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hey guys it's me judy and today's video is a very special video because today we are visiting a plastic surgeon what what indeed i have gone to a plastic surgeon i've always wondered and i'm pretty sure a lot of us have always wondered what we would look like as a better version of ourselves so i booked a consultation with this plastic surgeon and i ended up going she did not want to be filmed so obviously i had to respect that but i did write a few points or a few notes of what she told me during the consultation and we're going to be talking about that during this video while i'm explaining everything that went on i'll have lucas who is a very talented makeup artist recreate everything the plastic surgeon suggested to do with my face but with makeup just to kind of show if it's actually possible to achieve a surgical look of perfection just with makeup without the actual need of a permanent change the very first thing the plastic surgeon did was she asked me first of all very basic general information about my health about my lifestyle about what i thought i didn't like in my face so the plastic surgeon explained something very important to me when it comes to beauty standards and that's proportionality when it comes to being beautiful or having the perfect face it's very important that it fits something called the golden ratio for those who aren't familiar the golden ratio is basically perfect symmetry the plastic surgeon made it very clear that this might not fit the general standard of beauty in like socially so she gave me an example where a lot of people usually prefer a nose that is a lot smaller than something that might fit proportionally into their face and thus it might seem out of place it might not proportionally be pretty that's the beauty standard when it comes to perfection obviously i did change a lot in the after picture as you can tell there's a very huge difference between how i naturally look and how i would look with the golden ratio applied but again the whole point is for us to try and see if we can achieve this just with makeup the dos diaz or tres diaz freak on me amigos i went with my friend to get a facial and i thought my big ass intelligent brain thought that i was going to have very relaxing treatment at the spa with her but instead we ended up getting a cleansing and it's really my fault really my fault i should have done my research i should have figured out what the hell a cleansing is and i found out later that it's actually just cleaning out your blackheads and it was so [Music] [Music] painful so [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] wow wow i feel like if i actually knew what i was going into i would have not it wouldn't have been as painful as it was but oh god [Music] [Music] is [Music] personally if i look at myself in the mirror and i see like my face there are a few things in mind that definitely pop up not saying i would change it but they're definitely imperfect and there were also a few things that the plastic surgeon pointed out that i never even thought of so yeah that was interesting so i guess let's just start off with my face so there was a lot of talk when it came to my face one of the biggest beauty standards nowadays is to have a very chiseled face a very prominent jawline high cheekbones obviously she measured my face according to that first of all she told me i have high cheekbones which is something i never knew but i guess that's i'll take it as a compliment if you are wondering how to measure your cheekbones you basically just take your index finger and you place it on top of your lip and your thumb on top of your like top ear you make a straight line with your hand so that you can feel the bone the minute you feel the bone so i can feel my bone right here so this is my cheekbone if your cheekbone is under your eye or around your eye you're considered to have high cheekbones but but there's always a butt he also suggested because you can't really see them according to her i have a lot or a higher fat percentage in my face over here not really where my cheeks are it's more where around my mouth or my around my my beard which is why she suggested the facelift because this will help kind of pull everything back she also suggested a a jawline a jawline please have a jawline she suggested a jaw implant which is basically implants that is placed around your jaw so that it kind of makes it more prominent and kind of stick out more because i don't have a prominent jawline that will also kind of help make it seem more hollow or make my face seem more slim there are other procedures where you reduce the size of your cheeks or you generally reduce the fat in your face but she did not recommend that procedure for me especially you know because when you grow up you kind of lose naturally the fat in your face and if you do a procedure like this it will kind of give you way too much hollowness when you grow up and that's not a nice thing so yeah she didn't really like that procedure she did suggest her main suggestion was a jaw implant obviously all these are long-term procedures that are surgical the whole point of the video is to be able to achieve these results or achieve this final result with makeup and so your best friend really is contouring highlighting making sure the light hits the right spots but the plastic surgeon also pointed out a few other things that had nothing to do with surgery so for example my eye bags or my under eyes she suggested to treat those and obviously with makeup you can do that by concealing them oh my god [Music] wow [Music] uh one of the main things to really focus on was my nose which is understandable i get it i get it i swear you gotta get it she also explained how the nose is one of the first things people look at it's also the focal point of all the symmetry in your face so it's it's just important okay it's important get it for me obviously my nose is not symmetrical i don't know if you can tell right now but a lot of people actually pointed this out before it's definitely something that personally bothers me because there's a whole backstory to it but before i get into it let me just explain where the problem is so you see if you look at my nose face front right now this looks pretty normal right and then there's this part over here that's just completely messed up you can kind of tell that this nostril is not the same size as this nostril they're not symmetrical at all and that's because linda's story time on a dark evening five luna moves what whatever um quite a long time ago i got very sick i had an infection in my nose but i didn't know that i was bedridden for a week fever couldn't sleep couldn't eat couldn't do anything basically i was just very tired we did a lot of research and i ended up finding out i had an infection in my nose when i did go to the final doctor to figure it all out for me um that doctor was like oh my god this is an emergency you're in a very bad state he ended up breaking my nose like just on the spot removing all the disgusting gunk in my nose it was like the infection it was just bad it was just so painful because i mean obviously it had to be done it was an emergency like she said but i was just not prepared for that at all so i was in a state of shock for most of the time it was just hardcore hardcore breaking man that's why this part you see over here is actually cartilage that's supposed to be down here and it ended up going all the way up here uh it's definitely like i said something that bothers me but it's not like oh my god crazy changes my life she did point out that these are definitely not symmetrical and this is definitely something that needs to be fixed i at the end of the day i don't think as a shape it should change maybe yeah just fix this that's it [Music] [Applause] [Music] feel is [Music] [Music] me [Music] according to the plastic surgeon my eyes are decently proportionate when it comes to beauty standards a lot of it depends on symmetry and proportionality and she thought that my eyes were just the right size but she told me i had hooded deep set eyes which meant that they are kind of like my eyelid doesn't fully show completely and they kind tend to droop which is something she said she would fix there's something known as the temporary facelift which is basically when you put like threads like around here but she didn't really recommend that treatment because it's very temporary it's literally just for people who have certain events that they'd want to go to and they want to look snatched but to summarize she basically just pointed out that she would kind of have to do certain treatments or procedures lifted rather than droopy wow but anything else to do with my eyes she said she wouldn't really do much considering i'm still relatively young though i wouldn't really do anything about it [Music] is can you help me can you help me [Music] gently [Music] she also suggested for my eyebrows a certain procedure called microblading or micropigmentation not sure if you guys are familiar with it but it's basically when you kind of draw your eyebrows in semi-permanently mainly because by beauty standards your eyebrows should be in line with your nose and obviously mine are not mine are way too far they're far apart and so a nice way to shape my face is to basically permanently fix my eyebrows that's when uh the worst tribute makeup artist will be very disappointed when they figure out they can't actually fix my eyebrows obviously with makeup this is definitely fixable just fill them in draw them out conceal do whatever you need to do to make them look good and now for our lips again this is something i'm very well aware of and it's something that's definitely been on my mind for a bit my lips are definitely not proportionate at all i think you can tell my lower lip is a lot bigger and a lot droopier than my upper lip so obviously she suggested two procedures there is the you know very famous lip fillers to kind of make the top lid a little more proportionate to my lower lid and there's a surgical procedure called a lip lift i didn't even know this thing existed but when you have a lot of space between your nose and your upper lip she said around one and a half to two centimeters more space with a lip lift they just kind of push the lip up surgically if your upper lip is completely non-existent or it completely doesn't show then you'd probably be better off doing it surgically rather than with fillers everything else is pretty much fixable with makeup where there are [Music] to the faces [Music] all the places [Music] let me know what you guys think in the comments below i hope you enjoyed this video i know it's very random but i don't know i felt like it would be very interesting to see how my face would be according to beauty standards and it's also very interesting to see that you can actually achieve that with makeup so so yeah let me know what you think in the comments below let me know if you think [Music] plastic surgery is actually makeup [Music] um [Music] is you
Channel: Judy D
Views: 630,091
Rating: 4.9577432 out of 5
Keywords: judy, joudi, makeup, best reviewed makeup artist, best reviewed nail salon, plastic surgery makeover, plastic surgery, plastic surgery makeup, plastic surgery makeup look, best makeup, best reviewed makeup, best rated, best rated makeup, best rated makeup artist vs worst, best rated makeup artist, best rated makeup products, worst reviewed makeup artist in london, worst reviewed, worst reviewed makeup artist, worst rated vs best rated, worst rated makeup artist, glow up
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 7sec (1027 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 24 2020
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