Planting milo food plot grain sorghum for ducks in flooded fields . Hunting . Rice millet

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okay just got minutes disking and dragging we got about two one one and a half acre plots ready to be drilled we're about to load up our drill with Milo had a pretty good rain come in it's a little bit wet in some places so we're not going to use the big tractor we're going to use our 50 horse Kubota to pull the drill today which plenty enough tractor you could probably like I said in my last video you could probably probably pull this drill with a 30 horse probably even doubly fool anyway or sometime I forgot to touch on last time we cut the camera anyway and I forgot to talk about it but this this chain right here that runs a fertilizer box this one you where I talked about dry fertilizer being in the back we don't run fertilizer but that's how you calibrate how much fertilizer you want to drop while you're while you're seeding we don't run fertilizer through our drill because it's corrosive and I want to not be corrosive on a piece of equipment like this anyway we're going to load it up something else we may not have said last time you know when the hydraulics come down I'll be showing this here in a minute you know your your disc drop in most of you probably know this but anyway your disc drop in these Packer wheels come down and run straight behind which covers your your furrow up and it's empty right now what about to put some more mile in it and this particular drill on the front bend this is your chart place you just go off your chart and make sure you know how your gears are run whether it's half speed regular speed or double speed and this particular drill those chains are inside here anyway we got our set straight from the factory I've never changed it anyway we go off the chart today we're going to be drilling some Milo in and next video probably be Tony doing a little drilling out there in that duck pond alright folks got Tony over here making his first pass this particular strip is in one of our 20 acre ponds I probably have the beginnings of I don't know 10 acres dist in here but anyway this little area right here is what we call the rectangle as you see Tony down there he's getting ready he's coming back for his pass coming towards me we call this the rectangle right in here I I mapped it out it's it's not quite two acres and we're planting some more Milo in here we'll come in probably Saturday it's going to rain tonight so we'll come in probably Saturday and spread our fertilizer I just spread it with the four-wheeler for this plastic and it's cheap I just don't want my seed drill to get corroded so anyway like I said there's Tony he's pulling it with no problem whatsoever 50 horse hydrostatic devote attractor john deere 8350 double discos open air with packer wheels and it pulls it like like a dream just you know like i said in my other video you got to have hydraulics on the back your tractor to make this particular machine operate correctly so anyway i'm gonna get one more pass to see pastures we got a rain coming tonight so we pray the lord of bless this scene and bring it on out all right Tony just about filled up the Seadrill anyway I don't know if we're going to use this fool 50 pounds today I'm we plan on planting about 20 pounds per acre for harvest you don't want but about 10 pounds of acre even in our soil but if you see right here I don't know if it makes any difference but they have genetically altered Milo or grain sorghum or maize whatever part of the country you're from we call it Milo here but I guess the real name is grain so gram what they've done is on your regulars you know seed Milo that you would use for harvest it's supposed to be bitter to your average bird this is actually supposed to be a wild foot wild bird food so we're going to do kind of a test this year and see based on some of the Milo we're growing it for to harvest and this Milo here supposed to be two different you know I guess they've made it they've genetically altered it anyway to where black birds aren't supposed to tear up your crop and coming there by the millions and just eat it all up like to do our rice but anyway we're going to try that so you might want to you know think about that before you go and buy a whole bunch of seed and go to a lot of trouble and put something in the ground if you're planning for doesn't matter what whether it's quail whether it's doves ducks you know I would if you're going to do a food plot just for wildlife I would recommend getting something that is genetically altered for actually not genetically altered and it's good for game birds anyway so that's just something to think about here one thing I failed to mention while ago basically reason why we're over planning we'd be planning 8 to 10 pounds of acres we were trying to harvest but we would also be hiring the crop duster to spray of a post emerge or maybe even I spray it ourselves plus we fertilizing it a lot I'm not going to use very much fertilizer with a food plot and the fact that we over plant the plant itself will come on up quickly and shade out most of your weeds and grasses so hopefully we won't have to go the trouble or the expense of spraying or using some type of post emerge herbicide all right folks now we're going into what we call pond number three it is actually the upper end of a timber hole that we have got levees all the way around and we just have an area of it that we keep kind of as a field just give them some food and like I was saying somebody to think about if you have a front-end loader on your tractor I guess you could just extend your hoses and run them all the way to the front of the tractor and disconnect part of your front-end loader and you would probably be successful at running a seed drill such adjustment anyway another thing on as you can see week this is gumbo mud tank gumbo is big baseball sized clods and the hardest problem with this type of soil is simply just getting a seedbed correct and then having the seabed where it's good and firm and pulverize you know and loosened up enough but to have a good soil soil to seed contact that's one of the biggest issues we have with this type of soil so we have to go over and you know of course if we barn for a living I guess we could just keep disking it and wait for a lot of rain but we have methods and we got us a new drag we picked it up today and I'll be showing that soon we used to drag a double cross tie anyway so the Buckshot or gumbo mud whichever one you want to call it it's definitely a challenge in itself anyway well we're going to get back to drilling alright folks pretty much done we're planning for now we did plan all 50 acres so I mean all 50 pounds I'm sorry so it was a little over two acres so we figured about 20 something towns per acre so we obviously have more than two acres for Milo this year reason why I don't know if I touched on this earlier reason why we use this tractor versus that tractor this is about 5,000 pounds that's about 12,000
Channel: Wetland Mariachi Band Inc
Views: 30,098
Rating: 4.7714286 out of 5
Keywords: YouTube Capture, Duck, Hunting, Flood, Rice, Deer, Food plot, Grain drill, Seed
Id: HulkefeJwNw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 36sec (516 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 14 2014
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