for this Odin forced him to build these war machines and he knows a way to take them down on his own still very bitter with Kratos and atreus for leading Odin into his home and killing his brother as obviously everyone can imagine and appreciate however suddenly there comes Ragnarok Odin's war machines are trying to stop them but syndra destroys them allowing him to progress further however in doing so we see a bunch of mid Guardians that Odin took in Odin was using them as collateral damage basically placing them there to die slowing down Kratos and his army from getting to him knowing that they would rather try and save them or have to go straight through them crisis and atreus forger planned to save the mid Guardians and try to take out Odin themselves as they believe they could do that however one problem with that they needed to slow down Ragnarok so they needed to try their best to slow him down which as you can imagine was not an easy task to try and do Kratos and atreus break the wall themselves and go after Odin we finally reach the wall as atreus and they'll be fine thrude who thinks that we've portrayed her we tell through the Odin has sacrificed the mid Guardians to slow her down and all of her friends that were there are most likely dead through doesn't believe us but then out of nowhere Sif walks in as well with one of Three's friends this was her mother and Thor's wife she walks around and explains the exact same thing as we were the Odin is bad news and that cannot be trusted it was at this stage that through joined our forces and we make a stand and be better we all partner together break the wall and push him to find Odin we pushed her into the wall and suddenly Thor comes flying out of nowhere grabbing Kratos and pulling him towards the Odin's Lodge thinking that we're gonna hurt his daughter or trying to combat her not knowing that she's working with us and that Sif also told her the same Thor is just trying to do right by his father Odin and not knowing the current situation unfortunately we have to battle with Thor he doesn't want to listen to us even though we are trying to explain to him throughout the battle that we're working to only take down Odin and that Sif and also through are working with us in the end when we defeat Thor we talk to him and try and read with him after we've beat him we eventually actually got through to Thor and made him see clear that Odin was the monster here and he needs to make his own choices stand up to his father for the sake of his children he needs to be better Odin then suddenly shows up questioning Thor why he's not killed Kratos Thor stands proud and finally says no to Odin however in return Odin stabs a spear straight through his heart killing Thor for good he just whittles away Odin picks up Thor's hammer and hits through whilst Kratos and atreus are left to fight against him we fight against Odin towards the end he bounds us to the floor freezing Us in place completely and we're just not able to move however Freya comes out of nowhere and prevents Odin from doing anything by utilizing a rope that Odin used to try and hang himself a long long time ago in which he found on a journey when speaking with the norms she had power at this stage but suddenly Odin threw his Raven at her breaking the spell momentarily which was enough for him to get the better of us sending us crashing down into his basement however the mask is now completed and atreus is right next to the knowledge crack this crack in time allows you to see and know all Odin speaks with Loki no more fighting he says this is your moment Loki this is your purpose your prophecy with Kratos also walking forward stating that it's your choice atreus on what happens next Loki breaks the mask into two pieces whether falling into the crack and lost to the world I would enrages at this and attacks us for the second time we fortunately get the better of Odin in which atreus tries to reason with him Odin says that the crack was the way to make the nine Realms better a way to help people but no atreus went back and said that it was all about you never about the good of the people saying that he had no choice but to kill Thor there was no other option atreya said that you have to stop you can choose to be better Odin simply responding no I can't I will never stop he has to know what happens next that was clearly no saving Odin here so atreus does something that to be honest we probably didn't expect atreus takes the soul out of Odin and places it into a marble that was created and housed the Giants there will be no afterlife for Odin there will be no Valhalla because he died in battle he'll be placing this marble for the rest of time however out of nowhere sindri takes a marble and smashes it that's for killing his brother Ragnarok finally reaches them they need to find a way out of there immediately else they're of course going to die and be destroyed along with the rest of Asgard however suddenly there comes fenra and angry Boda to save the day prayer decides to stay and hold off Ragnarok whilst the others escape however atreus was late to enter in the portal as well costing him massively and resulting in him to be unconscious for a long period of time as we can see his father's rushing him to some care we wake up in a mid-guardian temple and as we move through we come across all of the people that would fought alongside in our journey thanking them and eventually getting to anger Boda and fenrir she tells us that she has something to show us along with something to show Kratos also what led to the very top of the mountain range where angerboda displays another shrine Kratos walks forward to it and then opens it it turns out that Faye destroyed the final piece of the Shrine in yachtenheim she couldn't live with the death of the Kratos and to have her boy move and work with Odin so she did something completely unheard of and went against her people and destroyed that section of atreus's shrine and changed the prophecy herself the prophecy was Ragnarok however they allowed Kratos and atreus to forge their own path to protect them both so rather than Kratos dying to thaw and atreus going to work with Odin the path was changed so that Thor died to Odin and that we destroyed Odin however of course this was secretly done because the Norms were still following the older prophecy so Fey really saved the day here and saved Kratos and also atreus however at the end of the game atreus tells Kratos that there are other Giants out there in the shrines of different Realms he needs to go out there find them and free them and he needs to do this alone Kratos gives atreus his Blessing and he takes a new step into his journey of finding the Giants and bringing them back to yardenheim Loki will go but atreus remains with Kratos however this was not it cratos circles the cave when he's left on his own and finds the other side of the shrine Kratos opens it and this is kratos's Shrine it showed his journey all the way from Athens in Greece all the way to the end to right now Kratos was the champion of the war Kratos was the god of war the god of the people the general leading everyone to their Victory just as craters wanted it he's no longer that God of War that killer of gods that he was once known by but now he's the god of the people just like Tia was to the Giants that is him to the mid Guardians that is him to the other Realms a path that he never imagined would be possible when I had ever imagined and what now could you join me hi you do it together [Music] [Music]
Channel: Wizzo
Views: 376,498
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: god of war ragnarok, god of war, God of War Ragnarok Story, God of War Ragnarok Story EXPLAINED, God of war ragnarok story breakdown, god of war ragnarok ending, god of war ragnarok gameplay, god of war Lore, God of war ragnarok explained, god of war lore, God of War story, god of war story explained, odin god of war ragnarok, faye god of war, faye God of war ragnarok, God of War Ragnarok lore, God of war Character lore, gow ragnarok, GOW story explained, Thor god of war
Id: A6vEOo4Xt5M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 23sec (2963 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 20 2022
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