Plant Kingdom | Part-2 | NEET 2024 | EAPCET 2024 | Varadhi Batch | Ajay Sir | Vedantu Telugu

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hello Champions welcome to master so whether you're preparing for NE oret 2024 session useful okay is my voice clear and audible Andi good morning good morning good morning session start without any delay okay right good morning good morning so is my voice clear and Audible for everyone clear good morning okay let us begin the session without any delay Okay so amphibians of plant kingdom we call them as amphibians of plant kingdom of the plom water such as lake lake sh okay Shady the water becomes important for fertilization water is an important factor for fertilization fertilization this is one important point that we need to understand so this is number one eological what is their major role in eological succession basically Okay so sucession important they have a lot of ecological importance in that manner okay now clear yes okay s now let us start understanding the bra by includes Moses and liver and they commonly grown shed in the [Music] Hills two two groups so inyes we have in bopes we have two groups of plants one is the Moses and is the and another is the liver words Li okay right next okay so bats are also called as amphibians of plant kingdom because the plants can live in soil but dependent on water for sexual reproduction so sexual reproduction localities Ro in plant succession in bare rocks or soil okay so the plant body of bites is more differentiated that of an Al okay but in case of bopes the plant body is more differentiated unicellular okay so first of allate okay it is like prostate or and attached to substratum by unicellular or multicellular rids so substr okay okay blood body fluids and circulation M purpose I thinky Okay so okay so we'll do it definitely I think biodiversity fluid we'll do itely okay I'll definitely do it okay let us continue okay so they lack true Roots stem or leaves true Roots they resemble Roots okay they not truly Roots as of such okay only Roots okay they may possess root like Leaf like or stem like structures so root like Leaf like or stem like structures so vascular tissues the main body of isid okay so that is the plant body inyes isid okay life cycle of PLS so that sex organs just a minute okay so the sex organs in bopi so it produces gamuts hence it is called as a gide so the main plant body ofies okay what we will see okay sporo in G type of life stages spor spor is a deplo deploy stage G is a stage say and gymnos gyos okay angos okay Ina pites okay B brop Lopes gam stor which is deployed of the okay so this gamy can be independent it can be independent or it can be dependent independent inent it is independent of spori that okay so this is mainly the dependent and independent St dependent stage doubt [Music] good morning good morning CH sir independent depend okay yes once again explain okay a minute okay let me explain it once again more clearly so that okay okay this is very much important okay terms we are going to discuss two terms in whole of this session that is poroy and Gam sporo okay gam okay so okay rightor spor is a deployed structure okay plle okay okay sometime this spor okay spor deplo okay this is number one number okay it is mostly multicellular it is mostly multicellular only Al it is unicellular Al it is unicellular otherwise but let notic SL no problem structures produce sporangium l strob okay so these sport can be male fale typ of G okay so are actually further they going to be meosis okay meosis through okay this is with respect toor okay gam Gams form okay these gamuts are actually male in female Gams of gam most of the these Gams are formed byis Gam okay okay let us go further and let us try to understand some more points here Randy okay so before that I wanted to tell for all of you alternation of generations alternation of generation okay Al okay so alteration ofation will beid in the gam will always beid in these Gams are these Gams are again in nature G okay these both Gams fuse when the both gamits Fus together they form a single deployed structure that is known as zygote two structure form right now the spite is 2 in structure okay sporo is 2 in 2 in nature okay deployed in nature spor meosis okay through meosis these fores are hlo in nature again okay right okay what are the what are the what are the gametophytes and actually angos sperms and po G female g okay spor like embo alter what is Dom dominant spor dependent okay is it clear okay so situations particular situation okay particular situ okay it is independent it is dependent on gamy and bopes so sorry G so it will be reverse so reverse okay so the gamy gam the gamy is independent in bopes and it is dependent in angos sperms gymnos sperms and pyes okay [Music] so so this is with respect to gam so gam forent dependent the G isent or Domin okay Domin it won't be different can we continue now sir gamy is dependent on sporo in angos sperms gyos sperms and pyes correct correct bopes dependent onms okay sorry now okay right okay it produces Gams and it is called as a gam the main plant body bopy Alo is is a haid and it is called as gide okay M the sex organs in bopes are multicellular okay the male sex organ is called antherium they produce BL flag anoid Okay anid g gam okay male fale okay okay okay in aronium an male Gams produce Okay so male gamuts and produc so this is the male reproductive organ this is a female reproductive organ and this will always produce female Gams okay so remember that it is a flated Sid are relased into water where they come in cont with the okay fuses with the egg to produce the zygote zygotes do not undergo reduction division immediately okay zy the zygote does not undergo reduction division immediately they produce a multicellular body called Spide so reduction divor okay the spor is not free living but attached to the photosynthetic gam and deres nourishment from it okay G GES okay it is okay it is photosynthetic okay and it is dominant pH okay m point spori is parasitic or dependent on gide okay number number number okay par dependent on G okay number that is it is deployed it produces it produces spores okay okay okay now some cells of the spori undergo reduction division to perform produce spes the spores germinate to produce gamy okay the bopes in general are of little economic importance but some mosses provide food for herbaceous mammals birds and other animals species of sphagnum moss provide pet that have long been used as a fuel packing materi and trans of living material it is also used as a packing material for Trans shipment of living material because of their capacity to hold water B and for suppose am shment okay is it clear sorry okay Moses along with lyans are the first organism to colonize rocks they are of great economical import eological importance they decompos of making the substate suitable for growth of higher plants okay since Moses form dense mats on the soil they reduce the impact of falling and prevent soil erosion so dense mats so let us talk about the LI grow usually okay so the liver wordss grow usually in moist Shady habitat such as Banks of streams Mary ground Dam soil bar of trees deep in the woods the plant body in of a liver is haloid think example Marans the talus is dorsy ventral and closely press to the substrate the leafy members have tiny Leaf Life avantages okay in two rows of stem like structures okay next asexual reproduction takes by fragmentation of the or formation of specialized structures called okay repr it is they have a like structure they can actually germinate and form new gmin PL stru okay so that is with respect to JMA okay are green multicellular asexual Birds which develop in small receptical called G located on Thal they become detached from parent germinate to form new individuals during sexual reproduction male and female okay male and female organs are produced either on the same or different okay situation okay we can say that the monish and dous type of situation both are actually found in this kind of organisms so mishes and dious mishas dasas both can happen so so next theor is differentiated into foot CA and capsule after meosis fores are produced within the capsule these fores germinate to form Free Living games so whoever is listening to the class please confirm okay confirm right stage of the life cycle of MOS is gamy and it consists of two stages so gamy different there are two stages okay proton stage and leafy stage the proton stage is a creeping green branched frequently filament stage it is green it is photosynthetic second stage is leafy stage which devops from the secondary proton as a lateral blood they consist of upright slender axis being spirally arranged leaves okay they are attached to the soil through multicellular and Branch DS this stage be sex organs vegetative reproduction is by fragmentation ining in secondary proton fragment okay secondary okay the sexual reproduction the sex organs Ania produced at the aex of the leafy sus after fertilization the zygo develops into sporophytes consisting of foota and capsule the spori and Moses is more elaborate than in liver words capsule contains force force are formed after meosis MOS have an elaborate mechanism of sport dispersal okay they have an elaborate mechanism of sport dispersal common examples okay so these are the examples for these are the examples for Moses okay so by number one number two type of question Okay g stage is theid phase in which it is dominant so dominant pH G St photosynthe so the G is photosynthe okay so okay no problem okay okay this is one another important question that you need to remember okay question plant body islo in the pl body ofid the best example okay example important J is a type of asexual reproduction G stag okay okay proton Prim second St okay leafy St okay LEF St an in Aron okay important okay that is reprodu propagation fragmenten it's green creeping and filaments leafy St the leafy stage develops as a lateral okay sorry so in okay what do what will we remember with respect to both of them okay spor it is divided into three parts put SAA Ina capsule puta capsule okay now puta and capsule the capsu okay cap okay examples that isia poag okay polyes clear clear yes or no Okay so this is this is the first question second question economical importance economical importance okay J belongs to liver words okay so first answer Li words okay first answer l words type of type of reproduction type of reproduction what type of reproduction is J type of reproduction okay J is a type of asexual reproduction okay it is a St gam stage of it is a stage of Gam import packing material packing material okay correct okay okay okay I want examples examples Li example m is the example okay what are the examples for Li words what are the examples for liver wordss liver words example Li example Maria very good Maria funeria funeria fin areia next Taria poly trium Ina stagnum very good poly trium Ina spag okay what is that question which plant Group which plant group are known as first okay which plant grows are known as and known as thei of okay have gamto fight as dominant phas dominant phase of life cycle answer which plant group has gamy as dominant phase of life cycle bres bries correct bopes okay okay in type of question okay that is B flated B flagellated and motile anthoid anid these are the different types of questions that will be asked with respect to okay Bop okay let us discuss about terites for so let us discuss about terites terites vascular cryptogams we call them as vascular cryptogams okay vascular cryptogam sir f okay so okay pites include horse tailes and ferns are they are used for medicinal purposes and as soil binders they're also frequently G known as ornamentals okay evolutionarily they are the first terrestrial plants to possess vascular tissu xylem and PLM okay these are the first terrestrial plants to possess vascular tissu aquatic most of water okay is it completely developed it is primy the type of vascular tissues that we see here type of vascular tissues they are actually primitive primitive okay primitive xylm and FL okay right okay you may recall in bopes you may recall in bopes that the dominant phase in the life cycle is the gametophytic plant body however in teroy the main plant body is a sporo which is differentiated into true root stem and leaves teres okay possible we'll try to complete so it okay compar to the dominant pH discuss these organs possess well differentiated vascular tissues the leaves in teroy are small microfil or CAG as in cagin or large macrs as in FS so the sporophytes be sporangia that are subed by Leaf like appendages called sporophila like append spor so this is stroil and this is actually spores Okay so okay we will see St and con right okay right the sporangia produce spores meosis in Spore mother cells the spores germinate to give rise to Inc conspicous small but multicellular pre living mostly photosynthetic thid games called Pro okay just a minute okay so next Mother cell we call it as Pro we call it as proales the proales is actually the proales is actually photosynthetic okay the proales is actually photosynthetic just a minute okay so the proales is actually photosynthetic okay photosynthe is photosynthe it is independent and Free Living okay okay okay it isid it isid what do we mean by this terminology photosynthetic content Free Living content photos number of questions is one of the most important point from which you will get a lot of questions okay just a minute these are the different examples ofes okay okay okay so this is a strobus okay different Branch okay this one example is actually type of F and D is salvania okay so these are the four examples that you need to remember as I told one by one these games require cool damp and Shady phes to grow because of this specific restricted requirement and the need for water for fertilization fertilization the spread of living ter is limited and restricted to a narrow geographical range okay these GES require cool Dam Shady places to go D Shady because of the specific restrict requirement and the need for water for fertilization the spread of living teres is limited okay and restricted to narrow geographical regions not female sex organs r3d aronia water is required for the transfer of antherozoids the male gamuts released from the Ania to the mouth of aroni M gam that the male Gams are flated the male Gams do not have any motility so they dependent on water for the M okay points okay so let us mention the important points that we need to discuss okay okay anium aronium so the anthos zoids are dependent on water they are dependent on water per fertilization okay they are nonmotile so in that way we can say they are okay this is important and okay so the fusion of male and female g with results in the formation of zygote zygote further produces multicellular well differentiated spori which is the dominant phase of terites in majority of terites all the spores are of similar kinds such as homosporous okay gener like C and salvinia okay which produce two kinds of spores macro and microspores are known aspor different of okay okay they can be same or different homus heterosporous okay so homosporous and same type of spores produc okay so most all terites okay most of the ter the category l okay sir uamas and zo ID zoam condition two different kinds of spores two different spores Okay small Ina large two different kind of spict to be very clear about itct predict okay okay so Z textbook okay just a minute okay so as anyway you asked I'll actually refer to the academy ttbook okay tent you don't need to mention that okay it is just that is it fine okay Sor okay right okay so Fusion of male and female g homosporous heterosporous conditions and micro germinate and give rise to female and male gametophytes respectively the female gametophytes in these plants are retained on parent sporophytes for variable periods the development of zygotes into young embryos takes place within the female gide so young Embry F okay important Point small typ of okay small type of microsort okay f g fertilization even after fertilization even after fertilization okay okay again this is important okay right so okay what are the four different classes okay sopida cotum lopsa spida in theop US write it down okay classes say okay so you what are the four classes in terites what are the four classes in terites one by one Anish examples goodon so last incor lopa M spop just a minute okay example okay okay T inant an okay right okay so perion so Peres summary just not okay so what are the different points that we need to discuss abouts by okay question question number one just a minute okay first question this is the first question okay okay or dependent is it free living or dependent okay is it photosynthetic or heterotropic okay number two number three questionus four fourth important window the Free Living photosynthetic so cagin cinella just a minute cagin and equiset okay the proales is free living it is photosynthetic right it is free living it is photosynthe okay condition Sal male Gam okay which element is important for fertilization orile okay are they motile or nonmotile okay okay okay correct important no need to worry okay the male gamut is nonmotile okay it is nonmotile correct last last question dominant phase dominant phase life cycle dominant phase sporo gamy sporo or gamy a the dominant terop low a stage dominant spor stage gam ST which stage is dominant which stage is the dominant stage or which phase is the dominant phase in the life cycle of terites a a dominant spor gam sporo is the dominant phase okay so these are the important points that we need to remember important okay particular particular don't worry en okay so en deleted deleted Min okay so is it clear for everyone is it clear for everyone chapter only correct won't be it won't be a large okay dep okay okay alteration ofation okay fine next class yes tomorrow you'll be having the next class okay so that's about it thank you very much byebye take care and all the best for your preparation thank you Champions thank you
Channel: Vedantu Telugu
Views: 5,210
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: MswmP8XOPSg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 85min 15sec (5115 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 29 2024
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